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The enemy within

Lone Wolf
Ben Reilly
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The enemy within Empty The enemy within

Post by Tommy Monk Mon May 26, 2014 4:30 pm

British jihadists are the most bloodthirsty in Syria says rebel commander as they are blamed for beheadings and crucifixions

Two out three people fighting for an extreme Sunni group are foreign

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) known for beheadings and crucifixions 

Group considered so extreme it has even been condemned by Al Qaeda 

British jihadists make up the largest foreign contingent of one of the most violent terrorist groups in Syria, now infamous for beheading, crucifying and stoning to death enemies.
Syrian rebel commander Brigadier-General Abdulellah al-Basheer has urged the UK to send weapons to help fight Sunni Islamist group The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Almost two out of three of ISIS' fighters are foreign-born and have chosen to join a group bent on creating an Islamic state in the war-torn country and Iraq.

Around 400 Britons are believed to have gone to Syria over the last two years to fight, with an estimated 20 having died.

In a letter to The Times, General al-Basheer, chief of staff of the supreme military council, the commanding body of the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA), which opposes the regime of President Assad, said the 'majority' of ISIS fighters were from the UK, with others from France, Germany and Belgium.
He said: 'We, the Syrian people now experience beheadings, crucifixions, beatings, murders, outdated methods of treating women, an obsolete approach to governing society. Many who participate in these activities are British.'

I'm sure they will be revert back to being nice happy peace loving and non violent muslims when they return.....
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Tommy Monk Mon May 26, 2014 4:32 pm

The enemy within 1401092762780_wps_image001_jpg

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 4:38 pm

What the bloody hell is that picture of?


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Tommy Monk Mon May 26, 2014 4:52 pm

It's from the daily mail article.

What does it look like?
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 4:54 pm

It looks like a crucifixion


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Tommy Monk Mon May 26, 2014 4:56 pm

The picture caption from the article....

Terrifying: A man believed to have been crucified by fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa

And if you look closely to The left their is another man tied to The other cross.
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Tommy Monk Mon May 26, 2014 4:59 pm

Did you read the OP Nems?
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 5:03 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Did you read the OP Nems?

I did read it. What a good job David Cameron is so on the ball with this, he put out an appeal for women to grass up their male relatives if they were going to Syria. That man is a liability.
Any young male going to Syria should not be allowed back into Britain


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Tommy Monk Mon May 26, 2014 5:09 pm

And what if they were born here and so called British citizens....???

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 6:13 pm

Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Tommy Monk Mon May 26, 2014 6:17 pm

Quite right.

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 6:21 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Quite right.

Thank you sir.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 8:11 pm

Shady wrote:Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.

very well said...


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 8:14 pm

Shady wrote:Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.

I do not think all Muslims are peaceful, with have a growing problem with Islamic extremism brought about by poor western policies, one of the worst being the Iraq war, but you do not want to see why such a rise in extremism happens and want to put tour hands over your ears and just castigate all Muslims, when it will be Muslims themselves that need to combat extremism.
basically you are no better than many racist party views that we see sweep across Europe, you seek to cast blame and instigate hatred and it is you people like yourself that our a great stain on our decent society.
Ask yourself, would there have been a 7/7 attack, the rise of extremism in Britain without going to war in Iraq?


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Tommy Monk Mon May 26, 2014 8:23 pm

Yeah dodge, cos Muslims never caused any trouble before Iraq war did they.....???

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 8:26 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Yeah dodge, cos Muslims never caused any trouble before Iraq war did they.....???

Never claimed they did not, but again what caused many extremist actions?

Western policies, this has been concluded in many reports on the rise of Islamic extremism, even worse is that the west used to once fund Bin laden themselves against the Russians

The reality is you cannot answer the question, would there have been a rise of Islamic extremism and the 7/7 attack without the British involvement in Iraq?

You only look at things in black and white on everything, which is why you get so many things wrong.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Ben Reilly Mon May 26, 2014 8:31 pm

Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 8:32 pm

Shady wrote:Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.

When the hell have any of us ever said that all Muslims are peaceful Shady?

You and a few others like to blame all Muslims for everything though, you best get back along to Flap to report what a rotten bunch of wicked bastards we are for standing up to racism hurled by a few greeting puss wee bairns...

And kiss Bliar, Flap and that other eeijit on the knob mate.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 9:19 pm

Joy Division wrote:
Shady wrote:Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.

When the hell have any of us ever said that all Muslims are peaceful Shady?

You and a few others like to blame all Muslims for everything though, you best get back along to Flap to report what a rotten bunch of wicked bastards we are for standing up to racism hurled by a few greeting puss wee bairns...

And kiss Bliar, Flap and that other eeijit on the knob mate.

FFS is there any need?


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Tommy Monk Mon May 26, 2014 9:27 pm

Nothing to say about the op....?
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 1:36 am

Nems wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

When the hell have any of us ever said that all Muslims are peaceful Shady?

You and a few others like to blame all Muslims for everything though, you best get back along to Flap to report what a rotten bunch of wicked bastards we are for standing up to racism hurled by a few greeting puss wee bairns...

And kiss Bliar, Flap and that other eeijit on the knob mate.

FFS is there any need?

Is there any need for his constant hard nipples due to daft names directed at me?

I couldn't really give a shit anyway ,but you really should tell Shady off too, now please stop doing what you do best.

..this can all end when others act like adults, until then Shady can walk the plank.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 1:42 am

Nems wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

When the hell have any of us ever said that all Muslims are peaceful Shady?

You and a few others like to blame all Muslims for everything though, you best get back along to Flap to report what a rotten bunch of wicked bastards we are for standing up to racism hurled by a few greeting puss wee bairns...

And kiss Bliar, Flap and that other eeijit on the knob mate.

FFS is there any need?

..there is actually a much better post by Shady.. Nems...only the other week Shady made  post saying how he would love to s**g you and FTL, sorry it's a bit rude, but that was Shady's words ...and you were not complaining ,whinging or pretending to be so offended. took Drama at college didn't you?  Laughing ::smthg:: 

Shit Nems, you always dig your own hole in the end..and claim not be the the things you really area!

So predictable as usual Nems!  Laughing cheers


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Ben Reilly Tue May 27, 2014 4:53 am

I want to know what kind of numb-nuts retarded fucking idiot would ever claim that any group is 100 percent peaceful -- I'm talking black, white, Asian, Latino, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or anything.

If you think there's a group that doesn't include violent hateful evil idiots, you are too stupid to live, should rid yourself from the human gene pool (possibly the most heroic act to which you could aspire) and are wasting everyone else's oxygen.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 10:32 am

Shady wrote:Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.

correct Shady

and Amen Smile


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 11:01 am

Ben_Reilly wrote:lol

Didge is quite funny I must admit


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 11:06 am

Shady wrote:Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.

If course you are correct shady

The left wing scum you have mentioned are indeed a danger to our civilisation since they not only help the jihadists hide in plain sight but defend their actions

Whether they do this through ignorance ,malicious intent or fear is what I don't know

But when blue water or oxford street is attacked by these returning jihadists you can bet didge will be trampling his gang members to be the first to defend his precious Muslims from scrutiny and criticism

The cries "it's only a few" will resound across the land


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 11:16 am

smelly_bandit wrote:
Shady wrote:Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.

If course you are correct shady

The left wing scum you have mentioned are indeed a danger to our civilisation since they not only help the jihadists hide in plain sight but defend their actions

Whether they do this through ignorance ,malicious  intent or fear is what I don't know

But when blue water or oxford street is attacked by these returning jihadists you can bet didge will be trampling his gang members to be the first to defend his precious Muslims from scrutiny and criticism

The cries "it's only a few" will resound across the land

 ://?roflmao?/:  ://?roflmao?/:  ://?roflmao?/:  ://?roflmao?/:  ://?roflmao?/:  ://?roflmao?/:  ://?roflmao?/:  ://?roflmao?/: 

Nobody defends the extremists, including we do not defend you being an extremist far right numpty, who seeks to create some mythical war with a religion and will not be happy until you drag the whole of western civilization into your barmy loony crusade. Have you ever stopped to wonder why so many people do not agree with your lunacy? I guess not smelly. I am critical of religion all the time, I do not live in fear of man made myths because religious people are fueled by fear, you will find atheists do not suffer such delusions, we recognise that religious people can be a problem, just like you are a major issue with the hate you spread.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 12:23 pm

Millions do agree with me didge

You may have missed the recent European elections where RW parties made huge gains??


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 5:01 pm

Lone Wolf wrote:
Shady wrote:
Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.


ANOTHER juvenile and easily disproven spot of fallacious proselytising on L'ilAndy's part...

I NOW await the equally puerile and vacuous moral support from some of his fellow fascist nongs, from the likes of victor, Tommy, smelly, Tess', VoD..  
 :🚪 must learn to read the post before you reply to it....You have a habit of embarrassing yourself by making dumb replies.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 5:03 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:I want to know what kind of numb-nuts retarded fucking idiot would ever claim that any group is 100 percent peaceful -- I'm talking black, white, Asian, Latino, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or anything.

If you think there's a group that doesn't include violent hateful evil idiots, you are too stupid to live, should rid yourself from the human gene pool (possibly the most heroic act to which you could aspire) and are wasting everyone else's oxygen.

Does anyone actually know what this post means?


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 5:04 pm

Joy Division wrote:
Shady wrote:Good evening Folks.

And even scarier are the likes of Didge,Sassy,Drug Division,Irn Bru etc who embrace the myth that all muslims are peaceful & anyone who points out articles like this one are racist bigots.

We know that there are many good muslims,unfortunately there are too many of the bad ones living & practicing their evil ways in the UK......where they are protected by the likes of the aforementioned traitors.

When the hell have any of us ever said that all Muslims are peaceful Shady?

You and a few others like to blame all Muslims for everything though, you best get back along to Flap to report what a rotten bunch of wicked bastards we are for standing up to racism hurled by a few greeting puss wee bairns...

And kiss Bliar, Flap and that other eeijit on the knob mate.

You've been saying it for years dickhead.Just like you've been calling us racist for years.

YOU & your kind are the racists.....& the very worst kind.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Fred Tue May 27, 2014 5:12 pm

I will not have you having a pop at the "Religion of peace and tolerance" or so the lefties on here would have you believe.

I reckon or jihadist are even nastier than others because we have droves of lefties defending them over here leading them to believe its alright to be a 14th century misogynistic barbarian.

I am not joking or winding we have a bad reputation in this country for confusing tolerance with cowardice. Muslims and non Muslims alike should decry these barbarians not defend them like the apologist do. Indeed some of the lefties on here actually defend bombing cafes don't you Sassy?

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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 5:28 pm

More "English muslims" have gone to murder, behead, rape and torture in Syria than are in our Armed Forces.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 5:30 pm

BigAndy9 wrote:More "English muslims" have gone to murder, behead, rape and torture in Syria than are in our Armed Forces.

Good afternoon BA.

That's because our left wing government respects their human rights.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 5:33 pm

Joy Division wrote:
Nems wrote:

FFS is there any need?

..there is actually a much  better post by Shady.. Nems...only the other week Shady made  post saying how he would love to s**g you and FTL, sorry it's a bit rude, but that was Shady's words ...and you were not complaining ,whinging or pretending to be so offended. took Drama at college didn't you?  Laughing ::smthg:: 

Shit Nems, you always dig your own hole in the end..and claim not be the the things you really area!

So predictable as usual Nems!  Laughing cheers

Do you think you could supply a link to substantiate that accusation regarding me as I don't recall saying it?


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 7:03 pm

Shady wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

..there is actually a much  better post by Shady.. Nems...only the other week Shady made  post saying how he would love to s**g you and FTL, sorry it's a bit rude, but that was Shady's words ...and you were not complaining ,whinging or pretending to be so offended. took Drama at college didn't you?  Laughing ::smthg:: 

Shit Nems, you always dig your own hole in the end..and claim not be the the things you really area!

So predictable as usual Nems!  Laughing cheers

Do you think you could supply a link to substantiate that accusation regarding me as I don't recall saying it?

I'm pretty sure you didn't say such a thing Shady!


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 10:57 pm

BigAndy9 wrote:
Shady wrote:

Do you think you could supply a link to substantiate that accusation regarding me as I don't recall saying it?

I'm pretty sure you didn't say such a thing Shady!

Good evening BA.

Tis true,I said no such thing.


I've checked with FTL & Nems who confirm that I said no such about shagging them.

Perhaps if you spent less time injecting in front of your kids,your brain activity would come down to a normal sober level.Because at least then you'd have the brain of half a rocking horse.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by eddie Tue May 27, 2014 11:05 pm

Shady wrote:
BigAndy9 wrote:

I'm pretty sure you didn't say such a thing Shady!

Good evening BA.

Tis true,I said no such thing.


I've checked with FTL & Nems who confirm that I said no such about shagging them.

Perhaps if you spent less time injecting in front of your kids,your brain activity would come down to a normal sober level.Because at least then you'd have the brain of half a rocking horse.

JD got his cock stuck in his zip today.
He's very grumpy.
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 11:09 pm

small zip????


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by eddie Tue May 27, 2014 11:23 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:small zip????

I'm thinking, probably, yes.
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 11:30 pm

eddie wrote:
Shady wrote:

Good evening BA.

Tis true,I said no such thing.


I've checked with FTL & Nems who confirm that I said no such about shagging them.

Perhaps if you spent less time injecting in front of your kids,your brain activity would come down to a normal sober level.Because at least then you'd have the brain of half a rocking horse.

JD got his cock stuck in his zip today.
He's very grumpy.

Eddie,...JD doesn't have a cock.He's got an Elma J. Fudd.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by eddie Tue May 27, 2014 11:31 pm

Shady wrote:
eddie wrote:

JD got his cock stuck in his zip today.
He's very grumpy.

Eddie,...JD doesn't have a cock.He's got an Elma J. Fudd.

 pale not before I go to sleep shady, that's not fair.
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 11:34 pm

eddie wrote:
Shady wrote:

Eddie,...JD doesn't have a cock.He's got an Elma J. Fudd.

 pale not before I go to sleep shady, that's not fair.



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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Tue May 27, 2014 11:55 pm

Shady wrote:
eddie wrote:

JD got his cock stuck in his zip today.
He's very grumpy.

Eddie,...JD doesn't have a cock.He's got an Elma J. Fudd.

...get your tits out today Shady Smile


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Wed May 28, 2014 12:11 am

Joy Division wrote:
Shady wrote:

Eddie,...JD doesn't have a cock.He's got an Elma J. Fudd.

...get your tits  out today Shady Smile

Come on slag mouth.Apologize.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Wed May 28, 2014 12:51 am

Shady wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

...get your tits  out today Shady Smile

Come on slag mouth.Apologize.

Get your racist whore hand off your Tadger , it must be you on smack Shady asking for an apology and getting hard tits shouting Drug Division.

I'll stick a pin in your dinghy ya fcuker!!!! ::troll:: 


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Wed May 28, 2014 1:06 am

Shady wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

...get your tits  out today Shady Smile

Come on slag mouth.Apologize.'ve probably got a racist Parrot and taught the poor fcuker to say racist comments.


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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by veya_victaous Wed May 28, 2014 1:12 am

Joy Division wrote:
Shady wrote:
Joy Division wrote:

...get your tits  out today Shady Smile

Come on slag mouth.Apologize.'ve  probably got a racist Parrot and taught the poor fcuker to say racist comments.

The enemy within CottonAndParrot2

Polly wants a Cracker but hates any other coloured people  Rolling Eyes 
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The enemy within Empty Re: The enemy within

Post by Guest Wed May 28, 2014 8:03 am

smelly_bandit wrote:Millions do agree with me didge

You may have missed the recent European elections where RW parties made huge gains??

Millions agree with you? You mean the Nazis,, the French National Front the antisemitic parties who all share your views do you, wow, great friends you have their smelly, you must be so proud.


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