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Hawaii Scuba Diver In Underwater Attack

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Hawaii Scuba Diver In Underwater Attack Empty Hawaii Scuba Diver In Underwater Attack

Post by Guest Wed May 14, 2014 8:23 pm

Hawaii Scuba Diver In Underwater Attack
Conservationist Rene Umberger's regulator was allegedly pulled off near a coral reef by an unknown diver, 50ft underwater.

Video: The man, who was armed with a knife, ripped off Rene Umberger's mask and respirator

A scuba diver has reportedly come under attack underwater in Hawaii when she came across two divers either collecting reef fish or coral.

The alleged attack took place off the Kona Coast last week and was captured on film.

It shows environmentalist Rene Umberger's regulator apparently being pulled off by another diver 50ft underwater.

The conservationist was part of a group of divers looking at coral reef damage in the area.

The diver who appears to be pulling off Ms Umberger's regulator was not part of that group and was reportedly one of two diving around the reef.

"This man needs to be arrested immediately for attempted murder," she told the KGMB TV station afterwards, adding that the suspect had later made threatening gestures to her.

"I honestly thought he was coming back for a second attack. I got up on the boat and I said 'Oh my God, someone just tried to kill me underwater'."

Ms Umberger said she had been able to cope with the situation because of her experience, having carried out more than 10,000 dives.

"An inexperienced diver would likely panic. Either panic from the stress of the situation and shoot for the surface," she said.

"They may panic because their air source is missing and they can't find it. Any of those things causes a diver to shoot for the surface and those incidents often lead to death.

"Never in a million years did I think that someone would attack like that, especially from such a distance. It's not like we were close up or in their face."

The State Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement is investigating the incident and says it will hand over any information or evidence to the authorities.

Collecting reef fish is legal, as long as the person has a permit.

Having scuba dived I this that is a very scarey thing to happen.


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