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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Irn Bru Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:12 am

First topic message reminder :

A Conservative minister has suggested that disabled people are ‘not worth’ the minimum wage.

Ed Miliband called on Lord Freud to resign from his post as work and pensions minister after his disparaging remarks, made while answering questions at a meeting of the Resolution Foundation, a living standards think-tank, during the Conservative Party conference.

The comments, which were recorded, came after a question by a Conservative councillor relating to the disabled and the National Minimum Wage.

This is just typical of the Tories. It all seeps out bit by bit of what they really are all about.

Get them out.
Irn Bru
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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:52 am

sphinx wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:

Typical Tory ideology. Pay people as little as possible and if they are disabled and have got something wrong with them and their output is not quite as high then tell them that you'll give them a job but they're not worth as much as an able bodied person so they won't be paid as much.

Works wonders for their self-esteem doesn't it.

There's a lad who works on the checkout at Asda who only has one arm and he even asks the customers if they want a hand to pack. He's not quite as fast as the other checkout operators but I'm just glad that he has a job and is treated in same way as everyone else. I'm sure Asda can bear the cost and I'm sure the customers don't mind one little bit and are happy that the lad has made the effort.

Well done Adsa.

Great for that guy.

Now let me tell you something as a disabled person who is not as productive as non disabled people.  I have a major problem with being given a job just because I am disabled when I do not perform as well as others and I have real issues about being paid the same amount as someone who does more than me.

You talk self esteem - well let me tell you about self esteem for a disabled person - and I am not alone in this just about every disabled person I speak to feels the same.  Nothing but nothing kicks your self esteem into the gutter than knowing you are getting allowances made because you are disabled.  Self esteem is being rewarded for what you are and what you do not being compensated because you cant do.

I would rather take 75% wage and 25% benefit top up for doing 75% of the work than I would be paid 100% wage for doing 75% of the work.  If I do 75% work and get 75% wage I know I am being paid for my value and that my society is protecting with the benefit top up to allow me a "normal" life.  If I get paid 100% for doing 75% I feel like a fraud and know I am getting paid more than my worth because people pity me.

I dont want make work.  I dont want pity.  I dont want to be paid more for doing less than some other guy who is working his tits off just because I have problems.  I dont know of a disabled person that does want these things.

We want to be considered for jobs on our merits - not turned down because of false beliefs and not given it just because of the disability.
We want to be paid what we are worth - and if we find that by switching jobs we can hit 100% then we expect 100% wage.  If we move to a more difficult job we expect the pay rise that goes with it.  It we work where there are bonuses we expect our share - our earned share.
We do not want to spend our lives sat around on benefits doing nothing.
We do not want to be put in jobs knowing people around us are thinking "hes a bit slow but its good they gave him a job" because that is not being treated like everyone else that is being pitied and treated like a freak show.

Your post is a bit contradictory. You don't want to be treated differently, and yet you wouldn't mind being paid less. Let's face it, jobs aren't always about who is faster or more physically productive - depending on the job of course. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, whether they're disabled or not, and not everyone who is not disabled will go at the same pace either.

Minimum wage is low as it is without paying someone even less because they can't go quite as fast as someone else might be able to.
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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:58 pm

you are all (those who agree with this) either insane, twisted ar maliciously cruel. You probably also think that disabled people ought to be "put down"

lets get this straight....MINIMUM wags is EXACTLY that...the minimum ANYONE should be paid. (and even then its not a "living wage") REGARDLESS.

(actually minimum wage is a con to allow "backdoor subsidy" to commercial interests)

you talk about how they "do less" bledy what?

oh dear this is going to impact (VERY) (SLIGHTLY) (IN A MINSCULE MANNER) on the empoyers profit margin....BOO HOO how sickeningly sad......

Meanwhile said "employer (read exploiter) is paying 80% of his staff about 1/3rd of their true value. The subsidy THEN comes because the state (thats you and me btw) has to pay "working " benefits to top up this miserable pittance to a reasonable level.

BETTER that they put a tax on ALL imports to offset slave labour rates abroad, and enforced sensible wage levels here...

It wouldnt cost any ,more.......BECAUSE YOU ARE ALREADY PAYING THAT the tax used to provide the top up working benefits....

yes your goods would be dearer....but VAT could be reduced and so on.....

more goods would be sold (becasue more people would have more money)

ANYONE suggesting that the disabled should "get any less" than that basic pittance should be stood against the nearest brick wall, and shot, along with all the other disgusting R/W (and I use this term advisedly ) "hitlerists" (since I am by politic both R/W in somethings and L/W in others I seem to get labelled a "Nazi". However try all you want you mental midgets...nazism DOES NOT define "the third position" so shove it)

Not withsatnding YOUR position least YOU determine that they should still recieve payment, if only from the govt.....But seriously...not worth minimum wage...oh come on.....


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:31 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:you are all (those who agree with this) either insane, twisted ar maliciously cruel. You probably also think that disabled people ought to be "put down"

lets get this straight....MINIMUM wags is EXACTLY that...the minimum ANYONE should be paid. (and even then its not a "living wage") REGARDLESS.

(actually minimum wage is a con to allow "backdoor subsidy" to commercial interests)

you talk about how they "do less" bledy what?

oh dear this is going to impact (VERY) (SLIGHTLY) (IN A MINSCULE MANNER) on the empoyers profit margin....BOO HOO how sickeningly sad......

Meanwhile said  "employer (read exploiter) is paying 80% of his staff about 1/3rd of their true value. The subsidy THEN comes because the state (thats you and me btw) has to pay "working " benefits to top up this miserable pittance to a reasonable level.

BETTER that they put a tax on ALL imports to offset slave labour rates abroad, and enforced sensible wage levels here...

It wouldnt cost any ,more.......BECAUSE YOU ARE ALREADY PAYING THAT the tax used to provide the top up working benefits....

yes your goods would be dearer....but VAT could be reduced and so on.....

more goods would be sold (becasue more people would have more money)

ANYONE suggesting that the disabled should "get any less" than that basic pittance should be stood against the nearest brick wall, and shot, along with all the other disgusting R/W (and I use this term advisedly ) "hitlerists" (since I am by politic both R/W in somethings and L/W in others I seem to get labelled a "Nazi". However try all you want you mental midgets...nazism DOES NOT define "the third position" so shove it)

Not withsatnding YOUR position least YOU determine that they should still recieve payment, if only from the govt.....But seriously...not worth minimum wage...oh come on.....

Please note I did not at any point refer to minimum wage.

I simply stated that if I can only do 75% of what someone else can do in the same period of time then I should only be paid 75% of their wage. If that wage is insufficient then the excess should be made up by the government.

Now anyone with a brain should be able to work out that there is an awful lot of scope for arrangments in that statement - and in fact in all employment situations.

Like why do I only produce 75% in the time - in my case because I have to keep resting so effectively I am taking lots of mini breaks and only work 45 minutes in each hour. So by the clock I am working less time than others - should I be paid the same?

Depending on the wage being paid 75% may be adequate for a single person to live on while 100% is not enough for a couple with 3 children so a single disabled person on 75% wage gets no top up benefit while the married guy with kids on 100% does.

This is why I cannot understand why people are not supporting universal credit - if allows for that flexibility. It would enable an employer to agree terms with a disabled person say to allow them more break time unpaid with the employer secure knowing he is getting what he is paying for (incidentally a lot of small and medium size businesses pay every penny they can afford with the owner sometimes taking less than minimum wage - there is no profit margin to cut) and the disabled person knowing that they can work and still get the support they need from government.

I get what you are saying about subsidising wages but the whole system has become so complex it cannot simply be switched back to "pay a living wage" overnight - that would have to be managed as a progressive process with a government wise enough to coordinate and legislate transfer of taxation to wages so over time the extra is not paid by government but by employer. Before that can even be thought of the question of why a man with children should get more money for the same work as a man without children needs to be faced. The concept of a minimum income required for raising a child regardless of whether working or getting other benefits has been around and become so ingrained than until it is dealt with other changes cannot be thought of.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:44 pm

the problem then becomes what is "enough" for a given person to live on.

firstly many disabled have extra living costs, be it they need a taxi rather than driving or using a bus, extra modifications around the home (which may or may not be a "one time" cost)
and many others often difficult to quantify costs...specialist clothing etc....

add to that regional differences in prices
and it can become a pond of iniquity when we talk about government setting such levels....

as to "universal credit...its a con....a lie and a twist

I always thought disability payments were to ENABLE and give as much independance as possible...(aren't they)
(or are they a "sop" to the concience of the greedy?)

Universal credit does NOTHING of the sort....not when it stops if your PARTNER has an income over a certain level, or savings over a certain level....

what are they reying to do here.....pauperise the disabled? force them to spend all but a teardrop of savings before they become "worth helping"?
force them to become DEPENDANT on their partner (so much for "independance payments") please dear...can I have a couple of quid for a snack........



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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:13 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:the problem then becomes what is "enough" for a given person to live on.

firstly many disabled have extra living costs, be it they need a taxi rather than driving or using a bus, extra modifications around the home (which may or may not be a "one time" cost)
and many others often difficult to quantify costs...specialist clothing etc....

add to that regional differences in prices
and it can become a pond of iniquity when we talk about government setting such levels....

as to "universal credit...its a con....a lie and a twist

I always thought disability payments were to ENABLE and give as much independance as possible...(aren't they)
(or are they a "sop" to the concience of the greedy?)

Universal credit does NOTHING of the sort....not when it stops if your PARTNER has an income over a certain level, or savings over a certain level....

what are they reying to do here.....pauperise the disabled?   force them to spend all but a teardrop of savings before they become "worth helping"?
force them to become DEPENDANT on their partner  (so much for "independance payments") please dear...can I have a couple of quid for a snack........


The extra living costs of disability were met by DLA and are now supposed to be met by PIP (a far bigger scandal than Universal credit and one which has passed the non disabled by)

Universal credit was never about disability as such it was about ensuring a minimum income for each possible situation and making sure than any and every piece of work done resulted in the person having more money which is a damn site better than anything currently running.

So single able adult needs minimum of £x a week (to cover food rent bills everything) - if they work they keep the first £50 then for every £1 over that they earn they lose 70p off of benefit.
Couple with 2 children need £y amount a week to cover everything - as before if one of them earns they keep the first £50 then see it reduced 70p in the pound
single disabled adult needs minimum of £z to live on plus the extra costs of disability so the get £z universal credit keep first £50 of earnings then see it reduced 70p in the pound plus they get the PIP. Now unfortunately the PIP unlike DLA will be reduced and stopped at certain income levels - but that is a problem with PIP not universal credit.

Universal credit replaces unemployment (JSA) sickness (ESA) and tax credits.
Disability benefits are a completely different kettle of fish and the only link is that if certain disability benefits are being claimed the amount of universal credit is higher .


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:21 pm

I just think that if someone is employed to do a job, they either do that job at the going rate or they don't do it at all. All this stuff about doing 75% of what others do is ridiculous. It only matters if other employees are having to work harder in order to make up for what someone else can't do, or if they resent others have certain allowances made for them.
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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:34 pm

sphinx wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:

Typical Tory ideology. Pay people as little as possible and if they are disabled and have got something wrong with them and their output is not quite as high then tell them that you'll give them a job but they're not worth as much as an able bodied person so they won't be paid as much.

Works wonders for their self-esteem doesn't it.

There's a lad who works on the checkout at Asda who only has one arm and he even asks the customers if they want a hand to pack. He's not quite as fast as the other checkout operators but I'm just glad that he has a job and is treated in same way as everyone else. I'm sure Asda can bear the cost and I'm sure the customers don't mind one little bit and are happy that the lad has made the effort.

Well done Adsa.

Great for that guy.

Now let me tell you something as a disabled person who is not as productive as non disabled people.  I have a major problem with being given a job just because I am disabled when I do not perform as well as others and I have real issues about being paid the same amount as someone who does more than me.
Do you have a major problem if you are denied a job, based on the fact you are disabled? You see plenty of people are who are disabled or even have conditions that do not classify them as disabled ar e discrminated but will certainly affect their performance compared to somebody who is able.
Define "more"?

You talk self esteem - well let me tell you about self esteem for a disabled person - and I am not alone in this just about every disabled person I speak to feels the same.  Nothing but nothing kicks your self esteem into the gutter than knowing you are getting allowances made because you are disabled.  Self esteem is being rewarded for what you are and what you do not being compensated because you cant do.
I don't think anyone has said otheriwse

I would rather take 75% wage and 25% benefit top up for doing 75% of the work than I would be paid 100% wage for doing 75% of the work.  If I do 75% work and get 75% wage I know I am being paid for my value and that my society is protecting with the benefit top up to allow me a "normal" life.  If I get paid 100% for doing 75% I feel like a fraud and know I am getting paid more than my worth because people pity me.

I dont want make work.  I dont want pity.  I dont want to be paid more for doing less than some other guy who is working his tits off just because I have problems.  I dont know of a disabled person that does want these things.

We want to be considered for jobs on our merits - not turned down because of false beliefs and not given it just because of the disability.
We want to be paid what we are worth - and if we find that by switching jobs we can hit 100% then we expect 100% wage.  If we move to a more difficult job we expect the pay rise that goes with it.  It we work where there are bonuses we expect our share - our earned share.
We do not want to spend our lives sat around on benefits doing nothing.
We do not want to be put in jobs knowing people around us are thinking "hes a bit slow but its good they gave him a job" because that is not being treated like everyone else that is being pitied and treated like a freak show.

Then your understanding is poor based on your ability compared to others, where others need that benefit to help them carry out normal duties that other able bodied people can do daily which I guess escapes your attention. What you are doing like Tommy did is basing a bench mark off an able bodied person, which is completely ignoring many factors of where even people who do not have disabilities will be impaired
due to medical conditions, like as already stated asthma, and many will not receive any disability benefits. The flaw is you might as well take the bench mark of the best employee and pay all else less, in your view, even though many will still give the same 100% to the job, but are unable due to many different circumstances be able to achieve the ridiculous bench mark you are proposing. It is this point on how much a person puts in than is more important then your view of production. The reality is your view would is basically arguing that now all disabled people and those with medical problems all agree they should be paid less because they are unable to achieve the same production levels of those fitter and it gets even worse, as what about age? You are now placing those older and less able, as well as many disabled and people with medical conditions into a position where no company will have to hire them based off your view point. You are proposing inequality on pay based solely on being young, fit and without any complications as a measure to pay people, which is nothing more than discrimination.

Again going too fast does not always achieve the best results and in fact in many cases, it allows for many errors, you need to factor in many reasons here, but you are basically placing many people into brackets, even if their work ethic and effort is the same, because they are not as fast, they are penalized, of which you are using the distraction of the fact you have as a disability to promote this absurd view point. Companies already have bonus incentives, which are fair, but you base everyone's wages around now be only an a select group of people based off being able. Whether you are happy to have less is irrelevant when you do not factor in everyone else and you think it is really down to just how much you can produce in a day, it is also about a happy work force, or your turn over of staff will be so ridiculous, based on such inequality, you will never have the staff quota to fill the job placements.

Nobody is denying you being given jobs on merit but this is pay, which you are poorly twisting into the fact on some weird claim to being on the same level, and in fact it is nothing more than an insult to many people you are stigmatizing, trying to allow for the most absurd discrimination


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:41 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
sphinx wrote:

What if a non disabled person has a productivity rate of 200 units in an 8 hour shift and a disabled person can only manage 150?
If the disabled person says they want to work and are willing to accept 75% of the wage of the non disabled person.

Typical Tory ideology. Pay people as little as possible and if they are disabled and have got something wrong with them and their output is not quite as high then tell them that you'll give them a job but they're not worth as much as an able bodied person so they won't be paid as much.

Works wonders for their self-esteem doesn't it.

There's a lad who works on the checkout at Asda who only has one arm and he even asks the customers if they want a hand to pack. He's not quite as fast as the other checkout operators but I'm just glad that he has a job and is treated in same way as everyone else. I'm sure Asda can bear the cost and I'm sure the customers don't mind one little bit and are happy that the lad has made the effort.

Well done Adsa.

Do they pay this lad less because he's not as fast as others? I should hope not, but that's what Sphinx appears to be advocating.
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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:42 pm

Do you know where I think this view comes from, those lying to those with disabilities trying to claim they are of less worth in employment and I find that disgusting, based on what they are able to do compared to somebody able bodied, it is appalling in any shape or form. What they are saying is you are worth less as a human and will not achieve the ability to function like other humans through no fault of your own and thus must suffer because of nothing you have done and earn less money.

You are even taking away their incentive to work, which is one of your biggest failings here, where it seems that people are being drummed into them they cannot enjoy the same equality as others because of the nothing they created.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:45 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:

Typical Tory ideology. Pay people as little as possible and if they are disabled and have got something wrong with them and their output is not quite as high then tell them that you'll give them a job but they're not worth as much as an able bodied person so they won't be paid as much.

Works wonders for their self-esteem doesn't it.

There's a lad who works on the checkout at Asda who only has one arm and he even asks the customers if they want a hand to pack. He's not quite as fast as the other checkout operators but I'm just glad that he has a job and is treated in same way as everyone else. I'm sure Asda can bear the cost and I'm sure the customers don't mind one little bit and are happy that the lad has made the effort.

Well done Adsa.

Do they pay this lad less because he's not as fast as others? I should hope not, but that's what Sphinx appears to be advocating.

What she is advocating is wrong, he will still achieve what the company sets out to do, service customer with their shopping. Yes they have targets, but basically he is ether non employable here, because he will not be able to keep up with others here going off this absurd logic, or he can be employed and the company is going to already sacrifice down time on customers going through but will penalize him for having only one arm. So he is screwed either way, they will not employ him, due to a performance set to a stupid level, or they will and sacrifice the very factor of performance, thus negating the need for the high level, in the first place but will deduct him money because he has disabilities. Can anyone else see the absurd logic being proposed here by Sphinx?
What she advocates is based off her views, not off any people I know with disabilities.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:49 pm

All these targets are stupid anyway, it's just greed. It shouldn't be about how fast someone is. Well if they're fast, that's great, but it's not all that counts. That could put anyone under pressure anyway if they're being watched to see how fast they are. No wonder there's so much work-related stress around these days.
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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:54 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:All these targets are stupid anyway, it's just greed. It shouldn't be about how fast someone is. Well if they're fast, that's great, but it's not all that counts. That could put anyone under pressure anyway if they're being watched to see how fast they are. No wonder there's so much work-related stress around these days.

All companies have targets, but they are normally based on what is achievable off a reasonable view point on the capabilities of all staff, where all factors that make for a good employee may as well be thrown out of the window to base this solely on productivity. I mean the best productive employee may turn up late and go sick from time to time, have poor people skills in dealing with customers and is the best performer on the day only on one aspect, but one of the most unreliable employees. Where poor Jack lets call him, turns up for work every day, and even though he cannot match the unreliable employee, is discriminated against based solely on the fact he has only one arm. IT is nothing short of the worst inequality you will come across, where many factors that make for a good employee are being sidelined to base it only on productivity.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:57 pm

Brasidas wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:All these targets are stupid anyway, it's just greed. It shouldn't be about how fast someone is. Well if they're fast, that's great, but it's not all that counts. That could put anyone under pressure anyway if they're being watched to see how fast they are. No wonder there's so much work-related stress around these days.

All companies have targets, but they are normally based on what is achievable off a reasonable view point on the capabilities of all staff, where all factors that make for a good employee may as well be thrown out of the window to base this solely on performance. I mean the best employee may turn up late and go sick and overall they are the best performer on the day but one of the most unreliable employees, where poor Jack lets call him, turns up for work every day, and even though he cannot match the unreliable employee, is discriminated against based solely on the fact he has only one arm. IT is nothing short of the worst inequality you will come across, where many factors that make for a good employee are being sidelined to base it only on productivity.

Well yes, there have to be targets of course, but all this obsessing about how fast someone is is absurd. In my job we all know that some people are good at some things and maybe not so good at other things. What you do is make the most of people's skills - which are usually the things they enjoy as well. I see no sense in people being miserable at work because they're treated like robots.
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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:04 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

All companies have targets, but they are normally based on what is achievable off a reasonable view point on the capabilities of all staff, where all factors that make for a good employee may as well be thrown out of the window to base this solely on performance. I mean the best employee may turn up late and go sick and overall they are the best performer on the day but one of the most unreliable employees, where poor Jack lets call him, turns up for work every day, and even though he cannot match the unreliable employee, is discriminated against based solely on the fact he has only one arm. IT is nothing short of the worst inequality you will come across, where many factors that make for a good employee are being sidelined to base it only on productivity.

Well yes, there have to be targets of course, but all this obsessing about how fast someone is is absurd. In my job we all know that some people are good at some things and maybe not so good at other things. What you do is make the most of people's skills - which are usually the things they enjoy as well. I see no sense in people being miserable at work because they're treated like robots.

I agree it is obsessing and it actually in many cases produces mistakes. A friend who is a manager at Tesco's for example have a performance target that there is only ever one person queuing, or they fail, their OTIF measures. It allows for mistakes, items get dropped and smashed, and scanning errors, all of which then actually cost more time. Now place this into this scenario here. The best employee, goes sick once a week, is always late and has poor people skills, but never has their till with more than one person queuing, and is thus benefited off this one aspect ignoring all others. Where others who all fail to have only one queuing, are brilliant with the customers in a friendly manner, always on time and never sic are receiving a lesser wage than the person who is for all intents and purposes a poor employee, who benefits solely because he is the only one that hits the targets. It is such a flawed view and as seen absurd to base such a view on how to pay people


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:07 pm

Brasidas wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Well yes, there have to be targets of course, but all this obsessing about how fast someone is is absurd. In my job we all know that some people are good at some things and maybe not so good at other things. What you do is make the most of people's skills - which are usually the things they enjoy as well. I see no sense in people being miserable at work because they're treated like robots.

I agree it is obsessing and it actually in many cases produces mistakes. A friend who is a manager at Tesco's for example have a performance target that there is only ever one person queuing, or they fail, their OTIF measures. It allows for mistakes, items get dropped and smashed, and scanning errors, all of which then actually cost more time. Now place this into this scenario here. The best employee, goes sick once a week, is always late and has poor people skills, but never has their till with more than one person queuing, and is thus benefited off this one aspect ignoring all others. Where others who all fail to have only one queuing, are brilliant with the customers in a friendly manner, always on time and never sic are receiving a lesser wage than the person who is for all intents and purposes a poor employee, who benefits solely because he is the only one that hits the targets. It is such a flawed view and as seen absurd to base such a view on how to pay people

Well I think that target's silly anyway. How can an employee control how many customers go to their till or how much they buy?
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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:09 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

I agree it is obsessing and it actually in many cases produces mistakes. A friend who is a manager at Tesco's for example have a performance target that there is only ever one person queuing, or they fail, their OTIF measures. It allows for mistakes, items get dropped and smashed, and scanning errors, all of which then actually cost more time. Now place this into this scenario here. The best employee, goes sick once a week, is always late and has poor people skills, but never has their till with more than one person queuing, and is thus benefited off this one aspect ignoring all others. Where others who all fail to have only one queuing, are brilliant with the customers in a friendly manner, always on time and never sic are receiving a lesser wage than the person who is for all intents and purposes a poor employee, who benefits solely because he is the only one that hits the targets. It is such a flawed view and as seen absurd to base such a view on how to pay people

Well I think that target's silly anyway. How can an employee control how many customers go to their till or how much they buy?

Exactly, but this was just an example really to prove the absurd view point here. There was a post I put on here once where people think a que is quicker and go onto it and in fact it is slower, there maybe something in that and again you are right it is a silly factor to put such a target on and as seen many situations can allow for an unfair situation, based on which tills people go to and how much shopping they are buying.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:46 pm

What she is advocating is people stop pitying the disabled and treating them they are too delicate to be able to manage without allowances.

What everyone else is doing is building their own scenarios around my words with have nothing to do with what I am actually talking about.

Freud talked about opening dialogue with disabled people - something you lot seem to have no clue about as you all seem far more interested in telling the disabled what should be done for them than you do in listening to what they want done for them.

Freud talked about groups within the definition of disabled. You talk about the disabled as a homogeneous group.

I repeat what I have put elsewhere (possibly on another board)
His words were crass and unfortunate but he was reacting to an unexpected question in a fringe brainstorming session not giving an announcement on policy. His crude wording may be offensive but it indicates that he at least has the capacity to listen to people and hear what they say and the guts to shine the light of debate onto a subject which too many people rule off limits.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:51 pm

sphinx wrote:What she is advocating is people stop pitying the disabled and treating them they are too delicate to be able to manage without allowances.

What everyone else is doing is building their own scenarios around my words with have nothing to do with what I am actually talking about.

Freud talked about opening dialogue with disabled people - something you lot seem to have no clue about as you all seem far more interested in telling the disabled what should be done for them than you do in listening to what they want done for them.

Freud talked about groups within the definition of disabled.  You talk about the disabled as a homogeneous group.  

I repeat what I have put elsewhere (possibly on another board)
His words were crass and unfortunate but he was reacting to an unexpected question in a fringe brainstorming session not giving an announcement on policy.  His crude wording may be offensive but it indicates that he at least has the capacity to listen to people and hear what they say and the guts to shine the light of debate onto a subject which too many people rule off limits.

You are deflecting the main point here again trying to use the fact disabled people are wrongly stigmatized to further a really appalling discriminating view point on pay. Are you now going back on your claims of pay you have argued adamantly on this thread?
I have not seen anyone disagree on the view of stigmas and pitying the disabled.
In fact you are making a mockery of this point using the "victims argument" on how people pity, that is a contradiction using them as a point to further your true argument on discriminating pay.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:59 pm

sphinx wrote:What she is advocating is people stop pitying the disabled and treating them they are too delicate to be able to manage without allowances.

What everyone else is doing is building their own scenarios around my words with have nothing to do with what I am actually talking about.

Freud talked about opening dialogue with disabled people - something you lot seem to have no clue about as you all seem far more interested in telling the disabled what should be done for them than you do in listening to what they want done for them.

Freud talked about groups within the definition of disabled.  You talk about the disabled as a homogeneous group.  

I repeat what I have put elsewhere (possibly on another board)
His words were crass and unfortunate but he was reacting to an unexpected question in a fringe brainstorming session not giving an announcement on policy.  His crude wording may be offensive but it indicates that he at least has the capacity to listen to people and hear what they say and the guts to shine the light of debate onto a subject which too many people rule off limits.

It's you who's saying they're too delicate to be able to manage without allowances though. You're saying they're slower and so should be prepared to take less pay because of that, and that they should get top up benefits. I just don't see why they shouldn't be paid the same as someone else.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:02 pm

Brasidas wrote:
sphinx wrote:What she is advocating is people stop pitying the disabled and treating them they are too delicate to be able to manage without allowances.

What everyone else is doing is building their own scenarios around my words with have nothing to do with what I am actually talking about.

Freud talked about opening dialogue with disabled people - something you lot seem to have no clue about as you all seem far more interested in telling the disabled what should be done for them than you do in listening to what they want done for them.

Freud talked about groups within the definition of disabled.  You talk about the disabled as a homogeneous group.  

I repeat what I have put elsewhere (possibly on another board)
His words were crass and unfortunate but he was reacting to an unexpected question in a fringe brainstorming session not giving an announcement on policy.  His crude wording may be offensive but it indicates that he at least has the capacity to listen to people and hear what they say and the guts to shine the light of debate onto a subject which too many people rule off limits.

You are deflecting the main point here again trying to use the fact disabled people are wrongly stigmatized to further a really appalling discriminating view point on pay. Are you now going back on your claims of pay you have argued adamantly on this thread?
I have not seen anyone disagree on the view of stigmas and pitying the disabled.
In fact you are making a mockery of this point using the "victims argument" on how people pity, that is a contradiction using them as a point to further your true argument on discriminating pay.

No I am not going back on point of pay.

It is you who has built scenarios around my description of a unit of work and thrown in the possibility of going faster resulting in lower quality and more mistakes - that is your construct not mine.

The only discrimination on pay I want to see is on ability.

So when I say 200 units of work in 8 hours please accept that is 200 perfect quality units. So if we leave disability out of it and Tommy does 200 but Timmy does 150 can you explain to me why Timmy should get the same reward as Tommy. Neither are disabled in any way - or maybe Tommy is disabled but Timmy isnt. Why should they be paid the same?


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:05 pm

the main point here is that MINIMUM wage is exactly that

The MINIMUM anyone should get....regardless

(the fact it should be scrapped and a better way instituted is atm irrelevant)


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:05 pm

sphinx wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

You are deflecting the main point here again trying to use the fact disabled people are wrongly stigmatized to further a really appalling discriminating view point on pay. Are you now going back on your claims of pay you have argued adamantly on this thread?
I have not seen anyone disagree on the view of stigmas and pitying the disabled.
In fact you are making a mockery of this point using the "victims argument" on how people pity, that is a contradiction using them as a point to further your true argument on discriminating pay.

No I am not going back on point of pay.

It is you who has built scenarios around my description of a unit of work and thrown in the possibility of going faster resulting in lower quality and more mistakes - that is your construct not mine.

The only discrimination on pay I want to see is on ability.

So when I say 200 units of work in 8 hours please accept that is 200 perfect quality units.  So if we leave disability out of it  and Tommy does 200 but Timmy does 150 can you explain to me why Timmy should get the same reward as Tommy.  Neither are disabled in any way - or maybe Tommy is disabled but Timmy isnt.   Why should they be paid the same?

No I have shown far more than that where your whole concept is built around productivity, where as yet you have failed to even address these points and just keep repeating the views of someone who has little knowledge of the working environment today.
Tommy is doing some other wok that takes him away,and thus because his productivity ls less now loses out even though he was asked to help in something else.
You really have a very naive understanding of the working environment.
Can of worms.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:14 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:the main point here is that MINIMUM wage is exactly that

The MINIMUM anyone should get....regardless

(the fact it should be scrapped and a better way instituted is atm irrelevant)

My question is why should 2 people who produced different quantities of the same thing be paid the same amount.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:17 pm

sphinx wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:the main point here is that MINIMUM wage is exactly that

The MINIMUM anyone should get....regardless

(the fact it should be scrapped and a better way instituted is atm irrelevant)

My question is why should 2 people who produced different quantities of the same thing  be paid the same amount.

because they both have spent the same amount of time wasting their lives making some other fat b@stard rich..
edited to add:- whilst being paid a pittance for doing so.....

Last edited by victorisnotamused on Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:17 pm

I will give you a good example of why you have little understanding here Sphinx.

I have recently started a new role, again as a Demand planner and have been helping the warehouse manager in the organisation of his area.
He has a team of eight, of which 6 are packers and pickers of products shipped in from China and from the production area, which covers, anything from fans, to air ducts, to central heating you name it. Now every month they list how many daily each of the six pick and pack orders. Now on average two do slightly more than the other four, though not on every month.

Question 1 Do you think these two because they have picked and packed more orders on average should get more pay?

Question 2 If yes, what have you failed to factor in?


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:18 pm

Brasidas wrote:
sphinx wrote:

No I am not going back on point of pay.

It is you who has built scenarios around my description of a unit of work and thrown in the possibility of going faster resulting in lower quality and more mistakes - that is your construct not mine.

The only discrimination on pay I want to see is on ability.

So when I say 200 units of work in 8 hours please accept that is 200 perfect quality units.  So if we leave disability out of it  and Tommy does 200 but Timmy does 150 can you explain to me why Timmy should get the same reward as Tommy.  Neither are disabled in any way - or maybe Tommy is disabled but Timmy isnt.   Why should they be paid the same?

No I have shown far more than that where your whole concept is built around productivity, where as yet you have failed to even address these points and just keep repeating the views of someone who has little knowledge of the working environment today.
Tommy is doing some other wok that takes him away,and thus because his productivity ls less now loses out even though he was asked to help in something else.
You really have a very naive understanding of the working environment.
Can of worms.

So you cannot answer without changing the scenario.

Timmy and Tommy are identical and under identical conditions. Neither is disabled. Or both are disabled in exactly the same way. Neither is sick. Or both are sick in exactly the same way. In 8 hours Tommy does 200 units of work and Timmy does 150. Neither is called away. The units of work are identical. There is no difference anywhere except in the amount of work units done.
Why should Timmy get the same reward as Tommy.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:20 pm

sphinx wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:the main point here is that MINIMUM wage is exactly that

The MINIMUM anyone should get....regardless

(the fact it should be scrapped and a better way instituted is atm irrelevant)

My question is why should 2 people who produced different quantities of the same thing  be paid the same amount.

If a job is based on how much someone produces, it's often based on piece work anyway, so the person who produced more would get more. However, the person who produced less still needs to get minimum wage. You're talking as if everyone in minimum wage jobs stands there producing the same thing over and over again. There are many jobs which are not like that and have a variety of duties.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:22 pm

sphinx wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

No I have shown far more than that where your whole concept is built around productivity, where as yet you have failed to even address these points and just keep repeating the views of someone who has little knowledge of the working environment today.
Tommy is doing some other wok that takes him away,and thus because his productivity ls less now loses out even though he was asked to help in something else.
You really have a very naive understanding of the working environment.
Can of worms.

So you cannot answer without changing the scenario.

Timmy and Tommy are identical and under identical conditions. Neither is disabled. Or both are disabled in exactly the same way.  Neither is sick.  Or both are sick in exactly the same way.  In 8 hours Tommy does 200 units of work and Timmy does 150.  Neither is called away.  The units of work are identical.  There is no difference anywhere except in the amount of work units done.
Why should Timmy get the same reward as Tommy.

that kind of scenario actually has no bearing on the issue....

either timmy needs retraining or he is slacking.......sort it....


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:22 pm

sphinx wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

No I have shown far more than that where your whole concept is built around productivity, where as yet you have failed to even address these points and just keep repeating the views of someone who has little knowledge of the working environment today.
Tommy is doing some other wok that takes him away,and thus because his productivity ls less now loses out even though he was asked to help in something else.
You really have a very naive understanding of the working environment.
Can of worms.

So you cannot answer without changing the scenario.

Timmy and Tommy are identical and under identical conditions. Neither is disabled. Or both are disabled in exactly the same way.  Neither is sick.  Or both are sick in exactly the same way.  In 8 hours Tommy does 200 units of work and Timmy does 150.  Neither is called away.  The units of work are identical.  There is no difference anywhere except in the amount of work units done.
Why should Timmy get the same reward as Tommy.

This will help you understand where you are going wrong and have changed the last post to use your view here:

I have recently started a new role, again as a Demand planner and have been helping the warehouse manager in the organisation of his area.
He has a team of eight, of which 6 are packers and pickers of products shipped in from China and from the production area, which covers, anything from fans, to air ducts, to central heating you name it. Now every month they list how many daily each of the six pick and pack orders. Now on average two do slightly more (10 more jobs lets say a week)  than the other four, though not on every month, but in 10 of the months, but overall for the year they have done a hundred jobs or units more. They all help together with deliveries, so this has little affect on who produces more, but have to also pick and pack orders to customers, all based in the UK.

Question 1 Do you think these two because they have picked and packed more orders on average should get more pay?

Question 2 If yes, what have you failed to factor in?


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:26 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
sphinx wrote:

So you cannot answer without changing the scenario.

Timmy and Tommy are identical and under identical conditions. Neither is disabled. Or both are disabled in exactly the same way.  Neither is sick.  Or both are sick in exactly the same way.  In 8 hours Tommy does 200 units of work and Timmy does 150.  Neither is called away.  The units of work are identical.  There is no difference anywhere except in the amount of work units done.
Why should Timmy get the same reward as Tommy.

that kind of scenario actually has no bearing on the issue....

either timmy needs retraining or he is slacking.......sort it....

Agreed 100%, but there could be another factor, which I wish Sphinx to use her brain, because what she suggests is not a reality in the vast majority of jobs in this industry, hence my last post to show why her view is so naive.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:27 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
sphinx wrote:

My question is why should 2 people who produced different quantities of the same thing  be paid the same amount.

If a job is based on how much someone produces, it's often based on piece work anyway, so the person who produced more would get more. However, the person who produced less still needs to get minimum wage. You're talking as if everyone in minimum wage jobs stands there producing the same thing over and over again. There are many jobs which are not like that and have a variety of duties.

At least you have started to think about it.

However I am not talking about just production work - I am saying that whatever the job is for theoretical purposes we can call the result units of work. I do not define what a unit of work is (it could be cold calling 10 numbers, 5 minutes of watching a screen, one document typed, 15 minutes of standing still, one idea sketched out, 1% of a project completed)
Whatever that unit is if you have 2 people doing identical units (even if each unit is different from the others the same person has done) why should they get the same reward if one completes more than the other? Forget minimum wage for a minimum stop imagining different types of work and concentrate on why 2 people should get the same reward if one has done more than the other.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:29 pm

Brasidas wrote:
sphinx wrote:

So you cannot answer without changing the scenario.

Timmy and Tommy are identical and under identical conditions. Neither is disabled. Or both are disabled in exactly the same way.  Neither is sick.  Or both are sick in exactly the same way.  In 8 hours Tommy does 200 units of work and Timmy does 150.  Neither is called away.  The units of work are identical.  There is no difference anywhere except in the amount of work units done.
Why should Timmy get the same reward as Tommy.

This will help you understand where you are going wrong and have changed the last post to use your view here:

I have recently started a new role, again as a Demand planner and have been helping the warehouse manager in the organisation of his area.
He has a team of eight, of which 6 are packers and pickers of products shipped in from China and from the production area, which covers, anything from fans, to air ducts, to central heating you name it. Now every month they list how many daily each of the six pick and pack orders. Now on average two do slightly more (10 more jobs lets say a week)  than the other four, though not on every month, but in 10 of the months, but overall for the year they have done a hundred jobs or units more. They all help together with deliveries, so this has little affect on who produces more, but have to also pick and pack orders to customers, all based in the UK.

Question 1 Do you think these two because they have picked and packed more orders on average should get more pay?

Question 2 If yes, what have you failed to factor in?

In your own time Sphinx, lets see how much you really know about the work industry and what it is really like..


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:29 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
sphinx wrote:

So you cannot answer without changing the scenario.

Timmy and Tommy are identical and under identical conditions. Neither is disabled. Or both are disabled in exactly the same way.  Neither is sick.  Or both are sick in exactly the same way.  In 8 hours Tommy does 200 units of work and Timmy does 150.  Neither is called away.  The units of work are identical.  There is no difference anywhere except in the amount of work units done.
Why should Timmy get the same reward as Tommy.

that kind of scenario actually has no bearing on the issue....

either timmy needs retraining or he is slacking.......sort it....

Damn it for a second I thought didge had shown signs of independent thought then I noticed it was you who posted


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:30 pm

Brasidas wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

This will help you understand where you are going wrong and have changed the last post to use your view here:

I have recently started a new role, again as a Demand planner and have been helping the warehouse manager in the organisation of his area.
He has a team of eight, of which 6 are packers and pickers of products shipped in from China and from the production area, which covers, anything from fans, to air ducts, to central heating you name it. Now every month they list how many daily each of the six pick and pack orders. Now on average two do slightly more (10 more jobs lets say a week)  than the other four, though not on every month, but in 10 of the months, but overall for the year they have done a hundred jobs or units more. They all help together with deliveries, so this has little affect on who produces more, but have to also pick and pack orders to customers, all based in the UK.

Question 1 Do you think these two because they have picked and packed more orders on average should get more pay?

Question 2 If yes, what have you failed to factor in?

In your own time Sphinx, lets see how much you really know about the work industry and what it is really like..

Again you are trying to avoid my point by filling in my scenario with a different one of your own creating.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:34 pm

sphinx wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

In your own time Sphinx, lets see how much you really know about the work industry and what it is really like..

Again you are trying to avoid my point by filling in my scenario with a different one of your own creating.

No I am going to prove what you do not have the first clue what you are talking about here, so stop avoiding and answer the question, because your view to identical jobs, is not really much of a reality, but I am giving you 6 workers all pickers and packers (they all do the same job and have the same tasks and job description, who organize orders for customers and you have all the details, two stand out above the rest for the year and each year for the last 5 years.
Now your view is those who do more, should get paid more.

Answer the questions


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:36 pm

sphinx wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

If a job is based on how much someone produces, it's often based on piece work anyway, so the person who produced more would get more. However, the person who produced less still needs to get minimum wage. You're talking as if everyone in minimum wage jobs stands there producing the same thing over and over again. There are many jobs which are not like that and have a variety of duties.

At least you have started to think about it.

However I am not talking about just production work - I am saying that whatever the job is for theoretical purposes we can call the result units of work.  I do not define what a unit of work is (it could be cold calling 10 numbers, 5 minutes of watching a screen, one document typed, 15 minutes of standing still, one idea sketched out, 1% of a project completed)
Whatever that unit is if you have 2 people doing identical units (even if each unit is different from the others the same person has done) why should they get the same reward if one completes more than the other?  Forget minimum wage

You cannot take it out of the equation

for a minimum stop imagining different types of work

again you cannot do this since rarelky if ever is there that equivalence

and concentrate on why 2 people should get the same reward if one has done more than the other.

this is a false and impossible scenario that serves no useful end

you should be asking why, given that the REALITY IS that there is minimum wage, should two people, who spend the same amount of time lineing the pockets of the idle rich, each doing the best they reasonably can be paid any different....

I would suggest that if their production was WILDLY at variance then the employer is at fault and should be hounded under the disability discrimination acts, for putting someone into a position which they aere not suited to....

How about for once making employers RESPONSIBLE for their employees


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Original Quill Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:39 pm

Brasidas wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Well I think that target's silly anyway. How can an employee control how many customers go to their till or how much they buy?

Exactly, but this was just an example really to prove the absurd view point here. There was a post I put on here once where people think a que is quicker and go onto it and in fact it is slower, there maybe something in that and again you are right it is a silly factor to put such a target on and as seen many situations can allow for an unfair situation, based on which tills people go to and how much shopping they are buying.

It’s a good example. (And Raggs, don’t argue with examples, but with the point.) One cannot reduce a multifarious job down to single bits of criteria, and still have a complete and meaningful assessment. That is what all "targets" are…reduction of a whole down to representative signal parts. We have to deal with this in polling frequently: to reduce people to blue eyes, or red hair, or Tory or Labour, is not to present the whole person, but some reduced or representative portion. The trick to targets for the employer, then, is relevance. When I say “signal” I mean a ‘sign’ of the whole…one must get the right signal. The signs to which you reduce something must be relevant.

Brasidas wrote:The flaw is you might as well take the bench mark of the best employee and pay all else less, in your view, even though many will still give the same 100% to the job, but are unable due to many different circumstances be able to achieve the ridiculous bench mark you are proposing.

This is the equity argument. On the one hand we have distributive equality, where the measure is arbitrary, and on the other hand we have proportional equality…where the measure depends on incorporating the differences between people. We’ve discussed this before. Remember? The horse race? Does the horse already having the head start have an unfair advantage?

The question you are asking Didge is, is the bench mark fair? And that depends upon what you are trying to accomplish. Is it fair to take your bench mark from the best employee? Actually, that’s tempting. But it depends upon what you want out of employees.

The polarity in this case is merit vs. ability. Do you want to set up a pure meritocracy, or do you want to reward people for giving their all, whatever that may be. In a purely business sense, the meritocracy makes sense. When we employ a commission compensation system for salesmen, that’s what we are doing. But there is a certain lack of humaneness about a meritocracy. You’ll get a great deal more loyalty from a more humane system.

Ultimately, it’s what best fits the needs of the enterprise, whatever that may be. A really great football player is fine with the meritocracy as it pays him the best; but his loyalty is fleeting, as he will be playing for the opposing team just around the corner. On the other hand, a slow but friendly checkout clerk at the market may be less tempting; but she will always be there as long as she isn’t penalized on the merit scale. What is good for the overall enterprise? What are you trying to accomplish?

Original Quill
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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:45 pm

Quill I am not suggesting at all the bench mark should be set to the best performing employee, where again many factors may play a part in why this has happened.
My questions to sphinx is actually very relevant here as I was asked to break down exactly whey they had done more customer orders over the last 5 years and saw many patterns I expected, none of which were down to performance, but chance.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:51 pm

Brasidas wrote:
sphinx wrote:

Again you are trying to avoid my point by filling in my scenario with a different one of your own creating.

No I am going to prove what you do not have the first clue what you are talking about here, so stop avoiding and answer the question, because your view to identical jobs, is not really much of a reality, but I am giving you 6 workers all pickers and packers (they all do the same job and have the same tasks and job description, who organize orders for customers and you have all the details, two stand out above the rest for the year and each year for the last 5 years.
Now your view is those who do more, should get paid more.

Answer the questions

Hon seeing as I asked my question first it would seem that you do not have a clue and are avoiding answering my question.

Whenever you are faced with a hard absolute choice you panic like a chicken with its head cut of and retreat to "proving" that absolutes don't exist and using that as what you think is an answer.

I am not going to childishly demand you "answer the question" because it is patently obvious you are unable to do so and obviously your own ego needs to see you are winning every debate - even if to do so means you deliberately pretend you do not understand other peoples points because their points make the conclusions too nasty for your preferred disney existence.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:54 pm

sphinx wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

No I am going to prove what you do not have the first clue what you are talking about here, so stop avoiding and answer the question, because your view to identical jobs, is not really much of a reality, but I am giving you 6 workers all pickers and packers (they all do the same job and have the same tasks and job description, who organize orders for customers and you have all the details, two stand out above the rest for the year and each year for the last 5 years.
Now your view is those who do more, should get paid more.

Answer the questions

Hon seeing as I asked my question first it would seem that you do not have a clue and are avoiding answering my question.

Whenever you are faced with a hard absolute choice you panic like a chicken with its head cut of and retreat to "proving" that absolutes don't exist and using that as what you think is an answer.

I am not going to childishly demand you "answer the question" because it is patently obvious you are unable to do so and obviously your own ego needs to see you are winning every debate - even if to do so means you deliberately pretend you do not understand other peoples points because their points make the conclusions too nasty for your preferred disney existence.

Copout alert, I did answer your question, you did not like the answer.
You know you are out of your league here because the bases of your argument shows you have no working understanding of many industries, especially to base an argument off something that is so remote, proves this beyond doubt. There maybe many factors why your two individuals worked at different rates.
For example, what of if one is using equipment that is less reliable than the other?
That is just one of many factors you fail to factor in.
I know you also are conceding because you have reverted to childish insults.

Try again

Last edited by Brasidas on Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Original Quill Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:56 pm

Brasidas wrote:
sphinx wrote:

So you cannot answer without changing the scenario.

Timmy and Tommy are identical and under identical conditions. Neither is disabled. Or both are disabled in exactly the same way.  Neither is sick.  Or both are sick in exactly the same way.  In 8 hours Tommy does 200 units of work and Timmy does 150.  Neither is called away.  The units of work are identical.  There is no difference anywhere except in the amount of work units done.
Why should Timmy get the same reward as Tommy.

This will help you understand where you are going wrong and have changed the last post to use your view here:

I have recently started a new role, again as a Demand planner and have been helping the warehouse manager in the organisation of his area.
He has a team of eight, of which 6 are packers and pickers of products shipped in from China and from the production area, which covers, anything from fans, to air ducts, to central heating you name it. Now every month they list how many daily each of the six pick and pack orders. Now on average two do slightly more (10 more jobs lets say a week)  than the other four, though not on every month, but in 10 of the months, but overall for the year they have done a hundred jobs or units more. They all help together with deliveries, so this has little affect on who produces more, but have to also pick and pack orders to customers, all based in the UK.

Question 1 Do you think these two because they have picked and packed more orders on average should get more pay?

Question 2 If yes, what have you failed to factor in?

Xlnt scenario. It goes back t o what factors you have included in the analysis. Are they proper signs?

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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Original Quill Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:59 pm

Brasidas wrote:Quill I am not suggesting at all the bench mark should be set to the best performing employee, where again many factors may play a part in why this has happened.
My questions to sphinx is actually very relevant here as I was asked to break down exactly whey they had done more customer orders over the last 5 years and saw many patterns I expected, none of which were down to performance, but chance.

I understand completely. I am just rephrasing the question, not giving answers...nor putting words in your mouth. It's more about understanding the way to think about it (the analysis) than the answer.

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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:00 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

This will help you understand where you are going wrong and have changed the last post to use your view here:

I have recently started a new role, again as a Demand planner and have been helping the warehouse manager in the organisation of his area.
He has a team of eight, of which 6 are packers and pickers of products shipped in from China and from the production area, which covers, anything from fans, to air ducts, to central heating you name it. Now every month they list how many daily each of the six pick and pack orders. Now on average two do slightly more (10 more jobs lets say a week)  than the other four, though not on every month, but in 10 of the months, but overall for the year they have done a hundred jobs or units more. They all help together with deliveries, so this has little affect on who produces more, but have to also pick and pack orders to customers, all based in the UK.

Question 1 Do you think these two because they have picked and packed more orders on average should get more pay?

Question 2 If yes, what have you failed to factor in?

Xlnt scenario.  It goes back t o what factors you have included in the analysis.  Are they proper signs?

!00% proper signs Quill, I have given the means to have basic understand of the same job for 6 people, though I can add more if needed, we both know she is looking at this two simplistically.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:01 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Brasidas wrote:Quill I am not suggesting at all the bench mark should be set to the best performing employee, where again many factors may play a part in why this has happened.
My questions to sphinx is actually very relevant here as I was asked to break down exactly whey they had done more customer orders over the last 5 years and saw many patterns I expected, none of which were down to performance, but chance.

I understand completely.  I am just rephrasing the question, not giving answers...nor putting words in your mouth.  It's more about understanding the way to think about it (the analysis) than the answer.

Understood Quill and your post hit every valid point on the head previously which this answered to.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Original Quill Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:03 pm

Brasidas wrote:we both know she is looking at this two simplistically.

Well yes, I see sphinx is thinning the signs too much.  As I said three posts ago, when you reduce someone, or someone's performance to parts of him or her, the art is to find the correct signs.

Analysis requires thinning...but all the more reason to pay attention to the signs.

Last edited by Original Quill on Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:04 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

Exactly, but this was just an example really to prove the absurd view point here. There was a post I put on here once where people think a que is quicker and go onto it and in fact it is slower, there maybe something in that and again you are right it is a silly factor to put such a target on and as seen many situations can allow for an unfair situation, based on which tills people go to and how much shopping they are buying.

It’s a good example.  (And Raggs, don’t argue with examples, but with the point.)  One cannot reduce a multifarious job down to single bits of criteria, and still have a complete and meaningful assessment.  That is what all "targets" are…reduction of a whole down to representative signal parts.  We have to deal with this in polling frequently: to reduce people to blue eyes, or red hair, or Tory or Labour, is not to present the whole person, but some reduced or representative portion.  The trick to targets for the employer, then, is relevance.  When I say “signal” I mean a ‘sign’ of the whole…one must get the right signal.  The signs to which you reduce something must be relevant.

Brasidas wrote:The flaw is you might as well take the bench mark of the best employee and pay all else less, in your view, even though many will still give the same 100% to the job, but are unable due to many different circumstances be able to achieve the ridiculous bench mark you are proposing.

This is the equity argument.  On the one hand we have distributive equality, where the measure is arbitrary, and on the other hand we have proportional equality…where the measure depends on incorporating the differences between people.  We’ve discussed this before.  Remember?  The horse race?  Does the horse already having the head start have an unfair advantage?

The question you are asking Didge is, is the bench mark fair?  And that depends upon what you are trying to accomplish.  Is it fair to take your bench mark from the best employee?  Actually, that’s tempting.  But it depends upon what you want out of employees.

The polarity in this case is merit vs. ability.  Do you want to set up a pure meritocracy, or do you want to reward people for giving their all, whatever that may be.  In a purely business sense, the meritocracy makes sense.  When we employ a commission compensation system for salesmen, that’s what we are doing.  But there is a certain lack of humaneness about a meritocracy.  You’ll get a great deal more loyalty from a more humane system.

Ultimately, it’s what best fits the needs of the enterprise, whatever that may be.  A really great football player is fine with the meritocracy as it pays him the best; but his loyalty is fleeting, as he will be playing for the opposing team just around the corner.  On the other hand, a slow but friendly checkout clerk at the market may be less tempting; but she will always be there as long as she isn’t penalized on the merit scale.  What is good for the overall enterprise?  What are you trying to accomplish?

Why shouldn't I argue re examples? Didge said that it actually happens, and I think it's a stupid way to monitor someone.
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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Guest Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:05 pm

So as far as you lot are concerned disabled people can do just as good just as much as non disabled people - and there is no difference between them in the employers eyes. Or if there is the employer is just discriminating without reason.


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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Original Quill Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:09 pm

Raggs wrote:Why shouldn't I argue re examples? Didge said that it actually happens, and I think it's a stupid way to monitor someone.

You argue the point. If you wander off on the example, you effectively change the subject.

You can use the example over again, but only if you maintain the metaphor aspect. Too often, one just goes off on the example without seeing that it is merely a reflection of the real issue.

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The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW - Page 2 Empty Re: The 'Nasty Party' - Disabled people not worth the NMW

Post by Raggamuffin Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:09 pm

sphinx wrote:So as far as you lot are concerned disabled people can do just as good just as much as non disabled people - and there is no difference between them in the employers eyes.  Or if there is the employer is just discriminating without reason.

I've said that people bring different skills to a job, and that your worth shouldn't be measured just on how much of something you produce. I've also said that there's no reason for disabled people to be paid less if they're employed to do a job. The only thing which might be an issue is that other employers might resent having to do more to make up for what the disabled person can't do.

I really don't see that someone should be paid less for being disabled - that makes a mockery of the equality laws.
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