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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Lone Wolf
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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:02 pm

THE Daily Star once told its readers to vote for the EDL. Todays its anti-foreigner message is cloaked in a front page about gloating, freeloading Romanians:

Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Daily_Star_3_4_2014

The Star’s (prop. Richard Desmond) headline is linked to a Channel 5 (prop. Richard Desmond) documentary. The paper tells us:

TV documentary exposes how gypsies are happy to exploit British benefit system

GYPSIES! Always the gypsies!

A NEW documentary is coming to your telly showing the lives of three gypsy families who say they love sponging off benefits in Britain.

Wonder how much these gypsies got paid to appear on the telly show? White Dee, Benefit Street’s Matron “Mama” Morton, is rumoured to be getting £60,000 to appear on Channel 5′s Big Brother. For those of you who didn’t catch the show, Channel 4 bills Benefits Street as:

This documentary series reveals the reality of life on benefits, as the residents of one of Britain’s most benefit-dependent streets invite cameras into their tight-knit community

Thanks to telly, at least one of them is off benefits. Maybe one of the faces on Gypsies On Benefits And Proud will strike it rich on the magic box?

Katarina Cisarova has brought her eleven children and eleven grand-children with her to an estate in Rotherham.

The 43-year-old Slovakian Roma said she is happy to be here without having to worry about work.

She said: “My country, I no had a job, no food, nothing. No going back, never. I like here England. England give me house, give me doctor, give school, benefit, England good. Thank you so much England.”

Make your feel good, doesn’t it, to know that England is a society that attracts aspirational people looking for a better life. She had no job in Slovakia. Maybe she will get one here.

Of course, we’re supposed to dislike them. They are, after all, “proud” to milk the system:

The third gypsy being documented is Viorel Dinu. He came to the UK after losing both of his legs in Romania when he was seven years old.

The scumbag!

In Romania, he begged for money on his skateboard, but here he gets £750 a month in handouts. He revealed: “I come to the UK because I don’t have a nice life there. In England is more better life (sic) because here they don’t look on you if you black or not. They don’t think if your gypsy or not. Every door is open here, this is the most easy.”

Lest you be labouring under the idea that gypsies are thieving swine who “sponge off the UK” (see Daily Star headline), we hear from one of the show’s experts:

Executive Producer Jacqui Wilson says: “This programme reinforces the determination of the “And Proud” series to bring ground-breaking content, unearthing controversial characters and challenging stories that viewers have never have seen before.

“People should watch this programme before jumping to conclusions. Some of its revelations will make people think twice about Gypsies in the UK.”

Feel that warm glow?

That’s you burning a copy of the Daily Star.

....Dreadful RW scumbags.

Time to get rid of the RW vermin.



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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:09 pm

Perhaps they would like to swap the word Gypies for Jews.


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:12 pm

Sassy wrote:Perhaps they would like to swap the word Gypies for Jews.


Scary shit....These modern times.


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:22 pm

Catman wrote:
Sassy wrote:Perhaps they would like to swap the word Gypies for Jews.


Scary shit....These modern times.

especially with psychopaths like you out of your rubber room


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Fred Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:44 pm

You are proud to sponge of the UK therefore I can say that you have a point. It isn't only imports who do it. You defend spongers because they are fellow travellers.

That Sassy and yourself are proud to support benefit cheats is absolutely nothing to be proud about. That you relish the prospect of hard working people being robbed of ever greater taxes to pay for spongers really does show what scum we are dealing with.

Booked your slot on Jeremy Kyle yet?

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:48 pm

You really need to raise your game you know, you are sounding like a broken record.


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Fred Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:51 pm

Sassy wrote:You really need to raise your game you know, you are sounding like a broken record.  

Your game simply can't get lower.

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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:57 pm

Alright said Fred wrote:You are proud to sponge of the UK therefore I can say that you have a point. It isn't only imports who do it. You defend spongers because they are fellow travellers.

That Sassy and yourself are proud to support benefit cheats is absolutely nothing to be proud about. That you relish the prospect of hard working people being robbed of ever greater taxes to pay for spongers really does show what scum we are dealing with.

Booked your slot on Jeremy Kyle yet?

You sponge off your wife, since she made you give up work, you stupid multi ID, RW scumbag cretin!  Laughing ...So that you could bake cakes for her, and be the house husband.

You have a problem with women because of the fact, which is why you pick on Sassy (for one) because you feel threatened by strong women, and dare not have ago at your wife, because you have spent too many nights sleeping on the sofa, or in the shed at the bottom of your garden  Laughing 

You don't have balls at all, feel insignificant....So then you invented lots of multi ID's on this board, to back up your insignificant cases!

 No ://?roflmao?/: ://?roflmao?/: ://?roflmao?/: 


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:00 am

Alright said Fred wrote:
Sassy wrote:You really need to raise your game you know, you are sounding like a broken record.  

Your game simply can't get lower.

Why don't you admit to your mental illness, you are so easy to read, with your obsessive compulsion disorder!

 Rolling Eyes ::smthg:: 


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Fred Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:48 am

Good morning Phyllis. I pay my own way I always have. On the other hand you have your hand out constantly and complain you want more.

Both you and Sassy are quite happy for the country to borrow and mortgage our children's future to pay for the benefits today. That's my definition of low life Jeremy Kyle scum and indeed the definition of many other reasonable minded hard working people.

You may like using foulf four letter word but hard and work are far dirtier to you.

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Raggamuffin Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:35 am

Would it be fair to say that people who defend "spongers" are generally on benefits themselves, and those who don't are not?
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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Fred Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:37 am

Raggamuffin wrote:Would it be fair to say that people who defend "spongers" are generally on benefits themselves, and those who don't are not?

Indeed it would and there are no greater mouth pieces for the spongers than Sassy and Scatman.  Scatman loves to bleed the workers and Sassy is happy it seems to doom her grandchildren to a lifetime of misery paying horrendous taxes to repay the debts of today so she can sit on andfeed her fat arse.

What galls me is these lazy scum suckers lecture us RWers on how cruel we are!!!! It must surely be the greatest sin of all to leave nothing but debts for your children and grandchildren. Indeed if these two low lifes had their way it would be their great great grand children.

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:39 am

Raggamuffin wrote:Would it be fair to say that people who defend "spongers" are generally on benefits themselves, and those who don't are not?

So where does that leave me?


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Raggamuffin Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:46 am

sphinx wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:Would it be fair to say that people who defend "spongers" are generally on benefits themselves, and those who don't are not?

So where does that leave me?

I don't know, but it stands to reason that those who are paying taxes but who aren't on benefits aren't going to support a generous benefits system to the same degree as those who are getting those benefits.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Fred Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:52 am

sphinx wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:Would it be fair to say that people who defend "spongers" are generally on benefits themselves, and those who don't are not?

So where does that leave me?

I have never heard you cry out day in day out to screw the workers for more taxes Sphinx. You have never been a bitter lefty desperate to make the life of taxpayers even worse. I have never pretended everyone on benefits is a sponger but as we well know there have been plenty on benefits who are.

Scatman has told far too many stories which clearly demonstrate he could work but he chooses not to.

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:39 am

Sassy wrote:Perhaps they would like to swap the word Gypies for Jews.

Thus you're implying that Jews were low-life thieving drunks and beggars! They're not being criticized just because they're gypsies, they're being criticized for their life of crime. Is it wrong to criticize such blatant dishonesty then Sassy just because the thieves fall into one of your victim categories?


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:29 pm

Lone Wolf wrote:
Alright said Fred wrote:You are proud to sponge of the UK therefore I can say that you have a point. It isn't only imports who do it. You defend spongers because they are fellow travellers.

That Sassy and yourself are proud to support benefit cheats is absolutely nothing to be proud about. That you relish the prospect of hard working people being robbed of ever greater taxes to pay for spongers really does show what scum we are dealing with.

Booked your slot on Jeremy Kyle yet?

IS THIS your 4th or 5th, or even 6th I.D. on here so far, Freddy ?!?

YOU really are such a laughable little maggot ~ when have you ever been a "hard worker', you old slob..

ON your best day you couldn't keep up with me on my slowest days !

NOW crawl back under that rock of yours, you 'oribble little dribbler..    clown 

The fucking scum Clarkson/Drinky is back to his old ways again, he has made a homophobic slur which i've reported to Ben.
Seems that unless his ban is reinstated to cover all his multi ID's, then he will only continue to get worse and disrupt the forum again like he did before.
Ban the RW scum now!  cheers 


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Fred Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:30 pm

I see expressing an opinion that you are low life foul mouthed fraudster scum is Homophobic.

You are foul mouthed that is self evident on here.

You are defrauding the Welfare as you are not needed 24/7 to look after your partner so could work.

You constantly want the workers to be taxed more to pay for shirkers that makes you Jeremy Kyle scum.

That isn't homophobic its simply the truth.

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:42 pm

we are being flooded with foreign scum and someone should shout about it, because the spineless idiots in charge need to know..


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 12, 2014 5:41 pm

Alright said Fred wrote:I see expressing an opinion that you are low life foul mouthed fraudster scum is Homophobic.

You are foul mouthed that is self evident on  here.

You are defrauding the Welfare as you are not needed 24/7 to look after your partner so could work.

You constantly want the workers to be taxed more to pay for shirkers that makes you Jeremy Kyle scum.

That isn't homophobic its simply the truth.

You hypocritical, multi ID, lying Tory shitbag.

You're a sad Tory fuck that is so insecure you need twenty ID's to back your pathetic self up, your ID's have even spoken to one another  lol! lol! lol!.....You stupid Northern twit!

Now that's the truth!


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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:23 pm

Catman wrote:
Alright said Fred wrote:I see expressing an opinion that you are low life foul mouthed fraudster scum is Homophobic.

You are foul mouthed that is self evident on  here.

You are defrauding the Welfare as you are not needed 24/7 to look after your partner so could work.

You constantly want the workers to be taxed more to pay for shirkers that makes you Jeremy Kyle scum.

That isn't homophobic its simply the truth.

You hypocritical, multi ID, lying Tory shitbag.

You're a sad Tory fuck that is so insecure you need twenty ID's to back your pathetic self up, your ID's have even spoken to one another  lol! lol! lol!.....You stupid Northern twit!

Now that's the truth!

As I have said over and over, I have no evidence that anyone on here is using multiple IDs, and I have checked as best as I can. If someone is, they're doing a very good job of hiding it.
Ben Reilly
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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Stephenmarra Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:28 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Catman wrote:

You hypocritical, multi ID, lying Tory shitbag.

You're a sad Tory fuck that is so insecure you need twenty ID's to back your pathetic self up, your ID's have even spoken to one another  lol! lol! lol!.....You stupid Northern twit!

Now that's the truth!

As I have said over and over, I have no evidence that anyone on here is using multiple IDs, and I have checked as best as I can. If someone is, they're doing a very good job of hiding it.

But why should it be an issue if posters responded to the post and not the poster ?  :\\:[:
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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:32 pm

Stephenmarra wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
Catman wrote:

You hypocritical, multi ID, lying Tory shitbag.

You're a sad Tory fuck that is so insecure you need twenty ID's to back your pathetic self up, your ID's have even spoken to one another  lol! lol! lol!.....You stupid Northern twit!

Now that's the truth!

As I have said over and over, I have no evidence that anyone on here is using multiple IDs, and I have checked as best as I can. If someone is, they're doing a very good job of hiding it.

But why should it be an issue if posters responded to the post and not the poster ?  :\\:[:

Well, this is getting more into the abstract, but multiple IDs on much, much larger sites than this can be used to skew the perception of public opinion. I would have a problem with multi IDs being used to make it sound like four or five different people agreed on an idea when it was really just one.

But like I say, the main thing is following the rules, and I have seen nothing to prove that one user here is in fact several using different IDs. I've seen some awfully funny IPs, suggesting the use of proxy connections, but that in itself proves nothing.
Ben Reilly
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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Stephenmarra Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:51 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Stephenmarra wrote:

But why should it be an issue if posters responded to the post and not the poster ?  :\\:[:

Well, this is getting more into the abstract, but multiple IDs on much, much larger sites than this can be used to skew the perception of public opinion. I would have a problem with multi IDs being used to make it sound like four or five different people agreed on an idea when it was really just one.

But like I say, the main thing is following the rules, and I have seen nothing to prove that one user here is in fact several using different IDs. I've seen some awfully funny IPs, suggesting the use of proxy connections, but that in itself proves nothing.

Agreed ! Rather you than me;  ::smthg::  To say that the posters from Sky is dysfunctional, I include myself in this is an understatement. Good luck, you'll need it.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:00 pm

Stephenmarra wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
Stephenmarra wrote:

But why should it be an issue if posters responded to the post and not the poster ?  :\\:[:

Well, this is getting more into the abstract, but multiple IDs on much, much larger sites than this can be used to skew the perception of public opinion. I would have a problem with multi IDs being used to make it sound like four or five different people agreed on an idea when it was really just one.

But like I say, the main thing is following the rules, and I have seen nothing to prove that one user here is in fact several using different IDs. I've seen some awfully funny IPs, suggesting the use of proxy connections, but that in itself proves nothing.

Agreed ! Rather you than me;  ::smthg::  To say that the posters from Sky is dysfunctional, I include myself in this is an understatement. Good luck, you'll need it.

Muchas gracias amigo, I prefer my luck at least 90 proof btw Smile
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Andy Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:36 pm

Alright said Fred wrote:I see expressing an opinion that you are low life foul mouthed fraudster scum is Homophobic.

You are foul mouthed that is self evident on here.

You are defrauding the Welfare as you are not needed 24/7 to look after your partner so could work.

You constantly want the workers to be taxed more to pay for shirkers that makes you Jeremy Kyle scum.

That isn't homophobic its simply the truth.
Your hypocrisy beggars belief Drunky.
You slag Catman for foul language but you applaud the racist homophobic retard Hugh when he uses thd same language.
Got over your spat with Kaka yet?
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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Stephenmarra Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:48 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Stephenmarra wrote:

Agreed ! Rather you than me;  ::smthg::  To say that the posters from Sky is dysfunctional, I include myself in this is an understatement. Good luck, you'll need it.

Muchas gracias amigo, I prefer my luck at least 90 proof btw Smile

Tequila ? Sounds good to me ! Let's go for it at the weekend.  drunken  drunken  drunken
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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by eddie Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:25 pm

And all this over a Daily Star story!
The Daily Star!!!! FFS!

It's not even a newspaper but a comic.
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Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Empty Re: Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics)

Post by Ben Reilly Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:50 am

Stephenmarra wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
Stephenmarra wrote:

Agreed ! Rather you than me;  ::smthg::  To say that the posters from Sky is dysfunctional, I include myself in this is an understatement. Good luck, you'll need it.

Muchas gracias amigo, I prefer my luck at least 90 proof btw Smile

Tequila ? Sounds good to me ! Let's go for it at the weekend.  drunken  drunken  drunken

I was meaning to get back to this one earlier, Stephen, but if you're not a fan of El Jimador:

Yet more scapegoating RW shit! (divide to rule tactics) Tequila-el-Jimador-682x1024

... then may I highly recommend it? You want the Reposado distilled from 100 percent blue agave, don't mess with anything else.

A fine gentleman's tequila and usually quite reasonably priced.

The most popular tequila in Mexico! (And it should be in Texas, too, but sadly too many here haven't heard of anything besides that Jose Cuervo shit because it was in that song.)
Ben Reilly
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