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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by Ben Reilly Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:50 pm

By the way, Curiel was born in Indiana and is American. Typical white racist to imply that someone from a different ethnic background isn't really an American.

In the summer of 1997, U.S. marshals in San Diego picked up alarming intelligence: A convicted gunman for the Tijuana drug cartel was overheard saying he had put a “hit” on the federal prosecutor who had sent him to jail.

The claim, made to a fellow inmate turned government informant, was no idle threat, the marshals quickly concluded. After the jail cell was wired, the gunman repeated it, boasting he had gotten approval to assassinate the prosecutor by one of Mexico’s most powerful drug lords, Tijuana cartel chief Benjamin Arellano-Felix.

As a result of that threat, the prosecutor, Gonzalo Curiel, was placed under 24-hour protection by the marshals for a year. He was moved to a naval base, and later, for a while, to Justice Department headquarters in Washington. When he came back to work, so did the gun toting marshals, trailing him wherever he went.

“It was unsettling,” said Gregory Vega, Curiel’s oldest and best friend, who later became his boss as U.S. attorney in San Diego. “That threat was taken very seriously.”

But Vega says Curiel never wavered from his commitment to put Mexican drug traffickers behind bars. “He stayed focused on his job,” said Vega, who later promoted Curiel to chief of the U.S. attorney’s narcotics enforcement division, putting him in charge of all the office’s cases against the drug cartels.

The soft-spoken Curiel, now a federal judge in San Diego, has suddenly found himself in the public spotlight thanks to Donald Trump. In a startling 13-minute digression during a speech last week in San Diego, the presumptive Republican Party nominee tore into the judge, referring to him as a “Mexican” and a “hater” who showed bias against him because he has allowed fraud lawsuits against Trump University to proceed. “I’m getting railroaded by the legal system,” Trump said. “They ought to look into Judge Curiel.”

On Thursday, Trump doubled down on his attacks, telling the Wall Street Journal in an interview that Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the Trump University cases because of his “Mexican heritage.”

“He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico,” he asserted again Friday afternoon to CNN’s Jake Tapper.
Ben Reilly
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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty Re: 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by eddie Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:22 am

Would it be stating the obvious, to say that trump doesn't think before he speaks very often? Rolling Eyes
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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty Re: 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by Ben Reilly Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:24 am

eddie wrote:Would it be stating the obvious,  to say that trump doesn't think before he speaks very often? Rolling Eyes

I think so ... and people want to give him our nuclear launch codes?
Ben Reilly
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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty Re: 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by Guest Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:29 am

There isn't enough morphine to sedate this MORON and make his mouth stop overloading his ...well that's the problem, he's lacking a BRAIN!

'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Shooti10


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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty Re: 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by Original Quill Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:41 am

OP wrote:On Thursday, Trump doubled down on his attacks, telling the Wall Street Journal in an interview that Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the Trump University cases because of his “Mexican heritage.”

I'm wondering, does that mean any Anglo judge has a conflict of interest if s/he is sitting on a case involving Hispanics?

Are female judges prohibited from sitting on divorce cases because Hillary has made an issue of women in the workplace?  Indeed, doesn't that prohibit male judges from sitting on the same cases?

Troubling stuff.

Original Quill
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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty Re: 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:26 pm

Original Quill wrote:
OP wrote:On Thursday, Trump doubled down on his attacks, telling the Wall Street Journal in an interview that Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the Trump University cases because of his “Mexican heritage.”

I'm wondering, does that mean any Anglo judge has a conflict of interest if s/he is sitting on a case involving Hispanics?

Are female judges prohibited from sitting on divorce cases because Hillary has made an issue of women in the workplace?  Indeed, doesn't that prohibit male judges from sitting on the same cases?

Troubling stuff.

It's all subjective and in the 'WHAT IF' world of 'chump-trump' ...even Alice falling through the looking glass could not figure this convoluted mess out. 

I just can't imagine those humans that 'Chump-Trump' has hired to advice him ...trying to explain WTF he stated yesterday - what he needs to clarify today - and FFS, PLEASE DO NOT SAY _____  or ______ or ______ or _______ or ______; and that list just grows proportionally with each live mic'd moment Chump has.
I see loads of books written by 'Chump-Trump' staffers in his future 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels 2187004795


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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty Re: 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by Original Quill Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:46 am

Today Trump dove to the deepest low of the low on this.  He called all of his surrogates (other Republican politicians who will take on a given issue for the candidate), demanding they they all lambast this Federal Judge in his (Trump's) private lawsuit.

The surrogates are in it for the politics.  What business is it of theirs, and/or why would they get involved in Trump's extra-political, financial affairs?  

Did anyone see American Hustle?  This borders on that scam.  I sure hope they don't spend campaign funds to support these surrogates (hotels, cabs, meals, etc.) as they engage in private financial affairs.  There could be some serious trouble.

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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty Re: 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by Original Quill Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:05 pm

Trump tries to reconstruct his remarks about the Hispanic Judge born in Indiana.

Who cares about who he employs. He has said that a Hispanic Judge cannot be fair and impartial solely because he is Hispanic.

Now Hispanic is an ethnic category. His comment categorically holds that someone of that ethnic category cannot be fair and impartial in a lawsuit involving him, Donald Trump. That is a racist comment, bar none.

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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty Re: 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by Ben Reilly Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:20 pm

I think it's telling, how many Republicans have condemned this. Ryan has all but revoked his endorsement over it, and he's going to continue to be pressured to explicitly do that.

He says he's not even really putting any energy into the presidential race, and that's smart -- he's got to try to limit the damage in Congress. I'm already hearing people talk about this as though it could be a repeat of the 2006 election, in which Democrats won majorities in both houses.
Ben Reilly
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'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels Empty Re: 'Mexican' judge bashed by Trump fought drug cartels

Post by Original Quill Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:44 pm

Ben_Reilly wrote:I think it's telling, how many Republicans have condemned this. Ryan has all but revoked his endorsement over it, and he's going to continue to be pressured to explicitly do that.

He says he's not even really putting any energy into the presidential race, and that's smart -- he's got to try to limit the damage in Congress. I'm already hearing people talk about this as though it could be a repeat of the 2006 election, in which Democrats won majorities in both houses.

I continue to maintain that it's the end of the Republican Party.  They are putting up a candidate that none of them want.  Even the ones who voted for him have become disenchanted with the number of flip-flops he has executed.

He continues his racist rant over a private matter--his lawsuit over Trump University--maintaining that it's not racist to say that race motivates the Judge.  The obvious self-contradiction, he hopes, will be deemed 'cute' by those anti-pc folks, not realizing that not everybody has the same idea of pc as him.

He was a novelty for a while.  But now the novelty has worn off, and people who voted for him will hardly admit it.  Where does that leave the Republican Party--it's own proffered candidate, disavowed by its own constituency.  Now, we could talk about how the Republican Party got into this situation--how they were told that they had to invite Hispanics in--or, how they had to change their 1930's economic policies--but instead they focused on better ways to get across their message.  By cracky, the issue is advertisement! they shouted back.  Better marketing, I tells ya!  Well, the better they got across their message, the more it was rejected.  Doesn't that give them the slightest hint?

More and more, I get the picture of stubborn old white men, leaning on their canes and grumbling about the direction America is taking.  But part of their gripe is they are irrelevant and they don't like it.  America is changing...and their knees won't keep up.  So instead of running, they try to stop the scenery from passing.  The shreds that once were their fingernails trying to grasp it, is all that is left of the Republican Party.

What they have managed to do is utterly destroy their own apparatus, the Republican Party.  It's just another sign that too much power is coalescing in the wrong places.

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