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Ten things you actually can't say about racism

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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:46 pm

Finally, we’re having that open and honest debate about immigration and race everyone has been calling for.
The taboo has been broken – somewhat ironically – by the former head of the Commission for Racial Equality writing in the Daily Mail. Trevor Phillips, long a hate figure for the anti-multicultural right, has this morning become their darling. “At last! A man who dares to tell the truth about race: Ex-race tsar says silencing of debate has done devastating harm to Britain," exclaims the Mail’s headline, above a list of "10 True Things You Can’t Say”.
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Daily_mail_screen_3233888b 10 true things you can say in a national newspaper (Daily Mail)
It’s a rather odd list, ranging from “Romanians are far more likely to be pickpockets” to “Indian women are 8 times as likely to be chemists”. Somewhere in Britain there may well be people who have been furtively circulating secret reports detailing the ethnicity and gender of Boots workers, whilst living in constant terror of the knock on the door from the thought police. In which case today is indeed a happy and liberating day.
Some of Trevor Phillips' “explosive truths” are things I’ve written about myself. He correctly highlights the growing divide between significant elements of the Muslim community and the rest of society, and the role of so-called political correctness in a number of high profile child abuse scandals.
But if we really are serious about “being honest” about these issues, then by all means, let’s be honest and open. Because I’ve go my own list of “10 True Things You Can’t Say” about immigration and race:
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Totally-transparen_3165917g
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Tory-van-620_2628143b This roving Home Office advert was christened the "racist van" (Rick Findler)
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Totally-transparen_3165917g
1) Most of the people who demand an open and honest debate about racism are racist.
2) Most of the people we demand an open and honest debate about racism are hypocrites. As soon as you point to their racism they run around screaming “You called me a racist! How dare you! You can’t say that!”
3) Most of the people who demand an open and honest debate about racism only ever see one side of the debate. That’s because they’re invariably white, and have no personal experience of what racism actually is.
4) Most of the politicians who demand an open and honest debate are lying. They just want racists to vote for them, or worry they won’t get elected if racists don’t vote for them.
5) When people want to excuse racism, they channel it through the prism of class. Say “I have a real problem with immigration” and you will be challenged. Say “Many working class communities are experiencing real problems with immigration” and you are given a pass.
6) Racism is still acceptable on all sides of the political spectrum. On the Left it’s acceptable to hate Jews. On the Right it’s blacks and Muslims. Racism towards Eastern Europeans is acceptable on both the Left and the Right.
7) It is impossible to “control immigration” to the UK.
Cool The lack of black, Asian and minority ethnic representation in British public life is a far greater scandal than the under-representation of women.
9) Saying “racism is better now than it was 30 years ago” is the equivalent of saying “cancer is better now than it was 30 years ago”. Yes, we’re better at understanding and tackling it. But cancer is still cancer.
10) Ukip represent the biggest threat to British race relations since Oswald Mosley’s black-shirts.
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Totally-transparen_3165917g
Now, there may be some people who disagree with some of my inconvenient truths. But that doesn’t matter now, right? We live in the era of open and honest debate. There are no taboos. We can discuss openly the racism of those who demand an “open” discourse on race. We can talk honestly about the prejudice that underpins many calls for an “honest” debate about immigration.
You wanted the truth. You’ve got it.


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:58 pm

When people want to excuse racism, they channel it through the prism of class. Say “I have a real problem with immigration” and you will be challenged. Say “Many working class communities are experiencing real problems with immigration” and you are given a pass.

I found that particularly interesting in how it contrasts to the U.S. Over here, I'd say, "when people want to get a pass on talking about classism, they channel it through the prism of race. Say 'We are failing our poor communities' and you will be challenged (probably called a socialist). Say 'we are failing our minority communities' and you are given a pass."

In other words, talking about income inequality makes Americans in general so uncomfortable that many of us can only talk about it in terms of race.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:47 pm

Brasidas wrote:Finally, we’re having that open and honest debate about immigration and race everyone has been calling for.
The taboo has been broken – somewhat ironically – by the former head of the Commission for Racial Equality writing in the Daily Mail. Trevor Phillips, long a hate figure for the anti-multicultural right, has this morning become their darling. “At last! A man who dares to tell the truth about race: Ex-race tsar says silencing of debate has done devastating harm to Britain," exclaims the Mail’s headline, above a list of "10 True Things You Can’t Say”.
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Daily_mail_screen_3233888b 10 true things you can say in a national newspaper (Daily Mail)
It’s a rather odd list, ranging from “Romanians are far more likely to be pickpockets” to “Indian women are 8 times as likely to be chemists”. Somewhere in Britain there may well be people who have been furtively circulating secret reports detailing the ethnicity and gender of Boots workers, whilst living in constant terror of the knock on the door from the thought police. In which case today is indeed a happy and liberating day.
Some of Trevor Phillips' “explosive truths” are things I’ve written about myself. He correctly highlights the growing divide between significant elements of the Muslim community and the rest of society, and the role of so-called political correctness in a number of high profile child abuse scandals.
But if we really are serious about “being honest” about these issues, then by all means, let’s be honest and open. Because I’ve go my own list of “10 True Things You Can’t Say” about immigration and race:
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Totally-transparen_3165917g
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Tory-van-620_2628143b This roving Home Office advert was christened the "racist van" (Rick Findler)
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Totally-transparen_3165917g
1) Most of the people who demand an open and honest debate about racism are racist.

ONLY because, in accordance with lefty liberalist DICTATS, Anyone who questions even the least thing about immigration , no matter HOW mildly is labelled "racist in order to marginalise them and stifle the lefty no debate is needed...they are right everyone else is wrong and bugger democracy

2) Most of the people we demand an open and honest debate about racism are hypocrites. As soon as you point to their racism they run around screaming “You called me a racist! How dare you! You can’t say that!”

hardly surprising since this automatically follows from the above point, and shows again the lefty arrogance of "I'm right you are wrong" and I'll label you to shut you up

3) Most of the people who demand an open and honest debate about racism only ever see one side of the debate. That’s because they’re invariably white, and have no personal experience of what racism actually is.

notice how the debate has been subtly "twisted" to suit the lefty agenda in order to deflect from and avoid the debate on immigration, they change the substance of the argument from immigration to racism, subtly prepareing the ground to be able to claim one is synonymous with the other...moreover "most" does not, by a long way imply ALL, a number of those who would welcome open and honest debate about racism and "non white"

4) Most of the politicians who demand an open and honest debate are lying. They just want racists to vote for them, or worry they won’t get elected if racists don’t vote for them.
5) When people want to excuse racism, they channel it through the prism of class. Say “I have a real problem with immigration”

and here we have the evidence of the twisted lying lefty agenda....clearly to the mental defectives that control and populate the left immigration and "racism" ARE synonymous, whereas the truth is completely different...

and you will be challenged. Say “Many working class communities are experiencing real problems with immigration” and you are given a pass.
and thats bull shit...the lefties are the biggest "class warriors and traitors to their class going...

6) Racism is still acceptable on all sides of the political spectrum. On the Left it’s acceptable to hate Jews. On the Right it’s blacks and Muslims. Racism towards Eastern Europeans is acceptable on both the Left and the Right.

Based on what?

7) It is impossible to “control immigration” to the UK.

more lefty is of course impossible when lefty politicians cripple border control

Cool The lack of black, Asian and minority ethnic representation in British public life is a far greater scandal than the under-representation of women.

yeah? really....

just look...carefully........ at the lefty councils run by or heavily influencedby "them" rotherham....etc.....

9) Saying “racism is better now than it was 30 years ago” is the equivalent of saying “cancer is better now than it was 30 years ago”. Yes, we’re better at understanding and tackling it. But cancer is still cancer.

and...the cure?? Lefty agenda....erosion of freedom of opinion now....perhaps make it imprisonable for expressing your opinion, get YOUR KIDS, brainwashed into spying on their parents "opinions" for the lefty superstate...hmmm/.....i have heard of that happening elsewhere......

10) Ukip represent the biggest threat to British race relations since Oswald Mosley’s black-shirts.
Ten things you actually can't say about racism Totally-transparen_3165917g
Now, there may be some people who disagree with some of my inconvenient truths. But that doesn’t matter now, right? We live in the era of open and honest debate. There are no taboos. We can discuss openly the racism of those who demand an “open” discourse on race. We can talk honestly about the prejudice that underpins many calls for an “honest” debate about immigration.
You wanted the truth. You’ve got it.

and again that lefty rag the low can it stoop....


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:07 pm

Dear me someone is exposing how much of a National socialist they truly are.,
Are you debating me Victo or are you trying to deny the truth here in those ten points?
Your replies were just lame opinions, you cannot even back up.
Not one of your answers showed intelligence, it showed fear, that you would react and react to what?
The truth, hence why you become even more excited at points that ring true.


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:42 pm

Brasidas wrote:Dear me someone is exposing how much of a National socialist they truly are.,
Are you debating me Victo or are you trying to deny the truth here in those ten points?
Your replies were just lame opinions, you cannot even back up.

and the opinions in te op are exactly that ...opinions which have no validity and are in fact as biased and wrongful as they come, which of course you can expect from the lefty equal to the daily fail

Not one of your answers showed intelligence,

and another "lefty lable"...cant argue with the point  call your opponent "unintelligent" eh didge.....well me boy whilst YOU may call yourself intelligent (possessed of an ego like Zaphod Beelbrox) you certainly are not possesed of "common sense"

it showed fear, that you would react and react to what?
eh???   what reaction?? what are you blethering on about (deflecting)?

The truth, hence why you become even more excited at points that ring true.

No didge i'm showing up the didingenuity of the lefty liars

conflating racism with immigration

firstly the two are NOT synonymous
secondly they are deliberately juxtaposed in this article to smudge over the difference

the TRUTH is that the lefty does not WANT to debate immigration
the lefty is shit scared of any such debate, because it knows there are tennouous grounds in support of it...

moreove the lefty DOES (and you cannot deny it) randomly use (pick any one) of the so called "SIXHIRB" slurs in order to stifle debate...

To think I USED to be a lefty myself....tsk, the shame.......


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:05 pm

No all you are showing is one hell of a warped belief you have.
You gave opinion not backed with evidence.
The points were even more valid in your case, that is a fact.


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:09 pm

Brasidas wrote:No all you are showing is one hell of a warped belief you have.

erm what belief would that be? ...take your time

You gave opinion not backed with evidence.

and so does the what???

The points were even more valid in your case, that is a fact.


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:18 pm

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:No all you are showing is one hell of a warped belief you have.

erm what belief would that be? ...take your time

You gave opinion not backed with evidence.

and so does the what???

The points were even more valid in your case, that is a fact.

Warped belief?
Simple you view humans as inherantly bad, you see little good because you are so pessimistic.
You play on the negative and not the positive and wish to make humans divided and off what?
Because of your own selfish views on how you see humanity should be, one I might add that belives in humans being controlled through fear.Was ikt not backed up?
Lets face some facts, anyone who wants to argue against living alongside other humans in regards to immigration are really racist.
The reasons they provide are ones to deflect away from their real meaning, of they want to keep the world divided.


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:25 pm

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:

Warped belief?
Simple you view humans as inherantly bad, you see little good because you are so pessimistic.

nope I see lefty liberalists as inherently bad (I also see violent divisive R/W ers as equally bad)

You play on the negative and not the positive and wish to make humans divided and off what?

well as i have asked for many times.....can someone give me the positives ....ones which as an increasingly globaly connected world we would not have gained anyhow??

Because of your own selfish views on how you see humanity should be, one I might add that belives in humans being controlled through fear.Was ikt not backed up? no
Lets face some facts, anyone who wants to argue against living alongside other humans in regards to immigration are really racist.

rubbish didge...thats just a lefty fiction to kill debate.....

The reasons they provide are ones to deflect away from their real meaning, of they want to keep the world divided.

nope see didge some of us are honest in out intents...and dont run scared of what others think...unlike the cowards and traitors of the left....


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:30 pm

darknessss wrote:
Brasidas wrote:

Warped belief?
Simple you view humans as inherantly bad, you see little good because you are so pessimistic.

nope I see lefty liberalists as inherently bad (I also see violent divisive R/W ers as equally bad)

You play on the negative and not the positive and wish to make humans divided and off what?

well as i have asked for many times.....can someone give me the positives ....ones which as an increasingly globaly connected world we would not have gained anyhow??

Because of your own selfish views on how you see humanity should be, one I might add that belives in humans being controlled through fear.Was ikt not backed up? no
Lets face some facts, anyone who wants to argue against living alongside other humans in regards to immigration are really racist.

rubbish didge...thats just a lefty fiction to kill debate.....

The reasons they provide are ones to deflect away from their real meaning, of they want to keep the world divided.

nope see didge some of us are honest in out intents...and dont run scared of what others think...unlike the cowards and traitors of the left....

Its not rubbishg though as again you only see the negative, yet I see so many postives and why is that?
Because humnaity has the capability and does so daily in being positive, it just lacks the will power collectively world wide to do so.
You are dishonest, because fear has taken over your good thought processing capability Victor. That may seem harsh but true. The fact is within everyone there is the ability to do good and the natural suppot of each other can make and does so a reality.
Seriously do you ever look at the positive Victor?
You need to ask yourself why is that?
Are you more afraid that it is true that humans can succeed?


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:45 pm

you are a very bad psychologist didge...thats all I can say.....

you recon you see the positives...

go on then...pray tell

BUT ONLY those that we would NOT have aquired through the course of "normal trade and communication"

(and I DO include in "normal trade and communication", immigration to fill certain urgent and needed workers)


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:48 pm

darknessss wrote:you are a very bad psychologist didge...thats all I can say.....

you recon you see the positives...

go on then...pray tell

BUT ONLY those that we would NOT have aquired through the course of "normal trade and communication"

(and I DO include in  "normal trade and communication", immigration to fill certain urgent and needed workers)

In your humble opinion.
What positives do I see?
They are countless, from the moment you wake  you see them all around you.
The point you need to ask yourself is why you do not see them?
Is it you are wrongly looking at everything?

Goodnight as I sat Veya is online and that is as about as much stupidity as I can stand for one night


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by veya_victaous Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:28 pm

part of the issue is people not wanting to admit they use stereotypes in their thinking we all do, our brains evolved that way.. but we just need to be conscious of it and separate the statical stereotype from the individual.

We need honesty to solve problems, this is why the don't be a dick principal is better the banned words method. really racists are very obvious when forced to outlay their logic.

Cowardice is not a trait of LW or RW both have it in equal measure
RW are terrified of change, LW are terrified of admitting that life is sometimes cruel and there is nothing we can do about it.
Personally I have known more LW people to be independently brave.

Also what is braver to be kind and expose yourself to risk or to be cruel and attack before they can attack you?
I think it is braver to be kind because it leaves you vulnerable If you are allowing that vulnerability it is braver than someone too uncomfortable with vulnerability to open themselves to kindness.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:38 pm

veya_victaous wrote:part of the issue is people not wanting to admit they use stereotypes in their thinking we all do, our brains evolved that way.. but we just need to be conscious of it and separate the statical stereotype from the individual.

We need honesty to solve problems, this is why the don't be a dick principal is better the banned words method. really racists are very obvious when forced to outlay their logic.

Cowardice is not a trait of LW or RW both have it in equal measure
RW are terrified of change, LW are terrified of admitting that life is sometimes cruel and there is nothing we can do about it.
Personally I have known more LW people to be independently brave.

nah...the left are affraid of being wrong, they are affraid of open debate, otherwise they wouldnt consistantly attempt to stifle and kill debate with the "sixhirb" slurs they are so fond of

Also what is braver to be kind and expose yourself to risk or to be cruel and attack before they can attack you?
I think it is braver to be kind because it leaves you vulnerable If you are allowing that vulnerability it is braver than someone too uncomfortable with vulnerability to open themselves to kindness.

except by some sort of insane perverted logic that is NOT bravery. that is STUPIDITY (it is often the case that the two get "mixed up and mistaken for one another")(and of course it makes a good soundbyte for the lefty tree hugging nipple head)


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by veya_victaous Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:51 pm

darknessss wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:part of the issue is people not wanting to admit they use stereotypes in their thinking we all do, our brains evolved that way.. but we just need to be conscious of it and separate the statical stereotype from the individual.

We need honesty to solve problems, this is why the don't be a dick principal is better the banned words method. really racists are very obvious when forced to outlay their logic.

Cowardice is not a trait of LW or RW both have it in equal measure
RW are terrified of change, LW are terrified of admitting that life is sometimes cruel and there is nothing we can do about it.
Personally I have known more LW people to be independently brave.

nah...the left are affraid of being wrong, they are affraid of open debate, otherwise they wouldnt consistantly attempt to stifle and kill debate with the "sixhirb" slurs they are so fond of

Also what is braver to be kind and expose yourself to risk or to be cruel and attack before they can attack you?
I think it is braver to be kind because it leaves you vulnerable If you are allowing that vulnerability it is braver than someone too uncomfortable with vulnerability to open themselves to kindness.

except by some sort of insane perverted logic that is NOT bravery. that is STUPIDITY (it is often the case that the two get "mixed up and mistaken for one another")(and of course it makes a good soundbyte for the lefty tree hugging nipple head)

Bravery is Stupidity
no different than the caveman taking on a bear with a pointy stick
It is not brave to fear others, and even less brave to fear others without out good reason.

And some of the LW are afraid of being wrong other like myself don't even think of that we just move forward, whatever is progress for this point is what I support a conservative by definition wants to stifle progress to maintain the status quo.

what is"sixhirb"? not heard the term before confused
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:03 pm

ah now ..."sixhirb"

" "If you disagree with the Left, you are one or all of the following -- Sexist, Intolerant, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Racist, Bigoted."

the leftist mantra allow that:- "If you are pressed in debate or feel that you are losing control of the debate or that you opponent has the upper hand you may fairly employ one of a number of insults and slurs to quickly silence you opposition and sifle the debate, these slurs also have the great efect of rendering any further debate on the subject in hand difficult if not impossible" Youmay use them as appropriate or at a pinch just choose any one at random..."


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:08 pm

Whereas I'm afraid to say Victor, your's now seems to be 'stick Lefty in front of it'.

I'm a Lefty, a very proud reasoned Lefty, who wouldn't be a RWhinger if you promised me a fortune.  Because being Left means actually caring about your fellow man, the planet, and everything on it.


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by veya_victaous Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:16 pm

darknessss wrote:ah now ..."sixhirb"

" "If you disagree with the Left, you are one or all of the following -- Sexist, Intolerant, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Racist, Bigoted."

the leftist mantra allow that:- "If you are pressed in debate or feel that you are losing control of the debate or that you opponent has the upper hand you may fairly employ one of a number of insults and slurs to quickly silence you opposition and sifle the debate, these slurs also have the great efect of rendering any further debate on the subject in hand difficult if not impossible" Youmay use them as appropriate or at a pinch just choose any one at random..."

well it is probably true Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz
If you are RW you are probably one or all of the following -- Sexist, Intolerant, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Racist, Bigoted."
Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz

How does it effect debate unless it is a fair point?
everyone is prejudiced it is just being aware and minimising it in your reasoning since it is illogical.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:21 pm

risingsun wrote:Whereas I'm afraid to say Victor, your's now seems to be 'stick Lefty in front of it'.

I'm a Lefty, a very proud reasoned Lefty, who wouldn't be a RWhinger if you promised me a fortune.  Because being Left means actually caring about your fellow man, the planet, and everything on it.

yup and also being full of ideas but being totally bereft of ideas......

all problems and no (practical) solutions (and a love of micro managing simply EVERYONES lives)


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:23 pm

oh and the nasty habit of basing policies and law on the noisiest minority group, regardless of the rule of "proportionality" . just to "look good"


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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by veya_victaous Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:30 pm

the Uk does seem especially bad for lack of common sense in politics

we at least have senator Nick Xenophon
and other independent senators to curb the worst of the two main parties stupid populous ideas Neutral
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Ten things you actually can't say about racism Empty Re: Ten things you actually can't say about racism

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:35 pm

the above id demonstrably true of the liebour party veya....they last lot were THE most intrusive law makes ever seen in britain.....


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