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On Christian Beheadings

Ben Reilly
Fuzzy Zack
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Eilzel Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:51 am

It is certainly appalling that these cases were hardly reported.

However, the topic header is loaded. You aren't seriously trying to compare these are you? I like TYT but the first 'Christian' was pure speculation, whether he is Christian or not it seems his faith was nothing to do with it. He was mental.

The second case evidently was motivated by his Christianity. And backs up my constant argument of religion being poisonous.

However. When a Muslim does it, we have an backlog of very recent beheadings by a fairly prominent Islamist group (you may have heard of them...) who blatantly parade their religion as the banner which unites them and both incites and justifies their grotesque murders. If a Muslim does that anywhere else it is understandable the link would be made.
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:39 pm

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Eilzel wrote:It is certainly appalling that these cases were hardly reported.

However, the topic header is loaded. You aren't seriously trying to compare these are you? I like TYT but the first 'Christian' was pure speculation, whether he is Christian or not it seems his faith was nothing to do with it. He was mental.

The second case evidently was motivated by his Christianity. And backs up my constant argument of religion being poisonous.

However. When a Muslim does it, we have an backlog of very recent beheadings by a fairly prominent Islamist group (you may have heard of them...) who blatantly parade their religion as the banner which unites them and both incites and justifies their grotesque murders. If a Muslim does that anywhere else it is understandable the link would be made.

Blaming religion for the action of man, especially a psychotic man, is the height of stupidity.

That was the point of the video, which you clearly missed.  

Actually religious works are used as justification for such acts.
Clearly then the message is not very clear in a so called book that ie meant to be perfect, in other words dictated by a deity, which shows why it is clearly man made A prefect book what not need any interpretation, it would crystal clear.
So there is very much a connection to religion, the reasons behind the killings may not be, but they will be heavily influenced by religious interpretations.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:46 pm

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

Actually religious works are used as justification for such acts.
Clearly then the message is not very clear in a so called book that ie meant to be perfect, in other words dictated by a deity, which shows why it is clearly man made A prefect book what not need any interpretation, it would crystal clear.
So there is very much a connection to religion, the reasons behind the killings may not be, but they will be heavily influenced by religious interpretations.

The book is perfect. Man is not.

How stupid do you have to be to blame a book. Lol!

Books don't kill, people do. D'UH!

That has no logic to it, because then the book if perfect would not have different views, because all would see the same views as one, that would be a perfect book, which clearly this is not the case.
Books can encourage people to kill.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Ben Reilly Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:11 pm

OK, but nobody can point out a verse from the Quaran which unambiguously tells Muslims they should kill everyone who isn't a Muslim. So the decision to kill a non-Muslim is made by the person interpreting the book, not the book itself. The blame for a killer's actions always rests on the killer.
Ben Reilly
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:56 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:OK, but nobody can point out a verse from the Quaran which unambiguously tells Muslims they should kill everyone who isn't a Muslim. So the decision to kill a non-Muslim is made by the person interpreting the book, not the book itself. The blame for a killer's actions always rests on the killer.

unless he uses a which case guns kill


please make up your mind......


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Eilzel Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:04 am

Ben you do sometimes fall into the liberal trap of being much harsher with the Bible than the Koran...

Zack you ignore the damaging effect of religion out of instinctive bias. I understand that. But you do no favours for the Muslim community by just writing off any religious factor in things like this. Are ISIS all just evil people? Is there no religious factor at all?

You are acting as the worse kind of apologist. There are other reasons( depression, disillusionment, anti-westernism etc but without the religious element there would be no final push for many people to carry out acts that wicked in the belief they are right to do so.

Ben, you are a reasonable guy, please don't pretend there is nothing in the Koran or Bible that can justify violence.
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:52 am

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Eilzel wrote:It is certainly appalling that these cases were hardly reported.

However, the topic header is loaded. You aren't seriously trying to compare these are you? I like TYT but the first 'Christian' was pure speculation, whether he is Christian or not it seems his faith was nothing to do with it. He was mental.

The second case evidently was motivated by his Christianity. And backs up my constant argument of religion being poisonous.

However. When a Muslim does it, we have an backlog of very recent beheadings by a fairly prominent Islamist group (you may have heard of them...) who blatantly parade their religion as the banner which unites them and both incites and justifies their grotesque murders. If a Muslim does that anywhere else it is understandable the link would be made.

Blaming religion for the action of man, especially a psychotic man, is the height of stupidity.

That was the point of the video, which you clearly missed.

Not when the action of man is following a direct instruction from their religious guide book, and when that whole religion is based on the actions of a man who was himself a psychotic robbing, raping, murdering, barbaric peadophile.....

Anyone who follows this example thinking it is good is stupid....
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:22 am

victorisnotamused wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:OK, but nobody can point out a verse from the Quaran which unambiguously tells Muslims they should kill everyone who isn't a Muslim. So the decision to kill a non-Muslim is made by the person interpreting the book, not the book itself. The blame for a killer's actions always rests on the killer.

unless he uses a which case guns kill


please make up your mind......

I never actually claimed that guns kill people, Vic -- you're just stereotyping me, or at the very least you're putting words in my mouth. Please don't.

I live in the U.S., where a Supreme Court decision has settled the issue of the right to gun ownership. My position is that we need to make guns harder for criminals and mentally unstable people to attain, and that we need to make sure the guns people can own are no more powerful than is needed for self-defence and hunting.

In other words, we don't need these spree-shooting machines:

On Christian Beheadings 000_0502RESIZEDCROPPED

The site this photo is hosted at asks whether this is the "sexiest gun." If that doesn't speak to obsession/sickness, I don't know what does.

Our gun crazies aren't just trying to keep down the immigrant squirrel population, Vic.
Ben Reilly
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:31 am

We have very strict gun control here in UK.

The result is that normal everyday people are defenceless while criminals have no problem getting guns.....

Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:34 am

Tommy Monk wrote:We have very strict gun control here in UK.

The result is that normal everyday people are defenceless while criminals have no problem getting guns.....

Are you sure?

Most criminals have to use the same guns, because they are so hard to come by, where in fact they have to even use antiques or gangs using the same gun hired out to them.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:36 am

Tommy Monk wrote:
Fuzzy Zack wrote:

Blaming religion for the action of man, especially a psychotic man, is the height of stupidity.

That was the point of the video, which you clearly missed.  

Not when the action of man is following a direct instruction from their religious guide book, and when that whole religion is based on the actions of a man who was himself a psychotic robbing, raping, murdering, barbaric peadophile.....

Anyone who follows this example thinking it is good is stupid....

I gather you are talking about Moses and Joshua then with Herem.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:00 am

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

That has no logic to it, because then the book if perfect would not have different views, because all would see the same views as one, that would be a perfect book, which clearly this is not the case.
Books can encourage people to kill.

But the interpretation is not just based on the Quran but with the Hadeeth (inc. non orthodox).

Many of the points mentioned by Victor above is based on Hadeeth - some of which is not recognised by Sunni schools of sharia.

You need to understand how Islamic interpretation works. And how it doesn't work.

So if they are based on the Hadith, of which many Muslims take as the sayings and actions of Muhammed you still have a major problem, being as many clearly are written way after the events. The fact is many of these punishments are part if law in Islamic countries, where the view point is the deity is the supree leader
I understand very well how it works and as seen Muslims take stock in works that the authenticity is shoddy to say the least.
The Quran certainly has physical punishments like for adultery, which in this day and age no moral minded person would offer up such a view to do. This means that humans have a great ability of compassion than thi so called deity


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:01 am

Again the fact is a book that is perfect would not have people view it different, as  perfect book would be clear to all, why clearly any religious book is very much man made.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:49 am

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Eilzel wrote:Ben you do sometimes fall into the liberal trap of being much harsher with the Bible than the Koran...

Zack you ignore the damaging effect of religion out of instinctive bias. I understand that. But you do no favours for the Muslim community by just writing off any religious factor in things like this. Are ISIS all just evil people? Is there no religious factor at all?

You are acting as the worse kind of apologist. There are other reasons( depression, disillusionment, anti-westernism etc but without the religious element there would be no final push for many people to carry out acts that wicked in the belief they are right to do so.

Ben, you are a reasonable guy, please don't pretend there is nothing in the Koran or Bible that can justify violence.

Many are motivated towards violence after watching a movie or playing a video game.

Are you going to hold the person responsible or the movie/game?

Jeffery Dahlmer (serial killer) was motivated by Return of the Jedi. Why don't you blame George Lucas? Because you're not ridiculous.

Or are you?

Actually studies show that violent games and movies do not encourage violence in fact the opposite:

No link between movie, video game violence and societal violence? More violent video game consumption, less youth violence: Study:


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:22 pm

Muslims follow their guide book which tells them what to do and how to behave.

They try to emulate their leader in The guide book.

So for you to say their behaviour has nothing to do with their guide book is completely false.
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:31 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Muslims follow their guide book which tells them what to do and how to behave.

They try to emulate their leader in The guide book.

So for you to say their behaviour has nothing to do with their guide book is completely false.

But that is not following the guide biook is it Tommy, think about it, that would be something else.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:37 pm

When their behaviour is exactly as written in their guide book then the influence is undeniable!!!


Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:38 pm

Again how would it be the guide book, where none of things you are claiming come from the guide book, which proves you know little about this subject


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:18 pm

Why do you keep quoting that link?

That book just talks about doing what the Koran says and it's sharia law....

It is the Koran that has the instructions And The Koran that they are following....
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:40 pm

Your attempts at deflection are laughable.....
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Original Quill Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:32 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Your attempts at deflection are laughable.....

So you've given up? It was just getting interesting.

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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:38 pm

Not given up, just said what I had to say and zack was unable to refute it and instead tried insults and ran away....
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:39 pm

Then answer the questions, stopping being a worm Tommy


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Original Quill Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:40 pm

Well, you changed the subject, Tommy.  I am not interested in zack personally (no offense anyone), but I was interested in what y'all were saying.

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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:48 pm

What questions dodge?

And quim, I didn't change any subject, just added to debate. hat was already expanding.
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:49 pm

It gets funnier by the minute, never mind, please allow the adults to debate instead.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:02 pm

"...Milestones, first published in 1964, is a short (12 chapters, 160 pages) book by Egyptian Islamist author Sayyid Qutb in which he lays out a plan and makes a call to action to re-create the Muslim world on strictly Qur'anic grounds..."

As I said.... the Koran is the instruction book that he advocates being followed.... much the same as all Muslims advocate the following of The Koran....

Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:16 pm

It's there in black and white zack, in The opening line about the book.

It advocates the following of The Koran which is where all the instructions come from.

Your deflection attempts are laughable...
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:30 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:

"...Milestones, first published in 1964, is a short (12 chapters, 160 pages) book by Egyptian Islamist author Sayyid Qutb in which he lays out a plan and makes a call to action to re-create the Muslim world on strictly Qur'anic grounds..."

As I said.... the Koran is the instruction book that he advocates being followed.... much the same as all Muslims advocate the following of The Koran....

Why are 2 billion people Christians, if not with the view to make the world Christian?
Thus by your logic you should be at odds with any religion that has the view to make all people follow that faith?


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:40 pm

No Christian forces anyone to convert, pay jizya and be persecuted or be killed.... it is not part of Christianity while it is an instruction to Muslims from their guide book!

Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:45 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:No Christian forces anyone to convert, pay jizya and be persecuted or be killed.... it is not part of Christianity while it is an instruction to Muslims from their guide book!

You clearly know little about history.
I think you will find people had a choice of burning at the stake, being forced to leave or convert, showing how little you know. The only difference today is Christianity has no power in the west anymore, when it did, it forced upon people its views. So again your argument has no validity, as logic would state you would be at odds with any religion which many do to convert everyone.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:01 pm

More deflection from current day behaviour by Muslims and The fact that they are acting on direct instructions from their guide book and re-enacting the exact behaviour of their guide book leader....

Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:03 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:More deflection from current day behaviour by Muslims and The fact that they are acting on direct instructions from their guide book and re-enacting the exact behaviour of their guide book leader....

It is no deflection I am showing how illogical your view points are.
How is it that Indonesia is majority Muslim without any conquest by Muslim armies?
Again if the view point of conversion bothers you, then you would be bothered by any religion which seeks to convert.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:08 pm

More deflection....
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:10 pm

Then jog on if you are not adult to debate, stick to connect 4.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:28 pm

Trying to debate but you keep deflecting...
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:31 pm

I do not think so, I am showing up very easily your view points, you just clearly are not that bright enough to understand or are just playing dumb, so which is it?


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:32 pm

Here you go tommy.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:48 pm

More deflection from current day behaviour by Muslims and The fact that they are acting on direct instructions from their guide book and re-enacting the exact behaviour of their guide book leader....
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:52 pm

So now your argument is based on what some people do to equate it to all people based on a religion they follow, which again places the same stance onto any religion.
You see you have no concept of anything logical. If you view it wrong for a religion to wish to convert everyone, you would be at odds with all those who do, because that concept to you is wrong, it is not selective, otherwise that view has no meaning and the point is redundant you make.


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On Christian Beheadings Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:58 pm

Yeah, it's only a few dodge isn't it....
Tommy Monk
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