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Violence against Muslims Rises

Ben Reilly
Fuzzy Zack
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:19 pm

Important to note, too, that it's not just hate crimes against Muslims -- it's also terrorism against Muslims by the likes of ISIS, Boko Haram and AQ.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:20 pm

And people who talk in real life as they do on here, are part of the reason the hate crimes against Muslims has increased so dramatically in this country.


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:29 pm

sassy wrote:And people who talk in real life as they do on here, are part of the reason the hate crimes against Muslims has increased so dramatically in this country.

Utter gibberish.
What people have called for any discrmination or violence to Muslims on here?
You see it is actually the likes of you sassy with your apologist nonsense that get people angry
Any violence or discrmination to Muslims is wrong, full stop and to equate that with people stating they want to see more done from Muslims top combat the narative that allows for Muslims to fall easily prey to such extremism, is not hate and shows how far removed from reality you are.
The hate here directed here is from the same people who are normally racist idiots, who use the act of terrorism to be complete idiots themselves.


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:31 pm

Oh go and join the EDL and get it out of your system.


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:33 pm

sassy wrote:Oh go and join the EDL and get it out of your system.

And that just about sums up your lack of intelligence.
You are part of the problem, the regressive lefties that piss everyone off


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:36 pm

Fuzzy Zack wrote:

That pair should concentrate on the problems in the US really. There are issues there re anti-Muslim hate crimes.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:45 pm

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Didge wrote:

Utter gibberish.
What people have called for any discrmination or violence to Muslims on here?
You see it is actually the likes of you sassy with your apologist nonsense that get people angry
Any violence or discrmination to Muslims is wrong, full stop and to equate that with people stating they want to see more done from Muslims top combat the narative that allows for Muslims to fall easily prey to such extremism, is not hate and shows how far removed from reality you are.
The hate here directed here is from the same people who are normally racist idiots, who use the act of terrorism to be complete idiots themselves.

What you don't get is that most people (like Victor has admitted in the other thread) cannot distinguish between a good Muslim and a bad one. So he distrusts all.

As this demonstrates, that attitude can spiral out of control:

Again yet more gibberish

He is not saying that he wants all Muslims out or saying to direct violence against them
He has genuine concerns which you fail badly at making him feel any level of confidence from yourself a supposed non-extremist Muslim.
The fact you cannot even begin to see how it concerns people shows again how far removed you are from reality.


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:45 pm

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Didge wrote:

Utter gibberish.
What people have called for any discrmination or violence to Muslims on here?
You see it is actually the likes of you sassy with your apologist nonsense that get people angry
Any violence or discrmination to Muslims is wrong, full stop and to equate that with people stating they want to see more done from Muslims top combat the narative that allows for Muslims to fall easily prey to such extremism, is not hate and shows how far removed from reality you are.
The hate here directed here is from the same people who are normally racist idiots, who use the act of terrorism to be complete idiots themselves.

What you don't get is that most people (like Victor has admitted in the other thread) cannot distinguish between a good Muslim and a bad one. So he distrusts all.

and you expect any different? why

as I keep saying...there is NO immediately obvious difference between Muslim 1.0 and Muslim 2.4 jelly bean

even one who visually appears to be Muslim 2.4 jelly bean may actually Muslim 1.0 in disguise

so WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST...perhaps you think I'm stupid enough to "trust blindly"...erm no....thats why I am at the top of the food chain old bean.... I dont give trust easily

As this demonstrates, that attitude can spiral out of control:

so now you are suggesting that if someone doesnt give unconditional, blind trust he/she is a ...what?


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:46 pm

Do you give unconditional blind trust to a member of any other demographic group?
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:10 pm

nope, but some I'm more inclined to believe than others, moreover most other demographic groups do not contain an element which especially intends me harm (other than the usual theives and psychos...both of which I can handle...theives in general I can secure against, and one for one man to man attackers...well i aint totally decrepit yet, and I DO carry an assortment of nasty little surprises...oh nothing STRICTY illegal, but nasty non the less....) along with my (rightly ) famed "big staff"

these buggers however are too cowardly to go "man to man" and are a different matter altogether...

AND they hide within this demographic fuzzy says we cant tell one from the other

and as I have pointed out times many...they can lie without compunction ...and disimulate happily forever....

moreover i have trusted them 4 times (financially) and been ripped off every time....

NO other group has done this Violence against Muslims Rises  2190311264

I can ONLY assume that this is because there is an element (who's members I cannot discern from the bulk) who consider that its ok to "cheat the kuffir" hence my only protection is to not deal in that market any more....


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:06 pm

Lord Foul wrote:nope, but some I'm more inclined to believe than others, moreover most other demographic groups do not contain an element which especially intends me harm (other than the usual theives and psychos...both of which I can handle...theives in general I can secure against, and one for one man to man attackers...well i aint totally decrepit yet, and I DO carry an assortment of nasty little surprises...oh nothing STRICTY illegal, but nasty non the less....) along with my (rightly ) famed "big staff"

these buggers however are too cowardly to go "man to man" and are a different matter altogether...

AND they hide within this demographic fuzzy says we cant tell one from the other

and as I have pointed out times many...they can lie without compunction ...and disimulate happily forever....

moreover i have trusted them 4 times (financially) and been ripped off every time....

NO other group has done this   Violence against Muslims Rises  2190311264

I can ONLY assume that this is because there is an element (who's members I cannot discern from the bulk) who consider that its ok to "cheat the kuffir" hence my only protection is to not deal in that market any more....

EVERY other group has done this. There's not one thing you've pointed out here that would be unique to Muslim criminals in any way.

Shit, criminals hide within innocent demographic groups by default, unless they're turning themselves over to authorities.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:21 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Lord Foul wrote:nope, but some I'm more inclined to believe than others, moreover most other demographic groups do not contain an element which especially intends me harm (other than the usual theives and psychos...both of which I can handle...theives in general I can secure against, and one for one man to man attackers...well i aint totally decrepit yet, and I DO carry an assortment of nasty little surprises...oh nothing STRICTY illegal, but nasty non the less....) along with my (rightly ) famed "big staff"

these buggers however are too cowardly to go "man to man" and are a different matter altogether...

AND they hide within this demographic fuzzy says we cant tell one from the other

and as I have pointed out times many...they can lie without compunction ...and disimulate happily forever....

moreover i have trusted them 4 times (financially) and been ripped off every time....

NO other group has done this   Violence against Muslims Rises  2190311264

I can ONLY assume that this is because there is an element (who's members I cannot discern from the bulk) who consider that its ok to "cheat the kuffir" hence my only protection is to not deal in that market any more....

EVERY other group has done this. There's not one thing you've pointed out here that would be unique to Muslim criminals in any way.

Shit, criminals hide within innocent demographic groups by default, unless they're turning themselves over to authorities.

true...and in your country a significant proportion of your crazies are your own Rolling Eyes

Our society is generally different, admittedly the IRA were as bad in many ways (which as didge will pointb out resulted in the irish in general being treated badly)

it is ever thus....

but it IS a good axiom that if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, then one has cause to suspect it may indeed be a duck...
moreover terrorists are not "mere " criminals and the "lefty" agenda to play them down to get them seen as such is disingenious and in itself criminal

either way I really dont give a shit.....

I dont trust em, wont trust em and its up to them to change my perception ...

As I have said before...I wouldnt harm any of them (as long as they dont try to harm me) but neither will I aid them


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:32 pm

Lord Foul wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
Lord Foul wrote:nope, but some I'm more inclined to believe than others, moreover most other demographic groups do not contain an element which especially intends me harm (other than the usual theives and psychos...both of which I can handle...theives in general I can secure against, and one for one man to man attackers...well i aint totally decrepit yet, and I DO carry an assortment of nasty little surprises...oh nothing STRICTY illegal, but nasty non the less....) along with my (rightly ) famed "big staff"

these buggers however are too cowardly to go "man to man" and are a different matter altogether...

AND they hide within this demographic fuzzy says we cant tell one from the other

and as I have pointed out times many...they can lie without compunction ...and disimulate happily forever....

moreover i have trusted them 4 times (financially) and been ripped off every time....

NO other group has done this   Violence against Muslims Rises  2190311264

I can ONLY assume that this is because there is an element (who's members I cannot discern from the bulk) who consider that its ok to "cheat the kuffir" hence my only protection is to not deal in that market any more....

EVERY other group has done this. There's not one thing you've pointed out here that would be unique to Muslim criminals in any way.

Shit, criminals hide within innocent demographic groups by default, unless they're turning themselves over to authorities.

true...and in your country a significant proportion of your crazies are your own Rolling Eyes

Our society is generally different, admittedly the IRA were as bad in many ways (which as didge will pointb out resulted in the irish in general being treated badly)

it is ever thus....

but it IS a good axiom that if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, then one has cause to suspect it may indeed be a duck...
moreover terrorists are not "mere " criminals and the "lefty" agenda to play them down to get them seen as such is disingenious and in itself criminal

either way I really dont give a shit.....

I dont trust em, wont trust em and its up to them to change my perception ...

As I have said before...I wouldnt harm any of them (as long as they dont try to harm me) but neither will I aid them

Yeah, true. Your "points" don't hold any water. And it's ludicrous to say that a terrorist is anything beyond a criminal -- we should treat them the same way we treat murderers for the KKK or any other hate organization.

Funny you bring up the IRA -- I imagine a lot of Irish people feel they don't and won't trust any Englishman, given historical facts Smile

You "won't aid them"? Anybody could be a Muslim. I actually have a hard time imagining you helping anyone given your misanthropy.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:52 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Lord Foul wrote:

true...and in your country a significant proportion of your crazies are your own Rolling Eyes

Our society is generally different, admittedly the IRA were as bad in many ways (which as didge will pointb out resulted in the irish in general being treated badly)

it is ever thus....

but it IS a good axiom that if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, then one has cause to suspect it may indeed be a duck...
moreover terrorists are not "mere " criminals and the "lefty" agenda to play them down to get them seen as such is disingenious and in itself criminal

either way I really dont give a shit.....

I dont trust em, wont trust em and its up to them to change my perception ...

As I have said before...I wouldnt harm any of them (as long as they dont try to harm me) but neither will I aid them

Yeah, true. Your "points" don't hold any water. And it's ludicrous to say that a terrorist is anything beyond a criminal -- we should treat them the same way we treat murderers for the KKK or any other hate organization.

funny how you lump them in with the KKK etc...I hate to point this out ...but aren't THEY terrorists too? all you did there was agree with me...terrorists are a "special branch of criminal"

Funny you bring up the IRA -- I imagine a lot of Irish people feel they don't and won't trust any Englishman, given historical facts Smile

and you expect that singulary intense piece of insight (for you ) to surprise me??? I wouldnt blame them one bit...

You "won't aid them"? Anybody could be a Muslim. I actually have a hard time imagining you helping anyone given your misanthropy.

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:30 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Lord Foul wrote:

true...and in your country a significant proportion of your crazies are your own Rolling Eyes

Our society is generally different, admittedly the IRA were as bad in many ways (which as didge will pointb out resulted in the irish in general being treated badly)

it is ever thus....

but it IS a good axiom that if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, then one has cause to suspect it may indeed be a duck...
moreover terrorists are not "mere " criminals and the "lefty" agenda to play them down to get them seen as such is disingenious and in itself criminal

either way I really dont give a shit.....

I dont trust em, wont trust em and its up to them to change my perception ...

As I have said before...I wouldnt harm any of them (as long as they dont try to harm me) but neither will I aid them

Yeah, true. Your "points" don't hold any water. And it's ludicrous to say that a terrorist is anything beyond a criminal -- we should treat them the same way we treat murderers for the KKK or any other hate organization.

Funny you bring up the IRA -- I imagine a lot of Irish people feel they don't and won't trust any Englishman, given historical facts Smile

You "won't aid them"? Anybody could be a Muslim. I actually have a hard time imagining you helping anyone given your misanthropy.

Then they should stay in Ireland and not come here praising the IRA.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:40 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
Lord Foul wrote:

true...and in your country a significant proportion of your crazies are your own Rolling Eyes

Our society is generally different, admittedly the IRA were as bad in many ways (which as didge will pointb out resulted in the irish in general being treated badly)

it is ever thus....

but it IS a good axiom that if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, then one has cause to suspect it may indeed be a duck...
moreover terrorists are not "mere " criminals and the "lefty" agenda to play them down to get them seen as such is disingenious and in itself criminal

either way I really dont give a shit.....

I dont trust em, wont trust em and its up to them to change my perception ...

As I have said before...I wouldnt harm any of them (as long as they dont try to harm me) but neither will I aid them

Yeah, true. Your "points" don't hold any water. And it's ludicrous to say that a terrorist is anything beyond a criminal -- we should treat them the same way we treat murderers for the KKK or any other hate organization.

Funny you bring up the IRA -- I imagine a lot of Irish people feel they don't and won't trust any Englishman, given historical facts Smile

You "won't aid them"? Anybody could be a Muslim. I actually have a hard time imagining you helping anyone given your misanthropy.

Then they should stay in Ireland and not come here praising the IRA.

Kind of like how the English should have stayed in England ... anyway, this is a pointless discussion now.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by veya_victaous Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:45 pm

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Didge wrote:
sassy wrote:And people who talk in real life as they do on here, are part of the reason the hate crimes against Muslims has increased so dramatically in this country.

Utter gibberish.
What people have called for any discrmination or violence to Muslims on here?
You see it is actually the likes of you sassy with your apologist nonsense that get people angry
Any violence or discrmination to Muslims is wrong, full stop and to equate that with people stating they want to see more done from Muslims top combat the narative that allows for Muslims to fall easily prey to such extremism, is not hate and shows how far removed from reality you are.
The hate here directed here is from the same people who are normally racist idiots, who use the act of terrorism to be complete idiots themselves.

What you don't get is that most people (like Victor has admitted in the other thread) cannot distinguish between a good Muslim and a bad one. So he distrusts all.

As this demonstrates, that attitude can spiral out of control:

Yes that is the problem and then they try and offer solutions without the capacity to 'define the enemy' No

Most Muslims are not the enemy, they hate ISIS and the like too.
The problem is they are, Rightfully, Not too fond of ignorant twits that say they are the Same as ISIS.

I ask Victor and the others.... How would you like to be told you are basically KKK? or that You should actually be treated like Nazis since we cant tell the difference between a Nationalistic Brit and A Neo Nazi?
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:46 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Then they should stay in Ireland and not come here praising the IRA.

Kind of like how the English should have stayed in England ... anyway, this is a pointless discussion now.

I am in England, and I don't want IRA supporters here. Hopefully, you'll stay away too.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:51 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Then they should stay in Ireland and not come here praising the IRA.

Kind of like how the English should have stayed in England ... anyway, this is a pointless discussion now.

I am in England, and I don't want IRA supporters here. Hopefully, you'll stay away too.

You don't have to worry about me ... you have enough to worry about, it seems Cool
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:52 pm

veya_victaous wrote:
Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Didge wrote:
sassy wrote:And people who talk in real life as they do on here, are part of the reason the hate crimes against Muslims has increased so dramatically in this country.

Utter gibberish.
What people have called for any discrmination or violence to Muslims on here?
You see it is actually the likes of you sassy with your apologist nonsense that get people angry
Any violence or discrmination to Muslims is wrong, full stop and to equate that with people stating they want to see more done from Muslims top combat the narative that allows for Muslims to fall easily prey to such extremism, is not hate and shows how far removed from reality you are.
The hate here directed here is from the same people who are normally racist idiots, who use the act of terrorism to be complete idiots themselves.

What you don't get is that most people (like Victor has admitted in the other thread) cannot distinguish between a good Muslim and a bad one. So he distrusts all.

As this demonstrates, that attitude can spiral out of control:

Yes that is the problem and then they try and offer solutions without the capacity to 'define the enemy' No

Most Muslims are not the enemy, they hate ISIS and the like too.
The problem is they are, Rightfully, Not too fond of ignorant twits that say they are the Same as ISIS.

I ask Victor and the others.... How would you like to be told you are basically KKK? or that You should actually be treated like Nazis since we cant tell the difference between a Nationalistic Brit and A Neo Nazi?

This is going to fall on deaf ears because these people don't care about fairness, they care (only) about themselves and imagine they're in great danger.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
King of Texas. Gigantic Killer Robot. Robin Hood of Epping Forest. Fifty Shades of Cray.

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:55 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

I am in England, and I don't want IRA supporters here. Hopefully, you'll stay away too.

You don't have to worry about me ... you have enough to worry about, it seems Cool

I'm not worried about you, I just think you're a terrorist sympathiser.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:00 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:

Yes that is the problem and then they try and offer solutions without the capacity to 'define the enemy' No

Most Muslims are not the enemy, they hate ISIS and the like too.
The problem is they are, Rightfully, Not too fond of ignorant twits that say they are the Same as ISIS.

I ask Victor and the others.... How would you like to be told you are basically KKK? or that You should actually be treated like Nazis since we cant tell the difference between a Nationalistic Brit and A Neo Nazi?

This is going to fall on deaf ears because these people don't care about fairness, they care (only) about themselves and imagine they're in great danger.

Fuck me, fairness did you say?
If anywhere in the world where there is no fairness is in the majority of Muslim majority countries when many are sufferig because the simple fact is there are many Muslim that hold regressive views that discrminate against many groups of people. No Muslim should suffer discrimination or abuse, but the sad reality is we are not talking about a small minority anymore. We are talking about tens of millions of Muslims that share this ideology and no amount of ignoring this problem is going to go away. Being as it effects many Muslims as well as now our own free societies.
Yes please spare a thought for the fairness that little to none have living in such societies


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:03 pm

Oh and by the way by far a even smaller religious and ethnic group face more discrmination and violence than Muslims in the US, Britain and throughout Europe.
Any guesses who they might be?


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:08 pm

The FBI just released its 2014 Hate Crime Statistics report, and I think it’s always valuable to realize how relatively good we have it compared to other kinds of minorities.

Violence against Muslims Rises  E3YekO2


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by veya_victaous Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:20 pm

Didge wrote:
Ben_Reilly wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:

Yes that is the problem and then they try and offer solutions without the capacity to 'define the enemy' No

Most Muslims are not the enemy, they hate ISIS and the like too.
The problem is they are, Rightfully, Not too fond of ignorant twits that say they are the Same as ISIS.

I ask Victor and the others.... How would you like to be told you are basically KKK? or that You should actually be treated like Nazis since we cant tell the difference between a Nationalistic Brit and A Neo Nazi?

This is going to fall on deaf ears because these people don't care about fairness, they care (only) about themselves and imagine they're in great danger.

Fuck me, fairness did you say?
If anywhere in the world where there is no fairness is in the majority of Muslim majority countries when many are sufferig because the simple fact is there are many Muslim that hold regressive views that discrminate against many groups of people. No Muslim should suffer discrimination or abuse, but the sad reality is we are not talking about a small minority anymore. We are talking about tens of millions of Muslims that share this ideology and no amount of ignoring this problem is going to go away. Being as it effects many Muslims as well as now our own free societies.
Yes please spare a thought for the fairness that little to none have living in such societies

They can MOVE HERE

You cant make the WHOLE world to your liking you have to accept Societies can be Shithouse. OR you risk making a society as shithouse as theirs (which seem to be happening in the UK)

WHAT We can DO is offer a Home for those that want to join us.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:24 pm

veya_victaous wrote:
Didge wrote:

Fuck me, fairness did you say?
If anywhere in the world where there is no fairness is in the majority of Muslim majority countries when many are sufferig because the simple fact is there are many Muslim that hold regressive views that discrminate against many groups of people. No Muslim should suffer discrimination or abuse, but the sad reality is we are not talking about a small minority anymore. We are talking about tens of millions of Muslims that share this ideology and no amount of ignoring this problem is going to go away. Being as it effects many Muslims as well as now our own free societies.
Yes please spare a thought for the fairness that little to none have living in such societies

They can MOVE HERE

You cant make the WHOLE world to your liking you have to accept Societies can be Shithouse. OR you risk making a society as shithouse as theirs (which seem to be happening in the UK)

WHAT We can DO is offer a Home for those that want to join us.

Yes we have laready made the world a far better place and do not want to see that ruined.
I am all for those who want to become part of our society so again you are like other regressive lefties talking gibberish. This is about a global problem where tens of millions of Muslims support a repressive form of Islam and we already have a percentage living within our societies.
Hence the narative has to change from the Muslims communities on the many points I have stated before, because such naratives lead easily for Muslims to be swayed to extremism.


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:25 pm

veya_victaous wrote:
Fuzzy Zack wrote:

What you don't get is that most people (like Victor has admitted in the other thread) cannot distinguish between a good Muslim and a bad one. So he distrusts all.

As this demonstrates, that attitude can spiral out of control:

Yes that is the problem and then they try and offer solutions without the capacity to 'define the enemy' No

Most Muslims are not the enemy, they hate ISIS and the like too.
The problem is they are, Rightfully, Not too fond of ignorant twits that say they are the Same as ISIS.

and therin lies the great lie doesnt it Veya...the lefty tactic of smearing the opposition with made up lies....the obfustication of truth

I have NOT said "they" (the Muslim collective) are the same as ISIS...ever, nor have I anywhere implied it

what I have said is...I cant tell the difference between a "good" Muslim an outright bad Muslim, or one that is hedging his bets and likely to support (albeit quietly) the activities that could likely harm "us" whilst I most certainly would not deliberately inflict harm upon any of them (unless offered first) until this matter is resolved , I'm quite content to keep em "at arms length"

even the most modernised Muslims are not supposed to initiate greetings with a person of the book even (heaven knows what they do about non Muslims "not of the book")

so not exactly the most friendly of ways....

however that aside.....

I ask Victor and the others.... How would you like to be told you are basically KKK? or that You should actually be treated like Nazis since we cant tell the difference between a Nationalistic Brit and A Neo Nazi?

my answer is then you must be a) stupider than I thought and b) blind as a bat

lets look shall we

I dont attend the same houses of instruction as these creatures...

(Muslims, even "good Muslims" still attend mosques where "preachers of hate" are known to inhabit)

I dont wear the same identifying clothing/whatever as these creatures nor carry the same marks..

you are clearly politically inept, since you constantly make the serious error of equating hitlerism (aka old nazism) with national do I get to call you a stalinist???

in almost every aspect where I make the point of not being able to tell the difference, your point fails simply because there is no are comparing apples with pears..

you ALSO fail to notice, (which is quite dumb of you ) that those who ARE of a hitlerist intent clearly and openly set out to identify them selves as such, but the use of various unsubtle and obvious devices such as tattoos, swastika emblazoned tee shirts, and open membership of dubious organisations

so yes, actually You CAN tell the difference between a nationalistic brit and a nazi sympathiser...quite easily.....

(they also tend to grunt rather than speak, and they slobber a lot too and they are not very tough unless they outnumber you 10 to 1)

(and they are as a rule non too bright either, I doubt too many of them know which end of a gun does the damage, and can you seriously imagine that the edl would for instance be capable of actually making and successfully (and I use the term reluctantly) detonating a bomb, christ most of them would blow their hands off with a fire cracker)


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:34 pm

So in other words, you get to know someone and then you can tell whether they're a good person or a bad person or somewhere in between. But, you don't give everyone the same chance to be a good person, as you already said you don't and won't trust Muslims. And you did say that about all of them.
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:39 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:So in other words, you get to know someone and then you can tell whether they're a good person or a bad person or somewhere in between. But, you don't give everyone the same chance to be a good person, as you already said you don't and won't trust Muslims. And you did say that about all of them.

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by veya_victaous Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:54 pm

as ben said
read your own words Victor you did say All Muslims could not be trusted Wink

And My point is IF you are incapable, Leave it to people that can.... Like fools that say all Asians look the same... it is just exposure that allows you easily tell the difference.
I find it much easier to spot the radical Muslim in a group or normal Muslim, than to see the difference between nationalistic brit and a nazi sympathizer...  
Even good Brits live in a nation seemingly brimming with bigots....
you are relying on Stormee having a visible Swastika tattoo Suspect Suspect Suspect
by the same logic you only need to fear Muslims with ISIS flags  Laughing Laughing Laughing

I am not saying you are But see how defensive you got?
Muslims are people expect them to behave like people first and foremost.
No one likes to be grouped with the people they hate or think are evil.... which is why all Abrahamist must be lumped together Twisted Evil Razz Razz Razz
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:14 pm

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Didge wrote:

Again yet more gibberish

He is not saying that he wants all Muslims out or saying to direct violence against them
He has genuine concerns which you fail badly at making him feel any level of confidence from yourself a supposed non-extremist Muslim.
The fact you cannot even begin to see how it concerns people shows again how far removed you are from reality.

He said he mistrusts all Muslims. Try to keep up.

Because he has a genuine valid concern

Do keep up


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:18 pm

veya_victaous wrote:as ben said
read your own words Victor you did say All Muslims could not be trusted Wink

And My point is IF you are incapable, Leave it to people that can.... Like fools that say all Asians look the same... it is just exposure that allows you easily tell the difference.
I find it much easier to spot the radical Muslim in a group or normal Muslim, than to see the difference between nationalistic brit and a nazi sympathizer...  
Even good Brits live in a nation seemingly brimming with bigots....
you are relying on Stormee having a visible Swastika tattoo Suspect Suspect Suspect
by the same logic you only need to fear Muslims with ISIS flags  Laughing Laughing Laughing

I am not saying you are But see how defensive you got?
Muslims are people expect them to behave like people first and foremost.
No one likes to be grouped with the people they hate or think are evil.... which is why all Abrahamist must be lumped together Twisted Evil Razz Razz Razz

I bet you wouldn't have spotted Michael Adebolajo.
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:30 pm

veya_victaous wrote:as ben said
read your own words Victor you did say All Muslims could not be trusted Wink

And My point is IF you are incapable, Leave it to people that can

you mean lefty pillocks that want 3.6 million a year to come here and wreck the palace???

.... Like fools that say all Asians look the same... it is just exposure that allows you easily tell the difference.
I find it much easier to spot the radical Muslim in a group or normal Muslim,

I'm sure you do veya...I'm sure you do Rolling Eyes

than to see the difference between nationalistic brit and a nazi sympathizer...  
Even good Brits live in a nation seemingly brimming with bigots....
you are relying on Stormee having a visible Swastika tattoo Suspect Suspect Suspect
nope, like most of his sort stormee is a fool, but at least he's an honest fool..his mouth gives him away the instant he opens it....and he declares himself openly, HE doesnt shake hands with the right and stab with the left

by the same logic you only need to fear Muslims with ISIS flags  Laughing Laughing Laughing

I am not saying you are But see how defensive you got?
Muslims are people expect them to behave like people first and foremost.
No one likes to be grouped with the people they hate or think are evil.... which is why all Abrahamist must be lumped together Twisted Evil Razz Razz Razz

dunno why you stick your tongue out at me over that you antipodean nincompoop, cos it missed by a mile ???

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:14 am

Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Didge wrote:

Utter gibberish.
What people have called for any discrmination or violence to Muslims on here?
You see it is actually the likes of you sassy with your apologist nonsense that get people angry
Any violence or discrmination to Muslims is wrong, full stop and to equate that with people stating they want to see more done from Muslims top combat the narative that allows for Muslims to fall easily prey to such extremism, is not hate and shows how far removed from reality you are.
The hate here directed here is from the same people who are normally racist idiots, who use the act of terrorism to be complete idiots themselves.

What you don't get is that most people (like Victor has admitted in the other thread) cannot distinguish between a good Muslim and a bad one. So he distrusts all.

As this demonstrates, that attitude can spiral out of control:

Overall, levels of violent crime have risen, mostly so in other categories...

Maybe Zack should show us a more detailed breakdown of the violent crime statistics so we can see the true picture of what is going on and who is responsible...!?

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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by veya_victaous Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:36 am

Tommy Monk wrote:
Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Didge wrote:

Utter gibberish.
What people have called for any discrmination or violence to Muslims on here?
You see it is actually the likes of you sassy with your apologist nonsense that get people angry
Any violence or discrmination to Muslims is wrong, full stop and to equate that with people stating they want to see more done from Muslims top combat the narative that allows for Muslims to fall easily prey to such extremism, is not hate and shows how far removed from reality you are.
The hate here directed here is from the same people who are normally racist idiots, who use the act of terrorism to be complete idiots themselves.

What you don't get is that most people (like Victor has admitted in the other thread) cannot distinguish between a good Muslim and a bad one. So he distrusts all.

As this demonstrates, that attitude can spiral out of control:

Overall, levels of violent crime have risen,
mostly so in other categories...

Maybe Zack should show us a more detailed breakdown of the violent crime statistics so we can see the true picture of what is going on and who is responsible...!?

  • The Crime Survey for England and Wales continues to show steady declines in violent crime over the last 20 years. Between the 1995 and the 2013/14 surveys, the number of violent crime incidents has fallen from 3.8 million in 1995 to 1.3 million in 2013/14.
  • Violent crime victimisation rates have fallen by more than half since peak levels of crime in the mid-1990s. In 1995 4.8% of adults aged 16 and over were a victim of violent crime in the previous year, compared with 1.8% in the 2013/14 survey.
  • Homicide has also shown a general downward trend since 2002/03. The number of currently recorded homicides for 2013/14 (526) and 2011/12 (528) were the lowest since 1989 (521). The number of homicides in 2013/14 was equivalent to 9.2 offences per million population.
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by veya_victaous Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:59 am

Lord Foul wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:as ben said
read your own words Victor you did say All Muslims could not be trusted Wink

And My point is IF you are incapable, Leave it to people that can

you mean lefty pillocks that want 3.6 million a year to come here and wreck the palace???

You mean the Englishman with the brains of an Englishman 

.... Like fools that say all Asians look the same... it is just exposure that allows you easily tell the difference.
I find it much easier to spot the radical Muslim in a group or normal Muslim,

I'm sure you do veya...I'm sure you do Rolling Eyes   I do..... You all Seem about ready to Blow up Sikh center you have mistaken for a mosque. within a few minutes of conversation I can tell a secular Muslim.

than to see the difference between nationalistic brit and a nazi sympathizer...  
Even good Brits live in a nation seemingly brimming with bigots....
you are relying on Stormee having a visible Swastika tattoo Suspect Suspect Suspect
nope, like most of his sort stormee is a fool, but at least he's an honest fool..his mouth gives him away the instant he opens it....and he declares himself openly, HE doesnt shake hands with the right and stab with the left

Disagree Strongly
They are fakes, and keep their mouth shut when there is someone that will confront them.
This was actually pointed out to me years ago and this was in relation to some friends.
I see/hear less racism because they are smart enough to shut up around me
I verbally smack down the racist trying to build support for the Racist statement they want to make
So My opinion is often openly declared before they declare theirs, on some levels it is a warning.

by the same logic you only need to fear Muslims with ISIS flags  Laughing Laughing Laughing

I am not saying you are But see how defensive you got?
Muslims are people expect them to behave like people first and foremost.
No one likes to be grouped with the people they hate or think are evil.... which is why all Abrahamist must be lumped together Twisted Evil Razz Razz Razz

dunno why you stick your tongue out at me over that you antipodean nincompoop, cos it missed by a mile ??? 
Thats the Laughing/teasing Smilie
tongue  that's the tongue out.

evil face laugh
Twisted Evil Razz Razz Razz  Should probably be read as "Muhwahahhahahaha"{Thunder} 
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by veya_victaous Wed Nov 25, 2015 1:11 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:as ben said
read your own words Victor you did say All Muslims could not be trusted Wink

And My point is IF you are incapable, Leave it to people that can.... Like fools that say all Asians look the same... it is just exposure that allows you easily tell the difference.
I find it much easier to spot the radical Muslim in a group or normal Muslim, than to see the difference between nationalistic brit and a nazi sympathizer...  
Even good Brits live in a nation seemingly brimming with bigots....
you are relying on Stormee having a visible Swastika tattoo Suspect Suspect Suspect
by the same logic you only need to fear Muslims with ISIS flags  Laughing Laughing Laughing

I am not saying you are But see how defensive you got?
Muslims are people expect them to behave like people first and foremost.
No one likes to be grouped with the people they hate or think are evil.... which is why all Abrahamist must be lumped together Twisted Evil Razz Razz Razz

I bet you wouldn't have spotted Michael Adebolajo.

to be fair UK authorities HAD spotted him, he had already been arrested for terrorism offenses in Kenya...
So either really bad example AS that is literally an example of intelligence/protective services failure due to bureaucracy...or worse... it is weird that both MI5 and Scotland yard that had followed him for years stopped just weeks before the attack.

But Anyway maybe if i had talked with him I would have gone "that guy is bad news."  You cant tell who is going to go the next step just like these teenage gunmen in the USA... But you can tell who is in 'danger of taking the next step' and there are plenty of reports that all those warnings were there and more for this guy
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by veya_victaous Wed Nov 25, 2015 4:16 am

Didge wrote:
Fuzzy Zack wrote:
Didge wrote:

Again yet more gibberish

He is not saying that he wants all Muslims out or saying to direct violence against them
He has genuine concerns which you fail badly at making him feel any level of confidence from yourself a supposed non-extremist Muslim.
The fact you cannot even begin to see how it concerns people shows again how far removed you are from reality.

He said he mistrusts all Muslims. Try to keep up.

Because he has a genuine valid concern

Do keep up
They are not Valid to direct a Muslims
It is Valid to Direct at HUMANS

Violence against Muslims Rises  W1R2EUV
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by veya_victaous Wed Nov 25, 2015 4:38 am

Violence against Muslims Rises  E3j9sdn
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Raggamuffin Wed Nov 25, 2015 9:27 am

veya_victaous wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

I bet you wouldn't have spotted Michael Adebolajo.

to be fair UK authorities HAD spotted him, he had already been arrested for terrorism offenses in Kenya...
So either really bad example AS that is literally an example of intelligence/protective services failure due to bureaucracy...or worse... it is weird that both MI5 and Scotland yard that had followed him for years stopped just weeks before the attack.

But Anyway maybe if i had talked with him I would have gone "that guy is bad news."  You cant tell who is going to go the next step just like these teenage gunmen in the USA... But you can tell who is in 'danger of taking the next step' and there are plenty of reports that all those warnings were there and more for this guy

If he hadn't mentioned he was a Muslim, would you have known? I would say that a lot of people assume that Muslims have an "Arabic" or Asian appearance, and he doesn't.
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:45 pm


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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:57 pm
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:11 pm
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by eddie Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:53 pm

I would,imagine hate crimes against Muslims have risen given the current climate!
Is it fair? Of course not, because most Muslims are just going about their business like every one else. Rolling Eyes

I tell you what though, I watched a programme last night (well halfway through) where a non-radical (In other words a normal Muslim woman) went undercover and joined Islamic Women's groups. These woman are dangerous! They are praising and aiding and abetting Isis any way they can, and they are preaching to other women in small halls around the country, oh, and they bring their children with them.....
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Violence against Muslims Rises  Empty Re: Violence against Muslims Rises

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:37 pm

So called 'hate crimes' against Muslims are a very tiny number of incidents and overwhelmingly of a very minor type of incident... and given the huge numbers of Muslims here in UK, are almost non existent as a percentage of overall crimes, and also tiny when considering the extremely low number of incidents occurring against such a large number of Muslims.

Muslims are about 3,000,000 in number population here in uk, with only about 900 or so of these types of incidents against them...

Jews are only about 250,000 of population, but suffered about 500 incidents against them in the last year...

A huge number of attacks in comparison... and I'll bet that they are overwhelmingly attacks from Muslims!!!

Tommy Monk
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