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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:58 am

The only shame is that we keep sending aid to other countries.


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:01 am

Warren Moon wrote:The only shame is that we keep sending aid to other countries.

You do realise that is done to oil the wheels for commercial contracts? And even doing that, if we stopped all the tax dodges etc, we wouldn't need for Save the Children to do this.


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:03 am

Yeah, and look where it got us...up shit creek.


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:04 am

When there is a famine in Ethiopia will YOU send money?


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:06 am

Of course. But I send £5 a month to Save the Children anyway and have done for a long time. It might not be much, but it all helps.


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:07 am

Even though the national airline spent over 1 billion dollars on new aircraft.....


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:08 am

They are not allowed to have a commercial airline to try and make money and improve their economy?


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:16 am

Pffffftttttt.... now that was a corker. Love you Sass, night.


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:23 am

LOL, night Keith


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:29 am

Sassy wrote:

this should shame the powers that be
but it wont


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Clarkson Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:50 am

Sassy wrote:
Warren Moon wrote:The only shame is that we keep sending aid to other countries.

You do realise that is done to oil the wheels for commercial contracts?   And even doing that, if we stopped all the tax dodges etc, we wouldn't need for Save the Children to do this.  

Or indeed actively condoning benefit fraudsters who are taking the food out of these poor childrens mouths.

Tax avoidance is legal sassy.

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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:52 am

Sassy wrote:
Warren Moon wrote:The only shame is that we keep sending aid to other countries.

You do realise that is done to oil the wheels for commercial contracts?   And even doing that, if we stopped all the tax dodges etc, we wouldn't need for Save the Children to do this.  

Yes Warren - giving money away to other countries in the name of aid is why China, Brazil, India and Pakistan are so successful these days - they are so kind and generous with their money.

We need to do it lol


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Clarkson Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:02 am

We have one of the most generous benefits system in the world undermined by lefties who will not countence tackling abuse and focussing resources on the truly needy.

A cynical approach underlies the lefties motivation for giving benefits. The creation of a client culturepeople dependent on the state vote for parties that create that dependency.

Add that quota of people to seven million public sector employess at the height of Gordon Browns spending (tgats a quarter of the wokforce) you build a really good base.

Bring in a lefty scouser to add to the illusion that the children are deprived bevause of the system rather than feckless parents and you have the perfect smoke screen.

I do agree however that the overseas aid budget is a gross misuse of money when we need it here for the truly needy.

Taxtion as a proportion of GDP has risen steadily sassy under labour. When you stop defending fraud I will be more open to listening about the net real needs.

I told you about my mates chip shop were bedraggled children are bought the cheapest cone of chips whilst the parents have carrier bags full of beer and chinese takeaway. Those feckless heartless parents you commend to me daily.

Finally I am concerned with not just this generation but my childrens children and their children.

You are content to live for today spend all there is and sod them.

That's the true measure of you concerned with your own comfort.

Last edited by Clarkson on Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:56 pm

I don'tsee any same in it at all, its great to see something to help this country for once.


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by Guest Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:05 pm

Being only 13 means that I can develop notions into frivolous ideas and here's one that I hatched earlier:

Britain needs to get rid of the current parties and we need a leader, dictator, king or whatever you want to call him. Somebody whose word and decision is resolute like a cast iron girder. For too long the common people have strived for equality and democracy and let's face it.....that's why we are up shit creek without a paddle. We are all told that we have a voice but all this means is that several million people are always arguing with each other. We need a leader and the rest should follow, no if' whinging, no moaning (in the boudoir is fine) and no being unpatriotic. All great empire and civilizations came about when there was a common bond, a national identity and determination of purpose.

Right where's me meds...


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Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children. Empty Re: Britain's Shame - Paul O'Grady's Appeal for Save the Children to help BRITISH children.

Post by ALLAKAKA Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:19 pm

Yes buy a gun for a 4 yearold in Syria , but ignore the poor kid in your own country.

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