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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:43 pm

A campaign has been launched to "celebrate, not vilify" the contribution of immigrants to Britain, as the Tories and Labour pledge to cut the number of newcomers to the UK ahead of May's general election.
The Movement Against Xenophobia (MAX) wants to raise £44,000 to create posters promoting individual immigrants with the words 'I am an immigrant', and display them on the London Underground and railway stations across the country, in a bid to fight what they see as an increasingly anti-immigration tone in British politics.
Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election O-IMMIGRANT-POSTER-CAMPAIGN-570
A mock-up of what the posters will look like
Immigration continues to play a huge part in campaigning for the general election, in what has been called "an arms race" leading to the parties' policies and pledges becoming more hardline.
David Cameron has said Britain would be a "better, stronger country" if he improbably succeeds in his pledge to cut net annual migration to the tens of thousands. In the same radio interview, he said the Tories had "put forward the toughest possible welfare reforms for foreign migrants".
Net migration currently stands at around 260,000 and Labour says the Tories have "let people down" by failing to cut it by more. The party has pledged "tough" reforms of its own.
The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI), which provides MAX with its secretariat, said it expected rhetoric about immigration to "only get worse" as the election approaches and said its poster campaign would show migrants "not only contribute but are part of the fabric of British society and a vital part of multicultural Britain".
Saira Grant, its legal and policy director, said placing the posters on the tube and rail network could mean they were seen by more than 7 million people.
In a promotional video to accompany the campaign launch, she says: "Imagine the impact of these posters, for two to three weeks before the general election, showing the contribution migrants make to everyday life, from cleaners, teachers, tube drivers to footballers.
"Migrants are part of the fabric of British society and this campaign will really change the political rhetoric, the negative imagery."
She adds: "Migrants do more than contribute, they're part of the fabric of British society and we need to depict this."

The election should not even be pandering to the likes of UKIP on immigration, it should be thought over had best to run the country and not play up to racial unfounded fears.


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:13 pm

yep but can we also have posters showing the otherside....

posters of the likes of choudrey harrasing christmas shoppers

like the lee rigby murderers

I'm all for a bit of balance........


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:16 pm

darknessss wrote:yep but can we also have posters showing the otherside....

posters of the likes of choudrey harrasing christmas shoppers

like the lee rigby murderers

I'm all for a bit of balance........

There already have been countless posters showing the other side constantly by UKIP being anti immigration.
Where have you been? On a desert Island?

beam me up


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:18 pm

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:yep but can we also have posters showing the otherside....

posters of the likes of choudrey harrasing christmas shoppers

like the lee rigby murderers

I'm all for a bit of balance........

There already have been countless posters showing the other side constantly by UKIP being anti immigration.
Where have you been? On a desert Island?

beam me up

yer...but they should be posted side by side..... Laughing


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:19 pm

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:yep but can we also have posters showing the otherside....

posters of the likes of choudrey harrasing christmas shoppers

like the lee rigby murderers

I'm all for a bit of balance........

There already have been countless posters showing the other side constantly by UKIP being anti immigration.
Where have you been? On a desert Island?

beam me up

arguing with you yer daft tool


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:20 pm

Errrr also Choudary and the killers of Lee Rigby are British born, not immigrants, so how would you use that based on immigration?


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:26 pm

Brasidas wrote:Errrr also Choudary and the killers of Lee Rigby are British born, not immigrants, so how would you use that based on immigration?

dunno...give me time....... i bet I can think of a way Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Smiley-face-whistle-2


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:26 pm

Yeah we do argue loads hee hee fair point and it is in good nature

Look this is UKIP posters:

Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election UKIP-Poster-Comparing-Immigration-To-Native-Americans-Reservation

Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Ukipposterv2

Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Ukip-bulgaria-romania-leaflet

This is a joke one made up, which I add because it is funny

Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election 10302100_628816230546232_528673360237459566_n



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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:30 pm

Brasidas wrote:Yeah we do argue loads hee hee fair point and it is in good nature

Look this is UKIP posters:

Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election UKIP-Poster-Comparing-Immigration-To-Native-Americans-Reservation

Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Ukipposterv2

Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Ukip-bulgaria-romania-leaflet

This is a joke one made up, which I add because it is funny

Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election 10302100_628816230546232_528673360237459566_n


WELL???? What have the romans EVER done for us???


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:31 pm

Brilliant Victor

 Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election 3489511464


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:37 pm

One of my favorite old sketches Victor


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:43 pm

The THERE was a horror.......


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Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election Empty Re: Immigration Poster Campaign Aims To 'Celebrate' Migrants Ahead Of General Election

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:45 pm

Indeed Victor.

Have a good evening mate.

Catch you tomorrow.


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