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Mapped: Why Obama was right and America does have a serious gun problem

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Mapped: Why Obama was right and America does have a serious gun problem Empty Mapped: Why Obama was right and America does have a serious gun problem

Post by Guest Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:47 am

This week a lone shooter stalked into an American cinema and opened fire at random, killing two people and wounding seven before turning the gun on himself. It is the latest in a string of massacres in the United States that has reignited the debate on gun control, with Obama admitting on Thursday that his government has failed to tackle the problem. "If you look at the number of Americans killed since 9/11 by terrorism, it's less than 100. If you look at the number that have been killed by gun violence, it's in the tens of thousands," he told the BBC. "For us not to be able to resolve that issue has been something that is distressing."


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