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On Christian Beheadings

Ben Reilly
Fuzzy Zack
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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:00 pm


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:39 pm

the question I have to ask is this

In the first instance ...was decapitation the CAUSE of death or something done to mutilate the body afterwards (which would indicate an extreme hatered of the person i think theres a psychobable explanation of that somewhere)

in the second, whils his actions are clearly related to his religious belief (and I concur with Eil's comments here) again was the decapitation incidental to killing..i.e did he deliberately choose decapitaion as the means of death or was it "convenient " ?

you see the difference is that as far as it seems to be the case decapitation is a preferred means of murder by many cases the slower the better and is done for its nastiness and shock value....

dunno On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 2190311264


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:53 pm

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:the question I have to ask is this

In the first instance ...was decapitation the CAUSE of death or something done to mutilate the body afterwards (which would indicate an extreme hatered of the person  i think theres a psychobable explanation of that somewhere)

in the second, whils his actions are clearly related to his religious belief (and I concur with Eil's comments here) again was the decapitation incidental to killing..i.e did he deliberately choose decapitaion as the means of death or was it "convenient " ?

you see the difference is that as far as it seems to be the case decapitation is a preferred means of murder by many cases the slower the better and is done for its nastiness and shock value....

dunno On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 2190311264

Never read such hypocritical and apologist bull shit, in a long while.

You're effectively making excuses and condone non-Muslim beheadings. Very hypocritical. Tut-tut. Naughty boy.


I'm trying to sepearte cause and effect.... motive and act.......

perhaps YOU had better take a few classes in english fuzzy...then you would be able to comprehend......


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by veya_victaous Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:04 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:the question I have to ask is this

In the first instance ...was decapitation the CAUSE of death or something done to mutilate the body afterwards (which would indicate an extreme hatered of the person  i think theres a psychobable explanation of that somewhere)

in the second, whils his actions are clearly related to his religious belief (and I concur with Eil's comments here) again was the decapitation incidental to killing..i.e did he deliberately choose decapitaion as the means of death or was it "convenient " ?

you see the difference is that as far as it seems to be the case decapitation is a preferred means of murder by many cases the slower the better and is done for its nastiness and shock value....

dunno On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 2190311264

decapitation is one of the more humane ways to kill a human, knives are not very good for the job even swords are pretty poor, really an axe or ultimately a Guillotine is needed to make it efficient. there is almost no way you can decapitate as cause of death that will be as slow and painful as a death by bullet to the stomach.

you touch on but I think understate that decapitations are often political too (plenty of examples from the days of kings and before) the most obvious examples are the post death decapitations where is it is desecrating the remains like you say for shock also the 'finality' the death is obvious on a subconscious level. and ISIS is decapitating the for the political purpose, the hostages killed on camera while brutal are not actually torture, if the objective was to make it as slow and painful as possible they woudl not start at the throat pale pale pale pale pale

the idea that Muslim do it more is simply false. Western media Portrays Muslims that way but really when Westerners or Asians have had/attempted violent revolutions the decapitations have been just as common.
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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:36 pm

mmmm...y'see thats why I asked and italicised the word "seem" in my post

only the resident idiot decided to enlarge on his "victim status" once again....


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:39 am

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:mmmm...y'see thats why I asked and italicised the word "seem" in my post

only the resident idiot decided to enlarge on his "victim status" once again....

Like I said vic, I would love to see say that to my face and find out how much of a victim I am.

But like Didge, you're a spineless keyboard warrior. Why don't you both come down and see and me. Safety in numbers.

Enticing violence again with childish playground tactics.

Basically translated to 8 year old speech.

"Yeah come say that to my face man" (whilst standing behind 10 mates)

In other words spoiling for a fight

Seriously only an idiot would beckon down a trained experinced hunter.


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:47 am

OMG, mental age of 5, I doubt you would say boo to a goose in real life, so it is comical that you ask the same of others.
Seriously do you think some one who has and can kill on a daily bases is going to be enticed by someone four foot tall with a pigeon chest?
Or even be bothered?#

It really proves you have not left the playground yet.


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:09 pm

all rather childish if you ask me

fuzzy wants a fight....well I'm afraid i grew out of fighting over words.....especially words from what is essentially a pixellated nothing which could just as well be a bot.....

" fuzzy" doesnt exist except as pixels on my screen

Mr "whoever" might
would I tell Mr "whoever" he's a prat to his bet....and why not....


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by groomsy Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:36 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:

unless he uses a which case guns kill


please make up your mind......

guns are used to make it easier to kill, injure etc

they dont do it on there own but its easier if you have them
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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:42 pm

Again only a poster would post the personal details of a poster, where they live and create a account for men to meet for sex with their phone number. Only someone very wound up would do that to a poster on a forum they rely do not really know/

I told you zack, I know my psychology, and know that person feeling the need to do that, is feeling very defensive, due to insecurities.That you need, no matter how below the belt the actions you take, a self defeating attempt and last throw of the dice try, to hurt the other poster in what ever capacity. With a misguided attempt to feel better about themselves, which will never happen. Such acts of revenge based on insecurities will only make you feel worse.  You would have no need to do this unless you felt either threatened intellectually and insecure.


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:17 pm

groomsy wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:

unless he uses a which case guns kill


please make up your mind......

guns are used to make it easier to kill, injure etc

they dont do it on there own but its easier if you have them

well thats true groomsy, however...if there were no guns something else would take thier place...

a well aimed car for instance is quite capable of causing multiple repeated fact I'm surpried over here at least where guns are so strictly controlled, that there hasnt been more of this kind of thing...

someone with a bow (that knows a little bit of how to use it can unleash 6 PLACED shots a min...over 200 yds....

and there are a LOT of other "mass casualty devices" about even a looney with a knife could kill a dozen people before being stopped....if not more....


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:29 pm

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:all rather childish if you ask me

fuzzy wants a fight....well I'm afraid i grew out of fighting over words.....especially words from what is essentially a pixellated nothing which could just as well be a bot.....

" fuzzy" doesnt exist except as pixels on my screen

Mr "whoever" might
would I tell Mr "whoever" he's a prat to his bet....and why not....

You tend to get very wound up over some pixels.

thats only YOUR (incorrect) opinion

I'm not the one inviting someone else to a punch up, am I Fuzzy
I'm not the one getting nasty am I fuzzy?

words are the currency and weapons of the forum....if you cant use em as such then you need to learn......

Like I said Vic, both you and Didge are all mouth hiding behind a keyboard.

You wouldn't dare say some of these things to my face. That is a fact. (your opinion again....)

Didge is all bluster and talk. Cheap and cowardly.

You see Fuzzy the problem is this...I dont know you as such
all I know is the "persona" you appear to have on here

I dont know how "educated" you are...all I know is what you spout here
I dont know what you "real" view point is...all I know is the nonsense you come out with here....

all these things may well not be "YOU"...but its all i got to work with.....

what you twitter on about here says "prat"

BUT...its to a large degree out of tommy's quotes

so ...hows about YOU stop being an hysterical girly..... Rolling Eyes


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:55 pm

Yeah, Tommy and these 'out of context' quotes again.....

Easy argument to deflect but nobody has been able to deny the existence or explain this mythical proper context....
Tommy Monk
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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:21 am

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Brasidas wrote:Again only a poster would post the personal details of a poster, where they live and create a account for men to meet for sex with their phone number. Only someone very wound up would do that to a poster on a forum they rely do not really know/

I told you zack, I know my psychology, and know that person feeling the need to do that, is feeling very defensive, due to insecurities.That you need, no matter how below the belt the actions you take, a self defeating attempt and last throw of the dice try, to hurt the other poster in what ever capacity. With a misguided attempt to feel better about themselves, which will never happen. Such acts of revenge based on insecurities will only make you feel worse.  You would have no need to do this unless you felt either threatened intellectually and insecure.

Again - this coming from a so called man who threatens to break someone's back online and but backs down like a pussy when it comes to the crunch. Your psychology is transparent.

You flipped couple of days ago - that's the second time this year I made you do this and it's hilarious.

It matter not what I said, there are just words, what you did was an action, an action based off the insecurities you have, an action which was poor based off some infantile view to get back at a person you really do not know. There is no comparrison, hence why you are very immature.
So I will continue to expose you childish behaviour as easily shown until you grow up.


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:29 am

You see again you act like an immature little boy, where again the only reason you are still walking and not in hospital is because I know I would very much hurt you as I have people before, hence why I have tried to move on from my past. Seriously though, as I say if I was wound up, I would have come and fucked you up by now, which is why you are still walking.

So nothing to do with cowardice, it is about me not wanting to hurt anymore people of which I paid my time for. Its called restraint, something a child like yourself clearly does not understand because as seen you may have some intellugence but your insecurities are a massive issue for you.


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On Christian Beheadings - Page 2 Empty Re: On Christian Beheadings

Post by Guest Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:03 pm

Dear me, PMSL, seriously now making up porkies about what I said when it is all there for all to read exactly what I said, where I never said I was not going meet you for any reason, only that you would not know what hit you .

Please post up these lies you now have to made where I said I would not meet you and then these made up reasons you invented? Showing clearly how wind up you are Zack hee hee.

Best you lie down for a while, you will have high blood pressure at this rate


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