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Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Ben Reilly
Original Quill
Fred Moletrousers
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Guest Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:48 am

First topic message reminder :

Top footballer Antoine Griezmann has been forced to delete a picture of himself 'blacked up' as a basketball player after a furious social media backlash.

The £90m Atletico Madrid star faced allegations of racism after uploading the image to Twitter and Instagram - with club bosses urged to drop the star striker from the team.

It showed Griezmann donning an Afro wig while wearing a Harlem Globetrotters vest, striped shorts and holding a basketball by his side.

But just over an hour after posting the picture, he hastily pulled it offline and apologised for any 'hurt' he had caused.

The French footballer, 26, had earlier urged his followers to 'calm down' amid a flood of furious responses to his tweet. He wrote: 'I'm a fan of the Harlem Globetrotters and the good times. It's a tribute.'

Griezmann is one of the most in-demand footballers in the world and is widely expected to sign for the likes of Barcelona or Manchester United in the near future.


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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Guest Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:44 pm

Syl wrote:
Original Quill wrote:

I think you've hit the nail on the head.  Remember Al Jolson?  Or, Amos n' Andy?  They were accepted in their day.

In fact, they probably carried the seeds of what would later be condemned.  Racism, like a plant, goes through phases of growth, until the final flowering...which, it turns out, is ugly and detestable.

We had the Black and White minstrels, a popular variety show...comedy programmes like 'Love thy neighbour' and 'Till death do us part', where racial slurs, homophobia, raging sexism were the whole point of the programmes.
Obviously they wouldn't be allowed now, but what people forget is the main characters in both who displayed all the racism etc, were the ones people laughed at not with.

Thankfully humour has changed.....even if the programmes were allowed to be made today I doubt the majority of people would find them amusing.

because over time people have been trained not to

i grew up in a household wherein i had loads of little foster brothers and sisters who were of various ethnic backgrounds (whose parents considered themselves firmly British) i grew up playing with the girl next door who was black, we got on really well with that family who was incidentally the only black family in our little street. so there was no emphasis on skin colour at all, it simply didnt exist.

we used to watch Love Thy Neighbour and then my dad and the bloke next door would have a chuckle about it over the garden wall the next day. You're right in that it made a mockery of racism. It was always Eddie the white racist who ended up looking like a complete chump. I think they are good programmes to show which simply point out how ridiculous racism is. Another one was Mind Your Language. It was gentle humour

It is screaming liberals that insist on finding racism everywhere and shutting down all forms of humour that actually detracts from real instances of racism which still does exist, but their actions are putting them in the shade.


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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Syl Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:56 pm

gelico wrote:
Syl wrote:

We had the Black and White minstrels, a popular variety show...comedy programmes like 'Love thy neighbour' and 'Till death do us part', where racial slurs, homophobia, raging sexism were the whole point of the programmes.
Obviously they wouldn't be allowed now, but what people forget is the main characters in both who displayed all the racism etc, were the ones people laughed at not with.

Thankfully humour has changed.....even if the programmes were allowed to be made today I doubt the majority of people would find them amusing.

because over time people have been trained not to

i grew up in a household wherein i had loads of little foster brothers and sisters who were of various ethnic backgrounds (whose parents considered themselves firmly British)  i grew up playing with the girl next door who was black,  we got on really well with that family who was incidentally the only black family in our little street.  so there was no emphasis on skin colour at all, it simply didnt exist.

we used to watch Love Thy Neighbour and then my dad and the bloke next door would have a chuckle about it over the garden wall the next day.  You're right in that it made a mockery of racism.  It was always Eddie the white racist who ended up looking like a complete chump.  I think they are good programmes to show which simply point out how ridiculous racism is.  Another one was  Mind Your Language.  It was gentle humour

It is screaming liberals that insist on finding racism everywhere and shutting down all forms of humour that actually detracts from real instances of racism which still does exist, but their actions are putting them in the shade.

I agree with you Gelico, the programmes could be shown (maybe in schools) to highlight the way racists are laughed at, but I doubt they would be shown for entertainment....humour has evolved so much since then.

It would be daft to say that racism didn't exist back in the day, but nowadays its shoved down peoples throats that its racist to say and do certain things...when racism hasn't even entered peoples minds.
If people were left to use their own moral compass and common sense, it wouldn't be such an issue.
Then maybe true racism not petty imagined racism could be highlighted more.

That's incidentally would work on everything the avid pc brigade have stamped into over the last couple of decades.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by HoratioTarr Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:43 pm

Syl wrote:
nicko wrote:I have still got 2 badges of Robinsons Gollywogs......oops

They still sell Gollwogs, and I had one as a kid and loved him.

Times have changed though, I certainly wouldn't buy one now. If something is considered by many to be  insulting why promote it?

There's too much pearl clutching hoo har about this IMO.   I don't see any white women getting all arsey when black women straighten their hair and dye it blonde.   No screams of cultural misappropriation there.   How about Japanese manga with their round eyes?     How about skin bleach?    The thing about the origins of blackface is more to do with the negative cliched stereotypes they represented, the demeaning and patronising 'roles' that black people had in movies, stage and theatre.   Just because some clown decides to go to a fancy dress as Diane Abbott doesn't mean it has to make pages and pages of outrage in national newspapers.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by HoratioTarr Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:45 pm

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:Arrow

If you ever had the backbone to say that to my face, I would fucking clean the floor with you...

You army-deserting, spineless, lying, cowardly piece of white supremacist shit..

And don't think for a single moment that that I'm not big enough to beat you to a pulp, you snivelling piece of worthless trash.

Nothing like a keyboard warrior
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:51 pm

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
nicko wrote:
Wolfie,   Angry Andy is a model of decorum compared to you.   Why do you have to parade your insulting posts on this Forum?    you put some great and interesting posts up,  then and go and spoil your self with childish insults !  


It would be different if I was always insulting people at random, and for no obvious reasons, nicko;  (like Smelly, Fuzzy, Stormee and Phil' are famous for..).

However, just look at the stirring shit-throwing little turd that I am abusing on here --  and then, give me one straight-forward and reasonable excuse not to insult him in tirn  ?

It's not like he has anything as simple as the truth on his side, is it ?  You call these insults of mine "childish" and immature --  but deliberately ignore the fact that Smelly comes on here this week deliberately abusing up front  me, Quill, veya, Ben, sassy, Lurker, eilzel, Andy and any other anti-racist/"fair go"/anti-fascist people on here ?

And not ignoring the fact that Smelly' gives as good as he receives with the insults from his numerous critics on here, as well..

What is much more disturbing is how you, Fred and Victor seem to have no worries about Smelly and Stormee's deliberate pro-racism and fascism posts --  nor their faux-soldier efforts and outright bulldust efforts...

Why should SmellyBum' be able to come on here and call his critics "po faced" "racist" "inbred" "ignorant" "humourless" "liberal snowflakes",  without anyone answering him back  ???

You are always insulting people at random for no obvious reason though.

Last edited by Raggamuffin on Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by HoratioTarr Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:51 pm

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
eddie wrote:
Actually Wolf, it isn't on to threaten other posters.
Please don't do it.

What a Face

I haven't actually 'threatened' anybody...

I simply informed Smelly' of what he could expect if he asscused me of being a "po faced" bigot, racist, 'false' and humourless to my face..

Though, it's not as if Smelly' would have the spine to face up to his critics on here in person, is it  ?

I bet you couldn't knock the skin off a rice pudding.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by HoratioTarr Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:56 pm

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
nicko wrote:
Wolfie,   Angry Andy is a model of decorum compared to you.   Why do you have to parade your insulting posts on this Forum?    you put some great and interesting posts up,  then and go and spoil your self with childish insults !  


It would be different if I was always insulting people at random, and for no obvious reasons, nicko;  (like Smelly, Fuzzy, Stormee and Phil' are famous for..).

However, just look at the stirring shit-throwing little turd that I am abusing on here --  and then, give me one straight-forward and reasonable excuse not to insult him in tirn  ?

It's not like he has anything as simple as the truth on his side, is it ?  You call these insults of mine "childish" and immature --  but deliberately ignore the fact that Smelly comes on here this week deliberately abusing up front  me, Quill, veya, Ben, sassy, Lurker, eilzel, Andy and any other anti-racist/"fair go"/anti-fascist people on here ?

And not ignoring the fact that Smelly' gives as good as he receives with the insults from his numerous critics on here, as well..

What is much more disturbing is how you, Fred and Victor seem to have no worries about Smelly and Stormee's deliberate pro-racism and fascism posts --  nor their faux-soldier efforts and outright bulldust efforts...

Why should SmellyBum' be able to come on here and call his critics "po faced" "racist" "inbred" "ignorant" "humourless" "liberal snowflakes",  without anyone answering him back  ???

How old are you?   I mean really?   Obviously, you haven't lived long enough to realise that you lose the argument the minute you start shouting puerile insults at someone.   The English language is wonderfully rich and subtle....try delving into its depths and dredge up some scathing put downs that don't involve Beavis and Butthead type screechings.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Syl Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:17 pm

HoratioTarr wrote:
Syl wrote:

They still sell Gollwogs, and I had one as a kid and loved him.

Times have changed though, I certainly wouldn't buy one now. If something is considered by many to be  insulting why promote it?

There's too much pearl clutching hoo har about this IMO.   I don't see any white women getting all arsey when black women straighten their hair and dye it blonde.   No screams of cultural misappropriation there.   How about Japanese manga with their round eyes?     How about skin bleach?    The thing about the origins of blackface is more to do with the negative cliched stereotypes they represented, the demeaning and patronising 'roles' that black people had in movies, stage and theatre.   Just because some clown decides to go to a fancy dress as Diane Abbott doesn't mean it has to make pages and pages of outrage in national newspapers.

Do you remember when the two American students were suspended from their uni for taking selfies of them both with black face masks on? They were accused of being how come this woman isn't?

Racism is often just in the mind of the beholder.

Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Facial-mask-black-woman
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Guest Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:31 pm

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
nicko wrote:
Wolfie,   Angry Andy is a model of decorum compared to you.   Why do you have to parade your insulting posts on this Forum?    you put some great and interesting posts up,  then and go and spoil your self with childish insults !  


It would be different if I was always insulting people at random, and for no obvious reasons, nicko;  (like Smelly, Fuzzy, Stormee and Phil' are famous for..).

However, just look at the stirring shit-throwing little turd that I am abusing on here --  and then, give me one straight-forward and reasonable excuse not to insult him in tirn  ?

It's not like he has anything as simple as the truth on his side, is it ?  You call these insults of mine "childish" and immature --  but deliberately ignore the fact that Smelly comes on here this week deliberately abusing up front  me, Quill, veya, Ben, sassy, Lurker, eilzel, Andy and any other anti-racist/"fair go"/anti-fascist people on here ?

And not ignoring the fact that Smelly' gives as good as he receives with the insults from his numerous critics on here, as well..

What is much more disturbing is how you, Fred and Victor seem to have no worries about Smelly and Stormee's deliberate pro-racism and fascism posts --  nor their faux-soldier efforts and outright bulldust efforts...

Why should SmellyBum' be able to come on here and call his critics "po faced" "racist" "inbred" "ignorant" "humourless" "liberal snowflakes",  without anyone answering him back  ???

i don't abuse anyone

i point out peoples flaws, or vocalize the image i get when i think of them

you are po faced and humour less, liberals ARE snowflakes, you create an imagine of someone who is inbred (think hills have eyes).


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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Guest Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:48 pm

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
eddie wrote:
Actually Wolf, it isn't on to threaten other posters.
Please don't do it.

What a Face

I haven't actually 'threatened' anybody...

I simply informed Smelly' of what he could expect if he asscused me of being a "po faced" bigot, racist, 'false' and humourless to my face..

Though, it's not as if Smelly' would have the spine to face up to his critics on here in person, is it  ?

well wolfie

i think im perfectly happy with saying those things to your face online or in real life, because you wouldn't resort to your fists.

anyone who threatens people online are the kind of people who would never say boo to a goose in real life.

i mean what you're actually saying is that you're nothing but a knuckle dragging thug who uses his fists instead of his words, which i dont think you are, i think your a middle aged man with a beer belly and a receding hairline.

too many shrimps on the barbie!!!!

besides,you throwing down with me would end one of two ways, either you'd batter me or id batter you, and either way we will both be bleeding but YOU would be attacking me and would be end up in the nick with assault charges, get yourself a criminal record AND have to pay me compensation AND issue an apology.

so bring it on, hard man, wouldn't be the first busted mouth ive had but would be the most satisfying



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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Original Quill Tue Dec 19, 2017 9:43 pm

You like that term knuckledragger, do you?  Only Wolf is not a RW'er.  Far from it.  

The term knuckledragger connotes someone who is left behind...not with it.  As in, a Conservative or Republican. Wink  Someone who no longer uses his head.

Original Quill
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by 'Wolfie Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:18 pm

smelly-bandit wrote:
WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
What a Face

I haven't actually 'threatened' anybody...

I simply informed Smelly' of what he could expect if he asscused me of being a "po faced" bigot, racist, 'false' and humourless to my face..

Though, it's not as if Smelly' would have the spine to face up to his critics on here in person, is it  ?

well wolfie

i think im perfectly happy with saying those things to your face online or in real life, because you wouldn't resort to your fists.

anyone who threatens people online are the kind of people who would never say boo to a goose in real life.

i mean what you're actually saying is that you're nothing but a knuckle dragging thug who uses his fists instead of his words, which i dont think you are, i think your a middle aged man with a beer belly and a receding hairline.

too many shrimps on the barbie!!!!

besides,you throwing down with me would end one of two ways, either you'd batter me or id batter you, and either way we will both be bleeding but YOU would be attacking me and would be end up in the nick with assault charges, get yourself a criminal record AND have to pay me compensation AND issue an apology.

so bring it on, hard man, wouldn't be the first busted mouth ive had but would be the most satisfying



I don't doubt that you have had a busted face a few times, Smelly one, as you're the type of noisy goon who leads with his mouth...

However, you are mistaken about me being merely a "thug" -- as I wouldn't be attacking you but merely defending myself against your stupidity..

And with you as the racist, white supremacist and abusive assailant on here, I would neither be convicted, nor paying you any compensation.        So, dream on, little man..
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Fred Moletrousers Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:31 am

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
nicko wrote:
Wolfie,   Angry Andy is a model of decorum compared to you.   Why do you have to parade your insulting posts on this Forum?    you put some great and interesting posts up,  then and go and spoil your self with childish insults !  


It would be different if I was always insulting people at random, and for no obvious reasons, nicko;  (like Smelly, Fuzzy, Stormee and Phil' are famous for..).

However, just look at the stirring shit-throwing little turd that I am abusing on here --  and then, give me one straight-forward and reasonable excuse not to insult him in tirn  ?

It's not like he has anything as simple as the truth on his side, is it ?  You call these insults of mine "childish" and immature --  but deliberately ignore the fact that Smelly comes on here this week deliberately abusing up front  me, Quill, veya, Ben, sassy, Lurker, eilzel, Andy and any other anti-racist/"fair go"/anti-fascist people on here ?

And not ignoring the fact that Smelly' gives as good as he receives with the insults from his numerous critics on here, as well..

What is much more disturbing is how you, Fred and Victor seem to have no worries about Smelly and Stormee's deliberate pro-racism and fascism posts --  nor their faux-soldier efforts and outright bulldust efforts...

Why should SmellyBum' be able to come on here and call his critics "po faced" "racist" "inbred" "ignorant" "humourless" "liberal snowflakes",  without anyone answering him back  ???

I can't speak for the others, but how do you know that? Produce one post of mine - just one - that indicates any expression or tolerance of "pro-racism and fascism."

I appreciate that you're hardly the sharpest knife in the cutlery drawer, but has it not crossed your tiny mind that the reason I choose not to join in your pointless slanging matches about SB's posts is (a) because in my opinion pouring petrol on a fire is an absolutely pointless exercise and (b) that I find your constant trolling with gratuitous childish and puerile insults against any member of this forum whom you perceive to hold even the most modest of right wing views to be just as offensive as anything that SB comes up with. which I could add that I can also spot a master of the dark art of winding folk up into a state of self righteous hysteria and histrionics, now apparently to be laced with threats of violence, that make the Loony Left just as abhorrent to me as the Fascist Right.

Fred Moletrousers
Fred Moletrousers

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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by nicko Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:00 pm

Fuzzy, Stormy and Phil are not on this Forum, so I can't see what they'v got to do with it !
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Syl Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:15 pm

Yes, but Wolfie wetwipe feels lonely if he doesn't include at least 3 other posters in the little imaginary cliques he is so obsessed with.

He rarely makes a post without dragging several unsuspecting innocents into his ramblings. Rolling Eyes
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by eddie Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:46 pm

Syl wrote:
HoratioTarr wrote:
Syl wrote:

They still sell Gollwogs, and I had one as a kid and loved him.

Times have changed though, I certainly wouldn't buy one now. If something is considered by many to be  insulting why promote it?

There's too much pearl clutching hoo har about this IMO.   I don't see any white women getting all arsey when black women straighten their hair and dye it blonde.   No screams of cultural misappropriation there.   How about Japanese manga with their round eyes?     How about skin bleach?    The thing about the origins of blackface is more to do with the negative cliched stereotypes they represented, the demeaning and patronising 'roles' that black people had in movies, stage and theatre.   Just because some clown decides to go to a fancy dress as Diane Abbott doesn't mean it has to make pages and pages of outrage in national newspapers.

Do you remember when the two American students were suspended from their uni for taking selfies of them both with black face masks on? They were accused of being how come this woman isn't?

Racism is often just in the mind of the beholder.

Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Facial-mask-black-woman

Very good point.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Cass Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:45 pm

Syl wrote:
HoratioTarr wrote:

There's too much pearl clutching hoo har about this IMO.   I don't see any white women getting all arsey when black women straighten their hair and dye it blonde.   No screams of cultural misappropriation there.   How about Japanese manga with their round eyes?     How about skin bleach?    The thing about the origins of blackface is more to do with the negative cliched stereotypes they represented, the demeaning and patronising 'roles' that black people had in movies, stage and theatre.   Just because some clown decides to go to a fancy dress as Diane Abbott doesn't mean it has to make pages and pages of outrage in national newspapers.

Do you remember when the two American students were suspended from their uni for taking selfies of them both with black face masks on? They were accused of being how come this woman isn't?

Racism is often just in the mind of the beholder.

Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Facial-mask-black-woman

It wasn’t just the face masks though Syl, it was what they said that was deemed racist and it is.

This woman in your picture isn’t saying derogatory things about white people is she?
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Maddog Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:59 pm

Cass wrote:
Syl wrote:

Do you remember when the two American students were suspended from their uni for taking selfies of them both with black face masks on? They were accused of being how come this woman isn't?

Racism is often just in the mind of the beholder.

Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Facial-mask-black-woman

It wasn’t just the face masks though Syl, it was what they said that was deemed racist and it is.

This woman in your picture isn’t saying derogatory things about white people is she?

Well, what did the Frog in the Globetrotters get up say about black folks? Smile
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Cass Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:02 pm

Maddog wrote:
Cass wrote:

It wasn’t just the face masks though Syl, it was what they said that was deemed racist and it is.

This woman in your picture isn’t saying derogatory things about white people is she?

Well, what did the Frog in the Globetrotters get up say about black folks? Smile

Not sure. Don’t care to be honest. In my opinion it was tasteless.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Syl Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:08 pm

There was a thread on here at the time, I cant find it though. Rolling Eyes

A big fuss was made of the pic they posted being racist, I dont think it was, just two friends having a joke posing in face masks.
The words they used were bound to cause upset, though I doubt they said them spitefully.

I suppose it depends with who you mix with, many younger black people use the n word all the time, if a white person says it all hell breaks loose.

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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Guest Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:11 pm

Original Quill wrote:You like that term knuckledragger, do you?  Only Wolf is not a RW'er.  Far from it.  

The term knuckledragger connotes someone who is left behind...not with it.  As in, a Conservative or Republican.   Wink   Someone who no longer uses his head.

As opposed to the sophisticated left wingers like wolfie who use fists to talk when words fail them??



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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Cass Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:26 pm

Syl wrote:There was a thread on here at the time, I cant find it though. Rolling Eyes

A big fuss was made of the pic they posted being racist, I dont think it was, just two friends having a joke posing in face masks.
The words they used were bound to cause upset, though I doubt they said them spitefully.

I suppose it depends with who you mix with, many younger black people use the n word all the time, if a white person says it all hell breaks loose.

No doubt the subject will come up again.

As to these two, well in my opinion they were old enough to know better and should have used differently phraseology. There is absolutely no way that they could ever know how it is or what it feels like to be black (sorry I won’t use that word). Just like I could never understand what it’s like to be male or gay or an amputee. Used spitefully? Maybe not, but in my opinion, in this day and age with all the information out there, they knew what they were doing and now have to pay the price.

I think black people started using it to try and reclaim it, get rid of or try to play down the bad associations with that word. Same as a lot of Hispanics or Asians have done with various terms. Personally I hate it as do a lot of my black friends.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Syl Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:36 pm

Cass wrote:
Syl wrote:There was a thread on here at the time, I cant find it though. Rolling Eyes

A big fuss was made of the pic they posted being racist, I dont think it was, just two friends having a joke posing in face masks.
The words they used were bound to cause upset, though I doubt they said them spitefully.

I suppose it depends with who you mix with, many younger black people use the n word all the time, if a white person says it all hell breaks loose.

No doubt the subject will come up again.

As to these two, well in my opinion they were old enough to know better and should have used differently phraseology. There is absolutely no way that they could ever know how it is or what it feels like to be black (sorry I won’t use that word). Just like I could never understand what it’s like to be male or gay or an amputee. Used spitefully? Maybe not, but in my opinion, in this day and age with all the information out there, they knew what they were doing and now have to pay the price.

I think black people started using it to try and reclaim it, get rid of or try to play down the bad associations with that word. Same as a lot of Hispanics or Asians have done with various terms. Personally I hate it as do a lot of my black friends.

I dont actually know anyone who uses that word Cass, and I would probably be suprised if I heard a white person use it tbh.
I agree the two girls should have been more careful in what they wrote, and ultimately, only they really know what was their reason for posting the word.

The pic without the word was harmless, but once again, only they know their motive for posting the time when it was discussed on here I believed they meant no harm and the college handled it badly.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Maddog Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:51 pm

Cass wrote:
Maddog wrote:

Well, what did the Frog in the Globetrotters get up say about black folks? Smile

Not sure. Don’t care to be honest. In my opinion it was tasteless.

So it is just the masks. The words didn't matter, or did they? Cool
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by HoratioTarr Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:52 pm

Cass wrote:
Syl wrote:

Do you remember when the two American students were suspended from their uni for taking selfies of them both with black face masks on? They were accused of being how come this woman isn't?

Racism is often just in the mind of the beholder.

Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Facial-mask-black-woman

It wasn’t just the face masks though Syl, it was what they said that was deemed racist and it is.

This woman in your picture isn’t saying derogatory things about white people is she?

   Syl's point is more to do with people's hysteria regarding seeing racism in every single thing they choose to take umbrage to.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by 'Wolfie Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:02 am

smelly-bandit wrote:
Original Quill wrote:You like that term knuckledragger, do you?  Only Wolf is not a RW'er.  Far from it.  

The term knuckledragger connotes someone who is left behind...not with it.  As in, a Conservative or Republican.   Wink   Someone who no longer uses his head.

As opposed to the sophisticated left wingers like wolfie who use fists to talk when words fail them??


What a Face

Not in a blue moon,  SmellyDumbFuck...

Words haven't failed me yet..

To wit :
You are a stupid, clueless racist and fascist trolling dullard..
Who thinks he is the NF wit and master of pisstakes, but keeps on revealing himself as nothing more than a shit-srirring thickhead, only here to get a rise out of the more open and aware socially-minded members of this forum;  no doubt keeping score so that you can brag about your "successes" back in the 'Flap slimepit..
Interesting to note this week that your supporters on here have been dropping by the wayside over the last couple of weeks --  at this rate, you might not have any supporters left on here next week  !

The only reason that I would have to resort to using my fists, would be to defend myself against being assaulted by your odious stupidity..      Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 2347854014
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Cass Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:07 am

HoratioTarr wrote:
Cass wrote:

It wasn’t just the face masks though Syl, it was what they said that was deemed racist and it is.

This woman in your picture isn’t saying derogatory things about white people is she?

   Syl's point is more to do with people's hysteria regarding seeing racism in every single thing they choose to take umbrage to.

I agree there’s hysteria now, about pretty much everything. Grabs the headlines, boosts the ratings and strange people want 15 minutes of fame at whatever cost.

I was just explaining why I didn’t think her picture was racist in intent as opposed to the 2 girls she mentioned.

People have got to learn that there are consequences from actions. Especially on social media. It’s why I don’t mention who or where I work for( but yes everyone knows I’m a librarian). Nor do I post pictures of me in situations that could potentially be misinterpreted. I try and stress this to the juniors and, well everyone I meet. Employers nowadays routinely use social media as a background check tool. It still boggles my mind that people continue to do it though, like those girls did. There is more expectation of privacy.
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Cass Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:12 am

Maddog wrote:
Cass wrote:

Not sure. Don’t care to be honest. In my opinion it was tasteless.

So it is just the masks. The words didn't matter, or did they?  Cool

They matter. Of course they do. But he’s sorry for being caught out doing something tasteless rather than actually doing it. Again, in this day and age is something like this necessary? People just don’t think things through.

And he’s French, not a Frog Wink
the Nerd Queen of Nerds, the Lover of Books who Cooks

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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Maddog Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:15 am

Cass wrote:
Maddog wrote:

So it is just the masks. The words didn't matter, or did they?  Cool

They matter. Of course they do. But he’s sorry for being caught out doing something tasteless rather than actually doing it. Again, in this day and age is something like this necessary? People just don’t think things through.

And he’s French, not a Frog Wink

I thought I was being kind, not calling him a surrender monkey. Wink
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Blackface - racism or just a joke??  - Page 2 Empty Re: Blackface - racism or just a joke??

Post by Cass Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:27 am

Maddog wrote:
Cass wrote:

They matter. Of course they do. But he’s sorry for being caught out doing something tasteless rather than actually doing it. Again, in this day and age is something like this necessary? People just don’t think things through.

And he’s French, not a Frog Wink

I thought I was being kind, not calling him a surrender monkey.  Wink

Yuck yuck yuck...
the Nerd Queen of Nerds, the Lover of Books who Cooks

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