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Happy St George's Day!!

Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 6:30 pm

Seeing as no one else has bothered.....

A day to celebrate being English and remembering why we love our great country and it's people.

Happy St George's Day!!  Image21
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:23 pm

I attended St. George's Catholic church in Fort Worth for years, but was confirmed in nearby St. Patrick's Cathedral, interestingly enough Smile
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:27 pm

Well,that very interesting, but you clicked on the thread and didn't wish me a happy St George's day Evil or Very Mad
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:29 pm

And if you're wondering who gave you the red....

Well that would be me Evil or Very Mad
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:36 pm

Happy St. George's Day!

Happy St George's Day!!  Draak
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:36 pm

Happy St George's Day!!  Stand-tall-stand-proud-happy-st-george-day-retro-poster-37850100
Rather like our 4th of July; or something similar...what festivities do you have/use to celebrate???


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:38 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:Happy St. George's Day!

Happy St George's Day!!  Draak

Too late. You've been red-striped. Cry like a baby Razz

Hmmm but the picture is good.

Last edited by eddie on Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:39 pm

eddie wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:Happy St. George's Day!

Happy St George's Day!!  Draak

Too late. You've been red-striped. Cry like a baby Razz

I will not. I will cry like a MAN!
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:40 pm

4EVER2 wrote:Happy St George's Day!!  Stand-tall-stand-proud-happy-st-george-day-retro-poster-37850100
Rather like our 4th of July; or something similar...what festivities do you have/use to celebrate???

Nothing. Zilch. Bloody rubbish.
I might have a whisky tonight to celebrate the scots instead
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:41 pm

Well it shows to how much extent the country does not care about such an important day.
The regressive left make anyone who honours the day feel like a racist stupidly for celebrating the day and there lies the problem again, the left.


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:46 pm

Or maybe the English are just too lazy?
We don't celebrate like the jolly Irish or the loyal scots.
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:47 pm

Rather 'ODD' isn't it; what with it being the Queen's big #90th birthday and all

Happy St George's Day!!  Her-Majesty-Queen-Elizabeth-II-90th-Birthday-Stamp-and-Coin-Cover-510x295

Good Golly, she warranted her very own STAMP ---
just strikes me as 'ODD' that they wouldn't combine
the to occasions and make it a huge blow out event?


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:48 pm

eddie wrote:Or maybe the English are just too lazy?
We don't celebrate like the jolly Irish or the loyal scots.

Where is the incentive though Eddie

Flags are deemed racist by the left wing regressive idiots
The day is not even a national holiday.
If you fly a flag outside your house you run the risk of being cast as a racist by idiotic left wing idiots


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:50 pm

4EVER2 wrote:Rather 'ODD' isn't it; what with it being the Queen's big #90th birthday and all

Happy St George's Day!!  Her-Majesty-Queen-Elizabeth-II-90th-Birthday-Stamp-and-Coin-Cover-510x295

Good Golly, she warranted her very own STAMP ---
just strikes me as 'ODD' that they wouldn't combine
the to occasions and make it a huge blow out event?

You'd have thought so 4ecer but.....I haven't the answers as to why fuck all was done??!

You do make a really relevant point though
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:53 pm

didge wrote:Well it shows to how much extent the country does not care about such an important day.
The regressive left make anyone who honours the day feel like a racist stupidly for celebrating the day and there lies the problem again, the left.

I think it's more likely that the EDL and other far-right groups' use of St. George's cross as a symbol of hatred have made the English uncomfortable flying it or having celebrations.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:54 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:Well it shows to how much extent the country does not care about such an important day.
The regressive left make anyone who honours the day feel like a racist stupidly for celebrating the day and there lies the problem again, the left.

I think it's more likely that the EDL and other far-right groups' use of St. George's cross as a symbol of hatred have made the English uncomfortable flying or having celebrations.

No they already do so, and the left paint anyone then carying a flag to being the same

Look to the cause and effect

Its the left that have created the view to cast people racist, EDL, far right for being patriotic


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:56 pm

didge wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:Well it shows to how much extent the country does not care about such an important day.
The regressive left make anyone who honours the day feel like a racist stupidly for celebrating the day and there lies the problem again, the left.

I think it's more likely that the EDL and other far-right groups' use of St. George's cross as a symbol of hatred have made the English uncomfortable flying or having celebrations.

No they already do so, and the left paint anyone then carying a flag to being the same

Look to the cause and effect

Its the left that have created the view to cast people racist, EDL, far right for being patriotic

It's sad that the far-right have co-opted national symbols like the cross, or national heroes like Lee Rigby, as symbols of hatred, but it's only understandable that once they have, normal people don't want to be associated with them. It's their fault, not the left's.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:57 pm

The EDL does have racist members though Didge?!

Perhaps Ben has a point about the flag and how people associate with it. Whatever it is, as 4ever said, with the Queen's 90th birthday and St George day....there shoud have been street parties!
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Syl Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:59 pm

Ooops...Happy St Georges day to everyone.
Happy St George's Day!!  Festival

Like a lot of people it passed me by sadly.
When I worked we used to dress up in red and white and really celebrate, I forget nowadays.
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:00 pm

eddie wrote:The EDL does have racist members though Didge?!

Perhaps Ben has a point about the flag and how people associate with it. Whatever it is, as 4ever said, with the Queen's 90th birthday and St George day....there shoud have been street parties!

It would be nice to see the mainstream of England reclaim the cross from the hateful fringe. Maybe the people spearheading the campaign could emphasize the fact that a symbol of English pride should never be allowed to be turned into a symbol of hate by bigots. I for one think it's obscene that hate groups try to co-opt things that have positive connotations for most people.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:00 pm

eddie wrote:The EDL does have racist members though Didge?!

Perhaps Ben has a point about the flag and how people associate with it. Whatever it is, as 4ever said, with the Queen's 90th birthday and St George day....there shoud have been street parties!

I never denied that it does
That does not mean then as the left often do, associate all people that fly the flag as racist, just for being patriotic


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:02 pm

Just to add to that, consider what the Christian cross must have meant to black people in the Southern U.S. On Sunday at church it's a symbol of faith and hope -- any other day of the week and it could be on fire in front of your house as a symbol of oppression and rage.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:03 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:Just to add to that, consider what the Christian cross must have meant to black people in the Southern U.S. On Sunday at church it's a symbol of faith and hope -- any other day of the week and it could be on fire in front of your house as a symbol of oppression and rage.


We are talking about Britain.



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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:03 pm

eddie wrote:
4EVER2 wrote:Rather 'ODD' isn't it; what with it being the Queen's big #90th birthday and all

Happy St George's Day!!  Her-Majesty-Queen-Elizabeth-II-90th-Birthday-Stamp-and-Coin-Cover-510x295

Good Golly, she warranted her very own STAMP ---
just strikes me as 'ODD' that they wouldn't combine
the to occasions and make it a huge blow out event?

You'd have thought so 4ecer but.....I haven't the answers as to why fuck all was done??!

You do make a really relevant point though

So, now you managed to tweak my curiosity antenna and I had to go have a 'BING' moment and this is what I found out:
A.) the dude never set foot on English soil confused
B.) over the years there have been attempts and plans made for a celebration and it's often met with disparaging attitudes about 'wasted funds' ... but here's the REAL REASON WHY >

Today St George's day may be celebrated with anything English from morris dancing to a Punch and Judy show.[ In 2011, a campaign to make St. George's Day a public holiday in England began on the UK government's e-petition website. It received 4,266 signatures, not achieving the 100,000 signatures required before the deadline in August 2012 to make a debate of the matter in the House of Commons a possibility.
A traditional custom on St George's day is to wear a red rose in one's lapel, though this is no longer widely practised. Another custom is to fly or adorn the St George's Cross flag, the flag of England, in some way: pubs in particular can be seen on 23 April festooned with garlands of St George's crosses. It is customary for the hymn "Jerusalem" to be sung in cathedrals, churches and chapels on St George's Day, or on the Sunday closest to it. Traditional English foods and drink (e.g. afternoon tea) may be consumed

The APATHY, among the British just didn't get enough 'give-a-sh*t' signatures to make it worthy of official discussion!  Happy St George's Day!!  2190311264


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:04 pm

didge wrote:
eddie wrote:The EDL does have racist members though Didge?!

Perhaps Ben has a point about the flag and how people associate with it. Whatever it is, as 4ever said, with the Queen's 90th birthday and St George day....there shoud have been street parties!

I never denied that it does
That does not mean then as the left often do, associate all people that fly the flag as racist, just for being patriotic

Well, the right associates everyone who thinks the flag has racist connotations as being sheep to political correctness, rather than having genuine concerns as to what damage to their personal reputation might be done if people see them flying a symbol that has been co-opted by racists.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:04 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
eddie wrote:The EDL does have racist members though Didge?!

Perhaps Ben has a point about the flag and how people associate with it. Whatever it is, as 4ever said, with the Queen's 90th birthday and St George day....there shoud have been street parties!

It would be nice to see the mainstream of England reclaim the cross from the hateful fringe. Maybe the people spearheading the campaign could emphasize the fact that a symbol of English pride should never be allowed to be turned into a symbol of hate by bigots. I for one think it's obscene that hate groups try to co-opt things that have positive connotations for most people.

Good post!
. You earned a green back.
We are even. No retribution or revenge Suspect
King of Beards. Keeper of the Whip. Top Chef. BEES!!!!!! Mushroom muncher. Spider aficionado!

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:05 pm

didge wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:Just to add to that, consider what the Christian cross must have meant to black people in the Southern U.S. On Sunday at church it's a symbol of faith and hope -- any other day of the week and it could be on fire in front of your house as a symbol of oppression and rage.


We are talking about Britain.


You have a real problem with the whole concept of "going wide," don't you?
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:08 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:


We are talking about Britain.


You have a real problem with the whole concept of "going wide," don't you?

Er we are talking about the UK, not the US, how on earth you bring that into this really is warped


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:08 pm

eddie wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
eddie wrote:The EDL does have racist members though Didge?!

Perhaps Ben has a point about the flag and how people associate with it. Whatever it is, as 4ever said, with the Queen's 90th birthday and St George day....there shoud have been street parties!

It would be nice to see the mainstream of England reclaim the cross from the hateful fringe. Maybe the people spearheading the campaign could emphasize the fact that a symbol of English pride should never be allowed to be turned into a symbol of hate by bigots. I for one think it's obscene that hate groups try to co-opt things that have positive connotations for most people.

Good post!
. You earned a green back.
We are even. No retribution or revenge Suspect

No problem, eds! I've always had a problem with this sort of thing. We have far-right figures in the U.S. who try to speak for the framers of the constitution; we have people like Sarah Palin who talk about "real America" as though that only includes the right.

For me, what's happened to St. George's Day is like if the KKK tried to take over the Fourth of July.

Oops, sorry -- I'm not allowed to mention the U.S. in this thread, apparently Happy St George's Day!!  2984306523
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:10 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
eddie wrote:

Good post!
. You earned a green back.
We are even. No retribution or revenge Suspect

No problem, eds! I've always had a problem with this sort of thing. We have far-right figures in the U.S. who try to speak for the framers of the constitution; we have people like Sarah Palin who talk about "real America" as though that only includes the right.

For me, what's happened to St. George's Day is like if the KKK tried to take over the Fourth of July.

Oops, sorry -- I'm not allowed to mention the U.S. in this thread, apparently Happy St George's Day!!  2984306523

Case in point, left wing idiots have render the day racist, because they do this all the time

Happy St George's Day!!  Shout-racist


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:19 pm

didge wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
eddie wrote:

Good post!
. You earned a green back.
We are even. No retribution or revenge Suspect

No problem, eds! I've always had a problem with this sort of thing. We have far-right figures in the U.S. who try to speak for the framers of the constitution; we have people like Sarah Palin who talk about "real America" as though that only includes the right.

For me, what's happened to St. George's Day is like if the KKK tried to take over the Fourth of July.

Oops, sorry -- I'm not allowed to mention the U.S. in this thread, apparently Happy St George's Day!!  2984306523

Case in point, left wing idiots have render the day racist, because they do this all the time

Happy St George's Day!!  Shout-racist

So no blame to the EDL, then? Why do you have to defend them so much on this site?
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:24 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:

Case in point, left wing idiots have render the day racist, because they do this all the time

Happy St George's Day!!  Shout-racist

So no blame to the EDL, then? Why do you have to defend them so much on this site?

Where have i defended them?

Inventing gibberish to back your claims is really childish Ben.

I never said they have not been part of the problem have I?

But the biggest problems stems from the left where they cast anyone with a Flag for example as EDL

Has that point not sunk in yet you regressive?


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:26 pm

didge wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:

Case in point, left wing idiots have render the day racist, because they do this all the time

Happy St George's Day!!  Shout-racist

So no blame to the EDL, then? Why do you have to defend them so much on this site?

Where have i defended them?

Inventing gibberish to back your claims is really childish Ben.

I never said they have not been part of the problem have I?

But the biggest problems stems from the left where they cast anyone with a Flag for example as EDL

Has that point not sunk in yet you regressive?

How about this very thread, where it's obvious to everyone that the EDL and their ilk co-opted the cross as a symbol of bigotry, yet you insist the blame for the cross being seen as a hate symbol belongs to the left? You're pretty damned determined to leave the cross-flying bigots out of the whole equation!
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:27 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:

Where have i defended them?

Inventing gibberish to back your claims is really childish Ben.

I never said they have not been part of the problem have I?

But the biggest problems stems from the left where they cast anyone with a Flag for example as EDL

Has that point not sunk in yet you regressive?

How about this very thread, where it's obvious to everyone that the EDL and their ilk co-opted the cross as a symbol of bigotry, yet you insist the blame for the cross being seen as a hate symbol belongs to the left? You're pretty damned determined to leave the cross-flying bigots out of the whole equation!

Its very obvious to me cretins like you associate anyone with a flag as EDL
Just because that symbol is taken up by the EDL or Britain First, does not mean the left as they have done associate anyone to then following them, the point you glaringly of course and as usual miss
Its idiots like you that associate patriots with the EDL
The point you continually miss


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Raggamuffin Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:31 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:Well it shows to how much extent the country does not care about such an important day.
The regressive left make anyone who honours the day feel like a racist stupidly for celebrating the day and there lies the problem again, the left.

I think it's more likely that the EDL and other far-right groups' use of St. George's cross as a symbol of hatred have made the English uncomfortable flying it or having celebrations.

Nah. Maybe they just don't need an excuse to get drunk like people do on St Patrick's day. Laughing
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Raggamuffin Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:32 pm

eddie wrote:The EDL does have racist members though Didge?!

Perhaps Ben has a point about the flag and how people associate with it. Whatever it is, as 4ever said, with the Queen's 90th birthday and St George day....there shoud have been street parties!

There'll be plenty of England flags flying this summer - for a few weeks anyway. Laughing
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:33 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:Well it shows to how much extent the country does not care about such an important day.
The regressive left make anyone who honours the day feel like a racist stupidly for celebrating the day and there lies the problem again, the left.

I think it's more likely that the EDL and other far-right groups' use of St. George's cross as a symbol of hatred have made the English uncomfortable flying it or having celebrations.

Nah. Maybe they just don't need an excuse to get drunk like people do on St Patrick's day. Laughing

In my experience as an Irish-American, we never need an excuse to get drunk.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Raggamuffin Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:34 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Nah. Maybe they just don't need an excuse to get drunk like people do on St Patrick's day. Laughing

In my experience as an Irish-American, we never need an excuse to get drunk.

Maybe the English just don't need to be reminded how great they are. Razz
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:35 pm



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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:36 pm

didge wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:

Case in point, left wing idiots have render the day racist, because they do this all the time

Happy St George's Day!!  Shout-racist

So no blame to the EDL, then? Why do you have to defend them so much on this site?

Where have i defended them?

Inventing gibberish to back your claims is really childish Ben.

I never said they have not been part of the problem have I?

But the biggest problems stems from the left where they cast anyone with a Flag for example as EDL

Has that point not sunk in yet you regressive?

Ben_Reilly wrote:For me, what's happened to St. George's Day is like if the KKK tried to take over the Fourth of July.

Does that not bother you, Didge? I am always upset when some racist group tries to use the U.S. flag as its symbol. Wouldn't your energy be better spent reclaiming the cross for non-racists than on blaming the left for correctly observing that racists fly the cross as if the symbol belongs to them?

Last edited by Ben_Reilly on Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:37 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Nah. Maybe they just don't need an excuse to get drunk like people do on St Patrick's day. Laughing

In my experience as an Irish-American, we never need an excuse to get drunk.

Maybe the English just don't need to be reminded how great they are. Razz

No, they take care of that themselves Smile
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:38 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:

Where have i defended them?

Inventing gibberish to back your claims is really childish Ben.

I never said they have not been part of the problem have I?

But the biggest problems stems from the left where they cast anyone with a Flag for example as EDL

Has that point not sunk in yet you regressive?

Ben_Reilly wrote:For me, what's happened to St. George's Day is like if the KKK tried to take over the Fourth of July.

Does that not bother you, Didge? I am always upset when some racist group tries to use the U.S. flag as its symbol. Wouldn't your energy be better spent reclaiming the cross for non-racists than on blaming the left for correctly observing that racists fly the cross as if it's the symbol belongs to them?

Its annoying and disappointing as much as it is when lefties cast anyone carrying a flag as to being the same.
Its bad enough we have far right racists, but for then the left to add to this problem is even worse because they continually scream, racism


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:40 pm


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:42 pm

didge wrote:

Why is the English rugby squad using an American Negro spiritual song?
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:45 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:

Why is the English rugby squad using an American Negro spiritual song?

Its the English rugby anthem


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:46 pm

didge wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:

Why is the English rugby squad using an American Negro spiritual song?

Its the English rugby anthem

It was written in America.
Ben Reilly
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:48 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:

Its the English rugby anthem

It was written in America.

So what.

Are you against adoption now?


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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:08 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
didge wrote:

Case in point, left wing idiots have render the day racist, because they do this all the time

Happy St George's Day!!  Shout-racist

So no blame to the EDL, then? Why do you have to defend them so much on this site?

Where have i defended them?

Inventing gibberish to back your claims is really childish Ben.

I never said they have not been part of the problem have I?

But the biggest problems stems from the left where they cast anyone with a Flag for example as EDL

Has that point not sunk in yet you regressive?

How about this very thread, where it's obvious to everyone that the EDL and their ilk co-opted the cross as a symbol of bigotry, yet you insist the blame for the cross being seen as a hate symbol belongs to the left? You're pretty damned determined to leave the cross-flying bigots out of the whole equation!

It's true. The Britain First group always use the George cross flag
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by Raggamuffin Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:16 pm

Who cares which group uses the flag? I don't think that people are scared to use the flag just because some dodgy groups use it.
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Happy St George's Day!!  Empty Re: Happy St George's Day!!

Post by eddie Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:21 pm

I bet some people are rags. Especially the Daily Express and Mail readers lol!
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