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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:51 am

Britain's aid spending increased by more than any other European country last year. The budget rose by 28 per cent, allowing the UK to hit its target of spending 0.7 per cent of GDP on overseas development. It means it has retained its place as second only to the United States in terms of the size of its development budget.

Many Conservative backbenchers are incensed that the Coalition has protected aid spending at a time when public services are facing stringent cuts.

Bloody disgraceful at a time when our own people have to go to food banks, where hospitals are under appalling strain. Whatever happened to common sense?


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:57 am

Great news, glad to see we are doing the humane thing and trying to help people far worse off than we are.
Common sense is trying to help all, not just people born unto this land, that would be utterly selfish


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by nicko Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:14 am

bullshit,get a life.
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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:45 am

nicko wrote:bullshit,get a life.

Really, for someone who is meant to proud of our nation you know little of its history Nicko.
The reality is the industrial revolution was a reality due to the wealth plundered from India, hence why conquering nations advance so well. Take the Romans and the Greeks, all advanced off conquest and might, so did the British with the British Empire.

The reality is here people bemoan helping humans in need and they bemoan this by saying there are some here that need help of which we do actually help them, but we should not help millions of others simply because they are not born onto this land, that is absurd argument to deny people in need of help financial aid and I am proud that Britain is one of the leading nations out to help humanity with aid, as you should be


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by nicko Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:19 pm

didge,help any country in need but make sure every penny goes where it's needed. at the moment it doesn't ,when it gets to the needy only a fraction is left with most of it nicked by despot goverments.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:32 pm

nicko wrote:didge,help any country in need but make sure every penny goes where it's needed. at the moment it doesn't ,when it gets to the needy only a fraction is left with most of it nicked by despot goverments.

I agree all should go to those that need it, but is it right to stop it because some people are corrupt, that we should stop sending any money? The majority gets through Nicko and again it is no reason to stop, because even if I was to believe you and only a few received that aid, that is more being helped than by no aid being sent at all.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:09 pm

If you want to know why aid doesnt work just have a look at Africa. I object to my taxes being used in this way. Public services are heading into meltdown as is the NHS. Its a disgrace that our money is being sent to tin pot dictators and warlords.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by nicko Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:11 pm

wel'l have to agree to disagree on that didge.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:17 pm

Nems wrote:If you want to know why aid doesnt work just have a look at Africa. I object to my taxes being used in this way. Public services are heading into meltdown as is the NHS. Its a disgrace that our money is being sent to tin pot dictators and warlords.

You are one of 63 million people her so object Nems, I on the other hand think aid does great help being as I have been to Africa to see that aid being put to good use. Yes it is wrong that again people take advantage of that,  but again it is worse to send nothing because countless more suffer and die, hence why I find the arguments against sending aid a smokescreen, because if people really care about humanity, then you send us much aid to all, no matter if the system has faults, what you do not do is stop, but rectify the corruption. Again the NHS is given more money that some nations even see within a year, and the reality is people will know doubt have to pay in more for this service for the future, but to use the NHS is appalling when many people in this country have a great service in the NHS. The NHS is becoming very expensive and thus we have to change it but don't use that as some tool to deny countless people around the world in need Nems, that is poor to say the least, as I could argue on countless other aspects we spend money on where its uses could be better suited, hence why such arguments against sending aid are lame.

Last edited by Didge on Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:19 pm; edited 1 time in total


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:18 pm

nicko wrote:wel'l have to agree to disagree on that didge.

No problem Nicko


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:24 pm

Department for
International Development
DFID in 2009–10

Fact: The UK’s aid programme has made a measurable difference in its 22 priority countries. Here’s some numbers from a single year of DFID’s bilateral aid programme (2008-9):

  • Trained over 150,000 teachers

  • Built or reconstructed over 9,500 classrooms

  • Trained over 70,000 health professionals

  • Vaccinated over 4 million children against measles

  • Delivered over 6 million anti-malarial bednets

  • Provided anti-retroviral drugs to over 200,000 people with HIV

  • Distributed over 400 million condoms

  • Provided over 2.5 million people with clean water

  • Provided over 2.5 million people with better sanitation

  • Built or upgraded 1,500 km of road and maintained a further 14,500 km

  • Provided new/improved electricity to over 50,000 households

  • Assisted over 13 million people through food security programmes

  • Assisted over 3 million people through social assistance programmes


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:26 pm

Didge wrote:
Nems wrote:If you want to know why aid doesnt work just have a look at Africa. I object to my taxes being used in this way. Public services are heading into meltdown as is the NHS. Its a disgrace that our money is being sent to tin pot dictators and warlords.

You are one of 63 million people her so object Nems, I on the other hand think aid does great help being as I have been to Africa to see that aid being put to good use. Yes it is wrong that again people take advantage of that,  but again it is worse to send nothing because countless more suffer and die, hence why I find the arguments against sending aid a smokescreen, because if people really care about humanity, the you send us much aid to all, no matter if the system has faults, what you do not do is stop being but rectify it. Again the NHS is given more money that some nations even see within a year, and the reality is people will know doubt have to pay in more for this service for the future, but to use the NHS is appalling when many people in this country have a great service in the NHS. The NHS is becoming very expensive and thus we have to change it but don't use that as some tool to deny countless people around the world in need Nems, that is poor to say the least, as I could argue on countless other aspects we spend money on where its uses could be better suited, hence why such arguments against sending aid are lame.

Where did you see that in Africa Didge? When in Kenya I went to a place called Bombalooloo (sp) That was set up by the Africans to help the disabled. The disabled are often exiled from their village if they are unable to contribute and this place was teaching them skills to help them earn. There was an incredible amount of begging on the streets which is the same in many counties I have been to.
Have you never thought that by now we must have dug a well for each person in Africa? Billions have been slung at Africa and its none nothing they are still fighting, dying and starving.
What is wrong with the NHS is too many pencil pushers and not enough medical staff.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:33 pm

Nems wrote:
Didge wrote:

You are one of 63 million people her so object Nems, I on the other hand think aid does great help being as I have been to Africa to see that aid being put to good use. Yes it is wrong that again people take advantage of that,  but again it is worse to send nothing because countless more suffer and die, hence why I find the arguments against sending aid a smokescreen, because if people really care about humanity, the you send us much aid to all, no matter if the system has faults, what you do not do is stop being but rectify it. Again the NHS is given more money that some nations even see within a year, and the reality is people will know doubt have to pay in more for this service for the future, but to use the NHS is appalling when many people in this country have a great service in the NHS. The NHS is becoming very expensive and thus we have to change it but don't use that as some tool to deny countless people around the world in need Nems, that is poor to say the least, as I could argue on countless other aspects we spend money on where its uses could be better suited, hence why such arguments against sending aid are lame.

Where did you see that in Africa Didge? When in Kenya I went to a place called Bombalooloo (sp) That was set up by the Africans to help the disabled. The disabled are often exiled from their village if they are unable to contribute and this place was teaching them skills to help them earn. There was an incredible amount of begging on the streets which is the same in many counties I have been to.
Have you never thought that by now we must have dug a well for each person in Africa? Billions have been slung at Africa and its none nothing they are still fighting, dying and starving.
What is wrong with the NHS is too many pencil pushers and not enough medical staff.

So again your argument is on a place where people are still in poverty so we should not bother sending any at all, again an absurd view point, we can exchange stories all day long but the facts speak for themselves posted above. It is not going to be changed over night and will take years but that does not mean denying humans aid off the fact we are in fact a rich nation and can easily off help.
I know what is wrong with the NHS and the problem is medical staff at the top who are not business minded people trying to run it. That is your problem right there alone, people who are best placed in medically helping people, not running a service, the PCT being one of the biggest nightmare run services I have come across, who over budgeted so badly before with the ambulance that they had to instigate recruiting so many ambulance technician, so yes I have seen the incompetence of medical people trying to run the NHS

Again any help is better than no help, your argument is one of doing nothing of which helps nobody, it is selfish and again uses an excuse to deny help to millions, when millions are grateful of the aid, again seeing this for myself


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:39 pm

Didge wrote:
Nems wrote:

Where did you see that in Africa Didge? When in Kenya I went to a place called Bombalooloo (sp) That was set up by the Africans to help the disabled. The disabled are often exiled from their village if they are unable to contribute and this place was teaching them skills to help them earn. There was an incredible amount of begging on the streets which is the same in many counties I have been to.
Have you never thought that by now we must have dug a well for each person in Africa? Billions have been slung at Africa and its none nothing they are still fighting, dying and starving.
What is wrong with the NHS is too many pencil pushers and not enough medical staff.

So again your argument is on a place where people are still in poverty so we should not bother sending any at all, again an absurd view point, we can exchange stories all day long but the facts speak for themselves posted above. It is not going to be changed over night and will take years but that does not mean denying humans aid off the fact we are in fact a rich nation and can easily off help.
I know what is wrong with the NHS and the problem is medical staff at the top who are not business minded people trying to run it. That is your problem right there alone, people who are best placed in medically helping people, not running a service, the PCT being one of the biggest nightmare run services I have come across, who over budgeted so badly before with the ambulance that they had to instigate recruiting so many ambulance technician, so yes I have seen the incompetence of medical people trying to run the NHS

Again any help is better than no help, your argument is one of doing nothing of which helps nobody, it is selfish and again uses an excuse to deny help to millions, when millions are grateful of the aid, again seeing this for myself

Honest Didge, if I thought Aid worked I would all for it but it doesnt, except in short term disaster relief.
Hundreds of billions have been poured into places like Ethiopia, all we seem to see it producing is radical islamist fanatics


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:39 pm

Think people should read this in full:

Foreign aid has had a victorious year: Let's celebrate not disparage the good work being done abroad

If you picked up the Daily Mail on New Year’s Day you could have been forgiven for thinking it was Groundhog Year.
Sure enough, exactly one year on from a piece that revelled in a report which slapped down aid as a ‘self –indulgent con job’ they were on the case again – this time criticising ‘lavish’ spending on some of the world’s poorest people. It seems that for aid’s harshest critics finding one criticism of a complex project is grounds for dispensing with the entire thing.

We hear much less about the scale of progress in developing countries. 2013 brought with it plenty of optimism about what is being achieved in poverty reduction across the globe. Malaria deaths amongst under-fives have halved already this century. The Economist hailed the end of poverty as a milestone within reach of our generation and they weren’t alone. Aid is playing a role in helping to drive unprecedented global progress. Where there isn’t any sign of that progress it continues to help pick up the pieces – in South Sudan, Syria and the Central African Republic.

But, you can see why the average Brit might be a bit miffed if the Government were dishing out their hard earned taxes to corrupt regimes, especially those that contribute to global insecurity. So is it?

Let’s get things into perspective. On New Year’s Day most of us were probably suffering a festive hangover. The average taxpayer contributes less than a pound a day to the aid budget - a good proportion of us had probably spent a sizeable chunk of that on going out over Christmas. What’s more, the Mail piece was not talking about the bulk of British aid – the money singled out amounts to around 4% of the annual bill.

And what is happening to that money? You could be forgiven for thinking that money described as going ‘to a country’ is going directly to the government of that country. Often it’s not. In the case of Somalia is totally misleading to say that all of the £86.8 million is given to the Government. This is the total amount of assistance provided to Somalia and is therefore provided through a range of channels including Humanitarian agencies, the World Bank and the UN.

The article references the work of the ‘respected’ anti-corruption campaigners Transparency International (deserved recognition by the way). Yes, that’s the same Transparency International which recently awarded the UK’s overseas aid programme a green light for its anti-corruption efforts, meaning ‘little or no additional action is needed’. To its credit the Department for International Development doesn’t have its head in the sand and has acted on criticism of its efforts to avoid money going missing by implementing anti-corruption strategies for the countries deemed most at risk. Transparency International goes on to dish out a red light warning to the UK on several domestic fronts - so perhaps critics of aid should acknowledge it isn’t just charity that needs to begin at home.

Many of the world’s most corrupt countries are recovering from or suffering conflict – and while this doesn’t excuse anybody who is on the take – it does make the job of helping people to rebuild their lives even harder when schools and hospitals have been reduced to rubble, roads and farms re-imagined as battlefields and political systems rendered useless.

People of Afghanistan and Somalia are already quite aware that their Governments leave a lot to be desired – but this failure is no reason for us to turn our backs on them. Working out how best to help isn’t always straightforward (and in fragile states it tends to cost more) but aid that helps to generate tax revenue – though enterprise and better financial systems plays an important role.

It would be nice if the aid debate changed focus in 2014. For starters, let’s put the value for money argument to bed. As Owen Barder at the Centre for Global Development valiantly shows: even if the successful eradication of smallpox was the only achievement of aid it would still have saved 60 million lives, each at almost half the the accepted cost of trying to save a life on the NHS. It would be nice, too, if supporters could be more constructive in accepting the need to move with the times and reflect the reality of global relationships in the 21st century (maybe by taking a leaf out of Oxfam’s book).

The steadfast support of the current Government for meeting the 0.7% aid commitment suggests it is unlikely that we will see the harshest aid critics given much succour between now and the election. This means the aid budget will continue to change lives for the better in 2014. Just not as quickly as we might like.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:46 pm

Nems wrote:
Didge wrote:

So again your argument is on a place where people are still in poverty so we should not bother sending any at all, again an absurd view point, we can exchange stories all day long but the facts speak for themselves posted above. It is not going to be changed over night and will take years but that does not mean denying humans aid off the fact we are in fact a rich nation and can easily off help.
I know what is wrong with the NHS and the problem is medical staff at the top who are not business minded people trying to run it. That is your problem right there alone, people who are best placed in medically helping people, not running a service, the PCT being one of the biggest nightmare run services I have come across, who over budgeted so badly before with the ambulance that they had to instigate recruiting so many ambulance technician, so yes I have seen the incompetence of medical people trying to run the NHS

Again any help is better than no help, your argument is one of doing nothing of which helps nobody, it is selfish and again uses an excuse to deny help to millions, when millions are grateful of the aid, again seeing this for myself

Honest Didge, if I thought Aid worked I would all for it but it doesnt, except in short term disaster relief.
Hundreds of billions have been poured into places like Ethiopia, all we seem to see it producing is radical islamist fanatics

No it is conflicts that are creating radical extremists Nems, both Christian and Islamic in Africa, which is a smoke screen fro those on both sides wishing to obtain power, again that does not mean we give up sending aid.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:31 pm

oh love it putting Christian extremists in the same package as - Hello, I'm very stupid - extremists..

it's quite clear how many times we see the actions of - Hello, I'm very stupid - extremists compared to Christian so called extremists..

not to mention the k.oran encourages killing the infidels where ever you find them the bible does nothing of the sort... Smile 


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:32 pm

Godisgoodallthetime wrote:oh love it putting Christian extremists in the same package as - Hello, I'm very stupid - extremists..

it's quite clear how many times we see the actions of - Hello, I'm very stupid - extremists compared to Christian so called extremists..

not to mention the k.oran encourages killing the infidels where ever you find them the bible does nothing of the sort... Smile 

Who is the Lord's Resistance Army?


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:35 pm

Didge wrote:
Godisgoodallthetime wrote:oh love it putting Christian extremists in the same package as - Hello, I'm very stupid - extremists..

it's quite clear how many times we see the actions of - Hello, I'm very stupid - extremists compared to Christian so called extremists..

not to mention the k.oran encourages killing the infidels where ever you find them the bible does nothing of the sort... Smile 

Who is the Lord's Resistance Army?

ha ha ha is that your best shot, they are clearly not Christians they steal kids to add to their ranks, you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel there....anyone else..

compared to all the atrocities, all round the world, practically every day perpetrated by Muslims...those who just follow what the k.oran says... Smile 


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:38 pm

Godisgoodallthetime wrote:
Didge wrote:

Who is the Lord's Resistance Army?

ha ha ha is that your best shot, they are clearly not Christians they steal kids to add to their ranks, you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel there....anyone else..

compared to all the atrocities, all round the world, practically every day perpetrated by Muslims...those who just follow what the k.oran says... Smile 

So by your logic there is Muslim killers because they kill innocents which is against Islam to do so, thus Muslim extremists are not Muslim .

You see you have not a scooby doo and always talk balderdash, there is Christian and Muslim extremists in Africa, just because you do not believe with their view point they still claim to be Christians and Muslims, though with your illogical Born again view they can commit genocide and a decade later ask for forgiveness and be saved, which is idiotic and shows how daft your view point is on religion and shows how poor also your knowledge is on religion.

So what about these Christian extremists:


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:40 pm

Didge wrote:
Godisgoodallthetime wrote:oh love it putting Christian extremists in the same package as - Hello, I'm very stupid - extremists..

it's quite clear how many times we see the actions of - Hello, I'm very stupid - extremists compared to Christian so called extremists..

not to mention the k.oran encourages killing the infidels where ever you find them the bible does nothing of the sort... Smile 

Who is the Lord's Resistance Army?

oh gone to changing posts again have we, love it when you show you have no real debate... Smile 

try a circular argument, that really works well for you, you could say the same thing for two hours bore everyone to death then claim you won the debate... Smile Smile 


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:41 pm

One of the reasons way the aid bill is soaring and one of the reasons why it won't work:

Sign-on statement: stop UK aid giveaway to multinationals

UK civil society statement on the G8’s New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition

The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition is a private sector investment initiative launched by the G8 in May 2012. Its objective is to open up African agriculture to multinational agribusiness companies by means of national ‘cooperation frameworks’ between African governments, donors and private sector investors, with no reference to the needs or wishes of African farmers.

Companies such as Monsanto, Syngenta, Cargill, Diageo, Unilever, Yara and DuPont have signed ‘letters of intent’ to engage in the New Alliance, and six African governments (Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania) have signed up to national cooperation frameworks agreeing to far-reaching policy reforms in favour of private investment. Four more governments (Benin, Malawi, Nigeria and Senegal) are set to sign up to the New Alliance imminently.

The New Alliance has been modelled on the ‘new vision’ of private investment in agriculture developed by management consultants McKinsey in conjunction with the ABCD group of leading grain traders (ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus) and other multinational agribusiness companies. Government officials have acknowledged that most of the content in the national cooperation frameworks has been taken from other corporate initiatives such as AGRA (the Alliance for a New Green Revolution in Africa) and the Grow Africa investment platform of the World Economic Forum. Policy commitments required of African countries joining the New Alliance include ending the free distribution of seeds, phasing out national export controls and making it easier for private investors to take over agricultural land. The UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID) has announced that it will be contributing £395 million from the UK aid budget to the New Alliance over the coming three years.

There have been many strong critiques of the New Alliance, in view of the unprecedented powers it offers multinational agribusiness companies and the significant threat it poses to smallholder farming and efforts to combat hunger in Africa; some of these critiques are listed below. There is also grave concern that an unelected grouping such as the G8 should be actively seeking to undermine the work of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), the UN body which holds a democratic mandate to address issues of global food security and nutrition.

In a joint statement to the G8 published in May 2013, the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (an alliance representing smallholder farmers, pastoralists, hunter/gatherers, indigenous peoples and environmentalists from across Africa), the African Centre for Biosafety and many other farmers’ groups and civil society organisations accused the G8 of launching a “new wave of colonialism” by means of the New Alliance, warning that its emphasis on the privatisation of agricultural techniques and knowledge must be abandoned. In a parallel statement, farmers’ movements and civil society organisations from across the world have rejected the G8’s proposed initiative on transparency in land transactions as an illegitimate attempt to whitewash land grabs and undermine the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests endorsed by the CFS in 2012.

We members of UK civil society call on David Cameron and other G8 leaders to heed the warning from African civil society and to abandon the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in light of the dangers it poses to smallholder farmers and efforts to combat hunger in Africa. We support the CFS as the foremost platform on food security and nutrition, and we reject all attempts to undermine it – including the G8’s proposed land transparency initiative. The G8 has no legitimacy to intervene in matters of food, hunger and land tenure in Africa or any other part of the world. We therefore call on DFID to withhold the £395 million in UK taxpayers’ money that it has announced will be handed over to the New Alliance as part of the UK government’s support for the expansion of multinational agribusiness companies into the agricultural markets of Africa.

Signed by

War on Want
World Development Movement
The Gaia Foundation
Friends of the Earth England and Wales
Jubilee Debt Campaign
The Landworkers Alliance-La Via Campesina
Health Poverty Action
Find Your Feet
Grow Heathrow
FIAN group UK
SPEAK Network
Permaculture Association
Development Alternatives
Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens
CSA UK Network

The Kindling Trust
Pig Business
Scottish Crofters Federation-La Via Campesina
Earth Open Source
World Family
Transition Heathrow
Farms Not Factories
Agricultural Christian Fellowship
Biofuelwatch UK
Campaign for Real Farming
GM Freeze
The Green Belt Movement International - Europe
Nourish Scotland
Food & Water Europe
The Society Against Poverty and Hunger


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:43 pm

Didge wrote:
Godisgoodallthetime wrote:

ha ha ha is that your best shot, they are clearly not Christians they steal kids to add to their ranks, you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel there....anyone else..

compared to all the atrocities, all round the world, practically every day perpetrated by Muslims...those who just follow what the k.oran says... Smile 

So by your logic there is Muslim killers because they kill innocents which is against Islam to do so, thus Muslim extremists are not Muslim .

You see you have not a scooby doo and always talk balderdash, there is Christian and Muslim extremists in Africa, just because you do not believe with their view point they still claim to be Christians and Muslims, though with your illogical Born again view they can commit genocide and a decade later ask for forgiveness and be saved, which is idiotic and shows how daft your view point is on religion and shows how poor also your knowledge is on religion.

So what about these Christian extremists:

lol no Muslims do what the k.oran syas, kill those who don't believe in a,,llah, terrorise those who do not believe, behead those who would insult...- wait, it just occurred to me, I am very very stupid -...

its all there in their own dark ages book of bile, they just have to follow it and yess when they blow up innocents they still think they will get their 72 raisins in heaven as they are martyrs..... don't they do well..


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:44 pm

Godisgoodallthetime wrote:
Didge wrote:

Who is the Lord's Resistance Army?

oh gone to changing posts again have we, love it when you show you have no real debate... Smile 

try a circular argument, that really works well for you, you could say the same thing for two hours bore everyone to death then claim you won the debate... Smile Smile 

Really changing posts, this was on foreign aid, so who came in with extremists and then you came in after it was finished and carried it on because you get a hard on when ever you see the word Muslim.

Please spare me your repetitive ignorant posts, you are not even worthy of debate, just a sad wally who thinks he intelligent because he has scammed many people out of money with claims to natural cures, makes you a vile fraud in my book, but I do not hate you I just pity the coward you are, why you turned to Christianity, because you have done so much wrong.

Again who is Lord's Resistance Army?


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:46 pm

Godisgoodallthetime wrote:
Didge wrote:

So by your logic there is Muslim killers because they kill innocents which is against Islam to do so, thus Muslim extremists are not Muslim .

You see you have not a scooby doo and always talk balderdash, there is Christian and Muslim extremists in Africa, just because you do not believe with their view point they still claim to be Christians and Muslims, though with your illogical Born again view they can commit genocide and a decade later ask for forgiveness and be saved, which is idiotic and shows how daft your view point is on religion and shows how poor also your knowledge is on religion.

So what about these Christian extremists:

lol no Muslims do what the k.oran syas, kill those who don't believe in a,,llah, terrorise those who do not believe, behead those who would insult...- wait, it just occurred to me, I am very very stupid -...

its all there in their own dark ages book of bile, they just have to follow it and yess when they blow up innocents they still think they will get their 72 raisins in heaven as they are martyrs..... don't they do well..

Dear me thank you for proving how ignorant you are, it is against Islam to kill innocent people especially women and children.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:49 pm

Didge wrote:
Godisgoodallthetime wrote:

lol no Muslims do what the k.oran syas, kill those who don't believe in a,,llah, terrorise those who do not believe, behead those who would insult...- wait, it just occurred to me, I am very very stupid -...

its all there in their own dark ages book of bile, they just have to follow it and yess when they blow up innocents they still think they will get their 72 raisins in heaven as they are martyrs..... don't they do well..

Dear me thank you for proving how ignorant you are, it is against Islam to kill innocent people especially women and children.

you will have to show that to those who explode car bombs in built up areas or those that detonate their bombs in a busy street or the women and kids who have been talked in to suicide bombing....

they will be devastated when they realise they aren't getting their raisins... Smile 


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:51 pm

Godisgoodallthetime wrote:
Didge wrote:

Dear me thank you for proving how ignorant you are, it is against Islam to kill innocent people especially women and children.

you will have to show that to those who explode car bombs in built up areas or those that detonate their bombs in a busy street or the women and kids who have been talked in to suicide bombing....

they will be devastated when they realise they aren't getting their raisins... Smile 

Do I, I am sure you need to tell Christian extremists it is wrong to want the death penalty for Homosexuals, have you done that?
Or those Christian extremists I showed their views are wrong?

It works both ways, you seem to condemn one faith but excuse the other when as seen both can be used by those who wish to use violence.
You have no understanding what motivates terrorism


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:53 pm

Could I just point out that this thread is about foreign aid, which is a very complicated and interesting subject, and not what GIG has tried to turn it into.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:54 pm

Sassy wrote:Could I just point out that this thread is about foreign aid, which is a very complicated and interesting subject, and not what GIG has tried to turn it into.

Fair play Sassy, lets get back on track, and as seen I stand by my view points on giving aid


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:56 pm

I'm for giving aid Didge, but at the moment the people who are getting it are the wrong people, and the Africans on the ground, so to speak, are being undermined by multi nationals, who are one of the reasons African Aid hasn't worked well. (See post above from War on Want).


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:57 pm

Sassy wrote:I'm for giving aid Didge, but at the moment the people who are getting it are the wrong people, and the Africans on the ground, so to speak, are being undermined by multi nationals, who are one of the reasons African Aid hasn't worked well. (See post above from War on Want).

See mine from the Independant


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:00 pm

Didge wrote:
Godisgoodallthetime wrote:

you will have to show that to those who explode car bombs in built up areas or those that detonate their bombs in a busy street or the women and kids who have been talked in to suicide bombing....

they will be devastated when they realise they aren't getting their raisins... Smile 

Do I, I am sure you need to tell Christian extremists it is wrong to want the death penalty for Homosexuals, have you done that?
Or those Christian extremists I showed their views are wrong?

It works both ways, you seem to condemn one faith but excuse the other when as seen both can be used by those who wish to use violence.
You have no understanding what motivates terrorism

I would if I knew any Christians who want the death penalty for gays...

i think you will find it 's the Muslims who want to hang gays, i think you messed up there didge..

the bible does not condone murder while the k,oran clearly does, that's the biggest difference in my attitude towards the two... Smile 


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:02 pm

Rolling Eyes  This thread stands no chance.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:03 pm

Sassy wrote:Rolling Eyes   This thread stands no chance.

It does you have to just carry on discussing the thread, my view is many have been helped, it is not perfect but much help is getting through and thus we need to thus make sure more of that money gets through to the people who need it


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:09 pm

Didge wrote:
Sassy wrote:Rolling Eyes   This thread stands no chance.

It does you have to just carry on discussing the thread, my view is many have been helped, it is not perfect but much help is getting through and thus we need to thus make sure more of that money gets through to the people who need it  

I agree it has made some difference, but it will never make the difference it should have done until the multi nationals stop getting their hands on so much of it. Where is works is when local people are given enough to start business etc, not when big business gets it and them employs people with low wages.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:11 pm

Sassy wrote:
Didge wrote:

It does you have to just carry on discussing the thread, my view is many have been helped, it is not perfect but much help is getting through and thus we need to thus make sure more of that money gets through to the people who need it  

I agree it has made some difference, but it will never make the difference it should have done until the multi nationals stop getting their hands on so much of it.   Where is works is when local people are given enough to start business etc, not when big business gets it and them employs people with low wages.

It is also being targeted:


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:14 pm

Didge wrote:
Sassy wrote:

I agree it has made some difference, but it will never make the difference it should have done until the multi nationals stop getting their hands on so much of it.   Where is works is when local people are given enough to start business etc, not when big business gets it and them employs people with low wages.

It is also being targeted:

Exactly. In the middle of a painting so can't stop while the sun is still out lol. Back later.


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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

Post by Fred Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:18 pm

This puts paid to the constant argument on the left that a Tory lead govt doesn't care. Having said that I do care a great deal about borrowing money to give aid.

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UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US Empty Re: UK foreign aid spending soars to £10bn a year with total second only to the US

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