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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by eddie Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:16 pm

Isn't this similar to the other thread you started?
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:51 pm

It's a simple fact of reality major...!

And the answer is very simple too...!

Strong borders and border controls... strong immigration policy with strict requirements and conditions... strong deportation/removal policy...

The Arab league, the African union and the group of countries in the indian continent must be made to take back and deal with their people who are illegally flooding into Europe trying to stay here under 'asylum' rules.

Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2016 9:06 pm

blackie333 wrote:
eddie wrote:Isn't this similar to the other thread you started?

Similar or not it's a question others seem to ignore or not to reply to ED.
Are we really scared now to be honest about our feelings about anything considered as controversial?
I say if they are in need of help their own countries should supply the help and not us and the Yanks every time Mad

You mean their own countries that the Yanks and the Brits are bombing?


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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by veya_victaous Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:57 pm

blackie333 wrote:
eddie wrote:Isn't this similar to the other thread you started?

Similar or not it's a question others seem to ignore or not to reply to ED.
Are we really scared now to be honest about our feelings about anything considered as controversial?
I say if they are in need of help their own countries should supply the help and not us and the Yanks every time Mad

It's Hill shepherds fighting
who cares Suspect Suspect Suspect

we just need to take all the nukes of Europe/UK to stop them doing too much damage with their peon wars which we can see are gonna kick off again... went more than 50 years without one which is literally a record for the ultra violent European. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by 'Wolfie Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:48 am


YOU KNOW, veya...

Stormee, blackie, (and their equally deluded chum Tommy..) might actually be on to something with their usual regular misguided and xenophobic rants..

Who have been the largest single group of "migrants" into Australia over the last couple of hundred years ?
The British, of course..          More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country 2035286543

And who have created the most problems over here, in that time ?

Only the British --  by a long stretch..

AND AS for blackie's ignorant statement about conditions in those present-day refugees home countries --  who does he think is at the root of all those problems ???

WHY !  None other than those  multinational corporate miners, oil drillers, and arms manufacturers;  responsible for bringing the despots to power over there..
Mostly based in the US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, Japan...        More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country 3893789544
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Raggamuffin Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:11 am

eddie wrote:Isn't this similar to the other thread you started?

Um ... people on this forum start threads on the same thing all the time, and nobody usually remarks on it - except me. Laughing
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Raggamuffin Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:14 am

veya_victaous wrote:
blackie333 wrote:

Similar or not it's a question others seem to ignore or not to reply to ED.
Are we really scared now to be honest about our feelings about anything considered as controversial?
I say if they are in need of help their own countries should supply the help and not us and the Yanks every time Mad

It's Hill shepherds fighting
who cares Suspect Suspect Suspect

we just need to take all the nukes of Europe/UK to stop them doing too much damage with their peon wars which we can see are gonna kick off again... went more than 50 years without one which is literally a record for the ultra violent European. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

What about your own country's involvement in bombing other countries? I know you like to distance yourself from that kind of thing, but ...
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:09 pm

Major wrote:
Tommy Monk wrote:

It's a simple fact of reality major...!

And the answer is very simple too...!

Strong borders and border controls... strong immigration policy with strict requirements and conditions... strong deportation/removal policy...

The Arab league, the African union and the group of countries in the indian continent must be made to take back and deal with their people who are illegally flooding into Europe trying to stay here under 'asylum' rules.

Tommy rocks, blackie333rocks, Major rocks.

All the argument put up by us 3 and others against the invasion of migrants on tour island makes sense yet you lefty sob sisters WILL NOT OPEN THINE EYES.
There is NOT one reason you can give to measurably show migrants are benefitting OUR island, they are ruining it, running it into the ground and gradually taking us over, tiz as plain as the nose on ones face.

The japs have the right idea about Muslims...

They keep them out!!!
Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:16 pm

Muslims in Japan

Contrary to popular meme, Japan has not been able to "keep Islam at bay" by enforcing strict laws on Muslims.

Claim: Japan has been able to keep Islam at bay by enforcing strict laws on Muslims.
More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country RedFALSE
Example: [Collected via email, November 2015]
More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country 10458440_1063772733642196_1103981152221624120_n-2
Origins: The above-displayed meme purportedly states several factors which have allowed Japan to "keep Islam at bay," but the majority of these claims are either false or misleading.
For instance, the claim that Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims is false. According to Becoming Legally Japanese, a web site dedicated to immigration issues in Japan, the application form for Japanese citizenship does not require applicants to identify their religion:
There is no place anywhere on the written application where one specifies their religion or creed. Nor have I read anywhere about anyone being asked about their religious beliefs in the verbal interviews.
Because there is no place on the written online application for one's religion, the Ministry of Justice can't publish statistics showing the religions (or races) of naturalization candidates; they can only publish sex and former nationality statistics.
The claim that in Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims is also false. The Guidelines for Permission for Permanent Residence published by the Immigration Bureau of Japan make no mention of religion. In fact, according to an article [url= in Japan_aq.php]published[/url] by the Asian Quarterly, the Japanese government does not inquire about religion:
The Japanese government does not keep any statistics on the number of Muslims in Japan. Neither foreign residents nor ethnic Japanese are ever asked about their religion by official government agencies. While it is conceivable that this policy may change in the future due to official concerns about international terrorism, there has yet to be any public indication of such an effort. Introducing such a policy might lead to objections by the Japanese public that the government has no business inquiring into matters of religion, which is regarded by most Japanese as a strictly personal affair that should exist outside of the public sphere.
While it's true that the International University of Japan does not teach Arabic or Islamic languages (according to the university's web site, only English and Japanese language courses are offered), the country has not banned the teaching of Islamic languages. The Arabic Islamic Institute in Tokyo, for instance, offers an Arabic-Japanese translation course.
There is also no truth to the claim that that you cannot import a Koran into Japan. There are several mosques operating in Japan. and according to an article on the web site Japan Focus about Muslims living in Japan, at least one mosque teaches both Koranic studies and the Arabic language:
At the mosque in Ebina, Kanagawa Prefecture, about 10 children around age 10 are learning the Arabic alphabet. Every day from 4 pm to 8 pm, the mosque holds Koran classes. They started last November, at the urging of Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims living in the area who wanted their children to be properly versed in the ancestral religion and the Arabic language. The classes are taught by the parents themselves.
Slaiman, a 39-year-old Sri Lankan who lives in neighboring Yamato and deals in used cars, sends his two sons, age 8 and 4, to classes at the mosque. He himself began studying Arabic at age 5 at a mosque school in Sir Lanka. He wants to give his own children a similar religious environment. "The Koran is written in Arabic," he says. "If the children don't learn it now they won't be able to read it properly or understand the meaning of the prayers."
Islam is not faith in isolation. It teaches faith, morality and human relations as a whole, and children must learn it early if they are to fully master it. "Japanese schools teach only knowledge — not how to be a good human being," says one Muslim father.
While the claim that Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies in Islamic countries hinges on the definition of "negligible," the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains embassies in several predominantly Islamic countries, including Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Comoros, and Egypt.
Several of the other rumors in the above-displayed meme can be debunked by the facts previously stated, using common sense (e.g., with approximately 100,000 Muslims living in Japan it is reasonable to assume that some of them are renting apartments), or by reading the 14th article of Japan's constitution:
"All of the people are equal under the law and there shall be no discrimination in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin."
The one claim that the above-displayed meme did get right is the assertion that there is no Shariah Law in Japan. Article 20 of Japan's constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion to all Japan citizens, also states that religious organizations cannot exercise political authority:
No religious organization shall receive any privileges from the State, nor exercise any political authority. 2) No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious acts, celebration, rite or practice. 3) The State and its organs shall refrain from religious education or any other religious activity.
The above-displayed meme does not showcase different ways that Japan has been able to keep "Islam at bay." In fact, the country's immigration policies may have helped the Muslim population [url= in japan&f=false]grow[/url]:
In 1982, Muslims numbered some 30,000; half of whom were native Japanese and the rest of different origins. With complete freedom of religion in Japan, the number of Muslims is expected to reach 100,000


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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:27 pm

There are only a few there though sassy... 10000 out of a population of 127000000

"...Out of Japan’s nearly 127 million occupants, only 10,000 of them, less than one hundredth of a percent, are Muslims. Part of that has to do with their ban on Islamic evangelism but perhaps even more so on their ban of Muslim immigrants.

While America and other countries are importing Muslims in droves, Japan discourages their entrance into their country, usually only allowing those in who are there for business purposes..."

Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:28 pm

In 1982, Muslims numbered some 30,000; half of whom were native Japanese and the rest of different origins. With complete freedom of religion in Japan, the number of Muslims is expected to reach 100,000


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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:33 pm

Are they your own words sassy...?

Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:40 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Are they your own words sassy...?

Was part of the previous post LINK INCLUDED numb nuts.


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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:50 pm

I see you are touchy about the Japanese aversity to Muslims/islam...

Does that make you get all hot under the hijab...!?

Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:57 pm

Every day in every way you set out to prove you are a fuck wit, and manage it every time.


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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Eilzel Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:02 pm

No Japanese people I know have no problem with Muslims. The fact the Muslim population is smaller in Japan has more to do with the fact it is nowhere near any other Muslim countries, is far from crisis spots and has no history of colonial relations or conflict with Muslim countries.

The opposite is the case with many European countries.
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:04 pm

I'm glad I piss you off... it shows I am doing the right thing!!!

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:04 pm

Visit the Islamic Centre in Japan:

Halal restaurants in Japan:

Annual Quran Conference Held at Tokyo Masjid

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Quran-conference-tokyo-masjid-150x150
Human Manner Research Academy Japan organized the annual Quran Conference 2016 at Tokyo Masjid on May 22, 2016. The main theme of the conference was “Spirit Of Freedom To Bring Peace By Qur’an”. Large number of local Muslim residents as well as Japanese people from Tokyo and surrounding areas participated in the conference. Following is […]

United We Stand Divided We Fall

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Today, I wanted to discuss a disturbing phenomenon among some of the Muslims here in Japan.  Unfortunately, the problem is not specific with the Muslims in Japan. Rather, it is a universal issue. Like in our own countries, Some of the Muslims are divided on the basis of their sect, their culture and what not.  […]

Introducing Halal Food Directory In Japan

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Alhamdulillah, we are glad to introduce to you the largest halal directory in Japan where you can find all types of halal restaurants, halal friendly hotels, guest houses, travel agencies catering to Muslim customers, halal products and other related information – all in one place. Some other website claim to offer you lot of information […]

Let`s Introduce The Most Successful Man Ever To Japanese People

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We, the Muslims as well as non-Muslims in Japan and elsewhere, often talk about THE most successful people in our times as well as in the bygone days who not only achieved larger-than-life goals in their lifetimes, but also influnced millions and billions of people. In our recent history, the very first name which comes […]

Representation of Islam And Muslims In The Japanese Media

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A few weeks ago, I mentioned in these pages that the Muslims living in Japan do not have any major problems while engaging in their religious or business activities in the country, the fact largely remains the same despite the recent killings of two innocent Japanese by ISIS in Syria. There is no doubt that, […]

Eid ul Fitr Greetings From The Japanese Muslims Community

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Eid-greetings-150x150
On behalf of all the Japanese Muslims community, we would like to express  our heartfelt Eid greetings to you, your friends and family.  May Allah shower upon us the blessings of this blessed occasion.

The Story Of An Amazing Dog

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Do you know what makes this dog so amazing? It was a long road trip. We spoke about some interesting subjects. Even though I had worked with the older gentleman on a number of projects, I didn’t really think I knew him, until now. As we approached the last hour of our drive, I saw […]

How To Keep An Eye On Fraudulent Halal Food/Meat Suppliers

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Halal-food-in-japan-150x150
For the Muslims in Japan as well as the foreign Muslim tourists to this island nation, it is important to make sure that they are actually consuming 100% Halal food/meat while roaming here and there in different parts of the country. In fact, the above statement is harder than it sounds. It is difficult to […]

Dealing With Ex-Muslims/Non-Religious Muslims In Japan

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The Muslims in Japan have only recently started thinking seriously about their future and that of their children and grandchildren in the country.  As practical measures to solve the growing issues the Muslim community is facing in the country, they have started imparting religious education to their children in the hope of preserving the religious […]

During Ramadan, Dates Get Special Status

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Advantages-of-eating-dates-150x150
Ever since my childhood, I have watched at least one fruit which is being served no matter where we go during Ramadan for Iftar. That fruit is dates (a speciality of  Middle Eastern cultures).  It is served at the time of Iftar almost at every table. The dates have got an almost ubiquitous status. You […]

To Fast Or Not To Fast; That Is The Question

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“Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur’an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if anyone is ill, or on a journey, […]

Ramadan Mubarak To All Muslims

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Ramadan-Mubarak-150x150
I, on behalf of the staff at website, sincerely want to greet you all Muslim brothers and sisters in Japan and elsewhere on the special occasion of Ramadan. I request all who read this blog on and off to make this sacred month of Ramadan a very special occasion in their lifetimes. It should […]

Islam Is Growing Big In Japan

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Islam-growing-big-in-japan-150x150
Recently, I got a chance to look at the following beautiful video about the growth of Islam in Japan. Some of Japanese Muslims expressed their views about how they perceived Islam and how they decided to choose Islam as their faith. Islam growing big in Japan. 投稿者 livza-doll

Introducing Yuai International School In Tokyo

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Yuai-international-school-tokyo-150x150
Just a few short steps away from the famed Tokyo Masjid and in the adjacent street, lies a seemingly unimpressive building on the left side of the street. This is Yuai International School which has been  imparting education to Muslims and non-Muslims alike from all creeds and nationalities for the past few years now. The […]

Getting Ready For The Upcoming Ramadan In Japan

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Ramadan-in-japan-150x150
Now, Alhamdulillah, again, it is the time to start preparing for the upcoming Ramadan in Japan and elsewhere.  This time of the year can be a life-changing experience for all of us if we really strive hard enough to do so. To celebrate the occasion properly, most of the mosques in Japan are already planning […]

Japanese Halal-Friendly Guidebook Listings (Some) Giving Wrong Information

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New Copies of Quran In Japanese Available

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Quran-in-japanese-language
As mentioned in an earlier post on this website, Alhamdulillah, we have distributed free copies of the Quran in Japanese to interested people all over the world, recently, we got fresh copies of the Quran in bulk. In the past, people from all parts of the world have benefited from  this 100% free service. They […]

Muslims in Japan and the Coming of Ramadan

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Ramadan-150x150
Spending the month of Ramadan has always been a fascinating experience ever since I started taking notice of things around me.  There are a few reasons due to which it becomes a special occasion whereby the Muslims whether they be Japanese or otherwise, gather at their nearby local mosques and do Iftar together. Most of […]

Best Way To Spend Your Spare Time

More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Dawah-mission-150x150
This evening while talking to a very energetic Japanese Muslim brother at Otsuka Masjid, Tokyo, I came to know about an amazing website called The website has tons of material on Islam in eight different languages including, of course, Japanese and English, apart from few others. But the most important feature I was impressed […]

Introducing Muslim Kids`Corner On Our Site

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As a kid, I was always interested in knowing the unknown- things beyond the confines of the small town in Pakistan in which I was spending my formative years.  I would devour every single section, and, in fact, every single word of whatever newspaper or magazine I would find at  a small tea shop near […]

Absolutely no Muslims in Japan lol


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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:05 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:I'm glad I piss you off... it shows I am doing the right thing!!!


You don't piss me off, you have to have brains and be interesting to piss me off, you simply bore me and make me pity you.


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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:11 pm

Seem to have got you going with your pro Muslim in Japan propaganda though sassquatch...

Although there are only 10000 Muslim Japanese citizens out of 127000000...

And it is true that the Japanese plan to keep them in their box!!!

They can see that prevention is better than cure... don't let the country become infected and then try to cure it... stop the infection arriving in the first place!!!
Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:43 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Seem to have got you going with your pro Muslim in Japan propaganda though sassquatch...

Although there are only 10000 Muslim Japanese citizens out of 127000000...

And it is true that the Japanese plan to keep them in their box!!!

They can see that prevention is better than cure... don't let the country become infected and then try to cure it... stop the infection arriving in the first place!!!

What happened to you that makes you refer to your fellow human beings as an infection? pale
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Post by Andy Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:55 pm

Hitler said the same thing. He exterminated millions before he took the cowards way out.
For Jews you can swap Muslims and the similarity are scary. Thank God Tommy hasn't got access to the nuclear trigger or weapons of mass destruction.
It is easy to see why Tom fantasised over Trump.
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by 'Wolfie Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:08 pm


WHY ARE the Tommys and Stormees of this world so arrogantly stupid, that they believe that they can keep on repeating their outright lies over and over, ad infinitum  ?

ALSO, note where Tommy left a zero off his figures above, reducing the number of Muslims by 90%..

NOT JUST incompetent and stupid, but can't count either !

JAPAN has experienced terrorist attacks..
Remember the Sarin gas attacks by home grown terrorists.

AS for their low murder rate up there, that has much more to do with their tight gun control laws, rather than the low rates of non-Japanese ethnic groups..

TOMMY and Stormee have been competing hard for the title of most stupid and clueless poster on here for some months now  !!!             More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country 4086978286
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:39 pm

What happened to me Ben...?

I learned the meaning of the word 'metaphor'...

Islam being the disease... Muslims being the infected and carriers of the disease... with terrorism, violence and agitating being among the list of nasty symptoms exhibited by those suffering from the disease.

Hand shandy... Hitler and the Nazis have much more in common with Muslims and islam... both seeking to eradicate jews and other 'undesireables' and both seeking to take over and exert their authoritarian control...

And to Wolf twit... no need for the constant insults... just repeating your Wolfe waffle doesn't make it true...

There are only estimates as to the number of Muslims in Japan as official figures are not recorded by authorities... around 10000 is the estimated figure of Muslim Japanese nationals... other estimates are between 10000 and 100000 for total Muslims in Japan and includes those there who are not Japanese nationals... although another source says there are around 70000 Muslims in Japan and 90% of those are foreign nationals not Japanese nationals...

"...About 70,000 Muslims live in Japan. The vast majority, 90 percent, are foreigners..."

Read more:

This above link also shows the Japanese attitude towards Muslims and the perceived risk posed... and this long term proactive counter terrorist security approach by the japanese authorities may also somewhat explain the as yet non existence of Muslim terrorist incidents there so far.
Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Ben Reilly Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:07 pm

Major wrote:Tommy & Major have it right, always have for years.
Some of you do not have the gutz to change your minds about the migrunt, muzzzzzzi CRISIS situation of our island and indeed the world.

It is time to admit you are wrong and we are right.

Thanks for the laugh!
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by veya_victaous Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:20 pm

Major wrote:Tommy & Major have it right, always have for years.
Some of you do not have the gutz to change your minds about the migrunt, muzzzzzzi CRISIS situation of our island and indeed the world.

It is time to admit you are wrong and we are right.

You mean you 2 are cowards
there is no 2 ways about it YOU are SCARED
the rest of us are NOT.

You are not Tough, You are the opposite of tough. You are Amougst the most mentally weak and I cannot even imagine being a fearful as you.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:35 pm

Handy Andy wrote:Hitler said the same thing. He exterminated millions before he took the cowards way out.
For Jews you can swap Muslims and the similarity are scary. Thank God Tommy hasn't got access to the nuclear trigger or weapons of mass destruction.
It is easy to see why Tom fantasised over Trump.

Whilst the hatred is very similiar where its directed at Muslims, when many Muslims are victims of Islamism.
Do we though allow in people with extremist views, whether religious or political?
Is that then not increasing the risk of hate crimes increasing in communities all round, whether it be far right, far left, Islamists, Christian or Jewish extremists for example?
The matter of the reality is by not having thourough checks, you will increase the possibility of not only hate crimes but terrorism.
Nobody also ever bothers to ask those who are most likely to be the victims, religious minorities, ethnic groups, homosexuals, women as to what they think as well.
We should never stop Muslims, because they believe in Islam, but we should seriously question those who are Islamists, which conflict with many of the groups I just mentioned.
I do not restrict this to Islam either, I mean all extremist groups


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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:21 am

veya_victaous wrote:
Major wrote:Tommy & Major have it right, always have for years.
Some of you do not have the gutz to change your minds about the migrunt, muzzzzzzi CRISIS situation of our island and indeed the world.

It is time to admit you are wrong and we are right.

You mean you 2 are cowards
there is no 2 ways about it YOU are SCARED
the rest of us are NOT.

You are not Tough, You are the opposite of tough. You are Amougst the most mentally weak and I cannot even imagine being a fearful as you.

You are mentally ill...
Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by veya_victaous Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:35 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:
Major wrote:Tommy & Major have it right, always have for years.
Some of you do not have the gutz to change your minds about the migrunt, muzzzzzzi CRISIS situation of our island and indeed the world.

It is time to admit you are wrong and we are right.

You mean you 2 are cowards
there is no 2 ways about it YOU are SCARED
the rest of us are NOT.

You are not Tough, You are the opposite of tough. You are Amougst the most mentally weak and I cannot even imagine being a fearful as you.

You are mentally ill...

You 2 pretend to be brave and 'defending' but really you are just so scared of change.

A brave man would see those in need not those that may hurt them.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:57 pm

and then be killed by those he "didnt see".....

the blindness of the left....

one good thing about being R/W ...we may only see things "one eyed"

but "in the country of the blind the one eyed man is king"

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:00 pm

there is a huge difference between being brave and being stupid

many stupid people did "brave things"

there are a lot of bold heros in history
there are very few "old, bold heros"

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by veya_victaous Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:35 pm

You are not going to War.
You have greater chance of getting hit by a car and dying.
greater chance of dying in plane crash.
greater chance of dying from bees.
greater chance of dying from horses.

Perspectives that are not born in fearful ignorance of change.

More Migrant Only leads to more problems if the host nation is Crap.
Only if the host naiton is Cultrally weak and pathetic.
Only if they are xenophobic, isolationist and provincal in their national mindset.

SO you tell me is more migrants going to create problems for the UK?
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by veya_victaous Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:39 pm

As I have said before IF you are so scared of terrorists than you do not have the balls to walk through my horse paddock, let alone crawl under the house or shift wood stacks or any basic everyday thing. All those things carry as great a risk as terrorist present to someone in the UK.

SO if that is your fear threshold
I am fully entitled to Call you cowards
More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country 3201073460
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Victorismyhero Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:53 pm

tell that load of crap to those in germany and france

i think the odds may well have changed a bit recently....

as for your horse paddock....pffft....horses are NOT dangerous...if you know what you are doing...and of course can read their body language

as for crawling under your house...quite bloody right .what with the venemous and antisocial wildlife you have...

as for your wood pile...the same applies...though I suppose one could wear heavy gloves.....

I mean YOU live in a hell hole where even going to the bog is fraught with danger from nasty least i dont have to inspect MY loo first to make sure there aint a black widow lurking before having a shit......

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:46 am

Veya is a twat!

Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:51 am

Lord Foul wrote:tell that load of crap to those in germany and france

i think the odds may well have changed a bit recently....

as for your horse paddock....pffft....horses are NOT dangerous...if you know what you are doing...and of course can read their body language LOL SNAKES TOO

as for crawling under your house...quite bloody right .what with the venemous and antisocial wildlife you have...

as for your wood pile...the same applies...though I suppose one could wear heavy gloves.....

I mean YOU live in a hell hole where even going to the bog is fraught with danger from nasty least i dont have to inspect MY loo first to make sure there aint a black widow lurking before having a shit......

And yeah have no problem telling them
what the fuck have you been telling the people in Iraq and Afghastan?
thats right it is ACCEPTABLE risk and they had 100's of times Higher chance of dying form OUR bombs

the risk is LOW compared to what NORMAL peopel find acceptable
IF you cant accept a level of risk that NORMAL people accept, you are a coward
So just admit it You are a coward and end the conversation  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes

Literally You Nicko Major Tommy never get around the fact YOU are scared of a very low level risk that the majority of people in the world deal with and function fine, without all this nonsense.

You cant have it both ways.. You either can accept a below average level or risk or you cant, if you cant then your risk acceptance is Below average thus 'cowardice'

Last edited by veya_victaous on Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:55 am; edited 2 times in total
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:53 am

Tommy Monk wrote:Veya is a twat!

you are a coward so I really don't care what you think tommy.
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Your opinon is based on cowardice and non acceptance of reality
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Tommy Monk Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:02 am

There is nothing cowardly about telling the truth...

Tommy Monk
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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Victorismyhero Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:09 am

veya_victaous wrote:
Lord Foul wrote:tell that load of crap to those in germany and france

i think the odds may well have changed a bit recently....

as for your horse paddock....pffft....horses are NOT dangerous...if you know what you are doing...and of course can read their body language LOL SNAKES TOO

as for crawling under your house...quite bloody right .what with the venemous and antisocial wildlife you have...

as for your wood pile...the same applies...though I suppose one could wear heavy gloves.....

I mean YOU live in a hell hole where even going to the bog is fraught with danger from nasty least i dont have to inspect MY loo first to make sure there aint a black widow lurking before having a shit......

And yeah have no problem telling them
what the fuck have you been telling the people in Iraq and Afghastan?
thats right it is ACCEPTABLE risk and they had 100's of times Higher chance of dying form OUR bombs

the risk is LOW compared to what NORMAL peopel find acceptable
IF you cant accept a level of risk that NORMAL people accept, you are a coward
So just admit it You are a coward and end the conversation  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes  Rolling Eyes

Literally You Nicko Major Tommy never get around the fact YOU are scared of a very low level risk that the majority of people in the world deal with and function fine, without all this nonsense.

You cant have it both ways.. You either can accept a below average level or risk or you cant, if you cant then your risk acceptance is Below average thus 'cowardice'

yep thats all good considering its comming from someone who lives secure in a "no value target".

and...YOU aint "normal"

I dont consider whats been done in iraq and afghanistan either right or acceptable....
I'd have left sadam to his murderous activities, and allowed the taliban to have their way ....
fuck em...they aint my tribe and NOT worth getting involved with...
I'd remove our armed forces from anywhere not directly threatening our security


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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:39 am

yeah vic living 20 years ago when you think Australia is less value than the Uk
How many nations are dependant on you for food security, for anything at all?

Unlike the Hillshepherds in the Uk we understand GLOBALISTAION and know yeah China will take us before it lets someone else take us.

Do you see me our wolf going on like this the end of the world because out nation is not a super power? Do we start crying like babies throwing our dummies and shitting our pants because our votes will be over ridden by a Super power if the super power decides?
No ....
Because there is ONE group On here Clearly not living in reality and they are the ones that think the UK Is a high value target. It is not, you are Normal value,

Not high, it is that you are a weak and fearful people that are over-reactionaly and xenophobic, and highly succeptable to terrorism due to this national cowardice.
that is all

Which is also why i say the USA etc need to take your nukes off you, Your nation is too prone to nationalism and Brits too unstable to be trusted with them.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by Victorismyhero Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:10 am

veya_victaous wrote:yeah vic living 20 years ago when you think Australia is less value than the Uk
How many nations are dependant on you for food security, for anything at all?

Unlike the Hillshepherds in the Uk we understand GLOBALISTAION and know yeah China will take us before it lets someone else take us.

and then you will become what you once were ...and perhaps deserve to be...a mere slave colony

Do you see me our wolf going on like this the end of the world because out nation is not a super power? Do we start crying like babies throwing our dummies and shitting our pants because our votes will be over ridden by a Super power if the super power decides?
No ....
Because there is ONE group On here Clearly not living in reality and they are the ones that think the UK Is a high value target. It is not, you are Normal value,

agreed we are merely a normal value target.....still beats being a zero value target

Not high, it is that you are a weak and fearful people that are over-reactionaly and xenophobic, and highly succeptable to terrorism due to this national cowardice.
that is all

Which is also why i say the USA etc need to take your nukes off you, Your nation is too prone to nationalism and Brits too unstable to be trusted with them.

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More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country Empty Re: More Migrants Will Lead To More Terrorism and Problems For Their Country

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:49 am

Lord Foul wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:yeah vic living 20 years ago when you think Australia is less value than the Uk
How many nations are dependant on you for food security, for anything at all?

Unlike the Hillshepherds in the Uk we understand GLOBALISTAION and know yeah China will take us before it lets someone else take us.

and then you will become what you once were ...and perhaps deserve to be...a mere slave colony

Do you see me our wolf going on like this the end of the world because out nation is not a super power? Do we start crying like babies throwing our dummies and shitting our pants because our votes will be over ridden by a Super power if the super power decides?
No ....
Because there is ONE group On here Clearly not living in reality and they are the ones that think the UK Is a high value target. It is not, you are Normal value,

agreed we are merely a normal value target.....still beats being a zero value target

Not high, it is that you are a weak and fearful people that are over-reactionaly and xenophobic, and highly succeptable to terrorism due to this national cowardice.
that is all

Which is also why i say the USA etc need to take your nukes off you, Your nation is too prone to nationalism and Brits too unstable to be trusted with them.

meh the hillshepherd dreams he was not a slave.
At least China is far more civilized and benevolent to the willing Vassal, than any of the Barbarian Cultures of Europe.

at the risk of bringing up old history what happend to those that acted like the Brit is now to the British empire? why woudl yopu exepct a kinder fate? you exterminated the peoples that treated the UK, like the UK now treats the Super powers.. never say you nation didn't deserve it cause it will be the most deserving case in history Wink

The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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