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An Open Door to Hate

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An Open Door to Hate Empty An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:30 pm

I had a look to the Ukip Manifesto 2014. As we are in the period of electoral campaign for the European and the local elections, I expected some politicians be tempted to use propagandistic tools in order to create emotions, with the hope to transform emotions in votes. After all, this is not a new recipe and it remembers me the old times when the Communist propaganda was trying to convince us that the Communism was the bright future of the mankind even though the shelves in supermarkets were empty. Nobody believed it and the result was that the number of subversive jokes against the political regime flourished.
What I did not expect is to see revived aggressive scaremongering spread last year about a Romanian "invasion" - which became subject of mockery in the media after 1 January - and Romanians in the UK being again insulted in a country known for its politeness and for being homeland of fair play.
Blaming political opponents and presenting yourself as the saviour of the nation could be part of a political strategy, but it is totally unacceptable in Europe to disseminate, as political message, outrageous lies about a foreign community. It is even more unconceivable in the country which produced the Magna Carta and - for good reasons - is one of the most admired modern democracies. Fortunately, a huge majority of Britons rejects such attitudes, but a campaign based on distorted information and racial slogans risks to manipulate the public opinion in a very toxic way.
In the Ukip Local Manifesto 2014, the party leader mentions that "Today, local communities are under attack... On 1 January 2014, the UK opened its doors to people from both Romania and Bulgaria. Up to 29 million more people are, therefore, entitled to come here, to take advantage of our benefits and social houses".
The reality is that just 0.06% of these 29 million have come to work in Britain but the bad news is that a total of 400 million people from Europe are entitled to come to the UK if they wish so, because all EU citizens have the right to decide where to reside and work within the European Union. According to Mr. Farage, one of these 400 million people is a member of his own family. 
On the other hand, it seems that no one in the EU migrates more than Britons do. According to a paper delivered on 23 April at the British Sociological Association's annual conference in Leeds and quoted by The Independent, "Almost 3000 Britons move abroad each week, with around five million now living outside the UK. Nine out of ten British migrants are of working age. 320,000 people left the UK in 2013. 383,000 Brits live in Spain".

Evidence suggest that Romanians are not in a hurry to come to the UK after the lifting of restrictions on the labour market, even though since the beginning of the year British companies advertised more than 10,000 posts on a Romanian website to plug gaps in the highly skilled jobs market. Nor they abuse the benefits system in Britain. In 2013, out of 60 million people living in the UK, 9.5% received benefits, whereas is 1.4% out of 120,000 Romanians. And the only significant connection I know between Romanians in the UK and the social housing is that a Romanian company based in London employs 500 people and builds social houses in England and Wales. Romanians are net contributors to the public purse, not a drain.
Even more damaging to their lives and reputation in Britain is the use of distorted information about crime. The Ukip Manifesto 2014 claims: "An open door to crime: 28,000 Romanians are held for crimes in London". This allegation is untrue and targeting an ethnic community is racism.
Politicians who hope "to produce an earthquake" in the European elections forget to mention that the figure of 27,725 released by the Scotland Yard on the basis of Freedom of Information Act represents "arrested people" and is for a five years period (from 2008 to 2012). "Arrested" is different from "charged" or "convicted". A simple check in traffic becomes an "arrest" in statistics if you are asked to go to the Police station for ID verification. In many cases the same person was "arrested" several times. To compare, only in 2012 more than 5.6 million crimes were committed in the UK. If multiplied by five years, one could reach the conclusion that 28 million Britons have committed crimes. It is a non-sense, as it is a non-sense to say that 28,000 Romanians are held for crimes in London.
According to data published by the Metropolitan Police, the number of Romanians charged with an offence in London in January 2014 dropped 3%, compared to the same month last year. In many cases Romanians are victim of crimes, with 543 persons in the first three months of 2014. As Don Flynn, director of Migrants Rights Network, told Jessica Elgot from the Huffington Post UK: "the figures contradict the claims made in some sections of the tabloid media that crime figures would rocket. If we take into account an increase in the size of the Bulgarian and Romanian populations in the UK during the course of 2013, then this suggests that crime rates are actually falling rather than growing."
At the national level the figures are even more speaking for themselves: in the first three months of 2014 the number of Romanians convicted in the UK was 1522 compared to 1797 in the same period of 2013 (a reduction of 15%). This is consistent with the trend in 2013 versus 2012, where the reduction was more than 30% (from 9540 to 7304 convictions).
There is no country without crime, but statistically the crime rate in Romania is one of the lowest across the whole of Europe. According to the Metropolitan Police cooperation with Romania is one of the most efficient they have in Europe. For the last six months we have had eight Romanian police officers seconded to the MET as part of the Operation Nexus. They are targeting in partnership any form of criminality with Romanian authors and they are protecting those Romanian nationals who are victim of crimes.
The Ukip nationwide poster campaign claiming that "the UK opened doors to unlimited numbers of people from Romania and Bulgaria" and "an open-door to crime" is, in fact, an open-door to hate. I hope reason will prevail.
Post Scriptum: I read with great interest the article "UKIP immigration policy - the wife test", by the BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson. My only comment is that in Romania, if you are a politician or a civil servant, it is against the law to employ your wife as your secretary, if the job is paid with public money.


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:32 pm

Very good article......and interesting...... come I seem to have em all round here.... ://?roflmao?/: 
busses....eastern european drivers....cant or more likely WONT speak english....
supermarkets...well one in particular....90% of floor staff ...eastern european.....dont/wont speak decent english....

Fortunately....I dont use the busses....

and I can avoid THAT supermarket.

AND best of all we have now 3 Polish "small supermarkets" whos' owners/managers,and staff strangely enough speak excellent english....funny that:\\:[: :\\:[: the same time i read ANYTHING from the huff'n puff post with a grain of salt....
Its about as good as "Pravda" in the old USSR....the establishment rag... ://?roflmao?/: 


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:36 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:Very good article......and interesting...... come I seem to have em all round here.... ://?roflmao?/: 
busses....eastern european drivers....cant or more likely WONT speak english....
supermarkets...well one in particular....90% of floor staff ...eastern european.....dont/wont speak decent english....

Fortunately....I dont use the busses....

and I can avoid THAT supermarket.

AND best of all we have now 3 Polish "small supermarkets" whos' owners/managers,and staff strangely enough speak excellent english....funny that:\\:[: :\\:[: the same time i read ANYTHING from the huff'n puff post with a grain of salt....
Its about as good as "Pravda" in the old USSR....the establishment rag... ://?roflmao?/: 

Evidence that they cannot speak English?

None., hearsay balderdash

If they speak together in their own tongue together, so what, I expect you do the same when you are abroad, showing another example of hypocrisy, it is a lame excuse of bigots, our nation being one of the worst for learning languages

Yet more babble from the man who uses arguments of the same method of the Nazis


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Fluffyx Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:46 pm

UKIP are a bunch of compulsive liars using fear and scare mongering to get votes so it surprises me not a jot that their manifesto is full of lies and prejudice also.

If that is what people truly want and UKIP get any measure of success then the voting public will have what they deserve.
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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:31 pm

Didge wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:Very good article......and interesting...... come I seem to have em all round here.... ://?roflmao?/: 
busses....eastern european drivers....cant or more likely WONT speak english....
supermarkets...well one in particular....90% of floor staff ...eastern european.....dont/wont speak decent english....

Fortunately....I dont use the busses....

and I can avoid THAT supermarket.

AND best of all we have now 3 Polish "small supermarkets" whos' owners/managers,and staff strangely enough speak excellent english....funny that:\\:[: :\\:[: the same time i read ANYTHING from the huff'n puff post with a grain of salt....
Its about as good as "Pravda" in the old USSR....the establishment rag... ://?roflmao?/: 

Evidence that they cannot speak English?

None., hearsay balderdash

If they speak together in their own tongue together, so what, I expect you do the same when you are abroad, showing another example of hypocrisy, it is a lame excuse of bigots, our nation being one of the worst for learning languages

Yet more babble from the man who uses arguments of the same method of the Nazis

Last warning NOT use that term to me....... or i will ignore you, you have already lost if you hide in that.....
the last resort of the liberalist.....when beaten accuse your adversary of "Nazism"

what flamin evidence...times i have had my daughter sat exactly that....what they speak in their own company is up to them...but when they either cant speak english OR refuse to when spoken to by a passenger boarding a bus then I would suggest there is a problem....
same in the supermarket...I have asked, over a period of time, a number of different floor assistants questions about where things are...and have been greeted with either blank incomprehension or what I can only presume to be a reply in THEIR language so experience is my evidence....

TBH, when they DO speak english, I like to hear it, because it is inevitably precise, (that is to say, very good "educated" english) overlaid with that very pleasant eastern european "twang"...I like that nearly as much as i like hearing welsh spoken by native welsh speakers...(unless I am trying to converse with them.....) and best of all Erse, spoken by a native speaker....

and as I say...strange that those small polish supermarkets have staff that speak perfectly good english.......

Perhaps the problem lies with the bus company and that big supermarket...... Suspect

NOW...If I go abroad...I expect some language difficulties when shopping/filling the car/going to the doctors/hospital etc etc etc, and I accept it is up to ME to make my way round these difficulties.....and TBH...I have never had a serious problem...I find english, french and german enough in most of europe...and I learned enough greek to "get by" when I went to Crete.

I DO NOT however, consider it acceptable to find "language difficulties" in my own country...I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect those I have to deal with in real life will be able to communicate with me in my language. this includes NOT having such a thick accent that I cannot understand them even when they ARE speaking english...and yes that does include those Scots with an incomprehensible accent.....
NOR do I find it acceptable that I have to make a "special effort" to understand someone....especially if the situation is one where good understanding is important,
so for instance i would expect a doctor for instance to speak clear precise english...not something that relies on my ability to translate (not quite the right term) his accent....(and to be fair...that would include a geordie...) (and some of those from the deepest darkest depth of norfolk and east anglia....ooh arr ooh arr bootiful  Razz )

Of course, one will come across the odd time when there is a good reason for language problems....which is why i learned BSL and makaton.....also when dealing with those who are "special needs" or have other problems.....I have all the time in the world for the lad in one of our local shops...I THINK he is downs syndrome...(not sure). he is bright as a button...but his ability with spoken communication is sadly very poor....HE understand YOU but as far as I can tell, what he WANTS to say, doesnt come out right....You have to listen very carefully and "work out" what he is saying. But its usually worth it....

and I STILL want to know why I have em all  ://?roflmao?/: 


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:03 am

victorisnotamused wrote:

Last warning NOT use that term to me....... or i will ignore you,    you have already lost if you hide in that.....
the last resort of the liberalist.....when beaten accuse your adversary of "Nazism"
Warn all you like, I have proven time and again you use the same prejudice arguments the Nazi's once did the reality is you do not like being exposed for the truth so run away if that is your wish but I am not calling you a Nazi but showing you that you use the same idiotic arguments they did

what flamin evidence...times i have had my daughter sat exactly that....what they speak in their own company is up to them...but when they either cant speak english OR refuse to when spoken to by a passenger boarding a bus then I would suggest there is a problem....
Babble again and hearsay bullshit, I work for a massive cooperation in this country and all those I have met and employed speak excellent English, I do not take the view of some jumped up country boy who does not have a scooby doo and uses again a poor view onto people speaking English

NOW...If I go abroad...I expect some language difficulties when shopping/filling the car/going to the doctors/hospital   etc etc etc, and I accept it is up to ME to make my way round these difficulties.....and TBH...I have never had a serious problem...I find english, french and german enough in most of europe...and I learned enough greek to "get by" when I went to Crete.
Maybe you want to speak to many Brits living in Spain then where many have created little Englands, but hey that is not an issue I guess for you

I DO NOT however, consider it acceptable to find "language difficulties"  in my own country...I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect those I have to deal with in real life will be able to communicate with me in my language. this includes NOT having such a thick accent that I cannot understand them even when they ARE speaking english...and yes that does include those Scots with an incomprehensible accent.....
Well tough luck and I suggest you get over your own prejudice to what is acceptable to speaking good English, maybe if you go into a situation already biased towards people, then you would not set such a level with people and thus clearly you are the problem and not them, because again many and I mean many speak good English

and I STILL want to know why I have em all  ://?roflmao?/: 

Got really bored reading the rest just the same old waffle where not once could you actually prove many people do not have a good command of the English language and you expect me to believe a cultural pessimist, sorry, not by the hair of your chinny chin chin.


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:12 am

victorisnotamused wrote:Very good article......and interesting...... come I seem to have em all round here.... ://?roflmao?/: 
busses....eastern european drivers....cant or more likely WONT speak english....
supermarkets...well one in particular....90% of floor staff ...eastern european.....dont/wont speak decent english....

Fortunately....I dont use the busses....

and I can avoid THAT supermarket.

AND best of all we have now 3 Polish "small supermarkets" whos' owners/managers,and staff strangely enough speak excellent english....funny that:\\:[: :\\:[: the same time i read ANYTHING from the huff'n puff post with a grain of salt....
Its about as good as "Pravda" in the old USSR....the establishment rag... ://?roflmao?/: 

and so looking in envy at the house of the righty,the big bad lefty stuck outside huffed and he puffed but no matter how much he huffed or puffed he couldn't blow down the rightys house, which was built on foundations of logic and reason with walls made from the strong stuff of sanity and rationality

eventually children,whilst the rightys were safe and sound in the four bedroom house they had worked hard to buy, the big bad lefty weakly declared victory anyway and slunk away to his one bedroom council house.

but if you listen on a cold winters night sometimes you can still here that big bad lefty outside huffing and puffing, even though he knows he just cant blow the house down

and that children is the tale of the big bad lefty who couldn't


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by veya_victaous Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:14 am

victorisnotamused wrote:Very good article......and interesting...... come I seem to have em all round here.... ://?roflmao?/: 
busses....eastern european drivers....cant or more likely WONT speak english....
supermarkets...well one in particular....90% of floor staff ...eastern european.....dont/wont speak decent english....

Fortunately....I dont use the busses....

and I can avoid THAT supermarket.

AND best of all we have now 3 Polish "small supermarkets" whos' owners/managers,and staff strangely enough speak excellent english....funny that:\\:[: :\\:[: the same time i read ANYTHING from the huff'n puff post with a grain of salt....
Its about as good as "Pravda" in the old USSR....the establishment rag... ://?roflmao?/: 

you sort of stated why it is not a problem that they cannot speak English....

You (and many people) wont go to a shop where you cant get good service (which is normal) so if a shop with good service opens nearby it will get all the business and the one with bad service will go out of business... Capitalism.. the systems works  Razz Razz Razz

you currently have short term issues with language but that changes  Cool 
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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:03 pm

I like this thread because it shows that supporters of other political parties are shit scared of UKIP.

The days of the LibLabCon identical parties are coming to an end.......Not yet.But they will go eventually.

And f ing good riddance to the Metropolitan elite.


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:10 pm

Shady wrote:I like this thread because it shows that supporters of other political parties are shit scared of UKIP.

The days of the LibLabCon identical parties are coming to an end.......Not yet.But they will go eventually.

And f ing good riddance to the Metropolitan elite.

Concerned that people are being mislead by a Party that has no viable exit plan for leaving the EU and no viable economic plan for the country, I would think you should be too.
The reality is UKIP are much more clever than the BNP were, they do not use racism, but certainly play off fear factors, which are genuine concerns to some people of Britain, but the real concern is people being gullible to a party that would in all reality bring the nation into ruin by the fact it has no clue how it is going to go forward with life outside the EU.
Nobody stops to think what might happen, but it is very clear what would happen, being that most imports we have from the EU many only come from Germany, yet there are more nations than Germany that can vote to decide how we trade with them, leaving us in a very poor bargaining position, hence why negotiating whist in the EU is the best policy.
Claims to power are a smokescreen when the EU has little power to enforce anything, which is seen the fact we now have stopped benefits for immigrants for the first 3 months, but people miss the fact and still play off fear that UKIP feeds them.

So yes people are concerned millions will become unemployed and business will leave the UK, because they they will be better off placed within the EU to trade


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:24 pm

Didge wrote:
Shady wrote:I like this thread because it shows that supporters of other political parties are shit scared of UKIP.

The days of the LibLabCon identical parties are coming to an end.......Not yet.But they will go eventually.

And f ing good riddance to the Metropolitan elite.

Concerned that people are being mislead by a Party that has no viable exit plan for leaving the EU and no viable  economic plan for the country, I would think you should be too.
The reality is UKIP are much more clever than the BNP were, they do not use racism, but certainly play off fear factors, which are genuine concerns to some people of Britain, but the real concern is people being gullible to a party that would in all reality bring the nation into ruin by the fact it has no clue how it is going to go forward with life outside the EU.
Nobody stops to think what might happen, but it is very clear what would happen, being that most imports we have from the EU many only come from Germany, yet there are more nations than Germany that can vote to decide how we trade with them, leaving us in a very poor bargaining position, hence why negotiating whist in the EU is the best policy.
Claims to power are a smokescreen when the EU has little power to enforce anything, which is seen the fact we now have stopped benefits for immigrants for the first 3 months, but people miss the fact and still play off fear that UKIP feeds them.

So yes people are concerned millions will become unemployed and business will leave the UK, because they they will be better off placed within the EU to trade

Well Didge,first of all may I say thank you for a non condescending & demeaning reply.I wonder how long that will last but maybe it's a start?

Now with regards to your points,I could provide a valid & evidenced argument to address all of them.But what's the point when I have no doubt that you know what all the arguments are as you,like me obviously read them in the papers etc.

So forgive me for not providing links etc.

Regarding the UKIP issue,you will believe what you want to & I will do the same.But from my point of view UKIP provide something different & that is why I will vote for them.

I'm not for a second saying that they are the be all end all of politics,but they are something different which is why I like them.

And Didge you can post all the anti UKIP propaganda you like but we all know it's exactly that....Propaganda.


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:44 pm

UKIP may provide something different Shady, I don't think ruin to the nation is a viable choice for the UK after it has recovered from a recession, most of the threads are start is because people need to sit up and listen, because they will not gain power that is for sure but will in fact cause Labour to gain  power again.

Glad they seem, different, but is that also just your yourself and others being mislead that they are nothing more than just like the rest? Sorry but that is the reality of the situation, all are guilty of the same and the only thing that is appealing is Nigel comes across as down to earth, when the reality is he is no different either which is what will become more apparent as times goes along.

There is no propaganda from me but a reality, as surely you can provide me with their economic plans or exit strategy from the EU?
The fact is there is none and even worse what even if we are led to believe they did actually gain power or the Tories won and we do hold a referendum and people vote to stay in the EU, which is a possibility, what will UKIP do then, when the vast majority of is plans are off the back of leaving?


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:54 pm

It is indeed interesting to see how the UKIP is putting the shits up the liblabcon party

I remember well the smear campaign used to dismantle the BNP during last election and it's uncanny how similar the smear campaign used against UKIP is




It's amazing how these stories only come out when it gets close to an election

The leftists have made a huge mistake - they got rid of the BNP

Now the UKIP are the only ones fighting the RW corner and workout the spectre of the BNP tainting RW politics the UKIP look pretty damn refreshing


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:04 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:It is indeed interesting to see how the UKIP is putting the shits up the liblabcon party

I remember well the smear campaign used to dismantle the BNP during last election and it's uncanny how similar the smear campaign used against UKIP is




It's amazing how these stories only come out when it gets close to an election

The leftists have made a huge mistake - they got rid of the BNP

Now the UKIP are the only ones fighting the RW corner and workout the spectre of the BNP tainting RW politics the UKIP look pretty damn refreshing

There is no need to do smears, plenty of their own supporters, are dragging the party down, again I do not think UKIP is racist, but they are certainly bigoted xenophobes and have attracted the wrong sort of supporters, who again will be their undoing.
I am afraid you are very wrong on UKIP being the only RW, with 35% nation behind the Tories and nobody is running scared of them, but concerned people are being fooled by them, off the back not of viable policies, but scare and fear tactics, and even worse that people are more interested in that, than actually being concerned how they would run the country, that is the most worrying part of all.
So what do you call the smear campaign that UKIP is doing at the moment or has done with Romanians and Bulgarians last year, is it only okay when they smear groups of people?


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by captain Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:55 pm

FluffyBunny wrote:UKIP are a bunch of compulsive liars using fear and scare mongering to get votes so it surprises me not a jot that their manifesto is full of lies and prejudice also.

If that is what people truly want and UKIP get any measure of success then the voting public will have what they deserve.

Only a sheep would vote for UKIP. Let us hope they do not round up to many of them for this to be serious. Brain washing can be deadly.

As for the Eastern Europeans, me or my friends have never met a rude or arrogant person from that part of the world, which is funny cause you do meet lots of rude and arrogant indigenous people here. If anything they can be a lot more helpful, one guy even bought us a wonderful loaf of bread because we just loved the breads from their part of our world where they once lived.
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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:02 pm

Piss off Didge, the people of Europe don't want the EU.
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:23 pm

So now the people of Europe, hilarious.

So telling me to piss off shows you have no ability to debate or back up your view points


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:39 pm

Denmark rejected the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 - yes they have referendums.

So they had another in 1993 lol

Nobody likes the organisation called the EU, except the poor countries who take take take.

It's all about benefits, as Sassy so kindly pointed out.


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:40 pm

BigAndy9 wrote:Denmark rejected the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 - yes they have referendums.

So they had another in 1993 lol

Nobody likes the organisation called the EU, except the poor countries who take take take.

It's all about benefits, as Sassy so kindly pointed out.

Really, another assumption and I am all for a referendum, which as I stated, what will UKIP do if people vote to stay in, also what will people moan about if people democratically vote to stay in?


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:47 pm

Didge wrote:
BigAndy9 wrote:Denmark rejected the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 - yes they have referendums.

So they had another in 1993 lol

Nobody likes the organisation called the EU, except the poor countries who take take take.

It's all about benefits, as Sassy so kindly pointed out.

Really, another assumption and I am all for a referendum, which as I stated, what will UKIP do if people vote to stay in, also what will people moan about if people democratically vote to stay in?

Well, accept it.

When did a government last hold ANOTHER REFERENDUM when a country decided to join or stay in the corrupt organisation called the EU?

No, they only need to do it when they ask to leave.


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:48 pm

BigAndy9 wrote:
Didge wrote:

Really, another assumption and I am all for a referendum, which as I stated, what will UKIP do if people vote to stay in, also what will people moan about if people democratically vote to stay in?

Well, accept it.

When did a government last hold ANOTHER REFERENDUM when a country decided to join or stay in the corrupt organisation called the EU?

No, they only need to do it when they ask to leave.

Again you will get your chance, but that did not answer my questions did it


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:49 pm

Didge wrote:
BigAndy9 wrote:

Well, accept it.

When did a government last hold ANOTHER REFERENDUM when a country decided to join or stay in the corrupt organisation called the EU?

No, they only need to do it when they ask to leave.

Again you will get your chance, but that did not answer my questions did it

I won't get a chance - it will be decided by blood.

A vote for the Conservatives is a wasted vote - vote UKIP!


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:52 pm

BigAndy9 wrote:
Didge wrote:

Again you will get your chance, but that did not answer my questions did it

I won't get a chance - it will be decided by blood.

A vote for the Conservatives is a wasted vote - vote UKIP!

By blood?

Behave and grow up, you will get your chance, now answer the question


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:58 pm

The French voted no, the dutch voted no, the Irish voted no, but then got told to vote again to get the 'right' answer.
We have never been given a say.
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:59 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:The French voted no, the dutch voted no, the Irish voted no, but then got told to vote again to get the 'right' answer.
We have never been given a say.

This is Great Britain, not France, not Ireland and not the Dutch and again is not answering my question


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:01 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:The French voted no, the dutch voted no, the Irish voted no, but then got told to vote again to get the 'right' answer.
We have never been given a say.

And we never will if fools vote LibLabCon.


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:03 pm

BigAndy9 wrote:
Tommy Monk wrote:The French voted no, the dutch voted no, the Irish voted no, but then got told to vote again to get the 'right' answer.
We have never been given a say.

And we never will if fools vote LibLabCon.

Thank goodness if you do not win, I want to see Britain remain Great and not bankrupt, the Great depression Britain


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:21 pm

Quite right Andy!

We already have a great depression among people about being in The EU without ever having asked....!

That's how people feel about the EU, depressed!

Nobody wants it, everybody has got it.

Vote UKIP!

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:22 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Quite right Andy!

We already have a great depression among people about being in The EU without ever having asked....!

That's how people feel about the EU, depressed!

Nobody wants it, everybody has got it.

Vote UKIP!

Guess those depressed become enlightened like the rest of us and see for a better future for all, where many nations unite working together


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:22 pm

Didge wrote:
BigAndy9 wrote:

And we never will if fools vote LibLabCon.

Thank goodness if you do not win, I want to see Britain remain Great and not bankrupt, the Great depression Britain


What a success it's been.



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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:23 pm

If you vote for UKIP, you will ensure a great Depression for all the nation


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:45 pm

Fuck off dodge with your bullshit!
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:46 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Fuck off dodge with your bullshit!

There we have the voice of nonsense, telling people to go away, because they do not like what others have to say, the voice of UKIP


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:46 pm

BigAndy9 wrote:
Didge wrote:

Thank goodness if you do not win, I want to see Britain remain Great and not bankrupt, the Great depression Britain


What a success it's been.


Our nation is great except for the whingers of course


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:57 pm

No dodge, it is Fuck off to your unfounded claim of scaremongering.
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:04 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:No dodge, it is Fuck off to your unfounded claim of scaremongering.

It is proven scaremongering, you can deny it all you like, but it is seen by the lies in the latest posters also, the crap spread about Romanians and Bulgarians all last year, which has shown UKIP to wrong over also.

Deny it all you like, they use fear to gain popularity


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:16 pm

More waffle dodge.
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:01 pm

Didge wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:

Last warning NOT use that term to me....... or i will ignore you,    you have already lost if you hide in that.....
the last resort of the liberalist.....when beaten accuse your adversary of "Nazism"
Warn all you like, I have proven time and again you use the same prejudice arguments the Nazi's once did the reality is you do not like being exposed for the truth so run away if that is your wish but I am not calling you a Nazi but showing you that you use the same idiotic arguments they did

what flamin evidence...times i have had my daughter sat exactly that....what they speak in their own company is up to them...but when they either cant speak english OR refuse to when spoken to by a passenger boarding a bus then I would suggest there is a problem....
Babble again  and hearsay bullshit, I work for a massive cooperation in this country and all those I have met and employed speak excellent English, I do not take the view of some jumped up country boy who does not have a scooby doo and uses again a poor view onto people speaking English
nonsense....I do not take the word of a fantasist and moronic townie who has even less of a scooby do...and yet thinks he knows it all...and actually knows f**k all especially about REAL life and real people, who's lack of insight and experience denotes a child...

NOW...If I go abroad...I expect some language difficulties when shopping/filling the car/going to the doctors/hospital   etc etc etc, and I accept it is up to ME to make my way round these difficulties.....and TBH...I have never had a serious problem...I find english, french and german enough in most of europe...and I learned enough greek to "get by" when I went to Crete.
Maybe you want to speak to many Brits living in Spain then where many have created little Englands, but hey that is not an issue I guess for you

Not really, what THEY do is up to them...personally I think they are wrong....why go live somewhere else and then turn it into what you left?  (which incidently is the problem with SOME of our asian "guests")

I DO NOT however, consider it acceptable to find "language difficulties"  in my own country...I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect those I have to deal with in real life will be able to communicate with me in my language. this includes NOT having such a thick accent that I cannot understand them even when they ARE speaking english...and yes that does include those Scots with an incomprehensible accent.....
Well tough luck and I suggest you get over your own prejudice to what is acceptable to speaking good English, maybe if you go into a situation already biased towards people, then you would not set such a level with people and thus clearly you are the problem and not them, because again many and I mean many speak good English  
Well actually it isnt "tough luck...since I'm not about to put MY health on the line for the sake of "your idea" (fantasy) of what is "nice"......Doubtless you would take the same attitude with someone who is hearing impaired? tough you cant make out what the doc is saying????
If I cant understand the doc...then sure as hell there will be trouble for someone..........regardless of that docs ethnicity....So shove your sententious attitude....

lets see...would your crap stand up to scrutiny.....well actually no.....since "my right to life " (which could potentially be the thing at stake here) OVERIDES their right to sympathy for their language problem. simples.....

as to minor things like bus drivers and shop assistants...well as Veya said....I have a choice....and use it.....Bizzarely enough, by shopping in those smaller polish supermarkets...where the eastern european staff  all....guess what didge????...speak good english.....hmmmmm some nazi I am...

I fully realise that many...speak adequate english...(and if you spent more time reading what folks post instead of looking for reasons to be a shit head, you would see I had said as much)and a few speak excellent english.....some however do not, and some FEW do but wont....just to be "funny"

and I STILL want to know why I have em all  ://?roflmao?/: 

Got really bored reading the rest just the same old waffle where not once could you actually prove many people do not have a good command of the English language and you expect me to believe a cultural pessimist, sorry, not by the hair of your chinny chin chin.

just like I believe YOU stories about being a child of how many...and how poor you were and sob you lived in a shoe box and slept on newspapers...

in other words didge ...just like I believe in your faux online persona........

always reads things that ARE NOT there and ignores what IS there...

so......Fuck you....


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:27 pm

Yeah and I do not believe your stories because I get to go around the country working with many people, not out on day in the country, so really who is more believable eh country bumpkin?


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:28 pm

As to people speaking English well here, when you castigate the many that go live abroad who are British and not bother, of which you do not, then you have a point, but the reality is you do not, you again use the lame excuse of some who do not, when many actually do, offering no proof except the words of a country bumpkin

Reliability factor, zero


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:33 pm

Didge wrote:As to people speaking English well here, when you castigate the many that go live abroad who are British and not bother, of which you do not, then you have a point, but the reality is you do not, you again use the lame excuse of some who do not, when many actually do, offering no proof except the words of a country bumpkin

Reliability factor, zero

try reading what I said.....cretin....

quote] "Not really, what THEY do is up to them...personally I think they are wrong....why go live somewhere else and then turn it into what you left? (which incidently is the problem with SOME of our asian "guests")[unquote

Doh......another "convenient" didge dodge


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:34 pm

Didge wrote:Yeah and I do not believe your stories because I get to go around the country working with many people, not out on day in the country, so really who is more believable eh country bumpkin?

Yeah yeah...whatever...we believe you didge...honestly

we dont really think you sit in your room all day yanking your straw over the ills of R/W posters....honestly


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:36 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
Didge wrote:As to people speaking English well here, when you castigate the many that go live abroad who are British and not bother, of which you do not, then you have a point, but the reality is you do not, you again use the lame excuse of some who do not, when many actually do, offering no proof except the words of a country bumpkin

Reliability factor, zero

try reading what I said.....cretin....

quote] "Not really, what THEY do is up to them...personally I think they are wrong....why go live somewhere else and then turn it into what you left?  (which incidently is the problem with SOME of our asian "guests")[unquote

Doh......another "convenient" didge dodge

Yes you said they were wrong, did I say did you claim they were wrong or say about castigating them?

Take your time on understanding the difference.

You see you bemoan one set of people here and not others who are British showing hypocrisy.

Again you have not offered evidence, where again I get to meet many workers, which is a tad different than what you do


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:38 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
Didge wrote:Yeah and I do not believe your stories because I get to go around the country working with many people, not out on day in the country, so really who is more believable eh country bumpkin?

Yeah yeah...whatever...we believe you didge...honestly

we dont really think you sit in your room all day yanking your straw over the ills of R/W posters....honestly

No I just mainly laugh at far right posters, most RW ones are alright, you have your own category mind

Again you offer nothing except the views of a country bumpkin


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:40 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
Didge wrote:Yeah and I do not believe your stories because I get to go around the country working with many people, not out on day in the country, so really who is more believable eh country bumpkin?

Yeah yeah...whatever...we believe you didge...honestly

we dont really think you sit in your room all day yanking your straw over the ills of R/W posters....honestly

Now now Victor - you should read Didge's reply properly. He's already informed you he works for a massive cooperation...


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:42 pm

Tesstacious wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:

Yeah yeah...whatever...we believe you didge...honestly

we dont really think you sit in your room all day yanking your straw over the ills of R/W posters....honestly

Now now Victor - you should read Didge's reply properly.  He's already informed you he works for a massive cooperation...

yeah...and I fly space shit.....


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:46 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
Tesstacious wrote:

Now now Victor - you should read Didge's reply properly.  He's already informed you he works for a massive cooperation...

yeah...and I fly space shit.....

I am sure you claim to own a gun also and be a hunting also, most of which I take with a pinch of slat especially when that poster now has nothing to offer evidence for his debate and just has lovely old me to talk about.
You see I did not kick up a fuss, when you posted on this forum, that you claimed I was lying about the ethnicity of my parents, that I was brought up in poverty, that I had a big family etc, I ignored such childish comments, you though took an analogy where I only used your son as something personal when it was not, showing how it is you that gets easily wound up over nothing.
Again I am not concerned you do not believe me, but you clearly need someone growing up to do

Good luck


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:53 pm

Didge wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:

yeah...and I fly space shit.....

I am sure you claim to own a gun also and be a hunting also, most of which I take with a pinch of slat especially when that poster now has nothing to offer evidence for his debate and just has lovely old me to talk about.
You see I did not kick up a fuss, when you posted on this forum, that you claimed I was lying about the ethnicity of my parents, that I was brought up in poverty, that I had a big family etc, I ignored such childish comments, you though took an analogy where I only used your son as something personal when it was not, showing how it is you that gets easily wound up over nothing.
Again I am not concerned you do not believe me, but you clearly need someone growing up to do

Good luck

pitiful didge...pitiful.....

i think YOU need to grow up....since YOU are the one who a)refuses to answer straight questions
b never provides impartial evidence
c ALWAYS demands evidence...even when it is plain that the nature of the argument precludes solid evidence
d Always argues what "should be" rather than what is...

look in the mirror didge...what do you see.....
i'd say you see a self delusional fantasist, with a narcisistic streak.

Again..I'm not concerned what YOU think either......since you seem to be in a minority of one an most issues....


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Guest Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:56 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:
Didge wrote:

I am sure you claim to own a gun also and be a hunting also, most of which I take with a pinch of slat especially when that poster now has nothing to offer evidence for his debate and just has lovely old me to talk about.
You see I did not kick up a fuss, when you posted on this forum, that you claimed I was lying about the ethnicity of my parents, that I was brought up in poverty, that I had a big family etc, I ignored such childish comments, you though took an analogy where I only used your son as something personal when it was not, showing how it is you that gets easily wound up over nothing.
Again I am not concerned you do not believe me, but you clearly need someone growing up to do

Good luck

pitiful didge...pitiful.....

i think YOU need to grow up....since YOU are the one who a)refuses to answer straight questions
b never provides impartial evidence
c ALWAYS demands evidence...even when it is plain that the nature of the argument precludes solid evidence
d Always argues what "should be" rather than what is...

look in the mirror didge...what do you see.....
i'd say you see a self delusional fantasist, with a narcisistic streak.

PMSL, in your humble opinion, I think you get annoyed as it is easy for me to dismiss your views, only one on the halal did you prove better and that is it

You see you prove my point where all you can do is talk about me.

I rest my case, you offer no evidence except hearsay and why do you have beef over a claim on the English being spoken? As It is a another fear tactic used to castigate immigrants, a poor method used by xenophobes


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An Open Door to Hate Empty Re: An Open Door to Hate

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:32 pm

Didge wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:
yeah...and I fly space shit.....
I am sure you claim to own a gun also and be a hunting also, most of which I take with a pinch of slat especially when that poster now has nothing to offer evidence for his debate and just has lovely old me to talk about.
You see I did not kick up a fuss, when you posted on this forum, that you claimed I was lying about the ethnicity of my parents, that I was brought up in poverty, that I had a big family etc, I ignored such childish comments, you though took an analogy where I only used your son as something personal when it was not, showing how it is you that gets easily wound up over nothing.
Again I am not concerned you do not believe me, but you clearly need someone growing up to do
Good luck

Dodge you claimed I was lying when I told not the ethnicity of some of my friends and family, and when I said about my IQ score.....
Tommy Monk
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