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Things to make you think

Lone Wolf
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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:14 am

First topic message reminder :

Things to make you think - Page 2 B9BZ7kcIYAEo4nx

Last edited by risingsun on Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:23 am

what is also conveniently ignored by the bash the benefit recipient brigade is that benefit spending at 10-13%
national expenditure has been stable within those limits for donkeys years.....Its NOT a new thing , nor has it "suddenly risen to monsterous proportions" IN actual FACT it hasnt moved much at ALL ...since the system started....

OMG abandon the good ship sensible...ring out the bell of doom......


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:30 am

darknessss wrote:what is also conveniently ignored by the bash the benefit recipient brigade is that benefit spending at 10-13%
national expenditure has been stable within those limits for donkeys years.....Its NOT a new thing , nor has it "suddenly risen to monsterous proportions"  IN actual FACT it hasnt moved much at ALL ...since the system started....

OMG abandon the good ship sensible...ring out the bell of doom......

What a load of bullshit.
Explain to me how those on little money and manage their money are not a drain on society?


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:43 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:what is also conveniently ignored by the bash the benefit recipient brigade is that benefit spending at 10-13%
national expenditure has been stable within those limits for donkeys years.....Its NOT a new thing , nor has it "suddenly risen to monsterous proportions"  IN actual FACT it hasnt moved much at ALL ...since the system started....

OMG abandon the good ship sensible...ring out the bell of doom......

What a load of bullshit.
Explain to me how those on little money and manage their money are not a drain on society?
EH??...jesus man....just read what you posted then......then soberup/get off the whacky baccy/get some appropriate....

and yes I THINK I know what you actually meant...but I bet I;m the ONLY one on here that does...........

so facts are now bull shit?????

the world according to didge.... Rolling Eyes


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:46 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

What a load of bullshit.
Explain to me how those on little money and manage their money are not a drain on society?
EH??...jesus man....just read what you posted then......then soberup/get off the whacky baccy/get some appropriate....

so facts are now bull shit?????

the world according to didge.... Rolling Eyes

What facts?
The fact is many people get by without being incompetent with their money placing their material wealth over their own children, that is bullshit on every level and the absurd argument of the left. Even more disgusting when they attempt to equate this as poverty, which is far removed from real poverty


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:47 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

What a load of bullshit.
Explain to me how those on little money and manage their money are not a drain on society?
EH??...jesus man....just read what you posted then......then soberup/get off the whacky baccy/get some appropriate....

and yes I THINK I know what you actually meant...but I bet I;m the ONLY one on here that does...........

so facts are now bull shit?????

the world according to didge.... Rolling Eyes

People can live on 2p a day, still pay their energy bill, council tax, mortgage/rent, feed and clothe themselves and their children, have money to make their children's lives worthwhile, see they have books etc.  It's like the miracle of the fishes.

And on that I'll say goodnight.


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:49 am

risingsun wrote:
darknessss wrote:

and yes I THINK I know what you actually meant...but I bet I;m the ONLY one on here that does...........

so facts are now bull shit?????

the world according to didge.... Rolling Eyes

People can live on 2p a day, still pay their energy bill, council tax, mortgage/rent, feed and clothe themselves and their children, have money to make their children's lives worthwhile, see they have books etc.  It's like the miracle of the fishes.

Yes people can live on very little everyday and work hard not making excuses, which is odd that you ant to excuse those who do not and waste their money on material goods.
That is the left for you though who make any excuse for those who care more about themselves than they do their own children


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:58 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:

so facts are now bull shit?????

the world according to didge.... Rolling Eyes

What facts?

the ones I quoted...that benefits (as a % of national expenditure) have remaind (more or less) stable since whenever......

so why??? are they suddenly a problem......the real truth is that they are not....and it is just tory hatered of the less fortunate and the fact they need a big bogey man to deflect public attention away from the real problems and the real monetary thieves

The fact is many people get by without being incompetent with their money placing their material wealth over their own children, that is bullshit on every level and the absurd argument of the left. Even more disgusting when they attempt to equate this as poverty, which is far removed from real poverty


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:02 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

What facts?

the ones I quoted...that benefits  (as a % of national expenditure) have remaind (more or less) stable since whenever......

so why??? are they suddenly a problem......the real truth is that they are not....and it is just tory hatered of the less fortunate and the fact they need a big bogey man to deflect public attention away from the real problems and the real monetary thieves

The fact is many people get by without being incompetent with their money placing their material wealth over their own children, that is bullshit on every level and the absurd argument of the left. Even more disgusting when they attempt to equate this as poverty, which is far removed from real poverty

Of course they are a problem of which you wish to excuse their incompetence with money and how they place their material wealth over their own children and then even worse look to blame governments.
It has fuck all to with any hatred but speaking the truth where people like yourself wish to excuse idiots.
Why is it people like you hate the truth.
Again explain to me why others on little money can manage their funds whilst other idiots place things they do not need over the needs of their own families?

Try again


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:10 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:

Of course they are a problem of which you wish to excuse their incompetence with money and how they place their material wealth over their own children and then even worse look to blame governments.
It has fuck all to with any hatred but speaking the truth where people like yourself wish to excuse idiots.
Why is it people like you hate the truth.
Again explain to me why others on little money can manage their funds whilst other idiots place things they do not need over the needs of their own families?

Try again

I dont need to...all I need to do is to prove your above assertion incorrect.....

and the first passage i posted does just that, in as much as it gives the lie to the "profligate benefit recipient myth"

the number of those who behave as you describe is minute in comparison to the total number of benefit claimants....

you make the mistake of conflating tory lies and propaganda with truth


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:12 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

Of course they are a problem of which you wish to excuse their incompetence with money and how they place their material wealth over their own children and then even worse look to blame governments.
It has fuck all to with any hatred but speaking the truth where people like yourself wish to excuse idiots.
Why is it people like you hate the truth.
Again explain to me why others on little money can manage their funds whilst other idiots place things they do not need over the needs of their own families?

Try again

I dont need to...all I need to do is to prove your above assertion incorrect.....
and the first passage i posted does just that, in as much as it gives the lie to the "profligate benefit recipient myth"
the number of those who behave as you describe is minute in comparison to the total number of benefit claimants....
you make the mistake of conflating tory lies and propaganda with truth

Really, how so, because you say so?
In other words you have no defense for your claim and are just excusing idiots who are incompetent.
You are backing left wing lies as per usual.
When you have an answer to my points let me know and stop wasting my time with bullshit.



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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:12 am

Case study: 'My daughter, 7, contracted pneumonia in damp council house'

Home for Jody Palmer and her four children is a cramped £10-a-night guest room. In the bed next-door her grandfather is slowly dying from lung cancer.

Jody, 31,and youngsters Alfie, 10, seven-year-old twins Maggie and Lacey, and Daisey, five, live, eat and sleep here. They have two single beds and a blow-up airbed borrowed from a relative.

The room is meant for visitors to 70-year-old Albert’s care home.

But they ended up moving in after being forced out of their mould-ridden council house when Lacey developed life-threatening pneumonia.

The family’s situation hit rock bottom last August after moving for the ninth time due to rising rents. Unable to find anywhere Jody could afford on benefits, the family were given a rundown property managed by Newham council in East London. But it was riddled with damp.

Jody said: “We couldn’t live upstairs because the mould was everywhere – on the curtains, the children’s beds and the front door was covered in it.

“We had to live in the front room but there was still mould growing on all our stuff.”

All four children suffered chest infections after just six months at their temporary council house, but Lacey was left struggling to breathe and spent five nights in Royal London Hospital after being diagnosed with pneumonia on January 15.

“When I found out it was pneumonia I panicked. I thought she was going to die,” Jody said.

Her family GP wrote to the council calling for them to be rehomed, saying it was “detrimental for the children’s health to stay in such an accommodation”.

The council duly offered alternative housing – but it was so far away it would have cost £30 a day to ferry the kids to school.

In desperation, Jody moved them into the tiny guest room on Monday.

Revealing her struggle to survive, Jody said: “First I pay all my bills – the water, electricity and gas – and then I do my food shopping.

"I know if I have enough food left for just one dinner then I’ve got to go without and save it for them. Sometimes I’ll just have a Pot Noodle and a slice of bread.”

When they need new school uniforms, Jody splits the cost over several weeks.

“I get them one part of their uniform and wait for the following week to get the next,” she said.

“It’s hard for them to understand but I always put my children first.

“If I’m short of something then people do help me. If it wasn’t for them I don’t think I would be able to cope. They bring round dinner or if I’ve run out of electricity then they say bring the kids round here for a bath.”

Jody, who gets no regular maintenance payments, added: “It’s horrible. The kids say ‘Mummy why can’t you get us a house where we have bedrooms?’ and I just reply ‘I’m trying’.”

She added: “It’s a nightmare. I just want a home that won’t make my children ill.”

Things to make you think - Page 2 PAY-Collects-from-Jody-Palmer-of-daughter-Lacey-in-Hospital
Made ill by poverty: Jody's daughter Lacey in hospital


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:13 am

The fucwit Mirror, as bad as the daily Mail


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:27 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:

I dont need to...all I need to do is to prove your above assertion incorrect.....
and the first passage i posted does just that, in as much as it gives the lie to the "profligate benefit recipient myth"
the number of those who behave as you describe is minute in comparison to the total number of benefit claimants....
you make the mistake of conflating tory lies and propaganda with truth

Really, how so, because you say so?
In other words you have no defense for your claim and are just excusing idiots who are incompetent.
You are backing left wing lies as per usual.
When you have an answer to my points let me know and stop wasting my time with bullshit.

Thanks fact NOT because I say so...

the rowntree foundation says so along with a number of other reputable sources...or did you not read the larger post I made above????

once you start that condecending clap trap didge I know I have you on the run and you have nowhere to hide Laughing Laughing


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:29 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

Really, how so, because you say so?
In other words you have no defense for your claim and are just excusing idiots who are incompetent.
You are backing left wing lies as per usual.
When you have an answer to my points let me know and stop wasting my time with bullshit.

Thanks fact NOT because I say so...

the rowntree foundation says so along with a number of other reputable sources...or did you not read the larger post I made above????

once you start that condecending clap trap didge I know I have you on the run and you have nowhere to hide Laughing Laughing

rowntree foundation?


Fuck me, you can do better than that?


That did not answer any of my points

Try again


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:33 am

Brasidas wrote:The fucwit Mirror, as bad as the daily Mail

so thats not true then?

its all fabrication is it?

didge...fuck you i've made it...tory boy...

so bloody happy to hand out millions to any damn stranger but unable to have the nicety to help his own...or ARE they his own???? I sometimes wonder....

why do you hate the native so much eh didge...if that girl was one of you precious immigrants you would be screaming for her to be great expense.....

you are a mean and beggardly little man oh so happy to dictate that our tax payers money should be spent on "others" and the first to condemn our own unfortunates....


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:36 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote: fact NOT because I say so...

the rowntree foundation says so along with a number of other reputable sources...or did you not read the larger post I made above????

once you start that condecending clap trap didge I know I have you on the run and you have nowhere to hide Laughing Laughing

rowntree foundation?


Fuck me, you can do better than that?


That did not answer any of my points

Try again

behave have lost.....


and YES the rowntree foundation...the very same that YOU have used as a source in the past.......

plus other repected contributors.....

so stop your nonsense.......


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:38 am

Right lets take this daft story apart:

My daughter, 7, contracted pneumonia in damp council house????

Was it because of the house that she contracted pneumonia?

Sorry, now I hate natives?
What the fuck are you on about?

Things to make you think - Page 2 3489511464 

I am not dishing the poor girl but the claim made around the condition and even worse how leftie scum use the plight of a poor inn0ocent girl to further their agenda. I mean how is the GP an expert in housing conditions?
Seriously, read the article, it is nothing short of left wing claptrap


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:39 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

rowntree foundation?


Fuck me, you can do better than that?


That did not answer any of my points

Try again

behave have lost.....


and YES the rowntree foundation...the very same that YOU have used as a source in the past.......

plus other repected contributors.....

so stop your nonsense.......

I have lost nothing.
Seriously, you maybe suckered in by stupidity, but I am not mate, so yes please stop with your nonsense.


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:46 am

Brasidas wrote:Right lets take this daft story apart:

My daughter, 7, contracted pneumonia in damp council house????

Was it because of the house that she contracted pneumonia?

as a one time microbiologist i would say its entirely possible.....though more likely the pneumonia would be a secondary result of chronic bronchitis caused by the mould.....since pneumonia is almost always an opportunistic secondary invader....but yes... effectively the damp housing caused it....and if you dont want to beleive the truth from me...ask a consultant at a hospital....after all DO work in the health service dont you ?

Mould from damp property can cause a number of other serious health problems....asthma being one.......

Sorry, now I hate natives?
What the fuck are you on about?

Things to make you think - Page 2 3489511464 

I am not dishing the poor girl but the claim made around the condition and even worse how leftie scum use the plight of a poor inn0ocent girl to further their agenda. I mean how is the GP an expert in housing conditions?

as a GP he will be quite aware of the many problems damp mouldy housing causes...this is not a new thing , more an old thing resurrected.....

Seriously, read the article, it is nothing short of left wing claptrap

seriously this is you being a victorian mill owner contempteously despising the poor


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:48 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:

behave have lost.....


and YES the rowntree foundation...the very same that YOU have used as a source in the past.......

plus other repected contributors.....

so stop your nonsense.......

I have lost nothing.
Seriously, you maybe suckered in by stupidity, but I am not mate, so yes please stop with your nonsense.

so no answer to the report ...
you dont like losing do you ...cant even have the grace to admit you are defending the indefensible.....


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:48 am

Anyway this a labour run council

Epic own goal by Stassi

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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:49 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:Right lets take this daft story apart:

My daughter, 7, contracted pneumonia in damp council house????

Was it because of the house that she contracted pneumonia?

as a one time microbiologist i would say its entirely possible.....though more likely the pneumonia would be a secondary result of chronic bronchitis caused by the mould.....since pneumonia is almost always an opportunistic secondary invader....but yes... effectively the damp housing caused it....and if you dont want to beleive the truth from me...ask a consultant at a hospital....after all DO work in the health service dont you ?

Mould from damp property can cause a number of other serious health problems....asthma being one.......

Sorry, now I hate natives?
What the fuck are you on about?

Things to make you think - Page 2 3489511464 

I am not dishing the poor girl but the claim made around the condition and even worse how leftie scum use the plight of a poor inn0ocent girl to further their agenda. I mean how is the GP an expert in housing conditions?

as a GP he will be quite aware of the many problems damp mouldy housing causes...this is not a new thing , more an old thing resurrected.....

Seriously, read the article, it is nothing short of left wing claptrap

seriously this is you being a victorian mill owner contempteously despising the poor

as a one time microbiologist?

Is the doctor?

You are talking the biggest load of bullshit now Victor on what GP's know

So again where is the eviddence not your made up babble it as the house that caused her condition.

In your own time, not invented assumptions based on what the "Mirror" states


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:52 am

Brasidas wrote:Anyway this a labour run council

Epic own goal by Stassi

Things to make you think - Page 2 3489511464 Things to make you think - Page 2 3489511464 Things to make you think - Page 2 3489511464

yes true ...but who sets the levels of benefit available....

which party has crippled local govts so they lack social funds?

which party has made sure those cuts landed most heaviliy on labour councils?

however it really matter not ...the bare fact of the matter is ultimately the security of its citizens lies squarely upon CENTRAL govt.....

and case like this should NOT happen......

2015 and we are seeing cases of mouldy home disease increasing.......... No


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:56 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:Anyway this a labour run council

Epic own goal by Stassi

Things to make you think - Page 2 3489511464 Things to make you think - Page 2 3489511464 Things to make you think - Page 2 3489511464

yes true ...but who sets the levels of benefit available....

which party has crippled local govts so they lack social funds?

which party has made sure those cuts landed most heaviliy on labour councils?

however it really matter not ...the bare fact of the matter is ultimately the security of its citizens lies squarely upon CENTRAL govt.....

and case like this should NOT happen......

2015 and we are seeing cases of mouldy home disease increasing.......... No

So now you are excusing the council.
Are you going to excuse the Rotherham council also on the government Victor?
Behave, stop excusing Labour for being the incompetant twats they are
Listen, I find it disgusting that a shit rag like the mirror can claim 20 million people are in poverty, when real poverty is what you see in places like Africa, notsome made up index to claim people are in poverty, when many of them again are incompetent with their money and shit rags like the Mirror look to excuse people being irresponsible with their money


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:58 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:

seriously this is you being a victorian mill owner contempteously despising the poor

as a one time microbiologist?

yes didge...I have a microbiology (well HNC but they are called degrees now) I didnt persue it in the end because there was more money in electronics...

Is the doctor?

a GP should be aware of the effects of mould housing YES...its not as common as it once was...but it is on the increase again

You are talking the biggest load of bullshit now Victor on what GP's know

So again where is the eviddence not your made up babble it as the house that caused her condition.

try spending a bit of time researching it on google....its all out there for you to learn......

In your own time, not invented assumptions based on what the "Mirror" states

I dont need the mirror to tell me how dangerous mouldy rooms are.....especially for of the top contributors to "infant mortality" at one time


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:01 am

Utter nonsense, I am not discounting your degree but going off a story, where again they have concluded it as the house that caused her condition which is utter nonsense as you ell know she could have contracted this from anything. All you have here is a gutter rag like the mirror making an unfounded claim to post up a headline Victor and left wing morons like stassi lap it up.

Try again, read the article again and you will see there is no evidence what so ever


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:05 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:

yes true ...but who sets the levels of benefit available....

which party has crippled local govts so they lack social funds?

which party has made sure those cuts landed most heaviliy on labour councils?

however it really matter not ...the bare fact of the matter is ultimately the security of its citizens lies squarely upon CENTRAL govt.....

and case like this should NOT happen......

2015 and we are seeing cases of mouldy home disease increasing.......... No

So now you are excusing the council.
Are you going to excuse the Rotherham council also on the government Victor?
Behave, stop excusing Labour for being the incompetant twats they are
just like I wont excuse the tories for the viscious dismal haters they are......
Listen, I find it disgusting that a shit rag like the mirror can claim 20 million people are in poverty, when real poverty is what you see in places like Africa, notsome made up index to claim people are in poverty, when many of them again are incompetent with their money and shit rags like the Mirror look to excuse people being irresponsible with their money

and you keep repeating the same old lie as if by doing so you will make it true....

"many of them" go on then what % of them????

did you not bother to read that report i posted ...or is it too uncomfortable for you to read....does it cause "cognitative dissonance" to you ??

you are wrong...utterly and terribly wrong and your steadfast determination to condone what is happening for the sake of literally 1:80p per week in your pocket makes you evil also


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:08 am

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

So now you are excusing the council.
Are you going to excuse the Rotherham council also on the government Victor?
Behave, stop excusing Labour for being the incompetant twats they are
just like I wont excuse the tories for the viscious dismal haters they are......
Listen, I find it disgusting that a shit rag like the mirror can claim 20 million people are in poverty, when real poverty is what you see in places like Africa, notsome made up index to claim people are in poverty, when many of them again are incompetent with their money and shit rags like the Mirror look to excuse people being irresponsible with their money

and you keep repeating the same old lie as if by doing so you will make it true...."many of them"   go on then what % of them????
did you not bother to read that report i posted ...or is it too uncomfortable for you to read....does it cause "cognitative dissonance" to you ??
you are wrong...utterly and terribly wrong and your steadfast determination to condone what is happening for the sake of literally 1:80p per week in your pocket makes you evil also

Behave you are talking utter tripe Victor and you know it.
Now I am evil, what a moron you can be, based on the fact you still cannot explain how people on little m0oney can manage their lives very well and yet again you excuse those who place material wealth over their own children.
Stop coming out with bullshit Victor and making claims I am evil just proves you have lost the debate


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:10 am

Brasidas wrote:Utter nonsense, I am not discounting your degree but going off a story, where again they have concluded it as the house that caused her condition which is utter nonsense as you ell know she could have contracted this from anything.

its all a question of "probability" isnt it.....if someone lives in a damp mouldy house and gets pneumonia......what is the MOST likey cause going to doors effin cat????I dont think so....the experience of ages will show that its a 90+ % likelyhood of it being the ANY todays society should have to live in such disgusting conditions in this country.....

All you have here is a gutter rag like the mirror making an unfounded claim to post up a headline Victor and left wing morons like stassi lap it up.

Try again, read the article again and you will see there is no evidence what so ever


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:15 am

darknessss wrote:its all a question of "probability" isnt it.....if someone lives in a damp mouldy house and gets pneumonia......what is the MOST likey cause going to doors effin cat????I dont think so....the experience of ages will show that its a 90+ % likelyhood of it being the ANY todays society should have to live in such disgusting conditions in this country.....

Based on a biased article?

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Nobody should have to live in such conditions, so blame the council who have housed here, not the government, which you are wrongly doing. If this place is not fit for living conditions, then the council is to blame for not fixing or housing the family elsewhere

Stop making excuses for an incompetent council.

Night Victor


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:16 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:

and you keep repeating the same old lie as if by doing so you will make it true...."many of them"   go on then what % of them????
did you not bother to read that report i posted ...or is it too uncomfortable for you to read....does it cause "cognitative dissonance" to you ??
you are wrong...utterly and terribly wrong and your steadfast determination to condone what is happening for the sake of literally 1:80p per week in your pocket makes you evil also

Behave you are talking utter tripe Victor and you know it.
Now I am evil, what a moron you can be, based on the fact you still cannot explain how people on little m0oney can manage their lives very well and yet again you excuse those who place material wealth over their own children.
Stop coming out with bullshit Victor and making claims I am evil just proves you have lost the debate

you are evil because you use an insignificant statistic to defend a vile and viscious policy moreover one which will (if it were returned to you) place £1.80 approx in your pocket....

can you look yourself in the eye and truely say that for the pidling amount, it is right that many deserving folks on benefit have been wrongly sanctioned for the slightest excuse. or that it is right that terminally ill people have been told they should be working ,...and had their benefit stopped or that every single benefit recipient out ther is the subject of continued abuse and ridicule and indeed harassment from the tory media...... that ALL have been labeled with the false flag derived from such cretinous and pathetic sensationalist hype created by "benefits TV etc?????

ALL for £1:80 a week????



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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:17 am

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:its all a question of "probability" isnt it.....if someone lives in a damp mouldy house and gets pneumonia......what is the MOST likey cause going to doors effin cat????I dont think so....the experience of ages will show that its a 90+ % likelyhood of it being the ANY todays society should have to live in such disgusting conditions in this country.....

Based on a biased article?

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Nobody should have to live in such conditions, so blame the council who have housed here, not the government, which you are wrongly doing. If this place is not fit for living conditions, then the council is to blame for not fixing or housing the family elsewhere

Stop making excuses for an incompetent council.

Night Victor

night must be uncomfotable trying to sleep with your fingers in your ears and saying la la la la case you dreams poke your concience.....


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:33 am

Victor would you like a tissue, fucking hell, do not make me laugh.
So you think I am evil yet again using another moral absolute, you cannot make it up.


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:43 am

Brasidas wrote:Victor would you like a tissue, fucking hell, do not make me laugh.
So you think I am evil yet again using another moral absolute ??????????, you cannot make it up.


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:45 am

oh ang on...I said you were evil....not "absolutely" evil

there is no such thing as absolutely evil.....or absolutely good.....


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:05 am

There is no levels to evil, it is a concept, you either are evil or you are not evil. You cannot just be a little evil, that is absurd, because to be evil would mean to back all things wrong and at odds with well being.
Thank you though if you think I am so evil, for fuck sake, where again it is an absolute.


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:58 am

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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:48 pm

Brasidas wrote:There is no levels to evil, it is a concept, you either are evil or you are not evil. You cannot just be a little evil, that is absurd, because to be evil would mean to back all things wrong and at odds with well being.
Thank you though if you think I am so evil, for fuck sake, where again it is an absolute.
rubbish...utter rubbish didge....

a man may be evil in some aspects and good in others...
and I doubt there has ever been anyone born who never had ANY redeeming features....

you are conflating the "concept of evil" with the practice of evil....and even then the concept cannot be absolute..

since once again what is considered evil in one society may well be considered ok in another....and may change with time

to start with would you like to define an "absolute evil act"

then assume someone did that act but was kind to puppies........

is he absolutely evil or only evil within the concern of his bad act???

also you need to consider it possible (out side of religious myth) to be purely and absolutely good

no...because evn the best person will have done/thought something bad at some time and place....

life ISNT can never be....

I think this is where you make too many mistakes in debates...because your thinking is limited to one dimensional thinking in terms of absolutes....


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:00 pm

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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:09 pm

Most absurd argument yet from Victor, so Hitler was good in how he treated animals and thus was good on some points, even though he was still evil. Having some good points does not detract away from someone being evil, hence your view is utterly absurd. What you are doing is making an excuse for if a person is evil by making moot points on other things they viewed. They are either evil or they are not evil, it is a simple as that.
The fact is you keep failing to understand well being as I keep explaining to you which is an absolute, unless you think we should not have any well being and that the intention of any species its its survival of itself, which should never conflict with the well being of others.


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:15 pm


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:17 pm

Brasidas wrote:Most absurd argument yet from Victor, so Hitler was good in how he treated animals and thus was good on some points, even though he was still evil. Having some good points does not detract away from someone being evil, hence your view is utterly absurd. What you are doing is making an excuse for if a person is evil by making moot points on other things they viewed. They are either evil or they are not evil, it is a simple as that.
The fact is you keep failing to understand well being as I keep explaining to you which is an absolute, unless you think we should not have any well being and that the intention of any species its its survival of itself, which should never conflict with the well being of others.

exactly right didge...HOORAY got there

hitler was evil....horribly so....but he wasnt ABSOLUTELY EVIL HE HAD SOME GOOD IN HIM.........COR FLIPPIN 'ECK...HANG OUT THE FLAGS

and you are quite correct. having some good points does NOT detract entirely from the evil they do...just like your favourite woman maggie....

yes closing the mines doubless save some lives...but it doesnt wipe out the evil she did in doing so....(although bizarely enough you tried to argue otherwise...)

It strikes me you argue which ever way and dont actually HAVE a set point of naughty.....

now be a good boy and describe an absolutely evil that is utterly evil now and in our society......and I will try and find a society/time when it was otherwise....


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:24 pm

You are still not grasping this Victor and you just proved it.
Either you respect the values of humans or you do not.
Maggie was not evil because what she set out to do was good and where she might have made mistakes, so that is pathetic on your part to make a par with Hitler who' intent was to commit genocide.
Either someone is evil or they are not, some make mistakes but it is down to purpose, and Hitlers purpose was hate, Maggie's purpose was not hate.
Hence you have no comprehension on this subject mate, because it is not about being naughty but a purpose. If that purpose is meant to harm and hurt the well being of people like Hitler it is for all intents and purposes evil. Maggie did not intend to hurt people but make things better in a time when Unions tried to destroy the democracy we lived under. The Unions views was to deny voters the right of a democratic Government where they wished to impose their views on others, showing it was the Unions at that time who were evil.


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:27 pm

Brasidas wrote:
interesting but a ) hardly relevant except for his concept of " the worst possible misery for everyone" which whilst somewhat nebulous is interesting, however I doubt it can be defined
b) comes from an islamophobe
c) the guy is just another philosopher.....doesnt make him any more or less right than anyone else
d)forget he's a neuroscientist....since thats irrelevant and doesnt add to his credibility as a philosopher (though of course it DOES show his considerable intelect)

and he is also, just like you, overbearingly arrogant..... in his assumption that if you challeng his view you dont know what you are talking about Rolling Eyes

now please...define an absolutely evil act...


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:30 pm

Hilarious yet again, so you agree on the worst possible misery for people and yet fail to comprehend what he is saying then Victor?
You never challenged his points just dismissed them and now go of an islamophobe?
He is against religion also because it is not backed by science, so that view was also absurd. In fact he is one of the biggest outspoken critics of religion including Islam


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:32 pm

This was against William Lane Craig, great debate if you have some time Victor and really have to go, so all the best mate and catch you later.


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:35 pm

sorry one last video, which you will love and agree with Sam on Victor, even I cannot fault his points:


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:36 pm

Brasidas wrote:You are still not grasping this Victor and you just proved it.
Either you respect the values of humans or you do not.
Maggie was not evil because what she set out to do was good and where she might have made mistakes, so that is pathetic on your part to make a par with Hitler who' intent was to commit genocide.
Either someone is evil or they are not, some make mistakes but it is down to purpose, and Hitlers purpose was hate, Maggie's purpose was not hate.
Hence you have no comprehension on this subject mate, because it is not about being naughty but a purpose. If that purpose is meant to harm and hurt the well being of people like Hitler it is for all intents and purposes evil. Maggie did not intend to hurt people but make things better in a time when Unions tried to destroy the democracy we lived under. The Unions views was to deny voters the right of a democratic Government where they wished to impose their views on others, showing it was the Unions at that time who were evil.

Bull shit didge

you are trying to have it always......
firstly ...respect values of humans.......WHICH humans??

secondly you said ...and I quote "Having some good points does not detract away from someone being evil"
Maggies act in destroying our mines was simply evil...and its effects are STILL being felt, the way she went about it with "off duty" military invovement and cops inciting violence was evil..... the fact it save some lives does NOT erase the evil of that
the purpose of maggie WAS to hurt peoples well being.....
the difference between her and hitler of course was the scle and depth of the intent to hurt and harm

so no absolute

maggie was evil
Hitler was MORE evil
you excuse maggie becuase what she did suits YOUR twisted politics of centralised control and intimidation.....the tory (R/W)/liberalist way.......

sorry didge its deffinitely YOU that has trouble comprehending the world...not me.....


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:43 pm

Will answer before I go and why you are talking utter bolloocks, because scientifically, nothing supports Maggie being evil, where it certainly does with Hitler. The purpose of Maggie was not to hurt people but to bring about some rational normality to a nation which was spiraling out of control by groups of people like Unions trying to undermine democracy. There is no bases for any of your points and to claim she is evil is more conjecture and bias on your part for the fact you hated her. You have no case here what so ever, because she was placing the country and its well being first. Yes she made mistakes, but they were not intentional mistakes, whereas Hitler intended to harm people.
Hence why you have no justification for your claim, it is nothing short of utter babble and scientifically is bullshit

Have a good evening


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Things to make you think - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to make you think

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:15 pm

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