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Russia questions Britain's claim to the Falklands as garrison reinforced

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Russia questions Britain's claim to the Falklands as garrison reinforced Empty Russia questions Britain's claim to the Falklands as garrison reinforced

Post by Guest Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:31 am

Britain will send two troop-carrying Chinook helicopters and new surface-to-air missile system to the Falkland Islands, amid fears Russia could be arming the Argentine government. Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, said the Islands will be ready to repel “any potential threat” following reports that the Kremlin is preparing to lease 12 Su-24 long range bombers to Buenos Aires in exchange for beef and wheat. It came as Russia questioned the legitimacy of Britain’s claim on the Islands. Alexander Yakovenko, the Russian Ambassador in London compared the referendum held in 2013 that found 99.8 per cent of the Falkland Islanders wanted to remain a British territory to that held in Crimea last year.

The snap Crimean referendum, held at gunpoint and used to justify Putin’s annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula, was denounced as a sham by Britain.
Some £180 million will be spent over the next decade in upgrading the island’s defences, Mr Fallon told the Commons. Two Chinook helicopters, which were sent to Afghanistan in 2006, will return and allow troops to respond to possible incursions more quickly, while a new system will replace the Rapier air defence missiles when they go out of service at the end of the decade. The Mount Pleasant garrison will get a new communications system, while Mare Harbour will be upgraded. The troop levels will remain at around 1,200, and a British patrol vessel – currently HMS Clyde – will remain stationed off the Islands.

Clever by Putin.
Keep his enemies eyes fixed firmly elsewhere, whilst he then can slowly gain control of a far more weakened Ukraine.
Britain needs to step up its game here.


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