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Will real American conservatives sell their souls to Trumpism? Venerable George Will thinks not

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Will real American conservatives sell their souls to Trumpism? Venerable George Will thinks not Empty Will real American conservatives sell their souls to Trumpism? Venerable George Will thinks not

Post by Ben Reilly Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:13 am

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Washington Post columnist George Will discussed his departure from the Republican Party and the decision by Fox News not to renew his contract as a network contributor.

Will suggested some of it was attributable to his refusal to support event Fake President Trump while he was a candidate. But later in that segment, he predicted some Republicans would change their opinions on Trump once he starts putting his policies forward.

“Donald Trump has to perform now,” Will said. “The next thing he has to do is submit a budget. When the budget comes up calling for a trillion dollars in infrastructure spending, a tax cut that will lose by bipartisan assessment $5.8 trillion over a decade plus an increased military spending, plus protectionism, which means government deciding what Americans can consume at what prices and what quantities — what’s called economic planning and crony capitalism and all the rest – when that budget comes out, people are either going to rediscover their conservative convictions, or there’s going to be a banquet, a feast of people eating words they’ve spoken for 30 years.”

“I watch – I’ll tell you who to watch, watch Congressman Meadows from North Carolina,” he continued. “He’s the head of the Freedom Caucus. The Freedom Caucus is what represents, to paraphrase what Howard head said when he represented the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party – they represent the Republican wing of the Republican Party. These are the true blue conservatives. And I think you’ll find that at that point, conservatism begins to rediscover itself.”

Will offered a timeline for host Lawrence O’Donnell, which he said would be by mid-summer when Republicans realize what supporting Trump entailed.

“[I] think when they realize all that you embrace when you embrace protectionism, enormous executive discretion, government planning essentially what we can consume and how the economy will work and who shall be winners and who shall be losers, when they realize the slippery slope they’re on, away from bedrock conservative principles, I think things will change by mid-summer.”
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Will real American conservatives sell their souls to Trumpism? Venerable George Will thinks not Empty Re: Will real American conservatives sell their souls to Trumpism? Venerable George Will thinks not

Post by Ben Reilly Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:59 pm

Will offered a timeline for host Lawrence O’Donnell, which he said would be by mid-summer when Republicans realize what supporting Trump entailed.

“[I] think when they realize all that you embrace when you embrace protectionism, enormous executive discretion, government planning essentially what we can consume and how the economy will work and who shall be winners and who shall be losers, when they realize the slippery slope they’re on, away from bedrock conservative principles, I think things will change by mid-summer.”

Time for conservatives to show what they really stand for. If they embrace Trumpism over the principles they've been advocating for decades, we'll know they were lying all along.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Will real American conservatives sell their souls to Trumpism? Venerable George Will thinks not Empty Re: Will real American conservatives sell their souls to Trumpism? Venerable George Will thinks not

Post by Original Quill Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:43 pm

Trump and his Rednecks may well come to bump heads with the fiscal conservatives, but that is far and away from where the average American is right now.

A politician has to pay attention to his constituents.  What are they shouting about?  Right now the crowds who are showing up at town halls are demanding we keep Obamacare.

The Affordable Care Act is about to be challenged by the big insurance houses, Humana, Anthem and AETNA, trying to reduce supply, thus raising prices.  It is an old monopolistic trick, which we watched OPEC do to us on petrol.

This may be a good thing, as it will bring to a head once and for the truth that good health is not a market commodity.  If Obamacare has done one good thing, it is that it has made people realize how important good health is.  Now, to watch insurance companies return to fooking around with its availability, all for profit, is going to piss people off.

Ultimately a market-basis for healthcare is like a market-basis for defense.  You are forcing the enterprise to confront two masters: profit and the service itself.  Profit has no business in health care, just as it cannot coexist with defense.  Perhaps around the edges, but not directly in the middle.  When you are about to have your head chopped off by ISIS, do you want to see the Marines show up...or Anthem, asking first for premiums?

So, the next move will be a single-payer healthcare program...the single payer being?  It is a cute word for socialized medicine.  The NHS for the US.  Frankly, I find it disgusting for men in gray-flannel suits to be making decisions about hearts and pancreatic cancer.  Give the Defense Department two missions: defend our country, and defend our good health.

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