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Genies Blamed For School Sickness, Possessions

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Genies Blamed For School Sickness, Possessions Empty Genies Blamed For School Sickness, Possessions

Post by Guest Mon May 25, 2015 9:54 am

Last week in Saudi Arabia nearly 200 elementary and middle school students “refused to attend classes after nine students claimed that genies — or jinn, as they are better known in the Arabic world — had made them sick” according to, which added that “the students had fainted and experienced spasms at the start of the second semester, prompting many parents to believe jinns were present at the school.”
Jinn are described in the Koran, the Muslim holy book, as creatures made by Allah of smokeless fire. Belief in jinn is widespread throughout the Arabic and Muslim world. Just as many Christians readily accept the literal reality of angels, many Muslims accept the existence of genies as self-evident. Both religions share the belief that spirits such as demons and jinn can take possession of humans. Jinn are believed, like ghosts, to haunt buildings, homes and other locations.


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Genies Blamed For School Sickness, Possessions Empty Re: Genies Blamed For School Sickness, Possessions

Post by Guest Mon May 25, 2015 9:58 am

is there a chance it has more to do with Gin than jinn...


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