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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Fred Moletrousers
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Guest Tue Mar 19, 2019 3:32 pm

Unemployment has fallen to a 40-year low as the number of EU nationals working in the UK drops.

The jobless total fell by 65,000 in the latest quarter to 1.36million, which was the lowest figure since 1976.

Meanwhile, there were 2.28million EU citizens working in the UK in the quarter to June - 86,000 fewer than a year earlier and the largest annual decrease since records began in 1997.

The number of people in work continued to increase - up by 42,000 to 32.39 million, although the rate remained at 75 per cent, said the Office for National Statistics.


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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Andy Tue Mar 19, 2019 5:41 pm
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Mar 19, 2019 5:44 pm

about time the hammer of doom fell on the southern counties, rather than the north.....

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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Fred Moletrousers Tue Mar 19, 2019 5:55 pm

Victorismyhero wrote:about time the hammer of doom fell on the southern counties, rather than the north.....

I'm a northerner living in the south...not sure how I feel about that one!

Ps. Nope, not me. Someone appears to be in a "redding" mood today.
Fred Moletrousers
Fred Moletrousers

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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Mar 19, 2019 5:57 pm

little do the "redders" know.......

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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Fred Moletrousers Tue Mar 19, 2019 6:15 pm

Victorismyhero wrote:little do the "redders" know.......

...or putting it another way, the "redders" know little.
Fred Moletrousers
Fred Moletrousers

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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:22 pm

phildidge wrote:Unemployment has fallen to a 40-year low as the number of EU nationals working in the UK drops.

The jobless total fell by 65,000 in the latest quarter to 1.36million, which was the lowest figure since 1976.

Meanwhile, there were 2.28million EU citizens working in the UK in the quarter to June - 86,000 fewer than a year earlier and the largest annual decrease since records began in 1997.

The number of people in work continued to increase - up by 42,000 to 32.39 million, although the rate remained at 75 per cent, said the Office for National Statistics.

Funny that... cos...

3.8 million EU citizens in the UK. Around 3.7 million people living in the UK in 2018 were citizens of another EU country. That's about 6% of the UK population, although these figures exclude people who live in communal establishments.19 Dec 2018

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Guest Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:03 pm

Victorismyhero wrote:little do the "redders" know.......

tee hee


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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:39 pm

It's good that the drop in the labor pool has improved employment opportunities for people in the UK. However, if Brexit causes a drop in overall business activity, it could be a wash. Just have to wait and see.
Ben Reilly
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by JulesV Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:26 pm

Fred Moletrousers wrote:
Victorismyhero wrote:little do the "redders" know.......

...or putting it another way, the "redders" know little.

I give occasional greenies but I've never given anyone a red and never will.

It's no biggie but it's just not my bag. Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop 2190311264

If I disagree with someone's comment/opinion i either tell them why - OR say nowt. But no reds. Smile

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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Mar 19, 2019 11:09 pm

>THE Ben Reilly< wrote:It's good that the drop in the labor pool has improved employment opportunities for people in the UK. However, if Brexit causes a drop in overall business activity, it could be a wash. Just have to wait and see.

Are you insane...!?

Or just completely unable to understand the real facts and figures, when they are presented to you in a sugar coated wrapping of waffle...!?

There are at least 4 million EU nationals here in UK... with just over 2 million of them actually working...

The unemployment figure quoted, is just the number of claimants of unemployment benefit... not the number of working age people who are unemployed... and not the true number of people who are claiming a multitude of other tax payer funded benefits...!

If you look at the figures quoted, you can clearly see that the overall number of working age people who are "in work" has actually increased... while the overall population has also increased through a continuation of mass immigration...!

What these figures show, is that an increasing number of eu nationals in UK, are dropping out of work, compared to the overall numbers here... and that would most likely be because they are having children here and collectively adding to the subsequent costs to the taxpayer, in all the additional benefits that they then qualify for, as well as the additional costs to nhs and school places etc, while they are also paying far less into the system from working wages taxes...!

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Syl Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:17 am

Many people are forced to take zero hour, or limited hour contracts when they need full time work.

It keeps the unemployment statistics down though.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Mar 20, 2019 12:14 pm

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Mar 20, 2019 12:16 pm

Are we being lied to about the numbers who are arriving...?

Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Svg+xml;base64,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Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Mar 20, 2019 12:23 pm

Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Eu-migration
Tommy Monk
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Ben Reilly Wed Mar 20, 2019 9:35 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:
>THE Ben Reilly< wrote:It's good that the drop in the labor pool has improved employment opportunities for people in the UK. However, if Brexit causes a drop in overall business activity, it could be a wash. Just have to wait and see.

Are you insane...!?

Or just completely unable to understand the real facts and figures, when they are presented to you in a sugar coated wrapping of waffle...!?

There are at least 4 million EU nationals here in UK... with just over 2 million of them actually working...

The unemployment figure quoted, is just the number of claimants of unemployment benefit... not the number of working age people who are unemployed... and not the true number of people who are claiming a multitude of other tax payer funded benefits...!

If you look at the figures quoted, you can clearly see that the overall number of working age people who are "in work" has actually increased... while the overall population has also increased through a continuation of mass immigration...!

What these figures show, is that an increasing number of eu nationals in UK, are dropping out of work, compared to the overall numbers here... and that would most likely be because they are having children here and collectively adding to the subsequent costs to the taxpayer, in all the additional benefits that they then qualify for, as well as the additional costs to nhs and school places etc, while they are also paying far less into the system from working wages taxes...!

One, there's no need to question my sanity or ability to understand economics. I'm simply pointing out that if business drops due to Brexit, companies will start laying off employees and going under -- so let's hope that doesn't happen, right?

Two, I saw a report today estimating that the financial sector is going to take about £1 trillion, along with tens of thousands of employees, out of the UK economy due to Brexit. So either losing all that won't affect the UK economy, or it will. Time will tell.
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Mar 20, 2019 9:54 pm

Businesses are increasingly struggling due to mass immigration pushing up the costs of housing and ever increasing demands for higher wages to pay for it all...

Plus... people have less and less money to spend back into the business economy as time goes on, as the increasing housing costs take bigger and bigger percentage of their incomes, leaving less and less to spend on anything else...

Tommy Monk
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Ben Reilly Wed Mar 20, 2019 10:05 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:

Businesses are increasingly struggling due to mass immigration pushing up the costs of housing and ever increasing demands for higher wages to pay for it all...

Plus... people have less and less money to spend back into the business economy as time goes on, as the increasing housing costs take bigger and bigger percentage of their incomes, leaving less and less to spend on anything else...

I'm not talking about housing prices or demand for higher wages -- I'm talking about bringing goods and services to market. If Brexit makes it harder (more expensive) for British companies to sell their product, they will likely make up for it by shedding jobs.

Small companies could go under entirely if they face a slew of duties and tariffs they didn't have to budget for previously.
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:16 pm

There's no point importing goods to market, if people are having less and less money to spend on any of it, because they are paying out bigger and bigger share of their wages on increasing housing costs, driven by mass immigration, and having less and less money left to buy much of anything else...!

Also... 95% of UK businesses don't even do any trade with the EU... while still having to spend money on compliance with the huge burden of EU rules anyway... so 95% of businesses will be better off and more profitable and therefore likely to expand and create jobs...!

But... leaving the EU is about the restoration of UK democracy... taking back control over our laws, our money, our borders, and reclaiming our territorial waters for the UK fisheries industry...!

Yes... we want to do a bit of trade with EU countries... but we don't want/need to be in the EU to do this, and we don't want/need to be subservient to the dictatorship of the EU to do this, or have to have open door to half a billion EU citizens either...!

Plenty of other countries manage to do just fine with doing a bit of trade with the EU, without being in the EU, and without being controlled by the EU, and without having to put up with any of the shit that we are expected to put up with...!

Tommy Monk
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Ben Reilly Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:48 pm

Tommy, all I've ever said in this thread is that trade restrictions that could come about due to Brexit may cool off the UK economy.

I'm using words like "could" and "may" and I don't know why you're getting emotional ...!
Ben Reilly
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

Post by Tommy Monk Thu Mar 21, 2019 10:32 am

Not emotional... just stating facts...
Tommy Monk
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Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop Empty Re: Unemployment falls to 40-YEAR low as number of EU nationals working in the UK sees a record drop

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