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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:55 pm

First topic message reminder :

June 8, 1967 — the fourth day of the Six Day War between Israel and Egypt, Syria and Jordan — was a beautiful day in the Mediterranean. The USS Liberty was in international waters off the coast of Egypt. Israeli aircraft had flown over the USS Liberty in the morning and had reported that the ship was American. The crew, in close proximity to the war zone, was reassured by the presence of Israeli aircraft. But at 2:00 p.m. sailors sunbathing on the deck saw fighter jets coming at them in attack formation. Red flashes from the wings of the fighters were followed by explosions, blood and death. A beautiful afternoon suddenly became a nightmare. Who was attacking the USS Liberty and why? The attack on the Liberty was an attack on America.

The Liberty was an intelligence ship. Its purpose was to monitor Soviet and Arab communications in order to warn both Israel and Washington should the Soviets enter the war on behalf of its Arab allies. The Liberty was armed only with four machine guns to repel boarders. Its request for a destroyer escort had been denied.

The assault on the Liberty is well documented. With no warning, the Liberty was attacked by successive waves of unmarked jets using cannon, rockets and napalm. The attacking jets jammed all of the US communications frequencies, an indication they knew the Liberty was an American ship.

The air attack failed to sink the Liberty. About 30 minutes into the attack three torpedo boats appeared flying the Star of David. The Israeli boats were not on a rescue mission. They attacked the Liberty with cannon, machine guns and torpedoes. One torpedo struck the Liberty mid-ship, instantly killing 25 Americans while flooding the lower decks. The Israeli torpedo boats destroyed the life rafts the Liberty launched when the crew prepared to abandon ship, sending the message there’d be no survivors.

At approximately 3:15 two French-built Israeli helicopters carrying armed Israeli troops appeared over the Liberty. Phil Tourney could see their faces only 50/60 feet away. He gave them the finger. Surviving crew members are convinced the Israelis were sent to board and kill all survivors.

The Israeli jets destroyed the Liberty’s communication antennas. While under attack from the jets, crew members strung lines that permitted the ship to send a call for help. The USS Saratoga and the USS America launched fighters to drive off the attacking aircraft, but the rescue mission was aborted by direct orders from Washington.

When the Liberty notified the Sixth Fleet it was again under attack, this time from surface ships, the Fleet commander ordered the carriers America and Saratoga to launch fighters to destroy or drive off the attackers. The order was unencrypted and picked up by Israel, which immediately called off its attack. The torpedo boats and the hovering helicopters sped away. Israel quickly notified Washington that it had mistakenly attacked an American ship, and the US fighters were recalled a second time.

The USS Liberty suffered 70% casualties, with 34 killed and 174 wounded. Although the expensive state of the art ship was kept afloat by the heroic crew, it later proved unsalvageable and was sold as scrap.

Why didn’t help come?

No explanation has ever been given by the US government for Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and President Lyndon B. Johnson’s orders for the Sixth Fleet to abort the rescue mission. Lt. Commander David Lewis of the Liberty told colleagues that Admiral L. R. Geis, commander of the Sixth Fleet carrier force, told him that when he challenged McNamara’s order to recall the rescue mission, LBJ came on the line and said he didn’t care if the ship sank, he wasn’t going to embarrass an ally. The communications officer handling the transmission has given the same account.

A BBC documentary on the Israeli raid reports confusion about the attacker’s identity almost resulted in a US assault on Egypt. Richard Parker, US political counsel in Cairo, confirms in the BBC documentary he received official communication an American retaliatory attack on Egypt was on its way.

The US government’s official position on the USS Liberty corresponds with Israel’s: The attack was unintentional and a result of Israeli blunders. This is the official position despite the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Assistant Secretary of State Lucius Battle, and a long list of US Navy officers, government officials and Liberty survivors are on record saying the Israeli attack was intentional.

According to Helms, Battle and the minutes of a White House meeting, President Johnson believed the attack was intentional. Helms says LBJ was furious and complained when The New York Times buried the story on page 29, but that Johnson decided he had to publicly accept Israel’s explanation. “The political pressure was too much,” Helms said.

US communications personnel, intelligence analysts and ambassadors report having read US intercepts of Israeli orders to attack the Liberty. In one intercept an Israeli pilot reports that the Liberty is an American ship and asks for a repeat and clarification of his orders to attack an American ship. One Israeli who identified himself as one of the pilots later came to America and met with US Representative Pete McCloskey and Liberty survivors. The pilot said he had refused to participate in the attack when he saw it was an American ship. He was arrested upon returning to base.

The Liberty flew the US flag. The ship’s markings, GTR-5, measured several feet in height on both sides of the bow. On the stern the ship was clearly marked USS LIBERTY. Mistaking the Liberty for an Egyptian ship, as Israel claims to have done, was impossible.

Tattered flags show ferocity of the attacks

The Israelis claim the Liberty flew no flag, but two US flags full of holes from the attack exist. When the first flag was shot down, crewmen replaced it with a flag 7-feet by 13-feet. This flag, with its battle scars, is on display at NSA headquarters at Ft. Mead, Maryland.

Admiral John S. McCain Jr., the father of the current US senator, ordered Admiral Isaac C. Kidd and Captain Ward Boston to hold a court of inquiry and to complete the investigation in only one week. In a signed affidavit Captain Boston said President Johnson ordered a cover-up and that he and Admiral Kidd were prevented from doing a real investigation. Liberty survivors were ordered never to speak to anyone about the event. Their silence was finally broken when Lt. Commander Jim Ennes published his book, Assault on the Liberty .

It is now established fact that the attack on the Liberty was intentional and was covered up by President Johnson and every administration since. There has never been a congressional investigation, nor has the testimony of the majority of survivors ever been officially taken. Moreover, testimony that conflicted with the cover-up was deleted from the official record.

Disgusted by the US government’s official stance discounting the survivors’ reports, Admiral Tom Moorer, retired Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, organized the Moorer Commission to make public the known facts about the attack and cover-up. The Commission consisted of Admiral Moorer, former Judge Advocate General of the US Navy Admiral Merlin Staring, Marine Corps General Raymond G. Davis and former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia James Akins.

The Commission’s Report concluded:

“That there is compelling evidence that Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew.

“That fearing conflict with Israel, the White House deliberately prevented the US Navy from coming to the defense of USS Liberty by recalling Sixth Fleet military rescue support while the ship was under attack.

“That surviving crew members were threatened with “court-martial, imprisonment or worse’ if they exposed the truth; and [the survivors] were abandoned by their own government.

“That there has been an official cover-up without precedent in American naval history.

“That a danger to our national security exists whenever our elected officials are willing to subordinate American interests to those of any foreign nation.”

Why did Israel attack the Liberty? Was something super secret going on that is so damaging it must be protected at all cost?

Some experts believe Tel Aviv decided to sink the Liberty because the ship’s surveillance capability would discover Israel’s impending invasion and capture of Syria’s Golan Heights, an action opposed by Washington. Others believe Israel was concerned the Liberty would discover Israel’s massacre of hundreds of Egyptian POWs, a war crime contemporaneous with the attack on the US ship. Still others believe that Israel intended to blame the attack on Egypt in order to bring America into the war. It is known the US was providing Israel with reconnaissance and that there were joint US-Israeli covert operations against the Arabs that Washington was desperate to keep secret.

Survivors with whom I spoke said the attack was the easy part of the experience. The hard part has been living with 40 years of official cover-up and betrayal by the US government. One survivor said that he was asked to leave his Baptist church when he spoke about the Liberty, because the minister and fellow church-goers felt more loyalty to Israel than to a member of the congregation who had served his country. His church’s position was that if our government believed Israel, the survivors should also.

Survivor Phil Tourney said that “being forced to live with a cover-up is like being raped and no one will believe you.”

Survivor Gary Brummett said he “feels like someone who has been locked up for 40 years on a wrongful conviction.” Until the US government acknowledges the truth of the attack, Brummett says the survivors are forced to live with the anger and dismay of being betrayed by the country they served.

Survivor Bryce Lockwood has been angry for 40 years. The torpedo that killed his shipmates, wrecked his ship and damaged his health was made in the USA.

Survivor Ernie Gallo told me he “has been haunted for four decades” by the knowledge that his commander-in-chief recalled the US fighters that could have prevented most of the Liberty’s casualties.

Every American should be troubled by the fact that the President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense prevented the US Sixth Fleet from protecting a US Navy ship and its 294-man crew from foreign attack. They should also be troubled that the President ordered the Navy to determine the attack was unintentional.

For more information, visit the USS Liberty site.

Paul Craig Roberts was an editor of the Wall Street Journal and an Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:57 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:
Incorrect, what I showed was actually the scots were some of the biggest traitor for sucking up to the English, like with how they took over confiscated lands in Ireland and it is their descendants that are the main reason for the past conflicts in Northern Ireland . There is no doubt the Scots are the biggest traitors through the lure of English money and lands

Diversion Alert.

It is so true Irn, the scots have to be the worst in history for jumping into bed with the English, the whole problems in Northern Ireland stem from the descendants of Scots brought in to attempt colonise Ireland.
Are you denying this?


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:57 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:

That makes a lot of sense then and explains why you couldn't bring yourself to condemn the traitors.

Related to the SS. Family in the IRA and you condemn my family who all fought for this country if they could.

Priceless Laughing

I do not run way from the fat some of my family have been against the British, the problem you have is my direct family was against them and thus it was easy to lead you into again insulting them. My family for all their faults, are my family, I even lost two uncles murdered by the IRA, so I glad that brings you amusment

My, doesn't that say a lot about Didge's mindset?


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:59 am

risingsun wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

I do not run way from the fat some of my family have been against the British, the problem you have is my direct family was against them and thus it was easy to lead you into again insulting them. My family for all their faults, are my family, I even lost two uncles murdered by the IRA, so I glad that brings you amusment

My, doesn't that say a lot about Didge's mindset?

It says lots about what a vile creature some of you left wing people are .
I have never had respect for the son of a mere coal miner lol


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Irn Bru Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:59 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:By the way Irn, do you realise I am partially related to a famous waffen SS officer.?

That makes a lot of sense then and explains why you couldn't bring yourself to condemn the traitors.

Related to the SS. Family in the IRA and you condemn my family who all fought for this country if they could.

Priceless Laughing

I do not run way from the fat some of my family have been against the British, the problem you have is my direct family was against them and thus it was easy to lead you into again insulting them. My family for all their faults, are my family, I even lost two uncles murdered by the IRA, so I glad that brings you amusment

I never insulted your family but you had no hesitation in insulting mine. It's what you do when when your argument hits the buffers. You run around going crackers throwing out diversions all over the place.

You are a coward Didge and it shows.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Irn Bru Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:02 am

Belatucadros wrote:
risingsun wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

I do not run way from the fat some of my family have been against the British, the problem you have is my direct family was against them and thus it was easy to lead you into again insulting them. My family for all their faults, are my family, I even lost two uncles murdered by the IRA, so I glad that brings you amusment

My, doesn't that say a lot about Didge's mindset?

It says lots about what a vile creature some of you left wing people are .
I have never had respect for the son of a mere coal miner lol

Wel, you don't know what this son of a coal miner did for his country but I can tell you it was a lot more for this country than your cock and bull story about joining the foreign legion only to be drummed out because you had a cough - so you say.

Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:03 am

Belatucadros wrote:
risingsun wrote:

My, doesn't that say a lot about Didge's mindset?

It says lots about what a vile creature some of you left wing people are .
I have never had respect for the son of a mere coal miner lol

Yet you said you work in a plumbing shop and I know what Irn does cos I've read his book, it was pretty hard going, even for me lol


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:04 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

I do not run way from the fat some of my family have been against the British, the problem you have is my direct family was against them and thus it was easy to lead you into again insulting them. My family for all their faults, are my family, I even lost two uncles murdered by the IRA, so I glad that brings you amusment

I never insulted your family but you had no hesitation in insulting mine. It's what you do when when your argument hits the buffers. You run around going crackers throwing out diversions all over the place.

You are a coward Didge and it shows.

Oh but you just did in your previous post Irn and shows what an utter little low life you are.
You have no arguments Irn, I mention I have a partial relative in the waffen SS and you jumped at the chance not even understanding who he was, you did not even care to ask or how my family have been against the IRA which has caused internal conflict in my family for years and you go on about loyalty. You have the fucking audacity to ask me that, when it was scottish wankers that created the problems that we see in Ireland today. Do not dare to me about loyalties, when it is your fellow scots who were traitors jumping at the chances of English gold and land.
That is why you know fuck all about history and loyalty and hence why I mocked your question


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:06 am

risingsun wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

It says lots about what a vile creature some of you left wing people are .
I have never had respect for the son of a mere coal miner lol

Yet you said you work in a plumbing shop and I know what Irn does cos I've read his book, it was pretty hard going, even for me lol

Never worked in a plumming shop love


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:08 am

Belatucadros wrote:
risingsun wrote:

Yet you said you work in a plumbing shop and I know what Irn does cos I've read his book, it was pretty hard going, even for me lol

Never worked in a plumming shop love

So you won't be getting Victor's stuff you said you could - shame.

As I said, I've read Irn's book, so I know how far the miner's son has risen.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:08 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

It says lots about what a vile creature some of you left wing people are .
I have never had respect for the son of a mere coal miner lol

Wel, you don't know what this son of a coal miner did for his country but I can tell you it was a lot more for this country than your cock and bull story about joining the foreign legion only to be drummed out because you had a cough - so you say.

Oh I joined Irn, as much as you may not believe and not concerned that you do not believe. I suffer asthma, tad hard to hide that. Listen boy you scits are the worst traitors in history, the facts speak for themselves, there would be no problems in Northern Irleand if not for the scots.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:10 am

I don't see what's wrong with being a miner's son, risen or not.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:10 am

risingsun wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Never worked in a plumming shop love

So you won't be getting Victor's stuff you said you could - shame.

As I said, I've read Irn's book, so I know how far the miner's son has risen.

Well being as I work for a company that makes ventilation and cooling systems, which is fare removed from plumming, I would say you clearly have a problem reading


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Irn Bru Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:11 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

I do not run way from the fat some of my family have been against the British, the problem you have is my direct family was against them and thus it was easy to lead you into again insulting them. My family for all their faults, are my family, I even lost two uncles murdered by the IRA, so I glad that brings you amusment

I never insulted your family but you had no hesitation in insulting mine. It's what you do when when your argument hits the buffers. You run around going crackers throwing out diversions all over the place.

You are a coward Didge and it shows.

Oh but you just did in your previous post Irn and shows what an utter little low life you are.
You have no arguments Irn, I mention I have a partial relative in the waffen SS and you jumped at the chance not even understanding who he was, you did not even care to ask or how my family have been against the IRA which has caused internal conflict in my family for years and you go on about loyalty. You have the fucking audacity to ask me that, when it was scottish wankers that created the problems that we see in Ireland today. Do not dare to me about loyalties, when it is your fellow scots who were traitors jumping at the chances of English gold and land.
That is why you know fuck all about history and loyalty and hence why I mocked your question

Your loyalty went down in flames before you even mentioned you were related to an SS officer. It burnt itself when you couldn't bring yourself to condemn the traitors who betrayed this country to the Nazi's

Says it all. You are a coward who has no allegience toi this country
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

Posts : 7719
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Location : Edinburgh

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:11 am

Raggamuffin wrote:I don't see what's wrong with being a miner's son, risen or not.

Neither do I, very dangerous work and as my brother has lived in what was a mining community in Newcastle for a very long time, I know what wonderful, supportive and kind communities they have.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Irn Bru Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:15 am

Belatucadros wrote:
risingsun wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Never worked in a plumming shop love

So you won't be getting Victor's stuff you said you could - shame.

As I said, I've read Irn's book, so I know how far the miner's son has risen.

Well being as I work for a company that makes ventilation and cooling systems, which is fare removed from plumming, I would say you clearly have a problem reading

Yeah, no doubt you are in the 'hot air' section.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:17 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Oh but you just did in your previous post Irn and shows what an utter little low life you are.
You have no arguments Irn, I mention I have a partial relative in the waffen SS and you jumped at the chance not even understanding who he was, you did not even care to ask or how my family have been against the IRA which has caused internal conflict in my family for years and you go on about loyalty. You have the fucking audacity to ask me that, when it was scottish wankers that created the problems that we see in Ireland today. Do not dare to me about loyalties, when it is your fellow scots who were traitors jumping at the chances of English gold and land.
That is why you know fuck all about history and loyalty and hence why I mocked your question

Your loyalty went down in flames before you even mentioned you were related to an SS officer. It burnt itself when you couldn't bring yourself to condemn the traitors who betrayed this country to the Nazi's

Says it all. You are a coward who has no allegience toi this country

So your saying having a German relative is wrong based on loyalties, he married aunty who's children now live in California. Again not all SS soldiers were bad, but because you choose to condemn before asking, you badly presume
I do not have to condemn anyone Irn, because I am Irish and Maltese Sicilian, which you forget and even still, pledge my loyalty to Britain. It does not mean I have to condemn anyone. That is like saying I should condemn William wallace, as who was he to me? What I will condemn is the scummy scots who did jump in to bed with the English and cause the troubles in Northern Ireland.
I dislike the the fact some of the scots caused so much trouble in Ireland and I am Irish and proud to be, as much as I am of being English

Last edited by Belatucadros on Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:19 am; edited 1 time in total


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:18 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Well being as I work for a company that makes ventilation and cooling systems, which is fare removed from plumming, I would say you clearly have a problem reading

Yeah, no doubt you are in the 'hot air' section.

Hey, high five for that! 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvdYOzic5I-peVZAeE-Oj0A4RB6HuHVuPKD9gI1Nh5qQ55-h4-Xg


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:19 am

I don't think anyone can blame the Scots for the murderous IRA scum.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

Posts : 33746
Join date : 2014-02-10

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:20 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Well being as I work for a company that makes ventilation and cooling systems, which is fare removed from plumming, I would say you clearly have a problem reading

Yeah, no doubt you are in the 'hot air' section.

Better than the chesty cough section


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:21 am

Raggamuffin wrote:I don't think anyone can blame the Scots for the murderous IRA scum.

Well Rags, I think I've come to the end of this discussion, 'hot air' did for me and I've got the final bits of packing to do as OH is working up to the last minute.

So night all, going to bed grinning like fury lol


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:21 am

Goodnight Sassy.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Irn Bru Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:22 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Oh but you just did in your previous post Irn and shows what an utter little low life you are.
You have no arguments Irn, I mention I have a partial relative in the waffen SS and you jumped at the chance not even understanding who he was, you did not even care to ask or how my family have been against the IRA which has caused internal conflict in my family for years and you go on about loyalty. You have the fucking audacity to ask me that, when it was scottish wankers that created the problems that we see in Ireland today. Do not dare to me about loyalties, when it is your fellow scots who were traitors jumping at the chances of English gold and land.
That is why you know fuck all about history and loyalty and hence why I mocked your question

Your loyalty went down in flames before you even mentioned you were related to an SS officer. It burnt itself when you couldn't bring yourself to condemn the traitors who betrayed this country to the Nazi's

Says it all. You are a coward who has no allegience toi this country

So your saying having a German relative is wrong based on loyalties, he married aunty who's children now live in California. Again not all SS soldiers were bad, but because you choose to condemn before asking, you badly presume
I do not have to condemn anyone Irn, because I am Irish and Maltese Sicilian, which you forget and even still, pledge my loyalty to Britain. It does not mean I have to condemn anyone. That is like saying I should condemn William wallace, as who was he to me? What I will condemn is the scummy scots who did jump in to bed with the English and cause the troubles in Northern Ireland.
I dislike the the fact some of the scots caused so much trouble in Ireland and I am Irish and proud to be, as much as I am of being English

You said you were related to an SS officer so I clearly understand that you would have loyalty to his cause and what he belived in.

But that came after you were refusing to condemn those that betrayed this country to the Nazi's.

Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

Posts : 7719
Join date : 2013-12-11
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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:25 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

So your saying having a German relative is wrong based on loyalties, he married aunty who's children now live in California. Again not all SS soldiers were bad, but because you choose to condemn before asking, you badly presume
I do not have to condemn anyone Irn, because I am Irish and Maltese Sicilian, which you forget and even still, pledge my loyalty to Britain. It does not mean I have to condemn anyone. That is like saying I should condemn William wallace, as who was he to me? What I will condemn is the scummy scots who did jump in to bed with the English and cause the troubles in Northern Ireland.
I dislike the the fact some of the scots caused so much trouble in Ireland and I am Irish and proud to be, as much as I am of being English

You said you were related to an SS officer so I clearly understand that you would have loyalty to his cause and what he belived in.

But that came after you were refusing to condemn those that betrayed this country to the Nazi's.

I am related he was my uncle through marriage, it does not mean he even believed in the cause, which shows how little you know about history being as he was a quarter Jewish, which might give you a clue of how he had to hide his identity  through fear, but I guess that never crossed your mind did it Irn.
Again I have no reason to condemn anyone as traitors, you have to find a reason why I should have to, of which you have failed at every turn to do so


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Irn Bru Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:31 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

So your saying having a German relative is wrong based on loyalties, he married aunty who's children now live in California. Again not all SS soldiers were bad, but because you choose to condemn before asking, you badly presume
I do not have to condemn anyone Irn, because I am Irish and Maltese Sicilian, which you forget and even still, pledge my loyalty to Britain. It does not mean I have to condemn anyone. That is like saying I should condemn William wallace, as who was he to me? What I will condemn is the scummy scots who did jump in to bed with the English and cause the troubles in Northern Ireland.
I dislike the the fact some of the scots caused so much trouble in Ireland and I am Irish and proud to be, as much as I am of being English

You said you were related to an SS officer so I clearly understand that you would have loyalty to his cause and what he belived in.

But that came after you were refusing to condemn those that betrayed this country to the Nazi's.

I am related he was my uncle through marriage, it does not mean he even believed in the cause, which shows how little you know about history being as he was a quarter Jewish, which might give you a clue of how he had to hide his identity  through fear, but I guess that never crossed your mind did it Irn.
Again I have no reason to condemn anyone, you have to find a reason why I should have to, of which you have failed at every turn to do so

Well betraying this country to the Nazi's is a very good reason to condemn them but you obvioulsy didn't think so.

Says it all Didge. You are a coward and tonight has been priceless in the way you have run around all over the place in denial and throwing out insults all over the place.

On that note I'll bid you a very good morning.

Night Didge.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:48 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

I am related he was my uncle through marriage, it does not mean he even believed in the cause, which shows how little you know about history being as he was a quarter Jewish, which might give you a clue of how he had to hide his identity  through fear, but I guess that never crossed your mind did it Irn.
Again I have no reason to condemn anyone, you have to find a reason why I should have to, of which you have failed at every turn to do so

Well betraying this country to the Nazi's is a very good reason to condemn them but you obvioulsy didn't think so.

Says it all Didge. You are a coward and tonight has been priceless in the way you have run around all over the place in denial and throwing out insults all over the place.

On that note I'll bid you a very good morning.

Night Didge.

That show how stupid you really are, why do you think my non British family fought for Britain and you question my loyalties? You all me a coward when your father was in a coal mine. Alright so you be proud of that whilst my family fought for your arse to be safe and you should be proud of that all not being British, you ungrateful prick. Typical scummy traitorous scot. Scum like you took the English money and because of you twats we saw so many problems in Northern Ireland. You call into question my loyalty, behave, I condemn all those who betrayed the British in WW2, I just love to see you get all worked up over asking because I have no utter respect for a weasel like you. You the pathetic son of a coal miner whilst my foreign family fought for you precious freedom. You silly clown, no wonder every one mocks you for being a left wing prick across the water. Do not even dare to ask about loyalties, some of you scots are the scummiest traitors going and because of them caused the conflicts in Northern Ireland, all off greed.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:20 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:

Well betraying this country to the Nazi's is a very good reason to condemn them but you obvioulsy didn't think so.

Says it all Didge. You are a coward and tonight has been priceless in the way you have run around all over the place in denial and throwing out insults all over the place.

On that note I'll bid you a very good morning.

Night Didge.

That show how stupid you really are, why do you think my non British family fought for Britain and you question my loyalties? You all me a coward when your father was in a coal mine. Alright so you be proud of that whilst my family fought for your arse to be safe and you should be proud of that all not being British, you ungrateful prick. Typical scummy traitorous scot. Scum like you took the English money and because of you twats we saw so many problems in Northern Ireland. You call into question my loyalty, behave, I condemn all those who betrayed the British in WW2, I just love to see you get all worked up over asking because I have no utter respect for a weasel like you.  You the pathetic son of a coal miner whilst my foreign family fought for you precious freedom. You silly clown, no wonder every one mocks you for being a left wing prick across the water. Do not even dare to ask about loyalties, some of you scots are the scummiest traitors going and because of them caused the conflicts in Northern Ireland, all off greed.

Oh dear,oh dear,oh dear.....Another stupid bastard post by the site idiot.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:26 am

Shady wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

That show how stupid you really are, why do you think my non British family fought for Britain and you question my loyalties? You all me a coward when your father was in a coal mine. Alright so you be proud of that whilst my family fought for your arse to be safe and you should be proud of that all not being British, you ungrateful prick. Typical scummy traitorous scot. Scum like you took the English money and because of you twats we saw so many problems in Northern Ireland. You call into question my loyalty, behave, I condemn all those who betrayed the British in WW2, I just love to see you get all worked up over asking because I have no utter respect for a weasel like you.  You the pathetic son of a coal miner whilst my foreign family fought for you precious freedom. You silly clown, no wonder every one mocks you for being a left wing prick across the water. Do not even dare to ask about loyalties, some of you scots are the scummiest traitors going and because of them caused the conflicts in Northern Ireland, all off greed.

Oh dear,oh dear,oh dear.....Another stupid bastard post by the site idiot.

Morning sugar
You come over to be a complete fuckhead again,


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:49 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:

Well betraying this country to the Nazi's is a very good reason to condemn them but you obvioulsy didn't think so.

Says it all Didge. You are a coward and tonight has been priceless in the way you have run around all over the place in denial and throwing out insults all over the place.

On that note I'll bid you a very good morning.

Night Didge.

That show how stupid you really are, why do you think my non British family fought for Britain and you question my loyalties? You all me a coward when your father was in a coal mine. Alright so you be proud of that whilst my family fought for your arse to be safe and you should be proud of that all not being British, you ungrateful prick. Typical scummy traitorous scot. Scum like you took the English money and because of you twats we saw so many problems in Northern Ireland. You call into question my loyalty, behave, I condemn all those who betrayed the British in WW2, I just love to see you get all worked up over asking because I have no utter respect for a weasel like you.  You the pathetic son of a coal miner whilst my foreign family fought for you precious freedom. You silly clown, no wonder every one mocks you for being a left wing prick across the water. Do not even dare to ask about loyalties, some of you scots are the scummiest traitors going and because of them caused the conflicts in Northern Ireland, all off greed.

You said your grandfathers fought, but you didn't mention your father. You have no reason to be calling out Bru's father - he was too young - as he told you twice.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:54 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

That show how stupid you really are, why do you think my non British family fought for Britain and you question my loyalties? You all me a coward when your father was in a coal mine. Alright so you be proud of that whilst my family fought for your arse to be safe and you should be proud of that all not being British, you ungrateful prick. Typical scummy traitorous scot. Scum like you took the English money and because of you twats we saw so many problems in Northern Ireland. You call into question my loyalty, behave, I condemn all those who betrayed the British in WW2, I just love to see you get all worked up over asking because I have no utter respect for a weasel like you.  You the pathetic son of a coal miner whilst my foreign family fought for you precious freedom. You silly clown, no wonder every one mocks you for being a left wing prick across the water. Do not even dare to ask about loyalties, some of you scots are the scummiest traitors going and because of them caused the conflicts in Northern Ireland, all off greed.

You said your grandfathers fought, but you didn't mention your father. You have no reason to be calling out Bru's father - he was too young - as he told you twice.

He did also serve, 2nd royal tank regiment, in Suez.. I can say as I please as I think Irn is a complete tit.
So really do not give two shits in regards to a brat like you telling me either way.
If you want to get drawn into this then expect fireworks


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:57 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

You said your grandfathers fought, but you didn't mention your father. You have no reason to be calling out Bru's father - he was too young - as he told you twice.

He did also serve, 2nd royal tank regiment, in Suez.. I can say as I please as I think Irn is a complete tit.
So really do not give two shits in regards to a brat like you telling me either way.
If you want to get drawn into this then expect fireworks

Bru didn't seem to mind you abusing his father, so perhaps I won't bother. I wouldn't have put up with it myself, and like I said, I would have shoved your teeth down your throat.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:58 am

So then, if someone was a child during the war, would you tell them they were a coward for not going to fight?
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:59 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

He did also serve, 2nd royal tank regiment, in Suez.. I can say as I please as I think Irn is a complete tit.
So really do not give two shits in regards to a brat like you telling me either way.
If you want to get drawn into this then expect fireworks

Bru didn't seem to mind you abusing his father, so perhaps I won't bother. I wouldn't have put up with it myself, and like I said, I would have shoved your teeth down your throat.

he completely insults my family by mocking my ethnicity. Best you jog the fuck on because I have no more time for pleasantries with a little brat like you. So jog on you twerp


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:00 am

Raggamuffin wrote:So then, if someone was a child during the war, would you tell them they were a coward for not going to fight?

Was they a child during the Korean war?


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:02 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Bru didn't seem to mind you abusing his father, so perhaps I won't bother. I wouldn't have put up with it myself, and like I said, I would have shoved your teeth down your throat.

he completely insults my family by mocking my ethnicity. Best you jog the fuck on because I have no more time for pleasantries with a little brat like you. So jog on you twerp

No he didn't. I read his post, and he did nothing of the kind.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:03 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:So then, if someone was a child during the war, would you tell them they were a coward for not going to fight?

Was they a child during the Korean war?

Clutching at straws ...
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:04 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

he completely insults my family by mocking my ethnicity. Best you jog the fuck on because I have no more time for pleasantries with a little brat like you. So jog on you twerp

No he didn't. I read his post, and he did nothing of the kind.

Yes he did.
I really could not care what you think being as you are a brat and rather stupid at the best of times.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:04 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

Was they a child during the Korean war?

Clutching at straws ...

No just you are not that smart.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:06 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Clutching at straws ...

No just you are not that smart.

You said his family were cowards, even though he told you his uncles had fought, and his grandparents. His father was too young, and you said that was an excuse! Then you sat there abusing his father over and over again, and you think you're smart?

You didn't mention your own father at the time - he was a bit of an afterthought wasn't he?
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:06 am

And you have already shown on this forum that you have no allegience to Britain when you point blank refused to condemn those that betrayed our country by saying you were of Irish Italian origin so why should you condemn those who were traitors to this country for backing Hitler.

That is what Bru said.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:07 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

No just you are not that smart.

You said his family were cowards, even though he told you his uncles had fought, and his grandparents. His father was too young, and you said that was an excuse! Then you sat there abusing his father over and over again, and you thing you're smart?

You didn't mention your own father at the time - he was a bit of an afterthought wasn't he?

His family are cowards in my view point.
My father is dead, what would you like to know about him?


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:07 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
And you have already shown on this forum that you have no allegience to Britain when you point blank refused to condemn those that betrayed our country by  saying you were of Irish Italian origin so why should you condemn those who were traitors to this country for backing Hitler.

That is what Bru said.

I know what Bru sais and this is in reference to something before, which is mocking my ethnicity, hence you have no clue as to what is going on brat


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:10 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

You said his family were cowards, even though he told you his uncles had fought, and his grandparents. His father was too young, and you said that was an excuse! Then you sat there abusing his father over and over again, and you thing you're smart?

You didn't mention your own father at the time - he was a bit of an afterthought wasn't he?

His family are cowards in my view point.
My father is dead, what would you like to know about him?

Why are his family cowards? I just told you about his uncles and grandfathers.

Would you go up to child and tell him he was a coward for not going to fight in a war? Perhaps you admire those little children who join ISIS. Actually, you probably do.

You didn't mention your father going to fight until this morning.

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:10 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

That is what Bru said.

I know what Bru sais and this is in reference to something before, which is mocking my ethnicity, hence you have no clue as to what is going on brat

Link to it please. If you can't do that, you're clearly lying.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:11 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

His family are cowards in my view point.
My father is dead, what would you like to know about him?

Why are his family cowards? I just told you about his uncles and grandfathers.

Would you go up to child and tell him he was a coward for not going to fight in a war? Perhaps you admire those little children who join ISIS. Actually, you probably do.

You didn't mention your father going to fight until this morning.

You never asked before.

Again Irn is scum, that is all you need to know.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:11 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Why are his family cowards? I just told you about his uncles and grandfathers.

Would you go up to child and tell him he was a coward for not going to fight in a war? Perhaps you admire those little children who join ISIS. Actually, you probably do.

You didn't mention your father going to fight until this morning.

You never asked before.

Again Irn is scum, that is all you need to know.

He seems OK to me ...

for a Scot.

That was a joke by the way. Laughing
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:12 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

I know what Bru sais and this is in reference to something before, which is mocking my ethnicity, hence you have no clue as to what is going on brat

Link to it please. If you can't do that, you're clearly lying.

I really am not concerned what you think.
Its things like this that get you all wet and excited, because you thrive on drama, mainly as you have none in yourt real life


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:13 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

Link to it please. If you can't do that, you're clearly lying.

I really am not concerned what you think.
Its things like this that get you all wet and excited, because you thrive on drama, mainly as you have none in yourt real life

You're the one who sat there creating drama for the last two days. You even resorted to calling someone out because his father was a coal miner. How pathetic.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:14 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

I really am not concerned what you think.
Its things like this that get you all wet and excited, because you thrive on drama, mainly as you have none in yourt real life

You're the one who sat there creating drama for the last two days. You even resorted to calling someone out because his father was a coal miner. How pathetic.

See you are loving this.
lol, says so much about you.


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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Raggamuffin Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:14 am

Belatucadros wrote:
Raggamuffin wrote:

You're the one who sat there creating drama for the last two days. You even resorted to calling someone out because his father was a coal miner. How pathetic.

See you are loving this.
lol, says so much about you.

Well someone has to tell you what a twat you are.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 - Page 3 Empty Re: 8th June - 47th Anniversary of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174

Post by Guest Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:15 am

Raggamuffin wrote:
Belatucadros wrote:

See you are loving this.
lol, says so much about you.

Well someone has to tell you what a twat you are.

Now you have, well done, give yourself a wipe now, you must be soaked.



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