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hypocritical Archbishop

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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Victorismyhero Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:59 pm

First topic message reminder :

Wealthy families should pay more tax to help the poor, the Archbishop of Canterbury declares today.

In a major intervention sure to spark controversy, Justin Welby says he wants to rake in an extra £9billion a year with a shake-up of inheritance tax.

Multinationals who dodge their dues would also be hit. Proceeds would fund a higher minimum wage and pay for £10,000 handouts to help the young buy homes.

The recommendations come in a report – co-written by the Archbishop – that says Britain's economy is broken. Demanding radical action to reduce 'damaging wealth inequality', its key proposals include:
Wealthy families should pay more tax to help the poor, the Archbishop of Canterbury declares today

Higher capital gains tax and taxes on dividends – netting up to £27billion a year;

A £13billion-a-year corporation tax hike;

The creation of a £186billion 'Citizens Wealth Fund' by 2030.

The report, drawn up by the Left-leaning Institute for Public Policy Research, calls for inheritance tax to be scrapped and replaced by a gifts tax.

An individual would be able to receive £125,000 over their lifetime – with any further gifts subject to income tax. The tax-free threshold for an entire estate is currently £325,000, or £650,000 for a couple.""

All very well, but before that happens shouldnt the dozy old hypocrit open the church coffers, AND shouldnt the church start paying tax???????

between the church of england and the catholic church there is more wealth held (much of it in secret) than anyone can guess

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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:37 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Didge wrote:Actually the subject is based on your false claim

You are so confused.  Even if a claim is false, it frames the debate.

Didge wrote:No confusion, as people can go back to youre first claim

Yet, you have said nothing.  You haven't even debated the question.  You are just declaring yourself the winner.  Shame...that makes you look weak.

Get in the debate, didge.

Actually I have. i am dealing with some wannabe., who claims to be judge and knows countless important people. I suspect the only thing that is important to you is the acne on your face

Like I say, you show all the hall marks of insecurities mate


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:39 pm

Lets put Quill to the test

Do you think female opinions are less valid than men?

Yes or no?

As clearly Wolf does


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Original Quill Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:45 pm

Didge wrote:The answer is under your nose, but you are avoiding it
So was the sale at the time to the japanese also down to American expansion

Lets see if you truely know your history?

Hey dodger, you are off-point again.

History?  Ahah...a rabbit hole.

Japanese?  Another rabbit hole.

Back to the point.  Europeans saw opportunity in westward expansion, and that in turn created certain demands.  One led to the success of the railroad.  Unfortunately, in the process the native Americans were pushed aside.

None of that negates the thesis that society creates industry.  It begins with demand, and demand derives from the needs and wants of the society.

Thus, society hands the rich and successful their wealth, and the rich and successful have benefited more from society.  Hence, increased taxes.

Original Quill
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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:51 pm

Original Quill wrote:Hey dodger, you are are either so drunk, or you are losing it.

History?  Ahah...a rabbit hole.

Japanese?  Another rabbit hole.

Back to the point.  Europeans saw opportunity in westward expansion, and that in turn created certain demands.  One led to the success of the railroad.  Unfortunately, in the process the native Americans were pushed aside.

None of that negates the thesis that society creates industry.  It begins with demand, and demand derives from the needs and wants of the society.

Thus, society hands the rich and successful their wealth, and the rich and successful have benefited more from society.  Hence, increased taxes.

1) Conceeding the debate

2) Conceeding the debate

3) so we can conclude you have no idea of native american history and Japanese history

Quelle surprise

Ohhhhh, so now its racial and now nobody can whether what ever ethnicity can exploit a sales situation. You have to again make this abaout the leftist victim card about skin colour|?


I am sure the Mayans and Egyptians with there understanding of mathematics was based on white people power to you

ha ha ha ha

The reality is you are talking shit, period

In many times in history people have advanced and profited off this. You center this on some history of the US railroad, never understanding that the Irish and Chinese navies built this

The point you cannot even begin to debate is this

How is it that time and time again, people of many ethnic groups can become successful and rich?

hard work

The only thing that needs to happen, is everybody with an ounce of sense. Reads your socialist babble and laugh at you mate


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:55 pm

Didge wrote:Lets put Quill to the test

Do you think female opinions are less valid than men?

Yes or no?

As clearly Wolf does

Still waiting Quill?


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Original Quill Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:14 pm

Didge wrote:
Didge wrote:Lets put Quill to the test

Do you think female opinions are less valid than men?

Yes or no?

As clearly Wolf does

Still waiting Quill?

Everyone is aware by now that your rabbit holes are an escape mechanism. When you have no answers in the topic of discussion, you dodge into a rabbit hole.

I'll go even will pick a rabbit hole that already has a debate going--Oh, such as the gender debate. And you will posture yourself as champion on the good side of that debate. To wit: you effectively change the subject and dodge the topic on which you were losing, while positioning yourself as winner on the other debate. Hence your pathological devotion to winning. People merely call you the dodger, but I see your greater game.

People already know that I am a strong anti-misogynist, so I'm in no danger of falling into that trap. But your real mission in this creepy-crawl is to avoid losing. Why don't you try learning, instead. Either do further research into your own position, or change your position. Either way you advance yourself, rather than proving yourself a loser.

Original Quill
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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by 'Wolfie Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:18 pm

Didge wrote:
Lets put Quill to the test

Do you think female opinions are less valid than men?

Yes or no?

As clearly Wolf does

Rolling Eyes

More outright lying fabrications and deflections from the snowflake Dodger..

I don't discriminate on gender (unlike the Dodger himself, and a couple of other right-wing wankers on here..),  but simply on what each individual says or does..
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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:21 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Didge wrote:

Still waiting Quill?

Everyone is aware by now that your rabbit holes are an escape mechanism.  When you have no answers in the topic of discussion, you dodge into a rabbit hole.

I'll go even will pick a rabbit hole that already has a debate going--Oh, such as the gender debate.  And you will posture yourself as champion on the good side of that debate.  To wit: you effectively change the subject and dodge the topic on which you were losing, while positioning yourself as winner on the other debate.  Hence your pathological devotion to winning.  People merely call you the dodger, but I see your greater game.

People already know that I am a strong anti-misogynist, so I'm in no danger of falling into that trap.  But your real mission in this creepy-crawl is to avoid losing.  Why don't you try learning, instead.  Either do further research into your own position, or change your position.  Either way you advance yourself, rather than proving yourself a loser.

1) More misdirection

2) More talking about me. Actually I see many people as my intellectully more intelligent than me. Lord foul and fred for one
So this has nothing to do with winning. This is about the factors i already explained. Your champagne socialist attitudes and hate of people successful. So you can provide views on me all day of the week mate. I will take them on board and always see if what you say is relevenat which its clear here is not the case

You lost the debate the moment you started to talk about me and i do not care that I won. What I would rather is you learnt from that

3) So if you are against sexism, why have ou not pulled up wolf for demeaning women, where he classedf me as one?

So there is no mission here

He has been bannned for calling women slags and sluts. He thinks calling me a female is an insult

So your silnece here says it all

Only you can act and speak out against his hateful views of women


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:23 pm

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
Didge wrote:
Lets put Quill to the test

Do you think female opinions are less valid than men?

Yes or no?

As clearly Wolf does

Rolling Eyes

More outright lying fabrications and deflections from the snowflake Dodger..

I don't discriminate on gender (unlike the Dodger himself, and a couple of other right-wing wankers on here..),  but simply on what each individual says or does..

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:pirat

Re: Dodge's whacky video offerings :

And where, exactly, is this supposed "common sense" or "reason" in that vacuous albino Tory apologists self-serving and empty-headed "greed is good" video clips...

mealy-mouthed abuse of the English language makes it look like she uses the same dictionary as Tommy, Dodge, Smelly and Stormee..


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by 'Wolfie Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:36 am

Didge wrote:
WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
Rolling Eyes

More outright lying fabrications and deflections from the snowflake Dodger..

I don't discriminate on gender (unlike the Dodger himself, and a couple of other right-wing wankers on here..),  but simply on what each individual says or does..

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:pirat

Re: Dodge's whacky video offerings :

And where, exactly, is this supposed "common sense" or "reason" in that vacuous albino Tory apologists self-serving and empty-headed "greed is good" video clips...

mealy-mouthed abuse of the English language makes it look like she uses the same dictionary as Tommy, Dodge, Smelly and Stormee..

You really are full of shit, Dodger, and getting even more pathetic with your misdirections, day by day...

Like I said yesterday, I don't discriminate on gender, but on what they are saying..

If the presenter of your puerile video choices is male, then I would insult those dicks and Tory apologists pretty much the same as that pallid empty-headed bimbo that you seem to have the hots for this week.
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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:58 am

People can clearly read what you said wetwipe and thus you clearly think calling someone female is an insult

Not my fault I am easily able to expose your misogyny. That was evident when you called a number of female posters here "sluts"

You certainly exposed yourself then (no pun intended)


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Original Quill Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:38 pm

Didge wrote:You certainly exposed yourself then (no pun intended)

Oh're still dreaming about undressed boys? I warned management that you were a predator.

What is more of concern than your castration, is your racism. You are a pathetic apologist for bigotry of all forms. But you have mastered the underhandedness of southern tactics--read: Jim Crow--when you claim that whites have the same challenges as blacks, that blacks are not subject to separate treatment, and the genocide of black males is to be welcomed. You talk just like a fookin' Louisiana cracker.

Which brings up another point: you seemed to have mastered the Russian tactic of projection...taking your own worst elements and casting your opponent in those terms. You know, Trump says the election is rigged against him, and it turns out that he's the one who is rigging the election. Are you sure you don't live in St. Petersburg?

Original Quill
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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:02 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Didge wrote:You certainly exposed yourself then (no pun intended)

Oh're still dreaming about undressed boys?  I warned management that you were a predator.  

What is more of concern than your castration, is your racism.  You are a pathetic apologist for bigotry of all forms.  But you have mastered the underhandedness of southern tactics--read: Jim Crow--when you claim that whites have the same challenges as blacks, that blacks are not subject to separate treatment, and the genocide of black males is to be welcomed.  You talk just like a fookin' Louisiana cracker.  

Which brings up another point: you seemed to have mastered the Russian tactic of projection...taking your own worst elements and casting your opponent in those terms.  You know, Trump says the election is rigged against him, and it turns out that he's the one who is rigging the election.  Are you sure you don't live in St. Petersburg?  

I shall leave others to see whether they believe I dream about undressed boys

I never made such a claim, but as seen Quill had to lie and try to deligitimize me

That is desperation, when people are exposed for sexism. Instead of condemning that sexism, they invent lies, to then attack the poster that exposed this. The left are supposed to stand against sexism and as seen here, this is clearly not the case. They would rather defend someone who did

This is an example of what the left do


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Original Quill Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:00 pm

Didge wrote:I shall leave others to see whether they believe I dream about undressed boys

You just said it. Your mind went in that direction, and I was just commenting that I have warned management.

Original Quill
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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:02 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Didge wrote:I shall leave others to see whether they believe I dream about undressed boys

You just said it.  Your mind went in that direction, and I was just commenting that I have warned management.

I never said any such thing and let me warn you again, that you were once basemented for calling me a peado

All I need do is report this and you will be basemented

I have no need, because I am not bothered by your poor lies


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Original Quill Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:05 pm

Didge wrote:That is desperation, when people are exposed for sexism. Instead of condemning that sexism, they invent lies, to then attack the poster that exposed this. The left are supposed to stand against sexism and as seen here, this is clearly not the case. They would rather defend someone who did

Stop the ruse. You lost the debate about economics and now your trying to regain yourself. You've chosen a convenient rabbit-hole to "dodge" into, and change the debate into a safe haven for you.

You're a phony, didge. You're a dodger and a bully-boy, and now you're getting pay-back. Live with it.

Original Quill
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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:07 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Didge wrote:That is desperation, when people are exposed for sexism. Instead of condemning that sexism, they invent lies, to then attack the poster that exposed this. The left are supposed to stand against sexism and as seen here, this is clearly not the case. They would rather defend someone who did

Stop the ruse.  You lost the debate about economics and now your trying to regain yourself.  You've chosen a convenient rabbit-hole to "dodge" into, and change the debate into a safe haven for you.

You're a phony, didge.  You're a dodger and a bully-boy, and now you're getting pay-back.  Live with it.


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Original Quill Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:17 pm

Didge wrote:
Original Quill wrote:

You just said it.  Your mind went in that direction, and I was just commenting that I have warned management.

I never said any such thing and let me warn you again, that you were once basemented for calling me a peado

All I need do is report this and you will be basemented

I have no need, because I am not bothered by your poor lies

Oooooooooooooo...a warning. So, you think your recruitment of management has paid off? Have you been on the IM, grooming them like you groom your righty's?

It is what it is, didge. If they like a charlatan, dodger and bully, they'll go along, despite the fact that you brought it up in your little joke about naked boys.

So what's your next move now that you've lost the economic debate, and your dodge into another rabbit-hole has failed? Twice, you are a non-winner. Or, should I call it what it is...a loser?

Original Quill
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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:22 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Didge wrote:

I never said any such thing and let me warn you again, that you were once basemented for calling me a peado

All I need do is report this and you will be basemented

I have no need, because I am not bothered by your poor lies

Oooooooooooooo...a warning.  So, you think your recruitment of management has paid off?  Have you been on the IM, grooming them like you groom your righty's?

It is what it is, didge.  If they like a charlatan, dodger and bully, they'll go along, despite the fact that you brought it up in your little joke about naked boys.

So what's your next move now that you've lost the economic debate, and your dodge into another rabbit-hole has failed?  Twice, you are a non-winner.  Or, should I call it what it is...a loser?

I never brought up any view on naked little boys

That was you and again you sink to new levels claiming I now am grooming the mods

You were placed in the basement for such a poor accusation and hence I am trying to help prevent you going back there.

I am simple going to allow others to see you for what you are

The above shows you have reached meltdown mode

Call me what you like mate. The reality is here it was you making insinuations on me

I never did with wolf, as he did refer to me as a she


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Original Quill Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:09 pm

Didge wrote:I am simple going to allow others to see you for what you are

You might as well. Your reputation is trash, bully-boy.

Original Quill
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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:13 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Didge wrote:I am simple going to allow others to see you for what you are

You might as well.  Your reputation is trash, bully-boy.


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hypocritical Archbishop - Page 2 Empty Re: hypocritical Archbishop

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