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Erdogan Tells Women Who Reject Motherhood Are ‘Deficient And Incomplete’

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Erdogan Tells Women Who Reject Motherhood Are ‘Deficient And Incomplete’ Empty Erdogan Tells Women Who Reject Motherhood Are ‘Deficient And Incomplete’

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:10 pm

Turkey’s president says having a career is no reason for women to reject motherhood.Speaking on Sunday at Turkey’s Women and Democracy Association in Istanbul, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said “a woman who abstains from motherhood saying ‘I am working’ means she is in fact rejecting motherhood.” Erdogan, quoted by the state-run Anadolu Agency, said: “I absolutely don’t accept making (a woman’s) business life an alternative to motherhood.

The BBC quotes Erdogan has stating he is supportive of women having professional careers, but stressed this should not be an “obstacle” to having children.He also opined those who chose not to have children are “deficient” and “incomplete”.
Earlier this week, he spoke out against birth control saying it was incompatible with Muslim traditions.
Erdogan, a devout Muslim, often courts controversy with divisive public comments.
He has previously angered women’s groups by stating that women aren’t equal to men and by urging women to bear at least three children.
The Turkish leader has also raised eyebrows by attempting to outlaw abortion and adultery.


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