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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Tue May 06, 2014 12:01 pm

First topic message reminder :

Almost one in three people in Britain will be from an ethnic minority within a generation, a report suggests.

Non-white people will make up between 20 and 30 per cent of the population by 2050, Policy Exchange says. The current share is around 14 per cent.

The report could also raise questions about the future of the English national identity, which it found is primarily adopted by white people. The think tank, which has close links to the Conservative Party leadership, also highlights differences in the political leanings of different ethnic groups, advising politicians not to treat minority voters as a bloc.

The expected growth in the non-white population is largely attributed to a higher birth rate among ethnic minority Britons. A quarter of children aged under 10 in the UK are from ethnic minorities. By contrast, 95 per cent of people aged over 60 are white.

Over the past decade, the white population has remained roughly the same while the minority population has almost doubled, accounting for 80 per cent of population growth, it adds.

Funny, I'm sure I remember reading a couple of years back that the percentage of minorities would be 25% at most by 2050. Looks like the figures are changing every year. Even taking these figures and the difference in birth rates, it would appear that it's the indigenous English who'll be in the minority in the not too distant future.


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by stardesk Tue May 13, 2014 3:34 pm

Mention has been made of Australia and America being populated by migrants. But please consider, apart from the indigenous peoples, just 500 years ago, (with America) they were new worlds, to be explored and populated by mostly Brits and Europeans, with the hopes of a better life, then later blacks and other nations. Whereas Britain started to be populated as far back as 10,000 years ago, when it was still attached to Europe.

We've had a long, long time in which to cultivate a national identity, a heritage, traditions and etc etc. We are a nation that is now losing those traditions and heritage, being watered down. We are losing our identity. I'm British through and through, and don't like what I see around me, my country aint what it used to be. And no, it isn't a racist attitude, or living in the past. It's seeing my way of life being destroyed. Like an animal defending its patch, I want to do the same.

There, I've bared my heart and soul from a nostalgic point of view. Make of it what you will and throw the muck around.
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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 3:40 pm

stardesk wrote:Mention has been made of Australia and America being populated by migrants. But please consider, apart from the indigenous peoples, just 500 years ago, (with America) they were new worlds, to be explored and populated by mostly Brits and Europeans, with the hopes of a better life, then later blacks and other nations. Whereas Britain started to be populated as far back as 10,000 years ago, when it was still attached to Europe.

We've had a long, long time in which to cultivate a national identity, a heritage, traditions and etc etc. We are a nation that is now losing those traditions and heritage, being watered down. We are losing our identity. I'm British through and through, and don't like what I see around me, my country aint what it used to be. And no, it isn't a racist attitude, or living in the past. It's seeing my way of life being destroyed. Like an animal defending its patch, I want to do the same.

There, I've bared my heart and soul from a nostalgic point of view. Make of it what you will and throw the muck around.

Good afternoon Stardesk.

But the problem is,you are speaking the truth which makes you a the eyes of a real bigot.

In relation to what you say about how we are being destroyed/changed I'll say this again.....This country is a ticking time bomb.


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 4:01 pm

Shady wrote:
stardesk wrote:Mention has been made of Australia and America being populated by migrants. But please consider, apart from the indigenous peoples, just 500 years ago, (with America) they were new worlds, to be explored and populated by mostly Brits and Europeans, with the hopes of a better life, then later blacks and other nations. Whereas Britain started to be populated as far back as 10,000 years ago, when it was still attached to Europe.

We've had a long, long time in which to cultivate a national identity, a heritage, traditions and etc etc. We are a nation that is now losing those traditions and heritage, being watered down. We are losing our identity. I'm British through and through, and don't like what I see around me, my country aint what it used to be. And no, it isn't a racist attitude, or living in the past. It's seeing my way of life being destroyed. Like an animal defending its patch, I want to do the same.

There, I've bared my heart and soul from a nostalgic point of view. Make of it what you will and throw the muck around.

Good afternoon Stardesk.

But the problem is,you are speaking the truth which makes you a the eyes of a real bigot.

In relation to what you say about how we are being destroyed/changed I'll say this again.....This country is a ticking time bomb.

Not just this country though...

A story in the Bild magazine on the development was headlined: “We are the last 3 German children in our German school." Kreuzberg in Berlin has long been a destination for Turkish immigration into the German capital, and now the inevitable point has been reached where Germans have been ethnically cleansed from that part of the city. In the playground Talina (11), Svenja (11) and Jason (9) can’t understand a word. Because, here, their classmates only speak Turkish and Arabic, the Bild article continued. Here 99 percent of the 313 pupils have an immigrant (Muslim) background. For 285 of those, the parents receive financial support from the state.

The German children are teased about being ‘pork eaters’. Her classmate Svenja: “I wish there were more pupils who could speak my language.” Jason’s mother says: “It’s not good that there are so few German children at the school.”

According to Berlin government statistics, 90 percent of the inhabitants of certain areas of Kreuzberg live below the poverty level and subsist on taxpayer handouts—making a mockery of the liberal claim that immigration into Europe is needed to “keep the pension system and economy running.”


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Tommy Monk Tue May 13, 2014 4:10 pm

Oh it must be all those white racists keeping all those highly skilled hard working immigrants out of work......
Tommy Monk
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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 4:12 pm

Tesstacious wrote:
Shady wrote:

Good afternoon Stardesk.

But the problem is,you are speaking the truth which makes you a the eyes of a real bigot.

In relation to what you say about how we are being destroyed/changed I'll say this again.....This country is a ticking time bomb.

Not just this country though...

A story in the Bild magazine on the development was headlined: “We are the last 3 German children in our German school."   Kreuzberg in Berlin has long been a destination for Turkish immigration into the German capital, and now the inevitable point has been reached where Germans have been ethnically cleansed from that part of the city.  In the playground Talina (11), Svenja (11) and Jason (9) can’t understand a word. Because, here, their classmates only speak Turkish and Arabic, the Bild article continued.  Here 99 percent of the 313 pupils have an immigrant (Muslim) background. For 285 of those, the parents receive financial support from the state.

The German children are teased about being ‘pork eaters’. Her classmate Svenja: “I wish there were more pupils who could speak my language.” Jason’s mother says: “It’s not good that there are so few German children at the school.”

According to Berlin government statistics, 90 percent of the inhabitants of certain areas of Kreuzberg live below the poverty level and subsist on taxpayer handouts—making a mockery of the liberal claim that immigration into Europe is needed to “keep the pension system and economy running.”

There are scarey times ahead for Europe I reckon Tess.


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 7:07 pm

stardesk wrote:Mention has been made of Australia and America being populated by migrants. But please consider, apart from the indigenous peoples, just 500 years ago, (with America) they were new worlds, to be explored and populated by mostly Brits and Europeans, with the hopes of a better life, then later blacks and other nations. Whereas Britain started to be populated as far back as 10,000 years ago, when it was still attached to Europe.

We've had a long, long time in which to cultivate a national identity, a heritage, traditions and etc etc. We are a nation that is now losing those traditions and heritage, being watered down. We are losing our identity. I'm British through and through, and don't like what I see around me, my country aint what it used to be. And no, it isn't a racist attitude, or living in the past. It's seeing my way of life being destroyed. Like an animal defending its patch, I want to do the same.

There, I've bared my heart and soul from a nostalgic point of view. Make of it what you will and throw the muck around.

Nobody is calling you a racist and it is you bringing up this claim each time, sorry nobody else is calling you one, but you are using poor fear arguments 

Moot argument as it was Britain that populated both Australia and America as the dominant force and this identity has been born in this nation from a multitude of different ethnicity, you again speak of a fear of an identity eroding and what identity is it you speak of?
People keep telling me about identity, but again America started off badly and because of invasions, then had mass immigration making ours small in comparison, where also the same fear was promoted and yet today all identify behind as one nation and also their ethnic root making such a claim to this nation losing its identity nothing more than promoting yet again a fear. Sorry you are going on about the animal defending its patch and yet it was people from this nation because of over hunting brought animals to extinction? Sorry that has nothing but a ring of hypocrisy and it is not your way of life but the animals, of which no care was given to the animal by changing its environment permanently in the first place with urbanization, due to millions of transportation.
All I am seeing is poor arguments being laid down, now one on animals, this country itself created way in the past. The identity is growing bigger through different people coming to this country, what you are trying to state is that it is an exclusive club of which you decide yourself who is deemed fit to join, when again this country starting from immigration itself from people who original came from Africa. We are all humans, biologically one race, yes with some small differences made up from cultures which has actually molded our nation. You use extreme examples of some people who do come here when the majority integrate, again fear based

Again Cultural pessimism, based on what you view as an identity, of which you have failed to even offer one, except of course animals, which have never been taken into consideration in the first place for centuries and which have caused extinctions due to our own needs and not the animals.


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 7:16 pm

Then we have Tess Jump in with exceptions on schools as if the whole of Germany now has schools where German children are minorities, again using exceptional stories to once again promote a fear, a very unfounded fear, based again off now language, which has to be the most hypocritical argument of them all being as the vast majority of the world does business in the English language far exceeding the population of this small nation and why?
It was acceptable for this nation to take as it pleased and changed the demographics of nations, cultures and languages to the point it certainly was poor when it happened and yet these nations today identify as a multicultural nations.


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 7:22 pm

The sad reality of many arguments show that as always after a recession people are susceptible to arguments of fear, unsubstantiated arguments, to the point none can even make a case for what it is about our identity we are supposed to be losing.


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Wed May 14, 2014 12:14 am

what a load of crap..

cultural pessimism....the new progressives "idea" to use as an argument...a straw man which has no demonstrable actuality.

even if its only ONE school...its one too many...what is it about "if you move to another country you speak the host countries language" yo fail to understand??? Oh and BEFORE you bring up the crap about british ex pats...they are just as wrong...

and MORE crap of the "we were bad in the past so we deserve everything and anything that gets thrown at us"

AND YET MORE diversionary crap....Star makes an allusion to being like an animal defending its what does didge do...turns it into a debate on animal rights

thats what they do you know, these progressives ...They DELIBERATELY fail to understand allusion and rhetorical statements so they can use them as a diversionary tactict..
stars reference to being like an animal defending its patch has got NOTHING to do with "extinctions, mans actions in nature or anything else of that ilk...

Its progressive "new speak" you may only discuss something in the narrow and intellectually restrictive framework of the language and expression THEY allow....

If I said an event was occuring as regular as a london bus, the event (if uncomfortable for the progressive) would be buried in an avalanche of shit explaining why london busses were not in fact all that regular


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Tommy Monk Wed May 14, 2014 1:57 am

I'm glad someone else has noticed the way progressives divert and polarise any real concerns into a narrow framework or argument between two points of their choosing, one usually being full of happy clappy nonsense and denial of any real problem, the other being exaggerated into the straw man of supporting 'far right'/racism/xenaphobia etc, then the arguments that if you don't support the first then you must be all the evils suggested in the other.

Tommy Monk
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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by veya_victaous Wed May 14, 2014 2:08 am

what is it if it is not Cultural pessimism Victor?

I am not calling you racist... so what is it then?

I mean I can only compare to my own Aussie culture and I cannot fathom being fearful that it could be destroyed by a small group of immigrants. I am confident my Culture has the ability to adapt and move forward with whatever the world may bring. One might say I'm Culturally optimistic and that would make the opposing view culturally pessimistic  Wink 
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Tommy Monk Wed May 14, 2014 2:17 am

Define what you mean by 'small group'?

Tommy Monk
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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by veya_victaous Wed May 14, 2014 2:33 am

Tommy Monk wrote:Define what you mean by 'small group'?

double what you got  ::D:: 

there will be some issues that need to be dealt with but the knee jerk reactions of the Right are unnecessary. We are already past the point you are at now, socially 20 years behind. these are the issues of last generation here, I mean when I was under 10 you'd here the people say the sort of stuff you guys say but 20 years later they were ALL wrong.  cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers 
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Tommy Monk Wed May 14, 2014 3:17 am

Yeah it's all happy clappy out there......
Tommy Monk
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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by veya_victaous Wed May 14, 2014 4:28 am

a 4 year old article ?
From the

sort proves my point doesn't it.

Conservatives all about the Fear and ignorance that time inevitable proves to be the cowardly rubbish that it is.

The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Wed May 14, 2014 7:09 am

victorisnotamused wrote:what a load of crap..

cultural pessimism....the new progressives "idea" to use as an argument...a straw man which has no demonstrable actuality.
That shows you again know little of history, it has been a concept for well over a hundred years and is found throughout centuries of British and English history, hey you might want to look at something we advocate called evolution, which was seen back then as view that would bring moral decline to the British Empire, promoted of course by the Church.

even if its only ONE school...its one too many...what is it about "if you move to another country you speak the host countries language" yo fail to understand???  Oh and BEFORE you bring up the crap about british ex pats...they are just as wrong...
Again poor argument many do come here and speak the language very well, it is a minority that do not and of those more tend to be at home housewives, arranged marriages from abroad. So again you use a very weak point to make a claim of moral cultural decline of the UK, when it has been the English language, which again is the business language of the world, so to claim that is in decline is completely absurd and in no way going to affect the future of this country

and MORE crap of the "we were bad in the past so we deserve everything and anything that gets thrown at us"
Who stated that? We have done wrongs in the past and the advantages you have today were born out of this nation being able to advance out of the wealth it plundered through slavery, colonies etc, for a start the Industrial revolution was kicked started from the plunder of wealth from India. All this money allowed the elite within society to take time have the money to advance science and also one good thing to come from this, humane views, though this has taken a long slow step. But your advantaged position comes from the fact the nations under the British Empire were nothing more than money making factories, destroying skills many local people had to work in industries created by the British to fund this country and we would have never have advanced as we did without subjugating many nations, again because of the wealth. What we did though is leave many of these nations with only an elite educated and little skills so much so these nations had to basically start from scratch and under the elite educated who ruled as the British had once done, by taking the majority for themselves. So there is a valid point that your advantage is basically down to years of subjugation under the British Empire. It does not mean the people today deserve anything bad to them, but they certainly owe at least something to the advantage they have from our own history

AND YET MORE diversionary crap....Star makes an allusion to being like an animal defending its what does didge do...turns it into a debate on animal rights
Because it was just about the worst argument of fear used, as again we do not own the whole nation ourselves, we are as one as a nation, though with different views. He may want to defend his tiny garden which he bought as part of his house. Basically all you and Stardesk are saying is you wish to preserve our identity of which neither of you can actually identify, I here poor excuses of claims to racism, when none have been stated, you cannot even identify what it is you fear to lose. The fact that both of you offer nothing short of extreme examples to justify your cultural pessimism, shows in fact that you are both part of the problem, both of you would have been the Church in the past denying women the vote and trying to stop the progression of evolution being taught, that is the reality of your pessimism, you both are unable to adapt and change. No problem we have seen this countless times in history and in fact people do mainly change, some stay bitter and do not move on and good luck to those that do not

thats what they do you know, these progressives ...They DELIBERATELY fail to understand allusion and rhetorical statements so they can use them as a diversionary tactict..
stars reference to being like an animal defending its patch has got NOTHING to do with "extinctions, mans actions in nature or anything else of that ilk...
That shows again you know nothing of the history of progression in this country from providing equal rights, to Homosexuals, women, minorities etc all though having to fight tooth and nail to get progression in the first place from many people who were cultural pessimists saying the exact same thing you are doing now, claiming the cultural and civilization decline of Britain because we progress to provide equal rights to many.
Basically your arguments are not new, they are just based on different groups of people and using the same unsubstantiated arguments

Its progressive "new speak" you may only discuss something in the narrow and intellectually restrictive framework of the language and expression THEY allow....
No its progression that has made Britain the tolerant nation it is today, where sadly some linger of a view off the past an imperial world view of Britain something very much now in the past with both good and bad from it, and you need to read your history to see this nation is full of progression, of which again there is countless examples, why though now do you fear today? Because you are led by fear

If I said an event was occuring as regular as a london bus, the event (if uncomfortable for the progressive) would be buried in an avalanche of shit explaining why london busses were not in fact all that regular

Silly view point because I could argue they are not regular because we cannot predict the traffic daily, but the majority will get you from A to B the vast majority of the time with many being very much on time.
Th only thing you have to try and argue to prove your points is if you have an claims to the fear arguments as valid, that is your first step, second you need to state what identity you believe this nation is in decline with?


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by scrat Wed May 14, 2014 10:28 am

veya_victaous wrote:
scrat wrote:Australia has a fantastic future, it is in an ideal position to exploit the Far East, the future is bright.

Of course Great Britain is in a different league altogether and despite some on the left and many on the right running this great nation down, we're still the reigning champions of the "state of the art", this is where it is at, more innovation is created here, more global culture establishes itself here and more inward investment comes here than any other country in Europe.

I will concede that  Smile  out of Europe I think only the Germans are really matching the British. Maybe that is part of your problem too your looking at Europe.. but that isn't going that well so... your fast in a field of slow horses.
Australia is in a prime position to do well, Britain had the opportunity to trade link with English speaking nations years ago, the EU was at that time the growing powerhouse and good old Maggie milk snatch and co were herding us in.

No point crying over spilt milk! we can still seek to establish a trading block of English speaking nations and the commonwealth, countries like India, Nigeria, and Southern Africa, are linked by common tongue to countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Strong links to Africa will provide the bread basket, and if you antipodeans carry the baton for the future, then us Brits will find a way to cream off the profit to keep our olds in a fashion they deserve.

The engine of capitalism needs fuel, one day we'll be fighting over immigrants, begging them to come here.

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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by veya_victaous Wed May 14, 2014 10:46 am

scrat wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:
scrat wrote:Australia has a fantastic future, it is in an ideal position to exploit the Far East, the future is bright.

Of course Great Britain is in a different league altogether and despite some on the left and many on the right running this great nation down, we're still the reigning champions of the "state of the art", this is where it is at, more innovation is created here, more global culture establishes itself here and more inward investment comes here than any other country in Europe.

I will concede that  Smile  out of Europe I think only the Germans are really matching the British. Maybe that is part of your problem too your looking at Europe.. but that isn't going that well so... your fast in a field of slow horses.
Australia is in a prime position to do well, Britain had the opportunity to trade link with English speaking nations years ago, the EU was at that time the growing powerhouse and good old Maggie milk snatch and co were herding us in.

No point crying over spilt milk! we can still seek to establish a trading block of English speaking nations and the commonwealth, countries like India, Nigeria, and Southern Africa, are linked by common tongue to countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Strong links to Africa will provide the bread basket, and if you antipodeans carry the baton for the future, then us Brits will find a way to cream off the profit to keep our olds in a fashion they deserve.

The engine of capitalism needs fuel, one day we'll be fighting over immigrants, begging them to come here.

I agree, You do have a lot of capital in your nation it is just held in too few hands and none of those hands are connected to any balls (so to speak) and take economic risks and invest in the nation.

If they built up manufacturing again your be screaming for immigrants Wink 
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by Guest Wed May 14, 2014 10:49 am

Lone Wolf wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

..many were put on boats and given something like a tenner , and told make a life over there...years ago like.

...cost the best oat of £900 for an Oz return ticket now on Quantas!

Cool   THE infamous "Ten Pound Poms !" immigration programme began before and re-started from just after WWII and carried on through to the early '60's (during a time of rapid economic expansion, especially industrial..), brought thousands of British "new settlers" out here to join the influx of Italian, Yugoslav, Polish, Dutch, French, Russian and Ukrainian war refugees...

Some of their "first generation Aussies" offspring, as well as those who came across as babes and toddlers with their parents, were among my fellow students at school and Uni' during the latter 1960s and through the 1970s ~ sometimes making up to 25-30% in some places..   study 

THAT'S on top of "First [European] Settlers" programmes from the earlier days ~ the first convict settlements in 1788, and the first "Free Settlers" following shortly after, where many of them received land "grants" up until the mid-19th century, to help their farming endeavours along.   cyclops 
(Some of my ancestors came from both sides of that equation here; whilst the most recent 'immigrant' in my family was one of my great-grandmothers who came fr. County Cork with her parents at the very beginning of the 20th century..).

AMONG the "innovators" of that era, the Scottish seemed to often be over-represented in the Engineering and Medical ranks, while their Irish cousins often seemed to lead the way in the Agricultural and animal husbandry fields..   geek

Fascinating stuff Bee, I only heard the ten quid poms thing years back..but knew very little about it, I think it's good how you remember so much and have some take on figures an stats Bee..

There may have been some bad feeling even years back in Oz regards to immigrants Bee, as every country has some like that,but I still think Britain is the worst for it, at least one of the worse,,,

I bet you don't remember bad feeling back then as on the scale it is today?, or in comparison with Brits Bee?


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Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity' - Page 6 Empty Re: Growth of ethnic minorities 'could undermine English identity'

Post by veya_victaous Wed May 14, 2014 11:14 am

Joy Division wrote:
Lone Wolf wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

..many were put on boats and given something like a tenner , and told make a life over there...years ago like.

...cost the best oat of £900 for an Oz return ticket now on Quantas!

Cool   THE infamous "Ten Pound Poms !" immigration programme began before and re-started from just after WWII and carried on through to the early '60's (during a time of rapid economic expansion, especially industrial..), brought thousands of British "new settlers" out here to join the influx of Italian, Yugoslav, Polish, Dutch, French, Russian and Ukrainian war refugees...

Some of their "first generation Aussies" offspring, as well as those who came across as babes and toddlers with their parents, were among my fellow students at school and Uni' during the latter 1960s and through the 1970s ~ sometimes making up to 25-30% in some places..   study 

THAT'S on top of "First [European] Settlers" programmes from the earlier days ~ the first convict settlements in 1788, and the first "Free Settlers" following shortly after, where many of them received land "grants" up until the mid-19th century, to help their farming endeavours along.   cyclops 
(Some of my ancestors came from both sides of that equation here; whilst the most recent 'immigrant' in my family was one of my great-grandmothers who came fr. County Cork with her parents at the very beginning of the 20th century..).

AMONG the "innovators" of that era, the Scottish seemed to often be over-represented in the Engineering and Medical ranks, while their Irish cousins often seemed to lead the way in the Agricultural and animal husbandry fields..   geek

Fascinating stuff Bee, I only heard the ten quid poms thing years back..but knew very little about it, I think it's good how you remember so much and have some take on figures an stats Bee..

There may have been some bad feeling even years back in Oz regards to immigrants Bee, as every country has some like that,but I still think Britain is the worst for it, at least one of the worse,,,

I bet you don't remember bad feeling back then as on the scale it is today?, or in comparison with Brits Bee?

My Dad remembers it being pretty bad (but Aussies were as rough as guts back then  pirat too many Anglos Razz  ) got in many fights for being French, subsequently a lot of non-UK, non-Mediterranean immigrants stuck together  scratch scratch scratch  I think that may have been our Hybrid culture started, as this group merged there own traditions/food/cultures with each other and the Aussie ones (not hard 'Beer' and 'BBQ') then the white Australia policy was dropped about 45 years ago(my Dad that turns 65 on Friday and came here when he was 14, so been here 51 years) and then Turks and Indians came then Vietnamese and other Asians(orientals) then other middle easterners and Sri Lankens and Pakistanis, Now we are getting Africans too. we still don't get many South Americans. Chinese have been fairly constant, some arrived here before the white Australia policy and they weren't kicked out  confused  I'm not sure what the deal was regarding more coming here during white Australia (there were some exceptions notable the Maori)

That's why i say the UK is behind the times, the problems are something my dad talks about "when he was young" but everyone says how much better it is now  ::D::  that's why I also say there is nothing to fear, there is some pain but it is good once you get past it.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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