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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:52 am

Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody
Among the more than 100,000 dead in the three years since the Syrian civil war began are at least 11,000 disappeared into the Assad regime's custody. But the true number may be much higher, the Guardian finds in interviews with released prisoners and relatives of the missing

Syria's three-year civil war has left more than 100,000 dead and uprooted 9 million people from their homes. But perhaps the most chilling statistic of all is the number who are missing, who have disappeared into the intimidating interior of the regime's "security branches", where interrogation and torture are carried out.

Numbers are hard to pin down. Last month, the Guardian reported that 11,000 Syrians had been killed while in the custody of regime security forces. A photographer from the Syrian military police defected with 55,000 images of 11,000 victims. He described a bureaucratic system in which the disappeared were executed, documented and then secretly buried in a rural area.

But many more remain unaccounted for. Relatives describe a heartbreaking, desolate search through some of the most terrifying organs of state power to try to find a trace of loved ones. And those who have been released tell of dismal conditions of detention, of dozens of people crammed into tiny cells, of long days unfed and unwatered, waiting for the next round of interrogation in which subjects are given electric shocks or hung from the walls.

More .........

I don't think I will ever forget the photo's of those who had died in custody that Ben posted.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:46 pm

If the muslims in the UK tried to take over this country, our army would also put up a fight.

We must help Assad as much as we can to keep the terrorists at bay.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:18 pm

Yep, the rest of the world says he has committed crimes against humanity, he has been condemned for it by Britain, America etc etc, but BA thinks he's a hero. Why doesn't that surprise me.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:37 pm

Sassy wrote:Yep, the rest of the world says he has committed crimes against humanity, he has been condemned for it by Britain, America etc etc, but BA thinks he's a hero.   Why doesn't that surprise me.

America also condemned mandela and his militant organization for terrorism, but you think he is a hero


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:38 pm

BigAndy9 wrote:If the muslims in the UK tried to take over this country, our army would also put up a fight.

We must help Assad as much as we can to keep the terrorists at bay.

spot on there

assad is no saint but he is the good guy in this mess

sassy and the rest of the lefty mclunatic clan seem to want AL-Q and the rest of the jihadists to take power there


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:01 pm

Two of the most disgusting men agreeing each other about a man who has committed crimes against humanity. Way to go guys, proof if ever it was required of just how far you are prepared to sink.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:48 pm

Sassy wrote:Two of the most disgusting men agreeing each other about a man who has committed crimes against humanity.   Way to go guys, proof if ever it was required of just how far you are prepared to sink.

crimes against humanity??

he smashed some jihadis who are trying to overthrow his country and turn it into a sharia shit hole

i dont see that as a "crime against humanity" Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

i see it as a good idea


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Irn Bru Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:36 pm

Sassy wrote:Two of the most disgusting men agreeing each other about a man who has committed crimes against humanity.   Way to go guys, proof if ever it was required of just how far you are prepared to sink.

Has chemical weapons as well and has used them against his own people. How can anyone support someone like him.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:49 pm

The other crimes against humanity done by his regime.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:54 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
Sassy wrote:Two of the most disgusting men agreeing each other about a man who has committed crimes against humanity.   Way to go guys, proof if ever it was required of just how far you are prepared to sink.

Has chemical weapons as well and has used them against his own people. How can anyone support someone like him.

Would you feel better if he bombed them using conventional bombs??


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:00 pm

You normally define the lowest of the low as bottom feeders.   Smelly however found a way on getting to the bottom and then kept burrowing, he wanted to be the lowest.

BTW Smelly, he did bomb them using conventional weapons as well, not insurgents, civilians, women and children, his own people.   Now because he has been made to give up the chemical weapons, he is using barrels of flaming petrol, on children and babies.   But then, you support the killing of children don't you?

Last edited by Sassy on Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Irn Bru Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:33 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Sassy wrote:Two of the most disgusting men agreeing each other about a man who has committed crimes against humanity.   Way to go guys, proof if ever it was required of just how far you are prepared to sink.

Has chemical weapons as well and has used them against his own people. How can anyone support someone like him.

Would you feel better if he bombed them using conventional bombs??

I would rather he didn't bomb his own people with any weapons. You don't appear to care whether he gases them or just blows them to bits.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:42 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

Would you feel better if he bombed them using conventional bombs??

I would rather he didn't bomb his own people with any weapons. You don't appear to care whether he gases them or just blows them to bits.

Absolutely correct I don't care

Dead is dead


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:44 pm

Once a vibrant, religiously mixed community, Syria’s eastern city of Raqqa is now a shell of its former self, terrorized by hard-line militants who have turned it into the nucleus of their vision for the Islamic caliphate they hope one day to establish in Syria and Iraq.

In rare interviews with The Associated Press, residents and activists in Raqqa describe a city where fear prevails. Music has been banned, Christians have to pay an Islamic tax for protection, people are executed in the main square and face-veiled women and pistol-wielding foreigners in Afghan-style outfits patrol the streets enforcing Shariah restrictions.

Raqqa, on the banks of the Euphrates River, is now the only city in Syria fully under the control of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the al-Qaida breakaway group that is considered the most ferocious of the militant factions that have latched onto the revolt against President Bashar Assad’s rule. Black Islamic banners flutter on street corners and atop buildings — including churches — as the extremists put their strict Islamic stamp on the city.

“They have taken us back to medieval times,” said one resident. He and three other residents — all in the city except one who recently fled to Turkey — spoke to the AP by Skype on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution by militants.

It was exactly a year ago that an alliance of Islamic brigades and other rebel groups swept into the city, cheering as they brought down the bronze statue of the late President Hafez Assad. Others tore down a huge portrait of his son Bashar, the current president, hitting it with shoes in euphoric scenes captured by activists and posted online.

Raqqa, a city of 500,000, became the first and only provincial capital to fall into rebel hands, drawing comparisons to Benghazi, the first major city in Libya to revolt against Moammar Gadhafi and become a rebel stronghold. The city had been considered a bastion of support for Assad, with its tribal leaders firmly in his camp. Residents were wary about the takeover, some happy to be free of Assad’s control, but many worried about how rebels would rule.

Now residents and anti-government activists say Raqqa has come to symbolize everything that has gone wrong with the revolution meant to achieve freedom and democracy after 40 years of rule by the Assad family.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known by its acronym ISIL, was formed last spring by the head of al-Qaida’s branch in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, to expand his operations into neighboring Syria. His barging into the Syria conflict sparked bloody clashes with other rebel factions and prompted al-Qaida’s central command to kick him out of the terror network.

Flush with cash, weapons and experience, the group has capitalized on the weaknesses and divisions of the Western-backed opposition, and the world’s failure to take decisive action to help the rebels.

In early January, ISIL fighters expelled rival rebel factions from Raqqa, including militants from the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front. Their numbers swelled as ISIL fighters and loyalists pulled out of some areas it controlled further west in Syria and moved to Raqqa in the face of assaults and threats from rival rebels.

Now around 5,000 ISIL loyalists are in the city, almost all foreigners, including Iraqis who seized most of the key administrative positions, Tunisians, Gulf Arabs and Chechens, residents said.

“Raqqa is the nucleus for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s nascent Islamic state,” said Thomas Joscelyn, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “Their laws govern virtually every aspect of public and private life.”

Al-Baghdadi, he said, has “delusions of grandeur and believes that he is the rightful new Caliph.”

Residents say the situation has become suffocating.

“People are scared of the Islamic State the way they used to be scared of intelligence agencies,” said one resident. “You walk in the streets of Raqqa and feel that you are in Chechnya.”

Once the call for prayers starts, shop owners are forced to close down to head to the mosque. Some unfurl prayer mats in front of their shops to save time.

Veiled female Islamic State loyalists bully women in the street who don’t cover themselves in the all-encompassing niqab, the black robes and veil that leave only the eyes exposed, said another resident, who asked to be identified only as Abu Ibrahim. Women in niqab are accosted if they don’t wear gloves to hide their hands. Abu Ibrahim said he saw an elderly woman shoved by ISIL women when she lifted her veil off her face to catch her breath.

Cafes once packed with smokers puffing on cigarettes and water pipes have been closed down. Music has been banned. Alcohol bottles are smashed and cigarettes are confiscated and burned. Street posters lecture against smoking and urge women to cover up.

The city’s main square, Clock Square, has been turned into an execution ground. The militants beheaded a man there in late January, accusing him of insulting the Prophet Muhammad. A number of people accused of being Assad spies have been shot to death. Last month, a man and a woman accused of adultery were publicly stoned — though not to death. The militants pelted them with stones, but let them live as warning to others and imprisoned them, several of the residents said.

A report this week by the U.N.’s Commission of Inquiry on Syria cited war crimes committed by both government and opposition forces, particularly the Islamic State.

It cited several incidents that occurred in Raqqa last year. In June, a woman was tortured and threatened with rape for “disrespecting” the Shariah Council, the body set up to impose Islamic law. In October, a 26-year-old man was detained, beaten and hung up by his arms on the grounds of his sexual orientation. A school headmistress was publicly lashed for not wearing a headscarf.

In October, ISIL fighters knocked the cross off the Church of Saidat al-Bishara, replacing it with the group’s black banner, and established an Islamic outreach center in the building.

More recently, the group imposed an Islamic tax on Christians in Raqqa. The Islamic State said in a statement that the Christians opted for paying the tax when they were told to choose one of three options: convert to Islam, remain Christian and pay the tax or “refuse and be considered warriors who will be confronted with the sword of the Islamic State.”

The residents said most Christians, who made up about 10 percent of Raqqa’s population, have long fled. One resident said around 20 families remain.

Abu Ali, a secular anti-government activist from the central city of Palmyra, moved to Raqqa and bought an apartment last year after it was “liberated,” thinking he would be safer there. He recently fled to Turkey after Islamic State militants ransacked his apartment, confiscated his laptop, telephone and a pistol he carried for his own protection.

“I had to leave. Was I to wait until they kill me?”


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Irn Bru Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:54 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

Would you feel better if he bombed them using conventional bombs??

I would rather he didn't bomb his own people with any weapons. You don't appear to care whether he gases them or just blows them to bits.

Absolutely correct I don't care

Dead is dead

You're okay with a man in control of his country gassing people!!!!!

Christ that was a lot easier than I thought.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:07 pm

Smelly appears to think that it is the rebels that Assad is killing.

Syria’s Assad ‘starving and killing own civilians’

The Geneva 2 talks last week having failed, now the high-level working group on the humanitarian challenges of the Syrian crisis, meeting, in Rome, sets out to stop the suffering being inflicted on Syrian civilians.

Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino stressed that helping them is the first priority of all: “The Syrian government has signed all the humanitarian conventions and as much as I do understand the fight against terrorism or extremism, this is not a possible justification for starvation, torture, killings and so on and so forth.”

The Assad forces have consistently denied access for humanitarian aid to get through. Populations are being starved. Enclaves are sealed by Syrian army tanks and snipers. Ten percent of the some 130,000 people killed since the start of the conflict have been children.

A recent report also details other crimes against civilians including the regime’s use of torture.

Civilians have been trapped in cities under siege, where basic supplies can’t be brought to them. Others have been able to flee; but getting out does not mean an end to their troubles.

Rajiv Shah, Administrator for US Agency for International Development, said: “Since this time just last year, there are more than four times as many internally displaced persons and four times as many refugees. Over forty percent of Syria’s population is now in need of humanitarian assistance. So, the scale of this challenge is unprecedented.”


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:23 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Sassy wrote:Two of the most disgusting men agreeing each other about a man who has committed crimes against humanity.   Way to go guys, proof if ever it was required of just how far you are prepared to sink.

crimes against humanity??

he smashed some jihadis who are trying to overthrow his country and turn it into a sharia shit hole

i dont see that as a "crime against humanity" Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

i see it as a good idea

Odd, you keep telling me about persecution of Christians, and then in the next breath do not care then it seems if Assad is killing Christians then?
You do realise he has killed Christians also?
There are also now Christians fighting for the free Syrian Army

Don;t get me wrong over half of the rebels are Islamic extremists, who I would never back either and who have been implicated in countless atrocities also, so I do not care if any Islamist are killed either, but I wish no harm to innocents of which Assad has killed plenty also and has left hundreds of thousands homeless and starving.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Irn Bru Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:28 pm

PhilDidge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:
Sassy wrote:Two of the most disgusting men agreeing each other about a man who has committed crimes against humanity.   Way to go guys, proof if ever it was required of just how far you are prepared to sink.

crimes against humanity??

he smashed some jihadis who are trying to overthrow his country and turn it into a sharia shit hole

i dont see that as a "crime against humanity" Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

i see it as a good idea

Odd, you keep telling me about persecution of Christians, and then in the next breath do not care then it seems if Assad is killing Christians then?
You do realise he has killed Christians also?
There are also now Christians fighting for the free Syrian Army

Don;t get me wrong over half of the rebels are Islamic extremists, who I would never back either and who have been implicated in countless atrocities also, so I do not care if any Islamist are killed either, but I wish no harm to innocents of which Assad has killed plenty also and has left hundreds of thousands homeless and starving.

You're quite right Didge. It's indiscriminate killing of people but Assad doesn't care about how they die and Smelly doesn't either.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:32 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
PhilDidge wrote:

Odd, you keep telling me about persecution of Christians, and then in the next breath do not care then it seems if Assad is killing Christians then?
You do realise he has killed Christians also?
There are also now Christians fighting for the free Syrian Army

Don;t get me wrong over half of the rebels are Islamic extremists, who I would never back either and who have been implicated in countless atrocities also, so I do not care if any Islamist are killed either, but I wish no harm to innocents of which Assad has killed plenty also and has left hundreds of thousands homeless and starving.

You're quite right Didge. It's indiscriminate killing of people but Assad doesn't care about how they die and Smelly doesn't either.

Indeed Irn, this is why smelly is ruled by hate, so much so he blinded to the fact Christians are being killed as well, even though it matters not what faith any innocent victim is, only that many innocent victims are being killed, persecuted, starved and their lives ruined, of which I see no early resolution to this problem


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:39 am

Irn Bru wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

Absolutely correct I don't care

Dead is dead

You're okay with a man in control of his country gassing people!!!!!

Christ that was a lot easier than I thought.

im okay with a man in control of his contry trying to keep control of that country instead of allowing it to fall into the hands of AL-Q

Last edited by smelly_bandit on Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:45 am; edited 2 times in total


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:44 am

PhilDidge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

crimes against humanity??

he smashed some jihadis who are trying to overthrow his country and turn it into a sharia shit hole

i dont see that as a "crime against humanity" Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

i see it as a good idea

Odd, you keep telling me about persecution of Christians, and then in the next breath do not care then it seems if Assad is killing Christians then?
You do realise he has killed Christians also?
There are also now Christians fighting for the free Syrian Army

Don;t get me wrong over half of the rebels are Islamic extremists, who I would never back either and who have been implicated in countless atrocities also, so I do not care if any Islamist are killed either, but I wish no harm to innocents of which Assad has killed plenty also and has left hundreds of thousands homeless and starving.

its the rebels and jihadist who are doing the killing

same as iraq,the Christian communities lived in relative peace until the regime was overthrown and then they were butchered and decimated by jihaidst who were never reigned in

A group of nuns who were kidnapped by rebels in the Syrian town of Maalula in December were released on Sunday night, thanks to Lebanese-Qatari mediation and handed to the Syrian authorities, AFP reported.

A monitoring group said the release was secured in exchange for some 150 women prisoners who were being held in Syria's regime jails.

The 13 nuns and three maids were kidnapped from the famed Christian hamlet of Maalula and taken to the nearby Syrian rebel town of Yabrud, where they were held by Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front.

They arrived at Jdeidet Yabus on the Syrian side of the border with Lebanon after an arduous nine-hour journey that took them from Yabrud into Lebanon, and then back into Syria, reported AFP.

The nuns appeared exhausted, and two of them had to be carried out of the vehicle transporting them.

The rebels who captured the historic town assaulted it by rolling explosive-filled tires down the hills onto regime forces and were able to reach the city center after three days of intense fighting.

Al-Nusra Front, whose leader pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, took an active part in the capturing of the town.

Christians have been caught in the crossfire of Syria's war. In one incident, jihadist rebels publicly beheaded a Catholic priest, in the northern Syrian town Idlib, when he was deemed to be collaborating with the Assad regime.

Last week it was reported that the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) released a document demanding a "protection payment" from the Syrian Christian population, leading to concerns that the rebel forces have been "mining" Christian communities in the embattled country for gold.

Under the strict Islamic Sharia doctrine, non-Muslims living under their sovereignty must pay a special tax -- known as the "Jizyah" -- in return for the ruler's protection, or “Thima.”


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:07 am

Oh my goodness, so Assad has not killed anyone, how absurd, nobody is denying Islamists are killing, so is the Assad regime you muppet, of which they are killing Christians also, thus you are endorsing him killing Christians



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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:11 am

I've asked this before - what would a British government do if 5,000 people descended on Trafalgar Square with weapons?

Why when it happens in another country do we expect the government to hand over power "to the people"?

This is not a pi55ing contest, I just think the West is sometimes rather hypocritical because I think our governments would stamp on it pretty harshly.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:53 am

PhilDidge wrote:Oh my goodness, so Assad has not killed anyone, how absurd, nobody is denying Islamists are killing, so is the Assad regime you muppet, of which they are killing Christians also, thus you are endorsing him killing Christians


He is fighting a war in which people are dying

More Christians will die if his regime falls. More Christians have already died at the hands of the jihadists than under his regime

His success will ensure the safety of the Christian population that will unfortunately result in Christians dying in the process


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:55 am

smelly_bandit wrote:
PhilDidge wrote:Oh my goodness, so Assad has not killed anyone, how absurd, nobody is denying Islamists are killing, so is the Assad regime you muppet, of which they are killing Christians also, thus you are endorsing him killing Christians


He is fighting a war in which people are dying

More Christians will die if his regime falls. More Christians have already died at the hands of the jihadists than under his regime

His success will ensure the safety of the Christian population that will unfortunately result in Christians dying in the process

So that justifies him killing Christians now?

What an absurd argument.

What if the free army win, or the Kurds, who now have European Christians fighting along side them, or are you not up to date on the world news smelly?

You are endorsing to sides committing atrocities, I condemn them both, you endorse one killing Christians

What an idiot


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:29 am



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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:30 am

Yeah I always do when you post and back groups that commit atrocities, that is the limitation of your knowledge


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:35 am

Calm down didge

You take life too seriously

If you don't like it, get yourself out to Syria and fight Assad

Oh wait you need a spine for that, best thing for you is to stay safe behind your keyboard and carry on crying your little eyes out


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:39 am

Bless, now he thinks I am upset by an idiot who claims to serve in our Royal Marines behind his Keyboard, ha ha ha ha ha ha

Dear me,. again you get schooled showing you back a side committing atrocities, when I condemn both sides, that shows the limitation of your intelligence.



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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:45 am

You condemn BOTH sides??



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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:47 am

smelly_bandit wrote:You condemn BOTH sides??


Yes I condemn any side committing atrocities.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:53 am

PhilDidge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:You condemn BOTH sides??


Yes I condemn any side committing atrocities.

My hero - A true humanitarian

Didge for president


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:24 am

smelly_bandit wrote:
PhilDidge wrote:

Yes I condemn any side committing atrocities.

My hero - A true humanitarian

Didge for president

No thanks, am better served showing up idiots like yourself



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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:41 pm

PhilDidge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

My hero - A true humanitarian

Didge for president

No thanks, am better served showing up idiots like yourself


A truly noble ambition

The slaughtered Christians of Syria thank you for your sacrifice


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:40 pm

The ones killed by the rebels or the ones killed by Assad?


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:18 pm

Sassy wrote:The ones killed by the rebels or the ones killed by Assad?

still talking to me??

i thought you would be wanting to kill me after what i said


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:32 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Sassy wrote:The ones killed by the rebels or the ones killed by Assad?

still talking to me??

i thought you would be wanting to kill me after what i said

You really think what you say can touch me after what I have been through for the last 3 years? After she died I had a large op for cancer, my Mum died and I've just had two rounds of chemo for the chronic leukaemia I have and through it all I have looked after my grandaughter. Do you think a few words on a forum will flatten me after surviving that? My OH would tell you I'm a bloody stronger than that.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:34 pm

It won't work Smelly, you see I know how loved I am, and when you know that, tits like you don't even register.

And from your reply I can only deduce you don't have a soul in the world who loves you.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:36 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Sassy wrote:

You really think what you say can touch me after what I have been through for the last 3 years?   After she died I had a large op for cancer, my Mum died and I've just had two rounds of chemo for the chronic leukaemia I have and through it all I have looked after my grandaughter.   Do you think a few words on a forum will flatten me after surviving that?    My OH would tell you I'm a bloody stronger than that.

well as they say, karma is a bitch

FYI ben, if dear sweet sassy doesn't want her private life discussed then she shouldn't discuss it  

Maybe she has allowed you to speak about her family by bringing them up but does any of your comments warrant such a vile response?

No, all it shows is the true nature of your character smelly that you would lower yourself to being such an idiot really if you think you garner some satisfaction out of seeing someone hurt over personal loss, it speaks volumes about you and all the forum can see that.

I disagree with sassy but to go there shows why you are such a callus mindless imbecile who has not thought for anyone accept themselves. 

You just made yourself look and even bigger idiot than you already are


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:39 pm

You know what Didge, I should have known better.   I thought the

'still talking to me??

i thought you would be wanting to kill me after what i said'

meant that he was actually showing a decent human emotion.   How daft was that.   What he said before that, that Ben took off, made the remark above look like a love note.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:43 pm

Sassy wrote:You know what Didge, I should have known better.   I thought the

'still talking to me??

i thought you would be wanting to kill me after what i said'

meant that he was actually showing a human emotion.   How daft was that.

He has emotions, I saw this spill over about SA before where he lost it and then decided to place me on ignore for ages, he has his vulnerabilities sassy and clearly events back them are also personal but I know you would not delve into that as I would not either, it shows to me how he has allowed something personal to him or those close to him to drive him to such appalling hate.

I just pity the idiot really more than anything

For myself we may not see eye to eye, but any loss of which you have suffered much is not and never should be used against you, showing what a poor character he has


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:47 pm

Thanks Didge. I'm sure many people on both sides had things happen in S.A. that made them very bitter, but SB seems to carry such a weight of hate I agree, we should feel sorry for him.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:04 pm

PhilDidge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

well as they say, karma is a bitch

did you pay it forward or is there yet more to come??

FYI ben, if dear sweet sassy doesn't want her private life discussed then she shouldn't discuss it  

Maybe she has allowed you to speak about her family by bringing them up but does any of your comments warrant such a vile response?

No, all it shows is the true nature of your character smelly that you would lower yourself to being such an idiot really if you think you garner some satisfaction out of seeing someone hurt over personal loss, it speaks volumes about you and all the forum can see that.

I disagree with sassy but to go there shows why you are such a callus mindless imbecile who has not thought for anyone accept themselves. 

You just made yourself look and even bigger idiot than you already are

i agree didge

it shows that i have great tolerance and shown huge amounts of restraint in the face of overwhelming abuse and provocation from sassy who seems to think that she can abuse at will without consequence

i repeatedly gave her fair warning , unfortunately i am no saint and like most people have a limit to how far i can be pushed before i push back


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:06 pm

Sassy wrote:You know what Didge, I should have known better.   I thought the

'still talking to me??

i thought you would be wanting to kill me after what i said'

meant that he was actually showing a decent human emotion.   How daft was that.   What he said before that, that Ben took off, made the remark above look like a love note.

well sassy next time you accuse me of supporting the murder of children and/or terrorism ill tell you

all you gotta do is ask nicely


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:07 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
PhilDidge wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

well as they say, karma is a bitch

did you pay it forward or is there yet more to come??

FYI ben, if dear sweet sassy doesn't want her private life discussed then she shouldn't discuss it  

Maybe she has allowed you to speak about her family by bringing them up but does any of your comments warrant such a vile response?

No, all it shows is the true nature of your character smelly that you would lower yourself to being such an idiot really if you think you garner some satisfaction out of seeing someone hurt over personal loss, it speaks volumes about you and all the forum can see that.

I disagree with sassy but to go there shows why you are such a callus mindless imbecile who has not thought for anyone accept themselves. 

You just made yourself look and even bigger idiot than you already are

i agree didge

it shows that i have great tolerance and shown huge amounts of restraint in the face of overwhelming abuse and provocation from sassy who seems to think that she can abuse at will without consequence

i repeatedly gave her fair warning , unfortunately i am no saint and like most people have a limit to how far i can be pushed before i push back

We all do, smelly. That's some real wisdom.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

Posts : 30682
Join date : 2013-01-19
Age : 49
Location : West Essex

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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:09 pm

PhilDidge wrote:
Sassy wrote:You know what Didge, I should have known better.   I thought the

'still talking to me??

i thought you would be wanting to kill me after what i said'

meant that he was actually showing a human emotion.   How daft was that.

He has emotions, I saw this spill over about SA before where he lost it and then decided to place me on ignore for ages, he has his vulnerabilities sassy and clearly events back them are also personal but I know you would not delve into that as I would not either, it shows to me how he has allowed something personal to him or those close to him to drive him to such appalling hate.

I just pity the idiot really more than anything

For myself we may not see eye to eye, but any loss of which you have suffered much is not and never should be used against you, showing what a poor character he has

you think S.A is my vulnerability??



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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:20 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
Sassy wrote:You know what Didge, I should have known better.   I thought the

'still talking to me??

i thought you would be wanting to kill me after what i said'

meant that he was actually showing a decent human emotion.   How daft was that.   What he said before that, that Ben took off, made the remark above look like a love note.

well sassy next time you accuse me of supporting the murder of children and/or terrorism ill tell you

all you gotta do is ask nicely

Smelly, tell the truth for once. You said that Brievik was right to kill those children, because they were being taught to be left wing. I'll use as my avatar the very mildest of your comments that I have a screen shot of, but I doubt you will be able to read it because it will be so small. I can't post pictures, although I can post youtube, because it crashes my Firefox for some reason that I have not been able to get to the bottom of, but the avatar will show you that I have the evidence.


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:22 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:
PhilDidge wrote:

He has emotions, I saw this spill over about SA before where he lost it and then decided to place me on ignore for ages, he has his vulnerabilities sassy and clearly events back them are also personal but I know you would not delve into that as I would not either, it shows to me how he has allowed something personal to him or those close to him to drive him to such appalling hate.

I just pity the idiot really more than anything

For myself we may not see eye to eye, but any loss of which you have suffered much is not and never should be used against you, showing what a poor character he has

you think S.A is my vulnerability??  


Oh it was an why you lost it, your reaction here proves it so again, as words speak volumes smelly


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:40 pm

Sassy wrote:
smelly_bandit wrote:

well sassy next time you accuse me of supporting the murder of children and/or terrorism ill tell you

all you gotta do is ask nicely

Smelly, tell the truth for once.   You said that Brievik was right to kill those children, because they were being taught to be left wing.   I'll use as my avatar the very mildest of your comments that I have a screen shot of, but I doubt you will be able to read it because it will be so small.   I can't post pictures, although I can post youtube, because it crashes my Firefox for some reason that I have not been able to get to the bottom of, but the avatar will show you that I have the evidence.

 ://?roflmao?/: ://?roflmao?/: ://?roflmao?/: ://?roflmao?/: 

the avatar shows me nothing

you wont post the evidence because you don't have any evidence

you're a liar sassy, and the second you claimed to have proof,you got caught in that lie because now you've told two lies

i don't give a shit,you're the one who is looking the fool


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Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody Empty Re: Syria's unknown victims: the thousands missing or dead in regime custody

Post by Guest Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:41 pm

No I think you just showed the whole forum what a fool you are smelly with your poor vile words, never mind, I am sure someone out there will give you a hug.



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