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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Irn Bru
Ben Reilly
Original Quill
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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:57 pm

Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Margaretta D'Arcy, the acclaimed Irish writer and peace activist, is serving a three-month prison sentence in Ireland for her protests at the US military use of Shannon airport.

She could have avoided the jail term if she had agreed to sign a bond to uphold the law and stay away from unauthorised zones at Shannon. She refused to do so and was taken into custody last Wednesday (15 January).

But the Irish authorities have been confronted with a torrent of protest, and a measure of embarrassment, since D'Arcy, who is 79 and suffering from cancer, was incarcerated in Limerick prison.

She has been visited by Sabina Higgins, wife of Ireland's president, Michael D Higgins. And protests on behalf of D'Arcy have been growing day by day. Some 240 artists have called for D'Arcy's release, including journalist Nell McCafferty, film-maker Lelia Doolan and former UN assistant secretary-general Denis Halliday.

Yesterday's demonstration outside the Dail - as in the video above - was attended by several politicians, journalists, writers and supportive members of the public.

Former staff of the late, lamented Irish Press will spot one of their old colleagues, the poet Hugh McFadden, among the protestors.

D'Arcy is no stranger to prison, having been arrested on dozens of occasions down the years. She was a campaigner against the Vietnam War and British involvement in Northern Ireland. She also joined the Greenham Commons peace camp.

Her latest arrest has certainly heightened interest in, and opposition to, what D'Arcy has called "acts of unfathomable criminality" by the American military at Shannon.

She lives in Galway and, apart from receiving treatment for cancer, also suffers from arthritis in her neck.

The lady is an inspiration and has stuck to her principles for so many years.

This has a lot more info on why she is doing it:


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:19 pm

I suppose refusing to uphold the law is no reason to be imprisoned.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:34 pm

sphinx wrote:I suppose refusing to uphold the law is no reason to be imprisoned.
A tad harsh though don't you think? They could have given her probation or a tag or something.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:46 pm

Why should they when she is refusing to uphold the law? Presumably she in that refusal she indicated that if put on probation or tagged she would have wasted no time in returning to her law breaking activities. Generally in order to get probation or tagged you have to promise that it was a one off non typical thing that you will never ever do again - if you stand in front of the judge and say you knew what you were doing have no regrets and will do it again the judge tends to imprison you.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:23 pm

Irish neutrality, motherfuckers!


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:33 pm

sphinx wrote:Why should they when she is refusing to uphold the law?  Presumably she in that refusal she indicated that if put on probation or tagged she would have wasted no time in returning to her law breaking activities.  Generally in order to get probation or tagged you have to promise that it was a one off non typical thing that you will never ever do again - if you stand in front of the judge and say you knew what you were doing have no  regrets and will do it again the judge tends to imprison you.
She's a peace protester, not a terrorist! So you think all the Vietnam protesters in the past, all Greenpeace protesters and their like should be imprisoned? So does Kim Jong Un.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:35 pm

another drug addled unwashed "peace activist" jailed??



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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:56 pm

smelly_bandit wrote:another drug addled unwashed "peace activist" jailed??



... D'Arcy, who is 79 and suffering from cancer, was incarcerated in Limerick prison.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:00 pm

A criminal in prison?

Good - and don't let it out until it signs!

Don't care what age, what sex or what colour - you are not as important as the majority!


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:19 pm

Tess. wrote:
sphinx wrote:Why should they when she is refusing to uphold the law?  Presumably she in that refusal she indicated that if put on probation or tagged she would have wasted no time in returning to her law breaking activities.  Generally in order to get probation or tagged you have to promise that it was a one off non typical thing that you will never ever do again - if you stand in front of the judge and say you knew what you were doing have no  regrets and will do it again the judge tends to imprison you.
She's a peace protester, not a terrorist!  So you think all the Vietnam protesters in the past, all Greenpeace protesters and their like should be imprisoned?  So does Kim Jong Un.

The fact is peace protesters understand that if their protests break the law they will be punished. They rely on this happening to gain publicity for their cause.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Clarkson Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:29 pm

Fancy sassy suggesting someone who doesn't uphold the law should be let off. She lover agitators does our sassy normally more covert ones though.

This woman has a right to her opinion and to lt I being known in every organ of the press. If enough agree she wins if not tough she can't abuse the law with impunity.

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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Clarkson Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:32 pm

Sassy if I were to get locked up for insisting a Labour govt gives us a referendum which was promised would yo think the same.

Would you fuck you two faced hypocrite.

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:39 pm

This character is just a dirty career criminal costing the poor people of Ireland a lot of money in taxes.

Artists, poets...

FFS, just throw them in a pit with the other useless people - scroungers.

Question: Why didn't she get the support of hard working taxpayers?

Answer: they were too bloody busy worrying about bills and stressing about real work.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Clarkson Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:53 pm

BigAndy9 wrote:This character is just a dirty career criminal costing the poor people of Ireland a lot of money in taxes.

Artists, poets...

FFS, just throw them in a pit with the other useless people - scroungers.

Question: Why didn't she get the support of hard working taxpayers?

Answer: they were too bloody busy worrying about bills and stressing about real work.

Thats a big YES Andy. Sassy really dislikes workers and loves a shirker.

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:32 pm

Well, don't some of you like to show yourselves up as dozy, bigotted, small minded ignoramuses.

Even a little look on Wiki would have stopped you making total tits of yourself:

Margaretta was born in London to a Russian Jewish mother and an Irish Catholic father.[1] D'Arcy worked in small theatres in Dublin from the age of fifteen and later became an actress.[6] Married in 1957 to English playwright and author John Arden, they frequently collaborated.[7] They settled in Galway and established the Galway Theatre Workshop in 1976.[6] The couple wrote a number of stage pieces and improvisational works for amateur and student players, including The Happy Haven (1960) and The Workhouse Donkey. She has written and produced many plays, including The Non-Stop Connolly Show.[2]

D'Arcy has also written a number of books, including Tell Them Everything, Awkward Corners (with John Arden), and Galway's Pirate Women: A Global Trawl.


Her books include;[8][13]

D'Arcy, Margaretta (1981) [1962] Tell them everything: a sojourn in the prison of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Ard Macha (Armagh) Pluto Press ISBN 978-0-86104-349-1
D'Arcy, Margaretta; Arden, John (1988) Awkward corners: essays, papers, fragments London: Methuen ISBN 978-0-413-40340-7
D'Arcy, Margaretta; Arden, John (1991) Plays: 1: The Business of Good Government, The Royal Pardon, The Little Gray Home in the West, Ars Longa Vita Brevis, Friday's Hiding, Vandaleur's Folly, and Immediate Rough Theatre Methuen Publishing Limited ISBN 978-0-413-65150-1
D'Arcy, Margaretta; Arden, John (1996) Galways Pirate Women, a Global Trawl Women's Pirate Press ISBN 978-0-9528206-0-4
D'Arcy, Margaretta (2005) Loose Theatre: Memoirs of a Guerrilla Theatre Activist Canada: Trafford Publishing & Women's Pirate Press ISBN 1-4120-3376-4 OCLC 62894742


Her plays include;[13]

The Pinprick of History;
Vandaleur's Folly;
Women's Voices from W. of Ireland;
Prison-voice of Countess Markievicz;
A Suburban Suicide (a radio play, BBC3, 1995);
Lajwaad (The Good People, play by Abdel Kader Alloula, adapted by M. D'Arcy for readings in London, 1995);
Dublin (Irish Writers' Centre, 1996).

Plays devised as group productions include;[13]

Muggins is a Martyr;
The Vietnam War-game;
200 Years of Labour;
The Mongrel Fox;
No Room at the Inn;
Mary's Name;
Seán O'Scrúdu;

Plays written in collaboration with John Arden include;[13]

The Business of Good Government;
The Happy Haven;
Ars Longa Vita Brevis;
The Royal Pardon;
The Hero Rises Up;
The Ballygombeen Bequest;
The Non-Stop Connolly Show;
Keep the People Moving (BBC Radio);
Portrait of a Rebel (RTÉ Television);
The Manchester Enthusiasts (BBC 1984 and RTÉ 1984, under the title The Ralahine Experiment);
Whose is the Kingdom? (9-part radio play, BBC 1987).


Films as a director and those produced by Women in Media & Entertainment;[13]

Yellow Gate Women, 2007, shown at the 'Galway Film Fleadh' and Independent International Video & Film Festival (New York) [2008].[14]
Shell Hell, co-directed by Finn Arden, 2005, shown at Galway Arts Festival, the 'Stranger than Fiction Festival' at the IFC (Dublin) and the Human Rights Documentary Festival (Glasgow).
Big Plane, Small Axe, the mis-trials of Mary Kelly, 2005, awarded 2nd Prize for Best Feature Documentary at Galway Film Fleadh, and also shown at Cork Film Festival, Portobello Film Festival, Human Rights Documentary Festival (Glasgow), and the 'Irish Film Festival' (San Francisco).
Circus Exposé, 1987 (60 minutes), shown at the 'Celtic Film Festival' (Inverness) and 'Foyle Festival' (Derry).


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:52 pm

Yes and this means she should not be punished for breaking the law why?


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:01 pm

Sphinx, considering your 'suffering' you are the soul of compassion.

I was referring to the tits who were talking about her being 'drug addled' and 'a dirty career criminal costing the poor people of Ireland a lot of money in taxes.', when she has had a very distinguished career and paid more taxes than most, but being such ignorant, ill educated fools, they probably didn't even know what she has done.

She is standing up for Irish people, who do not want their airport used for military purposes.

As normal Drinky shows what he is. Disgusting little man.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:06 pm

Sassy I have nowhere expressed I disagree with her motives. I simply do not see where the argument that she should not be treated as the law decrees comes from.

I mean I will protest - and if I believe in something I would consider whether an illegal protest would gain more than a legal one and if I believed it would then I would do it. However part of the gain would probably require me being punished.

If this woman was not jailed would anyone be debating this? If she had not been jailed she would have gone and done something else to get jailed because she needs to be jailed to get the publicity - and you have shown me nothing to suggest that she is not intelligent enough to know this and have planned it.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:06 pm

Sassy wrote:

She is standing up for Irish people, who do not want their airport used for military purposes.

Ireland is not a hive-mind.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Original Quill Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:10 pm

Clarkson wrote:
BigAndy9 wrote:This character is just a dirty career criminal costing the poor people of Ireland a lot of money in taxes.

Artists, poets...

FFS, just throw them in a pit with the other useless people - scroungers.

Question: Why didn't she get the support of hard working taxpayers?

Answer: they were too bloody busy worrying about bills and stressing about real work.

Thats a big YES Andy. Sassy really dislikes workers and loves a shirker.

OP wrote:
if she had agreed to sign a bond to uphold the law and stay away from unauthorised zones at Shannon.

How many bonds like that have you signed, drinky? Don't you belong in prison as well?

Original Quill
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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:20 pm

Life-long human rights activist Margaretta D'Arcy was jailed on January 15 for trespassing on the runway at Shannon Airport.

The Galway woman, who is 79, had a three-month suspended sentence activated after she refused to sign a bond to keep away from ‘unauthorised zones’ at Shannon. Margaretta conducted her own defence just as Mary Kelly did in 2003 when she was charged with ‘criminal damage to a US Navy aircraft without lawful excuse’ when she took an axe to a war plane. Based on Mary’s actions Margaretta D’Arcy produced a play called Big Plane, Small Axe. The film follows her ordeal through three successive trials, in Kilrush and Ennis, and finally her sentencing at Limerick.

If she was on the runway and refuses to keep away from unauthorised zones what are the authorities supposed to do? She could continue her protest in authorised areas.  

As for her history, taking an axe to a war plane??? No wonder there is considerable concern affraid


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:23 pm


just as Mary Kelly did in 2003 when she was charged with ‘criminal damage to a US Navy aircraft without lawful excuse’ when she took an axe to a war plane.

It was Mary Kelly who did that!

Margaretta D'Arcy simply stood on a runway to protest about the planes being used to take people for torture etc.

 Rolling Eyes 


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:24 pm

feelthelove wrote:Life-long human rights activist Margaretta D'Arcy was jailed on January 15 for trespassing on the runway at Shannon Airport.

The Galway woman, who is 79, had a three-month suspended sentence activated after she refused to sign a bond to keep away from ‘unauthorised zones’ at Shannon. Margaretta conducted her own defence just as Mary Kelly did in 2003 when she was charged with ‘criminal damage to a US Navy aircraft without lawful excuse’ when she took an axe to a war plane. Based on Mary’s actions Margaretta D’Arcy produced a play called Big Plane, Small Axe. The film follows her ordeal through three successive trials, in Kilrush and Ennis, and finally her sentencing at Limerick.

If she was on the runway and refuses to keep away from unauthorised zones what are the authorities supposed to do? She could continue her protest in authorised areas.  

As for her history, taking an axe to a war plane??? No wonder there is considerable concern affraid

What a totally peaceful protester clearly exercising her rights in a perfectly lawful way.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:25 pm

Sassy wrote:Re-read!

just as Mary Kelly did in 2003 when she was charged with ‘criminal damage to a US Navy aircraft without lawful excuse’ when she took an axe to a war plane.

It was Mary Kelly who did that!

Margaretta D'Arcy simply stood on a runway to protest about the planes being used to take people for torture etc.

 Rolling Eyes 

Which is trespassing.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:25 pm

I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:25 pm

Queen Of Hearts wrote:
feelthelove wrote:Life-long human rights activist Margaretta D'Arcy was jailed on January 15 for trespassing on the runway at Shannon Airport.

The Galway woman, who is 79, had a three-month suspended sentence activated after she refused to sign a bond to keep away from ‘unauthorised zones’ at Shannon. Margaretta conducted her own defence just as Mary Kelly did in 2003 when she was charged with ‘criminal damage to a US Navy aircraft without lawful excuse’ when she took an axe to a war plane. Based on Mary’s actions Margaretta D’Arcy produced a play called Big Plane, Small Axe. The film follows her ordeal through three successive trials, in Kilrush and Ennis, and finally her sentencing at Limerick.

If she was on the runway and refuses to keep away from unauthorised zones what are the authorities supposed to do? She could continue her protest in authorised areas.  

As for her history, taking an axe to a war plane??? No wonder there is considerable concern affraid

What a totally peaceful protester clearly exercising her rights in a perfectly lawful way.

And another one who can't read. She stood on a runway, a peaceful protest.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:27 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.

I didn't realise trespassing was perfectly fine if it suits your political agenda.

Last edited by Queen Of Hearts on Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:28 pm

Sassy wrote:Re-read!

just as Mary Kelly did in 2003 when she was charged with ‘criminal damage to a US Navy aircraft without lawful excuse’ when she took an axe to a war plane.

It was Mary Kelly who did that!

Margaretta D'Arcy simply stood on a runway to protest about the planes being used to take people for torture etc.

 Rolling Eyes 

Thank god, I had visions of a mad woman hacking into a passenger jet! I hope she wasn't planning a re-run!!! Or was she...........Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Scared27


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:28 pm

If she'd been there protesting against gay rights, none of you RWers would have minded a bit that she walked into an area some guy said she couldn't be on. But her protest amounted to a slap to the faces of the forelock-tuggers, so of course you're consumed with rage ... at an elderly lady with cancer!
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:29 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.
Really?  I'm one of your RWers, I think it's disgraceful.

Last edited by Tess. on Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:31 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.

Especially when Ireland is supposed to be neutral, and America are getting round that by using a civilians airport for military purposes. It has been protested for nearly ten years.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:31 pm

Tess. wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.
Really?  I'm one of your RWers, so is Queen, we're the ones saying she shouldn't be in jail.  Sassy however thinks she should.  I thought Sassy was a LWer.

What the hell are you talking about.   I'm incensed she has been jailed, Sphinx is the one who thinks it is ok. And so does Queen.

Last edited by Sassy on Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:32 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.

Shannon Airport is one of Ireland's three primary airports, along with Dublin and Cork. In 2012, 1.39 million passengers passed through the airport, making it the third busiest airport in the country after Dublin and Cork. Wikipedia

It's my understanding it's a commercial airport Ben, I don't think there was much else they could do to be honest.  I'm not saying it's right but she only has herself to blame. She could have protested in authorised areas, there are safety issues to think about  No


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:32 pm

Tess. wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.
Really?  I'm one of your RWers, I think it's disgraceful.

Really? I think you should only be speaking for yourself here, because in regards to QoH and Sassy, I think you have their positions reversed.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:33 pm

OK anyone want to guess what would have happened if she had been allowed to continue on the runway or released to make another surprise on the runway and in either case been hit by a plane?

How bad would the Irish government have looked allowing a frail elderly cancer suffer to remain in danger with such terrible consequences.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:34 pm

feelthelove wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.

Shannon Airport is one of Ireland's three primary airports, along with Dublin and Cork. In 2012, 1.39 million passengers passed through the airport, making it the third busiest airport in the country after Dublin and Cork. Wikipedia

It's my understanding it's a commercial airport Ben, I don't think there was much else they could do to be honest.  I'm not saying it's right but she only has herself to blame. She could have protested in authorised areas, there are safety issues to think about  No

They couldn't have just removed her from the premises? It would have seemed a hell of a lot less heartless than to jail her.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:35 pm

Tess. wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.
Really?  I'm one of your RWers, I think it's disgraceful.

It is disgraceful. We have a right to peaceful protest, if we lose that, we don't have democracy. And the jail a very distinguished lady with her problems is just disgusting.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:37 pm

feelthelove wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:I'm just wondering if it looks bad for the Irish authorities to throw a well-respected artist with no history of violence, who is 79 and a cancer patient, into prison for protesting a military base, during which she harmed no one.

No, I'm not wondering, I know it does. Further supporting that fact is how the RWers have come out of the woodwork to scream that she belongs in jail.

Shannon Airport is one of Ireland's three primary airports, along with Dublin and Cork. In 2012, 1.39 million passengers passed through the airport, making it the third busiest airport in the country after Dublin and Cork. Wikipedia

It's my understanding it's a commercial airport Ben, I don't think there was much else they could do to be honest.  I'm not saying it's right but she only has herself to blame. She could have protested in authorised areas, there are safety issues to think about  No

What a mealy mouthed point of view. There is no point protesting while you allow them to carry on doing the very thing you are protesting about.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:37 pm

sphinx wrote:OK anyone want to guess what would have happened if she had been allowed to continue on the runway or released to make another surprise on the runway and in either case been hit by a plane?

How bad would the Irish government have looked allowing a frail elderly cancer suffer to remain in danger with such terrible consequences.

I'm with you on this on Sphinx, it's not just about her either. Many others could be hurt too. She has the right to protest in authorised areas yes, no issue.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:37 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:If she'd been there protesting against gay rights, none of you RWers would have minded a bit that she walked into an area some guy said she couldn't be on. But her protest amounted to a slap to the faces of the forelock-tuggers, so of course you're consumed with rage ... at an elderly lady with cancer!

I'm sorry but why the fuck am I apparently some massive homophobe because I've been described as Right-Wing and acknowledged that a protester broke the law?


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:38 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
feelthelove wrote:

Shannon Airport is one of Ireland's three primary airports, along with Dublin and Cork. In 2012, 1.39 million passengers passed through the airport, making it the third busiest airport in the country after Dublin and Cork. Wikipedia

It's my understanding it's a commercial airport Ben, I don't think there was much else they could do to be honest.  I'm not saying it's right but she only has herself to blame. She could have protested in authorised areas, there are safety issues to think about  No

They couldn't have just removed her from the premises? It would have seemed a hell of a lot less heartless than to jail her.

They did remove her - asked her to promise to not do it again and she refused. If you had just removed someone from a runway and they were refusing to stay away and not do it again what would you do with them?


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:39 pm

Queen Of Hearts wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:If she'd been there protesting against gay rights, none of you RWers would have minded a bit that she walked into an area some guy said she couldn't be on. But her protest amounted to a slap to the faces of the forelock-tuggers, so of course you're consumed with rage ... at an elderly lady with cancer!

I'm sorry but why the fuck am I apparently some massive homophobe because I've been described as Right-Wing and acknowledged that a protester broke the law?

Jesus Christ, yet again you can't read.

If she'd been there protesting against gay rights, none of you RWers would have minded a bit


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:41 pm

Sassy wrote:
Queen Of Hearts wrote:

I'm sorry but why the fuck am I apparently some massive homophobe because I've been described as Right-Wing and acknowledged that a protester broke the law?

Jesus Christ, yet again you can't read.  

If she'd been there protesting against gay rights, none of you RWers would have minded a bit

Which fucking implies that I dislike gay rights.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:41 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
feelthelove wrote:

Shannon Airport is one of Ireland's three primary airports, along with Dublin and Cork. In 2012, 1.39 million passengers passed through the airport, making it the third busiest airport in the country after Dublin and Cork. Wikipedia

It's my understanding it's a commercial airport Ben, I don't think there was much else they could do to be honest.  I'm not saying it's right but she only has herself to blame. She could have protested in authorised areas, there are safety issues to think about  No

They couldn't have just removed her from the premises? It would have seemed a hell of a lot less heartless than to jail her.

She refused to agree not to do it again Ben, what else could they do? She wanted the attention, ok, but it comes with consequences I'm afraid.  Because she's ill and elderly doesn't mean she's not putting people at risk  No


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:42 pm

sphinx wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:

They couldn't have just removed her from the premises? It would have seemed a hell of a lot less heartless than to jail her.

They did remove her - asked her to promise to not do it again and she refused.  If you had just removed someone from a runway and they were refusing to stay away and not do it again what would you do with them?

Tag her, knowing she is not well enough to be able to go anywhere much longer.

At her time of life and in her condition she has got more guts and more principles than a lot of you by the sound of it.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:43 pm

Sassy wrote:
Tess. wrote:
Really?  I'm one of your RWers, I think it's disgraceful.

It is disgraceful.   We have a right to peaceful protest, if we lose that, we don't have democracy.   And the jail a very distinguished lady with her problems is just disgusting.

A peaceful protest would have been in an authorised area, not airside putting the safety of many at risk  Rolling Eyes 


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:45 pm

Queen Of Hearts wrote:
Sassy wrote:

Jesus Christ, yet again you can't read.  

If she'd been there protesting against gay rights, none of you RWers would have minded a bit

Which fucking implies that I dislike gay rights.  

For crying out loud, read it again, it implies the EXACT OPPOSITE.

none of you RWers WOULD HAVE MINDED A BIT.


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:46 pm

feelthelove wrote:
Sassy wrote:

It is disgraceful.   We have a right to peaceful protest, if we lose that, we don't have democracy.   And the jail a very distinguished lady with her problems is just disgusting.

A peaceful protest would have been in an authorised area, not airside putting the safety of many at risk  Rolling Eyes 

Oh bless lol


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:48 pm

Sassy wrote:
Queen Of Hearts wrote:

Which fucking implies that I dislike gay rights.  

For crying out loud, read it again, it implies the EXACT OPPOSITE.

none of you RWers WOULD HAVE MINDED A BIT.  

Fucking Christ

Ben_Reilly wrote:If she'd been there protesting against gay rights,
Essentially swapping military use of the airport with human rights for homosexuals.
Ben_Reilly wrote:none of you RWers would have minded a bit that she walked into an area some guy said she couldn't be on.
Which is saying that I apparently don't care about the law being broken if someone is protesting against something that I supposedly don't like.

How about you learn to read?


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Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy Empty Re: Protests mount in Ireland over jailing of Margaretta D'Arcy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:49 pm

Sassy wrote:
feelthelove wrote:

A peaceful protest would have been in an authorised area, not airside putting the safety of many at risk  Rolling Eyes 

Oh bless lol

trespassing is perfectly fine if it suits my political agenda.


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