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UK increasingly segregated by race, class

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:18 pm

Matthew Taylor of the Social Integration Commission writes:

At a time of hardening attitudes to both disadvantaged people and immigrants, it is vital that politicians take levels of social integration – the extent to which people from different backgrounds meet and mix – seriously.

Research by the Social Integration Commission, which I chair, has shown that the average Briton has on average about half as many interactions with people from different age groups, classes and ethnicities as would occur if their social networks were randomly drawn from the local population. This problem affects all sections of our society – white people are as likely to have unrepresentative networks as people belonging to other ethnicities, whilst highly diverse areas are not necessarily integrated. Indeed, Londoners’ networks are amongst the furthest away from reflecting the makeup of the communities in which they live. Our research also revealed that the most extreme form of segregation in modern Britain doesn’t relate to a lack of interaction between different ethnic groups, but rather between the rich and poor.

Social segregation is curtailing our ability to solve key economic and social challenges. Around 40 per cent of jobs in the UK are found through personal contacts. As a result, when it comes to recruiting new staff, informal networks shaped according to ethnicity, age and income background limit the talent pool available to employers. Low levels of integration additionally increase anxiety and fear of the unknown, leading to greater ill-health and isolation in later life. The Commission estimates that a lack of integration costs our economy £6 billion, or approximately 0.5 per cent of GDP, each year.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:29 pm

so what are the lefties NOW suggesting?

presumably they now want to stop us picking our own friends and associates and "randomly draw them from the local population"

what part of "tough, mind yer own business" dont the left get?


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:33 pm

darknessss wrote:so what are the lefties NOW suggesting?

presumably they now want to stop us picking our own friends and associates and "randomly draw them from the local population"

what part of "tough, mind yer own business" dont the left get?

Stock up nonperishable food, water and ammo in a bunker. Shoot anyone who looks different from you. For the animals are coming.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:40 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
darknessss wrote:so what are the lefties NOW suggesting?

presumably they now want to stop us picking our own friends and associates and "randomly draw them from the local population"

what part of "tough, mind yer own business" dont the left get?

Stock up nonperishable food, water and ammo in a bunker. Shoot anyone who looks different from you. For the animals are coming.

they are already the form of the liberalist lefty.....

but try answering the challenge....

the tone of the OP was in general that such findings are "regretable" shall we say...lets not focus merely on words, but the agenda and ideals that the writer is tending to put forward

clearly he finds it wrong that people dont have their friends "randomly" from the local population
clearly he finds something wrong with the concept that people find their OWN friends...
and thus by implication (another lefty trait, they cant talk straight) something should be done about it....


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:47 pm

darknessss wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
darknessss wrote:so what are the lefties NOW suggesting?

presumably they now want to stop us picking our own friends and associates and "randomly draw them from the local population"

what part of "tough, mind yer own business" dont the left get?

Stock up nonperishable food, water and ammo in a bunker. Shoot anyone who looks different from you. For the animals are coming.

they are already the form of the liberalist lefty.....

but try answering the challenge....

the tone of the OP was in general that such findings are "regretable" shall we say...lets not focus merely on words, but the agenda and ideals that the writer is tending to put forward

clearly he finds it wrong that people dont have their friends "randomly" from the local population
clearly he finds something wrong with the concept that people find their OWN friends...
and thus by implication (another lefty trait, they cant talk straight) something should be done about it....

You're the one reading in that "implication." To me the implication is that people in the UK (of all backgrounds) are becoming more distrusting of their fellow citizens; I think the interesting thing to explore is, why is that -- what is giving more British people the idea that they should "stick to their own kind"?
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:55 pm

Integration takes time, I mean look at the US and they still have not fully integrated. They certainly have made massive leaps forward and are in the main integrated but it was not always like that being they had far more immigration than the UK. Yes there is some segregation here, which needs to be resolved which takes both the British Public and the immiogrants to work on. There will be still a growing feeling of anti immigration for a while untill people have more money in their pocklets again, they tend to stop casting the finger of blame at others for their own misfortune or mikstakes. Within a genaration or two Britain will truly be able to indentify as a great nation again. I mean I do not see mass riots daily of integration. I see lots of whinging from the public wrongly blaming immigrants, who are in many cases blameless just coming to find a new life and work. People for generation after generation have looked ro blame groups as if this stupidly will make their own situation better when it will not. What people have to do is stop scapegotaing groups of people and yes this includes Muslims who are seen as the donkey for pin the tail. They though have to reform their religion if it is to survie another 200 years. Though again many Muslims have become very secular in the uk and identify themselves as British. Sadly the importing on whabbism has allowed a sizeable group os Muslims to have a hard line conservatie view point of Islam and that is again a problem. The fact is, before it was the Irish to blame, the blacks, the asians, the last two keep being repeated, to Catholics, to homosexuals to women. I could go on the list ios endless, but the fact remians that history repeats itself constantly where people seek to blame others. The reality is mass immigration has affected only certain parts of the country, other areas have been small.
What people need to do is stop blaming others who have played no part in their present situation.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:07 pm

But in the case of the UK, this report says integration is moving backwards.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:15 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
darknessss wrote:

they are already the form of the liberalist lefty.....

but try answering the challenge....

the tone of the OP was in general that such findings are "regretable" shall we say...lets not focus merely on words, but the agenda and ideals that the writer is tending to put forward

clearly he finds it wrong that people dont have their friends "randomly" from the local population
clearly he finds something wrong with the concept that people find their OWN friends...
and thus by implication (another lefty trait, they cant talk straight) something should be done about it....

You're the one reading in that "implication." To me the implication is that people in the UK (of all backgrounds) are becoming more distrusting of their fellow citizens; I think the interesting thing to explore is, why is that -- what is giving more British people the idea that they should "stick to their own kind"?

I would say a number of things....

primarily there is the beginnings of social disintegration, the increasing gap between rich and poor

racial tensions are at an all time high, due to lefty politics

many factors one supposes...

I mean...where am I going to find my friends from?

my interest circles

or the genral population

I only ever knew ONE Muslim for instance that had the slightest interest in common with me...

a very nice chap indeed,

(King) Hussein was an enthusiastic ham radio operator and an Honorary Member of the The Radio Society of Harrow and a life member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL)[23] [24] (callsign JY1). Hussein was popular in the amateur radio community and insisted that fellow operators refer to him without his title.

I have a number of friends who shoot....

some of whom hardly have the proverbial 2 hapennies to rub together....(shooting is NOT a "toffs" sport")

But in general.....why...just WHY would I be friends with a "chav"???

I see on a daily basis....2 that right two "gentlemen of colour"

One I only know to say "good day " to

the other is a good friend

I only personally know 1 (thats right 1 ) gay man....and he is the other gentleman of colour....and great and hilarious company.....

I know 2 gay ladies and they run the local bakers shop......(which is also the local "gosip[ shop...want to know whats going on in the village.....go there)

but WHY...just WHY would I actively seek out others from "outside of my interests"

these I have quoted are small minority within the number of "friends and aquaintences" though....the other 99% of my friends and aquaintences are, white straight and "middle class+")

why would I seek friends elsewhere??


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:16 pm

Do you have a better answer for any problem besides "lefty politics"? That's like the U.S. Tea Party mentality -- if something's bad, OBAMADIDDIT
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:20 pm

Also, it's not about individuals doing things differently than they would -- it's more about making society into a place where you're more likely to bump into, collaborate with and perhaps befriend people from different backgrounds.

The source article suggests integrating schools more and doing away with "rich gates" and "poor doors," whatever those are.

Not that you're going to run up to some random Muslim in the street and try to be best buds Laughing
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:22 pm

Oh no ... this is terrible ...

The practice of separating entrances, dubbed ‘poor doors’ by opponents, has become increasingly controversial in London in recent years.

The Social Integration Commission today called on councils to refuse permission for developments which contain separate entrances. Affordable housing tenants are sometimes excluded from parts of a development, or required to use a separate door, because they do not pay the high service charge levied on people living in more expensive homes in the same scheme.

UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:32 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:Also, it's not about individuals doing things differently than they would -- it's more about making society into a place where you're more likely to bump into, collaborate with and perhaps befriend people from different backgrounds.

NOT likely to happen...ok you can make society such that you are more likely to "bump into, collaborate with and perhaps befriend people from different backgrounds",
but the "how2 is a bugger init.. I mean are you going to enforce a quota of "immigrants/other ethnicities" upon every village town and street ?

are you going to deliberately turn decent estates into council slum like enclaves by enforcing "x percent of chavs per street"?

how exactly do you intend to enfoce people "bumping into and colaborating "

THEN how do you "make " them befriend people who have NO interests in common???

see heres the point...generally people make friends with people of shared interests...NOT "status" or colour"

perhaps we could delegitimise any hobby or activity that doesnt have a " universal" following
perhaps we should all be forced to appreciate the infinite wisdom of the "jeremy Kyle show, just so the chav doesnt feel excluded

and other such absurdities.....

The source article suggests integrating schools more and doing away with "rich gates" and "poor doors," whatever those are.

Not that you're going to run up to some random Muslim in the street and try to be best buds Laughing


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:33 pm

Increasing gap between rich and poor?
It is far better than on many points in history.
It is an issue that is for sure but this has gone of for centuires, so it is unliklely to be a major factor in social disintegration.
The problem in societies is based around the modern technology we have today, which is enablling more and more people cut off from interacting with their families and friends as people did once in the past, but again people had little else to do other than grind countless hours a day to earn pittance to survive on.
As to Muslims or any religious person, whether Christian, Jew, Hindu etc there religious views make no sense to me as to why they follow them when there is no evidence where even worse people are being enticed to join a faith based off a fear oiff the afterlife if you do not. Hence on religious views, and common sense in this are,m then to me any who believe have no common sense when it comes to religion.
There is a few problems growing in this country, for one minorities are still vastly under respresented. There is a massive gap on income between the main classifications of race.
Soceity has moved into a very technical age and this is what is driving the social disintegration. From the access people have to fact and misinformation is allowing for millions of people to become vastly more vocal on the web, where people in the past had little access to reaching out to millions of people as they can today. Thoise getting their intolerant and hateful views across is driving this disintegration where again they play on the fear of groups of people.
That is where the problem is vastly coming from. Again the wage gap needs a resoliution, but at present there is another factor here as why they are kept low. It has attracted many buisness all of which create countless jobs etc. They are here because it is cheaper in the UK than many other EU nations to employ people. So the gap needs to be shortened on that I agree but we have to be also careful on how much we raise the minimum. I think we should have a living wage and that it is £8.50 an hour, but we have to factor in we may end up when have a closer gap between the rish and poor last a year or two and then if buisness find they are no longer paying less for employees than many other areas of the EU, they will relocate to where it is most finnacially viable.

Last edited by Brasidas on Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:36 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:Oh no ... this is terrible ...

The practice of separating entrances, dubbed ‘poor doors’ by opponents, has become increasingly controversial in London in recent years.

The Social Integration Commission today called on councils to refuse permission for developments which contain separate entrances. Affordable housing tenants are sometimes excluded from parts of a development, or required to use a separate door, because they do not pay the high service charge levied on people living in more expensive homes in the same scheme.

UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943

bet you found THAT in a lefty paper

the reason they are excluded from "certain areas of the development" is that they are more likely than not to trash it.....
park your roller on the street and let a chav near it...pfft they will "key it" out of spite


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:42 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:But in the case of the UK, this report says integration is moving backwards.

Maybe people feel more suffocated than integrated?
Certain parts of our country are over-crowded. It really is that simple.
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:50 pm

darknessss wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:Oh no ... this is terrible ...

The practice of separating entrances, dubbed ‘poor doors’ by opponents, has become increasingly controversial in London in recent years.

The Social Integration Commission today called on councils to refuse permission for developments which contain separate entrances. Affordable housing tenants are sometimes excluded from parts of a development, or required to use a separate door, because they do not pay the high service charge levied on people living in more expensive homes in the same scheme.

UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943

bet you found THAT in a lefty paper

the reason they are excluded from "certain areas of the development" is that they are more likely than not to trash it.....
park your roller on the street and let a chav near it...pfft they will "key it" out of spite

Sounds like Britain has a very fractious, stratified population, with a lot of generalizing and stereotyping going on. Doesn't seem like a very happy situation.
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:52 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
darknessss wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:Oh no ... this is terrible ...

The practice of separating entrances, dubbed ‘poor doors’ by opponents, has become increasingly controversial in London in recent years.

The Social Integration Commission today called on councils to refuse permission for developments which contain separate entrances. Affordable housing tenants are sometimes excluded from parts of a development, or required to use a separate door, because they do not pay the high service charge levied on people living in more expensive homes in the same scheme.

UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943 UK increasingly segregated by race, class 305421943

bet you found THAT in a lefty paper

the reason they are excluded from "certain areas of the development" is that they are more likely than not to trash it.....
park your roller on the street and let a chav near it...pfft they will "key it" out of spite

Sounds like Britain has a very fractious, stratified population, with a lot of generalizing and stereotyping going on. Doesn't seem like a very happy situation.

And do you think it's becasue we just like moaning?

Or do you think that's because people are unhappy because they feel unhappy because there are things going on which are making them unhappy?

King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:56 pm

Like moaning -- maybe just a little Smile But I don't think that's most of the problem.

I think this is being stoked, actually -- influential people are taking real problems, significant problems, and inflating them into END OF THE COUNTRY problems. Probably because they think there's something in it for them.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:59 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:Like moaning -- maybe just a little Smile But I don't think that's most of the problem.

I think this is being stoked, actually -- influential people are taking real problems, significant problems, and inflating them into END OF THE COUNTRY problems. Probably because they think there's something in it for them.

That's a possiblty.

But here's another:

Maybe people are unhappy because they feel unhappy because there are things going on which are making them unhappy?
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:01 am

there is a mote of wisdom I acquired from a "docudrama" once a while back

a crusty old copper in a car with a young and rather naive constable talking about the inhabitants of a new housing development, upon seeing a trouble maker known from an old council "street" behaving badly he says to the young cop

"you can take the scroat out of the slum. but you will NEVER take the slum out of the scroat"


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:14 am

eddie wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:But in the case of the UK, this report says integration is moving backwards.

Maybe people feel more suffocated than integrated?
Certain parts of our country are over-crowded. It really is that simple.

Are they? Which is subjective Eddie based on a point of view of space.
You may feel like that Eddie, of that I have no doubt, so you have people concerned about infrastructure, others who play off fear wrongly pointing the finger at immigrants arguments and those who are basically racist.
The fact is I am not surprised immigration is now a key subject and I do not put this down to people living with immigration itself but the whipped upanti immigration Rhetoric (using unounded fear based arguments), found within soem of the media and on the web.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:17 am

eddie wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:Like moaning -- maybe just a little Smile But I don't think that's most of the problem.

I think this is being stoked, actually -- influential people are taking real problems, significant problems, and inflating them into END OF THE COUNTRY problems. Probably because they think there's something in it for them.

That's a possiblty.

But here's another:

Maybe people are unhappy because they feel unhappy because there are things going on which are making them unhappy?

Yeah, but there's always a filter, and people pointing at one issue, and thus away from the rest of the picture. You can make any person or place sound awful with selective storytelling.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:19 am

Brasidas wrote:
eddie wrote:

Maybe people feel more suffocated than integrated?
Certain parts of our country are over-crowded. It really is that simple.

Are they? Which is subjective Eddie based on a point of view of space.
yeah and you are a prime suspect on subjectivity didge...I mean, YOU might very well be happy living in a one bed flat at the top of a tower block with nothing to see outside but the tops of other tower blocks....I'm NOT....

You may feel like that Eddie, of that I have no doubt, so you have people concerned about infrastructure, others who play off fear wrongly pointing the finger at immigrants arguments and those who are basically racist.
The fact is I am not surprised immigration is now a key subject and I do not put this down to people living with immigration itself but the whipped upanti immigration Rhetoric (using unounded fear based arguments), found within soem of the media and on the web.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:23 am

Ben_Reilly wrote:
eddie wrote:

That's a possiblty.

But here's another:

Maybe people are unhappy because they feel unhappy because there are things going on which are making them unhappy?

Yeah, but there's always a filter, and people pointing at one issue, and thus away from the rest of the picture. You can make any person or place sound awful with selective storytelling.

Very aptly put Ben, which is the problem today where the internet and some medias can constantly centre on one issue using disaster/crimianally/Cuturally based articles that centre on fear of immigrants. This in turn incites again and more to support an anti-immigration policy. I could argue that many people are being manipulated by these biased articles, preventing them from now being able to look at immigration with any impartiality..


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:30 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

Are they? Which is subjective Eddie based on a point of view of space.
yeah and you are a prime suspect on subjectivity didge...I mean, YOU might very well be happy living in a one bed flat at the top of a tower block with nothing to see outside but the tops of other tower blocks....I'm NOT....

You may feel like that Eddie, of that I have no doubt, so you have people concerned about infrastructure, others who play off fear wrongly pointing the finger at immigrants arguments and those who are basically racist.
The fact is I am not surprised immigration is now a key subject and I do not put this down to people living with immigration itself but the whipped upanti immigration Rhetoric (using unounded fear based arguments), found within soem of the media and on the web.

As far as i understand less flats are built today ans again your view to what people like or dislike is subjective Victor.
Now I get your views on immigration are centred around infrastructure, but we have wll over 90% of land not urbanized.
Now I am all for controlled immigration which has a sensible limit, but lets be honest Victor the countless arguments seen are not based around infrastructure, but fear iof immigrants themselves arguments.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:37 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:

As far as i understand less flats are built today ans again your view to what people like or dislike is subjective Victor.
Now I get your views on immigration are centred around infrastructure, but we have wll over 90% of land not urbanized.

thats a fiction....becasue it includes "green deserts" like manicured parks in cities and towns....useless as the rest of the urban environment

but I'll take 73%

and we "aught" to keep it that way...otherwise where do we stop...

when everywhere is concreted over????

Now I am all for controlled immigration which has a sensible limit, but lets be honest Victor the countless arguments seen are not based around infrastructure, but fear iof immigrants themselves arguments.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:44 am

No its not a fiction Victor, that is your percption it is when it has actually been studied and you just do not like the facts.
It did take into accounta figure without parks Gardens etc and a figure with them.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:50 am

What I know is:
Unless you're living it you cannot even begin to understand it.
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by veya_victaous Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:31 pm

eddie wrote:What I know is:
Unless you're living it you cannot even begin to understand it.

thats right eddie
We cant because we aren't a nation of whingers

NOT even top 50 in population density

You are NOT that multicultural The rates of other nationality is still pretty low compared to most new world nations.

your nation is not growing very fast
Australia has grow by 150% in last 50 years the UK by 20%
in last 20 years UK has grown by 10% Australia 20%

ALL those things you are whinging about are JUST a whinge not based in reality UK has it no worse than anyone else.

WE DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE THERE To SEE that you are crying about shit we have already do more and faster and have done so for longer.
We can also say HYPOCRITES
like the rest of Europe, make a fortune raping the world and now your nations have to make something of themselves with out stealing of other s You have to work and You are bloody CRYING about it..
It is not Immigrants it is THE BRITISH that are the problem. LIKE for centuries those same Families are still the problem. Those Big British estates THEY ARE THE PROBLEM, those huge waste of space gardens the waste of resources and ZERO productivity of the BRITISH Upper class is the Problem they are completely Useless at anything but Theft.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:46 pm

Programme on Channel 4 tonight, Britain's Racist Election, talking about 1963, we even had the KKK arrive. However, underneath it's not much different, people are just more careful about their language, the sentiment is the same.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:58 pm

veya_victaous wrote:
eddie wrote:What I know is:
Unless you're living it you cannot even begin to understand it.

thats right eddie
We cant because we aren't a nation of whingers

NOT even top 50 in population density

You are NOT that multicultural The rates of other nationality is still pretty low compared to most new world nations.

your nation is not growing very fast
Australia has grow by 150% in last 50 years the UK by 20%
in last 20 years UK has grown by 10% Australia 20%

ALL those things you are whinging about are JUST a whinge not based in reality UK has it no worse than anyone else.

WE DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE THERE To SEE that you are crying about shit we have already do more and faster and have done so for longer.
We can also say HYPOCRITES
like the rest of Europe, make a fortune raping the world and now your nations have to make something of themselves with out stealing of other s You have to work and You are bloody CRYING about it..
It is not Immigrants it is THE BRITISH that are the problem. LIKE for centuries those same Families are still the problem. Those Big British estates THEY ARE THE PROBLEM, those huge waste of space gardens the waste of resources and ZERO productivity of the BRITISH Upper class is the Problem they are completely Useless at anything but Theft.

Hmm well,thanks for your insight on a country you dont live in.
Because facts and figures are just so truthful!

Let me tell you. There's a town near me and when you go shoppig there - even on the local,transport to get there - EVERYONE IS ASIAN.
I mean everyone's

Even the local Asians joke about it.

It is the second highest asian population in the country.

That's just a start. P

Veya. Sorry. You don't live here. So you have zero idea about what really goes on in local communities do you? Mths fact that you read a bit of bumph is totally bloody irrelevant.

Do you live in an area where everyone speaks a different language to you, where all the shops sell the produce of that race of people, where all the local celebrations are for a certain race of people? Where you are actually an outsider whereas before, you wasn't?

Just answer that.
If the answr is no, then no disrespect, you need to shut up about it really.
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:06 am

Did you watch that programme tonight Eddie?   They were saying exactly the same things.

What about the enclaves of Brits in foreign countries, where locals can't afford to buy and huges areas of towns are bought up by Britis? Or doesn't that count?


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by veya_victaous Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:21 am

eddie wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:
eddie wrote:What I know is:
Unless you're living it you cannot even begin to understand it.

thats right eddie
We cant because we aren't a nation of whingers

NOT even top 50 in population density

You are NOT that multicultural The rates of other nationality is still pretty low compared to most new world nations.

your nation is not growing very fast
Australia has grow by 150% in last 50 years the UK by 20%
in last 20 years UK has grown by 10% Australia 20%

ALL those things you are whinging about are JUST a whinge not based in reality UK has it no worse than anyone else.

WE DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE THERE To SEE that you are crying about shit we have already do more and faster and have done so for longer.
We can also say HYPOCRITES
like the rest of Europe, make a fortune raping the world and now your nations have to make something of themselves with out stealing of other s You have to work and You are bloody CRYING about it..
It is not Immigrants it is THE BRITISH that are the problem. LIKE for centuries those same Families are still the problem. Those Big British estates THEY ARE THE PROBLEM, those huge waste of space gardens the waste of resources and ZERO productivity of the BRITISH Upper class is the Problem they are completely Useless at anything but Theft.

Hmm well,thanks for your insight on a country you dont live in.
Because facts and figures are just so truthful!

Let me tell you. There's a town near me and when you go shoppig there - even on the local,transport to get there - EVERYONE IS ASIAN.
I mean everyone's

Even the local Asians joke about it.

It is the second highest asian population in the country.

That's just  a start. P

Veya. Sorry. You don't live here. So you have zero idea about what really goes on in local communities do you? Mths fact that you read a bit of bumph is totally bloody irrelevant.

Do you live in an area where everyone speaks a different language to you, where all the shops sell the produce of that race of people, where all the local celebrations are for a certain race of people? Where you are actually an outsider whereas before, you wasn't?

Just answer that.
If the answr is no, then no disrespect, you need to shut up about it really.

I live in Blacktown Sydney
MY DAD speaks a different language than me!!!!!


% overseas born
37.6% - up from 34.2% in 2006

% Language other than English
36.9% - up from 32.4% in 2006

% Poor English proficiency
4.7% - up from 4.4%

We only count people as Foreign IF they are actually BORN overseas 37.6% ARE BORN overseas where I live!!!
Just looking Asian?!?!?! we don't even count that if your born here you go it the Aussie stat. THAT IS the problem and WHY the problem is the British look Indian or Asian but sound like you were born here and YOU ARE AUSSIE!!!

THE PROBLEM IS THE BRITISH.. You need to suck it up THIS IS THE WORLD This is not a UK problem UK is not even close to Levels that other nations have YOUR JUST WHINING MORE
Sorry but NO A SINGLE PLACE in the UK is a multicultural as Blacktown (which is also one of the most multicultural places in Australia) BOTH candidates for the major parties in next weeks state election are Indian decent.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:25 am

Agree with every word of that Veya.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by veya_victaous Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:28 am

The reason why it is a British Problem they Ones that Are the most problem HERE. with the racist behaviours they don't even live in Blacktown where the majority of refugees end up and they complain from their expensive Anglo dominated Eastern suburbs where no refugee ventures.

Wesites Are meant to be lower class (like Chavs) yet we have succeeded in having a vibrant multicultural community!! those Rich all Anglo Shire boys Are STILL FUCKING CRYING about sharing with other colours
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:22 am

eddie wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:

thats right eddie
We cant because we aren't a nation of whingers

NOT even top 50 in population density

You are NOT that multicultural The rates of other nationality is still pretty low compared to most new world nations.

your nation is not growing very fast
Australia has grow by 150% in last 50 years the UK by 20%
in last 20 years UK has grown by 10% Australia 20%

ALL those things you are whinging about are JUST a whinge not based in reality UK has it no worse than anyone else.

WE DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE THERE To SEE that you are crying about shit we have already do more and faster and have done so for longer.
We can also say HYPOCRITES
like the rest of Europe, make a fortune raping the world and now your nations have to make something of themselves with out stealing of other s You have to work and You are bloody CRYING about it..
It is not Immigrants it is THE BRITISH that are the problem. LIKE for centuries those same Families are still the problem. Those Big British estates THEY ARE THE PROBLEM, those huge waste of space gardens the waste of resources and ZERO productivity of the BRITISH Upper class is the Problem they are completely Useless at anything but Theft.

Hmm well,thanks for your insight on a country you dont live in.
Because facts and figures are just so truthful!

Let me tell you. There's a town near me and when you go shoppig there - even on the local,transport to get there - EVERYONE IS ASIAN.
I mean everyone's

Even the local Asians joke about it.

It is the second highest asian population in the country.

That's just  a start. P

Veya. Sorry. You don't live here. So you have zero idea about what really goes on in local communities do you? Mths fact that you read a bit of bumph is totally bloody irrelevant.

Do you live in an area where everyone speaks a different language to you, where all the shops sell the produce of that race of people, where all the local celebrations are for a certain race of people? Where you are actually an outsider whereas before, you wasn't?

Just answer that.
If the answr is no, then no disrespect, you need to shut up about it really.

So what if they are Asian Eddie?
So basically you suffer from Asianphobia?
So its nothing to do with over population but the fact you have difficulties living alongside asian people?
Can we clarify this point before we continue?
I very much doubt "everyone"  is Asian but how you play on a poor perception you have.
So what do you have a problem with Asians on?
Also what is the name of this town that does not exist populated by 100% by Asians?


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:56 am

risingsun wrote:Did you watch that programme tonight Eddie?   They were saying exactly the same things.

What about the enclaves of Brits in foreign countries, where locals can't afford to buy and huges areas of towns are bought up by Britis?   Or doesn't that count?  

I never saw the programme no, but of course it works both ways.
But I don't live there, as those people, do I?

That's rather my point to Veya. Thanks for proving it.
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:03 am

Brasidas wrote:
eddie wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:

thats right eddie
We cant because we aren't a nation of whingers

NOT even top 50 in population density

You are NOT that multicultural The rates of other nationality is still pretty low compared to most new world nations.

your nation is not growing very fast
Australia has grow by 150% in last 50 years the UK by 20%
in last 20 years UK has grown by 10% Australia 20%

ALL those things you are whinging about are JUST a whinge not based in reality UK has it no worse than anyone else.

WE DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE THERE To SEE that you are crying about shit we have already do more and faster and have done so for longer.
We can also say HYPOCRITES
like the rest of Europe, make a fortune raping the world and now your nations have to make something of themselves with out stealing of other s You have to work and You are bloody CRYING about it..
It is not Immigrants it is THE BRITISH that are the problem. LIKE for centuries those same Families are still the problem. Those Big British estates THEY ARE THE PROBLEM, those huge waste of space gardens the waste of resources and ZERO productivity of the BRITISH Upper class is the Problem they are completely Useless at anything but Theft.

Hmm well,thanks for your insight on a country you dont live in.
Because facts and figures are just so truthful!

Let me tell you. There's a town near me and when you go shoppig there - even on the local,transport to get there - EVERYONE IS ASIAN.
I mean everyone's

Even the local Asians joke about it.

It is the second highest asian population in the country.

That's just  a start. P

Veya. Sorry. You don't live here. So you have zero idea about what really goes on in local communities do you? Mths fact that you read a bit of bumph is totally bloody irrelevant.

Do you live in an area where everyone speaks a different language to you, where all the shops sell the produce of that race of people, where all the local celebrations are for a certain race of people? Where you are actually an outsider whereas before, you wasn't?

Just answer that.
If the answr is no, then no disrespect, you need to shut up about it really.

So what if they are Asian Eddie?
So basically you suffer from Asianphobia?
So its nothing to do with over population but the fact you have difficulties living alongside asian people?
Can we clarify this point before we continue?
I very much doubt "everyone"  is Asian but how you play on a poor perception you have.
So what do you have a problem with Asians on?
Also what is the name of this town that does not exist populated by 100% by Asians?

Firstly I do no have a problem with Asians but I do have a bit of a prblem with people like VEYA who doenst live here so has no real perception.
Secondly, I've googled the town and it said it was the second highest population of asians in the country - I'm not worried of you beleieve me (that's your problem of trust not mine)
Thirdly, yes I do care that whole towns are mainly populated - and I can tell you now - I'm bloody glad I don't live there!
I don't want to be a minority in a place that I live.

And if no one can answer my questions to veya then that's why they have no real inderstanding of it.

And you can throw all the "phobia" words at me you like. I know what I am so stick and stones and all that....

Apparently though, sassy has stated that there are places where people are upset by various things whereby Brits have taken over........

So that's ok when it's the other way round then?? Rolling Eyes
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:19 am

That is interesting, you do not want to be a minority?
Is that because you know how badly minorities are treated?
The reality is it should not matter what ethnicity people are if they identify as being British, which the vast majority actually do.
So it never was a place where only Asians lived you basically poorly exaggerated.
The point made about Asianphobia is because you angle just does not make any sense Eddie.
You are the one minute going on about the UK being  crowded to changing tact to making it a racial view point on Asians as if they are alien and cannot integrate into our society when many do.
Unless people get past such poor negative unfounded attitudes they have to ethnic groups, then there will continue to be problems.
Granted some do not integrate but the majority do and arguments on what language people speak is really dumb in my eyes.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:28 am

Brasidas wrote:That is interesting, you do not want to be a minority?
Is that because you know how badly minorities are treated?
The reality is it should not matter what ethnicity people are if they identify as being British, which the vast majority actually do.
So it never was a place where only Asians lived you basically poorly exaggerated.
The point made about Asianphobia is because you angle just does not make any sense Eddie.
You are the one minute going on about the UK being  crowded to changing tact to making it a racial view point on Asians as if they are alien and cannot integrate into our society when many do.
Unless people get past such poor negative unfounded attitudes they have to ethnic groups, then there will continue to be problems.
Granted some do not integrate but the majority do and arguments on what language people speak is really dumb in my eyes.

I don't tbink you read properly
I said it was the second most populated town by Asians in the country

Nope, I don't want to be in a ignoring in my own country

And no, these particular Asians do not integrate - they only speak Urdu or other languages.

So am I a bad person for feeling that way? Like I said, I'm bloody glad I don't live there!
I don't mind shoppig there as I have no problem with asian people at all, I chat to them as much as Id chat to any stranger or shopkeeper of any race or creed, and that's a lot.

Just giving veya an example of the fact that he spouts on about it all being false, but actually, the op is true in some places.

Where I live (for the last 13 years) we have seen a massive influx of Eastern Europeans too. So this is not made-up facts and figures didge.

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:36 am

It is an insanely daft view point Eddie, because you are basically claiming Asians are so different and incompatiable to our culture which is blatantly untrue. You said "everyone" was Asian in that town, so you are now changing this because your claim was untrue. If people have your attitude towards groups of people it shows how people wish to remain different and divided.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:49 am

Brasidas wrote:It is an insanely daft view point Eddie, because you are basically claiming Asians are so different and incompatiable to our culture which is blatantly untrue. You said "everyone" was Asian in that town, so you are now changing this because your claim was untrue. If people have your attitude towards groups of people it shows how people wish to remain different and divided.

Some people are incompatible didge - if they aren't integrating, which some arent - then they are incompatible.
I've heard you sy that yourself.

You aren't going to change the way I feel by using logic. I don't want to be in a minority in a country where I live (unless I move to another country where I am doijg so out of choice) and i wouldn't move to a town where that was the case.

So let me ask you honestly: would you choose to buy a house in a small town where you were in the minority and most people around you spoke a different language, and most of the shops only sold the food of those people?
Would you choose that area or another?
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:57 am

Sorry but that is pure bollocks to say people are incompatiable. They only chose to be, it is down to people either wanting to get along or they do not. If people can get along there is no reason for them not to get along and is nothing short of being ignorant not wanting to. You will never be in a minority in this country and to evevn argue off something so absurd is again to view other people as bad based off their ethnicity. We are all human at the end of the day and again people identify behind being British not bloody skin colour. Your views are where racial problems start because they are formed from negativity.
I would never need to make a decision based off how many people of one ethnicity lived in a town, that thought process would never cross my mind because it is utterly ignorant to even think on those lines.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:59 am

Brasidas wrote:Sorry but that is pure bollocks to say people are incompatiable. They only chose to be, it is down to people either wanting to get along or they do not. If people can get along there is no reason for them not to get along and is nothing short of being ignorant not wanting to. You will never be in a minority in this country and to evevn argue off something so absurd is again to view other people as bad based off their ethnicity. We are all human at the end of the day and again people identify behind bei8ng British not bloody skin colour. Your views are where racial problems start because they are formed from negativity.
I would never need to make a decision based off how many people of one ethnicity lived in a town, that thought process would never cross my mind because it is utterly ignorant to even think on those lines.

You have made a point many times about people not integrating.

So we will leave it there as there's no real point in debating with somone who changes their mind about what they think.

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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:05 am

eddie wrote:
Brasidas wrote:Sorry but that is pure bollocks to say people are incompatiable. They only chose to be, it is down to people either wanting to get along or they do not. If people can get along there is no reason for them not to get along and is nothing short of being ignorant not wanting to. You will never be in a minority in this country and to evevn argue off something so absurd is again to view other people as bad based off their ethnicity. We are all human at the end of the day and again people identify behind bei8ng British not bloody skin colour. Your views are where racial problems start because they are formed from negativity.
I would never need to make a decision based off how many people of one ethnicity lived in a town, that thought process would never cross my mind because it is utterly ignorant to even think on those lines.

You have made a point many times about people not integrating.

So we will leave it there as there's no real point in debating with somone who changes their mind about what they think.

I am making the point there is no reason for people not to integrate, so do not try poorly to make claims I have not made, Eddie, when you have utterly no point here.
Sorry but if your view in life is to view others as alien to yourself based on basically skin colour then you do have negative racial views of others.
So if you want to bow out because you have no valid point, be my guest.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by eddie Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:21 am

Nope. I never ever bow out due to any reason other than boredom (I detest going round in circles) or when I think someone is twisting what they think to suit.
But you do change with the wind at times DIdge.
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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:24 am

eddie wrote:Nope. I never ever bow out due to any reason other than boredom (I detest going round in circles) or when I think someone is twisting what they think to suit.
But you do change with the wind at times DIdge.

So more unfonded claims.
There is nothing to back your stance being as it is absurd Eddie.
There is no reason people cannot get along with each other.
I have not changed any view point and happy for you to even attempt to point this out on here, but lets face the facts, there is nothing but a poor attempt on your part to side tract from your poor view points.
So you cen attempt to keep up some poor game, but I am not buying.


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:54 pm

Brasidas wrote:No its not a fiction Victor, that is your percption it is when it has actually been studied and you just do not like the facts.
It did take into accounta figure without parks Gardens etc and a figure with them.

ok then

what was te figure with parks and other non rural "green space"

what was the figure WITHOUT parks and other non rural "green space"


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:58 pm

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:No its not a fiction Victor, that is your percption it is when it has actually been studied and you just do not like the facts.
It did take into accounta figure without parks Gardens etc and a figure with them.

ok then

what was te figure with parks and other non rural "green space"

what was the figure WITHOUT parks and other non rural "green space"

Read the study again, its been posted countless times for you to still be in stupid denial


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UK increasingly segregated by race, class Empty Re: UK increasingly segregated by race, class

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:01 pm



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