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Working Together

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Working Together Empty Working Together

Post by Guest Fri Nov 13, 2015 12:13 pm

Simply, this who we are...Palestinian Christian leaders together with their Muslim brothers to defend Al Aqsa Mosque from the ongoing Zionist occupation BARBARIAN attacks targeting the Mosque and all Palestinian holy sites, 13 November 2015.

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Working Together Empty Re: Working Together

Post by Guest Fri Nov 13, 2015 12:45 pm

And not a sole in sight trying to take over the Mosque

Talk about a publicity stunt and even worse going off fabrications the Mosque needs defending.

I mean why is it that the palestinian Authorities are the ones who do not want CCTV on the site?

Is it because they will be found out smugglling in pipe bombs, Molotov cocktails and rocks, of which to attack Jews and Christians that visit the site?

Anyway, the horror that people wish to visit a building that shares the same area which is holy to 3 main religions. It seems more like yet again antisemitism to deny people to come visit the site, which is disgusting

Talk about yet again religious Apartheid denying access to people simply because they are Jewish.

As posted yesterday

After some number crunching regarding statistics collected on Temple Mount visits, we at Israellycool have finally understood why Palestinians are so enraged about the increase of Jewish filthy feet on their blessed Al-Aqsa. When seen graphically, we can understand what would drive a nation of people to leave their swimming pools, pick up a knife and stab Jews in Israeli cities.
Working Together Tmv1
As you can clearly see, in 2 years the blue slice in the pie has grown by a whopping 0.1% among the more than 4,000,000 Muslim visitors the site receives each year. The increased storming is a sure sign that Al Aqsa will fall to the Zionists. At this rate of 0.05% growth per year, the number of Jewish visitors are expected to surpass that of Muslim visitors by the year 3009, assuming the number of Muslim visitors remains equal for the next 994 years.
Truly frightening.


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Working Together Empty Re: Working Together

Post by Guest Fri Nov 13, 2015 2:42 pm


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Working Together Empty Re: Working Together

Post by Guest Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:36 pm

I mean can anyone take seriously a claim to sassy being a person of peace or even claim she would work towards peace with words like this?

Simply, this who we are...Palestinian Christian leaders together with their Muslim brothers to defend Al Aqsa Mosque from the ongoing Zionist occupation BARBARIAN attacks targeting the Mosque and all Palestinian holy sites, 13 November 2015.

She clearly does not think the Israelis have a right to Jeruslaem, when it has the longest history there and its their most holiest site.
Imagine hypothetically the crusaders conquering Mecca and gthen being there up until today and claiming it is a holy site for Christians. Muslim migration to the area, as well as generations of Muslims who still lived there, created the need for a state for Muslims. Which was then attacked by the Christian state who would not accept their right to self determination. The Christians lose and lose control of Mecca, then claiming victimhood, even though they were the agressors . The new Muslim state actually allows the Christians to retain contol of the area around the Kaaba, where a Cathedral has been built. The Christians constantly deny access for the Muslims to the area and actually threaten and stone any Muslims that come near the area. If that happened, the very same people spouting their fabrications on Jerusalem, would be spitting blood and up in arms of Muslims being denied access to their holiest site. Now anyone with any sense knows the birth of islam was in Mecca, just as the birth of the first state of Israel was in jerusalem. In each case both have the historical right to be there, where in each situation the holy areas should be shared, not have an apartheid system that denies people to their holiest place. Which i what the palestinians do.
Now without all this religious bullshit there would not be an issue, but i accept that people should have a right to their holiest places, where Jerusalem is more important to Jews. The Muslim claim is based off a myth, whereas there was jewish temples on jerusalem.

So lets have some balance here, because to me the best thing to happen for jerusalem is for it to become an independent city first governed by all parties under the protection of the UN peace keeping force until after such a time, it can govern itself, but the claims to jews invading the Mosque are fabrications on every level, when in most cases it is Muslims hostile to jews being anywhere near their holiest site.
Now that is what you call Apartheid and from the palestinian side doing it.


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