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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Guest Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:49 pm

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More than 100 people screamed 'shame on you' at Scottish Secretary David Mundell - who claims the rise in foodbanks isn't caused by welfare cuts

Furious protesters have chased a Tory MP out of town after he turned up to open a foodbank - despite denying their huge rise is caused by welfare cuts.

A raging crowd screamed 'shame on you' at Scottish Secretary David Mundell after he sneaked out the charity's back door today in Dumfries.

Up to 200 people forced his white Ford Focus to a crawl as they surrounded it bearing placards with slogans against the Tory minister.

He sat ashen-faced in his seat and eventually his car was allowed to move after four police officers calmed the crowd, our Scottish sister paper the Daily Record reported.

The Tory MP for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale has previously denied a link between food bank use and his party’s welfare reforms.

He was grilled by a Scottish Parliament committee in February which insisted there was a link - but insisted: "We’re just not going to agree on that."

And today Scotland's only Tory MP dismissed the protest as a 'stunt'.

He told ITV News foodbanks have become 'politicised', adding: "It's about doing things about the issues that are affecting people and their day-to-day lives.

"And not about stunts and gestures and constantly trying to politicise the good work of people who are trying to help."

The number of foodbank users has exploded across Britain as Tory cuts continue to bite.

The Trussell Trust charity, which runs the foodbank Mr Mundell opened today, handed out 3 days' emergency food more than a million times last year.

That was a huge rise from 913,000 in 2013, 347,000 in 2012 and 129,000 in 2011.

Mundell sneaked into the building in Dumfries' Apex Centre through the back door and refused to answer questions from the press.

Scotland's Trussell Trust manager Ewan Gurr, who invited the minister, said: "It is not a pleasure opening a new food bank.

“David and I probably both stand here with conflicting emotions.

"I have welcomed Labour MPs to open food banks, SNP MPs, and Liberal Democrat MPs to open food banks.

"And you sure as hell better believe I am going to welcome a Conservative MP to come and open a food banks, so I welcome David Mundell today."

Speaking in front of sandwiches, biscuits, and quiche laid on for his arrival, Mundell said: “I believe it is very important to have full, open discussions about issues, and I don’t want to hide away from people’s concerns, and I don’t do that.

“I have been a local representative for 16 years, and I haven’t spent that time just going round speaking to people who agree with me, or who agree with government policy.

“That is a very inappropriate way for a local MP to act.”

But disabled resident Ian Patterson, 66, who was at today's protest, fumed: "If I had still had both my legs I would have booted him in the nuts.

"It is disgusting that Mundell has come along today to open a foodbank when it is his party which had put people in the position where they can’t afford to feed themselves.

"The Tories are targeting the most vulnerable people in society - the disabled, the elderly, and now the young with their cut in housing benefit for the under 21s.

"If Mundell believes in his party policies, and that food banks haven’t been caused by the Tories, he would have come out the front door and faced folk - not scurried out the back like a coward."

Fellow disabled protester Lesley-Anne McLelland, 56, added: “It is absolutely ridiculous that so many people have to rely upon food banks in Scotland in this day and age.

“We are the only oil-rich country in the world where people have to be fed using them.

“For Mundell to come and open this while his government is putting through Parliament more hurt and misery for people is disgusting.

“He didn’t even have the guts to face anyone who was here today."

South Lanarkshire Solidarity councillor Pat Lee added: “We are here to hold Mundell to account for his hypocrisy."

He's gonna have to get used to that.


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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:19 am

Fuck you victor!!!

I see plenty!!!

I say what the problems are!!!

Others just deny things and look the other way while more of The same continues and problems increase!!!

And if you think you are worth that much and can earn that money... why aren't you doing it!?

Sounds like you Are pricing yourself out of The market...

Tommy Monk
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:23 am

I have not said anything about disabled people... why are you trying to now attribute my comments to disabled people...!?

Poor show victor...
Tommy Monk
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Guest Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:35 am

the principle many of those out of work are scroungers eh...1 in 10? 1 in 10,000?

1 in 100,000?

also now you are talking totally out of your ass

JSA is a tiny ...and I mean TINY fraction of benefit spending.
AND the bulk of things like tax credits and rent assistance goes to working people...

pushing THEM below the poverty line when they get cut....

Just admit it tommy, your tory masters have brainwashed you quite successfully....


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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:15 am

victorismyhero wrote:I'll give you a clue

as a skilled electronics engineer with years of experience in supervisory roles

I wouldnt get out of bed for less than £30/hr plus benefits (pension, health cover etc)

Are you now supporting the concept that effort should be rewarded?

Or are you saying that if someone doesn't think they're getting paid enough, they should just claim benefits instead?
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:20 am

Tommy Monk wrote:You can rent as big a house as you want when you Are working and paying for it yourself out of your wages... that is your choice... if you want an expensive big house with loads of unnecessary space, spare rooms, or even a swimming pool or a tennis court, or what about a heli-pad...!?

Your wages/savings etc paying for it then your choice!!!

But if you are not working and want to claim benefits then tough shit!!!

You will only get given enough for the basics!!!

Working People can only have what they can afford.

Why should unemployed people have what they want and have it paid for by others and have it better than most of those who are paying for it!?

Where I live... there is a woman with 3 kids (ages 2, 4 &12)... they have a nice 3 bedroom council/housing association house to live in, very nicely decked out, she has never worked, runs a car, always getting take aways etc...

Then there is another  couple, married, two kids, (6 & 9), he works full time at a local council, she works part time, they are buying their ex council flat... but can only afford a one bedroom flat that has been converted into a very tight fit two bed flat... very cramped, no take aways and always skint and struggling!!!

This working couple look up to the woman in the nice 3bed place and see how the other half live!!!

Is this fair...!?

Something is very wrong with the system when the unemployed are better off than working People!!!

This is a concept which many people don't seem to understand. For example, the bedroom tax - those people already get their rent paid for them, and now they want rent paid on a bedroom that they don't need as well. If someone who is paying their own rent or mortgage wants a spare bedroom, they pay for it themselves. If they can't afford it, they get a lodger, or they go without other things.
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:07 pm

If you can't afford it then don't have it and don't expect others to pay for it.

But we are talking about people who get plenty on money provided for the basics but then say they don't have money for efood when this money for food has been given to them... what are they spending their money on if not food and basic essentials!?

Tommy Monk
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Guest Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:26 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:If you can't afford it then don't have it and don't expect others to pay for it.

But we are talking about people who get plenty on money provided for the basics but then say they don't have money for efood when this money for food has been given to them... what are they spending their money on if not food and basic essentials!?


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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:16 pm

korban dallas wrote:
Tommy Monk wrote:If you can't afford it then don't have it and don't expect others to pay for it.

But we are talking about people who get plenty on money provided for the basics but then say they don't have money for efood when this money for food has been given to them... what are they spending their money on if not food and basic essentials!?

It is The excuses that are making people yawn!!!


Tommy Monk
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Irn Bru Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:34 pm

Cuchulain wrote:British households are living beyond their means and throwing around cash at a level that is unsustainable, the head of the government’s fiscal watchdog has warned. As shoppers break new records for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and now ‘Manic Monday’ spending, the head of the Office for Budget Responsibility warned that households are outspending their incomes at a higher level than in ‘almost any other year over the last 15 or 20.’  Robert Chote told a panel of MPs that consumers have been upping their spending, which in turn helps improve the growth of the economy. But the increased expenditure does not mean that households have more cash to spare – they are just using their savings, he said.

Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 23F7826500000578-2869771-image-a-3_1418293250377
Beyond our means: Household debt is expected to rise as a proportion of incomes

‘If you look at the relatively robust pace of growth over recent quarters, that has been reflected particularly in terms of the contribution from the consumer, in terms of people running down saving rather than having stronger income growth,’ he told the Treasury Select Committee. ‘We have assumed that it is not plausible [that this could continue].’ Consumer spending grew by 2.1 per cent in the first nine months of this year, even though wages continued to stagnate, figures from the OBR show. The economists estimate that the huge gap between earning and spending is the second largest since the mid-1990s. Meanwhile households are predicted to save around 5.4 per cent of their incomes on average next year, down from 6.6 per cent this year. Households are likely to start curbing their spending into the new year so that their outgoings are more in line with their incomes, Mr Chote added. Consumer spending is expected to slow to 2.2 per cent in 2016 as the saving ratio stabilises. Then, as wage growth starts to pick up from 2016, consumption will start to rise again.

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A nation of shop seekers: Consumption among employees has increased while wages have stagnated

Total household debt stood at £1,670billion as of the second quarter of this year. The OBR has increased its forecast of unsecured household debt as households continue to spend beyond their means. The increase partly reflects an increasing confidence that interest rates will stay at rock-bottom for some time.

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Distribution: Workers on lower incomes have seen greater rises in earnings this year than those paid more

The forecasts come as debt experts warned that as many as one in four credit card customers are paying the minimum every month or struggling to pay at all.  One in five respondents with a credit card said they only made the minimum payment in October, while a further one in 20 said they made no payment or paid off less than the minimum.  A customer with a £2,500 balance on a typical credit card with an 18.9 per cent APR will take more than 25 years to clear their balance if they only make £5 minimum monthly payments, the Debt Advisory Centre said.

Read more:

Where is the evidence above? That's just a Daily Mail slant on debt and it certainly does not show that the vast majority of almost 8 million people have been irresponsible by mismanaging their finances. I can read data and I can read graphs and the graph there shows that debt went down over the period 2007/8 up to early 2014 which is the peiod that drove some people to despair with many using foodbanks as a means to put food on the table.

Do you know why debt went up in 2014? It went up because people (mainly young people) had no choice because it was the only way they could manage. On the whole Britons managed their finances responsibly over the past few years - indeed they must have been responsible if they are using savings - money set aside. What we are looking at here is what lies ahead as Britons buy into Osborne and Camerons's fairy tales that Britain is on the mend and the good news will just keep on coming. Despite that people are in the main confident that they can and will meet their financial commitments in the coming years and put away some savings.

And just as well that people did manage to spend money because it was consumer spending that saved Osborne by a whisker from a double-dip recession. It certainly wasn't productivity and it certainly wasn't an export led recovery - it was the service sector.

Go and do some proper research like looking up the PWC annual report for 2015 instead of being a Daily Mail ranter that millions of Britons are irresponsible and don't manage their finances. It's nonsense and just an excuse to try and shift the blame on to people rather than Osborne's austerity programme - this has all the hallmarks of blame the victims written all over it.
Irn Bru
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Guest Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:46 pm

Well, Osborne has made sure my grandson is going to start his working life up to his eyes in debt, about £50,000 now he has abolished the maintenance grant.  I presume Didge would consider him irresponsible for having that level of debt?   If so, there are going to be thousands like him. And if he buys a house when he has been working a few years (fat chance at the moment) he'll have a lot more debt.


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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:01 am

sassy wrote:Well, Osborne has made sure my grandson is going to start his working life up to his eyes in debt, about £50,000 now he has abolished the maintenance grant.  I presume Didge would consider him irresponsible for having that level of debt?   If so, there are going to be thousands like him.   And if he buys a house when he has been working a few years (fat chance at the moment) he'll have a lot more debt.

There is nothing that wrong with debt because we all have in one way or another as long as it is managed properly. And as that graph shows debt went down in the post finacila crisis as did credit card card use.

What chance does your grandson have with a start like that as will so many others? It's all measured as debt as is Osborne's start up loans to first time buyers. Great stuff eh! Create and encourage debt and then blame people for getting into debt.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:06 am

Sounds normal for this government, create a problem and then blame the people who you have caused the problem for.


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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:20 pm

Labour have caused the problems with mass immigration and bad fiscal policies.
Tommy Monk
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:03 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Labour have caused the problems with mass immigration and bad fiscal policies.

is this whats known as predictability????


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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:12 pm

The predictability is from some lefties here who constantly fail to recognise the truth... hence the constant reminders from me...!!!

Tommy Monk
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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:21 pm

itsthemmimigrants wot did it guv Rolling Eyes


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Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank  - Page 3 Empty Re: Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open foodbank

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:03 pm

The negative impacts of mass immigration are clear but willfully overlooked by those in denial, who now complain about many of The problems it has caused...
Tommy Monk
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