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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Ben Reilly
Tommy Monk
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by Tommy Monk Wed May 11, 2016 2:02 pm

First topic message reminder :

A range of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television departments, programmes, and radio stations are currently offering highly desirable, paid internships, but white people are prohibited from applying.

Creative Access – an organisation, registered as a charity, which offers placements at “many of the UK’s top media organisations” – has listed a number of BBC placements on its website, demanding applicants are only from “Black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic backgrounds”.

The website’s list of opportunities shows that all but four of the positions currently available are for jobs at the publicly-funded BBC, and Creative Access is funded by the British tax payer despite its charity status.

Firstly... wtf!!!???

I'm sure they will try to justify this blatant racist discrimination against whites as being all in the name of equality... but this is just blatant racist discrimination against whites!!!

Secondly... the 'charity' is just another tax payer funded rip off!!!

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by HoratioTarr Wed May 11, 2016 8:42 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:Sounds to me like this is a lot like the United Negro College Fund and many other organizations that try to help minorities succeed.

The UK is one of the most fair places to live and work in the world. We bend over backwards to ensure that the workplace is a fair and safe place, and that all discrimination is unacceptable. These days you can't, in fact, dare not step out of line in the workplace so far as being racist, sexist or homophobic is concerned. It's that strict here. And rightly so. I have a friend who lives in Baltimore, her life is made a living hell by her boss and work colleagues because a) she's female, and b) she's 64. I asked her why doesn't she complain to HR, or whoever deals with discrimination. She told me she dare not, as they'd find a way to get rid of her. So she suffers. She told me, 'Here in the States, it's not that easy to sue a company.' It's a big IT company too. Over here, if you did that, you'd be hauled before a tribunal and have the arse sued out of you.
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by eddie Wed May 11, 2016 8:44 pm

Tommy if you see my answer above I've explained what happened.
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Post by HoratioTarr Wed May 11, 2016 8:44 pm

sassy wrote:About Us
Creative Access was founded in 2012 to provide opportunities for paid internships in the creative industries for young people of graduate (or equivalent standard) from under-represented black, Asian and other non-white minority ethnic backgrounds (BAME). We aim to improve their chances of securing full-time jobs and, in the longer term, increase diversity and address the imbalance in the sector.

In the longer term, the changes we are trying to bring about will create their own sustainability. Our target is for 80% of our interns to secure jobs in the sector and in turn to bring others from under-represented communities in alongside them.

Creative Access is a strategic initiative which complies with its obligations under the Equality Act 2010. Creative Access is legally able to offer internships only to UK nationals with a “visible ethnic minority” because it can show that it is offering training opportunities (and not jobs) and that it is targeting a group of the population which is proven to be under-represented in the sector.

Creative Access is supported by the UK Commission for Employment & Skills, Creative Skillset and the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills.

You can watch our showreel, created by two of our interns, below:

Internships, not jobs

It's wrong though. What they should be offering is a fair chance for everyone, with an emphasis on ethnic minorities being welcome.
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by HoratioTarr Wed May 11, 2016 8:50 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
4EVER2 wrote:
Well, according to the BBC and their presentantion before the house of commons {or whatever the protocol is called} the BBC and their own self audit and embarrassing judgement for the media coverage of the race riots in 2011 {read the section I cut & pasted or better yet read the entire article---something that the angry mob on here can't do}---there's a problem with white media talking heads trying to explain racial tensions and social issues IN ENGLAND!!!  affraid

And if this group of humans isn't a prime example ... Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 2396444674   Well, reading the posts that blow hysterically off topic about everything but the article will be your guide Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 202592697

They weren't race riots at all, they were just mobs of people taking advantage and going on the rampage. I doubt most of them cared at all about Mark Duggan. The press reported what happened pretty well - yobs setting fire to buildings, cars, and robbing shops.

As I remember, it was highly organised via Blackberry messenger and social media with the main aim being looting. It had bugger all to do with race. The death of Duggan was just the catalyst for the fun to begin. It was summer and hot. Prime riot weather.
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by Tommy Monk Wed May 11, 2016 8:52 pm

eddie wrote:Tommy if you see my answer above I've explained what happened.

I know what happened...

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by Tommy Monk Wed May 11, 2016 8:56 pm

Very short summary:
1. Black people are heavily overrepresented in all riots but one (Salford, 1.7% of arrests)
2. Over 50% arrested are black in all London riots (up to 82% black, 10% white in Lambeth)
3. All but two London areas (both central) with above average black population rioted
4. Poor and uneducated non-black areas did not riot or had small riots
5. Older black people are more likely to riot than whites of any age, incl. youths
6. Whites aged 10-17 are not overrepresented, blacks aged 10-17 are - heavily
7. Black Londoners are 2.87 times as unemployed as whites, but 9.65 times more likely to riot
Tommy Monk
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by Cass Wed May 11, 2016 8:58 pm

HoratioTarr wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:Sounds to me like this is a lot like the United Negro College Fund and many other organizations that try to help minorities succeed.

The UK is one of the most fair places to live and work  in the world.   We bend over backwards to ensure that the workplace is a fair and safe place, and that all discrimination is unacceptable.   These days you can't, in fact, dare not step out of line in the workplace so far as being racist, sexist or homophobic is concerned.  It's that strict here.  And rightly so.   I have a friend who lives in Baltimore, her life is made a living hell by her boss and work colleagues because a) she's female, and b) she's 64.   I asked her why doesn't she complain to HR, or whoever deals with discrimination.  She told me she dare not, as they'd find a way to get rid of her.  So she suffers.  She told me, 'Here in the States, it's not that easy to sue a company.'  It's a big IT company too.  Over here, if you did that, you'd be hauled before a tribunal and have the arse sued out of you.

I will totally agree with you HT. Having worked in both countries, yes the UK is by far the more strict regarding HR policies and breaking them. And it's not just about suing. It's about making it a pleasant workplace for everybody and yet nobody is held to account. If you whistle-blow or speak out, you are labeled a troublemaker and then if you get fired or leave for another job, you will not have a positive reference. The work culture is abysmal. I feel for your friend. I have been in her shoes.

Sorry Ben, but in 2 of the 3 jobs (and all with local government which makes it almost worse somehow), I have had since moving back here, I have seen the absolute worse about bullying and discrimination and high school cliques. I honestly was like WTH? That's why I am thankful to be run my own branch as it were. My boss is leaving and although she annoys me with her lack of communication she isn't a micro-manager and we had a great working relationship built on mutual respect and indeed friendship and professional ability and passion. I am absolutely dreading seeing who the administration will hire if they hire at all.
the Nerd Queen of Nerds, the Lover of Books who Cooks

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Post by Cass Wed May 11, 2016 9:02 pm

As to the OP, I understand it and support it. It's an internship. Lots of scholarships and internships here are done through charities that support specific groups, and you must fall into one of their categories to apply and receive said items.

So after the internship, they have to apply for a regular job just like everybody else does.
the Nerd Queen of Nerds, the Lover of Books who Cooks

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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by Guest Wed May 11, 2016 9:07 pm

Sense at last!


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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by HoratioTarr Wed May 11, 2016 9:17 pm

4EVER2 wrote:
eddie wrote:
Tommy is wrong. I watched the riots. There were a mix of black, white, and Asian males as well as females.
The only ethnicity I didn't see was a Chinese person, but that doesn't mean there wasn't one there.
According to his own link the BBC reported that 5 people DIED during those riots and they did call the riots, 'RACIAL' motivated and the media people trying to report them were doing a HORRIBLE JOB; hence the reason for this entire lengthy long drawn out helter-skelter discussion and Tommy didn't even read his own DAMMMM article!

Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 265384880  or maybe he did but the Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 1177314732 comprehension just got all constipated in his mind and he just gave up!   Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 2190311264

Whites died. Blacks died. Asians died.

It was, in short, a greed motivated looting/destruction fest fuelled by social media and organised groups who wait for moments just like that to whip up dissension. There's no racial pigeonhole you can put it all in, as many different races were involved. In fact, were you to look at the worst violence statistics, that lies firmly in the black camp. Three Asian men were run down and killed by a black driver. It was only the intervention of one of the dead boy's fathers that stopped an Asian/Black bloodbath in Birmingham.

The Ministry of Justice reported that rioters brought before the courts were disproportionately male (89%) and young (53% were aged 20 or under, with the number of "juveniles" ranging from 26% in London to 39% in Merseyside, and very few listed as over 40. What does that tell you? It tells you that young people, with all their energy and/or testosterone love a ruck, and have a herd mentality. It's nothing new. It's why young men are so easily coerced to go to war when riled up on idealism and gung ho. They loved the excitement and hedonism of it all. And it was hot. Riots nearly always happen in the summer. Not when it's cold and pissing with rain.

The figures revealed varying demographics in different areas when compared to local populations. For example, in Haringey, the figures revealed that 55% of defendants in court over riot-related charges were black, compared to a 17% black population; in Salford, 94% of rioters in court were white, compared to an 88% white population, and 6% of rioters were black, compared to a 2% black population. Additionally, looters from 44 foreign countries were jailed, with Jamaicans representing the largest group.
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Post by Syl Wed May 11, 2016 9:42 pm

nicko wrote:Why do all the "foreignors! on here consistently put down the British?  ARE they jealous of us or what?  None of them have any history as such.   I don't put down any country except when ignorent posters put down mine,  and then i stand up to be counted.   I'v had enough of their snide remarks,  look to your own way of living before you diss mine.

There does seem to be a fair amount of do as I say not as I do mentality on here lately.
Re the OP... of course it's racist against whites.

The best applicants should be given the they white, black, yellow or green....end of.
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by Tommy Monk Wed May 11, 2016 9:42 pm

The BBC is taxpayer funded... so is the 'charity' that discriminated against whites...
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by Raggamuffin Thu May 12, 2016 4:09 am

HoratioTarr wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

They weren't race riots at all, they were just mobs of people taking advantage and going on the rampage. I doubt most of them cared at all about Mark Duggan. The press reported what happened pretty well - yobs setting fire to buildings, cars, and robbing shops.

As I remember, it was highly organised via Blackberry messenger and social media with the main aim being looting.  It had bugger all to do with race.  The death of Duggan was just the catalyst for the fun to begin.  It was summer and hot.  Prime riot weather.

Correct. The likes of Ben and co won't understand that because everything has to be about race to them.
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Post by 'Wolfie Thu May 12, 2016 11:41 am

Cass wrote:
As to the OP, I understand it and support it.  It's an internship. Lots of scholarships and internships here are done through charities that support specific groups, and you must fall into one of their categories to apply and receive said items.

So after the internship, they have to apply for a regular job just like everybody else does.


AND, it is only the gibbering fools like Tommy and Stormee who will argue otherwise...

IF Britain's anti-discrimination laws are the same as in the USA and down here in Oz, then there will be exclusion clauses in place that allow employers to tailor certain jobs to people with specified ethnicity, gender, strength requirements, skill sets, education or experience..

ONLY the fascist and racists punks corner on here will find something wrong with that !
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Post by Tommy Monk Thu May 12, 2016 11:52 am

I believe in a meritocracy... jobs awarded on ability... not skin colour.
Tommy Monk
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Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2016 12:43 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:I believe in a meritocracy... jobs awarded on ability... not skin colour.

And as with the reason for the BBC position about asking for funding assistance for the intern program - the reasoning that they've provided for the intern program - the number of intelligent members that have explained all that article to you despite the limited {cherry selection that you provided} you will NEVER GRASP the rational behind WHY THE BBC decided to do that INTERN PROGRAM.

And that's just OKAY, because it wasn't yours to decide and you really can't do a F'n thing about it and you'll never benefit from the understanding of it all ~~~ No


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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by Tommy Monk Thu May 12, 2016 1:17 pm

The BBC is tax payer funded and not above the law.
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2016 1:22 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:The BBC is tax payer funded and not above the law.

**FAIL** STILL FAILING** and the more you post about your own article - the PROOF is quite verified --- you just don't grasp the entire concept of what the BBC was doing!

And that's can't understand it so LET IT GO! Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 2108625937  
Your game boy player is feeling ignored Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 919144451


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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by 'Wolfie Thu May 12, 2016 1:53 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:

The BBC is tax payer funded and not above the law.

Rolling Eyes

OBVIOUSLY Tommy doesn't even know the "Law" in his own country !!!

YOU really are such a fool, Tommy..

AND proud of it.

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Post by 'Wolfie Thu May 12, 2016 2:04 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:
I believe in a meritocracy... jobs awarded on ability... not skin colour.


I CAN SEE some possible problems with Tommy's desire to live in a "Meritocracy" :

IF everything depended on the applicant's 'merits' alone, then poor l'il Tommy --

1. would never have a job;

2. would not be eligible to vote;

3. wouldn't be allowed to procreate..

cheers Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 2681620681 Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 3239900740

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Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2016 2:06 pm

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
Tommy Monk wrote:The BBC is tax payer funded and not above the law.

Rolling Eyes

OBVIOUSLY Tommy doesn't even know the "Law" in his own country !!!
YOU really are such a fool, Tommy..
AND proud of it.

A great percentage of his utter confusion about most things are reinforced by his 'TAG-TEAM' mentality Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 2981866455 's --- they sky dive into a topic - thinking that he needs their support when they neither read the prior posts or can't comprehend the entire article - that he's ever so cleverly neglected to provide in full. Wink  
Sky bombing the hell out of his ignorance with their 'hail mary Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 919144451 ', we've got your back --- regardless of just how ignorant his stance is! 

Quite entertaining but pathetic too! Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 202592697


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Post by Tommy Monk Thu May 12, 2016 5:26 pm

Last time I checked it was against the law to discriminate against people on the basis of race/ethnicity...which is what this is blatantly doing against whites!

Tommy Monk
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Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2016 5:30 pm

Oh get a life Tommy, that has already been covered and what they are doing is not unlawful.  They are giving EXPERIENCE to help those who are disadvantaged, they then compete for the job.


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Post by Tommy Monk Thu May 12, 2016 5:32 pm

Plenty of disadvantaged whites about... but not allowed because of skin colour...

And tax payer funds should not be being used in this way.

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2016 5:38 pm

Here you go Tommy:

Disadvantaged children are those who are suffering neglect, abuse, distress or illness. They may be living in deprived or poor conditions. They may have disabilities and behavioural problems.

The Weavers’ Company Benevolent Fund

The Weavers’ Company Benevolent Fund is a charity that assists disadvantaged people aged 5 to 30. One of the aims of the charity is to help children and young people make the most of their lives and take a full part in society.
The charity is interested in giving grants for projects that solve the social and economic difficulties that disadvantaged young people and their families have to deal with. The charity also gives advice about life skills and opportunities for work and education.

The Hedley Foundation

The Hedley Foundation gives grants to help disadvantaged children with educational and recreational needs. The Foundation also considers awards for projects that aim to improve young people’s welfare and health.

Volant Charitable Trust

The author J. K. Rowling is behind the Volant Charitable Trust. One area of the Trust’s funding is the alleviation of social deprivation and poverty, particularly for children and women.

Registered charities can apply for grants from the Trust. There are no set amounts for grants but projects should generally last no longer than three years.

Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation

The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation has a wide remit. Among its areas of interest are the welfare of children and the relief of poverty. The Foundation occasionally makes large one-off donations to projects that meet its criteria.

The Beatrice Laing Trust

The Beatrice Laing Trust gives grants to a variety of causes. It considers applications from organisations that work to improve child education, welfare and development.

BBC Children in Need

BBC Children in Need gives grants to non-profit organisations that run projects for disadvantaged children. Among such organisations are voluntary groups, charities, local councils, churches, social enterprises, universities and schools.
Grant applicants must show that their organisations are financially stable and properly run. Organisations must have a child protection policy that all staff understand and use.
Applicants must also prove that the award of a BBC Children in Need grant will lead to positive changes in the lives of disadvantaged children.
The BBC provides full details of the grant application process on request.

Pearson’s Holiday Fund

Many voluntary groups and charities give grants that help pay the cost of holidays for disadvantaged children. These groups and charities are local, regional and national.
Pearson’s Holiday Fund awards grants that help disadvantaged children take a beak from home. The Fund relies entirely on private donations.
Pearson’s Holiday Fund does not accept grant applications that come direct from families. A third party must always recommend a family for assistance. Applications therefore come from people such as health visitors, teachers and social workers on behalf of children aged 4 to 16.

Family Holiday Association

Like the Pearson’s Holiday Fund, the Family Holiday Association requires referrals from third parties. All Association holidays take place in the UK. The Association may also supply professional support for children during the holiday.


If you have a brain you'd be dangerous, as it is your just someone who should have got help before, then you wouldn't be such a pain in the arse.


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Post by Tommy Monk Thu May 12, 2016 5:42 pm

So why no whites...?

As I said... plenty of disadvantaged whites about...

There are plenty of jobs about outside the top echelons of the BBC that they could do...
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Post by HoratioTarr Thu May 12, 2016 5:50 pm

sassy wrote:Here you go Tommy:

Disadvantaged children are those who are suffering neglect, abuse, distress or illness. They may be living in deprived or poor conditions. They may have disabilities and behavioural problems.

The Weavers’ Company Benevolent Fund

The Weavers’ Company Benevolent Fund is a charity that assists disadvantaged people aged 5 to 30. One of the aims of the charity is to help children and young people make the most of their lives and take a full part in society.
The charity is interested in giving grants for projects that solve the social and economic difficulties that disadvantaged young people and their families have to deal with. The charity also gives advice about life skills and opportunities for work and education.

The Hedley Foundation

The Hedley Foundation gives grants to help disadvantaged children with educational and recreational needs. The Foundation also considers awards for projects that aim to improve young people’s welfare and health.

Volant Charitable Trust

The author J. K. Rowling is behind the Volant Charitable Trust. One area of the Trust’s funding is the alleviation of social deprivation and poverty, particularly for children and women.

Registered charities can apply for grants from the Trust. There are no set amounts for grants but projects should generally last no longer than three years.

Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation

The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation has a wide remit. Among its areas of interest are the welfare of children and the relief of poverty. The Foundation occasionally makes large one-off donations to projects that meet its criteria.

The Beatrice Laing Trust

The Beatrice Laing Trust gives grants to a variety of causes. It considers applications from organisations that work to improve child education, welfare and development.

BBC Children in Need

BBC Children in Need gives grants to non-profit organisations that run projects for disadvantaged children. Among such organisations are voluntary groups, charities, local councils, churches, social enterprises, universities and schools.
Grant applicants must show that their organisations are financially stable and properly run. Organisations must have a child protection policy that all staff understand and use.
Applicants must also prove that the award of a BBC Children in Need grant will lead to positive changes in the lives of disadvantaged children.
The BBC provides full details of the grant application process on request.

Pearson’s Holiday Fund

Many voluntary groups and charities give grants that help pay the cost of holidays for disadvantaged children. These groups and charities are local, regional and national.
Pearson’s Holiday Fund awards grants that help disadvantaged children take a beak from home. The Fund relies entirely on private donations.
Pearson’s Holiday Fund does not accept grant applications that come direct from families. A third party must always recommend a family for assistance. Applications therefore come from people such as health visitors, teachers and social workers on behalf of children aged 4 to 16.

Family Holiday Association

Like the Pearson’s Holiday Fund, the Family Holiday Association requires referrals from third parties. All Association holidays take place in the UK. The Association may also supply professional support for children during the holiday.


If you have a brain you'd be dangerous, as it is your just someone who should have got help before, then you wouldn't be such a pain in the arse.

The problem I have with your last statement is that we have many disadvantaged young people in the UK of all backgrounds. Eastern Europeans are immigrants and white. Should they be excluded? Will they be excluded?
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Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 Empty Re: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2016 5:58 pm

What, there are hundreds of charities out there that help all disadvantaged children.   Just because some are for a particular sections doesn't meant that they don't all get help, whatever 'race' they are.

PS.  The government has closed down nearly all the Sure Start Centres, that was for all kids.


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Post by Raggamuffin Thu May 12, 2016 6:15 pm

sassy wrote:What, there are hundreds of charities out there that help all disadvantaged children.   Just because some are for a particular sections doesn't meant that they don't all get help, whatever 'race' they are.

PS.  The government has closed down nearly all the Sure Start Centres, that was for all kids.

Do they specify disadvantaged white children to make up for the pandering to non-white children?
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Post by HoratioTarr Thu May 12, 2016 6:57 pm

sassy wrote:What, there are hundreds of charities out there that help all disadvantaged children.   Just because some are for a particular sections doesn't meant that they don't all get help, whatever 'race' they are.

PS.  The government has closed down nearly all the Sure Start Centres, that was for all kids.

There shouldn't be hundreds of these things. Just one policy. Fairness and equality for all. Everyone should be able to have access to free training to enable them to progress in the workplace.

If all these so called charities were working, then why are there so many people out of work and lacking in education? We have a whole underclass in the UK that has absolutely no hope of ever bettering themselves.
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Post by Tommy Monk Thu May 12, 2016 8:54 pm

Youth unemployment doubled since east eu open door immigration was allowed in 2003...

Tommy Monk
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Post by veya_victaous Thu May 12, 2016 11:40 pm

HoratioTarr wrote:
sassy wrote:What, there are hundreds of charities out there that help all disadvantaged children.   Just because some are for a particular sections doesn't meant that they don't all get help, whatever 'race' they are.

PS.  The government has closed down nearly all the Sure Start Centres, that was for all kids.

There shouldn't be hundreds of these things.   Just one policy.  Fairness and equality for all.   Everyone should be able to have access to free training to enable them to progress in the workplace.  

If all these so called charities were working, then why are there so many people out of work and lacking in education?  We have a whole underclass in the UK that has absolutely no hope of ever bettering themselves.

Then you Are NOT Successful!
Maybe You should Change

there are are More successfuly examples you could follow tongue tongue tongue tongue
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Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2016 11:44 pm

HoratioTarr wrote:
sassy wrote:What, there are hundreds of charities out there that help all disadvantaged children.   Just because some are for a particular sections doesn't meant that they don't all get help, whatever 'race' they are.

PS.  The government has closed down nearly all the Sure Start Centres, that was for all kids.

There shouldn't be hundreds of these things.   Just one policy.  Fairness and equality for all.   Everyone should be able to have access to free training to enable them to progress in the workplace.  

If all these so called charities were working, then why are there so many people out of work and lacking in education?  We have a whole underclass in the UK that has absolutely no hope of ever bettering themselves.

How about you tell that to the government, and then charities wouldn't have to try and fill the gaps, and differnt charities concentrate in different areas of expertise.


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Post by Tommy Monk Thu May 12, 2016 11:46 pm

They are not charities... they are tax payer funded quangos!!!

Tommy Monk
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Post by 'Wolfie Fri May 13, 2016 7:08 am

Tommy Monk wrote:

Youth unemployment doubled since east eu open door immigration was allowed in 2003...

Rolling Eyes

ANOTHER bullshite effort at over-simplifying issues by the forums #1 fascist pussy...

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Post by nicko Fri May 13, 2016 8:44 am

OOOHHH Wolfie your so macho, it scares me.

[dribbling idiot]
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Post by Raggamuffin Fri May 13, 2016 8:54 am

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
Tommy Monk wrote:
I believe in a meritocracy... jobs awarded on ability... not skin colour.


I CAN SEE some possible problems with Tommy's desire to live in a "Meritocracy"  :

IF everything depended on the applicant's 'merits' alone, then poor l'il Tommy --

1.   would never have a job;

2.   would not be eligible to vote;

3.   wouldn't be allowed to procreate..

cheers           Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 2681620681             Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises ‘Black, Asian, Or Minority’-Only Positions - Page 2 3239900740

Are you suggesting that people from ethnic minorities have no merits and that's why they need help to get jobs? How racist!
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Post by nicko Fri May 13, 2016 8:59 am

WHY was Wolfie's great Grandad sent to Australia?
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Post by Tommy Monk Fri May 13, 2016 8:49 pm

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
Tommy Monk wrote:

Youth unemployment doubled since east eu open door immigration was allowed in 2003...

Rolling Eyes

ANOTHER bullshite effort at over-simplifying issues by the forums #1  fascist  pussy...


It is a fact!!!

I have shown before that uk youth unemployment doubled while overall Polish unemployment figures halved during the same period!!!

Plus the biggest losers here in uk were black youths where their unemployment rates soared to around 50%!!!

The cost of living rose with rent costs spiraling and wage rises have been stagnant at best and wages actually going down in many cases!!!

Anybody can do a little Google research to check what I say is true!!!

But flea keeper does no research and just says it is all wrong!!!

It can't be true because he doesn't want it to be true so it must be wrong!!!

The truth must be wrong because the truth is not politically correct!!!

Tommy Monk
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