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Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall

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Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall Empty Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:31 pm

3rd June 2014

Stella Creasy said the UK would go into “decline” without either more migrants or a massive baby boom to support the ageing population.

The MP said that without an influx of people, British women would have to quickly breed to help sustain the economy, in particular the NHS and pensions.

"There are now more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 16 in Britain.

"So unless women like me have a lot of children very quickly our ability to sustain our economy, to sustain our public services [will come under threat].

"It’s not just that these guys want to charge you to use the NHS, it’s that their policies will actually mean the NHS will not exist by [Britain] not being able to have an economy than can support it."

Her views come after former Conservative minister Norman Lamont rejected Labour claims that immigration was good for the UK's finances.

Last week Lord Lamont wrote a letter to The Times citing a House of Lords report that found no evidence "immigration generates significant economic benefit".

He said: “I am entirely in favour of an open economy such as we have enjoyed for decades, but that does not require massive immigration.

"To dismiss genuine and justified concerns as “myths and fears” is to play into the hands of extremists.


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Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall Empty Re: Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:34 pm

just as expected really, the problem is it assumes the immigrants that come will actually work and not just scrounge/....

all that said it shows their intentions are to increase the amount of immigrants coming in...


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Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall Empty Re: Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:41 pm

so where are all those women who need to "breed"...form an orderly queue ::D:: 


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Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall Empty Re: Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:44 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:so where are all those women who need to "breed"...form an orderly queue ::D:: 

lol very good.... Smile 


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Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall Empty Re: Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall

Post by Guest Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:48 pm

I guess that means another 5 million houses need to be built too.


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Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall Empty Re: Oh Dear - Labour Speak Their Minds - Seal Their Downfall

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