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Former Minneapolis Cop Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Woman

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Former Minneapolis Cop Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Woman Empty Former Minneapolis Cop Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Woman

Post by Guest Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:24 am

A former Minneapolis police officer who was convicted of murder for the shooting death of an unarmed woman—who’d called the cops to report a potential crime—has been sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison. Mohamed Noor fired one shot that killed Justine Ruszczyk Damond, a 40-year-old dual citizen of the U.S. and Australia. He was convicted of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in April. At trial, Noor said Damond, who’d called police to report what sounded like a potential sexual assault, scared his partner when she approached their squad car in an alley near her home. “There was a threat, and my intention was to stop the threat,” he said. “I fired once, and then the threat took a couple steps back.” His lawyers argued it was a “tragedy,” but not a crime.

At his sentencing, Noor apologized to Damond’s family, saying he “knew in an instant [he] was wrong” after he took “the life of a perfect person.” “I have lived with this and I will continue to live with this,” Noor said, his voice reportedly breaking while he spoke. “I caused this tragedy and it is my burden. I wish though that I could relieve that burden others feel from the loss that I caused. I cannot, and that is a troubling reality for me.”



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Former Minneapolis Cop Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Woman Empty Re: Former Minneapolis Cop Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Woman

Post by 'Wolfie Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:18 am


I reckon he got off lightly.  Third-degree murder there being the equivalent of 'manslaughter' down here, for what was essentially cold-blooded murder of an innocent woman by an incompetent and poorly-trained cop..

This case has certainly brought out the "black racists" over there at the same time --  from his lawyers and brother throughout, to that black-hooded female activist who keeps on popping up with her pre-written black-armband crap, blaming the legal system for supposedly targeting what she calls an "innocent" black man...

Those racist idiots are doing no good for either their own one-sided agendas, nor for the wider problems underlying much of the police forces over there..
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Former Minneapolis Cop Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Woman Empty Re: Former Minneapolis Cop Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Woman

Post by Raggamuffin Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:59 am

It wasn't cold-blooded murder, but it was very serious negligence and stupidity.
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Former Minneapolis Cop Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Woman Empty Re: Former Minneapolis Cop Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Woman

Post by Original Quill Fri Jun 14, 2019 6:10 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:It wasn't cold-blooded murder, but it was very serious negligence and stupidity.

Negligence and stupidity are not crimes.  Negligence and stupidity are usually classified as accidents, and treated as civil matters.  What is a crime is to fire off a weapon without reasonable fear of a threat to the life or serious injury to yourself or another.

NY times wrote:Noor said Damond, who’d called police to report what sounded like a potential sexual assault, scared his partner when she approached their squad car in an alley near her home. “There was a threat, and my intention was to stop the threat,” he said. “I fired once, and then the threat took a couple steps back.”

Not everyone who approaches a squad car deserves to be shot.  Imagine, FGS, how do cops interview witnesses if they shoot them first?  They shoot them if they run...looks like furtive behavior, the cops say.  Now, they shoot them if they approach.  How does a witness or complainant ever stay alive in Minneapolis?  Risky business, calling the cops in Minnesota.

It was a crime.

The defense, as reflected in the Times article, is not credible.  It still leaves me curious as to why the witness was shot?  Was it a black neighborhood?

Original Quill
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