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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Ben Reilly
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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:15 pm

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Anti-Semitic propaganda maintained that:

—all Jews were responsible for the act of any Jew, e.g. “The murder of Ernst vom Rath did not slow legal measures aimed at solving the Jewish Problem, but rather sped them up. The Jews living in Germany had to pay a fine of a billion marks to discourage them from repeating the cowardly murder.” **

— Judaism was not a religion. “Argument 1: “You say that religion is a private matter. But you fight against the Jewish religion!” Counterargument: “Actually, the Jewish religion is nothing other than a doctrine to preserve the Jewish race.” (Adolf Hitler). “In resisting all government attempts to nationalize them, the Jews build a state within the state (Count Helmuth von Moltke). “To call this state a ‘religion’ was one of the cleverest tricks ever invented.” (Adolf Hitler). “From this first lie that Jewry is a religion, not a race, further lies inevitably follow.” (Adolf Hitler).”  **

— there was an International Jewish conspiracy to influence and then control governments, media,  the economy, etc.  **

— the Jews hated all non-Jews and they wanted to destroy the Gentiles and dominate the world **  Further “Whether or not there is an organized Jewish government recognized by all the Jews is less important that the fact that there is a unified and conscious Jewish desire for world power. This is proved by a variety of political events that are taking place in plain sight today.”  **

— due to inbreeding, Jews had more negative characteristics and passed on these negative characteristics to the next generation.  **

— a war against Judaism was a war against the devil **

— by distortions of the Torah and Talmud they claimed that Judaism teaches hatred **

— “The goal of the Jew is to make himself the ruler of humanity. Wherever he comes, he destroys works of culture. He is not a creative spirit, rather a destructive spirit.”  **  “The struggle for world domination will be fought entirely between us, between Germans and Jews.  All else is facade and illusion. Behind England stands Israel, and behind France, and behind the United States.  Even when we have driven the Jew out of Germany, he remains our world enemy.”  Adolf Hitler **

— “Nearly all major inventions were made by Aryans.”  The Jews had no real creativity **   “Wherever Jewry has appeared, it has never built anything. It has always and everywhere destroyed or torn down, sucking others dry to fill itself. From the days of the Romans to our day, Jewry in every century, in every people, was and remained a foreign body, a destroyer of real and ideal values, a denier of any upward progress, a plague for body and soul. It sneaks in through deceit and treachery, trickery and slyness, murder and assault, understanding how to establish itself.”  **

— a good Jew could not be a good German, that it was impossible for a Jew to honestly say “I am a “good German” and a “decent Jew”! Only a Jew has the insolence to make such a claim. I answer it only to reach the public and finally dispatch the absurd notion of the “decent Jew.” The fable of the “decent Jew” is not a German fable that has been handed down by our people and therefore something with educational value, but rather it is a shameless lie designed to lull the host people to sleep and appeal to hysterical weaklings.”  **  And further “And you think you can be a “good German”! True, you do speak German, just as your racial comrades in other countries speak English, French, Spanish, and Polish, but you are no more a German than they are Englishmen, Frenchmen, Spaniards, or Poles, since Jews are a foreign body in every people.” **

—  “Jewish law enjoins or permits Jews to murder non-Jews whenever feasible” **

—  “Jews are permitted to lie without moral or religious compunction” **

—  “Judaism condones the sexual molestation of young girls” ** “The Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end….spying on the unsuspicious German girl he plans to seduce….he wants to contaminate her blood and remove her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew hates the white race and wants to lower its cultural level so that the Jews might dominate.” - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf **

—  there was no way to tell the true nature of Jews as they presented a false face. **

—  Jews were uniquely violent and untrustworthy compared to all the other peoples of the world. **

— Jews could not serve loyally in the military of Germany, and they were removed. **

— anti-Semitism was a reasonable response to a clear and present danger.  **  If Jews raised the issue of anti-Semitism they were doing it for devious reasons.  The Jewish people, once only tolerated, knew how to raise a hue and cry about discrimination and persecution, winning the sympathy of the world for the “poor Jews.” They increasingly infiltrated deep within our national organism, growing to have power over every single area of our national life. **

— there was a “Jewish problem” and that any measures taken against the Jews were reasonable and defensive.  **

— Jews are a “disease” infecting any nation they inhabit.  “For us, it is a problem of whether our nation can ever recover its health, whether the Jewish spirit can ever really be eradicated.  Don’t be misled into thinking you can fight a disease without killing the carrier, without destroying the bacillus.  Don’t think you can fight racial tuberculosis without taking care to rid the nation of the carrier of that racial tuberculosis.  This Jewish contamination will not subside, this poisoning of the nation will not end, until the carrier himself, the Jew, has been banished from our midst.”  Adolph Hitler **  “Each Jew individually, and Jewry as a whole, is without a home. Jewry undermines every people and every state that it infiltrates. It feeds as a parasite and a culture-killing worm in the host people. It grows and grows like weeds in the state, the community, and the family and infests the blood of humanity everywhere.  In brief, that is the pestilential nature of Jewry, against which every people, every state, every nation must, should, and wants to defend itself if it does not want to be the victim of this bloody plague.”  **


“Islam constitutes a threat to the world at large.”  Robert Spencer, AFDI, SIOA, SION

When Shi’ite Muslims were persecuted by Sunnis, they developed the doctrine of taqiyya, or concealment: They could lie about what they believed, denying aspects of their faith that were offensive to Sunnis…Closely related to this is the doctrine of kitman, or mental reservation, which is telling the truth, but not the whole truth, with an intention to mislead…Remember that the next time you see a Muslim spokesman on television professing his friendship with non-Muslim Americans and his loyalty to the United States. Of course, he may be telling the truth–but he may not be telling the whole truth or he may be just lying.  Robert Spencer, AFDI, SIOA, SION

There are “many elements of traditional and mainstream Islam that are at variance with our system of government, our Constitution, and our entire way of life.”  Robert Spencer, AFDI, SIOA, SION

“There is no reliable way to distinguish a “moderate” Muslim who rejects the jihad ideology and Islamic supremacism from a “radical” Muslim who holds such ideas, even if he isn’t acting upon them at the moment.”  Robert Spencer, AFDI, SIOA, SION

“The misbegotten term “Islamo-fascism” is wholly redundant: Islam itself is a kind of fascism that achieves its full and proper form only when it assumes the powers of the state.” Robert Spencer,AFDI, SIOA, SION  

“There is no distinction in the American Muslim community between peaceful Muslims and jihadists.” Robert Spencer, AFDI, SIOA, SION

“(Islam) is the only major world religion with a developed doctrine and tradition of warfare against unbelievers.”  Robert Spencer, AFDI, SIOA, SION

“Islam is of the devil” Rev. Terry Jones

“Islam is evil” Rev. Franklin Graham

“There is no escaping the unfortunate fact that Muslim government employees in law enforcement, the military and the diplomatic corps need to be watched for connections to terrorism.”  Rev. Franklin Graham

“Nearly all (emphasis added) of the Islamic organizations in the United States that define themselves as religiously or culturally Muslim in character have, today, been totally captured or dominated by radical fundamentalist elements…”  Steven Emerson

“U.S. Muslims are strategically aligning with LGBT people as part of their jihadist campaign to subjugate the West.”  Joseph Farrah, WND

”Devout Muslims should be prohibited from military service. Would Patton have recruited Nazis into his army?”  Pamela Geller, AFDI, SIOA, SION

Good Muslims lie to advance Islam, It’s the law. Atlas readers often hear me refer to taqiya - lies to advance Islam.” Pamela Geller, AFDI, SIOA, SION

I believe that “Al-Qaeda is a manifestation of devout Islam ... It is Islam.”  Pamela Geller, AFDI, SIOA, SION

“Arabic is not just another language like French or Italian, it is the spearhead of an ideological project that is deeply opposed to the United States.”  Pamela Geller, AFDI, SIOA, SION

I believe that “Hitler WAS inspired by Islam”  Pamela Geller, AFDI,SIOA, SION

“The ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world.”  Nicolai Sennels

One significant conclusion of my research was that having been raised in a Muslim environment – with Muslim parents and traditions – includes the risk of developing certain antisocial patterns.  Nicolai Sennels

As in many other nauseating situations, Islamonausea is a normal and natural reaction to something abnormal, not vice versa.  The nausea reflex is innate, and it is biologically natural and healthy to experience emotional and bodily discomfort with anything that is unpleasant, unhealthy or harmful.  ... The word Islamonausea can be used to describe a feeling of nausea, disgust, displeasure, discomfort or aversion that arises by itself when encountering Islam or Islamic culture, or whatever or whoever represents it. Nicolai Sennels

“Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height of common sense.”  [SIOE motto]

“I would like to feel all warm and fuzzy and embrace the moderate Muslim/ meme but they show no evidence of their existence - not in any real number anyway. The only voices of reason in the Muslim world are lapsed Muslims or apostates.  Pamela Geller, AFDI, SIOA, SION

“It’s the Muslims who are dragging the rest of the world with them, in their genocidal dreams of annihilating goodness, creativity, production, inventiveness, benevolence, charity, medicine, technology, and all of the gifts of the Jews.  Our goodness makes them ill.”  Pamela Geller, AFDI, SIOA, SION

I believe that “Islam is a mental illness”.  Pamela Geller, AFDI, SIOA, SION

“The artifacts featured in this exhibit are stolen. Period. Stolen from the cultures conquered and Islamized, and the lands appropriated by the Muslims. The Met is passing off this stolen intellectual property as Islamic. It isn’t.”  Pamela Geller, AFDI, SIOA, SION

I believe that Islam is “the most insidious doctrine of hate. Islam can’t be reformed, but it can be eradicated. It can’t be molded, but it can be smashed.”  Ali Sina, SION

“We do not want to reform Islam. We want to eradicate it. Just as cancer cannot be reformed and the only way to cure the patient is to eradicate it, Islam cant be reformed either and it must be eradicated for the world to be saved.”  Ali Sina, FMU, SION

I believe that “Islam, like fascism, appeals to people with low self esteem and low intelligence.  Ali Sina, FMU, SION

I believe that “Every “moderate” Muslim is a potential terrorist.” Ali Sina, FMU, SION

I believe that “On the so-called Global War on Terrorism, GWOT, we have been quite clear along with a few other resolute souls. This should be a WAR AGAINST Islam and all Muslim faithful…At a practical level, this means that Shari’a and Islamic law are immediately outlawed. Any Muslim in America who adopts historical and traditional Shari’a will be subject to deportation. Mosques which adhere to Islamic law will be shut down permanently. No self-described or practicing Muslim, irrespective of his or her declarations to the contrary, will be allowed to immigrate to this country…” David Yerushalmi, SANE

I believe that “Muslim civilization is at war with Judeo-Christian civilization…The Muslim peoples, those committed to Islam as we know it today, are our enemies.”  David Yerushalmi, SANE

“We love you Muslims because you are humans like us. We are all related to each other. We are all limbs of the body of mankind. But you are diseased. You are infected by a deadly cult that threatens our lives. Your humanity is destroyed. Like a limb infected by flesh eating disease, now you are a threat to the rest of mankind. We will do everything to save you, to make you see your folly, and to make you understand that you are victims of a gigantic lie, so you leave this lie, stop hating mankind and plotting for its destruction and it domination. But if all efforts fail and if you become a threat to our lives and the lives of our children, we must amputate you.”  Ali Sina, FMU, SION

There is a need for an “old fashioned war with wholesale slaughter including indiscriminate death of innocents and babes. down to the last Muslim, if necessary.”  John Joseph Jay, AFDI

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.  ...  The Islamofeces cockroaches are on the march and if we do not kill them all, they shall kill us.  George M. Weinert V

“I’ve got an idea, let’s kill all Muslims.”  Jay Severin

“Rot in hell, Osama bin Laden.  One down, 1.8 billion to go ... many of ‘em inside U.S. borders, with the U.S. government at all levels kissing their asses.”  Debbie Schlussel

“I do not believe that our country can truly fulfill its divine purpose until we understand America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed.”  Rev. Rod Parsley

“Absolutely. If a Muslim who has—who is—a practicing Muslim who believes the word of the Koran to be the word of Allah, who abides by Islam, who goes to mosque and prays every Friday, who prays five times a day—this practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America.”  Brigitte Gabrie, ACT for Americal

Westerners “don’t want to judge anybody based on their [religion].  [But] Islam is not a religion. Islam is a very dangerous political ideology…. There is no such thing as radical Islam and regular Islam or spiritual Islam….There is only one Islam.”  Wafa Sultan, FMU

“What has the Arab world contributed except terror? The theocratic, repressive Arabic states do no significant science, no significant arts and culture.”  “Osama bin Laden is a very good Muslim - a model one, in fact, and one of the most devout in the 1400 years of Islam.”  David Horowitz, Freedom Center

“Sure America’s First Amendment protects freedom of religion. But the Founding Fathers and signatories of the Constitution undoubtedly would not have included rights in it for members of a religion that demands the destruction, persecution and invasion of the United States of America -and at best, the establishment of a shadow Constitution parallel to the American one, namely Islamic sharia law. No, that most certainly was not in the minds of America’s Founding Fathers.”  Eliana Benador

“America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the real enemy: Islam.”  Brigitte Gabriel, ACT for America

“We are in a war against a political, theocratic, authoritarian ideology and it is called Islam!”  Rep. Allen West, (R-FL)

“The Muslim Representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district and if American citizens don’t wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran.”  Rep. Virgil H. Goode, Jr

“There are too many mosques in this country.”  -  “85 percent of American Muslim community leaders are an enemy living amongst us”  -  “no (American) Muslims cooperate in the war on terror”.  -  “I would say, you could say that 80-85 percent of mosques in this country are controlled by Islamic fundamentalists … Those who are in control.  The average Muslim, no, they are loyal, but they don’t work, they don’t come forward, they don’t tell the police.”  Rep. Peter King

“We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”  Ann Coulter

Taught military personnel that they should take a “war on Islam” “to the civilian population wherever necessary,” which he likened to the bombardment of Dresden and nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Army Lt. Col. Matthew A. Dooley

So once one acknowledges the obvious, that there is fascistic behavior among a core of Muslims — specifically, a cult of violence and the wanton use of physical force to impose an ideology on others — the term “Islamo-Fascism” is entirely appropriate.  Dennis Prager

We would be looked upon as uncouth for suggesting that the only language all Muslims understand is that of blood and death and only death can stop them. As long as they survive on this planet, they will be a destabilizing influence and never allow civilized people to breathe freely. There is no hope of transforming the Muslims into a good peace-loving and noble community. As long as a Muslim lives, killing infidels comes to him/her as naturally as does attacking its prey comes to a wild and hungry beast. Muslims are brainwashed to do this by the Quran - the instruction manual of hate and terror. They can never be transformed into good citizens. And so the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. This is the harsh reality. And so we need to face the seemingly heartless and brutal fact of life that all Muslims need to be given the choice of leaving Islam voluntarily or being put out of harm’s way, i.e. put out of the way from harming anybody else! No other way has the prospect of resolving the Muslim problem across the globe.  War on Jihad site

It’s Time to Put the Coffee Down and Eradicate Islam in the West. This article included the passage “It’s time to join the war, not on “terror” (that oh-so soothing illusion,) but on Islam in the West. Most urgently, we must defend Israel as the frontline in the war against the spread of Islam.”  Jeanette Pryor on David Horowitz’ blog

“ Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene…. All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most.”  Daniel Pipes, MEF

Islam is “a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world and world domination.  You’re dealing with not a religion, you’re dealing with a political system, and I think we should treat it as such, and treat its adherents as such as we would members of the communist party, members of some fascist group.”  Rev. Pat Robertson

“Do you really want someone representing you, who swears an oath on a Quran — a book that undermines our Constitution and says you should be killed? I’m Gary Boisclair, and I approve this message.”  Gary Boisclair (D-MI)

“It has been left to us to educate the uneducated of this country to the difference between Sikhism, Hinduism and Islam. Islam is a disease….it is a disease. Winston Churchill once said, ‘Islam in a man is the same as rabies in a dog’.”  Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson), EDL

“... every single Muslim watching this on YouTube: on 7/7 you got away with killing and maiming British citizens, you got away with it. Next time you think about it you’d better understand that we have built a network from one end of this country to the other end. We will not tolerate it and the Islamic community will feel the full force of the English Defence League if we see any of our citizens killed, maimed or hurt on British soil ever again.”  - Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson), EDL

Last edited by Didge on Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:41 pm

SEXY MAMA wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

there is nothing you can teach me about Islam mama

what you can tell me is how YOU view your qur'an and how YOU abide by it and what goes on in YOUR mosque and how YOU integrate

YOU are not every Muslim in the world

True im not every Muslim in the world but im the ONLY Muslim you know Smelly!

I don't know you mama

For all I know you might be a very good actor

All anyone here knows of you is what you let them, who knows what you really think behind that Bhurka??

You don't speak for all Muslims mama and there are many many millions of Muslims who practice their faith in a way you would claim is wrong

AL-Q for example are Muslims who fight in jihad for Allah

You say they are wrong and they would kill you for being unislamic

So who do I believe??

The Muslim who talks or the Muslim who acts??


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by veya_victaous Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:28 am

smelly_bandit wrote:
SEXY MAMA wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

there is nothing you can teach me about Islam mama

what you can tell me is how YOU view your qur'an and how YOU abide by it and what goes on in YOUR mosque and how YOU integrate

YOU are not every Muslim in the world

True im not every Muslim in the world but im the ONLY Muslim you know Smelly!

I don't know you mama

For all I know you might be a very good actor

All anyone here knows of you is what you let them, who knows what you really think behind that Bhurka??

You don't speak for all Muslims mama and there are many many millions of Muslims who practice their faith in a way you would claim is wrong

AL-Q for example are Muslims who fight in jihad for Allah

You say they are wrong and they would kill you for being unislamic

So who do I believe??

The Muslim who talks or the Muslim who acts??

OR the vast majority that are nice moderate people, that wish no undue harm on anyone..... just like most people regardless of race or religion
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:56 am

veya_victaous wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

I don't know you mama

For all I know you might be a very good actor

All anyone here knows of you is what you let them, who knows what you really think behind that Bhurka??

You don't speak for all Muslims mama and there are many many millions of Muslims who practice their faith in a way you would claim is wrong

AL-Q for example are Muslims who fight in jihad for Allah

You say they are wrong and they would kill you for being unislamic

So who do I believe??

The Muslim who talks or the Muslim who acts??

OR the vast majority that are nice moderate people, that wish no undue harm on anyone..... just like most people regardless of race or religion


the vast majority of Muslims live in Islamic states where religious minorities are brutally persecuted on a daily basis in public by Muslims

if the vast majority of Muslims were moderate and peaceful then the religious minorities would be protected

is the way of the world that what the majority wants the majority gets


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:05 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:
OR the vast majority that are nice moderate people, that wish no undue harm on anyone..... just like most people regardless of race or religion
the vast majority of Muslims live in Islamic states where religious minorities are brutally persecuted on a daily basis in public by Muslims
if the vast majority of Muslims were moderate and peaceful then the religious minorities would be protected
is the way of the world that what the majority wants the majority gets

Not here it Britain it isn't, more what the minority want the minority gets.....!

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:10 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:

OR the vast majority that are nice moderate people, that wish no undue harm on anyone..... just like most people regardless of race or religion


the vast majority of Muslims live in Islamic states where religious minorities are brutally persecuted on a daily basis in public by Muslims

if the vast majority of Muslims were moderate and peaceful then the religious minorities would be protected

is the way of the world that what the majority wants the majority gets


How many have laws that allow persecution, list them all please out of 56?

Even more ironic is call for the persecution of Muslims, which makes your view point not only hypocritical but noring the fact it is extremists doing this which has risen since the west has become involved in Muslim nations. All persecution is wrong, but it is a minority that commit this persecution, whilst you also ignore the Muslims that stand united behind religious minorities.  

Take your time


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:50 pm

I think it's more a question Of how many of the Muslims countries are free of religious minority persecution??

How many didge??

Not one


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:53 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:I think it's more a question Of how many of the Muslims countries are free of religious minority persecution??

How many didge??

Not one

Thank you for proving my point that it is extremism, which has risen due to extremists using propaganda exactly like you do to whip up hate, strange that, when you both use the same prejudice to fuel hate towards people and the outcome is people are persecuted off hate.

Sadly you do not learn from that, it is people uniting that helps eradicate extremism, not hate


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:12 pm

Why not answer smellys question dodge?

smelly_bandit wrote:

I think it's more a question Of how many of the Muslims countries are free of religious minority persecution??

How many didge??

Not one


How many?

Bet this will be avoided like when I asked dodge to name an Islamic country that is an example of 'right' or 'proper' Islam!

Then after constant asking, it took him two weeks to come back with Senegal!!!

What a twat!

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:17 pm

lol, did he answer mine, nope, best you ask him to do the same, or you once again look hypocritical ha ha ha

I have to go and have answered his question in regards o extremism and why it has grown, but I guess you missed that.

Seriously you really just showed you were the twat because did he list the countries I asked ?



Laters dummy I just exposed you again



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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:22 pm

Also I am not deny persecution happens in many Muslim countries, maybe smelly can also explain why  there is countless persecution of Muslims in the west Tommy with Mosques and Muslims being attacked, maybe you can both explain that?

Right have to to go Happy St George day


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:35 pm

Come off it dodge, no comparison!

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:37 pm

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:I think it's more a question Of how many of the Muslims countries are free of religious minority persecution??

How many didge??

Not one

Thank you for proving my point that it is extremism, which has risen due to extremists using propaganda exactly like you do to whip up hate, strange that, when you both use the same prejudice to fuel hate towards people and the outcome is people are persecuted off hate.

Sadly you do not learn from that, it is people uniting that helps eradicate extremism, not hate

basically that means that since every single Muslim country persecutes its religious minorities then every single Muslim country is populated by extremists

so basically the vast majority of Muslims are fanatics or "extremists"(as you call them)

you have a long winded way of saying what is obvious


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:38 pm

Didge wrote:Also I am not deny persecution happens in many Muslim countries, maybe smelly can also explain why  there is countless persecution of Muslims in the west Tommy with Mosques and Muslims being attacked, maybe you can both explain that?

Right have to to go Happy St George day

not many

ALL Muslims countries

and there isn't any persecution of Muslims in the west unless its by other Muslims


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:40 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Come off it dodge, no comparison!

you have to understand that didge is very sensitive about his pet Muslims

they are very important to him

in his eyes saying no to halal is worse than the holocaust


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:44 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:

Thank you for proving my point that it is extremism, which has risen due to extremists using propaganda exactly like you do to whip up hate, strange that, when you both use the same prejudice to fuel hate towards people and the outcome is people are persecuted off hate.

Sadly you do not learn from that, it is people uniting that helps eradicate extremism, not hate

basically that means that since every single Muslim country persecutes its religious minorities then every single Muslim country is populated by extremists

so basically the vast majority of Muslims are fanatics or "extremists"(as you call them)

you have a long winded way of saying what is obvious

That means every western country is populated by extremists because in all of them Muslims are persecuted in the EU, oh my, where does that leave your logic smelly?

Whoops, you see I am proving that prejudice is the fuel to drive people to hate, and this happens world over proving again it is uniting against this prejudice that will stop it but you expose you are no better than the Islamic extremists.

Oh dear


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:45 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:Also I am not deny persecution happens in many Muslim countries, maybe smelly can also explain why  there is countless persecution of Muslims in the west Tommy with Mosques and Muslims being attacked, maybe you can both explain that?

Right have to to go Happy St George day

not many

ALL Muslims countries

and there isn't any persecution of Muslims in the west unless its by other Muslims

Best you look up how many nations Muslims are persecuted with hate crimes, oh dear, is funny when the tables are turned and you have no answer, proving my point even more on prejudice and how it leads to hate and violence


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:11 pm

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

basically that means that since every single Muslim country persecutes its religious minorities then every single Muslim country is populated by extremists

so basically the vast majority of Muslims are fanatics or "extremists"(as you call them)

you have a long winded way of saying what is obvious

That means every western country is populated by extremists because in all of them Muslims are persecuted in the EU, oh my, where does that leave your logic smelly?

Whoops, you see I am proving that prejudice is the fuel to drive people to hate, and this happens world over proving again it is uniting against this prejudice that will stop it but you expose you are no better than the Islamic extremists.

Oh dear

Muslims persecuted in the EU??

yeah it must be really very traumatizing for the poor Muslims who blow up buses and tube trains and groom tens of thousands of white girls for rape or riot when we draw cartoons of their prophet

yes we westerners are clearly very unreasonable

i see your point now


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:14 pm

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

not many

ALL Muslims countries

and there isn't any persecution of Muslims in the west unless its by other Muslims

Best you look up how many nations Muslims are persecuted with hate crimes, oh dear, is funny when the tables are turned and you have no answer, proving my point even more on prejudice and how it leads to hate and violence

false allegations

not seeing anything like that

maybe you can post up all these stories of massacres and genocides and rapes and forced conversions of Muslims across the EU??


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:21 pm

Muslims persecuted in the west?????
Fuck off dodge you bell end!
Have a look at persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries and then tell us where this is happening to Muslims in the west!
No comparison!
Muslims are causing problems in the west.
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

Posts : 26319
Join date : 2014-02-12

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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:23 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:

Best you look up how many nations Muslims are persecuted with hate crimes, oh dear, is funny when the tables are turned and you have no answer, proving my point even more on prejudice and how it leads to hate and violence

false allegations

not seeing anything like that

maybe you can post up all these stories of massacres and genocides and rapes and forced conversions of Muslims across the EU??

We are talking about persecutions are we not, is a hate crime, of a Muslim, persecution because of their faith?


Is attacking a Mosque?


Dear me, you may want to look up the definition of persecution before you engage in a debate son.

Oh my, poor smelly is on the back foot and has no idea how to respond yet again, either he agrees all persecution is wrong which includes any to Muslims which happens in many EU nations, the US, Canada, Australia, Africa, Asia etc. I mean we also have genocide as well in Africa and Asia of Muslims like Burma and Central Africa, even in the EU with Bosnia 

Take your time


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:18 pm

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

false allegations

not seeing anything like that

maybe you can post up all these stories of massacres and genocides and rapes and forced conversions of Muslims across the EU??

We are talking about persecutions are we not, is a hate crime, of a Muslim, persecution because of their faith?


Is attacking a Mosque?


Dear me, you may want to look up the definition of persecution before you engage in a debate son.

Oh my, poor smelly is on the back foot and has no idea how to respond yet again, either he agrees all persecution is wrong which includes any to Muslims which happens in many EU nations, the US, Canada, Australia, Africa, Asia etc. I mean we also have genocide as well in Africa and Asia of Muslims like Burma and Central Africa, even in the EU with Bosnia 

Take your time

so now Africa is in the EU is it??

talk about changing the goal posts

and who stepped in to stop the Bosnian conflict??

yes thats right the west did

so if the west is so hot on "persecuting" Muslims (cant even keep a straight face on that  ::smthg::  ::smthg::  ::smthg:: ) why did they go in to save them??


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:19 pm

Harassed Ahmadiyyas may seek sanctuary in the West

SELAYANG: The Ahmadiyya community in Kampung Nakhoda near Batu Caves are considering political asylum in the West due to the continued persecution by the religious authorities.

“Depending on the outcome of the latest case against us by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais), we may need seek political asylum in a foreign country.

“Some of us are prepared to move out,” said the group’s local spiritual leader Ainul Yaqeen Muhammad Zain at an interview yesterday at the Baitussalam, the Ahmadiyya’s congregation point in Batu Caves.

Ainul said that presently Ahmadiyyas face persecution in all Muslim nations, especially in Pakistan, and many followers had opted to seek political asylum in Canada.

“Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak says that Malaysia is a moderate country and yet the authorities here are forcing their interpretation of Islam on us.

“It would be shameful to Malaysia if we sought asylum to practice our faith,” he said.

Ahmadiyya is an Islamic religious movement founded in British India near the end of the 19th century.

Ainul’s comments were made in reference to a raid on their congregation centre on April 11 by the (Jais), after Friday prayers, led by Ainul.

Forty-one people including Ainul were arrested. Jais and the police recorded their personal details. Jais also recorded statements from 13 of them yesterday.

Among the 41 arrested, two were guests from the UK with a five-year-old child, and another was a guest from Pakistan.

Among the local followers arrested were four underaged, two 13-year olds, one 12 and the other, 17.

Jais is charging all 41 of conducting prayers in a place not considered a mosque without the approval of Jais and the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais).

If found guilty they face a RM3,000 fine or a two-year jail term, or both. The case against them by Jais will be heard in the West Gombak Syariah Court in Kuang, near Rawang, Selangor on Oct 23.

“The Malaysian government and the religious authorities here do not recognise the Ahmadiyyas as Muslims,” said Ainul.

“There are about 2,000 Ahmadiyya nationwide, most of whom reside in Selangor. Those of us in Kampung Nakhoda are considering filing a legal suit in the civil court against Jais.”

“We are discussing it with our lawyers and looking at several possible angles,” Ainul added.

Persecuted and banned from mosques

This is the first time Jais had arrested Ahmadiyya followers near Kampung Nakhoda. In 2009, Jais raided the same centre and ran a media campaign against the community in 2011.

In 2008, the then Selangor state exco for Islamic affairs, Hasan Ali, had wanted to forcibly usurp the land where the Baitussalam is located.

Six months later, Mais banned Ahmadiyyas from performing their prayers in mosques. Evidence of the media campaign can be seen in Kampung Nakhoda.


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:20 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:

We are talking about persecutions are we not, is a hate crime, of a Muslim, persecution because of their faith?


Is attacking a Mosque?


Dear me, you may want to look up the definition of persecution before you engage in a debate son.

Oh my, poor smelly is on the back foot and has no idea how to respond yet again, either he agrees all persecution is wrong which includes any to Muslims which happens in many EU nations, the US, Canada, Australia, Africa, Asia etc. I mean we also have genocide as well in Africa and Asia of Muslims like Burma and Central Africa, even in the EU with Bosnia 

Take your time

so now Africa is in the EU is it??

talk about changing the goal posts

and who stepped in to stop the Bosnian conflict??

yes thats right the west did

so if the west is so hot on "persecuting" Muslims (cant even keep a straight face on that  ::smthg::  ::smthg::  ::smthg:: ) why did they go in to save them??

Bosnia is and I did say the world, hilarious you still do not understand the English language with persecution and here we go with links still denying persecution of Muslims around the world

Easily showing how prejudice again you are

Game over


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:25 pm

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

basically that means that since every single Muslim country persecutes its religious minorities then every single Muslim country is populated by extremists

so basically the vast majority of Muslims are fanatics or "extremists"(as you call them)

you have a long winded way of saying what is obvious

That means every western country is populated by extremists because in all of them Muslims are persecuted in the EU, oh my, where does that leave your logic smelly?

Whoops, you see I am proving that prejudice is the fuel to drive people to hate, and this happens world over proving again it is uniting against this prejudice that will stop it but you expose you are no better than the Islamic extremists.

Oh dear

two fuck ups in two days??

youre slipping

That means every western country is populated by extremists because in all of them Muslims are persecuted in the EU

at no point do you say "the world" unless by the world you mean the EU only


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:30 pm

Didge wrote:

Whoops, you see I am proving that prejudice is the fuel to drive people to hate, and this happens world over proving again it is uniting against this prejudice that will stop it but you expose you are no better than the Islamic extremists.

Oh dear

Suggest you read further back dummy, ha ha ha

Again I love how you deflect away from Muslims being persecuted world over, not only that not understanding the English language and what persecuted means, here you go:

hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs; oppression.

That is now you weighed measured and left found wanting yet again



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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:33 pm

Also this states world over:

Oh my, poor smelly is on the back foot and has no idea how to respond yet again, either he agrees all persecution is wrong which includes any to Muslims which happens in many EU nations, the US, Canada, Australia, Africa, Asia etc. I mean we also have genocide as well in Africa and Asia of Muslims like Burma and Central Africa, even in the EU with Bosni

Ha ha ha ha ha


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:39 pm

Didge wrote:
Didge wrote:

Whoops, you see I am proving that prejudice is the fuel to drive people to hate, and this happens world over proving again it is uniting against this prejudice that will stop it but you expose you are no better than the Islamic extremists.

Oh dear

Suggest you read further back dummy, ha ha ha

Again I love how you deflect away from Muslims being persecuted world over, not only that not understanding the English language and what persecuted means, here you go:

hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs; oppression.

That is now you weighed measured and left found wanting yet again


you said that Muslims were persecuted by the western nations in the EU

your own post is there highlighted in red you retard

 ::smthg:: ::smthg:: ::smthg:: ::smthg:: 

twice in the same week??




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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:40 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:

Suggest you read further back dummy, ha ha ha

Again I love how you deflect away from Muslims being persecuted world over, not only that not understanding the English language and what persecuted means, here you go:

hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs; oppression.

That is now you weighed measured and left found wanting yet again


you said that Muslims were persecuted by the western nations  in the EU

your own post is there highlighted in red you retard

 ::smthg:: ::smthg:: ::smthg:: ::smthg:: 

twice in the same week??



They are persecuted in EU nations and the rest of the world, bless I do love it when you struggle to excuse not understanding the definition of persecution.

To me all persecution is wrong, but you claim none happen to Muslims

Once again too easy for me


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:45 pm

‘Muslim morality squads’ accused of confiscating students’ Easter eggs in U.K.

Children who took Easter eggs to class allegedly had them confiscated by “Muslim morality squads” patrolling a school in Birmingham, England, according to press reports.

The school is at the centre of an investigation into claims Islamic hardliners are attempting to infiltrate and run secular state schools in the city.

The mother of one of the students — who did not want to be named for fear of reprisals — told the Daily Express that groups of older students were taking the eggs from younger children and teachers were ignoring their actions.

“My daughter tried to bring in an Easter egg for a friend and one boy grabbed it and smashed it against a wall,” she said.

“Another girl of about 11 brought in a little Easter bunny toy that she wanted to show her friends. They grabbed that off her too. All talk of Christmas and other non-Muslim festivals is banned. The teachers just turn a blind eye to it.”

She added, “Older boys are going round in these morality squads telling off girls if they do not wear veils.”

At least six schools in the city have been implicated in a “Trojan Horse” plot by extremists to “Islamize” secular state education. This has included illegal segregation of students according to sex and discrimination against non-Muslims.

Up to 20 more schools are also under investigation.

A local Labour MP, Khalid Mahmood, said a small group of individuals was trying to change the ethos of schools by stealth.

On Monday, Jack Straw, a former Labour Cabinet minister, said schools, even if they were mostly Muslim, had to respect British values.

“We have to accept and the schools with a majority of Muslim parents have to accept — as they do if they are Hindu, Sikh, Jewish or Christian — that we also live within the United Kingdom,” Mr Straw told the BBC.

“Alongside values that are religiously based, there has to be a clear understanding that this is the U.K., and there are a set of values, that are indeed Christian based, which permeate our sense of citizenship.”

how exactly are the Muslims the ones facing persecution??


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:46 pm

Girls were ordered to sit at the back of classes and Christian pupils left to 'teach themselves' at state schools targeted for takeover in Muslim 'Trojan Horse' plot, report reveals

An investigation into Birmingham schools at the centre of a plot to introduce hardline Islamist teaching has found pupils were illegally segregated and non-Muslim students were discriminated against.

Inspectors also revealed that the GCSE syllabus was restricted to conform with 'conservative Islamic teaching', with lessons in sex education banned and evolution only covered 'briefly'.

Department for Education inspectors were ordered into Park View School and its sister schools, Golden Hillock and Nansen, after a letter dubbed 'Trojan Horse' was uncovered apparently outlining a plot by Muslim hardliners to drive moderate headteachers out of schools.


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:47 pm

Here we go spam time when smelly has been once again weighed measured and left found wanting

Happy days



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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:48 pm

if a Christian did this in saudi Arabia he would be executed on the spot

The worshippers present at the scene were dumbfounded. This Sunday morning, in a collegiate church full to bursting, a man wearing a djellaba and headgear came to pray. He laid a carpet to the left of the altar, while the Easter mass was underway.

The man, visibly disturbed, read verses from the Koran before writing some lines in Arabic in the parish register. After having caused disruption for the first time during the mass on Palm Sunday one week ago in la Bedugue then in the collegiate church, some worshippers had warned the police.

A team came to ask him to leave the premises, calmly. The deputy commissioner, who had been notified of this disruption to public order, insisted on specifying: “We don’t need to generalise. This inappropriate attitude comes from an individual who is clearly disturbed.”

still struggling to see any persecution


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:50 pm

Its spam time from smelly because he has no counter



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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:51 pm

Didge wrote:Its spam time from smelly because he has no counter


counter to what??

the persecution of Muslims that takes place in your imagination??


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:53 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:Its spam time from smelly because he has no counter


counter to what??

the persecution of Muslims that takes place in your imagination??

I already stated persecution happens from extremists in many Muslim countries, you though tries to deny it happens to Muslims by not even understanding the word persecution, you see only one side, I see all persecution as wrong and all of it is fueled by prejudice and hate, which funny enough you add to that hate


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:58 pm

Didge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

counter to what??

the persecution of Muslims that takes place in your imagination??

I already stated persecution happens from extremists in many Muslim countries, you though tries to deny it happens to Muslims by not even understanding the word persecution, you see only one side, I see all persecution as wrong and all of it is fueled by prejudice and hate, which funny enough you add to that hate

 ://?roflmao?/:  ://?roflmao?/: 


you admit that Muslims carry out persecution in their countries

thats a step forward for you didge


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:59 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Didge wrote:

I already stated persecution happens from extremists in many Muslim countries, you though tries to deny it happens to Muslims by not even understanding the word persecution, you see only one side, I see all persecution as wrong and all of it is fueled by prejudice and hate, which funny enough you add to that hate

 ://?roflmao?/:  ://?roflmao?/: 


you admit that Muslims carry out persecution in their countries

thats a step forward for you didge

Ha Ha, shows you do not read posts, said that way back that extremists do


The funniest point is you are like they are, promoting hate and persecution of others.

Irony at its best


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:35 pm

When it comes to Muslim persecution of Christians, increasingly the past is a blueprint to the present.

According to Sham Times and other Arabic websites, jihadi social media networks posted the above picture of a child sitting on the ground while surrounded by armed men pointing their rifles at him.  The caption appearing with the picture, purportedly posted by a supporter of the Free Syrian Army, is “Our youngest hostage from among the hostile sects of Kessab.”

Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Young_10

Kessab is a predominantly Christian Armenian village in Syria near the Turkish border.  Earlier it was invaded by jihadis, who terrorized, pillaged churches, and prompted some 2000 residents to flee.  Initial reports had stated that about a dozen families remained as hostages.

Since the picture appeared on Arabic social media, many have expressed shock and outrage, condemning the Syrian “rebels,” while others cast doubt on the authenticity of the picture.

Of course, those wondering what the jihadis have to gain from taking such a picture and making it public would do well to remember that these are the same “rebels” who decapitate people and wave their severed and bloodied heads in front of cameras while smiling; these are the same “freedom fighters” who literally eat their victims on camera.

Surely “teasing” an infidel toddler – a subhuman – with their rifles and sharing it with their sadistic comrades via the Internet for a “laugh” should not be too surprising?

Nor is such behavior unprecedented.  All one need do is consider the following excerpt based on real events from Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s classic work, The Brothers Karamazov, to appreciate how the present mirrors the past:

   These Turks took a pleasure in torturing children, too; cutting the unborn child from the mother’s womb, and tossing babies up in the air and catching them on the points of their bayonets before their mothers’ eyes. Doing it before the mothers’ eyes was what gave zest to the amusement. Here is another scene that I thought very interesting. Imagine a trembling mother with her baby in her arms, a circle of invading Turks around her. They’ve planned a diversion: they pet the baby, laugh to make it laugh. They succeed, the baby laughs. At that moment a Turk points a pistol four inches from the baby’s face. The baby laughs with glee, holds out its little hands to the pistol, and he pulls the trigger in the baby’s face and blows out its brains. Artistic, wasn’t it? By the way, Turks are particularly fond of sweet things, they say.


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:40 pm

Yep we can do this all night long smelly:

Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Article-2542662-1AD3B08100000578-538_634x416


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:41 pm

Didge wrote:Yep we can do this all night long smelly:

Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Article-2542662-1AD3B08100000578-538_634x416

i can

you will run out long before i do


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:43 pm

I doubt it, I have centuries of History to show, genocide you name it, so it will just be boring for all to see, what you fail to do is recognise that within many societies people are being persecuted for who they are, you though only see one view point and that was easy to expose


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:11 pm

i suggest you get a move on then

im already up


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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:23 pm

Just pissed myself laughing again you are still stuck on Jizya by extremists and cannot show historicity for the same in the past.

Again history will show far worse atrocities by the West and Christians, which am happy to do tomorrow, as have things to do, I love how you spam only extremists or why no Islamic countries have this anymore, except a poor claim of Iraq.

Never mind, you do try, but it is still funny, that you fail to grasp that persecution happens all around the world to minorities and is fueld by people like you.

So all you have is guilt by association again

Epic fail



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Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:  - Page 6 Empty Re: Islamoprejudice & Anti-Semitism:

Post by Guest Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:58 pm

Didge wrote:Just pissed myself laughing again you are still stuck on Jizya by extremists and cannot show historicity for the same in the past.

Again history will show far worse atrocities by the West and Christians, which am happy to do tomorrow, as have things to do, I love how you spam only extremists or why no Islamic countries have this anymore, except a poor claim of Iraq.

Never mind, you do try, but it is still funny, that you fail to grasp that persecution happens all around the world to minorities and is fueld by people like you.

So all you have is guilt by association again

Epic fail


so only one picture and youve already run dry

oh well


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