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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Original Quill
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by veya_victaous Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:50 am

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PROTESTS have erupted across the US after a grand jury ruled that the white police officer who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson will not be charged over the unarmed black teen’s death.

The jury’s ruling that there was “no probable cause” to indict Darren Wilson over Brown’s shooting death in the St Louis suburb has caused shock, disbelief and inflamed already simmering racial tensions.

Protesters in Ferguson chanted “F--- the police” as news of the ruling filtered through. A police car outside the station was destroyed and police fired tear gas at demonstrators amid the chaos.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by veya_victaous Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:20 pm

but those figures also match the crime rates of people on the poverty line...
it is a false correlation it is not because they are black it is because they are the poorest in society. As soon as they reach middle class the crime stats all drop off too.

it really just highlight the further issue of racial and economic divide in America where the poor are kept poor and the vast majority of Blacks have always been poor and the system is designed to keep them that way.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Tommy Monk Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:23 pm

If they are poor then that is their own fault for not applying themselves in the education system and working hard as others have done who are black and or from poor backgrounds and who then made a success of themselves.

Their are many examples of where blacks have achieved by working hard and trying.

If the system was so against them then their wouldn't be any.

So those who didn't bother only have themselves to blame.

And is no excuse for pursuing a life of crime and especially no justification for specifically targeting whites for so much of it.

Those who do behave in such a way are probably more hated by the other black people who are decent and law abiding and hard working and respectful and respected members of society for letting down the black race so badly and giving them a bad name.

Tommy Monk
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by veya_victaous Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:40 pm

Umm no Tommy
having rich parent helps
I you don't think that your an idiot and your opinion can be safely ignored.
Everything you posted is just illogical Racist Garbage.

they don't target whites are you really so fucking dumb you have just posted about black on black crime???
Poor people are more likely to be criminals because People take advantage of the connections they have so If your Dad is a CEO then Your connections will likely get you a decent job, if you live in area known for poverty and drugs well you connections are gonna be where to drug and crime related.

the Idea that people are poor through their own fault is Complete BULLSHIT
As someone that has gone from lower class to upper middle class income.. it is hard work dedication and a FUCK-TONNE of luck. I can look back at my life as see the opportunities presented to me because of my intelligence that most people from my socio economic background will just never get!!! And even then just pure luck that I happened to meet people that gave me opportunities.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:15 am

There are children of rich parents and of good backgrounds who choose to do crime.

Their are also poor who never do.

So your argument is bullshit.

It is about choice, not necessarily economic background.

All have access to schools and education with some of the 'poorest and most deprived' being given more than everyone else in UK, this has been the same for decades.

Many from poor backgrounds knuckle down and work hard to achieve and become successful.

Of all ethnic backgrounds and even disabilities.

In USA, you cannot deny that all have had these opportunities fundamental opportunities too.

Even those not So academically minded have been able to learn a skill or a trade and again opportunity to get on and work hard and become successful.

Blaming racism for the under achievement of so many is completely disingenuous and quite frankly, not just lazy but Also insulting to everybody else.

You have some foreigners literally dying to get into UK, USA and Australia for the opportunity to get on and earn good money through working bloody hard, and you have a sub section of society, namely blacks, who sit back doing fuck all and then blaming everyone else for their subsequent shitty lives.

The sooner they start taking responsibility for their own actions and situations, The sooner they might start actually getting off their arses and working harder they might start doing better for themselves.

Blaming whitey has long been a poor excuse for their own failings.....

Tommy Monk
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by veya_victaous Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:37 am

No it is about opportunity
One person doing or not doing something doesn't mean anything they are not blanket 100% statements to even suggest they are just show why democracy doesn't work
people as dumb as you get to vote.

NO You are full of Shot the One doing it here are White, Whites are the Lowest here, the ones blaming the situation are Whites. we call them Bogans they make up the lower class they are almost all white they are born lower class and the vast majority will always be low class hardly ever work get the dole and spend it all on drugs and booze. I grew up with these people I ma still friends with some of them they are Just as bad or worse than a African American.

Fuck off the idea that anyone that isn't rich has any opportunity in the USA, that is NOT TRUE yeah here and in the UK they might get a chance since we have actual Public services but the USA user pays system means if you started with nothing you will probably stay with nothing. I Would never have been able to improve my position like I have if I lived in the USA they simply don't have the opportunities for education if you cant afford it.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Irn Bru Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:59 am

Tommy Monk wrote:There are children of rich parents and of good backgrounds who choose to do crime.

Their are also poor who never do.

So your argument is bullshit.

It is about choice, not necessarily economic background.

All have access to schools and education with some of the 'poorest and most deprived' being given more than everyone else in UK, this has been the same for decades.

Many from poor backgrounds knuckle down and work hard to achieve and become successful.

Of all ethnic backgrounds and even disabilities.

In USA, you cannot deny that all have had these opportunities fundamental opportunities too.

Even those not So academically minded have been able to learn a skill or a trade and again opportunity to get on and work hard and become successful.

Blaming racism for the under achievement of so many is completely disingenuous and quite frankly, not just lazy but Also insulting to everybody else.

You have some foreigners literally dying to get into UK, USA and Australia for the opportunity to get on and earn good money through working bloody hard, and you have a sub section of society, namely blacks, who sit back doing fuck all and then blaming everyone else for their subsequent shitty lives.

The sooner they start taking responsibility for their own actions and situations, The sooner they might start actually getting off their arses and working harder they might start doing better for themselves.

Blaming whitey has long been a poor excuse for their own failings.....

Tommy, I think you need to explain how the colour of someone's skin is a determining factor in why some people are more inclined to commit crimes than some others.

Once you have done that perhaps we can look at why that is.

Can you do that please?

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Nov 28, 2014 1:33 am

Veyas, you have immigrants dying to get into certain countries, coming from nothing and arriving with nothing but a debt to pay off for their passage over there, and then working bloody hard and within just a few years have become established and successful, paid off their debt and money in the bank, earning well and becoming not just self sufficient but well off and ingeg on to be extremely wealthy.

While too many of Those already there, with all the opportunities of equal access to schools and education, of a much higher level than found in majority of other countries, plus state funding for their housing and other living expenses etc, but who then CHOOSE to take all that for granted, do fuck all, and then forever complain about how hard done by they are And how it is everyone else's fault.

Tommy Monk
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by veya_victaous Fri Nov 28, 2014 2:08 am

and in Australia where the lower class is traditionally White as opposed to the USA where it is traditionally Black
We have A lot of White people that never have jobs and just laze around a bludge of the gov't.

You're right we have very few people of colour that do that don't work because they are NOT TRADITIONALLY THE LOWER CLASS HERE!! that is why your argument is Bullshit it doesn't matter their skin colour what matters is that they belong to the group traditionally marginalised socio-economically

USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=SUfTaey7NGk&list=PLfJhWGmxxYFRljrZTsilpATWvPji1VNaS
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Nov 28, 2014 2:34 am

veya_victaous wrote:TM
and in Australia where the lower class is traditionally White as opposed to the USA where it is traditionally Black
We have A lot of White people that never have jobs and just laze around a bludge of the gov't.

You're right we have very few people of colour that do that don't work because they are NOT TRADITIONALLY THE LOWER CLASS HERE!! that is why your argument is Bullshit it doesn't matter their skin colour what matters is that they belong to the group traditionally marginalised socio-economically

USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=SUfTaey7NGk&list=PLfJhWGmxxYFRljrZTsilpATWvPji1VNaS

Most of our poor white areas here in UK are The result of closure of industry and manufacture jobs etc..... and I heard someone on radio earlier from one of Those ares saying that he had to employ immigrant workers because he can't find any welders.....

you couldn't make it up!
Tommy Monk
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by veya_victaous Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:17 am

You also just raised another separate issue of Businesses not wanting to train people any more and just employ an already trained migrant. leaving high numbers of unskilled manual labourers competing for an ever decreasing number of positions.

You Actually Blamed the right people in the other thread Lib Lab and the Professional Pollies.
I don't think Ukip is right but you politics needs a shake up so they're better than nothing.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by veya_victaous Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:55 am

The demonstration ended around 9 p.m., when the mall closed and the protesters returned to their cars as peacefully as they had come. Outside, two lines of Missouri Highway Patrol troopers stood alongside a National Guard Humvee, but most never went inside.

The protest offered a number of surprising juxtapositions — people chanting that “killer cops have to go” in front of The Gap — but the location wasn’t an accident. Paul Muhammad, one of the organizers of the event, told BuzzFeed News that the idea was to peacefully disrupt an economic center.

“The government, the taxpayers, they respond to economics,” Muhammad said.
the racial and class problems in Ferguson have economic roots. The black community in Ferguson lacks economic resources, he said, but some people in other St. Louis communities — for example those who might be shopping at the Galleria — haven’t been directly confronted with that issue. Hence the choice to bring the protest to them.

“We don’t keep our money in the black community,” he said. “So I think it’s important to affect the economics.”

From the Peaceful Protests

The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by veya_victaous Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:04 am

Darren Wilson Supporters
“We’ll all see this in the end that it was a good shooting. You know, it was a good kill.” — Tina Morrison
WTF seriously any human that says that about another is Fucked in the head Evil piece of shit that should be locked up for life. A GOOD Kill? is she fucking Serial murderer or some shit??? a GOOD kill!!!!!

“He deserves to be innocent until proven guilty.” — Sara Wilson
But Black men don't apparently.  that should have applied to Brown too, Wilson Decided to be judge jury and executioner. BULLSHIT on the self defence, IF he say those injuries hurt him he should never have been allowed to put on a police uniform as he has a condition that makes him an EXTREME PUSSY COWARD, why give a weak ass sissy fuck a badge and a gun???
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:05 am

If companies want to employ so many foreigners then they should Fuck off, set up there and employ them in their home countries.

Tommy Monk
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Original Quill Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:51 am

Tommy Monk wrote:If companies want to employ so many foreigners then they should Fuck off, set up there and employ them in their home countries.

Brilliant! How to move Britain from unemployment to depression.

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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by veya_victaous Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:55 am

Tommy Monk wrote:If companies want to employ so many foreigners then they should Fuck off, set up there and employ them in their home countries.

probably but the mega rich always want to be a little bit richer and they have the money to be pay for lobbyists to 'convince' politicians.

but what quill said too it is a balancing act if you make it too hard they will all fuck off and there is no jobs in Britain but let them get to much of their own way they will screw everyone else into poverty. USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 2190311264
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:28 pm

I want British jobs for British workers!!!

Tommy Monk
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Guest Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:39 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:I want British jobs for British workers!!!

It should not matter where people are born, because it should be the best person for the job.
The fact that some of the best and qualified Brits leave, is because they can be paid better elsewhere.
Like immigrants wanting to come here because they can be paid better here and have a better life.
Being born here is not an ethical or moral argument to deny anyone a job here.
Many foreign companies could pull out their business Tommy if such a policy comes to pass, where they are restricted on how and who they can employ. They can still have a small office here and move facilities elsewhere that has no restrictions.
Are you happy that millions of Brits can land jobs all around the world, or should they only be offered to people born to those countries?


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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:33 pm

We should only be letting people in on a points based system where there is a proven need for their skills to fill jobs that can not otherwise be filled.

And what is wrong with a company investing a little bit of training into their employees if needed?

The fact that some of our industrial heartlands have been run down in recent decades and now in one of Those areas an employer is complaining that he can't find any welders so has to employ foreigners is a fucking disgrace.
Tommy Monk
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Guest Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:38 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:We should only be letting people in on a points based system where there is a proven need for their skills to fill jobs that can not otherwise be filled. And what is wrong with a company investing a little bit of training into their employees if needed?The fact that some of our industrial heartlands have been run down in recent decades and now in one of Those areas an employer is complaining that he can't find any welders so has to employ foreigners is a fucking disgrace.

So you failed to address whether British people can have jobs elsewhere, no doubt you agree they should, so maybe you can clarify, because if you do not, then you are selfish to others who wish to change their lives and if you do agree, then it makes your own argument onto only British people getting the job redundant.
The fact is we at present have a skill shortage in many industries, where by using your policy within months many industries would suffer. Also they are not going to employ Brits who do not have the qualifications required all of which escapes you also.
So again your view is unethical and morally wrong, to deny people a chance to a new life if they are offered a job.


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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:45 pm

On a visa system is quite acceptable and understandable....
Tommy Monk
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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Guest Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:49 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:On a visa system is quite acceptable and understandable....

Which has nothing to do with your view that only British people get jobs here.
Again can you not clarify whether you believe British people should be able to be employed in foreign countries?
A simple yes or no will do.


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USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial  - Page 2 Empty Re: USA court says Shooting Unarmed people Ok and doesn't warrant a trial

Post by Ben Reilly Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:16 am

It's an interesting situation, isn't it? We have the same thing in the U.S. regarding illegal immigrants. On the one hand, the right wing hates them -- because they're mostly brown people here who speak Mexican -- on the other hand, the business owners who fund the right-wing politicians don't say much, because they're actually hiring all these illegals to work in worse conditions than the law would allow for legal citizens.

It's just economics -- if you can threaten your own worker with deportation (or who knows? Perhaps much worse in the mind of someone who doesn't know very much about U.S. laws), you can improve your bottom line.

Just another of the many fault lines which could someday doom organized conservative politics -- another, here, being the tension between the Christian conservatives who by and large actually do believe in programs to help the poor, and stingy rich conservative a-holes who think everybody should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, just like they did when they got their inheritances ...
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