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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Tommy Monk
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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 2:03 pm

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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques
Representatives of Britain First hand out leaflets and bibles to Muslim worshippers as part of 'Christian crusade' campaign

Police in Bradford and Scotland have launched an investigation after a group of far-right activists "invaded" mosques in the cities over the weekend.

Representatives of Britain First, an offshoot of the British National party which is contesting this month's local and European elections, carried out what they called a "Christian crusade", handing out leaflets and bibles to Muslim worshippers.

In Yorkshire, the group wore matching flatcaps and green jackets embossed with the party logo, which features a crown and the legend: "Taking our country back."

Zulfi Karim, secretary of the Bradford Council of Mosques, said the action marked a new wave of extremist action and was co-ordinated with "almost military precision".

He said none of the Bradford mosques affected wanted to go on the record about what happened, lest they get visited again.

Azhar Dim, secretary trustee at Cumbernauld mosque in North Lanarkshire, said: "The initial approach of the group felt very intimidating, hostile and threatening, and they asked to speak to the imam in a raised voice. The event occurred out of the blue and shocked some of the worshippers present.

"However, when the imam appeared they spoke calmly, and the situation became calmer and people were less concerned. The leader presented the imam with some leaflets on 'grooming' and a bible and spoke very calmly, before leaving shortly after."

Police Scotland said it was investigating complaints made by Glasgow central mosque and Cumbernauld mosque on Sunday night.

Detectives in Bradford were trying to establish whether any criminal offences were committed when at least three of the city's mosques were targeted.

On Monday night, George Galloway, the MP for Bradford West, toured three mosques which had been attacked.

In a statement he demanded that the home secretary, Theresa May, take action to reassure the community and ban Britain First, which he called "a racist, neo-fascist gang of fanatics".

Galloway said: "It was first with dismay, then incredulity and finally anger that I learned that more than 48 hours after these jackbooted thugs had burst in on worshippers to desecrate holy places there has been absolutely no contact with any of the imams or members of the local Council for Mosques by the Home Office …

"Theresa May should have been on the first train to Bradford trailing officials and reassuring the Muslim community that not only would the perpetrators be punished but that she would ensure that an outrage like this never occurs again. Instead? A stony silence.

"I have written to the home secretary slating her failure, and that of her department, in dealing with this and calling on her to urgently come to grips with it."

In a joint statement David Green, the leader of Bradford council, and his counterparts from the Conservative and Liberal Democrat groups, said: "We stand together to condemn strongly this outrageous behaviour by outside agitators in some mosques over the weekend. We understand that nobody from Bradford district was involved in these incidents.

"All houses of worship should be treated with respect by all members of every community, regardless of their faith or culture. Anybody who enters any house of worship must abide by the rules of that religion.

"An attack on any house of worship is an attack on everyone and the whole of Bradford district. We will not tolerate any place of worship being disrupted in an aggressive way and subject to disrespect.

"We have met with the police and the Council for Mosques and have stressed the absolute importance of all congregations and places of worship being safe. We have received reassurance from the police that: all places of worship are safe, including mosques, churches, temples and synagogues, no mosque has been desecrated, a high-level police investigation is under way and any breach of the law will be pursued vigorously."

Britain First caused controversy recently after using "Remember Lee Rigby" as their party slogan, an act which prompted the Electoral Commission to change the rules on how political parties describe themselves on ballot papers.

David Ward, Bradford East's Lib Dem MP, said he feared the incidents were being blown out of proportion. Until further evidence is accumulated it would not be right to comment further, he said.

Detective Superintendent Lisa Griffin, of Bradford district police, said: "We would like to reassure the people of Bradford that this matter is being taken seriously, and that appropriate action will be taken if any offences have been committed."

Britain First describes itself as "a patriotic political party and street defence organisation that opposes and fights the many injustices that are routinely inflicted on the British people".

Led by Paul Golding, a former BNP councillor and editor of the BNP's Flagship magazine, the party is structured like a paramilitary organisation, with "battalions" representing different regions.

After the weekend's events, Golding wrote on the party's Facebook page that the "Christian crusade" would continue. "Our intelligence team is at present compiling lists of home address's [sic] of Bradford MPs, councillors, newspaper editors and Muslim community leaders/imams, and we will be visiting them all over the next couple of weeks.

"We will also continue our invasions of Bradford mosques, madrassas and community centres – we are only getting warmed up! We appeal to moderate Muslims to act against the 'enemy within' or we will!"

Just image the furore there would have been if a load of Muslims went into churches handing of korans. The papers would have been full of it, it would have been seen as desicration and there would have been questions asked in Parliament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 9:29 pm

You liar.


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by stardesk Tue May 13, 2014 9:30 pm

Just for the topic record, I had to visit Peterborough recently, and what did I see? Right outside the Cathedral, by its gates, was a large Moslem stall, preaching out loudly and handing out leaflests and Korans. Should I have called the poilce, because to my mind being right outside the Cathedral was insulting.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 9:34 pm

Joy Division wrote:
Tesstacious wrote:

Well we can only go by experience - I've never seen Muslims protest by peacefully handing out leaflets!

Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Mm210

Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Mmm10

..the people on these pictures are just extremist fools Tess, much like ours but more deluded...and probably more dangerous because of delusion.

Many other Muslims  were probably shaking their head at them.

yeah that's why every time muslims have a protest you always see these evil messages ?


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 10:45 pm

Oh right...its from the guardian....that explains a great deal...

typical guardian headline

"evil racist looked "wrongly" at Muslim over the road. he then doubled the insult by looking away"


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 10:46 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:Oh right...its from the guardian....that explains a great deal...

typical guardian headline

"evil racist looked "wrongly" at Muslim over the road. he then doubled the insult by looking away"

It's in more than the Guardian, and you Victor, like the others, would be screaming blue murder if it was the other way round.


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Raggamuffin Tue May 13, 2014 10:54 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:It's not enough to imagine how white British Christians would react if Muslims went to a church, demanded to speak to the rector, and handed out leaflets and Qurans.

You also have to picture them in uniforms with logos that read something like "Taking the country."

What about black British Christians? How do you think they would react?  Laughing 
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 10:54 pm

A FAR-RIGHT group which “invaded” mosques in Bradford and handed out anti-Islam leaflets is “on a mission” to target areas of the country with large Muslim populations, an MP has claimed.

Members of Britain First, some wearing uniforms, staged the protests at ten places of worship in the city centre over the weekend before posting images of themselves on Facebook apparently confronting members of the Asian community.

They also visited the home of Bradford Lord Mayor Khadim Hussain and have threatened to do the same to “Bradford MPs, councillors, newspaper editors and Muslim community leaders/imams”.

West Yorkshire Police has set up a team of officers, led by the detective who investigated the death of four-year-old Hamzah Khan in Bradford, to establish if a crime has been committed.

Bradford MP George Galloway said anyone who saw the group in action should call the police. He said in a statement yesterday: “This is crucial because these idiots are promising to return to cause more trouble.”

A spokesman for Mr Galloway said: “There is a national co-ordination going on. They were in Glasgow and they are going to go to other cities, they will be in Leeds shortly.

“They are clearly on a mission to hit areas where there is a high Muslim population and cause fear and alarm in those people.”

Fellow Bradford MP David Ward said: “These people went into a number of mosques and were quite challenging, but the far more serious issue is they went to the home of the Lord Mayor. It is pretty unpleasant and intimidatory and was quite challenging.

“These are some sad individuals but they cannot just be dismissed as being crackpots, to those who are on the receiving end of their threats, it is unpleasant and it is nasty. We need to have a strategy, we need to be united.”

Britain First describes itself as a “patriotic political group” and its founders severed links with the British National Party in 2010, establishing the new organisation six months later.

The leaflets handed out by its members, seen by The Yorkshire Post, claim Islam “remains hostile to our democratic, western culture” and accuses authorities of “turning a blind eye” to what it describes as “Muslim grooming”.

A statement on a Britain First Facebook site recording the action said: “This is the first of many such operations that are due to be launched across Yorkshire against Islam.”

The failed EDL and BNP reforming under another name.


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 11:27 pm

stardesk wrote:Just for the topic record, I had to visit Peterborough recently, and what did I see? Right outside the Cathedral, by its gates, was a large Moslem stall, preaching out loudly and handing out leaflests and Korans. Should I have called the poilce, because to my mind being right outside the Cathedral was insulting.

Exactly Star...and if you complained YOU would be the one in the wrong, and get told to "suck it up"


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 11:41 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
stardesk wrote:Just for the topic record, I had to visit Peterborough recently, and what did I see? Right outside the Cathedral, by its gates, was a large Moslem stall, preaching out loudly and handing out leaflests and Korans. Should I have called the poilce, because to my mind being right outside the Cathedral was insulting.

Exactly Star...and if you complained YOU would be the one in the wrong, and get told to "suck it up"

It was outside though and people preach outside mosques:

A Little Background:

As some of you know, myself and Josef went to London during the last 10 days or Ramadan to preach the Gospel outside of some of the local mosque. I have shared with some the amazing things the Lord enabled us to do while we were there and decided to write a short account of it for the website.

A Little Background:

Those that know me know the Lord has burdened me with a desire to see those enslaved in this false religion come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Shortly after my conversion in 1997 God gave me a dream regarding preaching the Gospel to Muslims and I have seen much of it come to pass. Going and preaching in London was a continuation what God has been doing in me and through me to reach Muslims. It started earlier this year as I was driving home from work. I was listening to the radio and there was a story about how THOUSANDS of Muslims had gathered outside of the London Central Mosque to declare that Islam would take over Europe and eventually the U.S. I was totally amazed at how boldly they were publicaly declaring what they planned to do through this false religion. The Lord also began to stir in my heart a jealousy for His Name and His Glory. I began to pray to God and cry out to Him saying "where are your saints who are boldly proclaiming the Salvation through Christ to these people". It crushed me to realized that you almost never hear of followers of Christ openly proclaiming the only Gospel of Salvation to Muslims like those in London. (here's a link where you can read some of their demonstration: )

So I began to pray and seek God about going to London and preaching outside of a few of the Mosque there...which God confirmed that it was His will for me to go. I told Lisa that I would be going and believed it was God's will. I originally decided to go by myself because I didn't know anyone that would go with me. Lisa though, encouraged me to pray and seek God about having someone else go as well. Sounded like good advise so I prayed! As I went to prayer the Lord kept bringing up this brother named Josef Urban to me. So I prayed for him and decided to write him and see if he would come. Keep in mind, I've never met Josef before but have seen some of his preaching videos online. He had been preaching in Detroit in the Ghettos for a while. So I came out from praying in our closet and went to bed....not telling Lisa who I had been praying for. The next day Lisa tells me she had a dream from God. She said in her dream she saw me in the closet praying for Josef regarding the trip! She said she saw Josef in the dream and that he already had plans but was going to cancel them believing it was God's will for him to come. So I sent Josef and email and asked him to pray about coming. A day or so later Josef emails back saying he had plans already but was canceling them believing it was God's will for him to come! God was brining it all to pass!
Time In London: .

Our first outreach in London was at the London Central Mosque - the mosque in the above news story. We headed out from our hotel (the smallest hotel room I've ever seen in my life!) and took the tube to the Mosque. It was evening prayer which is the busiest time at the Mosque. We went to the front of the Mosque and set up. We had brought a microphone so we could preach outside the front and would be heard inside the mosque grounds as well. I have to say I was nervous but the Lord enabled us to preach. I began to preach and declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most of the people going inside the Mosque had a kinda dumbfounded look on their face. Some seemed to be shocked at what they were hearing. I think they were suprised to see someone on their front door preaching Jesus Christ! I was able to preach for a while and eventually some of the leaders of the Mosque came out. They said we were not allowed to preach on the public sidewalk and we needed to move down the street or across the street. We listened to them a bit and talked with them but eventually decided to put up the mic. However, we had a couple guys around us and were able to speak to them about Christ for a good while. After talking with these men for a while we walked over closer to the front entrance gate. There was a Muslim Charity that was handing out free bottled water to those entering the Mosque. This worked about perfect for us! I had printed up some gospel tracts called "Is Allah Just" and brought them to hand out. We stood next to guys handing out water and proceeded to give out these Gospel tracts to those entering the Mosque. Pretty much everyone took them. So not only had we been able to preach outside but now there were countless Muslims walking inside the Mosque with Gospel tracts! Josef and I decided to pray about whether we should go into the Mosque or not. When we finished praying one of the leaders of the Mosque, who was not happy with what we were doing, said if we wanted to come inside and debate Islam with him to just come in and ask for him. He then left and went inside. Seemed like an answer to prayer! So we prayed again and went inside. There were literally hundreds upon hundreds of people in there. All of them Muslims coming to break their day of fasting. We began to look for the guy who invited us inside but never did find him. Instead a man pulled us aside, pulled up a few chairs, and wanted to talk with us. We were able to preaching the Gospel to this man who had a very hard heart. However, different people kept coming up, sitting down, or standing by and listening. We were able to preach to many people right inside the Mosque!

And the group we have been talking about have been beer swilling and yelling outside London mosques for months. Even the Daily Mail reported it.


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Fred Thu May 15, 2014 4:16 pm

Sassy wrote:
Shady wrote:Good afternoon Folks.

Ermmm I'm little bit lost here.What have these leaflet distributors actually done wrong?

Can someone please name the criminal act & section which they have supposedly contravened.Thanks.

You'd be ok then if Muslims walked into a church, demanded to see the Rector and started handing out korans.   Would you hell Shady.

Yes I would. What about the Muslim thugs who harass pub goers. What about Muslims who threaten death to Christian evangelist or Muslims who convert. Really Sassy if you want your extremist 24 carat look no further than the Muslims you are an apologist for.

Still as you support Muslims walking into cafes with nail bombs its hardly a surprise you call this handing out of leaflets a crime.

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Age : 48

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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 4:39 pm

One of those people on that picture holding the sign that says .."exterminate those who slander Islam" ...

It's just so ridiculous it's laughable  Laughing

What a muppet.


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:00 pm

So - we have English people handing out bibles and leaflets at a mosque, and this results in a thread about a 'far right invasion' and generates two pages of replies.

We have a UKIP candidate who has bricks thrown through his window while his children are sleeping, and threats made just for being a UKIP candidate, we have an English fish and chip shop owner who has to leave his business because of threats to burn his shop down for mentioning that the new owners are English! I've made two threads today about these. Do either generate two pages of replies? yeah right. Give a bible to a muslim and it's an outrage - smash a man's window and threaten to burn down his premises, and it's, well, okay, but who cares - they're only English scum.


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:12 pm

Tesstacious wrote:So - we have English people handing out bibles and leaflets at a mosque, and this results in a thread about a 'far right invasion' and generates two pages of replies.

We have a UKIP candidate who has bricks thrown through his window while his children are sleeping, and threats made just for being a UKIP candidate, we have an English fish and chip shop owner who has to leave his business because of threats to burn his shop down for mentioning that the new owners are English!  I've made two threads today about these.  Do either generate two pages of replies?  yeah right.  Give a bible to a muslim and it's an outrage - smash a man's window and threaten to burn down his premises, and it's, well, okay, but who cares - they're only English scum.

you are spot on , but remember we are all islamphobic aren't we and this forum is only a place to slate islam and muslims  Rolling Eyes 


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:14 pm

Tesstacious wrote:So - we have English people handing out bibles and leaflets at a mosque, and this results in a thread about a 'far right invasion' and generates two pages of replies.

We have a UKIP candidate who has bricks thrown through his window while his children are sleeping, and threats made just for being a UKIP candidate, we have an English fish and chip shop owner who has to leave his business because of threats to burn his shop down for mentioning that the new owners are English!  I've made two threads today about these.  Do either generate two pages of replies?  yeah right.  Give a bible to a muslim and it's an outrage - smash a man's window and threaten to burn down his premises, and it's, well, okay, but who cares - they're only English scum.

So you are trying to justify intimidation because it has happened to some individuals fro UKIP and a idiot chip shop owner?

Really, please explain that?

So you believe two wrongs make a right when it was wrong for a UKIP candidate to receive threats?
I do not see anyone justifying anyone having threats, even an idiotic chip shop owner, you are thus trying to make it acceptable for Muslims to receive indimidation

Absurd argument


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:18 pm

i really can't imagine the trauma these poor muslims endured at the hands of  christians giving them leaflets and a bible it must have been so traumatic i mean imagine the trauma and a BIBLE  shocking indeed ,of and that must be worse than the threat  your house being burned down while you and your children sleep . terrible business indeed  Rolling Eyes

didge just have to add this ,
your comparison of the two incidents shows how very anti-english you are you tool .


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:20 pm

Vicar of Dibley wrote:i really can't imagine the trauma these poor muslims endured at the hands of  christians giving them leaflets and a bible it must have been so traumatic i mean imagine the trauma and a BIBLE  shocking indeed ,of and that must be worse than the threat  your house being burned down while you and your children sleep . terrible business indeed  Rolling Eyes 

Because they really do not care those handing out bibles anything to do with Christianity, that will be your first clue


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:30 pm

muslims respecting Christians ?


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:32 pm

Phillipa wrote:

muslims respecting Christians ?

Praying? Did you here the commentary" errreee its fucking Westminster Abbey, look at them"

The horror


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:38 pm

Many mosques have carparks , Christians should invade these carparks and have prayer meeting.


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:44 pm

Phillipa wrote:

Many mosques have carparks , Christians should invade these carparks and have prayer meeting.

No doubt the Muslims would invite them in.

You okay allakaka?


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:48 pm

Maybe the people who organised this will try to use the carpark of a Mosque for prayers just before the Muslims turn up for '' Happy hour '' on Fridays.


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:50 pm

Phillipa wrote:

Maybe the people who organised this will try to use the carpark of a Mosque for prayers just before the Muslims turn up for '' Happy hour '' on Fridays.

Will they, do these people actually attend church themselves or have actually read the bible?


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:55 pm

Do these attend a mosque and pray ?

Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Captur13


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 5:55 pm

Tesstacious wrote:So - we have English people handing out bibles and leaflets at a mosque, and this results in a thread about a 'far right invasion' and generates two pages of replies.

We have a UKIP candidate who has bricks thrown through his window while his children are sleeping, and threats made just for being a UKIP candidate, we have an English fish and chip shop owner who has to leave his business because of threats to burn his shop down for mentioning that the new owners are English!  I've made two threads today about these.  Do either generate two pages of replies?  yeah right.  Give a bible to a muslim and it's an outrage - smash a man's window and threaten to burn down his premises, and it's, well, okay, but who cares - they're only English scum.

..well, like me Tess..I'm sure everyone on here wouldn't say it's acceptable to hurl bricks through someone's window for being a candidate...especially when there are children in that house, nor threaten to burn a shop down, truly despicable and just not on.

But the UKIP are a far right party and given some of the views and actions by its councillor , I would see why some would be mad at them..but bricking the guys windows etc is just a step too far, and people carrying out these acts must be punished.


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 6:00 pm

Didge wrote:
Phillipa wrote:

muslims respecting Christians ?

Praying? Did you here the commentary" errreee its fucking Westminster Abbey, look at them"

The horror

The acceptable comment missing off the video is'' Behead those who insult Christianity ''


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 6:05 pm

Phillipa wrote:
Didge wrote:

Praying? Did you here the commentary" errreee its fucking Westminster Abbey, look at them"

The horror

The acceptable comment missing off the video is'' Behead those who insult Christianity ''

Is it, all I see is people praying.

If I see people with intolerant signs, I condemn them for holding such signs, I do not condemn people for praying


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 6:15 pm

Joy Division wrote:
Tesstacious wrote:So - we have English people handing out bibles and leaflets at a mosque, and this results in a thread about a 'far right invasion' and generates two pages of replies.

We have a UKIP candidate who has bricks thrown through his window while his children are sleeping, and threats made just for being a UKIP candidate, we have an English fish and chip shop owner who has to leave his business because of threats to burn his shop down for mentioning that the new owners are English!  I've made two threads today about these.  Do either generate two pages of replies?  yeah right.  Give a bible to a muslim and it's an outrage - smash a man's window and threaten to burn down his premises, and it's, well, okay, but who cares - they're only English scum.

..well, like me Tess..I'm sure everyone on here wouldn't say it's acceptable to hurl bricks through someone's window for being a candidate...especially when there are children in that house, nor threaten to burn a shop down, truly despicable and just not on.

But the UKIP are a far right party and given some of the views and actions by its councillor , I would see why some would be mad at them..but bricking the guys windows etc is just a step too far, and people carrying out these acts must be punished.

that's exactly how some people in this country feel about muslims but that's different isn't it because islam must never be offended right Wink


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by gerber Thu May 15, 2014 6:16 pm

Vicar of Dibley wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

..well, like me Tess..I'm sure everyone on here wouldn't say it's acceptable to hurl bricks through someone's window for being a candidate...especially when there are children in that house, nor threaten to burn a shop down, truly despicable and just not on.

But the UKIP are a far right party and given some of the views and actions by its councillor , I would see why some would be mad at them..but bricking the guys windows etc is just a step too far, and people carrying out these acts must be punished.

that's exactly how some people in this country feel about muslims but that's different isn't it because islam must never be offended right Wink

No they can't vicar even when they burn Poppy's.......
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 6:21 pm

Didge wrote:
Phillipa wrote:

Maybe the people who organised this will try to use the carpark of a Mosque for prayers just before the Muslims turn up for '' Happy hour '' on Fridays.

Will they, do these people actually attend church themselves or have actually read the bible?

what has reading the bible and attending church got to do with it ?


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 6:21 pm

gerber wrote:
Vicar of Dibley wrote:

that's exactly how some people in this country feel about muslims but that's different isn't it because islam must never be offended right Wink

No they can't vicar even when they burn Poppy's.......

They get arrested for burning poppies now and fined


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 6:23 pm

gerber wrote:
Vicar of Dibley wrote:

that's exactly how some people in this country feel about muslims but that's different isn't it because islam must never be offended right Wink

No they can't vicar even when they burn Poppy's.......

but burning a koran is criminal offense. burning a bible or burning the union jack or even threatening to take over Buckingham palace and make it a mosque is not a criminal offense  Evil or Very Mad 


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by gerber Thu May 15, 2014 6:25 pm

Vicar of Dibley wrote:
gerber wrote:

No they can't vicar even when they burn Poppy's.......

but burning a koran is criminal offense.  burning a bible or burning the union jack or even threatening to take over Buckingham palace and make it a mosque is not a criminal offense  Evil or Very Mad 

No ! Just over exuberance from a few
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

Posts : 2317
Join date : 2013-12-14

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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 6:26 pm

The video does not represent the comments in the OP


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Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques - Page 2 Empty Re: Police investigate far-right 'invasions' of Bradford and Glasgow mosques

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2014 6:28 pm

Vicar of Dibley wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

..well, like me Tess..I'm sure everyone on here wouldn't say it's acceptable to hurl bricks through someone's window for being a candidate...especially when there are children in that house, nor threaten to burn a shop down, truly despicable and just not on.

But the UKIP are a far right party and given some of the views and actions by its councillor , I would see why some would be mad at them..but bricking the guys windows etc is just a step too far, and people carrying out these acts must be punished.

that's exactly how some people in this country feel about muslims but that's different isn't it because islam must never be offended right Wink

I know some people do feel like that here Dibs,and sadly there are occasions I can see why...but the majority of Muslims living here only want to live in peace ..there are idiots amongst our own just as there are among some Muslims,..

The last thing we want is to become as bad as some of the extremists and trouble makers.


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