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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Ben Reilly
Tommy Monk
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Tommy Monk Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:12 am

First topic message reminder :

Coca-Cola launched its Christmas trucks on a TV advert in 1995, but real trucks now visit cities around the world

Labour MP Keith Vaz said Coca-Cola was marketing a "real health hazard".

The diabetic MP had asked Coca-Cola not to take its Christmas truck to Leicester...

BUT he has been accused of hypocrisy as he had opened his own sweet shop in the city back in 2013!!!


You couldn't make it up!!!

Lefties... the gift that keeps on giving!!!

Tommy Monk
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:15 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

It's pretty hypocritical really. I presume he actually encouraged people to come into his shop to buy sweets, and he made money off them. I'm not knocking him for that, but it's a bit silly for him to slate someone else for encouraging people to buy a fizzy drink.

Do you understand scale, proportionality?

Do you understand the concept of principles?
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:16 pm

Obviously, Coca Cola need to advertise widely because they're a larger company than a sweetie shop.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Tommy Monk Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:33 pm

Original Quill wrote:
tommy wrote:they'll probably die of something before the diabetes wrecks them anyway.

Or, you hope....don't you mean?  Why do conservatives always hate people?

I didn't say that.

Tommy Monk
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:37 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:
Original Quill wrote:

Or, you hope....don't you mean?  Why do conservatives always hate people?

I didn't say that.

He's mad - ignore him.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:53 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:
Lord Foul wrote:well aside from ragga and ben chewing each others heads off...

Lets look at this a bit closer.

Here in this one article is condensed 90% of whats wrong with the "lefty" and their policies

1) clearly the lefty wont be happy untill all personal choice is removed,you will only eat and drink govt "approved" food stuff, you will only carry out govt approved "hobbies" and so on (becasue as we know from their propaganda, only lefties know whats best for us all)

2) they will do this by slowly demonising first the object of their dislike, in this case sugary drinks
then they will switch to unwarranted attacks on their opponents (like calling their faith (so much for "equality) you are only "equal" if the lefty says you are))

3 in order to fully appreciate the grab for total (and BTW UNEQUAL) power one needs to understand that in order to advance their agenda they have started by destroying the old "social restraints" that helped prevent the very problem they are "claiming to "cure"" vis in their "equal world you and I (joe public) are of course judged "sixhirb" for calling a "fat bastard" a fat bastard. It is judged "bullying fot the school kids to refer to the class porker as "billy bunter" and there is thus no social shame in being a "fat bastard"

Instead they interfere and would make (in this instance) the man who likes a glass of coke here and there pay dearly for his pleasure....or remove it all together.

yet...when it comes to the "pleasure " of the lefty....most (but not all) of whom are young and tonally challenged, if i for instance, suggested banning "rap" which CAN be shown, by simple analysis of the lyrics therin contained, to be largely anti social, pro drug pro violence, there would be an entire tsunami of protest ...I would ber "labeled" anti cultural, probably racist, and "oh no we cant do that"

one thing IS for sure though, Corbyn and his troops have STILL to learn the leson that what we want is a govt that GOVERNS......NOT one that just "fiddles" and interferes....

Once again, you're full of shit.

probably...see my signature Razz

btw...are you bullying me Razz Razz

1) Liberals hate personal choice so much that we've been the vanguard of legalizing gay marriage, recreational marijuana usage, legalizing interracial marriage, women's suffrage, etc. ...

yeah yeah...they love liberalising anything THEY approve of......
but nothing else......which is my point here ....the lefty determine whats good for us, without consultation...and would like to allow only that...

2) I enjoy sweet beverages myself, but we do need to look out for each new generation of people and make sure they aren't deceived by these global corporations into thinking their products are healthier than they really are. I'll post this link again for anyone who doesn't think they do this:

so...educate the kids to be advert immune, it can be done...

as an aside but still somewhat many folks died from drinking coke? (not from diabetes...which can be casued by many bad dietary habits)  I mean islam killed what ...3,000? in the twin towers alone plus how many millions elsewhere yet I dont see you wanting THAT banned.....Christianity like wise, judaism the same, even atheists are guilty of mass murder (remember that guy Stalin and his cronies) many jews, catholics protestants russian orthodox did they murder...FOR PRACTICING their faith....?

strangely, pagans and wicca seem to be quite "user friendly"  

Is the above a "twisted argument"...possibly, but you should perhaps consider why I make the point....when you start talking about banning something ...or controlling something, you had better be prepared to defend your justification of it.

after all lets take one possible "justification"

you have to control it becasue "some" folks misuse it....and they cause harm to themselves...and cost to others.......fine thats true
now apply THAT logic to religion.......which actually casues harm to OTHERS and costs to ALL.....

i really dont think you dare

3) Do you really think kids teasing a classmate about his/her weight are doing it because they want to help the kid be healthier?! They're doing it because they're tribal little snots. It is bullying, not guidance. Kids need guidance, not bullying.

I dont care WHY they did it in this context...the fact is they DID...and it had the required effect....(granted it also had other , negative consequences too....but so does YOUR way)

By the way, your point about rap falls flat on its face as well, seeing as efforts have been made to keep inappropriate content (whether music or movies/TV or video games) out of the hands of people too young to handle it. Nobody's trying to ban soda from being consumed by very young children.

wrong....the point is that rap is pumped into those seemed to be "old enough" (i.e. say 18 plus) but it is demonstrable that some are not.....
clearly rap is bad for by the lefty standards it too should be banned,,,,,

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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Eilzel Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:00 am

I don't see why you are making this into a tired old attack on the left victor.

Do you think sugary drinks arm serious harmful to national health or not?

Do you think a similat campaign against smoking has ben effective or not?

Do you agree that allowing the huge consumption of junk food and drink to continue unchecked will lead to amajor health crisis or not?
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:19 am

Eilzel wrote:I don't see why you are making this into a tired old attack on the left victor.

because as ever the left are intent on removing /repudiating the principle of personal responsibility and choice, to replace it with "the nanny state" lets face it its not just this issue is it.....why dont you ban contact sports....? or any number of other things.?
you could start with banning cycles of much would THAT save the nhs?

Do you think sugary drinks arm serious harmful to national health or not?

yes  but education...not bans is the way

Do you think a similat campaign against smoking has ben effective or not?

dunno...its too early to say yet...meanwhile revenue has fallen greatly, but the negative effects are set to continue at the same level for at least 30 years...go least i have the satisfaction of knowing that YOU will pay for the consequences of this, in the form of increased taxation ....VAT was increased last time as a direct result of the loss of revenue from tobacco products. of course they same thing should be applied to alcohol as well...AND to the places that sell it....whopping taxes on night clubs and pubs...related directly to the volume of alcohol sales....

Do you agree that allowing the huge consumption of junk food and drink to continue unchecked will lead to amajor health crisis or not?

possibly, but so will many more people living to a grim old age.....only to be dumped in a miserable prison camp called a care home ......which is worse More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 2190311264 ???

and...more I pointed out to ben....

apply the same consideration to religion  and especially the one which at present is rapidly becoming an existential threat to everyone.....i bet you dare not......

see here you are espousing what can only be described as the precautionary principle to coke of all things....and yet ...when it comes to a certain religion...oh no we cant do that...

why not?

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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:25 am

and...why an attack on the left...simple, the left need attacking and reigning in....
they should stick to leftist fiscal principles and social justice (with which I can find common ground) and stay away from things to do with personal chioice, national security and "the good of the nation"(where they havnt the foggiest of what to do)

their guiding principle of "I dont do that so i dont see why YOU should " is abhorrent to me...


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Eilzel Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:38 am

Actually as an militant atheist I would prescribe the same measures against religion as I would with sugary drinks lol

That is raising awareness and education.

You must have imagined the part when anyone sugary drinks be banned. No one but the raggs even raised the idea.

We have said pictures on packaging and TV advertisements and the time they should be allowed to broadcast. The first two are a form of education, which has been successful with smokers.

No bans.

And if you paid attention, I never tire of saying we should be more open in educating people against religious poison. So for me (if not all the left) I want what you want in regards to Islam.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:44 am

Eilzel wrote:Actually as an militant atheist I would prescribe the same measures against religion as I would with sugary drinks lol

That is raising awareness and education.

You must have imagined the part when anyone sugary drinks be banned. No one but the raggs even raised the idea.

We have said pictures on packaging and TV advertisements and the time they should be allowed to broadcast. The first two are a form of education, which has been successful with smokers.

No bans.

And if you paid attention, I never tire of saying we should be more open in educating people against religious poison. So for me (if not all the left) I want what you want in regards to Islam.

I doubt it very much Evil or Very Mad

and as i pointed out i wouldnt raise the banner of militant atheism too proudly...its had its moments too......

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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:51 am

I'd leave people to chose, but I would stop the amount of advertising the companies are allowed to do, or I would slap a tax on it, payable straight into the NHS.


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Eilzel Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:53 am

Exactly Sass, reduce their ads and have our own. The anti-smoking ads are pretty effective, they should do the same with sugary drinks.

Vic, me mentioning my militant atheism was more starter for point that I would have a campaign against religion. That said, my approach to Islam is likely still much less drastic than yours lol
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:58 am

yeah well thats another good lefty it out of peoples reach.....

so then even folks that just like a can or two now and again get stung too....seen it too often now....

if we want to take that track...

tax cyclists at a high rate ...becasue the greatest majority of accidents involving cyclists are actually the cyclists fault, despite the police attitude of automatically blaming the car driver.

tax religious houses at a vast rate...

etc etc etc....

of course I realise sassy that you need to find another demon to tax to replace the losses due to falling tobacco revenue...funny that.....

when you have done with coke...what next? eh?

perhaps a 50% tax on meat

then what....

perhaps you can tax women by the inch bust size? and men by the inch as well...after all sex is responsible for vast NHS costs

how "nannyfied" do you want to get?


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:02 am

Eilzel wrote:Exactly Sass, reduce their ads and have our own. The anti-smoking ads are pretty effective, they should do the same with sugary drinks.

actually they were NOT effective in the long term...the number of smokers did INITIALLY fall but then rose again...the ban on smoking in public places had more effect, but again its rising, stemmed only by the availability and usefulness of "vapes"....the increse of course is liable to be evidentially proveable to be due to the stresses many find themselves under due to "austerity"

Vic, me mentioning my militant atheism was more starter for point that I would have a campaign against religion. That said, my approach to Islam is likely still much less drastic than yours lol

I dont see you putting a 1 million pound a year tax on mosques, churches etc.....

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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:06 am

By taxing the companies, I mean taking the tax out of their profits and NOT allowing them to put the price up.


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by veya_victaous Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:09 am

the real solution is make advertisement 'not an expense'..
therefore it is not subtracted from profit margins before paying tax on the profit,
thus is will be taxed at the correct rate for the true turnover of the company.

small or struggling companies can therefore advertise relatively cheaply and it will stop the current situation where large companies spend millions of advertising so they dont have to pay million in tax on it Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:12 am

How would that be a deterrent on junk food (which is rather the point) and how would it put money into the health system, which it's products are costing a fortune in ill health?   The point is to stop them advertising so much.


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:14 am

sassy wrote:By taxing the companies, I mean taking the tax out of their profits and NOT allowing them to put the price up.

oooo...price control now

And the threat that you would indeed ban it by default.....

do what you suggest and the company merely abandons the "british" operation as its not profitable any longer...

how you going to do that ...put your NKDV troopers in every company to monitor their costs and sales, otherwise how you going to know if the price increse they want is caused by loss of revenue or rising costs?

AND...if I was the CEO of a company affected by this ...I'd drop the price as low as I could for as long as I could just to spite you (the govt)(THINK about that)


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:18 am

Well you see, when kids go into a shop and can see sticky buns, fruit, sweets, fizzy drinks, fruit juice, flavoured water, nuts, dried fruit etc, I want them to make their own choice.  BUT THEIR OWN CHOICE, not a choice that has already been formed by hours and hours of advertising being pounded into their little heads, otherwise it isn't their choice, it's the choice of the companies with the best advertising.


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:26 am

maybe you do...but you are limited in your thinking by simplistic lefty bowel urges (to quote the inestimable quill)

ohh we dont like "x"..."quick it to death"

and as i said the hypocrisy is would go to all this trouble over COKE when there is a far far greater existential threat to us all....that you refuse to face... one has yet come up with an answer to what you are going to tax to provide for all those centurions (since under the lefty anny state we will all live to at least 100...unless we die of boredom first) in internment camps called care homes, left sitting in piss and drool, starved and abused......and dont say "its only a happens with sickening regularity.....

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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:29 am

Oh don't be so silly Victor, this is the health of our kids and grandkids we are talking about and having the money to look after their health.  If that means bloody great firms who have been damaging it for a long time and have made more money from it than it's possible to count, have to pay for some of the harm they have done, bloody good show.


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:42 am

and they will say ...stuff you and leave putting how many on the dole...(but of course the left WANT millions more on the dole dont they....then they can pretend to look after them and thus get more voters Laughing )

or as I said drop the price as low as possible for as long as possible....

great result

AND you still wont devote even 1 billionth of the energy spent on this sort of rubbish politics on the REAL danger that will face us sooner or later

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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:49 am

as I keep saying you are totally commited (and so you should be Razz ) to the precautionary principle over this matter

and yet you utterly refuse to apply the same (absolutely the same) principles to the even greater threat that faces us....

as I said many people has coke killed?
compared to islam
and christianity
and judaism

and YET.....

you are prepared to throw away the very principle you apply to coke when it comes to allowing (initially) 20,000 (and it will be far more ) more unknowns into the country, who's background cannot EVER be verified.


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by veya_victaous Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:19 am

sassy wrote:How would that be a deterrent on junk food (which is rather the point) and how would it put money into the health system, which it's products are costing a fortune in ill health?   The point is to stop them advertising so much.

Children want junk food because it is advertised to them.
they are told maybe half a dozen times a week about the value of healthy food. but will be told dozen times in a hour of TV how wonderful junkfoods are.thus regardless of how responsible the parent unless they have some magic power to block out advertising their child will still be told hundreds of times more often how awesome junkfood is compared to a banana.

Plus, you just earned literally billions in taxation revenue and all it cost was the advertising budget of some multinational corporations. that pays for health care.

And they They don't this has been bought up down here and people pointed out actually it is fuck all. the cost is negligible it is only an issue if you think a taxpayer is supposed to cost the health care system nothing... but if you think a taxpayer should get something back well it is far less than the cost they paid towards it.

This is true Even with Smokers, it is all a lie to reduce public funding to hospitals, create a user pays system.
With the current taxation on cigarettes that they are taking about increasing again smokers already pay almost triple the costs associated with smoking related illness..

Blame those they need some care so the public agree they should be forced to pay for it themselves...  Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes once you have convinced them about smoking or eating junkfood then you move on to the rest.... contact sports well that decided to play, disabled it's not your fault someones kid is special why should you pay? being a woman of child bearing age they cost the most after all.  Suspect Suspect Suspect
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by veya_victaous Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:27 am

umm sassy
that will not work at all

so tax them on the profits? but you can reduce you profits by spending it all advertising
Ohh look just by passed all your controls and increased my advertising to British kids
where is the profit easy ....  we vertically grew by acquisition of an advertising company Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes 
so no extra tax paid but a new NEED to spend more money on advertising to keep the tax bill down... a.k.a exact Opposite of the desired social outcome.

like i said make it so that advertising is direct profit and you do pay tax on the money you spend on advertising (because you cannot write it off as an expense) thus IF coke want to spend so much on adverts, 100% of that cost is born by shareholders directly. that means lower dividends which means lower bonuses for the executive which means it will stop because the executives want the bonuses.

Last edited by veya_victaous on Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:08 am

Eilzel wrote:Exactly Sass, reduce their ads and have our own. The anti-smoking ads are pretty effective, they should do the same with sugary drinks.

Vic, me mentioning my militant atheism was more starter for point that I would have a campaign against religion. That said, my approach to Islam is likely still much less drastic than yours lol

They'd have to be careful about that kind of advert. The makers of sugary drinks would simply say they were being discriminated against because other things contain sugar. Then if there were adverts warning of the dangers of any product with sugar in it, there would be complaints that it should apply to anything with fat in it too, and then anything with eggs in it. It would go on and on because there have been health warnings about most things. Even ready-made salads have had health warnings.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:11 am

sassy wrote:Well you see, when kids go into a shop and can see sticky buns, fruit, sweets, fizzy drinks, fruit juice, flavoured water, nuts, dried fruit etc, I want them to make their own choice.  BUT THEIR OWN CHOICE, not a choice that has already been formed by hours and hours of advertising being pounded into their little heads, otherwise it isn't their choice, it's the choice of the companies with the best advertising.

If they're watching hours and hours of adverts, that's the fault of their parents who are allowing them to watch too much TV. Also, parents could put conditions on what they spend their pocket on.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:13 am

Also, what would these warning adverts consist of? They couldn't say that Coca-Cola causes diabetes because that would be untrue, or at least unproven. They could only say that it contains sugar, and that sugar is high in calories, and that could lead to weight gain if too much is drunk. It's all a bit Micky Mouse isn't it?
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:14 am

Should all adverts for cars come with a health warning then? Car accidents are the cause of death for a lot of people?
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:32 am

sassy wrote:By taxing the companies, I mean taking the tax out of their profits and NOT allowing them to put the price up.

So then they reduce their workforce, and you complain that people are now unemployed. Laughing
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:35 am

sassy wrote:Oh don't be so silly Victor, this is the health of our kids and grandkids we are talking about and having the money to look after their health.  If that means bloody great firms who have been damaging it for a long time and have made more money from it than it's possible to count, have to pay for some of the harm they have done, bloody good show.

So the companies are forcing the stuff into children's mouths? They're forcing the parents to put the stuff into their shopping trolley? This is what I don't like about lefties - it's always someone else's fault.

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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Eilzel Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:23 am

You're still making this about responsibility raggs, me and sass are talking about the health of the nation, specifically kids, regardless of responsibility.

Plus, if a kid has irresponsible parents, does that mean society should not also care about that kid? The parents might be happy bringing up their child on high sugar diets, the kid cannot make as well informed decisions however. If we cease advertising aimed at youngsters however and even heavily advertise the damaging effects they may choose to avoid such products for themselves.

But I understand you don't care about other people's kids.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:25 am

Eilzel wrote:You're still making this about responsibility raggs, me and sass are talking about the health of the nation, specifically kids, regardless of responsibility.

Plus, if a kid has irresponsible parents, does that mean society should not also care about that kid? The parents might be happy bringing up their child on high sugar diets, the kid cannot make as well informed decisions however. If we cease advertising aimed at youngsters however and even heavily advertise the damaging effects they may choose to avoid such products for themselves.

But I understand you don't care about other people's kids.

Of course it's about responsibility. If you absolve people from personal responsibility, nothing will make a real difference. Sure, you can say - sugar's bad for you - but ultimately it has to be those people who decide what to shove down their throats.

If a parent gives a child high-sugar diets, the lack of advertising won't make a difference - you'd have to literally ban the stuff from shops.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:27 am

So if advertising was heavily restricted, what happens to the TV stations which rely on advertising for revenue?
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Eilzel Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:28 am

But if healthy alternatives are all on between kids tv, along with negative ads for soft drinks- the kid may request something else Wink
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:30 am

Anyone remember this advert?

Shocking isn't it?
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:31 am

Eilzel wrote:But if healthy alternatives are all on between kids tv, along with negative ads for soft drinks- the kid may request something else Wink

You mean adverts for water and brussel sprouts? Yeah, that should make a huge difference. Laughing
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:33 am

What exactly is a healthy alternative for sugary drinks?
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:45 am

I've had an idea. Maybe in shops where soft sugary drinks or any kind of product containing sugar are sold, shop assistants should be obliged by law to warn anyone buying them that they can damage their health.

Now that would be funny. Laughing
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Eilzel Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:50 am

*sigh* had it been left to the likes of ypu smoking would still be advertised everywhere and be more widespread. Fortunately there are various types of people, including progressives and conservatives. With latter nothing changes, fortunately the former has a habit of improving things regardless Smile
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:58 am

Eilzel wrote:*sigh* had it been left to the likes of ypu smoking would still be advertised everywhere and be more widespread. Fortunately there are various types of people, including progressives and conservatives. With latter nothing changes, fortunately the former has a habit of improving things regardless Smile

Nonsense. I have no problem with tobacco not being advertised, or being banned in public buildings either. I've even said that people shouldn't smoke outside church doors. You should really stop accusing people of things they haven't said.

So then, do you want to address the points I've made in other posts, or are you going to sit there boasting about being "progressive"?

The point is that you can't pin anything on Coca Cola or any other sugary fizzy drink because other things contain sugar too, and other foods which don't contain sugar are also high in calories. Tobacco is tobacco, so there was nothing to distinguish one cigarette from another. Therefore, it was easier to have a blanket ban on advertising it.

If you're going to claim that consuming sugar leads directly to diabetes, I hope you can back that up.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Eilzel Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:33 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Eilzel wrote:*sigh* had it been left to the likes of ypu smoking would still be advertised everywhere and be more widespread. Fortunately there are various types of people, including progressives and conservatives. With latter nothing changes, fortunately the former has a habit of improving things regardless Smile

Nonsense. I have no problem with tobacco not being advertised, or being banned in public buildings either. I've even said that people shouldn't smoke outside church doors. You should really stop accusing people of things they haven't said.

So then, do you want to address the points I've made in other posts, or are you going to sit there boasting about being "progressive"?

The point is that you can't pin anything on Coca Cola or any other sugary fizzy drink because other things contain sugar too, and other foods which don't contain sugar are also high in calories. Tobacco is tobacco, so there was nothing to distinguish one cigarette from another. Therefore, it was easier to have a blanket ban on advertising it.

If you're going to claim that consuming sugar leads directly to diabetes, I hope you can back that up.

My point there was, someone like you (ie: conservative, small c) will have been saying the same things you are saying now, only about smoking, not sugary food and drink, 20 years ago. I'm not saying YOU say that NOW.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:35 pm

Eilzel wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Nonsense. I have no problem with tobacco not being advertised, or being banned in public buildings either. I've even said that people shouldn't smoke outside church doors. You should really stop accusing people of things they haven't said.

So then, do you want to address the points I've made in other posts, or are you going to sit there boasting about being "progressive"?

The point is that you can't pin anything on Coca Cola or any other sugary fizzy drink because other things contain sugar too, and other foods which don't contain sugar are also high in calories. Tobacco is tobacco, so there was nothing to distinguish one cigarette from another. Therefore, it was easier to have a blanket ban on advertising it.

If you're going to claim that consuming sugar leads directly to diabetes, I hope you can back that up.

My point there was, someone like you (ie: conservative, small c) will have been saying the same things you are saying now, only about smoking, not sugary food and drink, 20 years ago. I'm not saying YOU say that NOW.

I never did say it, so your argument doesn't hold up.

Any chance of you addressing my other points?
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Eilzel Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:38 pm

Raggamuffin wrote:
Eilzel wrote:

My point there was, someone like you (ie: conservative, small c) will have been saying the same things you are saying now, only about smoking, not sugary food and drink, 20 years ago. I'm not saying YOU say that NOW.

I never did say it , so your argument doesn't hold up.

Any chance of you addressing my other points?

OMFG. You make me want to shoot my own brains out Sad

No I won't. Because I value my brains, and don't want to have to find a gun. I said it yesterday I'll say it again, I'm done Neutral
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:40 pm

Eilzel wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

I never did say it , so your argument doesn't hold up.

Any chance of you addressing my other points?

OMFG. You make me want to shoot my own brains out Sad

No I won't. Because I value my brains, and don't want to have to find a gun. I said it yesterday I'll say it again, I'm done Neutral

If you want to accuse conservatives of saying things, go right ahead, but don't drag me into it.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Raggamuffin Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:42 pm

Did you not understand my point about it? You want warning ads, but what are you going to warn people about exactly? Diabetes? Prove that drinking Coke gives anyone diabetes. If you want to warn them that drinking a lot of sugary drinks could make them fat because the calories, you'd have to warn them about other high-calorie food as well.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by eddie Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:54 pm

It's up to parents to set an example and lead the way and educate their children whilst their children are growing up.
It doesn't matter what companies do, or taxes or's got to be a lifestyle that children are used to.

When they reach an age where they go to school by themselves, they will go into shops and buy what they want regardless of ANYTHING and ANYBODY.
Price won't come into it.


If they've had good grounding then they'll make better choices more often.
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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2015 6:40 pm

Lord Foul wrote:yeah well thats another good lefty it out of peoples reach.....

so then even folks that just like a can or two now and again get stung too....seen it too often now....

if we want to take that track...

tax cyclists at a high rate ...becasue the greatest majority of accidents involving cyclists are actually the cyclists fault, despite the police attitude of automatically blaming the car driver.

tax religious houses at a vast rate...

etc etc etc....

of course I realise sassy that you need to find another demon to tax to replace the losses due to falling tobacco revenue...funny that.....

when you have done with coke...what next? eh?

perhaps a 50% tax on meat

then what....

perhaps you can tax women by the inch bust size? and men by the inch  as well...after all sex is responsible for vast NHS costs

how "nannyfied" do you want to get?

More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 No_no_11 plus, what about poor old Handy Andy??? affraid


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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Victorismyhero Mon Nov 09, 2015 7:33 pm

could you afford the "inch tax" FTL?

and i just know it would end up being called the "tit tax"

oooh theres a thought...tit tall are you veya??????

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More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Empty Re: More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola

Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:07 pm

Lord Foul wrote:could you afford the "inch tax" FTL?  

and i just know it would end up being called the "tit tax"

oooh theres a thought...tit tall are you veya??????

More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Ashame27 Inch or cup size?????

More hypocrisy from The left: Sweet-shop owning MP bashes Coca Cola - Page 3 Embarr22

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