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1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!

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1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  Empty 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:25 pm

1.7 Million-Year-Old Foot Bone Offers Earliest Evidence of Malignant Cancer
1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  1151848-bone-1469790913-564-640x480
Cancer's roots lie deep in prehistory.
Swartkrans cave, a rich archaeological site, has yielded a 1.7 million-year-old foot bone with a malignant tumor -- the oldest evidence of cancer yet discovered by scientists.
Researchers identified the tumor as osteosarcoma, an aggressive bone cancer found in young people among modern adults. The ancient foot, however, did not belong to a modern adult.
Scientists believe the owner of the diseased foot was an early human relative, a bipedal hominin, but can't determine the exact species.
At the nearby site of Malapa, scientists found evidence of a benign tumor in the fossilized vertebrae of a Australopithecus sediba specimen. The vertebrae are 2 million years old.
Both discoveries -- detailed in separate papers in the South African Journal of Science -- push back the emergence of both benign and malignant cancers in the human lineage.
"Modern medicine tends to assume that cancers and tumors in humans are diseases caused by modern lifestyles and environments," Edward Odes, a doctoral candidate at the University of Witwatersrand's Evolutionary Studies Institute, said in a news release. "Our studies show the origins of these diseases occurred in our ancient relatives millions of years before modern industrial societies existed."
Previously, the earliest evidence of a hominin tumor was credited to a 120,000-year-old Neanderthal fossil.
Researchers used CT scans to diagnose and describe the two tumors.
While researchers can't say for sure whether the foot belonged to a child or adult, or whether the cancer was the cause of death, the vertebrae with the benign tumor belonged to a child.
"Not only has there been an assumption that these sorts of cancers and tumors are diseases of modernity, which these fossils clearly demonstrate they are not, but that we as modern humans exhibit them as a consequence of living longer, yet this rare tumor is found in a young child," explained Wit professor Lee Berger. "The history of these types of tumors and cancers is clearly more complex than previously thought."
Now that will give ya, pause for thought!


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1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  Empty Re: 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!

Post by Syl Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:28 pm

I read this last's fascinating.
Seems cancer has been a killer for a lot longer than we have ever realised.
I read that everyone would eventually succumb to it if they lived long enough....pleasant thought.
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1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  Empty Re: 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:40 pm

See, I'd read some where {back in my tweens} when all we heard about on our nightly news was those signs & symptoms about 'Breast Cancer' and why Mammograms were so important. 
Yet, most physicians weren't on board with that 'New Technology' due to the fact that their hospitals weren't equipped to do those Mammogram tests - those local hospitals couldn't afford those type of mammogram equipment & tools and the majority of medical community physicians weren't ready to climb on board the Mammogram Train - yet!
I'd read that 'humans' all carry a recessive cancer cell in our system {they didn't use the term DNA back then} and that something just could trigger that cancerous cell to become aggressive but that didn't mean the tumor would be 'Malignant' either - the 'unknown factor' of what that might be, was what the studies needed to find out.  Suspect
That was Circa 1966 - so I've always thought all those educated Medical Research people knew that and they were just busy doing other 'specific studies/research' ...and now I read this article and I'm like 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  2190311264


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1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  Empty Re: 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!

Post by Syl Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:46 pm

Baffling....I think cancer has many forms, some can be treated succesfully some cannot, even when  treated sucesfully there is  always a chance it can come back more lethal than's a horrible disease.

4Ever, do your females  have free smear and mammogram checks in the US.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  Empty Re: 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:54 pm

Syl wrote:Baffling....I think cancer has many forms, some can be treated succesfully some cannot, even when  treated sucesfully there is  always a chance it can come back more lethal than's a horrible disease.

4Ever, do your females  have free smear and mammogram checks in the US.
 scratch  Well, now there's a huge divide in the medical profession about:
a.) how often is it necessary for a 'PAP' test {smear/vaginal exam} and at what age since they are pushing those **HPV shots for 'tweens' ♀♂
b.) how often and at what age for mammograms as well: used to be at 45 go get a mammogram and then once yearly they're saying 'nooo, that's not necessary as long as the women is doing her self-breast examinations and doesn't have a history of breast cancer in her family - then it's over kill for that process and should only be done 'maybe' every 4 - 6 years if needed! 
**HPV Vaccine For Teens - PAMF Home
The CDC recommends HPV vaccine for young men & women to prevent cervical cancer ... cancer?" section below). Treatment ... three shots over 6 months to ...
Some insurance's will pay for this as an 'ANNUAL' well-health check up but now I'm reading that 'some underwriters' are discussing changing that option to just an bi-annual for reimbursement! 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  2190311264
soapbox  **WARNING**
One of my deceased sisters 6 children; very fit - did body modeling and physical fitness shows ...has always maintained a perfection/OCD about her nutrition and body weight - thought she felt something 'ODD' in her L-Breast but the mammogram didn't show anything - so she went to another Dr. and begged for another Mammogram - still nothing and that duffus more or less told her she was acting overly 'distraught/hysterical' --- well, nothing could be farther from the truth for that young lady, but she won't take 'NO' for an answer! 
She finally found a female doctor and she did a needle biopsy on a teeny-tiny fiberest cyst looking pebble and the results are 'CANCER' and it's MALIGNANT CANCER Sad 
So had my 37yr old niece {mother of twin boys} not known her body - known what her body was telling her - known that she had to be FORCEFUL in this issue, she'd still be walking around with that hidden pebble growing into her chest wall because it wasn't showing up on the mammogram! 
Since her body will now be compromised due to these treatments and her inability to work at the 'body-building gym' and modeling contracts have had to be put on hold; she's lost her job and her insurance too!  
Such is life in America when the Republican's are left in charge of dictating our health care coverages and those non-medical humans that are seated in those corporate medical offices {making mega million dollars off of those health care premiums} but they get to decrease & modify what is covered and what should be allowed according to their rational and votes --- well, it's just a major F'd up system that we all are subjected too. 
All because the Republicans FEAR NATIONAL HEALTH CARE FOR EVERYONE --- and they get the benefits that none of us do nor their extended families do Evil or Very Mad    


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1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  Empty Re: 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!

Post by Syl Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:36 pm

That's bad news for your niece, I hope they caught the cancer in time for it to be managed. Mammograms don't always show up cancer, that's why we are encouraged to self examine and report any changes.
I had a change in breast tissue about 20 years ago, I went to the GP..(in those days you could see him on the same day) the following day I got a phone call to arrange breast XRays for the same week, which was brilliant service and luckily everything was OK.

Women here get automatically called for smear tests every 3 years till the age of 50, then every 5 years till they reach 65,
Mammograms are performed from the ages of 47 to 73 every 3 years.
The service is free and only requirement is you are registered with a GP.
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1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  Empty Re: 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!

Post by Ben Reilly Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:43 pm

Thought I'd read somewhere that some T-rex bones were found that seemed to indicate cancer. Of course, that long ago, who can tell, but ...
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!  Empty Re: 1.7 million yr old toe bone fossil with cancerous growth on it!

Post by Guest Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:01 pm

Ben Reilly wrote:Thought I'd read somewhere that some T-rex bones were found that seemed to indicate cancer. Of course, that long ago, who can tell, but ...

Yes, indeed there was; this is one of several articles that I remember from around 2003 - 2005 > 
Wednesday 22 October 2003
Many dinosaurs had cancer, researchers have discovered. Their tumors were like those of human patients, showing that cancer has been around for a very long time. "Diseases look the same independent of what critter is affected," says radiologist Bruce Rothschild of the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine in Rootstown.
Rothschild's team travelled North America with a portable x-ray machine, scanning 10,000 dinosaur vertebrae from more than 700 museum specimens. They looked at dinosaurs such as the Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus.
Only one group - the Hadrosaurs, or "duck-billed dinosaurs" - suffered from cancer. The team found 29 tumors in bones from 97 individuals of this herbivorous group from the Cretaceous period, about 70m years ago. Dinosaur tumors have been mooted before, but this is the first large-scale survey of them.
It is not known for certain what gave the Hadrosaurs cancer, although Rothschild points out that they ate conifers, which are high in carcinogenic chemicals. The structure of their bones also suggests they were warm blooded, which might have increased their cancer risk.


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