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Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal

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Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal Empty Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:10 am

Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal Paul-Routeledge-Cartoon-3055948  Laughing 

Pardon me for borrowing words from an American newspaper of 30 years ago, but Let’s Talk Sleaze.

An opinion poll this week found that 42% of voters regard the Tory party as sleazy, while 41% think the same about the Lib Dems.

I’m surprised that the figures are so low, given the sordid evidence all around us. Dodgy Dave Cameron takes millions from bankers, and hands out peerages. Conservative links with City slickers are well known.

But only lately have people woken up to the seedy side of Tricky Nicky’s disciples. The Westminster “sex pest” scandal has blown away their self-anointed squeaky-clean reputation.

Now we see them for what they really are: a bunch of opportunist ferrets fighting in a sack. This is what comes of being given a sniff of power. It has gone to their fat little heads, and lower zones too.

Another Lib Dem politician, Portsmouth MP Mike Hancock, has been suspended from the party for “serious and unwelcome sexual behaviour” towards a ­constituent.

I don’t know – and neither does anybody else because they won’t publish the allegations – if Lib Dem former chief executive Lord Rennard made unwanted sexual advances to four women.

But I do know that Nick Clegg has cackhandled this sleazebag stuff from day one. He didn’t know about Rennard’s “invasions of personal space”.

Then he did know but did nothing about it. And now he’s failed to resolve his party’s biggest crisis since Norman Scott got into bed with Jeremy Thorpe.

If the leaders’ debates are staged again at the next election, you won’t find Ed Miliband or Dave Cameron saying “I agree with Nick” as happened last time. Not even Nick agrees with Nick any more.

By the way, Cleggover is in no position to lecture anyone about getting up close and personal, after boasting that he bedded 30 women. How many more said “No” to his invasion of their space?

L’affaire Rennard exposes the hollowness of Lib Dem political morality. Since when did they care about the social and economic exploitation of women that still goes on in the workplace?

I’d be more impressed if they were fighting for the underpaid women who get up before dawn to polish the red leather benches where Milord Rennard parks his big backside. But they’re not.

This is a catfight between people at the top.

It will probably end in a classic Lib Dem fudge, with everybody claiming they got it right and prizes all round. Voters should take a less lenient view of this seamy saga of the political classes.

Meanwhile, the women who really are exploited at work will have to look elsewhere for their salvation. It won’t come from a personality-driven feud in the upper reaches of Nick Clegg’s sad, inward-looking gang of misfits.

The more I reflect on this grubby spectacle, the more I think they all deserve each other. And we deserve none of them.

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 ::zomb::  The worst thing would be another hung parliament, when Labour would be forced to get into bed with 'The wolves in sheeps clothing'

Disgusting bunch of cretins!


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Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal Empty Re: Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:13 am

...Ask them what they think about the NHS, some would suggest that people that drink or smoke, should be made to die on hospital trolleys!

 Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil 


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Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal Empty Re: Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:19 am

...That's what some Liberals think!


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Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal Empty Re: Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal

Post by Clarkson Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:20 am

Strange you supported them at one time at least your mate Dobbin did.

Have you started looking for a job Catman. I,m sure with your IT skills you could start with part time as you have been used to living of others for so long.

I was just working something out.

If both of you don't work several people probably five on average wages have to pay taxes for you. You were moaning how under pressure workers are and yet you are a major contributor.

Now if you worked and paid taxes only you four of those five poor buggers wouldn't be so under pressure.

You see my wife and I are Tory c--ts according to you and we have paid for many many people like you.

Frankly though we don't want to pay for foul mouthed bone idol dole junkies anymore.

If your boyfriend is fit enough to beat you up you can leave him while you go to work.

These Tory c--nts have had enough

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

Posts : 650
Join date : 2014-01-02

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Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal Empty Re: Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:44 am

Clarkson wrote:Strange you supported them at one time at least your mate Dobbin did.

Have you started looking for a job Catman. I,m sure with your IT skills you could start with part time as you have been used to living of others for so long.

I was just working something out.

If both of you don't work several people probably five on average wages have to pay taxes for you. You were moaning how under pressure workers are and yet you are a major contributor.

Now if you worked and paid taxes only you four of those five poor buggers wouldn't be so under pressure.

You see my wife and I are Tory c--ts according to you and we have paid for many many people like you.

Frankly though we don't want to pay for foul mouthed bone idol dole junkies anymore.

If your boyfriend is fit enough to beat you up you can leave him while you go to work.

These Tory c--nts have had enough



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Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal Empty Re: Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:45 am

....Some of us poor, aren't ready to fuck off and die yet.


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Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal Empty Re: Liberal Democrat morals totally exposed by Westminster 'sex pest' scandal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:47 am

....Must drive people like you mental!

 ::slap:: ://?roflmao?/: ://?roflmao?/: ://?roflmao?/: ://


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