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Government routed in plot to oust Bercow:

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Government routed in plot to oust Bercow: Empty Government routed in plot to oust Bercow:

Post by Guest Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:02 pm

• Humiliation for Cameron as Payback Plot defeated
• Labour MPs return to save Bercow 228 to 202
• Hague subjected to fury of Tories over Bercow plot


13.55 It was intended to be a going-away present from William Hague to gee-up Tory MPs for the coming election.

Instead, it was a drubbing. It adds to Gove's battle-honours of being locked in the toilet, the European Arrest Warrant shambles and two Ukip defections.
They'll be forgiven for feeling gloomy at their strategists' wisdom over the next five weeks.

13.40 In the Chamber, we are now onto departing MPs' valedictory speeches. Some 30 want to speak - but they will be pushed for time due to the chicanery. Sir George Young says of the Lib Dems: "I suspect history will be kinder to them than the electorate is going to be."

Gordon Brown is making his last speech. He says of Bercow that all Speakers must leave the party behind when they enter office. "You left yours behind sometime before."

13.25 Extraordinary scenes. MPs cheers as Bercow reappears. He has red, wet eyes. Labour benches are packed.


Aye: 202
No: 228


"The Noes have it! The Noes have it!" Bercow shouts. He bounces on his feet, surveying the government benches like a victorious prize fighter. (Guido has the clip.)

Labour benches erupt with delight. It is a dreadful defeat for the Government on the last day of term.

13.20 The Prime Minister is here. "I wouldn't miss this for the world," he tells colleagues. He loathes Bercow. He adds: "Secret ballots are very important. Remember the Chartists."

It's a surprise to see him. At the 11am briefing, Downing Street indicated he would not be there, saying he was on a visit out of town this morning. He must have returned from a visit to a taxi factory in time.

13.15 MPs are getting increasingly irate, bellowing condemnation and shouting "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Gerald Howarth, the former defence minister, says he has frequently clashed with Bercow but is "very uncomfortable" with the Government's actions. But he says Labour have been "monolothic" in their backing for the Speaker.

Jesse Norman, a Tory, says he is sad that Bercow has not called enough speeches in favour of the Government.

Bercow laughs. "I would be happy to sit here all day and all night for honourable members. The motion has been tabled by the Government and the time for it by the Government." He spits the words out.

Jacob Rees-Mogg says there should be an emergency debate under SO 24. Bercow says no: the government tabled a motion earlier in the week removing the possibility of a SO 24 debate. "Nothing to do with the decision of the chair for the judgement the government has made!"

MPs shout: "Stitch up! Stitch up!"

The Labour whips triumphed on Syria and humiliating Cameron over arrest warrants, forcing the PM back in white tie. Are they going to triumph again?

There's a division. Labour benches are packed. It's going to be tight. Tony Grew, a gallery reporter, can see 10 Tories in the NO lobby.

Division bells ring throughout the Commons.

Miliband, Douglas Alexander and Ed Balls are seen talking to Bercow. Have they got the numbers? Gordon Brown is here.

Paul Waugh, editor of Politics Home, tweets:

If the Govt lose this vote, Hague's reputation will hv bn trashed for nothing. His only consolation wd be Whips humiliated too

13.05 David Heath, a Liberal Democrat, says Hague should withdraw the proposals. He says he favours a secret ballot, but "very much dislikes" the way it has gone about it.

Bercow reveals Hague informed him of the proposals at 5.30pm last night.

Julian Lewis reads a message from Andrew George, the Liberal Democrat MP, who cannot be there because his father has died last night. He objects "in the strongest terms" to the "underhand way" this has happened.

Successive Labour MPs point out that the Government hates Cameron because he gives backbenchers the time to speak and forces ministers to answer questions. He is "biased in favour of backbenchers", they say.

More, much, much more at:

The most underhand plot ever, and they got completely trounced!


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Government routed in plot to oust Bercow: Empty Re: Government routed in plot to oust Bercow:

Post by nicko Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:07 pm

Bercow suffers from "small man syndrome" he is an hateful little man, loves Labour though And shows it! And as for his Wife, dreadful little slapper.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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Government routed in plot to oust Bercow: Empty Re: Government routed in plot to oust Bercow:

Post by Guest Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:29 pm

Tory gets standing ovation from Labour


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Government routed in plot to oust Bercow: Empty Re: Government routed in plot to oust Bercow:

Post by Guest Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:44 pm

And Sky says Bercow is a divisive figure and gives these reasons:

Government routed in plot to oust Bercow: CBCYBMZWUAADltP

Tells you everything you need to know about Sky reporting!


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