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covid passes

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covid passes Empty covid passes

Post by gelico Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:00 am

I didn't know they were actually a thing, I thought it was just being discussed.

but today up in London with beanie today at the Business Design Centre and they seemed to be having some big event going on with a massive craft fair for christmas and people were queuing up outside and some security bloke told people ''have your covid passes ready please'' and people started getting them out to be shown.

but here's the thing, neither beanie nor I have been jabbed and so do not have a covid pass. i explained to the security bloke that we weren't actually there for the craft fair but that we had an appointment in one of the shops inside. we were just told to go ahead into reception, sign in, and there you go. we didn't queue up with everyone else, we didn't show any kind of pass, but we all went in to the same bloody place so how the hell does that make any sense?

furthermore, i now know someone personally who has not had the jab but still managed to ''buy'' himself a legit covid pass that has worked for him


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covid passes Empty Re: covid passes

Post by Syl Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:12 am

No point asking for Covid passes unless they check everyones, like you say, it makes no sense.

There will always be someone who can obtain false documents. When I worked in clubs ages ago, kids that were obviously under 18 managed to get hold of false id.
I think some countries will be more astute than we are in checking passes....which probably wont surprise anyone.
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covid passes Empty Re: covid passes

Post by eddie Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:20 am

I have theatre tickets booked. All they require is “proof” that you have tested negative 48 hours prior to attending.  The proof is a photo of a negative test result.

Not really proof is it? You could get anyone to take the test or take the test at any time and then take a photo of it 48 hours before you arrive at the theatre.

It’s just stupid.
And pointless.
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covid passes Empty Re: covid passes

Post by Syl Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:41 am

Yep, I agree.

I am in favour of Covid passes for crowded events and air travel, but it was more or less certain, that given the arsing around this government has indulged in regarding safety measures, they would cock this up as well.
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covid passes Empty Re: covid passes

Post by eddie Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:43 am

Syl wrote:Yep, I agree.

I am in favour of Covid passes for crowded events and air travel, but it was more or less certain, that given the arsing around this government has indulged in regarding safety measures, they would cock this up as well.

Well to be honest, I’m of the opinion that we need to treat this as though life must go on.

I know you hate me saying this but it doesn’t kill most people. It really isn’t that much of a horror.
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covid passes Empty Re: covid passes

Post by Syl Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:50 am

eddie wrote:
Syl wrote:Yep, I agree.

I am in favour of Covid passes for crowded events and air travel, but it was more or less certain, that given the arsing around this government has indulged in regarding safety measures, they would cock this up as well.

Well to be honest, I’m of the opinion that we need to treat this as though life must go on.

I know you hate me saying this but it doesn’t kill most people. It really isn’t that much of a horror.

You are entitled to your opinion Eddie, i agree it doesn't kill most people.
The 5 plus million who have already died of it have just been unlucky.
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covid passes Empty Re: covid passes

Post by eddie Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:52 am

Syl wrote:
eddie wrote:
Syl wrote:Yep, I agree.

I am in favour of Covid passes for crowded events and air travel, but it was more or less certain, that given the arsing around this government has indulged in regarding safety measures, they would cock this up as well.

Well to be honest, I’m of the opinion that we need to treat this as though life must go on.

I know you hate me saying this but it doesn’t kill most people. It really isn’t that much of a horror.

You are entitled to your opinion Eddie,  i agree it doesn't kill most people.
The 5 plus million who have already died of it have just been unlucky.

I think, worldwide, that many people die of road-related accidents every week, just as an example.

I’m not saying it hasn’t killed people, I’m just wondering if hasn’t been somewhat exaggerated.
It’s worth considering.
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covid passes Empty Re: covid passes

Post by Tommy Monk Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:52 pm

No to covid passes.

Tommy Monk
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