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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Ben Reilly
Original Quill
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:05 pm

Felipe Calderon and Vicente Fox said the outspoken presidential candidate was stirring up hate like the Nazi dictator

Two former Mexican presidents have compared Donald Trump’s to Adolf Hitler as the cross-border war of words over the Republican presidential frontrunner’s immigration rhetoric intensified.

Felipe Calderon, a conservative who was president of Mexico from 2006 to 2012, told reporters at an event in Mexico City on Saturday that Trump’s political rhetoric was “racist” and evocative of the Nazi dictator.

“This logic of praising the white supremacy is not just anti-immigration,” Calderon said. “He is acting and speaking out against immigrants that have a different skin color than he does, it is frankly racist and [he is] exploiting feelings like Hitler did in his time,” Calderon said.

Calderon added that Trump’s discourse was “sowing hate” against the United States around the world and that was “not in Washington’s interest”.

Trump has accused Mexico of sending rapists and drug runners across the US border and has vowed to make Mexico pay for a wall on the border.

Calderon’s predecessor, Vicente Fox, also compared Trump to Hitler in an interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN.
“He’s going to take the US back to the old days of conflict, war and everything. I mean, he reminds me of Hitler. That’s the way he started speaking,” Fox told Cooper in a phone interview.

“He has offended Mexico, Mexicans, and immigrants. He has offended the Pope. He has offended the Chinese. He’s offended everybody.”

It is the second time Fox has hit out at Trump. Last week he said in another TV interview that he would “not pay for that fucking wall” and also called Trump “crazy,” a “false prophet” and an embarrassment to his party.
During a visit to Mexico’s capital, Vice President Joe Biden apologised for the inflammatory rhetoric about Mexico in the campaign.

“Some of the rhetoric coming from some of the presidential candidates on the other team are I think dangerous, damaging and incredibly ill-advised,” Biden said on Thursday. “But here’s what I’m here to tell you: They do not, they do not, they do not represent the view of the vast majority of the American people.”

I completely agree with them.  People laughed at Hitler to begin with.  So many people find the thought of Trump terrifying.


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:14 pm

Think this says it all about Trump:

Jean-Marie Le Pen endorses Trump days after ex-KKK leader urges support

Ex-leader of French far-right party tweets that if he were American he would vote for the Republican frontrunner, as Trump disavows David Duke endorsement

Donald Trump received a vote of confidence on Saturday from Jean-Marie Le Pen, the former leader of France’s Front National who in the past has said the Nazi occupation was not “particularly inhumane” and suggested Ebola could solve Europe’s “immigration problem”.

David Duke and Jean-Marie Le Pen!   How damning is that.


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:30 pm

I can't wrap my mind around the 'high tide' of popularity that this 'Chump-Trump' has garnered --- the social embarrassment that this GOP Circus Train load of POTUS contenders is gut wrenching --- BAD!

And yet the reasons that the number of Republicans just avoided the voting booths {twice} and we obtained a Democratic {bi-racial} president has re-ignited that old racial hate and discord that is so relevant in any place that 'Chump' turns up! The Lesser Thinking Mob Mentality is crawling out of their caves/rolling off of their sofas/staggering out of their hovels that they drink in daily and showing up at any and all of his rallies!
This has to be both scary as hell and highly entertaining as the world hears and sees what this billionaire {that lacks so many social skills} is doing to our election process! confused


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:42 pm

Have to say, I find it more scary than entertaining, especially with the thought of his finger ending up on the nuclear button.  affraid


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:44 pm

Even the staunch {die-hard} republicans in this area are just shocked and ashamed by what he and those other top 4 remaining on the election clown car have done to destroy the entire GOP platform.  

And yet --- for all of the highly negative; party of 'NO' that has been so prevalent and working at doing so much damage {these past 12 years}'s that pot boiling over that has allowed this to happen. IMHO


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Victorismyhero Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:56 pm

as over here...

your R/W's success (in te form of trump) is not down to any inherent "desirability" fo that party

IT IS DOWN TO the inherent detestability of the left

the left have brought this upon themselves (and us) by their past failure and selective concern

I dont know too much of how it is over in the states, but we i britain Have had enough of the left

Blair and his croneys saw to that

and what we have available as the "leftist alternative" now is too bad to even contemplate

I mean

get deeper into bed with europe...we might as well have not bothered getting into WWII

then THIS idiocy

quote the anorak thats leads em now "you dont make peace by preparing for war"

what utter tripe

that is EXACTLY what you do

no need to be "beligerent" BUT you most certainly make sure you can hand it back in shovel loads if necessary

a true lefty surrender monkey

and you know the real joke dont you....if push came to shove and someone DID attack us...that fatuous coward and HIS mates would be on the first plane out of it.....leaving everyone else behind with no means to fight back...

so...what do we have

a choice between twisted greed
pathetic nothingness....

I have yet to hear ONE word of what they intend to actually DO

no hard policy

they would allow (according to one of their idiots) MILLIONS of refugees a year in

BUT NOTHING to say how we would deal with them, house them etc

just some vague "oh we will build a few extra houses...

no where (so I can avoid it)
no "how it will be paid for"
and to boot no what we are going to do about our own homeless...FIRST

just wishy washy pie in te sky jam tomorrow nonsense

the tories SHOULDNT be allowed to govern
labour are too incompetant to be allowed to govern

they also happen to be the most dictatorial anti democratic and bigoted bunch there is

just look how that unfortunate pensioner, who questioned Brown over immigration was treated...

he didnt have any good answer so HE the senior position he held....called her a "bigot"

in otgher words

fingers in ears "la lala" I'm not are "sixhirb"

the lefty answer to all and any dissent

so we have a choice between
a crap and a turd for govt

in effect we vote for the least worst scenario

not exactly the greatest way to be going on is it....


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:02 pm

So the appeal is similar to Hitler then as he had hundreds of thousands of foreign soldiers fight for the Nazis due to their hate of communism?
I mean the last knights of the Iron Cross was won by a Frenchman in the Battle of Berlin, who belonged to the Waffle SS Charlemagne dvision


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Victorismyhero Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:23 pm

Didge wrote:So the appeal is similar to Hitler then as he had hundreds of thousands of foreign soldiers fight for the Nazis due to their hate of communism?
I mean the last knights of the Iron Cross was won by a Frenchman in the Battle of Berlin, who belonged to the Waffle SS Charlemagne dvision


I LIKE that typo..

dunno how to view this the context of what I posted....????

I merely make the point that the left are responisible for the apparant popularity of the right, due to their continous and repeated failure to address what matters to the people, as opposed to what matters to them (i.e their political dogma).

this is the sort of insanity that ensues when govt forgets what its there for....

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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:30 pm

lol waffle, even I missed that

Just saying that the appeal is not so much for Hitler, but his ideals of defeating communism

Here the fear is no doubt Islam, or immigrants etc

There was a genuine fear of communism in the 1930's and 1940's

Can the same be said for Islam or immigrants?

 I can see why some would succumb to that fear, but is that fear genuine?

People will as seen turn to extremes due to fears

Is your point valid on the left failing and regression?

Yes its relevant


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:03 pm

Lord Foul wrote:as over here...

your R/W's success (in te form of trump) is not down to any inherent "desirability" fo that party

IT IS DOWN TO the inherent detestability of the left
the left have brought this upon themselves (and us) by their past failure and selective concern Hmmm, I don't have that same opinion from what I hear/read/see about how the pendulum has swung so far to the extreme right {religious nut jobs} and their methods for undoing all equality issues that were in dire need of change. The lack of republican party getting off their sorry arses and to the voting booths happened in 2008 and then again in 2012 --- except for their state representatives the majority of GOP turning out for the POTUS election has been very low --- and that can be attributed to many factors as well. But the final candidates weren't sufficient enough to carry the majority of America's voters and my Independent party just keeps getting larger do to this 2 sided rotten rhetoric that so many of us are SICK & TIRED OF.

I dont know too much of how it is over in the states, but we i britain Have had enough of the left interesting, I've tried to watch some of the discussions/debates in your own parliamentary process --- very interesting to watch; especially the day that they were going after the ILK of Chum-Trump and whether or not banning him from even setting foot on England's shores. That issue about his current golf course project in Scotland was a big motivator for so many seated in chambers --- but they just allowed the subject matter to languish for want of a vote yay/nay...but the discussion did eat up almost a full 1hour.

Blair and his croneys saw to that
and what we have available as the "leftist alternative" now is too bad to even contemplate I'm feeling rather bad for that unfortunate fool {Tony Blair}...allowing GWB and his War Criminals to twist his pinky finger into backing that aggressive action into Iraq {against the UN's directive} and having such a long history of being our ALLIES --- Tony Blair was just a PAWN in that huge war game debacle and his history will be written up as such. I do feel sorry for him {in a way}...but then again - what nations leaders should allow such War Agenda Driven Cretins like GWB/Condoleezza Rice/Colin Powell/Rumsfeld/VP Cheney to coheres and lie about something like WMD's to obtain support for our illegal aggressive actions???

I mean
get deeper into bed with europe...we might as well have not bothered getting into WWII now that's been an interesting read from our history; seems we weren't ever going to come to England's aid had it not been for some gun running being planted aboard the cruise ship Lusitania after this government act {prompted and coheasred by our own ammunition factory owners} Big Money & Financial Backers working to shove Franklin Roosevelt off of his 'Our American Men Will Not Be Going Off To War' stump!
In 1939, the Fourth Neutrality Act authorised the US to trade arms with belligerents provided that the countries paid in cash and collected them. In March 1941, Roosevelt moved further towards making the US the ‘arsenal of democracy’ with the Lend-Lease Act, which permitted the lending, leasing, selling, or bartering of arms, ammunition and food to “any country whose defence the President deems vital to the defence of the US.”

Some think & say & have written about how the number of collateral damage {dead bodies} had to be sufficiently high enough to generate the horror and allow POTUS Roosevelt to finally declare WAR on Germany/Hitler --- it sure wasn't going to be about the number of Jews getting gassed!

then THIS idiocy
quote the anorak thats leads em now "you dont make peace by preparing for war"
what utter tripe that is EXACTLY what you do

no need to be "beligerent" BUT you most certainly make sure you can hand it back in shovel loads if necessary

a true lefty surrender monkey

and you know the real joke dont you....if push came to shove and someone DID attack us...that fatuous coward and HIS mates would be on the first plane out of it.....leaving everyone else behind with no means to fight back...

so...what do we have
a choice between twisted greed
and pathetic nothingness....

I have yet to hear ONE word of what they intend to actually DO
no hard policy they would allow (according to one of their idiots) MILLIONS of refugees a year in

BUT NOTHING to say how we would deal with them, house them etc
just some vague "oh we will build a few extra houses...

no where (so I can avoid it)
no "how it will be paid for"
and to boot no what we are going to do about our own homeless...FIRST

just wishy washy pie in te sky jam tomorrow nonsense

the tories SHOULDNT be allowed to govern
labour are too incompetant to be allowed to govern

they also happen to be the most dictatorial anti democratic and bigoted bunch there is

just look how that unfortunate pensioner, who questioned Brown over immigration was treated...

he didnt have any good answer so HE the senior position he held....called her a "bigot" in other words

fingers in ears "la lala" I'm not are "sixhirb"

the lefty answer to all and any dissent
so we have a choice between
a crap and a turd for govt

in effect we vote for the least worst scenario 2 true that statement --- exactly how so many are feeling about the GOP --- ABSOLUTELY no way they'll vote for anyone on that side of the ticket that leaves either HRC or Ole' Bernie Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  2190311264
not exactly the greatest way to be going on is it....

I've been keeping abreast of this 'sand box/cat litter box' scenario in the middle east since GHWB #41 sent & invaded a nation that we'd used as a pawn against the Ayatollah Khomeini of IRAN...when it served our purpose! And General Norman Schwarzkopf was over ridden and told to leave all of those stock piles/equipment that wasn't ready to load and return and just PULL OUT OF IRAQ...he tried to convince GHWB #41 that we needed to complete this invasion - stay and secure this region and build up a location to watch the region {build a base like we have in Cuba/Japan/Germany}...but nothing doing. The POTUS told him and his military advisors to 'COME HOME' and that regions been nothing but one HELL HOLE since then! soapbox


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Original Quill Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:40 pm

aspca4ever wrote:I can't wrap my mind around the 'high tide' of popularity that this 'Chump-Trump' has garnered --- the social embarrassment that this GOP Circus Train load of POTUS contenders is gut wrenching --- BAD!

And yet the reasons that the number of Republicans just avoided the voting booths {twice} and we obtained a Democratic {bi-racial} president has re-ignited that old racial hate and discord that is so relevant in any place that 'Chump' turns up!  The Lesser Thinking Mob Mentality is crawling out of their caves/rolling off of their sofas/staggering out of their hovels that they drink in daily and showing up at any and all of his rallies!
This has to be both scary as hell and highly entertaining as the world hears and sees what this billionaire {that lacks so many social skills} is doing to our election process!  confused

Nice writing...very colorful. I admire it, as it get the point across...poignantly .

Oh, um...and I agree.

Original Quill
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Original Quill Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:45 pm

aspca4ever wrote:Even the staunch {die-hard} republicans in this area are just shocked and ashamed by what he and those other top 4 remaining on the election clown car have done to destroy the entire GOP platform.  

And yet --- for all of the highly negative; party of 'NO' that has been so prevalent and working at doing so much damage {these past 12 years}'s that pot boiling over that has allowed this to happen. IMHO

The Trump phenomenon is not as anti-establishment about politics, as it is anti-RW about a that has been in the hands of Republicans for 6-years. It has nothing to do with the Left.

Trump is getting all the votes, but the competition presently is only on the Republican side.  It's myopic to say he is sweeping the country.  As soon as he gets into the deeper waters of a general election, and the strong swimmers of the Left, his race will become much more labored.

Last edited by Original Quill on Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

Original Quill
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:46 pm

Original Quill wrote:
aspca4ever wrote:I can't wrap my mind around the 'high tide' of popularity that this 'Chump-Trump' has garnered --- the social embarrassment that this GOP Circus Train load of POTUS contenders is gut wrenching --- BAD!

And yet the reasons that the number of Republicans just avoided the voting booths {twice} and we obtained a Democratic {bi-racial} president has re-ignited that old racial hate and discord that is so relevant in any place that 'Chump' turns up!  The Lesser Thinking Mob Mentality is crawling out of their caves/rolling off of their sofas/staggering out of their hovels that they drink in daily and showing up at any and all of his rallies!
This has to be both scary as hell and highly entertaining as the world hears and sees what this billionaire {that lacks so many social skills} is doing to our election process!  confused
Nice writing...very colorful.  I admire it, as it get the point across...poignantly .

Oh, um...and I agree.

Why - TY; Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  1716015268 and it's not something that I have to go hunt down {via google/bing/STFW} in order to cut & paste my thoughts about any given topic!

It comes right off of my own fingers and out of my own mind...with all of the foibles and often piss-poor punctuation and proper English usage Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  2086560741


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:54 pm

Original Quill wrote:
aspca4ever wrote:Even the staunch {die-hard} republicans in this area are just shocked and ashamed by what he and those other top 4 remaining on the election clown car have done to destroy the entire GOP platform.  

And yet --- for all of the highly negative; party of 'NO' that has been so prevalent and working at doing so much damage {these past 12 years}'s that pot boiling over that has allowed this to happen. IMHO

I still maintain that people are not as anti-establishment about politics, as they are anti-RW about a that has been in the hands of Republicans for 6-years.

Trump is getting all the votes, but the competition presently is only on the Republican side.  It's myopic to say he is sweeping the country.  As soon as he gets into the deeper waters of a general election, his swimming will be much more labored.

I've been an avid debate viewer {until this most recent circus event} since this entire debacle started.
And as you clearly stated - 'he's riding the high wave of popularity' and his rhetoric is just being supported by those lesser thinking humans devoid of any factual stats about 'the HOW TO'!   And the 16+ others on the podium were fearful from engaging his vapid mental prowess and appeared weak-kneed in the process.

Now the numbers have trickled down to a FEW and his constant bravado and basic BS blowing rhetoric is sounding as hollow as it ever did but the volume of the others on the podium have grown in cries of distain and umbrage about his talking points!  

I'll admit that this entire 'Chump-Trump-Trip' has been a far longer process then I gave him any credit for back in March when he first announced.  
Watching his sorry arsed performance and his pouting/foot stamping method the last time he ran for POTUS --- I didn't give him a 'plug nickels' chance for still being on the list at this stage of the game Suspect


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:41 pm

Stormee wrote:Donald Trump the USA saviour does not look anything like Hitler.

Not exactly the matter of 'APPEARANCE', dear Stormee; it's a matter of this vile/racial/ranting rhetoric and how similar the volume & sound echo's those from Herr Hitler's own speeches! Suspect

But you knew that, RIGHT? Laughing


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Original Quill Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:52 pm

Stormee wrote:Donald Trump the USA saviour does not look anything like Hitler.

Give him time, Stormee. Give him time. Cool

Original Quill
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:57 pm

aspca4ever wrote:now that's been an interesting read from our history; seems we weren't ever going to come to England's aid had it not been for some gun running being planted aboard the cruise ship Lusitania after this government act {prompted and coheasred by our own ammunition factory owners} Big Money & Financial Backers working to shove Franklin Roosevelt off of his 'Our American Men Will Not Be Going Off To War' stump!

Had to laugh at this gibberish

The  Lusitania?

You mean the ship that was sunk in 1915?

Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  3489511464

What an idiot.

Also Roosevelt was helping the Uk from the very beginning of WW2, showing you know absolutely zero on history
I suppose the sale of 50 destroyers and conveys were not helping then before the US entered the war?

I love it when an idiot  further makes himself look a complete dick


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Ben Reilly Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:08 pm

Original Quill wrote:
aspca4ever wrote:Even the staunch {die-hard} republicans in this area are just shocked and ashamed by what he and those other top 4 remaining on the election clown car have done to destroy the entire GOP platform.  

And yet --- for all of the highly negative; party of 'NO' that has been so prevalent and working at doing so much damage {these past 12 years}'s that pot boiling over that has allowed this to happen. IMHO

The Trump phenomenon is not as anti-establishment about politics, as it is anti-RW about a that has been in the hands of Republicans for 6-years.  It has nothing to do with the Left.

Trump is getting all the votes, but the competition presently is only on the Republican side.  It's myopic to say he is sweeping the country.  As soon as he gets into the deeper waters of a general election, and the strong swimmers of the Left, his race will become much more labored.

He's going to get crushed. I think one thing that bears remembering is that Trump won't even go on the road, he has to fly back to Trump Tower every night to sleep in his own bed. You can't win a presidential election that way.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:24 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Original Quill wrote:

The Trump phenomenon is not as anti-establishment about politics, as it is anti-RW about a that has been in the hands of Republicans for 6-years.  It has nothing to do with the Left.

Trump is getting all the votes, but the competition presently is only on the Republican side.  It's myopic to say he is sweeping the country.  As soon as he gets into the deeper waters of a general election, and the strong swimmers of the Left, his race will become much more labored.

He's going to get crushed. I think one thing that bears remembering is that Trump won't even go on the road, he has to fly back to Trump Tower every night to sleep in his own bed. You can't win a presidential election that way.

I've heard that he's got an ever growing phobia of germs/unsanitary people and BED BUGS---this will be a problem for any state visits to a 3rd world country!!! They'll need to sedate his sorry arse to get him off the plane! affraid cheers


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by veya_victaous Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:03 pm

Stormee wrote:Donald Trump the USA saviour does not look anything like Hitler.

I thought you like Trump.. confused confused

they don't mean Physically Just the near identical policies like the ones you suggest for the Uk Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:29 pm

veya_victaous wrote:
Stormee wrote:Donald Trump the USA saviour does not look anything like Hitler.

I thought you like Trump.. confused confused

they don't mean Physically Just the near identical policies like the ones you suggest for the Uk Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Don't you support Donald Trump? After all, his mother was Scottish, so he must be a victim according to you, and entitled to all kinds of "compensation" and "reparations".


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by veya_victaous Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:36 pm

No Raggs Like You he is racist scum
like you his wealth is unearned inherited by a lazy ass good for nothing unproductive fool.

I can see it is impossible for ones so self-centred and selfish as you two to even actually possess even the slightest empathy for anyone else.  the Presumption that You're good even while you are cruel to others, yet when asked to pay what is fair for the unearned luxuries you have consumed you cry unfair 'why should raggs pay for the things she has used?' it is unfair to expect a British person to Actually pay for the excessive amount of resources needed for the wasteful lifestyle.
Just like Trump and blaming the Mexicans that Actually DO THE WORK!!!
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:44 pm

veya_victaous wrote:No Raggs Like You he is racist scum
like you his wealth is unearned inherited by a lazy ass good for nothing unproductive fool.

I can see it is impossible for ones so self-centred and selfish as you two to even actually possess even the slightest empathy for anyone else.  the Presumption that You're good even while you are cruel to others, yet when asked to pay what is fair for the unearned luxuries you have consumed you cry unfair 'why should raggs pay for the things she has used?' it is unfair to expect a British person to Actually pay for the excessive amount of resources needed for the wasteful lifestyle.
Just like Trump and blaming the Mexicans that Actually DO THE WORK!!!

So suddenly the Scots and their descendants aren't victims at all. lol!

You know very well that you're at the bottom of the ditch when it comes to the moral high ground. You could pay a lot more towards the people you mistreated if you didn't contribute so much to terrorist organisations.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Victorismyhero Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:57 pm

veya_victaous wrote:No Raggs Like You he is racist scum
like you his wealth is unearned inherited by a lazy ass good for nothing unproductive fool.

I can see it is impossible for ones so self-centred and selfish as you two to even actually possess even the slightest empathy for anyone else.  the Presumption that You're good even while you are cruel to others, yet when asked to pay what is fair for the unearned luxuries you have consumed you cry unfair 'why should raggs pay for the things she has used?' it is unfair to expect a British person to Actually pay for the excessive amount of resources needed for the wasteful lifestyle.
Just like Trump and blaming the Mexicans that Actually DO THE WORK!!!

@ ragga

sung as appropriate to the tune of Dein is mein ganzes herz

"und von seine arsch das sonnen schein" Laughing

with deepest apologies to Franz Lehar


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by veya_victaous Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:09 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:No Raggs Like You he is racist scum
like you his wealth is unearned inherited by a lazy ass good for nothing unproductive fool.

I can see it is impossible for ones so self-centred and selfish as you two to even actually possess even the slightest empathy for anyone else.  the Presumption that You're good even while you are cruel to others, yet when asked to pay what is fair for the unearned luxuries you have consumed you cry unfair 'why should raggs pay for the things she has used?' it is unfair to expect a British person to Actually pay for the excessive amount of resources needed for the wasteful lifestyle.
Just like Trump and blaming the Mexicans that Actually DO THE WORK!!!

So suddenly the Scots and their descendants aren't victims at all. lol!

You know very well that you're at the bottom of the ditch when it comes to the moral high ground. You could pay a lot more towards the people you mistreated if you didn't contribute so much to terrorist organisations.

Yes raggs A Billionaire American is of scottish decent so England has nothing to answer for Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect no Scots suffered Hugely at the hands of the English 
You are just stupid Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:11 am

veya_victaous wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

So suddenly the Scots and their descendants aren't victims at all. lol!

You know very well that you're at the bottom of the ditch when it comes to the moral high ground. You could pay a lot more towards the people you mistreated if you didn't contribute so much to terrorist organisations.

Yes raggs A Billionaire American is of scottish decent so England has nothing to answer for Suspect Suspect Suspect Suspect no Scots suffered Hugely at the hands of the English 
You are just stupid Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Ah, so it's only some Scots then. Care to name them? Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  3489511464
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by veya_victaous Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:30 am

obviously not every single last Scotsman suffered, are you really so dumb?
like what is your point? besides highlighting the cartoonish levels of your racism.
I can see why Blackface is still so popular amongst your peers. you really can't get your head around the fact the other groups are not caricatures they are people, not those 'funny animals' English Racists have traditionally made foreigners out to be.
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:32 am

veya_victaous wrote:obviously not every single last Scotsman suffered, are you really so dumb?
like what is your point? besides highlighting the cartoonish levels of your racism.
I can see why Blackface is still so popular amongst your peers. you really can't get your head around the fact the other groups are not caricatures they are people, not those 'funny animals' English Racists have traditionally made foreigners out to be.

So which ones suffered? Name them Veya - on the back of a postage stamp. lol!

None of my peers would put black stuff on our faces - we have lovely English rose complexions. Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  2984306523
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Eilzel Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:41 am

IF Trump became POTUS, he would have to deal with leaders and forner leaders like this all the time. Looking at how he 'deals with' Rubio and Cruz I seriously worry about America's international diplomacy if that became reality.

Of course the fact he is trounced in the debates by those two nuts means he will probably be demolished by Clinton and POTUS will be another Trump failure.
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Original Quill Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:49 am

Eilzel wrote:IF Trump became POTUS, he would have to deal with leaders and forner leaders like this all the time. Looking at how he 'deals with' Rubio and Cruz I seriously worry about America's international diplomacy if that became reality.

Of course the fact he is trounced in the debates by those two nuts means he will probably be demolished by Clinton and POTUS will be another Trump failure.

Look at Rubio and Cruz.  Are they acting any better?  Republicans are really no longer a viable force.

Again, Democrats will save the day.

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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by veya_victaous Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:01 am

Raggs did you label this???

Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  EXM4i84
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:05 am

I think that's your handwriting Veya ...
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Eilzel Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:21 am

That's what I mean Quill. They are pathetic too, but marginally less idiotic than Trump- if he can't handle them what will he do against a Clinton or a Putin lol
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Original Quill Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:01 am

Eilzel wrote:That's what I mean Quill. They are pathetic too, but marginally less idiotic than Trump- if he can't handle them what will he do against a Clinton or a Putin lol

Trump is ill-equipped to handle any world leaders.  Look at him...he speaks in clichés, and not even particularly adroit ones.  But what we are looking at when we review the whole array of Republican candidates are the left over dregs of a decaying party.

The Republican candidates are symptomatic of what is left of the Republican voters.  The polls, the caucuses and the primary elections--which place Trump, Rubio and Cruz at the top--are a reflection of the collective choices of cognitively lower-level individuals.  So the Party, the candidates and the electorate of the party remains are all of the same variety.  The reason why the Republican Party reaps only 28% is because they are at the bottom of the barrel.  That's what is happening.

The only way to cleanse the system is with Democratic and progressive voters.  When the media starts emphasizing them in the mix, you will see a far different picture.  And...they are the reason we will never have another Republican clown in the presidential office.

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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by 'Wolfie Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:26 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:
No Raggs Like You he is racist scum
like you his wealth is unearned inherited by a lazy ass good for nothing unproductive fool.

I can see it is impossible for ones so self-centred and selfish as you two to even actually possess even the slightest empathy for anyone else.  the Presumption that You're good even while you are cruel to others,..
So suddenly the Scots and their descendants aren't victims at all. lol!

You know very well that you're at the bottom of the ditch when it comes to the moral high ground. You could pay a lot more towards the people you mistreated if you didn't contribute so much to terrorist organisations.
Huh ???

Who has veya been mistreating ?
Since when has he been supporting terrorists ?

Methinks Rags has lost the plot here !
Or maybe she's been overindulging in the hydro' whacky weed..
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by 'Wolfie Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:49 am

Didge wrote:
aspca4ever wrote:now that's been an interesting read from our history...
Had to laugh..

I love it when an idiot  further makes himself look a complete dick
"himself"   ???

Is the Dodger still flogging that dead horse over his strange suspicions that someone  on here is running aspca as a fake ID ?

Never mind that Victor, Sassy and Quill have all stated that it isn't me behind the aspca4ever account..
Nor that Ben easily could check on where the posts were originating, if he had any suspicions...
Or that most other regular posters on here seem to have accepted that aspca' is most likely female..

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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:14 am

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
Didge wrote:
Had to laugh..

I love it when an idiot  further makes himself look a complete dick
"himself"   ???

Is the Dodger still flogging that dead horse over his strange suspicions that someone  on here is running aspca as a fake ID ?

Never mind that Victor, Sassy and Quill have all stated that it isn't me behind the aspca4ever account..
Nor that Ben easily could check on where the posts were originating, if he had any suspicions...
Or that most other regular posters on here seem to have accepted that aspca' is most likely female..

Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  2023022481

No that for a fact you are using multi ID's Bee


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by eddie Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:10 am

Veya you throw the word "racist" around like it means nothing. I'm not even sure you know what it means.
But from the amount of abuse you throw at the British (which includes the Irish and Scottish btw) you are as racist as those you call "racist".

Can't you see that??
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:12 am

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:
So suddenly the Scots and their descendants aren't victims at all. lol!

You know very well that you're at the bottom of the ditch when it comes to the moral high ground. You could pay a lot more towards the people you mistreated if you didn't contribute so much to terrorist organisations.
Huh ???

Who has veya been mistreating ?
Since when has he been supporting terrorists ?

Methinks Rags has lost the plot here !
Or maybe she's been overindulging in the hydro' whacky weed..

You need to get with the programme and stay up to speed wolfman. I know that's difficult for an Aussie, but just try .... Laughing
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:37 am

eddie wrote:Veya you throw the word "racist" around like it means nothing. I'm not even sure you know what it means.
But from the amount of abuse you throw at the British (which includes the Irish and Scottish btw) you are as racist as those you call "racist".

Can't you see that??

Veya uses the terms "British" and "English" interchangeably. When it suits him, the Scots and the Welsh are not British. He means the English, and he thinks they're a race. He is very racist against the English and would like to see them killed for being English, so all his ranting about Nazis doesn't really cut any ice. Surprised
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by nicko Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:32 am

Veya is just jealous he's not English, he's just a poor Aussie who is pissed off he wasn't born In England and has to Slum" it in a third world country. We could have a whip round and pay for him to come here to see how "proper" people live.
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:35 am

nicko wrote:Veya is just jealous he's not English,  he's just a poor Aussie who is pissed off he wasn't born In England and has to Slum" it in a third world country.   We could have a whip round and pay for him to come here to see how "proper" people live.

He's a security risk here nicko, and he shouldn't be allowed in. You could send him some pics of England though - just to make him feel better. Laughing
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:46 am

WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
Didge wrote:
Had to laugh..

I love it when an idiot  further makes himself look a complete dick
"himself"   ???

Is the Dodger still flogging that dead horse over his strange suspicions that someone  on here is running aspca as a fake ID ?

Never mind that Victor, Sassy and Quill have all stated that it isn't me behind the aspca4ever account..
Nor that Ben easily could check on where the posts were originating, if he had any suspicions...
Or that most other regular posters on here seem to have accepted that aspca' is most likely female..

Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  2023022481

Don't worry about 'wee-child & his filthy nickers'...his paranoia was running at hyper speed long before I registered as a 'NEWBIE' member; and when his BULLY attitude was met with a rolling avalanche of thoughtful/insightful/proven posts an much needed rejoinders --- well he basically went 'full blown APE SHIT CRAZY

But in all honesty he was being hand fed by his cronies of 'cackle crowd' supporters that not only encouraged his despicable behavior but participated in it as well: Raggs/Eddie were just the top 2 --- and the 'WELCOME' to the community soon became a 'blood lust to the hyena pack' and oh, boy --- topics were loads of fun.
But never fear - ignorance and continued trolling my every post just proved how 'Didge - the idiot and his pack attack' just kept proving how they were Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  2581891615 many time over! Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  3489511464


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:50 am

So many "new" trolls here. Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  3489511464
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Eilzel Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:50 pm

Quill, hope you're right, and it wouldn't surprise me. Pf course the impression from some news outlets the impression is Trump is a very danger of becoming presidency.
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Guest Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:52 pm

aspca4ever wrote:
WhoseYourWolfie wrote:
"himself"   ???

Is the Dodger still flogging that dead horse over his strange suspicions that someone  on here is running aspca as a fake ID ?

Never mind that Victor, Sassy and Quill have all stated that it isn't me behind the aspca4ever account..
Nor that Ben easily could check on where the posts were originating, if he had any suspicions...
Or that most other regular posters on here seem to have accepted that aspca' is most likely female..

Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  2023022481

Don't worry about 'wee-child & his filthy nickers'...his paranoia was running at hyper speed long before I registered as a 'NEWBIE' member; and when his BULLY attitude was met with a rolling avalanche of thoughtful/insightful/proven posts an much needed rejoinders --- well he basically went 'full blown APE SHIT CRAZY

But in all honesty he was being hand fed by his cronies of 'cackle crowd' supporters that not only encouraged his despicable behavior but participated in it as well: Raggs/Eddie were just the top 2 --- and the 'WELCOME' to the community soon became a 'blood lust to the hyena pack' and oh, boy --- topics were loads of fun.
But never fear - ignorance and continued trolling my every post just proved how 'Didge - the idiot and his pack attack' just kept proving how they were Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  2581891615  many time over!  Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  3489511464

Yes you have been owned and exposed as Bee

talking to yourself just shows you have issues

Get a grip you pathetic muppet lol


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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:53 pm

Eilzel wrote:Quill, hope you're right, and it wouldn't surprise me. Pf course the impression from some news outlets the impression is Trump is a very danger of becoming presidency.

Yes - not long back I just didn't take that idea very seriously, but perhaps it is a real possibility. Laughing
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Eilzel Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:58 pm

I must apologise for that flurry of errors there raggs lol

And I think many felt the same way, including many Republicans including Rubio amd Cruz who are now flapping as they realise their 'time' may not have come afterall.

Now I may hate Trump, but I can't help but laugh at their misfortune Smile
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Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler  Empty Re: Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:00 pm

Eilzel wrote:I must apologise for that flurry of errors there raggs lol

And I think many felt the same way, including many Republicans including Rubio amd Cruz who are now flapping as they realise their 'time' may not have come afterall.

Now I may hate Trump, but I can't help but laugh at their misfortune Smile

No problem - I knew what you meant. Laughing

Yes - I'm going to try to follow the election now that Trump does seem to be a serious contender. It's very difficult to take it seriously because to me he's a "celebrity", not a politician, but they seem to like that sort of thing in the US.
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