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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Fluffyx Sat May 17, 2014 9:38 pm

No distortion of facts,just some simple truths..

1) UKIP wants to introduce a flat rate income tax of 31%.That means low paid workers would face a huge tax hike,while the Duke of Westminster who is worth £7.8 billion would get a tax cut.

2) UKIP leader Nigel Farage says he's 'a man of the people'. But it was revealed that he opened a trust fund in an offshore tax haven in a bid to save thousands of pounds in tax-money that could have been spent on schools,hospitals and public housing.

3)UKIP blames migrant workers from Eastern Europe for the economy,unemployment and lack of housing.This is racist scapegoating:the bankers and their rich city friends created the crisis .
Immigrants haven't shut down major workplaces,closed hospitals or sent utility bills through the roof.

4)UKIP wants to take money away fromstate schools and give it to private schools like Eton.It pledges to hugely increase military spending,building seven aircraft carriers.This would cost $48.3 billion-almost HALF the NHS budget for a year.

5)UKIP boasts that should it get into power,it would SCRAP the Eurpean Convention on Human Rights. UKIP also oppose same sex marriage,standing against equal rights for gay people.

The man is the Devil in a clown suit and his party is full of laughable openly bigoted fools.

WHY would anyone vote for these people? Rolling Eyes 
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 9:39 pm

Because they are led by fear Fluffy


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Fluffyx Sat May 17, 2014 9:43 pm

Didge wrote:Because they are led by fear Fluffy

But they are being lied to.
He is 'not one of them'

My bloke voted for them and I couldn't stop him (obviously)  lol! but we had a bit of a row,I told him he was being manipulated but he had fallen for their rhetoric.

UKIP don't have the interests of the man in the street at heart,they are elitist as they come.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 9:47 pm

FluffyBunny wrote:
Didge wrote:Because they are led by fear Fluffy

But they are being lied to.
He is 'not one of them'

My bloke voted for them and I couldn't stop him (obviously)  lol! but we had a bit of a row,I told him he was being manipulated but he had fallen for their rhetoric.

UKIP don't have the interests of the man in the street at heart,they are elitist as they come.

Fluffy, sadly people have fears, they also have their own problems, and what easy way to take the finger away from yourself but to blame others, this is what fear parties do. They play on fear arguments, like the EU immigration etc, play on peoples fears, give hem a target to channel this fear and hey presto you have an easily led following.

UKIP certainly do not have the interest of women, they do of men, being as they are rather sexist and old fashioned in their views


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Fluffyx Sat May 17, 2014 9:52 pm

Didge wrote:
FluffyBunny wrote:

But they are being lied to.
He is 'not one of them'

My bloke voted for them and I couldn't stop him (obviously)  lol! but we had a bit of a row,I told him he was being manipulated but he had fallen for their rhetoric.

UKIP don't have the interests of the man in the street at heart,they are elitist as they come.

Fluffy, sadly people have fears, they also have their own problems, and what easy way to take the finger away from yourself but to blame others, this is what fear parties do. They play on fear arguments, like the EU immigration etc, play on peoples fears, give hem a target to channel this fear and hey presto you have an easily led following.

UKIP certainly do not have the interest of women, they do of men, being as they are rather sexist and old fashioned in their views

I agree and they don't have the views of gay people at heart either considering they oppose gay marriage.

I don't think it is just fear though,I think some people simply ARE racist,homophobic and hate foreign people and are sick of having to pretend otherwise.

UKIP gives their disturbing mindset validation.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 9:55 pm

FluffyBunny wrote:
Didge wrote:

Fluffy, sadly people have fears, they also have their own problems, and what easy way to take the finger away from yourself but to blame others, this is what fear parties do. They play on fear arguments, like the EU immigration etc, play on peoples fears, give hem a target to channel this fear and hey presto you have an easily led following.

UKIP certainly do not have the interest of women, they do of men, being as they are rather sexist and old fashioned in their views

I agree and they don't have the views of gay people at heart either considering they oppose gay marriage.

I don't think it is just fear though,I think some people simply ARE racist,homophobic and hate foreign people and are sick of having to pretend otherwise.

UKIP gives their disturbing mindset validation.

The thing is fluffy, racists, homophobes are also led by fear, they dislike and fear, which is why you see such hate promoted. I mean how many people do you know that fears spiders but does not hate them also?
Not many, the reality is such fear fuels hate in the first place, something people do not understand they also fear, sadly this is true
Thus all who follow UKIP are led by fear


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 9:56 pm

Anyway have to go have a good evening Fluffy


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Fluffyx Sat May 17, 2014 9:59 pm

Didge wrote:Anyway have to go have a good evening Fluffy

And you Didge

Goodnight  Smile 
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 10:07 pm

all parties have faults and are not perfect , i am voting UKIP Wink


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Raggamuffin Sat May 17, 2014 10:27 pm

FluffyBunny wrote:No distortion of facts,just some simple truths..

1) UKIP wants to introduce a flat rate income tax of 31%.That means low paid workers would face a huge tax hike,while the Duke of Westminster who is worth £7.8 billion would get a tax cut.

2) UKIP leader Nigel Farage says he's 'a man of the people'. But it was revealed that he opened a trust fund in an offshore tax haven in a bid to save thousands of pounds in tax-money that could have been spent on schools,hospitals and public housing.

3)UKIP blames migrant workers from Eastern Europe for the economy,unemployment and lack of housing.This is racist scapegoating:the bankers and their rich city friends created the crisis .
Immigrants haven't shut down major workplaces,closed hospitals or sent utility bills through the roof.

4)UKIP wants to take money away fromstate schools and give it to private schools like Eton.It pledges to hugely increase military spending,building seven aircraft carriers.This would cost $48.3 billion-almost HALF the NHS budget for a year.

5)UKIP boasts that should it get into power,it would SCRAP the Eurpean Convention on Human Rights. UKIP also oppose same sex marriage,standing against equal rights for gay people.

The man is the Devil in a clown suit and his party is full of laughable openly bigoted fools.

WHY would anyone vote for these people? Rolling Eyes 

The flat rate tax would include NI payments, and there would still be the personal allowances.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 11:04 pm

If the flat rate includes NI payment, it would stay about the same for those on basic rate. However, it would mean the treasury would lose a fortune from the middle and top end of the scale, so how the hell they think they could balance the books on that I have no idea.


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 11:09 pm

the problem is....

we cannot vote for the "best" party.....there isnt one

we only have the choice of the "least worst"

unfortunately......there isnt one

It may therefor be an option to vote for one that would eventually bring the whole damn edifice crashing down....

 :::grouch:: :::grouch:: 


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 11:13 pm

Well, if that's what you want, they'd definitely be the party to go for.  Twisted Evil 

I thought you weren't an anarchist?


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Raggamuffin Sat May 17, 2014 11:14 pm

Sassy wrote:If the flat rate includes NI payment, it would stay about the same for those on basic rate.   However, it would mean the treasury would lose a fortune from the middle and top end of the scale, so how the hell they think they could balance the books on that I have no idea.

They've apparently changed their minds about that, and are talking about a higher rate for high earners.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 11:18 pm

://?roflmao?/: ://?roflmao?/: ://?roflmao?/: 

Someone gave them an abacus?


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 11:24 pm

Sassy wrote:Well, if that's what you want, they'd definitely be the party to go for.    Twisted Evil 

I thought you weren't an anarchist?

nope...but given the chance of being able to either

bugger off somewhere "out of the way " and "do my own thing" as it were
get into a position of power via the ensuring chaos

I'd go for it...


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Fluffyx Sun May 18, 2014 11:34 am

victorisnotamused wrote:
Sassy wrote:Well, if that's what you want, they'd definitely be the party to go for.    Twisted Evil 

I thought you weren't an anarchist?

nope...but given the chance of being able to either

bugger off somewhere "out of the way " and "do my own thing" as it were
get into a position of power via the ensuring chaos

I'd go for it...

I have never looked at it that way but yes the entire system is not fit for purpose therefore if UKIP got in and everything went to Hell in a Handcart,that would be most brilliant.

Let's have a revolution!  cheers 
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sun May 18, 2014 9:32 pm

FluffyBunny wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:

nope...but given the chance of being able to either

bugger off somewhere "out of the way " and "do my own thing" as it were
get into a position of power via the ensuring chaos

I'd go for it...

I have never looked at it that way but yes the entire system is not fit for purpose therefore if UKIP got in and everything went to Hell in a Handcart,that would be most brilliant.

Let's have a revolution!  cheers 

You are right there.

I was quite aghast today, when one of my mates came over, and suggested that i vote UKIP as a protest vote even though he is a life long Labour supporter and of mixed race and gay.

He said....To send a strong message to the government, to say that we are all fed up with the current political system.....and with immigrants taking 'all of our jobs'

I told him that i could never betray my core principles, and i could never cast a vote for a party that is both racist and homophobic.

...He got quite upset with my refusal to vote UKIP, and after a heated discussion, and then myself ignoring his further protests, he left by slamming both doors out of this property!  Rolling Eyes 


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Reasons NOT to vote UKIP Empty Re: Reasons NOT to vote UKIP

Post by Guest Sun May 18, 2014 10:37 pm


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