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Britsin First leader injured in prison.

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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Andy Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:45 am

Nose broken by 2 inmates.

The word KARMA  springs to mind.

Britain First leader has 'nose broken' in prison attack
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by magica Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:43 am

If he had been a Muslim beaten up you wouldn't gloat.

Karma? When did he ever blow up anyone.
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by nicko Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:07 am

Andy, your a nasty bastard, you prove it every day !
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:09 pm

Probably attacked by pakistni muslem child rapists...

Andy laughs...

Although this BF man is in prison for protesting against muslem rape gangs...

Andy must support muslem rape gangs...!

Tommy Monk
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:15 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Probably attacked by pakistni muslem child rapists...

Andy laughs...

Although this BF man is in prison for protesting against muslem rape gangs...

Andy must support muslem rape gangs...!

And you just made yourself as hateful and dumb as Andy

I mean lets take this subjectively and hypothetically shall we?

I do not think people should be beaten up for their beliefs, that you reasn against their hate (we do this very wll inthe uk to combat racism, sexism, etc) but do then extreme racial, political or religious beliefs lead to hate and violence?


Would any here who commented, knowing that Anjem Choudary got beaten up in prison. Say the same as Andy or say as you are saying now, that the person is out of order for saying so?

In other words, is the moral compass on this warped?

The man was jailed for extremism was he not?

So, does this work both ways on opposite extremes?


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:36 pm

He was jailed for protesting about a muslem rape gang during their trial...!

I wonder who attacked him in prison...!?

Tommy Monk
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:47 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:He was jailed for protesting about a muslem rape gang during their trial...!

I wonder who attacked him in prison...!?

You never answered my question

Well how many other trials has he attended for other child rapists that were not Muslim?

Its like when people charge Israel and only israel with human rights abuses.

I think the Goverment of israel does commit some, but they are nothing like the abuses in many Middle Eastern countries. Hence you either stand for Universal rights or you do not and are thus prejudice and promote discrimination.

You protect human rights by protecting victims. By going after all abuses. Or as, seen here, they made it only about Muslims criminals.

I mean, if you were a victim of child sex abuse by say hypoethtically someone non-Muslim. That a peadophile gang had a abused boys and girls for years. Where this group did not bother to protect and any other non-Muslim child sex abuse case. What would you then think?

Are they actually caring about the victims, or actually exploiting them, to promote their hate and extremism?

You see I see the left do this all the time with Israel, how they try to make it acceptable to hate a nation, based on human rights, As if they are the worst. They then lie badly to claim israel is comparable to Aparthied and nazism. Its done for one reason, to enable and claim justification to hate an ethnic people.

The same is being done by these Far Right extremists. They dont give a fuck about the victims of child sex abuse. They only want to explot the cases of grooming gangs that involve brown skin Asian men.

Its appalling how many girls have been cast aside by the authorities, but they are not the only ones. Many victims have not been believed and wI agree in the case of grooming gans. Its down to a fear of racism, how people did not act. Just look how many celebrities have done the same and played off their fame to cast doubt on those victims charging them with abuse


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:06 pm

He was jailed for protesting about a muslem rape gang during their trial...!

So stop your waffle!!!

Tommy Monk
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:09 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:
He was jailed for protesting about a muslem rape gang during their trial...!

So stop your waffle!!!

Wrong, wrong, wrong, as what was he arrested and convicted for dummy?

How many other trials of child sex abuse victims was he at dummy?

Take your time


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:11 pm

I will give Tommy a clue.

"In all of the charges, Golding and Fransen were accused of causing harassment to individuals who were not directly involved in the rape case."


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:15 pm

So lets see if Tommy now stills defends someone so hateful, he was convicted and it was based on how the Far right idiot targeted Muslims, not involved in the grooming gangs.

How stupid must Tommy look now, that he has just defended an extremist. Not one that actually is critical of beliefs, but is known to use intimidation

Like I say, I do not think, anyone should be beaten up for their belief, but if the roles were reversed here hypothetically. Where Anjem Choudary was beaten up. What would you say Tommy?


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:19 pm

What was he convicted of...?

And what was he doing when he got charged with that...?

Tommy Monk
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:25 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:
What was he convicted of...?

And what was he doing when he got charged with that...?

What was he doing at a trial causing religious harressment to people not involved in the trial?

Are you seriously defending him abusing Muslims not on trial?

Now either you think that is acceptable or not.

Yes or no?

What does it say when Tommy defends hate preachers?

I can understand criticism of islam, christianity, politics etc and also critcism of a number of pakistani child abusers.

What you do not understand, is that they and you. Are using this, as a platorm to incite hate. Not be critical of islam, as i am

So do you think they are innocent, coming from miles to start on people not on trial tommy, simple, because they are Muslim?


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:31 pm

Come on dodge...

What was he convicted of...?

And what was he doing when he got charged with that...?

Tommy Monk
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:40 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Come on dodge...

What was he convicted of...?

And what was he doing when he got charged with that...?

Its in the link I gave you

Come on Tommy, why are you still defending someone so hateful?

Why was he harressing people not on trial, simple because they were Muslim?

This seems to be the dog standard reply from you

Ignore countless questions from me. Deman i answer your question, when I posted a link to show you. that you then prove how emphatically you are like the BDS

You support a group that only cares about hate and not the victims of child abuse

You claim to care about children and yet exploit them, just as the palestinian authority does, for your own end

Neither of you stand for universal rights and both wish to see the eradication of only one belief in this country. You see this as a bad belief, as I do, yet I see the beliefs of Paul, also as bad and hateful. That is evident, when he started on Muslims not on trial.

So you made out andy must support Muslim rape gangs

He never claimed any such thing. Your view, that if a criminal is beaten up, which is wrong by the way. That in your warped minset, makes them a supporter of child rape. Not that they were just like also this extremist, easily led by hate.

Now again

Would any here who commented, knowing that Anjem Choudary got beaten up in prison. Say the same as Andy or say as you are saying now, that the person is out of order for saying so?

In other words, is the moral compass on this warped?

The man was jailed for extremism was he not?

So, does this work both ways on opposite extremes?


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:06 pm

Still waiting Tommy?

Would any here who commented, knowing that Anjem Choudary got beaten up in prison. Say the same as Andy or say as you are saying now, that the person is out of order for saying so?


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:11 pm

He was distributing leaflets and posting videos online about muslem rape gangs... during a trial of a gang of muslem rapists...

Tommy Monk
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:17 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:
He was distributing leaflets and posting videos online about muslem rape gangs... during a trial of a gang of muslem rapists...

Lord haw haw Tommy i shall now call you

So according to you. Where you wre not even there. You now know what he said and done, correct?

You ar challenging the courts. Though have never seen you do this with a single homosexual or black person facing charges.

Again quelle surprise

Maybe Andy is right about some Far right idiots, who defend the indefensible

You are one of them, but we always knew.

I suggest you back up your claims

I posted mine, to show, how emphatically, you are defending someone, that went after people not on trial. Simple for his distain and hate of Muslims

So not only did you chicken shit out of answring yet again all my questions, you still defend someone far right that hates and starts on Muslims, based off grooming gangs.

You actually sound like that idiot veya

That now all Muslims are culpable due to gromming gangs, just as he sees people of fair skin culpable for all furture crimes

he was doing more than handing out leaflets

What evidence do you have to say otherwise?

The views within the Der Sturmer Tommy?


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:24 pm

I've told you what he was doing when he was arrested...

And he was only found guilty of one charge...

If you think you know different... then post up the proof...!?

Or stop with your waffle!!!

Tommy Monk
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:28 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:

I've told you what he was doing when he was arrested...

Were you with him, standing next to him?

So how can you even claim to say what he was doing?

The courts found him guilty of religiously harressing people not even omn trial

So it does not matter what you think he was doing when he was arrested

What matters, is that the judge saw through their hate

And Quelle surprise you defend that

Still not answering my question

Would any here who commented, knowing that Anjem Choudary got beaten up in prison. Say the same as Andy or say as you are saying now, that the person is out of order for saying so?

In other words, is the moral compass on this warped?

The man was jailed for extremism was he not?

So, does this work both ways on opposite extremes?


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:31 pm

So if tommy knew what he was doing, I guess he must have been there right?


He still not has read the link either and still defends him


case closed I guess

I guess he must have turned tail, when they arrested the others.



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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:36 pm

Night everyone



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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Andy Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:26 am

Tommy would be the defence lawyer from hell.
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by eddie Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:41 am

Scum beat up some scum in prison.

Soon, someone will retaliate and beat the scum up that beat the scum up.
Rinse and repeat.

It’s why they’re scum and it’s why they’re in prison.
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by veya_victaous Sat Mar 17, 2018 12:10 pm

Didge wrote:
Tommy Monk wrote:
He was distributing leaflets and posting videos online about muslem rape gangs... during a trial of a gang of muslem rapists...

Lord haw haw Tommy i shall now call you

So according to you. Where you wre not even there. You now know what he said and done, correct?

You ar challenging the courts. Though have never seen you do this with a single homosexual or black person facing charges.

Again quelle surprise

Maybe Andy is right about some Far right idiots, who defend the indefensible

You are one of them, but we always knew.

I suggest you back up your claims

I posted mine, to show, how emphatically, you are defending someone, that went after people not on trial. Simple for his distain and hate of Muslims

So not only did you chicken shit out of answring yet again all my questions, you still defend someone far right that hates and starts on Muslims, based off grooming gangs.

You actually sound like that idiot veya

That now all Muslims are culpable due to gromming gangs, just as he sees people of fair skin culpable for all furture crimes

he was doing more than handing out leaflets

What evidence do you have to say otherwise?

The views within the Der Sturmer Tommy?

You truly are dumb

PAST crimes Dillweed Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

The ones that were committed by the nation that the nation has failed to be either punished for or Compensated their victims for.
AND that it continues to Teach it's citizens were 'good' things.
At least down here when some knob jockey commentator said the ridiculous comments in support of institutional racism like you do their were protests. the average Brits seems to think it's what's 'right and proper' tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by 'Wolfie Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:30 pm


Britain can never be considered a genuine 'democracy' as long as they have an upper house in their government that is fundamentally a chamber full of "Robber Baron" aristocrats, paedophile apologists, and a few token appointed arselickers...

Britain refuses to recognise its accumulated sins because of one simple underlying truth --  the country has been bankrupted by its aristocrats, merchant class, and associated financiers, over the past few hundred years, to such an extent, that its underlying national debts to other countries would cripple it..

Raping and pillaging former colonies,  slave-trading in the South Pacific continued into the 20th century --  decades after it was outlawed at home,  institutionalised child stealing and export of wartime children --  still being ignored,  establishment protection of paedophile "war heroes" and their parasite families (the late "Viscount" William Slim..).

Expressed as a percentage of GDP, Britain's official national debt is nearly three times the size of that in Oz, NZ or Canada --  and that's without adding on those above accumulated wrongdoings from the last 400+ years..

And Britain simply doesn't have the underlying natural resources and sovereign assets to underwrite those debts anyways (despite the best efforts of dolts like Deano and Stormee to claim otherwise..).

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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by eddie Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:32 pm

Yeah but guess what? Our dad is bigger than your dad.
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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:35 pm

veya_victaous wrote:
Didge wrote:

Lord haw haw Tommy i shall now call you

So according to you. Where you wre not even there. You now know what he said and done, correct?

You ar challenging the courts. Though have never seen you do this with a single homosexual or black person facing charges.

Again quelle surprise

Maybe Andy is right about some Far right idiots, who defend the indefensible

You are one of them, but we always knew.

I suggest you back up your claims

I posted mine, to show, how emphatically, you are defending someone, that went after people not on trial. Simple for his distain and hate of Muslims

So not only did you chicken shit out of answring yet again all my questions, you still defend someone far right that hates and starts on Muslims, based off grooming gangs.

You actually sound like that idiot veya

That now all Muslims are culpable due to gromming gangs, just as he sees people of fair skin culpable for all furture crimes

he was doing more than handing out leaflets

What evidence do you have to say otherwise?

The views within the Der Sturmer Tommy?

You truly are dumb

PAST crimes Dillweed Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

The ones that were committed by the nation that the nation has failed to be either punished for or Compensated their victims for.
AND that it continues to Teach it's citizens were 'good' things.
At least down here when some knob jockey commentator said the ridiculous comments in support of institutional racism like you do their were protests. the average Brits seems to think it's what's 'right and proper' tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue

Can anyone translate the above gibberish?



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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:35 pm

eddie wrote:Scum beat up some scum in prison.

Soon, someone will retaliate and beat the scum up that beat the scum up.
Rinse and repeat.

It’s why they’re scum and it’s why they’re in prison.

Best point made so far


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Britsin First leader injured  in prison. Empty Re: Britsin First leader injured in prison.

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