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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:43 pm

Denis MacEoin earned a B.A. and an M.A. in English Language and Literature from Trinity College, Dublin, followed by a second 4-year M.A. in Persian, Arabic, and Islamic Studies from Edinburgh and a PhD in Persian/Islamic Studies from Cambridge (King's College). He has lectured in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Newcastle University, and written several academic books, numerous articles as well as reports on hate literature, Shari'a Law, and Islamic schools.

As an expert on Arabic and Islamic studies, fluent in Arabic and Persian languages, one might think that Dr. MacEoin’s point of view on the Arab-Israeli conflict and its related controversies would get some coverage in the press. Well, not so much. Dr. MacEoin sent a letter to the Executive Council of the National Union of Students (NUS), an umbrella organization representing 600 student unions across the UK, calling them to account for voting to boycott Israel. The NUS, which comprises 95% of higher and further education unions in the country, recently passed a motion to boycott Israeli companies and to affiliate to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.

But none of the popular press has covered this important response. Dr. MacEoin writes:

The world you live in is upside-down: you claim to act in defense of human rights, but your motions do not reflect this. You give free passage to the worst abusers of human rights -- countries that persecute religious minorities, suppress and kill women, throw homosexuals from high roofs, execute hundreds of dissidents every year, imprison, torture and slaughter -- without rebuke. Yet you fulminate against Israel, which does none of those things. It does not use torture, it does not execute anyone, not even Palestinian terrorists who have committed mass murder against innocent civilians and children -- and all this while being forced to defend itself against more wars, more terrorist attacks, and more hatred than are suffered by the rest of the world combined.
Your prejudice is as appalling as your refusal to act fairly and honestly. Criticize Israel if you must, but at least learn that it does great good for mankind and that the best hope for the Palestinian people, with whom you express solidarity, does not lie in further acts of terrorism and warfare, nor in defiance of international legal norms, but in encouraging the paths to real peace: free speech for the Palestinians, and freedom from their own barren leaders, who hope to keep their jobs-for-life by deflecting blame for their own corrupt governance onto their neighbor. You could insist on their ending their incitement, which is only radicalizing the Palestinians to turn to the waiting arms of Hamas and ISIS. Why not encourage the Palestinians to accept Israel's frequent offers to help them actually build their infrastructure and economies?

More of the letter can be read on the Gatestone Institute Web site. It is worth reading. The media should read it. And, they should write about it. Where’s the coverage?


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:44 pm

It probably isn't covered by mainstream media because Deniis MacEoin fakes and fabricates reports.
He was found out doing that with his report on ‘The Hijacking of British Islam’.
BBC Newsnight were about to run a programme on it and pulled out and the RW Policy Exchange were humiliated into withdrawing the article from its website and issuing an apology.
Even David Cameron got involved by describing the report as insane.
Maybe that's why mainstream media are cautous about using his artcles.
He does write lots of letters though.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:48 pm

Irn Bru wrote:It probably isn't covered by mainstream media because Deniis MacEoin fakes and fabricates reports.
He was found out doing that with his report on ‘The Hijacking of British Islam’.
BBC Newsnight were about to run a programme on it and pulled out and the RW Policy Exchange were humiliated into withdrawing the article from its website and issuing an apology.
Even David Cameron got involved by describing the report as insane.
Maybe that's why mainstream media are cautous about using his artcles.
He does write lots of letters though.

Well so you have no counter points on his views but only the usual action of a BDS supporter and try to deligitimize the person and not his work.
So do you want to debate the points or do as you usual do and only find reason to denounce the writer?
Your choice


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:53 pm

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:It probably isn't covered by mainstream media because Deniis MacEoin fakes and fabricates reports.
He was found out doing that with his report on ‘The Hijacking of British Islam’.
BBC Newsnight were about to run a programme on it and pulled out and the RW Policy Exchange were humiliated into withdrawing the article from its website and issuing an apology.
Even David Cameron got involved by describing the report as insane.
Maybe that's why mainstream media are cautous about using his artcles.
He does write lots of letters though.

Well so you have no counter points on his views but only the usual action of a BDS supporter and try to deligitimize the person and not his work.
So do you want to debate the points or do as you usual do and only find reason to denounce the writer?
Your choice

Well if his work is unreliable and can't be trusted what's the point of debating on what he says?

Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:56 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Well so you have no counter points on his views but only the usual action of a BDS supporter and try to deligitimize the person and not his work.
So do you want to debate the points or do as you usual do and only find reason to denounce the writer?
Your choice

Well if his work is unreliable and can't be trusted what's the point of debating on what he says?

That is your subjective point of view.
That is an absurd argument. What you need to do is refute his points to prove your point. Not measuring dicks, that is a left wing trait born from inadequacy, which you would know all about,


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:07 pm

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Well so you have no counter points on his views but only the usual action of a BDS supporter and try to deligitimize the person and not his work.
So do you want to debate the points or do as you usual do and only find reason to denounce the writer?
Your choice

Well if his work is unreliable and can't be trusted what's the point of debating on what he says?

That is your subjective point of view.
That is an absurd argument. What you need to do is refute his points to prove your point. Not measuring dicks, that is a left wing trait born from inadequacy, which you would know all about,

LOL You asked a question about why his article is not being covered and I've given you the reason that it's probably because he fabricates reports.
Maybe it's also because he's in cahoots with Daniel Pipes who made him the editor of his Middle East Quarterly which is a nest for RW Zionists. Pipes of course was one of those cited severel times in Anders Breivik's manifesto so I guess that pretty much sums up that his views will be biased - maybe even fabricated.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:10 pm

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:

Well if his work is unreliable and can't be trusted what's the point of debating on what he says?

That is your subjective point of view.
That is an absurd argument. What you need to do is refute his points to prove your point. Not measuring dicks, that is a left wing trait born from inadequacy, which you would know all about,

Now who was it who said very recently:

No abuse is ever right from anyone, which includes yourself and me.


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:12 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

That is your subjective point of view.
That is an absurd argument. What you need to do is refute his points to prove your point. Not measuring dicks, that is a left wing trait born from inadequacy, which you would know all about,

LOL You asked a question about why his article is not being covered and I've given you the reason that it's probably because he fabricates reports.
Maybe it's also because he's in cahoots with Daniel Pipes who made him the editor of his Middle East Quarterly which is a nest for RW Zionists. Pipes of course was one of those cited severel times in Anders Breivik's manifesto so I guess that pretty much sums up that his views will be biased - maybe even fabricated.

Point 1) Subjective again and conceding you do not now but guess.

LOL You asked a question about why his article is not being covered and I've given you the reason that it's probably because he fabricates reports.
So again your only argument is on who made the argument, not that you can counter the claims?
Is that right?
There was me thinking you were pedantic.
Clearly your only defensive is not to disprove any evidence but people.
That is what the BDS do mate.
Counter the points.


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:14 pm

risingsun wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

That is your subjective point of view.
That is an absurd argument. What you need to do is refute his points to prove your point. Not measuring dicks, that is a left wing trait born from inadequacy, which you would know all about,

Now who was it who said very recently:

No abuse is ever right from anyone, which includes yourself and me.

Does that top the Hamas charter Sassy of genocide of the Jews in Israel by hamas?


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:14 pm

You're a bit annoyed that your so called expert is a bit of a fraud - and not for the first time either lol

Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:15 pm

Face it Didge, you didn't know that the person you had quoted from was more than suspect and is ignored by all sides because he's a liar and makes things up and is aligned to someone admired by Brievik.   That's why the press don't take the slightest notice of him.


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:17 pm

risingsun wrote:Face it Didge, you didn't know that the person you had quoted from was more than suspect and is ignored by all sides because he's a liar and makes things up and is aligned to someone admired by Brievik.   That's why the press don't take the slightest notice of him.

Sassy proves my point.
She cannot deny the points made but can only argue off the person who wrote it.
What does that tell you about Sassy and her ignoring facts?


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:26 pm

Tell you what, I wouldn't argue the points Breivik makes either, because it would be stupid to waste time arguing the points made by a nutter who lies.


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:28 pm

risingsun wrote:Tell you what, I wouldn't argue the points Breivik makes either, because it would be stupid to waste time arguing the points made by a nutter who lies.

So you offer more excuses not to answer the points.
Well done, never heard so many poor excuses given


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:34 pm

risingsun wrote:Face it Didge, you didn't know that the person you had quoted from was more than suspect and is ignored by all sides because he's a liar and makes things up and is aligned to someone admired by Brievik.   That's why the press don't take the slightest notice of him.

Bit like Didge's other expert - Thomas Victor Laughing
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:36 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
risingsun wrote:Face it Didge, you didn't know that the person you had quoted from was more than suspect and is ignored by all sides because he's a liar and makes things up and is aligned to someone admired by Brievik.   That's why the press don't take the slightest notice of him.

Bit like Didge's other expert - Thomas Victor Laughing

Now that is checkmate, thanks mate.
No countering the points.

Go and have a good sulk mate Laughing


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:40 pm

Think we need to find a nice nutter for Didge to argue with, as he seems to think there is a point in doing so.


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:42 pm

risingsun wrote:Think we need to find a nice nutter for Didge to argue with, as he seems to think there is a point in doing so.  

I think Sassy has just proved she does not like me correcting her


Night all


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:46 pm

Belatucadros wrote:
risingsun wrote:Think we need to find a nice nutter for Didge to argue with, as he seems to think there is a point in doing so.  

I think Sassy has just proved she does not like me correcting her


Night all

Didge, you're a bigger fraud tha MacEoin Laughing
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:47 pm

He seriously thinks he corrected me, bless him lol

He'll be telling himself that as he sticks his thumb in his mouth!


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:49 pm

risingsun wrote:He seriously thinks he corrected me, bless him lol

I am not religious sassy, so why would I need to be blessed?
You see anything you say, it is ever so easy for me


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:50 pm

There you go, he daren't go to bed, frightened of not getting the last word.  Night night sweety, don't forget Teddy.

Come on, have the last word, you know you'll sleep better lol

Last edited by risingsun on Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:54 pm

risingsun wrote:There you go, he daren't go to bed, frightened of not getting the last word.  Night night sweety, don't forget Teddy.

There you go.
An immature reply yet again from sassy.
This is all the left can do.

Happy with that lol



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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:02 pm

risingsun wrote:There you go, he daren't go to bed, frightened of not getting the last word.  Night night sweety, don't forget Teddy.

Come on, have the last word, you know you'll sleep better lol

lol got to go for a bit but I'll be back an a little while. Keep ma seat warm.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:04 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
risingsun wrote:There you go, he daren't go to bed, frightened of not getting the last word.  Night night sweety, don't forget Teddy.

Come on, have the last word, you know you'll sleep better lol

lol got to go for a bit but I'll be back an a little while. Keep ma seat warm.

Your drool has done that buddy.
So you are wimping out

Night Laughing


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:06 pm

I would like to receive an official warning

Post by Belatucadros on Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:34 pm
I have read back on a few posts I have made and based on the rules of the forum, I have broken them and want to be issued with a warning. I think this is only fair and wish the admin team to issue this, because I have  insulted Irn's family. I make no excuse for this and I am wrong to do so and apologize for insulting Irn's family.
I look for no forgiveness but justice here and if a precedent is to stand then I am happy to receive that punishment. I also think I should receive this warning because I threatened Zack. Even though we both threatened each other and I started to this. I must not excuse myself from making zack threaten me back with violence, this clearly was not his fault, he only acted off what I said and thus cannot act independent of my abuse, this clearly is able to control him to replicate my abuse with threats also. He is innocent as seen from any wrong doing even if we made up and moved on where he still drags this up, only off over my support of a two state solution for Israel and Palestine. He is blameless, as bro's do fight and call the other a sexual degenerate and fight sometimes. I do get annoyed and allow my passions to get the better of me. So again no excuse.

I can admit when wrong, I was wrong to insult Irn's family. It will not change my view of him or how he as well claims to move on and throws it back in my face. If I am to move on then I should receive punishment for my failings with regard to his family. My view still stands on the Scots but I cannot blame all of them, especially those who stayed behind and did not succumb to English coin and land.

So I would be happy if I was punished for my actions. I think it would help stop any case of people claiming bias and that I am fully aware that if I replicate this I could end up with a temporary ban to the more extreme of a permanent ban. All I ask is that the admin team carry the motion to act on me, because I am happy to accept my punishment, which if seen as too light will accept if they deem to act more severe.

Didn't take long to go back to normal did it.


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:58 pm

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
risingsun wrote:There you go, he daren't go to bed, frightened of not getting the last word.  Night night sweety, don't forget Teddy.

Come on, have the last word, you know you'll sleep better lol

lol got to go for a bit but I'll be back an a little while. Keep ma seat warm.

Your drool has done that buddy.
So you are wimping out

Night Laughing

Get some sleep Didge. You need to be up around 03:45 am when all is quiet.

Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Nosferatu-shadow-on-stairs


Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:38 am

risingsun wrote:I would like to receive an official warning

Post by Belatucadros on Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:34 pm
I have read back on a few posts I have made and based on the rules of the forum, I have broken them and want to be issued with a warning. I think this is only fair and wish the admin team to issue this, because I have  insulted Irn's family. I make no excuse for this and I am wrong to do so and apologize for insulting Irn's family.
I look for no forgiveness but justice here and if a precedent is to stand then I am happy to receive that punishment. I also think I should receive this warning because I threatened Zack. Even though we both threatened each other and I started to this. I must not excuse myself from making zack threaten me back with violence, this clearly was not his fault, he only acted off what I said and thus cannot act independent of my abuse, this clearly is able to control him to replicate my abuse with threats also. He is innocent as seen from any wrong doing even if we made up and moved on where he still drags this up, only off over my support of a two state solution for Israel and Palestine. He is blameless, as bro's do fight and call the other a sexual degenerate and fight sometimes. I do get annoyed and allow my passions to get the better of me. So again no excuse.

I can admit when wrong, I was wrong to insult Irn's family. It will not change my view of him or how he as well claims to move on and throws it back in my face. If I am to move on then I should receive punishment for my failings with regard to his family. My view still stands on the Scots but I cannot blame all of them, especially those who stayed behind and did not succumb to English coin and land.

So I would be happy if I was punished for my actions. I think it would help stop any case of people claiming bias and that I am fully aware that if I replicate this I could end up with a temporary ban to the more extreme of a permanent ban. All I ask is that the admin team carry the motion to act on me, because I am happy to accept my punishment, which if seen as too light will accept if they deem to act more severe.

Didn't take long to go back to normal did it.

Back to normal?
Really please show where I broke any rule?
I unlike you can apologise when I am in the wrong.
I am notin the wrong here because you back terrorism in the form of Hamas and are an apologist for them, which is backed up with your insane views on 9/11


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Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Empty Re: Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty

Post by Guest Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:40 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Your drool has done that buddy.
So you are wimping out

Night Laughing

Get some sleep Didge. You need to be up around 03:45 am when all is quiet.

Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty Nosferatu-shadow-on-stairs


Hilarious again, so again what time I get up is important to you?

Ha ha ha
Here you are jock:

Where's the Coverage? Arabic, Islamic Studies Expert Exposes BDS Dishonesty 2106391459


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