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Irn Bru
Tommy Monk
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beheadings - Page 3 Empty beheadings

Post by nicko Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:36 pm

First topic message reminder :

Have just watched how Mulims treat their prisoners. Can't believe how savage they are.Sickening just sickening.don't watch unless strong stomach.Liveleak beheadings.
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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:39 am

nicko wrote:Didge, I have not the faintest idea what you are saying, please do it again in English please.

No Problem Nicko.

Hello Mr brainless, sorry you do not understand something, would you like me to walk you through why you are ignorant on this?


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by nicko Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:42 am

Hello mr knowall read your post again,i bet you yourself can't understand it.
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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:44 am

nicko wrote:Hello mr knowall read your post again,i bet you yourself can't understand it.

I have read it and you are making pathetic excuses, thus I guess you wish to remain ignorant on why, no problem, don't try and be smart with me Nicko as I will be ten times smarter with my replies.


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:49 am

Didge wrote:
nicko wrote:Hello mr knowall read your post again,i bet you yourself can't understand it.

I have read it and you are making pathetic excuses, thus I guess you wish to remain ignorant on why, no problem, don't try and be smart with me Nicko as I will be ten times smarter with my replies.

Surely if everybody around you is saying they don't understand your posts, there may be an element of truth in them Didge.

I have checked the post - it is difficult reading, to say the least.


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by nicko Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:51 am

Ten times smarter with MY replies, god, what a fucking head you'v got  
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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:51 am

BigAndy9 wrote:
Didge wrote:

I have read it and you are making pathetic excuses, thus I guess you wish to remain ignorant on why, no problem, don't try and be smart with me Nicko as I will be ten times smarter with my replies.

Surely if everybody around you is saying they don't understand your posts, there may be an element of truth in them Didge.

I have checked the post - it is difficult reading, to say the least.

Well being as you have the least comprehension of English here I am not surprised being as you use a spell check and google link to grammar checks to reply.

I would be surprised if you could spell Andy on your own.


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:54 am

nicko wrote:Ten times smarter with MY replies, god, what a fucking head you'v got  

You see, acting like a child again, why not go and moan on flap as you always do sulking and acting like a little brat, grow up, this is a debate forum, you decided to be snide and got creamed for it, your fault.

So again the point still stands, as you tried poorly to divert out of answering, why do extremists in some cases behead?

Last chance to redeem yourself or you go sulk and bitch about me on flap?

Your choice


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:56 am

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

You mean like the uk who pays out millions in compensation to POWs for a bit of being shouted at??

Or imprisoned  a royal marine sgt for doing his job and killing an insurgent??

Piss off, you Muslims are barbarians and need putting back I the Stone Age where you belong

See, proof he clubs all Muslim together, thus he is led by hate, pure and simple and no different from Muslim extremists, two peas in a pod.

My names didge I'm a big cwy baby

boo hoo hoo


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:58 am

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:

See, proof he clubs all Muslim together, thus he is led by hate, pure and simple and no different from Muslim extremists, two peas in a pod.

My names didge I'm a big cwy baby

boo hoo hoo

Bless, you still upset from your earlier post, it shows mate.

Sadly people of hate like you lack any understanding, you live by fear and hate, remaining bitter and twisted to the end.



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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:01 am

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

My names didge I'm a big cwy baby

boo hoo hoo

Bless, you still upset from your earlier post, it shows mate.

Sadly people of hate like you lack any understanding, you live by fear and hate, remaining bitter and twisted to the end.


Anyone else think didge has just discovered two new words - fear and hate??

If you're not careful didge you will wear those words out like you did with racist and xenophobe and all the rest of your overreacting


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:02 am

Vicar of Dibley wrote:
Joy Division wrote:You know folks...I think it's sickening that some terrorists have sawed their way through someone's kneck while alive,,and to hear that fucking horrible scream/ gargle just before the voice box is severed is harrowing...

But it does not mean every Muslim be ages like this man ffs,

We are peaking at extremely hysteria levels nowadays, sabe our disgust and dislike at the terrorist who do this..not at every other Muslim who doesn't.

We come across as a bitter , hateful nation when some amongst us talk as if every Muslim carries out despicable acts.

can anyone translate the above please ?

I'll do a VOD here...


Such informative posting style.

( lick lick)  Laughing 


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:03 am

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:

Bless, you still upset from your earlier post, it shows mate.

Sadly people of hate like you lack any understanding, you live by fear and hate, remaining bitter and twisted to the end.


Anyone else think didge has just discovered two new words - fear and hate??

If you're not careful didge you will wear those words out like you did with racist and xenophobe and all the rest of your overreacting

They will never get worn out as seen you have absolutely no answer to them, people of hate never do.

There I used it just for added affect knowing you never can answer that.



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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:11 am

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

Anyone else think didge has just discovered two new words - fear and hate??

If you're not careful didge you will wear those words out like you did with racist and xenophobe and all the rest of your overreacting

They will never get worn out as seen you have absolutely no answer to them, people of hate never do.

There I used it just for added affect knowing you never can answer that.


Good one didge


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:12 am

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:

They will never get worn out as seen you have absolutely no answer to them, people of hate never do.

There I used it just for added affect knowing you never can answer that.


Good one didge

Good boy, you are staring to learn, well done



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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:13 am

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

Good one didge

Good boy, you are staring to learn, well done


Good one didge


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:17 am

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:

Good boy, you are staring to learn, well done


Good one didge



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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by SEXY MAMA Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:10 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:
SEXY MAMA wrote:
There is a lot that still goes on and dont be so naive in thinking its all stoped after the Geneva convention.
Animal cruelty is far far higher for a 'so called ' civilised' country imo

Inside countries bound by Geneva convention or outside....???

And your 2nd point ....???

Care to clarify with some examples....???

And by the way, hope you are well sm.

Hey Matti im well thanks and wishing you the same.

What i mean is there is never an easy torture is there.

Beheadings though is despicable.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by SEXY MAMA Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:11 pm

nicko wrote:SM,the point of my thread was to show that SOME muslims are vicious  savages, I repeat SOME. what it's got to do with Japanese or animals I don't know. This barbarism is going on NOW. For people to think that this kind of beheading Is a quick death, your bloody stupid.Its done with a blunt knife not a heavy blade which would cut through quickly!!. Have any of you apologists actually watched the video?

Well of course they are thats a no brainer Nicko!

And no why would i watch the video? Seriously  What a Face 

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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by SEXY MAMA Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:13 pm

eddie wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

You mean like the uk who pays out millions in compensation to POWs for a bit of being shouted at??

Or imprisoned  a royal marine sgt for doing his job and killing an insurgent??

Piss off, you Muslims are barbarians and need putting back I the Stone Age where you belong

Smelly, SM is a mother of two and is in now way condoning any barbaric killings in the name of Islam or the Q'ran.

You actually know she's isn't like that; most Muslims are not like that.

Thanks eddie x

Sometimes its best to ignore Smelly lol
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:32 pm

Yes mama I know you find the truth hard to swallow

Probably why you like Islam so much


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:40 pm

SEXY MAMA wrote:
eddie wrote:

Smelly, SM is a mother of two and is in now way condoning any barbaric killings in the name of Islam or the Q'ran.

You actually know she's isn't like that; most Muslims are not like that.

Thanks eddie x

Sometimes its best to ignore Smelly lol



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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:47 pm

lovedust wrote:
SEXY MAMA wrote:

Thanks eddie x

Sometimes its best to ignore Smelly lol


Ignore away

All it does is show you up

Ps lovedust you still haven't addressed the issue on the Islam thread


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:31 pm

Joy Division wrote:Victor just got his arse kicked  ::smthg:: Laughing ::D:: :askissas:

(You were deliberately trying to imply Irn had said or meant things that he clearly never).

fuck of didges weasle....i was attempting to find the relevence of what irn was saying,
or whether it was just another LW distraction tactic away from the O/P

Lets face it UNLESS you are saying "well we Used to do that" as an excuse for THEM doing it
then you are merely introducing an irrelevant detail to distract from the issue



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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:34 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
Joy Division wrote:Victor just got his arse kicked  ::smthg:: Laughing ::D:: :askissas:

(You were deliberately trying to imply Irn had said or meant things that he clearly never).

fuck of didges weasle....i was attempting to find the relevence of what irn was saying,
or whether it was just another LW distraction tactic away from the O/P

Lets face it UNLESS you are saying "well we Used to do that" as an excuse for THEM doing it
then you are merely introducing an irrelevant detail to distract from the issue


I still luv you Victor  :askissas: 

I hope you won't turn your big gun on me and start shootin!...or are firing blanks chief? :🚪:


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:43 pm

SEXY MAMA wrote:
Tommy Monk wrote:
Inside countries bound by Geneva convention or outside....???
And your 2nd point ....???
Care to clarify with some examples....???
And by the way, hope you are well sm.
Hey Matti im well thanks and wishing you the same.
What i mean is there is never an easy torture is there.
Beheadings though is despicable.
That is not the same as what you said earlier, and torture is a different subject.
The op is entirely about the here and now, being the horrific reality of the barbaric savagery being carried out by so called peaceful, religious and god following Muslims, onto other living and breathing and innocent human beings, by sawing away at them through their necks with a blunt knife while they lay kicking and screaming in terror and agony as their heads are slowly hacked off, in front of a baying crowd of other so called decent and peace loving Muslims.....
Where are all the 'good Muslims' among these people when this brutality is being carried out.....
Where are those standing up and saying 'No! You can't do this! That is wrong!'....???
To me, this is pure evil.
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:55 pm

Joy Division wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:

fuck of didges weasle....i was attempting to find the relevence of what irn was saying,
or whether it was just another LW distraction tactic away from the O/P

Lets face it UNLESS you are saying "well we Used to do that" as an excuse for THEM doing it
then you are merely introducing an irrelevant detail to distract from the issue


I still luv you Victor  :askissas: 

I hope you won't turn your big gun on me and start shootin!...or are firing blanks chief? :🚪:

well when you have something to add to a conversation other that how good anyone else you might ass lick is...then perhaps you may be worth it is you are merely a

winnit hanging from didges arse hairs


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:59 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

I still luv you Victor  :askissas: 

I hope you won't turn your big gun on me and start shootin!...or are firing blanks chief? :🚪:

well when you have something to add to a conversation other that how good anyone else you might ass lick is...then perhaps you may be worth it is you are merely a

winnit hanging from didges arse hairs

See just having a little fun here,which you seem to take offence, you might have just a little idea of how I feel when you but in and start up calling me silly names...

Your way older than me and really should know better pet. x


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:00 pm

...oh...nearly forgot... :askissas:


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:04 pm want fun do you JD......

I hope your are strong enough......


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:06 pm

victorisnotamused want fun do you JD......

I hope your are strong enough......

Want kind of fun do you have planned Victor?>>> blush blush  I love you 


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:34 pm

Joy Division wrote:
victorisnotamused want fun do you JD......

I hope your are strong enough......

Want kind of fun do you have planned Victor?>>> blush blush  I love you 

 Shocked Shocked and  Shocked 

JD, beheadings - Page 3 Pretty11would you consider changing your avatar?  I hate that gesture and to be honest it's all I see when trying to read your posts  Sad


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:37 pm

feelthelove wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

Want kind of fun do you have planned Victor?>>> blush blush  I love you 

 Shocked Shocked and  Shocked 

JD, beheadings - Page 3 Pretty11would you consider changing your avatar?  I hate that gesture and to be honest it's all I see when trying to read your posts  Sad

Ok FTL Smile


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:19 pm

Joy Division wrote:
feelthelove wrote:

 Shocked Shocked and  Shocked 

JD, beheadings - Page 3 Pretty11would you consider changing your avatar?  I hate that gesture and to be honest it's all I see when trying to read your posts  Sad

Ok FTL Smile

So you still haven't got the balls to put a "fuck Allah" up as your avatar

Your really do choose your battles well it seems


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:43 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

Ok FTL Smile

So you still haven't got the balls to put a "fuck Allah" up as your avatar

Your really do choose your battles well it seems

ffs Smelly...I let God off the hook, is that not good enough? Laughing 


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:49 pm

did anyone just watch newsnight, the guy who represented the muslims could not say he did not agree with limbs being cut off or stoning adulterers, how sick are these people..


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:52 am

Joy Division wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

So you still haven't got the balls to put a "fuck Allah" up as your avatar

Your really do choose your battles well it seems

ffs Smelly...I let God off the hook, is that not good enough? Laughing 

Ney balls big time


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:10 am

smelly_bandit wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

ffs Smelly...I let God off the hook, is that not good enough? Laughing 

Ney balls big time

beheadings - Page 3 Stock-photo-Hand-with-two-tennis-balls


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beheadings - Page 3 Empty Re: beheadings

Post by Guest Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:06 pm

Joy Division wrote:
feelthelove wrote:

 Shocked Shocked and  Shocked 

JD, beheadings - Page 3 Pretty11would you consider changing your avatar?  I hate that gesture and to be honest it's all I see when trying to read your posts  Sad

Ok FTL Smile

Thank you JD, I really find that gesture offensive.  Worse than any swear word beheadings - Page 3 Sigh11


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