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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by The Devil, You Know Sat Jun 25, 2016 8:36 pm

First topic message reminder :

75% of those under 25's who voted voted to remain. the only problem with #Generation Snowflake is that only 25% of them could actually be bothered to vote. Now using leftie logic I make that be around 33% of under 25's who wanted to remain which must mean 67% didn't. Or does that logic only work when tories win election and the left does not get its own way?

Now as far as I know, and I am sure someone here will correct me if I am, but the vote of an 18 year old holds no more value than someone who is 100.
the simple fact is that 1¼million more people wanted to leave the EU than remain in it. Those 17+million people cannot all be wacists, and uneducated ( although many were labour supporters), or unable to comprehend what they were voting for. They were British citizens with a valid right to vote in the most important referendum in our history, they chose to vote to leave as is their democratic right. now it appears remainers and the left in particular do not care a jot about the democratic rights of the people when they do not get their own way and they have been crying so much in london that thames barrier had to be raised last night to stop extensive flooding. ( for those on the left, that was a joke)
I am sure we all remember how tories stamped their feet and created petition after petition when they lost elections in 97, 02 and 07, no neither do I because they accept the democratic will of the people.
It is a shame that the left are not as grown up and even more regretfully that they despise the british people so much.

I await the dragons and Armageddon that remain has been forecasting over the last few months with genuine joy. the world didn't end on friday. the ftse crashed to a slighty higher position today than it had last friday. The money markets have suffered, ( i am sure the leftists here will be horrified to see bankers lose out) however those who bet on a remain win have to recoup their money somehow. I am sure george soros will have made billions by forcing down the pound as his did before. But they will return to normal in time and we will still be out of the EU. The bigger question is will the EU still be around in 5 years, a whole host of countries are demanding their own referendums now and the dominoes have may well be starting to fall. Thankfully we still have nato to keep europe safe as it has for the last 70 years.

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:43 am

Not new facts les...

The drop in pound was down to casino bankers believing the polls predicting a remain outcome and betting on remain...

That is all.

Tommy Monk
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:45 am

also of course I know full well that diabetes generally being a problem for older people YOUR generation would have nodded such legislation along

yea yeah...get them old fuckers out of their cars...let the bastards walk crawl or use a (nonexistant) bus....

forgetting all the while that some of us older drives can STILL out drive most of you youngsters..I mean...we are so dangerous that the insurers give us a discount...... #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 202592697 for being over 50 Laughing

ok so that was a rant...but see my point????

another reason us oldies voted out...cos we cant trust you youngsters to look after our interests......... hell we cant even trust you to look after your own....25% voted...75% couldnt be arsed????

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Eilzel Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:49 am

And idiots in the UK government don't make stupid decisions sometimes vic?

I get you didn't like the EU, that isn't my point. We are discussing the anger and valid or invalid calls for a second vote of upset remainers (which almost certainly won't happen anyway). It isn't all coming from younger voters either, also from older leavers who believed the lies.
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Eilzel Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:54 am

Old man rant indeed vic lol. I love how older people love to run down the younger generations. Not so quick to take credit for the fact you created and cultivated this generation, for better or for worse. If you see younger people as a failure, then that failure is yours (generationally speaking).

Hell even the current issues within the EU (which I acknowledge) are the fault of previous generations. If Europe now is a mess then that is your generations fault. And now this failed post war generation awards itself the right to judge others Wink
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:11 am

yeah but dont blame me...both my lads got their arses slapped when needed....
the failure of te present generation is the fault of ours is it...hmmmm.....well I suppose in a way that partly true

we were stupid enough to allow lefty liberal ideas loose in areas like dicipline and education, so yep i suppose guilty as charged.... Laughing son just told me to fuck off when I said eat your greens
normal parent...well give him a slap across his big gob....or wash his mouth out with a bar of soap

lefty liberal (said in a whingy whiney voice) oh noooo you cant do that poor thing...make him sit on the naughty step for 10 mins but NO MORE than that...

yeah yeah.....

and you wonder why..... Rolling Eyes

so Yes a failure for the lefty liberal generational policy....

as for the EU ...again I suppose there is some truth in what you say...we should of course have shot all the lefty liberalists who suborned the eu to their own especial purpose, and following that we should have shot every labour supporter that was present from at least kinnock onwards......

you know the difference between left and right dont you....

the right are bad , accept it , make no pretence , and are totally clear about it and unappologetic
the left are just as bad, deny it, live in pretence, lie about it and obfuciate the truth...they cry when caught out...

now you know...i'd rather a man approached me with the knife drawn and his intent clear.

not sidle up, pretend to be a friend then knife me with the knife conceled in his glove....

I ALWAYS, from little on KNEW the right, the conservative, was "bad"
It took me a while to realise the left was just as bad....but kept telling me it was for my own good.....


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Eilzel Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:29 am

Haha, love how you disowned yourself of any responsibility by making it a problem of evil lefties Wink

But I did emphasise generations and not you personally. I don't blame my parents either, they did a good job as did mant others. I just wanted to nip the idea our generation should be entirely blamed when we are only a product of what came before.

As for the leftie rant, well that's your opinion. I don't agree with it, and it is moving away from the point, but I doubt anything I say will change it. So agree to disagree. In the meantime I'll continue bitching about the result I don't like and ultimately see as being won by the biggest and most blatant lies in recent British political history Smile
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by veya_victaous Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:30 am

Eilzel wrote:Old man rant indeed vic lol. I love how older people love to run down the younger generations. Not so quick to take credit for the fact you created and cultivated this generation, for better or for worse. If you see younger people as a failure, then that failure is yours (generationally speaking).

Hell even the current issues within the EU (which I acknowledge) are the fault of previous generations. If Europe now is a mess then that is your generations fault. And now this failed post war generation awards itself the right to judge others Wink

to be fair Victor is of the first generation of Europeans not to start a period of total war, attampted genocide, rampant invasion etc Wink
Although I guess it is not over yet.. and this idiocy could easily be the catalyst for another eurowar.

The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:36 am

veya ..once agin you prove what a total idiot you are

my generation grew up with the threat of atomic war a very real and close threat......

why the hell would we risk it again????

its a pity joining bushes monstrous war wasnt put to a referendum...we would most likely have not got involved had that been the case....

and NOT being in the EU doesnt make one blind bit of difference to that....

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:43 am

The Remain camp were the ones lying... huge big whoppers they told... a non stop stream of bullshit... to remain in a thing that we are only in because of all the previous lies and bullshit telling us it was not what it is!!!

At least veya is admitting what the eu is and has always been, on another thread...

If we had been told this before then we would never have been in it in the first place!!!

It's only the massive lies and the illegal signing away of our country by the previous lying bastard politicians before now that has resulted in us being in the eu at all!!!

And you try to say that those wanting to get out are the liars...!?

What planet are you on les...!?

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:46 am

Eilzel wrote:Haha, love how you disowned yourself of any responsibility by making it a problem of evil lefties Wink

But I did emphasise generations and not you personally. I don't blame my parents either, they did a good job as did mant others. I just wanted to nip the idea our generation should be entirely blamed when we are only a product of what came before.

As for the leftie rant, well that's your opinion. I don't agree with it, and it is moving away from the point, but I doubt anything I say will change it. So agree to disagree. In the meantime I'll continue bitching about the result I don't like and ultimately see as being won by the biggest and most blatant lies in recent British political history Smile

Yes nothing you say will be anything other than proving you are a militant leftie no better than racists and homophobes looking to blame the elderly for making a choice just as everyone else can do over the future proving not only how immature you are, but that you are a vile bigot and ageist. You do this not off any reason, as nobody can predict the future, so instead you want to show the worst for of hypocrisy. So where the remain camp constantly played off fear you had no issue with and thus your last sentence shows why since you have naffed off out of this country, we should remove your rights as a citizen, showing as you simply would rather pay into another countries system other than the UK. As well as showing the worst and most immature ageist views, negelecting its been because of people who have hypocritcal leftist views like you that people have become disgruntled with.


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:56 am

The Devil, You Know wrote:
Didge wrote:

Which proves you are utterly two faced and undemocratic Eilzel
I never made it about sexuality, which shows how poorly educated you are it seems.
The point mad is that you were sounding like a homopobe who at the time of the gay marriage vote was doing the same fear based prejudice crap and castgating people for supporting equal rights.
Here where you have not got a clue as well as everyone else what the future holds, you have deemed the vote as the wrong decision.

lol the left claim to champion those oppressed by being utterly oppressive
The elderly have an equal right to have a say in the future. You seem to think based off what i can only class as ignorant. That their view and opinion. Is of lesser worth and inferior. Not based off the fact they have far more life experince than any of us. But because in general, they have less time left living than those young. That has to be the most prejudiced load of bigotry bullshit I have heard from you to date, which is clearly viewed along the methodology of racism. That to you, the older a person is and more experinced in life, the less worth their say is, in regards to the future.

Appalled does not even begin to descibe how disgusted |I am at you
I think you will find that the latest mantra from eh left is that the elderly should fu*k off and die because they did not follow the script.
For some reason they think an 18 year olds vote carries more weight than a 100 year old. the fact that many of those old farts fought to ensure we would be free to democratically vote seems to have gone way over their head.

but screw it glastonbury is on and wallowing in shite is more fun than exercising your democratic right.

Indeed and all this bullshit from the left shows they are thre first to shout inequality to homosexuals or racial groups, but no problem discrminating against elderly, you know the ones that fought for the very freedom we have today. Told their life is now over and even if they only live another 12 months is to the leftie too long a time lft to live. Where clearly some people have been brainwashed by Logan's run, where they think that when people reach a certain age, they forfeit their life.
Its really opened my eyes up today, seeing so called champions of the oppressed, post the most oppressive bullshit I have evern seen, showing they are no better than racists and homophobes


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Eilzel Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:11 am

It isn't just the eldery I blame, for the record. But by and large they did vote this, and we have reason to be angry about that. And shut up comparing this to LGBT issues as if that's the only card you have to play, when we've been in agreement on issues you have attacked others for doing the same.
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:21 am

Eilzel wrote:It isn't just the eldery I blame, for the record. But by and large they did vote this, and we have reason to be angry about that. And shut up comparing this to LGBT issues as if that's the only card you have to play, when we've been in agreement on issues you have attacked others for doing the same.

So when a militant bigoted hypocritical lefty does not like the truth, he tries the next joker card they have, trying to silence people after being exposed as a bigot. I am not comparing you to LGTB issues but towards those who champion inequality, homophobes and racists who wish to deny equality to racial and LGTB groups. Showing how leftism regressive ideology has simply warped your brain. So again the militant does not like being exposed proving there is nothing more abhorant and dangereous than leftism. Unlike you, i actually back equality, where those clearly on the left are constantly proving they back inequality. I mean why not tell everyove over 65 they might as not need waking up tomorrow, as they at some point in the future will die and that based on your reasoning, the lengh of time left people have, which will also include those Palliiative terminal patients, cease to have any democratic rights to you.

Its unbelieveable the shit I am hearing coming out of lefties


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by veya_victaous Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:23 am

Lord Foul wrote:veya ..once agin you prove what a total idiot you are

my generation grew up with the threat of atomic war a very real and close threat......

why the hell would we risk it again????

its a pity joining bushes monstrous war wasnt put to a referendum...we would most likely have not got involved had that been the case....

and NOT being in the EU doesnt make one blind bit of difference to that....

which is why we need to disarm Europe and the UK
and it will make a difference when you start disagreeing.

Germany, France and England: centuries of conflict and multipule world war beteen them, literally nothing in history to suggest they wont kick off again next time that have a falling out, and that seems increasingly likely as the UK dawdles in actioning it's decsion to leave.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Eilzel Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:25 am

You are starting to sound like smelly, referring to people as the lefties as if pandering to an audience. I'm not asking anyone to discriminate against anyone or treat anyone differently. I'm complaining because many of one section of society have made a decision, based on lies, that has the biggest impact on people who voted (of those who did) largely for the opposite. Again, incomparable.
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by veya_victaous Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:30 am

Didge wrote:
Eilzel wrote:It isn't just the eldery I blame, for the record. But by and large they did vote this, and we have reason to be angry about that. And shut up comparing this to LGBT issues as if that's the only card you have to play, when we've been in agreement on issues you have attacked others for doing the same.

So when a militant bigoted hypocritical lefty does not like the truth, he tries the next joker card they have, trying to silence people after being exposed as a bigot. I am not comparing you to LGTB issues but towards those who champion inequality, homophobes and racists who wish to deny equality to racial and LGTB groups. Showing how leftism regressive ideology has simply warped your brain. So again the militant does not like being exposed proving there is nothing more abhorant and dangereous than leftism. Unlike you, i actually back equality, where those clearly on the left are constantly proving they back inequality. I mean why not tell everyove over 65 they might as not need waking up tomorrow, as they at some point in the future will die and that based on your reasoning, the lengh of time left people have, which will also include those Palliiative terminal patients, cease to have any democratic rights to you.

Its unbelieveable the shit I am hearing coming out of lefties

why should baby boomers get to fuck future generations more than they already have.
when gen Y onwards will likely be processed to feed future generation by that sort of age?

no one over 65 can talk of fairness, they had it better than every generation before them and done everything they can to make sure they had it better than every generation to come after too.

the Youth of Britian are right to be pissed.

And STFU with champions of equality, You are on the same side as major the guy talking of buy gunships to murder refugees. Don't matter why you join the nazi side didge, you are clearly on it now.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:36 am

Eilzel wrote:You are starting to sound like smelly, referring to people as the lefties as if pandering to an audience. I'm not asking anyone to discriminate against anyone or treat anyone differently. I'm complaining because many of one section of society have made a decision, based on lies, that has the biggest impact on people who voted (of those who did) largely for the opposite. Again, incomparable.

Oh here we go, now its play the "you are like smelly" card,  when he is racist and homophobic and i actually champion equality.
You made your points and were bigoted towards the elderly, blaming them for the democractic right to vote for their future. Which you stated with some of the worst and bigoted bullshit going that the youth in some way to you should have more rights over the ellderly, as to you, the elderly have less time left to live. You forget I want to remain in the EU and its camapaign was based also on lies as well, because absolutely nobody can predict the future, as this is unprecidented in world history. Which being as you are a student of history, its astounding that you do not realise that. So if anyone is closet in a points based system to smelly, based on the prejudices you hold, that makes you closer to smelly than me. So in both camps all they did was play off fear, of which neither side could posswible know what the future would hold on this. Yet you only berate the campaigning of one side, again proving not only are you militant, but you show the worst double standards. Its because of hypocritical people like you that people are fed up. With their concerns being shouted down with screams of racism and why people have simply had enough. I can understand all this and still want the UK to be a part of the EU, but I am not acting as immature as you are, far removed from even living in the UK, where it directly effects mine and many other peoples lifes, yet certainly not yours in the present.

Anyway, I have things to do, but its certainly show me a different perspective on people who I once thought held good ethics, which you simply do not quailfy anymore as having


Last edited by Didge on Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:41 am; edited 1 time in total


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Eilzel Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:40 am

What major lies did the remain camp tell that are anything like the whoppers of the leave camp?

And I don't blame older leave voters for voting, I blame them (and ALL leave voters) for potentially changing our country's future for the worse for young generations.

And if you don't wanted to be compared to SB then don't imitate his style of posting 'now look at the lefties say this' BS lol
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:44 am

Eilzel wrote:What major lies did the remain camp tell that are anything like the whoppers of the leave camp?

And I don't blame older leave voters for voting, I blame them (and ALL leave voters) for potentially changing our country's future for the worse for young generations.

And if you don't wanted to be compared to SB then don't imitate his style of posting 'now look at the lefties say this' BS lol

That all Brits living in the EU would be all depoorted back to the UK.
That we would not be able to get any good trade deals out of the EU
That we would ruin our economony
Ect and countless more
I blame you for pissing people off with your blatant double standards.
Again you simply have no idea what the future will hold and to blame people for something you have no idea on what the future will hold, makes for the worst form of bigotry and hypocrisy. I simply do not care if you do compare me to smelly, it just shows up how immature you are that you play the lefty motto

Deflect, divert and cover up

See ya loser


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Eilzel Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:49 am

You are such a child lol

Actually it remains to be seen what will happen with our economy, and no one said people would be automatically deported, but that it would throw into question the ability to live and work in Europe. In 2 years the picture may be very different as people are not granted the right to stay, especially if the same happens to EU citizens in the UK. We don't know.

Those issues are still nothing like the complete and inmediate turn arounds on immigration and hundreds of millions to the NHS promised by the leave side.

I'd say see yah loser, but I'm not a childish prick lol
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:54 am

Eilzel wrote:You are starting to sound like smelly, referring to people as the lefties as if pandering to an audience. I'm not asking anyone to discriminate against anyone or treat anyone differently. I'm complaining because many of one section of society have made a decision, based on lies, that has the biggest impact on people who voted (of those who did) largely for the opposite. Again, incomparable.

Where is your evidence of who voted for what...?

Bullshit polls don't count...

Tommy Monk
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by veya_victaous Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:03 am

Tommy Monk wrote:
Eilzel wrote:You are starting to sound like smelly, referring to people as the lefties as if pandering to an audience. I'm not asking anyone to discriminate against anyone or treat anyone differently. I'm complaining because many of one section of society have made a decision, based on lies, that has the biggest impact on people who voted (of those who did) largely for the opposite. Again, incomparable.

Where is your evidence of who voted for what...?

Bullshit polls don't count...

the polls are the evidences YES they count they are all that counts as it is secret ballot.
there is literally no way for anything else to exist in a secret ballot unless it is not secret.
exit polling is the ONLY public measure of these statistics

AND if that is the level of knowledge you have around your voting system
it highlight just how ignorant and dumb most voters are.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:15 am

There were no exit polls...

And all the other polls Thursday night predicted a large remain result...
Tommy Monk
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Eilzel Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:46 am

Polls predicted a slight remain win, not a large one. 52/48 was the prediction and it just went the otherway. Rain in Scotland and London could have lost it the win was so slight lol
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:51 am

All predicted remain... some with large remain vote..
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Jun 27, 2016 6:52 am

Bottom line -- if the Brexiters actually value democracy and self-determination, those pious cloths they currently wrap themselves in, then logically, they should fear nothing from a second vote. Because the will of the people is sacrosanct, is it not? Self-determination is the goal. Let the voice of the people reign! Nothing else should matter to a pure-as-the-driven-snow democrat.

But if they were just trying to beat the people they perceive as their enemies in a game that had a clock -- well, of course they wouldn't want another vote, and all their heart-felt sonnets to the beauty of democracy are really just rank hypocrisy trying to cover up the fact that they are trying to force a libertarian agenda.

(Or did you think all those beautiful rich people showing up for the premier of "Brexit: The Movie" in finery none of us could afford were just decent folk who wanted to rid the UK of all those many laws imposed upon the country by the EU? You know, the laws nobody seems to be capable of actually naming?)
Ben Reilly
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:16 am

Eilzel wrote:You are such a child lol

Actually it remains to be seen what will happen with our economy, and no one said people would be automatically deported, but that it would throw into question the ability to live and work in Europe. In 2 years the picture may be very different as people are not granted the right to stay, especially if the same happens to EU citizens in the UK. We don't know.

Those issues are still nothing like the complete and inmediate turn arounds on immigration and hundreds of millions to the NHS promised by the leave side.

I'd say see yah loser, but I'm not a childish prick lol

This coming from a boy
So we do not know what is going to happen, you admit this and claim its wrong

One moment

#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 3489511464

You are an insignificant regressive who promtes inequality who no longer lives in the Uk, which was your choice, so your views are meaningless until and if you ever decide to come back to this country, until then you remain irrelevant


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:25 am

Ben Reilly wrote:Bottom line -- if the Brexiters actually value democracy and self-determination, those pious cloths they currently wrap themselves in, then logically, they should fear nothing from a second vote. Because the will of the people is sacrosanct, is it not? Self-determination is the goal. Let the voice of the people reign! Nothing else should matter to a pure-as-the-driven-snow democrat.

But if they were just trying to beat the people they perceive as their enemies in a game that had a clock -- well, of course they wouldn't want another vote, and all their heart-felt sonnets to the beauty of democracy are really just rank hypocrisy trying to cover up the fact that they are trying to force a libertarian agenda.

(Or did you think all those beautiful rich people showing up for the premier of "Brexit: The Movie" in finery none of us could afford were just decent folk who wanted to rid the UK of all those many laws imposed upon the country by the EU? You know, the laws nobody seems to be capable of actually naming?)

lol reverse psychology and poorly applied.
I actually would have no issue again having a second referendum, but why is one necessary, when its already been voted upon.?
You offer up no reason and in fact are simply using reverse psychology as if this is a reasoned argument to hold a second one. When all you are actually doing is pandering to people who are being sour grapes. You also fail to understand that to even set a second referendum would spell the death of democracy in this country and the majority of people would have no confidence in th Political system, with no doubt causing an escalation of civil strife. As the wish and will of the majoirty who voted will have been discarded. With the first referendum having then to be declared void. As it would have to be, in order for a second now to be held. The people would no doubt mass demonstrate and call for the governemnt to step down for elections. The people will then feel, it will not matter how they vote in a second one, as if the leave vote againt wins, you will just see a repeat again of the same antics by the remainers.

I find it unbelivable that the so called lefties who proclaim themselves to that of some higher ethical standing, are arguing to abuse the democratic system, simply because they did not get their way. You fail to see the consequences of such a decision would have on the people of this country


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:36 am

A vote held when nobody knows what will happen is one thing. A vote held when the people have the knowledge of what happened because of their last vote is quite another.

I would have loved to have seen a vote for president in 2006, two years after Bush was elected. Bush might have been swept out with the rest of the Republicans, a party the American people truly wished to punish that year. But he stayed on and did further damage. Democracy would have prevented that.
Ben Reilly
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:38 am

Ben Reilly wrote:A vote held when nobody knows what will happen is one thing. A vote held when the people have the knowledge of what happened because of their last vote is quite another.

I would have loved to have seen a vote for president in 2006, two years after Bush was elected. Bush might have been swept out with the rest of the Republicans, a party the American people truly wished to punish that year. But he stayed on and did further damage. Democracy would have prevented that.

Absurd logic
Nothing has happened since the first vote, so they will be in the exact same position again.
People already knew that the future is not set or what will happen, even again if there is a second vote.
The point is even if there was one, you would push yet more people into the leave camp


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:40 am

Didge wrote:
Ben Reilly wrote:A vote held when nobody knows what will happen is one thing. A vote held when the people have the knowledge of what happened because of their last vote is quite another.

I would have loved to have seen a vote for president in 2006, two years after Bush was elected. Bush might have been swept out with the rest of the Republicans, a party the American people truly wished to punish that year. But he stayed on and did further damage. Democracy would have prevented that.

Absurd logic
Nothing has happened since the first vote, so they will be in the exact same position again.
People already knew that the future is not set or what will happen, even again if there is a second vote.
The point is even if there was one, you would push yet more people into the leave camp

Nothing but the pound making a historic plunge, global stocks taking a beating and the UK credit rating getting a severe downgrade from Moody's, of course. Yeah, you're right -- that means nothing. Over 2 trillion in lost wealth means nothing. Taking the world to the precipice of another recession is nothing. Goddamn, but you're so right!
Ben Reilly
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:43 am

Ben Reilly wrote:
Didge wrote:

Absurd logic
Nothing has happened since the first vote, so they will be in the exact same position again.
People already knew that the future is not set or what will happen, even again if there is a second vote.
The point is even if there was one, you would push yet more people into the leave camp

Nothing but the pound making a historic plunge, global stocks taking a beating and the UK credit rating getting a severe downgrade from Moody's, of course. Yeah, you're right -- that means nothing. Over 2 trillion in lost wealth means nothing. Taking the world to the precipice of another recession is nothing. Goddamn, but you're so right!

Stocks were actually up on the previous week, showing how badly people look at statistics.
And you will see this week the pound easily recover.
In fact it effected EU more so than it did the UK, of which people are not going to give much care about.
There was always going to be, as there would be if there is a second vote, such fluctuations on the market and with the pound, hence why your point was idiotic. The same will happen again


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:48 am

The news that the UK voted to Leave the EU led to global market turmoil on Friday, but the FTSE 100 was actually spared from a lot of the pain. While the UK’s leading index did struggle for a lot of the trading session, it bounced back to finish the week higher than it had opened, faring better than the German Dax and the French CAC.


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:48 am

Didge wrote:
Ben Reilly wrote:
Didge wrote:

Absurd logic
Nothing has happened since the first vote, so they will be in the exact same position again.
People already knew that the future is not set or what will happen, even again if there is a second vote.
The point is even if there was one, you would push yet more people into the leave camp

Nothing but the pound making a historic plunge, global stocks taking a beating and the UK credit rating getting a severe downgrade from Moody's, of course. Yeah, you're right -- that means nothing. Over 2 trillion in lost wealth means nothing. Taking the world to the precipice of another recession is nothing. Goddamn, but you're so right!

Stocks were actually up on the previous week, showing how badly people look at statistics.
And you will see this week the pound easily recover.
In fact it effected EU more so than it did the UK, of which people are not going to give much care about.
There was always going to be, as there would be if there is a second vote, such fluctuations on the market and with the pound, hence why your point was idiotic. The same will happen again

So your friend puts a gun to your head, pulls the trigger. "Click." There was no bullet in the chamber.

So yeah, all is forgiven right? Just a spot of fun?

The British are going to be viewed as dangerously as that friend for years, no matter what happens, because of this reckless gamble with the global economy.

Time you stopped thinking only of yourself, son.

(And before anybody accuses me of thinking only of myself -- nope. Economists the world over have said that Brexit could be the first domino in a chain reaction that leads to global recession -- jobs lost -- people losing their homes, whether in Austin or in Tokyo. So no, I'm not selfish -- y'all are. Sit on that and spin around a few times.)
Ben Reilly
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:58 am

Ben Reilly wrote:
Didge wrote:

Stocks were actually up on the previous week, showing how badly people look at statistics.
And you will see this week the pound easily recover.
In fact it effected EU more so than it did the UK, of which people are not going to give much care about.
There was always going to be, as there would be if there is a second vote, such fluctuations on the market and with the pound, hence why your point was idiotic. The same will happen again

So your friend puts a gun to your head, pulls the trigger. "Click." There was no bullet in the chamber.

So yeah, all is forgiven right? Just a spot of fun?

The British are going to be viewed as dangerously as that friend for years, no matter what happens, because of this reckless gamble with the global economy.

Time you stopped thinking only of yourself, son.

(And before anybody accuses me of thinking only of myself -- nope. Economists the world over have said that Brexit could be the first domino in a chain reaction that leads to global recession -- jobs lost -- people losing their homes, whether in Austin or in Tokyo. So no, I'm not selfish -- y'all are. Sit on that and spin around a few times.)

Absurd logic again

Your fear mongering bull, simple does not hold up to any validity, as for example the EU trade with the UK is worth 350 billion to them, and where many of the EU states struggle with their economies, they can ill afford to act as you are being over this. Not only this, I wanted the UK to remain, but respect the outcome of the referendum. The Uk is in the top ten of economies has continually grown, not as fast and as big as others, but it is a hive of foreign investment and new trade deals that do not have the moiuntain of red tape that the EU trade deals involve, as well as having to impliment many EU measures could very well make the UK far more attractive to trade with, than than the rest of the EU. You are just like religious people, insecure and plauged by fear. I posted views yesterday by economists that simple were not claiming any doom and gloom as you are.
Again, if the people want a chance to rejoin the EU, then a political party should make it a part of their manifesto for the next general election. So you wimply do not give two shits about the self determination of the Britsih, because you have been sold a package of fear


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:05 am

Hey bud, I respect the outcome of the referendum as well, but I will not be cowed into silence. It was stupid and reckless by all objective measures, and there's no shucking and jiving around that FACT.

We will see when the markets open tomorrow. I hope people settle down and don't commit to a course that affects the rest of the world negatively. But I'm not so STUPID as to assume that people driven by greed are going to shrug this off. I really hope they have the wisdom to do so, but it would be a real surprise. A good one, no doubt -- I harbor no ill will to anybody -- but a surprise nonetheless.
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:11 am

Ben Reilly wrote:Hey bud, I respect the outcome of the referendum as well, but I will not be cowed into silence. It was stupid and reckless by all objective measures, and there's no shucking and jiving around that FACT.

We will see when the markets open tomorrow. I hope people settle down and don't commit to a course that affects the rest of the world negatively. But I'm not so STUPID as to assume that people driven by greed are going to shrug this off. I really hope they have the wisdom to do so, but it would be a real surprise. A good one, no doubt -- I harbor no ill will to anybody -- but a surprise nonetheless.

So where we have an unprecidented situationm, where nobody can predict whether this will end up being good and bad, the left continued to think they know best, when nobody does on this. I will look at this at the end of the week, as one or two days is not going to provide a picture. The point is that the people have voted and we have to now work upon that decision to make it work for the UK. The world cannot afford to play games when it comes to their economies, especially within the EU, when now countries like Germany will have to face a bigger burden in contribution to prop up the EU budget. If another major EU player decides to leave, the EU will finish. So I do not see how something can be claimed to be stupid, before we have even actually invoked article 50 to leave the EU.
When the Uk does and after a year it turns into a disater, then you can say it was the wrong move and I will be the first to say you were right. iF howeer if after a year of leaving and the UK is thriving, I will of course expect you to eat humble pie



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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:17 am

If you can't predict whether your Brexit vote will lead to prosperity or result in ruin, is it wise to go ahead and pull the trigger just to see whether there's a bullet in the chamber?

I haven't said there should be a vote next week, by the way. I believe in giving it some time. But if after a few months, the world economy is clearly fucked, should the British people not get a chance to make things right?

And no humble pie needed -- I hope it works out. I wish nothing but the best for the people of any nation. I literally can't be any other way.

That said, this was a gamble, and I will never believe that the people who voted in favor of rolling the dice were trustworthy. How could anyone who lives in the world of facts?
Ben Reilly
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:42 am

Ben Reilly wrote:If you can't predict whether your Brexit vote will lead to prosperity or result in ruin, is it wise to go ahead and pull the trigger just to see whether there's a bullet in the chamber?

I haven't said there should be a vote next week, by the way. I believe in giving it some time. But if after a few months, the world economy is clearly fucked, should the British people not get a chance to make things right?

And no humble pie needed -- I hope it works out. I wish nothing but the best for the people of any nation. I literally can't be any other way.

That said, this was a gamble, and I will never believe that the people who voted in favor of rolling the dice were trustworthy. How could anyone who lives in the world of facts?

Again just about the most negative and absurd reasoning.
For example, when the Americans voted for independce, did they know or predict they could beat the most professional and best army at the time in the world?
I have just said the British people get a chance every 4 years with an election and what is the point in having this 4 year period if everytime something does not go according to plan, you want to vote? Nobody got that chance a month after the last recession did they.
You like to live your life boring and safe, which is your choice, but people see this as a way for the country to gain back most of its control. There is no reason why Britain cannot flourish outside the EU


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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:33 am

clearly ben either has no idea
OR supports the concept of pseudo democracy

Lets face it...remaining in the EU was a one way choice

whereby we might as well get rid of parliament and all other governing bodies, turn our individual bank accounts over to junker and then sit around hoping for a few crumbs from the lefty eurocrats table of plenty....

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:37 am

Lord Foul wrote:clearly ben either has no idea
OR supports the concept of pseudo democracy

Lets face it...remaining in the EU was a one way choice

whereby we might as well get rid of parliament and all other governing bodies, turn our individual bank accounts over to junker and then sit around hoping for a few crumbs from the lefty eurocrats table of plenty....



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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:56 am

The Devil, You Know wrote:
Didge wrote:

Which proves you are utterly two faced and undemocratic Eilzel
I never made it about sexuality, which shows how poorly educated you are it seems.
The point mad is that you were sounding like a homopobe who at the time of the gay marriage vote was doing the same fear based prejudice crap and castgating people for supporting equal rights.
Here where you have not got a clue as well as everyone else what the future holds, you have deemed the vote as the wrong decision.

lol the left claim to champion those oppressed by being utterly oppressive
The elderly have an equal right to have a say in the future. You seem to think based off what i can only class as ignorant. That their view and opinion. Is of lesser worth and inferior. Not based off the fact they have far more life experince than any of us. But because in general, they have less time left living than those young. That has to be the most prejudiced load of bigotry bullshit I have heard from you to date, which is clearly viewed along the methodology of racism. That to you, the older a person is and more experinced in life, the less worth their say is, in regards to the future.

Appalled does not even begin to descibe how disgusted |I am at you
I think you will find that the latest mantra from eh left is that the elderly should fu*k off and die because they did not follow the script.
For some reason they think an 18 year olds vote carries more weight than a 100 year old. the fact that many of those old farts fought to ensure we would be free to democratically vote seems to have gone way over their head.

but screw it glastonbury is on and wallowing in shite is more fun than exercising your democratic right.

I think you put that very well. Lefties are very fond of saying that "old" people are very precious and important - when it suits them. Now some of them appear to be saying that their votes were not valid and they should have ignored their own wishes and voted the way that some younger people wanted them to vote.
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Jun 27, 2016 11:01 am

Eilzel wrote:Vic. I agree and have little sympathy with those who didn't vote. But many did, and for them this is a betrayal. And just to be clear, I was one of those who did vote (I know I'm not 25 but I still cling to the idea I'm young enough to be, err, young lol).

You're much younger than me, but why do you think that your views and your future are more important than mine? Do you think that anyone who you consider "old" does not have the right to vote for what they believe is right, and that you have the right to blame them for "betraying" you and others who happen to be younger? You don't even live here, and yet you seem to think that you have the right to tell me that I should have voted in a way which benefited you.
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:36 pm

Ben Reilly wrote:Bottom line -- if the Brexiters actually value democracy and self-determination, those pious cloths they currently wrap themselves in, then logically, they should fear nothing from a second vote. Because the will of the people is sacrosanct, is it not? Self-determination is the goal. Let the voice of the people reign! Nothing else should matter to a pure-as-the-driven-snow democrat.

But if they were just trying to beat the people they perceive as their enemies in a game that had a clock -- well, of course they wouldn't want another vote, and all their heart-felt sonnets to the beauty of democracy are really just rank hypocrisy trying to cover up the fact that they are trying to force a libertarian agenda.

(Or did you think all those beautiful rich people showing up for the premier of "Brexit: The Movie" in finery none of us could afford were just decent folk who wanted to rid the UK of all those many laws imposed upon the country by the EU? You know, the laws nobody seems to be capable of actually naming?)

No... we are not going to be stitched up like ireland.

They voted no... we're then subjected to a heavy project fear campaign and then told to vote again to get the 'right' answer... and the result was fixed as a yes to the eu...

Tommy Monk
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:42 pm

Ben Reilly wrote:
Didge wrote:

Absurd logic
Nothing has happened since the first vote, so they will be in the exact same position again.
People already knew that the future is not set or what will happen, even again if there is a second vote.
The point is even if there was one, you would push yet more people into the leave camp

Nothing but the pound making a historic plunge, global stocks taking a beating and the UK credit rating getting a severe downgrade from Moody's, of course. Yeah, you're right -- that means nothing. Over 2 trillion in lost wealth means nothing. Taking the world to the precipice of another recession is nothing. Goddamn, but you're so right!

The financial turmoil started when the last polls predicted a strong remain vote as result!!!


We are still in the eu exactly as we were yesterday and the day before that and the week before that... still under all the same rules regulations and agreements...

Then... article 50 will be invoked formally announcing our intention to leave the eu... but trade will continue much the same during and after...

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:50 pm

Ben Reilly wrote:Bottom line -- if the Brexiters actually value democracy and self-determination, those pious cloths they currently wrap themselves in, then logically, they should fear nothing from a second vote. Because the will of the people is sacrosanct, is it not? Self-determination is the goal. Let the voice of the people reign! Nothing else should matter to a pure-as-the-driven-snow democrat.

But if they were just trying to beat the people they perceive as their enemies in a game that had a clock -- well, of course they wouldn't want another vote, and all their heart-felt sonnets to the beauty of democracy are really just rank hypocrisy trying to cover up the fact that they are trying to force a libertarian agenda.

(Or did you think all those beautiful rich people showing up for the premier of "Brexit: The Movie" in finery none of us could afford were just decent folk who wanted to rid the UK of all those many laws imposed upon the country by the EU? You know, the laws nobody seems to be capable of actually naming?)

you mean like the ones that prevented us for heavens knows how long from sending you Hamza
that stop us deporting foreign criminals ...(you know like you support australia doing when its a brit involved)
you mean ones that absurdly dictate that we should have kilos and litres rather than pounds and gallons...(why???) ok ...thats trivial in a way but intrusive and unnecessary and more relevant ...annoys folks...
however when decimal anything was introduced it was green light for the rip off merchants

when our coinage was changed to decimal ALL prices were rounded UP
when out weighstr and measures was decimalised all our measures were rounded DOWN

NOW IF the EU had been interested in a FAIR change over It would have dictated that along with the changes...the opposite would have applied
ALSO...coincidence or not BOTH changes from imperial to decimal hearalded periods of inflation that wouldnt be diue of course to unscrupoulous merchanting...would it???
theres a few....

as to "regulation" rather than law...well thats another can of worms entirely......

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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by veya_victaous Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:35 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Eilzel wrote:Vic. I agree and have little sympathy with those who didn't vote. But many did, and for them this is a betrayal. And just to be clear, I was one of those who did vote (I know I'm not 25 but I still cling to the idea I'm young enough to be, err, young lol).

You're much younger than me, but why do you think that your views and your future are more important than mine? Do you think that anyone who you consider "old" does not have the right to vote for what they believe is right, and that you have the right to blame them for "betraying" you and others who happen to be younger? You don't even live here, and yet you seem to think that you have the right to tell me that I should have voted in a way which benefited the nation into the futurue.

fixed it raggs Wink

I think the real issue is that you have people like tommy voting because blah blah 23 years ago you didn't get to blah blah
RATHER than considering the future and what is going to be best of Britain in the generations to come.

and not just that, people voting out cause they don't like Cameron, is another example of really short term or past tense thinking being used to decide a long term future decision
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Irn Bru Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:30 am

Reading what Boris has been saying today it looks like he is possibly backtracking a bit so maybe the Leavians may not be getting what they thought they were getting. I really can't see how he is going to deliver what he says he will.

Has he got cold feet as well now?
Irn Bru
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Jun 28, 2016 1:03 am

I want to see Ukip in charge of our exit from eu... and the taxpayers alliance... and migration watch!
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#GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin - Page 2 Empty Re: #GenerationSnowflake are so angry they didn't get their own way they are going to hold their breath until we rejoin

Post by Irn Bru Tue Jun 28, 2016 1:20 am

Farage said that if the Remanians won the referendum by the margins that the Leavians won by then he would want a second referendum because that is inconclusive and not a mandate to stay.

Perhaps we should have the best of three Laughing
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