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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:15 pm

Notions of gods arise in all human societies, from all powerful and all-knowing deities to simple forest spirits. A recent method of examining religious thought and behaviour links their ubiquity and the similarity of our beliefs to the ways in which human mental processes were adapted for survival in prehistoric times.
It rests on a [url= 1994b.pdf]couple of observations about human psychology[/url]. First, when an event happens, we tend to assume that a living thing caused it. In other words, we assume agency behind that event. If you think of the sorts of events that might have happened in prehistoric times, it’s easy to see why a bias towards agency would be useful. A rustling of a bush or the snapping of a twig could be due to wind. But far better to assume it’s a lion and run away.
The survivors who had this tendency to more readily ascribe agency to an event passed their genes down the generations, increasingly hard-wiring this way of making snap decisions into the brain. This is not something that people need to learn. It occurs quickly and automatically.
Empathic tendencies
The second trait is about how we view others. While living together in a tribe would have had many advantages for survival in prehistoric times, getting along with everyone would not always have been easy. Comprehending others’ behaviour requires you to understand their thoughts and beliefs, especially where these may be incorrect due to someone not knowing the full facts of a situation.


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:23 pm

lol so science now knows what the ancients were thinking , how many skulls did they test to work that one out... Smile 


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:25 pm

Guess you have never heard of the field physiology before, which is also showing religion is evolutionary ha ha, that is what you are pissed about and there is no way you read the full article either.


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:29 pm

Didge wrote:Guess you have never heard of the field physiology before, which is also showing religion is evolutionary ha ha, that is what you are pissed about and there is no way you read the full article either.

again why would i read the full article, i cannot test their theory one way or the other, so once again it comes down to what you chose to accept as truth or not, you have chosen your religion of evolution, i have my faith in God... Smile


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:32 pm

So you have not read and yet make yet again idiotic statements of which you do not have the first clue about, seriously, I would advise you may find more sense if you stick your head down a toilet and flush it.

I have chosen no religion because evolution does not have a deity or rules to dictate how I should lead my life, showing even more what a dummy you are


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:37 pm

Didge wrote:So you have not read and yet make yet again idiotic statements of which you do not have the first clue about, seriously, I would advise you may find more sense if you stick your head down a toilet and flush it.

I have chosen no religion because evolution does not have a deity or rules to dictate how I should lead my life, showing even more what a dummy you are

it requires you to accept it by faith, which you do as you cannot test it, so it is your religion.. Smile 


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:43 pm

Oh my go and play with your lego, there is a good boy, I am bored of debating an idiot



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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:45 pm

Didge wrote:Oh my go and play with your lego, there is a good boy, I am bored of debating an idiot


hey if you can't prove your point, that's your problem not mine... Smile 


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:47 pm

heavenlyfatheragain wrote:
Didge wrote:Oh my go and play with your lego, there is a good boy, I am bored of debating an idiot


hey if you can't prove your point, that's your problem not mine... Smile 

I was not even trying to prove any point, that never even started, because you do what you always do and spoil an thread, so in the nicest possible way, jog the fuck on and play with your lego, as am sure that will be taxing a task for you.

Good luck, as am not interested to debate an imbecilie such as yourself who has no interest in debating the topic


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:52 pm

and your "bible" (which you would claim is infallible") claims mythical creatures walked the earth human times....and yet.....there is NO evidence to support it...

at least science is based on sound observation and intelligent deduction....

So since you cant bring anything sensible or interesting to the debate, just your usual nonsensical claptrap.......go "do one"


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:52 pm

First class article didge....


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:54 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:and your "bible" (which you would claim is infallible") claims mythical creatures walked the earth human times....and yet.....there is NO evidence to support it...

at least science is based on sound observation and intelligent deduction....

So since you cant bring anything sensible or interesting to the debate, just your usual nonsensical claptrap.......go "do one"

science is based on man's best guess and proves itself fallible every step of the way... Smile 


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 10:55 pm

victorisnotamused wrote:First class article didge....

Thanks Victor


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 11:16 pm

heavenlyfatheragain wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:and your "bible" (which you would claim is infallible") claims mythical creatures walked the earth human times....and yet.....there is NO evidence to support it...

at least science is based on sound observation and intelligent deduction....

So since you cant bring anything sensible or interesting to the debate, just your usual nonsensical claptrap.......go "do one"

science is based on man's best guess and proves itself fallible every step of the way... Smile 

the difference doesnt claim to be infallible and is open to challenges...your kind of primitive mentality is closed minded and stuck in the past, with no hope of ever improving...If YOUR kind of mentality had had its way we would STILL have a "flat world"


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Sun May 25, 2014 11:23 pm

Vote UKIP.


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by veya_victaous Mon May 26, 2014 5:08 am

victorisnotamused wrote:
heavenlyfatheragain wrote:
victorisnotamused wrote:and your "bible" (which you would claim is infallible") claims mythical creatures walked the earth human times....and yet.....there is NO evidence to support it...

at least science is based on sound observation and intelligent deduction....

So since you cant bring anything sensible or interesting to the debate, just your usual nonsensical claptrap.......go "do one"

science is based on man's best guess and proves itself fallible every step of the way... Smile 

the difference doesnt claim to be infallible and is open to challenges...your kind of primitive mentality is closed minded and stuck in the past, with no hope of ever improving...If YOUR kind of mentality had had its way we would STILL have a "flat world"

And don't forget at least 20 times more babies Would die before their first Birthday Because HF wants to Follow 'the Bible' and 'Gods will'. We can say to all Christians WE TRIED IT YOUR WAY ... there were mountains of dead babies caused by following YOUR god and Your Book of lies. And If you want to bring back a World with mountains of dead babies I think there are quite a few that will do everything they can to stop you.  ::pntyswrd:: 
Ignorance is Evil and even more Evil when that Ignorance WILL create mountains of dead babies if it ever gains power again.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 6:41 am

veya that is really desperate of you now using OT as a way to get at my husband , but islam do a great job at keeping down the population when they blow people up and if they had their way they would be hanging gays also .

Anyway i have a question for you and all the other atheists .

Do you think everyone should believe evolution or become atheists , if so why and what difference to the world do you think it would make ?


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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by Ben Reilly Mon May 26, 2014 8:04 am

Vicar of Dibley wrote:veya that is really desperate of you now using OT as a way to get at my husband , but islam do a great job at keeping down the population when they blow people up and if they had their way they would be hanging gays also .

Anyway i have a question for you and all the other atheists .

Do you think everyone should believe evolution or become atheists , if so why and what difference to the world do you think it would make ?

First of all, last time I checked veya is not an atheist -- at least not an atheist like me, so I hope you don't mind if I jump in and answer this. With LOTS OF WORDS!!!!

So, I respect everyone's absolute right to believe whatever they want. But I do think the world would be better off if people were atheists and accepted evolutionary theory as the best framework we have for rationally understanding biology.

I'll try to unpack that into two separate responses, though, because they're basically unrelated questions ...


There is no field of biology that isn't touched by evolution. We have different antibiotics now than we did 50 years ago, because the bacteria that cause infections have evolved resistances to the older medications.

When you take a course of antibiotics, it alone doesn't wipe out the infection -- it wipes out most of it. Your immune system handles the rest (or doesn't, and you die). The remaining small percent that isn't killed becomes the future of its species (because the rest is dead). And when it goes on to infect someone else, it has more immunity to the same drug you just took to clear up your infection than the infection you got in the first place had. It's the process called "selection" in evolutionary theory, and it can happen naturally (without human involvement) or artificially (when human beings select the survivors and reproducers, as in growing crops, breeding livestock and fighting infectious organisms).

Evolution also helps us understand ourselves, particularly these days in evolutionary neuropsychology, the study of how certain human traits (things like the fight-or-flight response) evolved in reaction to the nature of being human.

It helps us be better farmers. The pests that wiped out crops 50 years ago have resistances to the pesticides used back then to kill them, for the same reason drugs from 50 years ago don't fight infections as effectively as before. If you have an acre of wheat with 1,000 locusts on it, you can use a poison to kill 90 percent of them and save the crop. Next year, the locusts are more likely to have descended from the 100 survivors from the year before, and your pesticide becomes less effective every growing season.


Belief in God isn't a completely negative thing, but the positives that come from belief in God could be duplicated or improved upon by not constantly externalizing every good thing to "the work of God." For example, I could say that God got me through university and gave me my degree, and while there's nothing particularly bad about that idea, I find it more satisfying to consider, giving that God probably doesn't exist, that it was me who got myself through university and that I earned my degree on the basis of my own merit, work and occasional good luck.

When someone does something heroic, I find it better to credit them with being heroes than to credit God with dispatching them to the right place at the right time and making them do what was needed. Since God probably doesn't exist, heroes are very likely nothing more than people who were able to be their best when their best was needed.

Religion is also something politicians, kings, dictators and terrorist leaders use to justify violence and war. If Western Christians and Middle Eastern Muslims all suddenly became atheists, they might at least be forced to be honest about the fact that their conflict is over fossil fuels, not whose God is real and whose isn't.

In the absence of religion, we could admit that we actually decide for ourselves what's right and what's wrong, and maybe progress toward a widely held humanist view of morality that would basically contain everything we know is right -- don't violate another person's body (rape, assault, murder) or property (theft, vandalism, etc.), and don't do anything else to another person when they don't want you to or when they are not capable of deciding whether they want you to do or not. At the same time, we could stop worrying so much about what two men or two women do together, what food we can eat and how it must be prepared, what sort of clothing we have to wear, etc.

Lastly, I've said this before, but I know people who aren't living the lives they have right now so much as waiting for an afterlife that nobody can be certain exists, and as a result they're wasting their lives.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts Empty Re: Our ancient caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Post by veya_victaous Mon May 26, 2014 11:42 am

Vicar of Dibley wrote:veya that is really desperate of you now using OT as a way to get at my husband , but islam do a great job at keeping down the population when they blow people up and if they had their way they would be hanging gays also .

Anyway i have a question for you and all the other atheists .

Do you think everyone should believe evolution or become atheists , if so why and what difference to the world do you think it would make ?

Yeah like Ben Said, I'm NOT an Atheist   ::alahoo::  ::alahoo::  ::alahoo::  ::alahoo:: 

And historically it is a real threat  Neutral  just like allowing Islamic fundamentalists or any religious fundamentalists to have control of an army  ::rambo:: 

Science is the best way of ensuring crazy fundamentalists (like controlled Europe through out the middle ages) don't gain power through scientific education of the masses. You see plenty of faiths can exist and accept science and Science is the beacon that has allowed secularism (which includes democracy and abolishing slavery) to flourish.

I am not so much against Christians as I am against ignorance. If Evolution at it's fundamental core is not correct than a fair portion of our modern medicine and medical techniques wouldn't work. we can argue about the specifics all day long but really, the proof that evolution exists and is the mechanism by which we came to be is around you everyday, one of the more extreme examples is the lack of dead babies  silent silent silent 
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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