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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:48 am

Israel has no clear strategy for addressing child prostitution within its borders, according to a UN report, which says that sex offenders there are not sufficiently prosecuted and punished.

In the wake of the scathing report from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, a source told Israeli newspaper Haaretz that despite growing awareness of the problem, helping juvenile prostitutes "still falls between the governmental cracks."

Of all the police investigations opened into sex crimes against minors last year, about 45% have been closed, the paper reported.

In its most recent report, the UN committee said Israel has failed to implement a recommendation made in the previous report: establishing a state agency dedicated to children's rights.

The report also said the number of investigations into people suspected of sex crimes against minors is low to start with, and only a small percentage of those cases actually go to trial.

Moreover, even when convictions are obtained in child prostitution or pornography cases, the sentences don't always match the severity of the crimes, the report said. It recommended instituting stiffer sentences for obtaining sexual services from a minor, Haaretz reported.

According to latest data compiled by the Knesset's research center, of the 2,349 cases opened into sex crimes against minors in 2014, only 11% have yet produced a verdict. Almost 45% of these cases were closed - 30% because the criminal was unknown and 13% due to lack of public interest.

Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:54 am

Odd they have a better conviction rate than the UK

Odd that they only pick out Israel

More needs to be done world wide, but a clear indication of bias again


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:59 am

Didge wrote:Odd they have a better conviction rate than the UK

Odd that they only pick out Israel

More needs to be done world wide, but a clear indication of bias again

I don't see the comparable conviction rates per capita but ignoring the evidence of this in Israel isn't really helping is it Didge.

We've always known it's bad in this country but I didn't think it was that bad in Israel.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:02 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
Didge wrote:Odd they have a better conviction rate than the UK

Odd that they only pick out Israel

More needs to be done world wide, but a clear indication of bias again

I don't see the comparable conviction rates per capita but ignoring the evidence of this in Israel isn't really helping is it Didge.

We've always known it's bad in this country but I didn't think it was that bad in Israel.

Well as rape is half the conviction rate, what does that tell you

Look up the stats if you do not believe me but again it proves how the UN is controlled by Arabs and is fundamentally antisemitic

You only have to look at the western Sahara to see that

It has been dubbed Africa’s last colony, and Western Sahara’s struggle for self-determination has embraced everything from violent conflict to passive resistance, and UN shuttle diplomacy has consistently failed to break the impasse over the fate of the disputed territories. Now the Sahrawi people are trying to break the deadlock themselves – in the courts. The mineral-rich country on Africa’s north-west Atlantic coast is bounded by Morocco in the north,  Mauritania in the south and Algeria to the east. All three countries have taken an active interest in the fate of the Sahrawi – not always altruistically. Spain, the former colonial power, relinquished the territory in 1975 to Morocco, which has formally claimed the land since 1957, and Mauritania.

Then there was conflict between the two countries and the Polisario Front – the Sahrawi liberation movement. Mauritania withdrew in 1979, leaving Moroccan security forces in nominal control. Controversially, an extensive wall was built through the desert to exclude Polisario fighters accused of coming into the country from refugee camps in neighbouring Algeria. A national referendum was promised after a UN-brokered ceasefire in 1991, in which the population could vote for complete independence or integration with Morocco; but the plan stalled when Rabat and Polisario disagreed over who was entitled to vote. Morocco remains implacably opposed to independence but says it is prepared to talk about “autonomy”. The UN continues to push for a negotiated settlement. In December, Christopher Ross, personal envoy in the dispute to the UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, admitted the situation was at a stalemate. 

France, which has strong historical links with Morocco, has consistently opposed calls for UN action against Rabat by exercising its veto in the Security Council. Now Polisario is finding new ways to put pressure on Morocco to come back to the negotiating table. In December it managed to put a stick in the spokes of the European Union’s agriculture agreement with Morocco. Many of the tomatoes sold in British and European supermarkets are labelled as Moroccan produce, but most are grown in Western Sahara. The EU’s Court of Justice ruled last month that the favourable tariffs Morocco enjoys should not apply to goods from the territories it occupies. The EU failed to consider the impact on the rights with the Sahrawi people when it signed the deal, the court ruled. Campaigners in Britain are taking legal action to stop Moroccan exports to the UK enjoying similar tax breaks. 

Buoyed by its successes, Polisario has brought a further case to the EU courts over an EU-Moroccan fisheries deal, which includes the territorial waters of the Sahrawi people. Norway has already started fining any of its vessels which trawl in Western Saharan waters. Oil companies such as Total which have explored for off and on-shore oil fields are facing growing local and international criticism, as are companies that import Western Sahara’s minerals, including its massive phosphate deposits. United States, Canadian and Australian miners have all been blacklisted by Scandinavian pension firms.

Polisario and its supporters are also keeping up the political pressure. Adala, a British NGO, recently submitted a report to the European Parliament and the UN Commission for Human Rights highlighting the regular human rights abuses taking place in the region. Sahrawi protestors face persistent harassment and persecution by security forces. Peaceful demonstrations are routinely disrupted by state violence and those taking part have been illegally detained. Beccy Allen, of Adala UK, said it was essential the UN mission in the territory was given a human rights mandate. “There are plenty of white UN vehicles around but they don’t intervene on human rights issues. They are the only UN mission around the world without one and that has to change,” she said.

Adaption of Cyndi Laupers True Colours for the UN, Lefty regressive's, Muslims regressive's, The EU, the BDS.

But I see your Double Standards
Shining through
I see your Double Standards
And that's why you're hypocritical
So don't pretend you're not antisemitic
Your Double Standards
Double Standards are oppressive,


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:05 pm

Didge wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Didge wrote:Odd they have a better conviction rate than the UK

Odd that they only pick out Israel

More needs to be done world wide, but a clear indication of bias again

I don't see the comparable conviction rates per capita but ignoring the evidence of this in Israel isn't really helping is it Didge.

We've always known it's bad in this country but I didn't think it was that bad in Israel.

Well as rape is half the conviction rate, what does that tell you

Look up the stats if you do not believe me but again it proves how the UN is controlled by Arabs and is fundamentally antisemitic

You only have to look at the western Sahara to see that

It has been dubbed Africa’s last colony, and Western Sahara’s struggle for self-determination has embraced everything from violent conflict to passive resistance, and UN shuttle diplomacy has consistently failed to break the impasse over the fate of the disputed territories. Now the Sahrawi people are trying to break the deadlock themselves – in the courts. The mineral-rich country on Africa’s north-west Atlantic coast is bounded by Morocco in the north,  Mauritania in the south and Algeria to the east. All three countries have taken an active interest in the fate of the Sahrawi – not always altruistically. Spain, the former colonial power, relinquished the territory in 1975 to Morocco, which has formally claimed the land since 1957, and Mauritania.

Then there was conflict between the two countries and the Polisario Front – the Sahrawi liberation movement. Mauritania withdrew in 1979, leaving Moroccan security forces in nominal control. Controversially, an extensive wall was built through the desert to exclude Polisario fighters accused of coming into the country from refugee camps in neighbouring Algeria. A national referendum was promised after a UN-brokered ceasefire in 1991, in which the population could vote for complete independence or integration with Morocco; but the plan stalled when Rabat and Polisario disagreed over who was entitled to vote. Morocco remains implacably opposed to independence but says it is prepared to talk about “autonomy”. The UN continues to push for a negotiated settlement. In December, Christopher Ross, personal envoy in the dispute to the UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, admitted the situation was at a stalemate. 

France, which has strong historical links with Morocco, has consistently opposed calls for UN action against Rabat by exercising its veto in the Security Council. Now Polisario is finding new ways to put pressure on Morocco to come back to the negotiating table. In December it managed to put a stick in the spokes of the European Union’s agriculture agreement with Morocco. Many of the tomatoes sold in British and European supermarkets are labelled as Moroccan produce, but most are grown in Western Sahara. The EU’s Court of Justice ruled last month that the favourable tariffs Morocco enjoys should not apply to goods from the territories it occupies. The EU failed to consider the impact on the rights with the Sahrawi people when it signed the deal, the court ruled. Campaigners in Britain are taking legal action to stop Moroccan exports to the UK enjoying similar tax breaks. 

Buoyed by its successes, Polisario has brought a further case to the EU courts over an EU-Moroccan fisheries deal, which includes the territorial waters of the Sahrawi people. Norway has already started fining any of its vessels which trawl in Western Saharan waters. Oil companies such as Total which have explored for off and on-shore oil fields are facing growing local and international criticism, as are companies that import Western Sahara’s minerals, including its massive phosphate deposits. United States, Canadian and Australian miners have all been blacklisted by Scandinavian pension firms.

Polisario and its supporters are also keeping up the political pressure. Adala, a British NGO, recently submitted a report to the European Parliament and the UN Commission for Human Rights highlighting the regular human rights abuses taking place in the region. Sahrawi protestors face persistent harassment and persecution by security forces. Peaceful demonstrations are routinely disrupted by state violence and those taking part have been illegally detained. Beccy Allen, of Adala UK, said it was essential the UN mission in the territory was given a human rights mandate. “There are plenty of white UN vehicles around but they don’t intervene on human rights issues. They are the only UN mission around the world without one and that has to change,” she said.

Adaption of Cyndi Laupers True Colours for the UN, Lefty regressive's, Muslims regressive's, The EU, the BDS.

But I see your Double Standards
Shining through
I see your Double Standards
And that's why you're hypocritical
So don't pretend you're not antisemitic
Your Double Standards
Double Standards are oppressive,

Show me the comparable conviction rates per capita Didge so that I can judge what you say.

The rest is just a deflection.

Time for some lunch - Laters Laughing
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:09 pm

Sure mate


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:12 pm

Didge wrote:Sure mate

Well I think you have had long enough to come up with comparable statistics by now, surely. So do you have them?

Maybe instead of claiming the UN are picking on Israel and diverting from the topic in hand into talking about child neglect in the UK you might just get round to commenting on the content posted about what the UN says about Israeli policies and how effective they are.

Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:14 pm

lol there are there for you to look

Again I told you before do your own work, I showed rape states which are conviction rate was worse, so why no UN condemnation on that Irn?

The UN have been proven to be biased on the fact it ignores human rights abusers yearly and the above article ion the Western Sahara proves that as you well know

This article sums up why best


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:15 pm

In  June 2015, Israeli MK Tzipi Livni avoided arrest in London over accusations of war crimes. In August 2015, a petition with almost 112,000 signatures was presented to the British parliament demanding the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes. In December 2015, a retired IDF soldier was detained for questioning in Britain over allegations that he was involved in war crimes. The accusers of Israeli politicians and soldiers claim that Israel did not take adequate precautions to avoid civilian casualties during the Gaza wars and that Israel chose to wage wars when none were necessary.

These accusations are phony. As Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of all British forces in Afghanistan, said, “No other army in the world has ever done more than Israel is doing now to save the lives of innocent civilians in a combat zone”.

A good friend of mine, who is a former IDF soldier, wrote to me, “Thousands of rockets and multitudes of incursions have come from Gaza which Israel left to promote peace. Despite this, no army in any conflict has done more than the IDF to alert civilians and avoid deaths: dropping leaflets, spending thousands of man-hours meticulously cataloguing cell phones from residents living in apartment blocks, training legions of Arab speakers to call residents and warn them, and developing “noise maker” munitions as a last resort to warn people to leave the premises before they are to be bombed. No other army has ever done this. No other army anywhere else in the world has willingly given up the element of surprise just to save lives on the enemy side, knowing very well that the warnings also reach the terrorists.”

Of course these precautions would be insufficient if Israel started wars for no valid reason, but Israel has every right to defend itself against terrorists who are attacking its civilians using an extensive network of tunnels and thousands of missiles. Israel’s accusers know this. The accusations against Israel make sense in their minds only because they see no responsibility on the Arab side of the conflict. This betrays a stark double standard based in racism. If an adult leaves a child with a dangerous dog, and the dog harms the child, the dog is not taken to court, the adult is. For the accusers, Arabs, like wild dogs, have uncontrollable impulses, and they cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

For the racists, it is inconceivable that Israel could have expected Gazans to choose democracy and peace once Israel removed its soldiers and completed the painful process of uprooting its settlers. Israel must have had some ulterior motive! The racists cannot even conceive that Arabs would be intelligent enough to conduct terrorism on their own initiative. They claim that Hamas was invented by Mossad and that Israel wants Palestinian terrorism to continue so that it has excuses to bomb Palestinians. The fact that each war costs Israel support in the West and costs Israel lives that it values highly (as demonstrated by its willingness to engage in very asymmetrical deals in order to free a single captured soldier) seems to elude them.

Denmark’s ambassador to Israel, Jesper Vahr, practically admitted this racism. Asked why Europe judges Israel and the Arab regimes by two different standards, he responded, “Israel should insist that we discriminate, that we apply double standards, this is because you are one of us”. Vahr therefore admitted that Arabs are judged by a lower standard, and he admitted that it is because they are not “one of us”, i.e., they are inferior. The fanatics who target Israelis for war crimes accusations do not always stop there. Jeremy Corbyn, the current leader of the British Labor party, claims that Israel is guilty of war crimes, and he also supports war crimes accusations against his predecessor, Tony Blair.

BLOGGERFred Maroun
Fred Maroun
Fred Maroun is a Canadian of Arab origin who lived in Lebanon until 1984, including during 10 years of civil … [More]
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Many of those who accuse Israel of war crimes in Gaza make similar accusations against former U.S. President George W Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair for the war in Iraq, and the two sets of accusations suffer similar weaknesses. The accusations against Bush and Blair ignore the responsibility of Saddam Hussein and his cronies for attacking their own people and their neighbors and for creating international mistrust towards their regime. They ignore the responsibility of the real perpetrators of violence in Iraq and Syria, including Assad, Hezbullah, Al Qaeda, and Daesh. For the racists, it is inconceivable that Bush and Blair would have trusted Iraqis to build a democracy; like the Israelis, they must have had an ulterior motive! The fact that the Kurds of Iraq are grateful to Bush and Blair for having liberated them from the tyranny of Hussein is also of no importance to racists; they see Arabs as animals out of control who need a ruthless thug like Saddam Hussein to control them.

The accusers of Bush and Blair also dabble in “9/11 truth” theories, just as the attackers of Israel engage in theories about Hamas being Israel’s puppets. In their minds, how could the dimwitted Arabs have possibly orchestrated such a far-reaching attack on U.S. soil? Despite all this, the accusations against Bush and Blair are less blatantly misguided than the accusations against Israel. While Israel has no choice but to fight back against terrorists, the Iraq war was a deliberate choice based on information that turned out to be false. To the double accusers, however, this makes no difference since they are anti-Semitic in addition to being racist. They do not recognize the Jews’ right to defend themselves, so they see the accusations against Israel as having the same weight as the accusations against Bush and Blair.

As an Arab, I resent the racism, and I resent that Arabs are used as pawns against the Jews. The bad behavior of Arab regimes and Arab terrorists is not due to lower intelligence. It is due in large part to low expectations. Arabs are perfectly capable of behaving ethically and peacefully, and everyone must expect no less.

UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty

UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:19 pm

Didge wrote:lol there are there for you to look

Again I told you before do your own work, I showed rape states which are conviction rate was worse, so why no UN condemnation on that Irn?

The UN have been proven to be biased on the fact it ignores human rights abusers yearly and the above article ion the Western Sahara proves that as you well know

This article sums up why best

You made a claim and can't back it up. Ok, I accept that but that doesn't stop you commenting on the UN report does it? The figures the UN are quoting came from those published by the Israeli government.

What do you think of them?
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:21 pm

I did make a claim and backed it up with a link

ha ha ha

You search for it I am not your lapdog, you already have one of those mate

I am not even denying Israel has a problem, but considering we have they reckon in excess of 200,000 child sex offenders in this country, with tens of thousands convicted, are we then in the Uk fundamentally failing child abuse victims?

Did you see the stats on victims?

I suggest you open up the link

Where was the UN report condemning Rotherham?


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:27 pm

Didge wrote:I did make a claim and backed it up with a link

ha ha ha

You search for it I am not your lapdog, you already have one of those mate

I am not even denying Israel has a problem, but considering we have they reckon in excess of 200,000 child sex offenders in this country, with tens of thousands convicted, are we then in the Uk fundamentally failing child abuse victims?

Did you see the stats on victims?

I suggest you open up the link

A link with comparable dats per capita please. You don't have it.

Yes, we are failing and according to that UN report so is Israel and sadly many offenders went unpunished and there was aslo a lack of public interest.

What little I have managed to ring out of you took some time didn't it.

Where was the UN report condemning Rotherham?
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:29 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
Didge wrote:I did make a claim and backed it up with a link

ha ha ha

You search for it I am not your lapdog, you already have one of those mate

I am not even denying Israel has a problem, but considering we have they reckon in excess of 200,000 child sex offenders in this country, with tens of thousands convicted, are we then in the Uk fundamentally failing child abuse victims?

Did you see the stats on victims?

I suggest you open up the link

Where was the UN report condemning Rotherham?
A link with comparable dats per capita please. You don't have it.

Yes, we are failing and according to that UN report so is Israel and sadly many offenders went unpunished and there was aslo a lack of public interest.

What little I have managed to ring out of you took some time didn't it.

Again the link is there buddy

The stats are on the link

Now you either answer my questions or avoid them and prove my point


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:32 pm

Didge wrote:I did make a claim and backed it up with a link

ha ha ha

You search for it I am not your lapdog, you already have one of those mate

I am not even denying Israel has a problem, but considering we have they reckon in excess of 200,000 child sex offenders in this country, with tens of thousands convicted, are we then in the Uk fundamentally failing child abuse victims?

Did you see the stats on victims?

I suggest you open up the link

Where was the UN report condemning Rotherham?

We didn't need a report for Rotherham from the UN there are plenty around from our own people.

Still no comparisons per capita but keep deflecting away from Israel's problems because it's too much for you to bear isn't it?
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:33 pm

Didge wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Didge wrote:I did make a claim and backed it up with a link

ha ha ha

You search for it I am not your lapdog, you already have one of those mate

I am not even denying Israel has a problem, but considering we have they reckon in excess of 200,000 child sex offenders in this country, with tens of thousands convicted, are we then in the Uk fundamentally failing child abuse victims?

Did you see the stats on victims?

I suggest you open up the link

Where was the UN report condemning Rotherham?
A link with comparable dats per capita please. You don't have it.

Yes, we are failing and according to that UN report so is Israel and sadly many offenders went unpunished and there was aslo a lack of public interest.

What little I have managed to ring out of you took some time didn't it.

Again the link is there buddy

The stats are on the link

Now you either answer my questions or avoid them and prove my point

You haven't made a point relevant to the UN report on Israel have you? Make one and I'll answer it.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:35 pm

Oh so now you make excuses, even though not only was many of these gangs covered up but so where celebrities and care homes involving tens of thousands of victims, who many of which have never seen any justice. Yet you do not think that is a major issue that needs addressing and highlighting by the Un but this amount does to you?

According to latest data compiled by the Knesset's research center, of the 2,349 cases opened into sex crimes against minors in 2014,.

Explain that to me?


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:40 pm

Didge wrote:Oh so now you make excuses, even though not only was many of these gangs covered up but so where celebrities and care homes involving tens of thousands of victims, who many of which have never seen any justice. Yet you do not think that is a major issue that needs addressing and highlighting by the Un but this amount does to you?

According to latest data compiled by the Knesset's research center, of the 2,349 cases opened into sex crimes against minors in 2014,.

Explain that to me?

What excuses are you talking about? You making things up again?

What is it that you don't understand about the UN report on Israel? The subject you are anxious to avoid?
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:44 pm

Irn Bru wrote:
Didge wrote:Oh so now you make excuses, even though not only was many of these gangs covered up but so where celebrities and care homes involving tens of thousands of victims, who many of which have never seen any justice. Yet you do not think that is a major issue that needs addressing and highlighting by the Un but this amount does to you?

According to latest data compiled by the Knesset's research center, of the 2,349 cases opened into sex crimes against minors in 2014,.

Explain that to me?

What excuses are you talking about?  You making things up again?

What is it that you don't understand about the UN report on Israel? The subject you are anxious to avoid?

Like i said how many victims were there of the grooming gangs, the celebrities, the care homes, all covered up

Why no report by the UN Irn, is far exceeds any numbers and the problems in Israel the scale of these sex crimes that effected the UK?>


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:50 pm

Didge wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Didge wrote:Oh so now you make excuses, even though not only was many of these gangs covered up but so where celebrities and care homes involving tens of thousands of victims, who many of which have never seen any justice. Yet you do not think that is a major issue that needs addressing and highlighting by the Un but this amount does to you?

According to latest data compiled by the Knesset's research center, of the 2,349 cases opened into sex crimes against minors in 2014,.

Explain that to me?

What excuses are you talking about?  You making things up again?

What is it that you don't understand about the UN report on Israel? The subject you are anxious to avoid?

Like i said how many victims were there of the grooming gangs, the celebrities, the care homes, all covered up

Why no report by the UN Irn, is far exceeds any numbers and the problems in Israel the scale of these sex crimes that effected the UK?>

There were lots of them Didge - no-one is denying that.

Now back to the topic in hand about Israel's lack of dealing with child minors being used as prostitutes. If yiou have finisghed and have no further comment on it then just say so and we'll leave it at that.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:51 pm

So the point is why not report from the Un and only israel singled out again?

You the stats are not even relevant Irn, all that is, is for me to show how a nation is targeted through bias and that the Un is not fit for purpose anymore


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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:38 am

Didge wrote:So the point is why not report from the Un and only israel singled out again?

You the stats are not even relevant Irn, all that is, is for me to show how a nation is targeted through bias and that the Un is not fit for purpose anymore

Oh here we go again - the UN is picking on Israel routine.

That's just propaganda but if that's your finishing line and not a lot to say about the content of the report then fine.

Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution  Empty Re: UN Report Slams Israel’s Response to Child Prostitution

Post by Guest Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:40 am

So again Irn cannot answer my point

No I have it from the UN chief there is bias lol


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